HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-06-06, Page 3Iscedisry first aro were frequent. The Nation/4 of Tuesday cesium Yes Ifpag4 to Van pre+ same ;Malden of the President nt'tkir R+rub- 4e• The atatesiont ts as follow": of'.p. .e•pifi• cede fnsfLON(ret i v1: the Pssideet, &bre *had bene mei kteseed for the H rl"gra. affair. as • cured biology tip017 11efurei yesterday, the Vitt, rqajIjll arr, that h1..Arry(si}leg+u• • misf!adeMase him about a (nine Ago, at the Chamber, le preserve of Gen. MMfho• 1v Al ref t ,T(ley abouts advise toe I reiiJ eh i seas lime IGf blgr.W c4ui1 t9 ae.anderronitibig with tlfe H.urbnne, wfilth would en4ur.1 him a reliable pAiiuslnt beta hat if he did not make haste to treat, he resesIJ ba lora before t oo U1011114111 1 id expired. The Colonel further admitted tht►th4galt tels'ei tiS concerw• tion to the hinge kIsii a f." Tis W&.foal-Tan -Wheat and oats aro progressing most favorably. 'flee late rains earn had the e frct of keeping back the seWing of b.rley, sed wars otherwise de trimmers) M they pe. meet* field labor of the .es•orf; huweter tb}y have materla,1ty heftedttd toe vow irg crepe, and the gram lands arid rh>)er k.!,ts present a market ia.pravemcnt to t'ietr Iusurisoee. The powers ate gok.fj on most favourable, and In m%ny pars it is most gtstifyieg r• witness 'ho adido's rapidly Milting tbei(aippearaaca ornr•abeir eecoad eoeertng, giving a . coeft«:aa A •p9 text the *,.,.abet ere lose will be wa'1 -■tap' plied Mak tl."Wpeos anal a csop Lm b .1 Joeeriser. • - • Krts0'ilk-Was hovedehehtful wet• 'her en (he thole ( boa it ia' most ckr•ge skis, It i eery dry: bet et tunes derma the day, and during tho tights, the cold .is smite piercing --so south se, •t:,at 1011^ fears are entertained that the n!ppiwg frosts may do swine injure to the young potato, at ft b•itel.rrlh. A large gnanti• ty are now planted in thin conniry; and the general appearance e(jttl crops is very r.heerine, far so fsr,,-ffitheang Jotrlal. MAro -The weather, ftr• Ms Ioab few doss, his bee. lere' IatresbLsfor ewe cum • Osamu of the sawing of core►1 crops. Yee oat, haw all tree goitre, •n3 rN*iey is now beim( fort sown. • larvae iota':t rt; - loss air, .el el Sped. •:1/wit'. to past -ire e. s Anita. t lemma' frooms three 'At og!s • { out the eenntry, male the moot rz rt .r• (wap• +• Punh j.m rt, tae n t,y.nn; wtjcb ejrrres that wontac . u.J pry w Iher own 1 pe 1 h (erred h I f !bs Ir intrusted :o Ihet: dinars, cffiris 1'l I.nerXi"•aleii.U,sat I aur of the 1 ror4nce whit") mutants to twatalr1are to navel ten titles to M s a care they hope W adle the ped 4' taco psrio1 of the spring. int tteta fe It be eniti .din tat •, t'hvt th%.1Ir'y are loo.kug -matt. bcalllit . a'.1 HURON SIGNAL. TiettitsDa'v. 4URifasi zl _Er We harm recrieed • sem of Peobie and 11(plfour'. Mullis!. It is tett; creditable w the Te►L.!.ers sod contains a large amount of useful I infwiaarion. But •Ihhaugh it is retnarka- fi low in prier, compared w. *be -elm• of the \lain,&^ we arebfraidit is nn. o(tl.ose really useful works which will barely pdy the publis!n ..4p We ackndoledge the receipt of the "Rhe- torical Cr,cbi.m," by the lief. D. F. Mulch - ...3o intim, Belleville. 1t has been newly printed •, "•,t hr fatelfigrnrer tide., and is errtaiah a val. Amble little work, equally crn5tablr to the erudi- iinn and stably of dee Author, ad to the rk.11 ad accursey of the local press. We ackunw'ledge the teceipt of endry P..rlhamentwry *mets from phi fl go. Malcolm C.uneren did oat ijjbo: Mertbt') In 1Veatwtnih,. among which is a 44477 01 alms !..od.radhing Sri.00l BJ R'e -bate got'.ad Ii .ore to gees it a earrfufperural but sliall do w, and give our remarks ie our next. 11 'e expert that the ,51 e'I f ing elgitiu.of our wise men are now pretty well gr.tifrd, avid that the business of the (r "title will he altrrd,id to with some de- gree cifeariVst0e00 rad honesty. 'has oppositio■- i;ra Teem to be cooking .:awn, and from the ;odi- c:nus castigatio:4 o .inh the redoubtable Colonel Cugy bestowed on the nuiachief-making knight d I)audurn, w• are induced to hope that many I aetbeeuies, McLeja•e, haw a/pedduss m seder to obials a con.eiles. it ie oeeeesary 10 prove That that mime has been eo.oetiu d, ad that 1t w as.eiu.*tte3hy tins accused. But these ex- cereol preeauuoas lam, sot only thehr ethyl/cry, het seta their plasgblhty, oboe we (mashie' ahs /act, that the statute decree. death r ibe yeajry of certain tnestrrrioes and abosioutioas whit& may of irtej set bare been committed for ..7- abag that society can either kaw •e prove the matter. Thu we think is welching too- s:derahly beyond the principle of •• life for life." If • ma for iastaoce is accused u( murder it will a■surrdly be moons that somebody has Ilse murdered. Society mea be satisfied that a per - dealer individual has come to death by violent and unsstsrsl sseemh.tlnd,ahe ezecutioe u( the murderer is decreed as an tet of rr'nbwtive Me- tiers. Bet- a mad ehteiegh malice ,swear that soother 'man bbs been guilty of ata ysWNna- blo crime api that he wir,•ssso4aae p.rpruatiea .f is. A womso, detested by jea1•ees weood- ed pride it revenge. mty swear a capita! erime against the object of her displeasure --,is both of thew cas-a the lives of the tccus-J weofd be het - felted to the laws of *echo!. std yet .every Ms nn possible means of knowing whether the hill- vi.uala Wore golly of the crimes fur which tbty lettered, or, ie fee:. w,krt her the mime had brew st ail eosmnitted ! 'There 'u memtely:eemr► 416ia'k'very attain! in ;rich t ri ;AA. ifif lift( of the him*n being is legally jenpardiz-d by the .a,eaat of mallei., which his neighbor man or woman may cherish towards him, rather than by the amount of real si•ible injury which he may inflict on society. We repeat, that such laws have resulted Irwin jealoay and selfishness, rath- er than from a sense of jastiee-they are entirely in nppoailion 16 the principle of reirihotion-'fin rye fir an eye end a tooth far a tooth•" and should henceforth be blotted from the statute • PARLIAMENTARY SUMMARY. Parliament did not meet on Tboreday, it wing a fete d'ubtraotion in the Homan ('nth wive Chortle. In the Council last evening. (Friday )Hari 1♦r• 1/eHlsqusere gave notice that he would, dm Tuesday nest, more an horn bit address to Her Maje.iv,'howt.g that the Leg uta neo Ceuectl does not and eanpot possess the public confidence as long es it is ander her control bf the Repetitive ; and praying that the may be pleased to take step. through the Imperial Parliament to hint* the number of tie members, and to dueei that no new appntntmenls shall be made ex- cept es saeanctes necur. Also that the Speaker 'World not be allowed to hold a *eat 1a the Eaeer.nse Commit, end that no enrols insets should be altached In the °l8ee. He also gave notice that he would move for a rote of the Ilo..e rot the 'Pith June next, to order to take tide mutton into consider). nen. Yeatereay pnrn,rant In a notice 'limn on a former day, the InepeclurGeneral brought (urwanl 1,. 4,0'4,,0 for ■ committee to en- q uire tato the terentie enbrxpenellture of the Province. with a strew of waking arch retrenchment 0e would be cnnsietent with the pubhc eorvw' . The eulijeca basalt' heti ..gage) the attcstionail the geecrnmteat prevl.ma tw•ebe lege is.wien, bulmNteirataran- Ces pressnestthhosefreasbring st forward as that terms.• Nabseijnent to Me return from England, however, the matter wee again take op : and it was determined to proceed by committee, as had been the prac- tice in len/land durtne the last eixly years; and soh ch did not relieve the uuiniriry from any responoibtlrty sl ich at:arhed to them. Ile then explained what had t.k:•n place at the meeting in Oxford, • d referred to misrepresentatmee which hail been indus- triously circulated, with referenev to a speech he made on that occasion ; it had been incorrectly elated, that he was oppos of the s' lest ('nn.rrvstives are on the verge of hook. ed lojetreaehmewt, 'and all reference to becoming raljnnal, and that the doughty Sir It is prubabl- that more innocent me. have .1atcalled forth the remarks he then made f Allan will be left to G=ht his Bear battles alone. Leen hanged on chafe., of rape than oo all other sou .tuumusly omitted. The best prow false acco.uions put together -it was tot Alt that he. 6.4 nut az rcwrJ h••nne.f opposed p to retrrtehn rut Ile said wrrtild be fuunJ TUE DEATH PENALTY. cruel rot the cowardly nature of woma i that ,inched the drarh PrnaL•y to a -it v",. made • the "launches% ref.r.ners In the Pr vince. `work for nine an( .ix'pence, trio n lot de- Genitenwn of Godeneb, 11),1 they halo e •rs. 1 .he 'ealnv. s--Ifishnr.e of I , t th t he raw Glatt -eel; ►fns uel ice in a1 r. Cry, mohtes which bo.e..btte.pee•fdib Ur defence ef, twee, and ,herefee, we ,kirk the highest triaol still poreeseeJ their entire reeder:Mthat be labor, hrthfufte,aW *the next taw leu Ha I i , , 1• i • - •, ' ,r ° %tittle would ns "tor Is l en re - to the hire/'• ,nese and eret.otl, at as expes•ir u .1100110. to paps an curl:• .ve.noh* slghtestaemhtats .1 woi_litwjuaties' he 10 o!.,A.0a repeal of the death statute is this + r . ' 4.450,W) annual) ; be recapitulated the borao race. Another '• beau down" i sati.faetioa as will tnaule their •trona o •.+Py 1 i ' wtr'h i•, ja the old ahreg•`rJ iSrh .•.. • , rib°tiot}: gist. We us'aarare vlyt some of our retailers ! i .A f g ♦ •a• +I;,• ►ii ;, % oxpcmw. of the vanooebyanches off the pub- ata woman a penny on a uneh u( ra•iiahe•: Hereafter. 11:•ooI lei LboJ, li efrJ. lie. p t.,ltiselJ ltf si= _}ill easi.Mr this • somewhat indelicate subject .It eery: •, and Mingiwg down the vend •and before getting home upender Mo hind• Hoare of attendance from 11 A. M. U. 1 ti_oru?a.i ` I g lad he soda( alrt L'htie ' ( n ew• lir-we weer. al' met L, s (•sentlerne,i .Cie oo in the ere 9 nevi cuter DSnh'' w s.. .... • . . r sews ranks thele le s roarer Inercaatile'' health, based open a cash eytem of trade. Lea cnofidaiC. 10 epeaolstlea. is .siesta. A IN TIIL QVPZN Ileal e.t.1d awl feet" are atilt declining too • watch a correct alal.dard. Brick bhhlJ.ng• UNITED COCA TIES OF{ ere in prorws of 1,001,00, and CODIIads (o' H*ros% Pert% e.d Broca. S tde of olht n b•►e tree• rwaule. No chaere since • Writ of Attachment 1.eo.51 out of Iler Majesty', Court of Qoeen's Bench at Tu roti, on the TWENTY-EIGHTII »AY of ht ARCH, is. the year d owe Lop, One Thuusatd Eight Ilua4ed and Filly, end to u4e direr. ted, "grin -1 IM F•NTATK„ REAL as well as PER LONAL, of Itoseau Cum', an abeeoadin2 ear roweealed Debtor, at the Suit of llpaii JE•7t and TWOS** F. AsauTe tor the cum of Fight; •Three Poem* Oeo Sh,llteg and Foos Peyer. I km retard ell she Eagate, Real aril Personal of thermal! Kohaea Cook, sad males the said Robert Gook refute st *Own lhej•1 rts.'tcUnn of the «aid C•.utl .cd 1111 Ip Sad l0 Ilse .luTlcn, or rattan the claim of the est! Itenry 1/ouj and T!vnua. F. Abl,ol to hu discharged wttb.o Theme Cale•der Mon ha from theflr.t Jay of that p,tneicauon art phi. Notieo is Om Lwaeiis case!/., all the E. late. Most rekeiro aril. ache mid Ko'.rit Cook, or 00 mushvhrreotl a: may hen. ref - my kat in goods amorally. Lumber w inure steady at loruer low quolatlune--wv S40 • float by the cargo. Sugars and cot (re are scarce and in great request at an ad - emcee on last qut/lateens. Not main• tuns a firm pleas at jlsoi lied .1,1 %E. Il. -(Cur. N. Y. knit#. MP. SIR JOHN FRANKLIN REPORTED 13AFE. l'be Deventhort (England) lode - pendent publiehe• the lollowucp extract (root a letter receded by 31r. G. 'Fucker, of Pembroke Street, l)cvenp•.rt, laced UOuIg !long, Feb. 27, from his sou. Aho is mas• tear's assistant nn beard Her Msjosty's they .Heating.:--" We hate just received utel- lieenre by an American whaler of the aro- ssl'of Sur J.ibn 1•'ranklin and hie pa ty at Sandwich 1,1am!v. Ti,ey saluted that plate immediately they anchored, alter an ahsenee 'of lino years. They hays discovered the Nor h-t►'est para.ge ; moat yro',altly thvr def gleolk dWa•Ist •..il•fa.lab•'i4Bl. hatc'bcr•o ir.,,z n uy ei the noddle part of Beteg! as ear a top nf,` s that pnwsege for nearly three years. The ,, lCDM t,t.l) Captain n( the whsler informed +:s that tat Jobe Fraekh• dwpeicl0 d h:a Firm -Lieut. over the 101h/uu•, to .•.I uulte..alely tor Engl.-sod with ilia intclhgencc." The . 'icarugtra Tr-toaty bas Leen eonfir• tied in the United St.Iea Sc0ale, by 41 to 10• Bo we Gn. -Ti e n•rriran Mechanic (Pourhkeepe1e)• juetlyrhi nistk.: - A map growl, at paring a ahil'rng for • loaf of bread, thinking he ought to get it for rleten pence, and the same esenhn • •akes hi, family to witness the frau of aeurgictan, fur the prt.po•e n1 being humbnyr_re.l, know- ing they wilPbe humbugged. and w'ii.intly Pays a dollar for the p•.v.leke i Another is tiro poi to pay a doflne for • Di stammer, but can spend fico rlolll:n;. at the thorn DAN( ING AND CA' ESTHENICS. every night, and not nates it. Another is too poor to pay a few dollars, but ran rimed 1I1F:BSRS. ROBERT aid Tiros! A S all concerts and negro performances that MACINDO6I:Oi1 RTSON,beg re- smaiii0's'6Mck' t. aY f if Ge.lsr.eb. 6th April, 1630. 3v-'110 nAYFIELII-TAN VERY, CNI in o North of Bayfield os the Lok,r " shore. The aub.crtberr will pay cache or leather for hides, and will tann on share,. all hide. no ,.trotted to them. Ani from having a thorough knowledge of Ute bolo - neer, they can cuofcdently promise the pub- lic a goo.! arucic. \VILLiAM MALL. BENJAMIN R0SZKL. G'adsrich, April 19, 1850. *inti 'bit 1.1, eonttitn'M.. who were •mnhg come along. Another. want* •,mechanic to ooeelfuN} to Intimate lir the I.adiet and Is 'bit-waelemMoiI(,de fit mmicreatso.J yea lie, it.l r r ) Y had suber n'wr, iso given Alin Tired' a mantis ten shillings, arid watches hot to sot retied U t . The ! li ' 11 1 nroe {neat. *herr by a sie t ndegtpb^ Yrwr-ws r•riwP' re7ir !, est r.7 ireeeg•fers vie lath r•nee.plr 1s•iN esdena/w,nr:1- visci modesty. 7t,, hers .•r, ra•b•r, the d.,troc- :bees ,haat L'3'''000:--(Mltones test of poe- eimpl,deupooplinn of ea l . om i" t' err trmr,lit of thin erne•n+ 'tie, of the L:e of _a frit-crea:arc is a sob.! -et of •age moil • stet ;nesse , Ile ebneluded by adsyiG,,,, vi rr pea L prow iia nl f (lw.ttil: eta , ref /Well*" y- - I move; f..r le Select Commit tee to inquire YiiefJ. a pg9it ehegrin•+ fiery _ (!ener,l :jibe lie no prisei,>fe ere cocas ac.ui Nriply is: alar- l lay mwpaa rwnl iuleaes. than phi" muslin I isle the tett ne and expenditure othe ,➢argtialen ale likewise being, 'nap. ✓itr the 1 spotty with pelt phitatep Iy. i And the pbiinw. 1 ytosyty *boot sham delicacy --sad evert rub- P p< (r C u of this retr,buaosdoetri,e le simply this- _tires •itsolyes this deep nitric,* of the life of lerur'rcr; wM.eh, after si few remarks from milt o r . crops. T.•e %a :n °f tarsi,. is like' to be yea ii..1 * *pant crop ` Ifs wirkeJ rine, or ao igeet> 05 UM, or 1 mob wdr fi+lfow etntmrr, should be prsmthrwfly I 1 M►. rl• J.. Bounces, was screed to ; and with Meilen of fttr►cr4..Y.A!/y. Cowatitu- of motion dl the loapectm Gtinenl, the fol- . r It 1. chid eat ..I-, ! soh- br iu forward and diseased Lefare the nahlie. pit fro" .o esu 1 ready or a common r pap pxpen Fes , 1 the G trerr1111er1t to rowed nam 1 oNr lie ate trtaup•• ►ase tents b A scbeeeer-rigged strew promoter st'atn- wing from 7b to 9l o'clock. boat (orderly employed in trio Jle,Mterraoe- Glider:eh. _G:h April 1830. an trade, Las been purchased in England -- -- - for the Trinity 11o"3e ofQ,tcbee an,3+wao to leave Liverpool for tide port on the 10th • L pr wilier test; ' `s w psalm" gears rig.. r qui low .ng.g.ntl men were placed os the Cots i . - j ct a woman aad;berehildren to de.tit,tins and 1 We kaee so desire to leave the a ir.ue and ileo- ! ggIstee ; • . ass:.- Ctltiflrf't a s;oCol saw.1.sblee( k,Juoq pitatt,.s.,gr0'.J. as;'wham% 4!. witlessly 1•►i■g the lite oflhe.bio cense..1 !routes uaprotectrdagainst the assaults Moria. M iti, Cayley, Sherwood, ike °pen air la site far 1ruti • 1:. ,..esti 1 bed -doled father of the family, then, asber.m . 1, and-yoleac_ .t the rade sad the roam. but, foe i aoleL r Yigrr, f,hrIeaie, Cam i'roa (Kent], eget% E•ei, d A•: Fr. r.- A i . e ,. 1 of if -heated .n,- .iy, is bound to .abject the sot, her own save ewe a•i-et lo'uretect her innocence 1 B••ultno (Norfolk), retry. !leaking. Puktte, eetprising alae a111 eaf+f'nr.r•+ In Ike : tad Lilt f the ma•rfercr to et equal ear even 'd bloat. W entertain the very highest ' B'c,Son f T, rof.lt). (,artier, Paptneaa, t- opiates r end ter Inv" •ad lir , oat tip( city generally, is Immense.- ling the mar -ever to an sat.me y an rgeom.m fidelity. aod magsgmm- y. a raga arts and•the macer, teeny Moderator. . nus death : . petal kw Of/SKS' a blot oa her purity, a, I we 1 Mr, llinek; Reciprocity with the Low* Eatr.aaria1.-The till of em'grerion• is ' Our ret 1-n are long since a004e that we do fed so telly eoeddent to the waodoesa of her ; Provesce's,B111, and his Spanieb Coin Bill( dafl. getting more aod rt're rats t, ar:J not su ,cribs to ibis barbarous philosophy, aod judgment and the general rectitude of her poli- j'were read a second time.-G1.ie -eeareely Cega re...! fea-t oaf WI 4,y cru therefore we shall at enter farther lath the mer- cy, that we believe 1be surest method of expo"- ` ---- ' els i• ch•friernJ en 1 cr,...i. 4 •1114 It" Wire its of this letrhbution deceit's at present, t:ao i ng the absurdity of this law, would be to try alhi INVASION OF Ci76.' . res tab!, les of Linnen. who are cigar -Washington, May 1i, tot mtwi e fan 1 iif thio elranr••r • t%i'<t'rel i mately- to. ex;,resf •regret that oar jure iee.loving (o:ore rases of ape by a Jury of women. They The Spanish Violater Don Cal de la Bay. we'd :or *Vie tpJ*;.11p *hick r,. L.T. do; ' at;eeatpn In theirgreat a.a1 to laud pain •Pn• wnu'.I,,agent some oma egeiuble pooabment cehas demanded the'.ntorf..treoce of the Gov- INDIAN MEAL.- is 1,.....1 at 4 ,a a las nim! them at hsn5rn'.-Gerftrary ecev. y. each n(tbeir Lail felfow-morula astral cot " t..e Chan Cat of the halter. They woa'l •sarcdly' ernrnont to peccant the Lrminr of men and 6d per bbl. v •The Limerick.Rrwtiadi,aye-"C 'e bc• fearol9od•beine their e7es." !eel sobers pi. recogrlre the principle of •' 1.;fe for life." In the fitting out of expeditions against Cuba. O.'.T!11F,:1 L. -Very hale in th. market. twee lie may..tata .with ',otic dere! .uf rd• •nfstfe strictly by Astir *Smite motto, Lffe the Couoly goal in Goderich there is, .a pretreat, The mimeter la confluent that the •rumors GRAIN, -L, (;, Beach Sea what is cnetide.ce, that an Eaglisb gontluasan 'PI"- aur life." Wilfpl riser.•tr is vernal r:y the' met a ono appareotir pot more 1124a twenty-four or I1n the mit" are true,-aod that ceases. bare generally held at ba per GO lbs. ••••8111^1r°191'111-"‘• •re,fraud Kiley Ito• •larval ted the most •ne"isas crime within sweaty -fee yeah of age, wider sente.ce of death 1 been fltteJ lure ted. that' S,0o0 ; or •6,000 1'E -\SG - Several shipping , lute have lie& bus xi0o 00e totems, mentwnede- r moo are engaged for the expedition b res• bec0 sold at 3s {gar minor. h ie roe gdrzvouv at Cha •re" and Lite i -le of Lobo" c { f Coes b b children o with .na . e i pine ga•d'M there' are inti In•tt..0110rn; . - - I ' Fon!fiter,•Botiti' ire, Gugy, Caudle's, 1dc• 4 geei.es degree of dntit,tioa and misery by p• pmriea "f key virtue, b ,"Donald Ivngaton , . Ilolmes Rich- est( the promise of Gait Chafe awl through- 1 I d•' S i' \t' rd the ( r e.sopr , NOTICE. L flows indebted to the Sutler either • ey Note or Book account, are , requested to call aid par immediately W atta.0ae 1e. {llatkets. • - CIIARLE8 R. DIC1sSOnft •• Mumma', May 30. 1831'. Stratford, Apn1 1i, 1850. ,,Litt ASHES. -.On receipt of news per Euro- pa Puts Puts advanced to 20s 62, but Have. none A V-1 LUABIJE PROPER* Gi LE//1 FLOUR. -The contioucd rise in the FOR ► /-TJ • • American markets, together with the advi- ces per last s'camcr, baso cause) an .J- rrllE eubst°riber of'ets for SALE hie vance of a shilling per band nn Superfine GRIST and SAW MILL, toasted in since last week: No. 1 Soparfine has been the Township of McGillivray, no the BI¢ sold at 233 94 and at 24s for J.ne delivery. `Sable, wither threw miles of Plantlike'. A •mall parcel of. Katra has been wlJ at' Corner. The Mills are now in; peration,and 25s. I newly. built. The Privilege is the beet on the River, and situated to the best Town- ship Is the Coast, of Burns-ow.Msettle*'.,. Mad Road. upwind Mall directieoe+te favos • u. 'r Ma binary and materiels ire u( the very best gnalitj, snd put up by the sto- ry best Machinists. Fur Psrtteu!*ra 1, - qutre ofJame•Crumbie, Req.,86N,er ap- ply lir the subscriber. slit(btly receded., Pearls aro raleablo st 1 last quotations. ear d hof rhe harwa Lein The rrrpetnue• for rapt -and the wstntc is to be nm tau M" come to this pe4ttose(Inlewl, who ' a „i it ares a dove *pent of brain which is effect on the foarteeeth hue'. His la h. • paste o has nes sold at 3s per view efmalNn_'hem petehat4en a/hnd.•,J. ' I°I'e perhaps, Gen. Taylor responded to the call of oho 58 lbs,' 1'.1TR(Cn F1.-1N.1GAN. Proprietor. hos traversed dfalriete o the county' Clare. ISsPeily aateommo•, mod hence tie crime ie of one of the most aggravated cases of this crime Minister by forwarding dispatches to the sict;illirray, 151& January, A1 475.0 2wSotf with that inteiti.,d. eompsraiivrl( tare occurrence is coon:rice o here !hat has ever come befo:e a jury. He is a mar- Gulf squadron to see that oho tag of the Dirt ii, 1'14" Galt Reporter will invert tbo owl/.ass •t/itsia,ler Boeietyiw Saaganed sip:Mpg 1,ke a plausible stashed of morality a fled ma and a father, and rhe outrage was com- country is not violated. above until forbid. l DIlGR%*.rFUn,-On 5fooda evenim tart In Goder h, of toe s.-. May, 51re. T. P. -Th1 total receipts of lir* \\teulsvan Nu .iot.; tied :and bad lire death psoithment been mated oo a iufut of tijht yNn of age! There r Y g Dirkins"n, oia DAughter. _ . - -_ ' -- be I' b -k tact red some mioehtecnos in,.ieiJuals broke oho gas O 6 to J 1 1h i` J f enroa• ry $oEidt)flasl;lar.-freta. £I11,ei5 eve aglwively .. ii(et pwrder, airily C u no ma ice -o gob -•h to or 1 - ■ a ray .31. e w e o antes .0 2 1 e, t ina G I, and Coe total expeml.ail es rli 09 safe be+f a J ll'f; a wood have wilful falsehood in the unvarnished testimony of Ilouseiin the '.41:o ,avid aro the0 s1 art ,after` a. *!fest F't.oboru', of Neu tsar liner. N O T I C l • Ina 7d, leaving a baLrice of i2i17 IIs J1d4o C b en r i I Jo o t ibis child., aod her evidevee could Irave po dogbi ' ! to Turoaro, oat tae nth blq, hirer Jaynes ER`O\3 desirous of ypule that. it tgIP settling g nn lbs }ie p g 1 ,test g tp"1 s caths p y o i noon partite equally wicked and wanton cut Shaw, of a Son.s. he .,•plied N redeeUotl of this oat 01113 l L13, oo the mind of anyman who nerd it, that, i• eo"I Durham Road in the Township* eof . 558 iBs i 1. that tleopntsic "seal eco of soma *r b and otherwise disfigured the new auehioncd At Pckenne, C. W., on the chi -stiy, Mrs. Glenel., Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Rue - 658 1.4 t -. ,.return recently murder, caw possibly in•;ire the oat -,owlets with Gr as physical circumstances permitted, she was 1 seat to the !louse. in conseeuenco of these' 1V m. Dauber, of• Son. low aod Kiocardine,•west apply persosatly made, the total somber of galleins diai:led a bi,g,er eeioittien efrii,-•a101.ef:a~00iap 1.4- s I. eeled 10 toe brutal indignity of rape, and that shameful proceedings, the citizens were i In Toronto, on the 26th alt., Charles Jame cations will be confirmed etcept such as are I de rived of the least: of tiawin th re fin ibe Cnited R;ntg•lntn, during the wear bat lithe .rime of mender bel been jediclally George Cary was the identical author of the p f th huddle h h g e In• I]ita, at the Office of the.uoderrigt.ed, tad oto lu- ei,isgVamux ' 5, 19!10; ' was 21,774.1114, oo toe. It was, .n short, owe of the most cold - ter ear u e tai log w me was to have y wp.nteJ from a other coma, asj Jutiagui.b- g Hyde Orgaiat St Michael's Cathedral been thrown o t bl 1 1 blooded beast aod de radio acts that we have o pep o the pat to an t up At Sherbrook ..n the 25th ale • after a few All asci nmr 13 of interest in lneation• diatnbvtt.d •w.ng the ,&seta t,n¢.bms nm+• d h M f 1 f bel d' r i e PLttaml, 5.5 . a, each as Inst re r.sed hematite •alas. R 4 fi18.G31 galluu;y d irclaal, 8,3)l,OBi' ` petntors of such uncivilized outrages hunt, soul revel u i of aid t s y Den- ote, - 4allons. N - _._v of bait otos carried to women: of excited indignation declare. that each irked for their wicked (all Humiifoa - g peer popu.ai indignity and a y•- wntb,i, s.di si•sil r maviner,mi t have set- a monster ahould not be pemirted to live ! Bat, Gaz. • Galt Mee N+rk -t azain advanced or, zh iii nutty. The pure is until fu fI l youk pot ed .14 • check i,i Cie murderous dieposi•ios; !el as revolt and sludder ••t the guilt of the de- T fahol : bat there 1. very Wert rent in. The while the very ire oceorrrnce a. public tae- prayed wretch -let us carry oar decision of bis FROM CALIFORNIA. 1 that 1 have under a power of Attorney graoF \Yoe! irate Ii be tasm nedet ye (antra earthly doom into effect -let ear excited and en to WILLIAM STORY, authorized him to g R 4 cation could not lave produced the bleating, 1 San Fnoeisco, April .0, 1350. collect all mooeye due tae either by Note of h1e circum+lances, and some considerable deadeo:ng eRee'a epos the feeble moral fufisp enraged feelings cool down to their ottani stag i last had this pleasere April 1st, since hand or otherwise, sad ¢rant discharte• fe to y'iattty her f rerrtt rerat lir market. Price* ,.f the ;gamest and sicioor` •Lich the Grgerot of -reasonable action, and thee, let u• come beck which the Kung of the Pacific oaten has .me. And 1 hereby request all persons indebted HE public are. hereby 'cautioned from th*4pw from • Ysrlrshiltng per poen 1 for .ahibiriss sf thio bavbsn', oet*r•IS rodsee - •Ota calmly wiry ibe taco.1 itt car. Oa the arrived, and with characteristic California to •me forthwith to settle the same tad ave T p f 1Mlowe•tqualities W • currency sliding y p Coc. irking or aecepIing tiro pn.tnarorr' Bat, on lookingat the catalogs' of crimes to ea" Land we have a widow and orphan. suffer- ,lespalch, will leave fur Panama to -Jay.- Vote+ made bythe unJ, rauu ucd In livor fee echoer} worts, •rad filcher for superior g JOHN LANCASTER. g jollhies: W. shall be enabled 10 glue stitch capital punishment has been annexed, we '"g Jeno•, moral debes.caear,•and physical The Tenoeuee brought over fi00 praaen• Caederith, 2S1h day May, lSo0. v3o17 of James PJvC.ormon or bearer, for the eau. drstltniee-we have the appalling ere. Our streets, however, indicate the ten decided paces .n oar next. -Rep- a■ .scarcely avoid the eoocIi000 that out yea. ppaIlin •reflecu on d Iwenty tee. Aollan each, bearing dale the rice.hnin aoeerler4, in fnmrn their mimlm! that the hosbad aod father of these objects of !ere. which the emigration to the mites HURON HCIi.DINO SOCIETY. (felt day of March, tdSU, nos whereof l• Wtrttar Can,-hfrcrnoss.-lnrint the g I mire was cut down i„ the Le da of ms- has•made upon them; lire gambling houses HPE:CIAI. MEETING el viiia Soviet} . ,,,a payable en the filet day of Janu.ry, put week we have, had pc.pinn to visit code, and its, pa.uumeats, here "awed their misery, hey -day in vain pour forth the enticing ttraina of mu- will be held ••1 the British Ilotel,Gode- ' {RST and the other on the fiat day of .111 rich, nn Saturday h:sewin,, the blt14 of June. goof 1151 • as the and i J I made is.ecnrdant° with this teen:temeot. • y a tem a man. esui art o public indigo'. na- With as oo the same avenin Tho lir• 73 4{ ( gallons ; $: otlanr.•l0• ever head attributed to manhood ; arJ, the gg' p" without the knowledge atul spore, al or elm p *144• we cap rea•onaa .0 u • de !t, e n Ih ought to b. dtecovered and severely stn y pilose that tAedre•d y hn ws illnesr, Elliott Torrance, wile et A..10• Gilt, E:1., agedRl years, _7 Z11e ai aP NOTICE. BEG to intimate to all that it may concern, Agent, will be cons:detec as a forfeiture al. all right in the leratee or aseignce. OP1ORGE JACKSON. Agent. Comex Lams Once, Bealisek, (:eenly of Waterloo. Mauch Idlh, 1850. tan? CAUTION`. some porilona of the conntb and taking •elfhahneas, their asuiu, and their kilo's". w some little notice (lithe Wheat crop, we doisi.eer e.er tb.1r scow of j.st•es. Wilful irefselitied to the belief that no ',revile)" fire-Nsiog, forgery„ doll, as io „ort almasx year has Mere beau with a 1•eePgnaniil v nn crime, ha.. on some occasions, been the [rotted anti looking on finely as at pre- .r sent. This "long "pelf of dry wnatbf,," p"n ishe8 i heli tlPZtR: A lino hrhriling a li- wbteb is epos mt. however, see hair,' is *1141,0(10 eh.'v1•s.1.(, . illlwg., f,.neae doing fl wines injury,••• -.licher: GYei¢M. who, ptrhapr, sever e°.Id have felt the loo of fLll /resat promises to be a Rood crop w' beam id iris. thief"' with hi• thiemiason in this county • the geesutr ilei.' A ma for lirtr.i. with drake. Lrhv aewe.esrasleaf% w mole ataodesate, ,wird, a amass" who w prrh.p. 1•r vMr Rye, alep Lo.a vee wplh.gnd the farmers nee than himself, ha been hanged foe Itis are st W ksey es ..%talar•," enmsl.l"it their thoughtless folly Thies tied seek KM mama - WNW oparatioa.e.-Padd.$ Co.wite, retiyery sisal ofleaces bait 'him Paced of ibr some ie. el tie en; t. 4Al •taWses ited mi 9 e, h 1tfigbsOn'Papers itY e; lista b file' Decor• lid rd es Tuesday w ), h 'Knitters street, - Of In tT polio hr f 1♦ wond011 hoists were. copsl1ened. The t,- dygrhi'd,eriltrh l tfit sr• men y.1e booms by the panne of McCuanrff'a eeptl•., "i the tats• efeeti*r-es reader poi - sooner. std the easter sufferer* ere Doctor the eteeetious ee•tftry y'HNsrrisee. aid de- Yerspeoi, Nr, Glarrwtp, and Mr. W- Mash, oeseiste the vwime of 14unite lite is 'abbe moms - the watchmaker. it ta noppo•ed to have bees the wort of M $ esethery.-Po/riot. Be**..e, ss )oeg a tM law eatpgisd IM • Mnling of • few shillings mottled es the rue TA* Turner. (brreipnrdenf of lbs Pdot p.ueha.e.t lie wills! wwnd*r, i1 weeld be ooree- say* Ora C.1. Prtnr. brbngkt douse from wnaele to ettpeet that' the litrese: end the kl OAenty a Prettek C."ad f1n gentlemen to '-,molts sb.eid sot ailaoh .hs rrtl. twee..1 lire l" elaima of hl. pititlon fur lelepo"- •trim(naliy to beth. Or, re expel* ser Ides by ems• 'fisi• g;ottoman came in man- sg r ntkrr pen od psubp syity .f a. old 'tart with tromp of the Lelia? Canadian ►sqi, id ♦ kh N,eo i.rg* 1 tat 1 bead -harried coa.olavely Tato a awlal rho- sic to attract the May cetera(" who were ally, ted, grearg beoeail the bribe. of bis wool to revel at tho monte,table. The ioigoitia, woo eesnpelIed'se meet a hymen, bat rivet is alive with steamerr, and every de- • hopeless doom. Os the ethwehsd, we taw scrip►ion of craft Is crowded with expectatt sipper, a blush's,. hie:biog. romping tittle mihers. girl growing lip m wnmanhoal, as waoJ asd The authentic intelligence eweom the mines 1" quite as Meobragimg as ever, and expert. behhy-a modest, aod pure aod ri110. r ecce in practical mining renders the bust- .teu moth lye like a lottery than it has been. Quicksilver ,is very generally em- ployed, and the ptruaneot wealth of Call - folios in fes gold bearing q *alta is about be- ing levetoped- Tbere cash t(o (ooggr exyt```t a'''n ' 'y retainable lag Ohl ! ' And, hi 'is( takes this Balm survey, doubt that thtr4 is rut's1,lot'w'' 1l+s upniag we ask where i. the pi.naipl, of " I .,(.i Mfr 7" p•.pulet ion wl*J%b min. Ill)e•I y Vi+dtliN LI Ili' W. pet the goes tine lo retry reammble min- Rdr1Ia lot N sy but litt,ep.ry map who to- taRRee}t istaaa and 10 every.,„. '• bps iIt1,tea as reatoon or dews to emigrate akar feMi(Gel Wire his eyes." 1. ties p.blic hither count the cost. No woe who would ✓ eaeeaiw s{ Goa.. Cory. e„dntbes. r,,e.n.. not be wiling to labor in ,,l1 the drudgery ss•.*"., a v , d rr141 prihei01. K of railroad building in the tropics would h.m..,ry. a( jssuee, sad l rdigrss 1 venture upon this arduous o mad stomach" lTNetelY Bard hands, mimeo., muscles and stomach" Ws have not wntl.a 1b. el"" are absolutely enanthal to golf digging, . der the Isepserlms that the wretched mon The speculation of the day in California well he .g.d-es we believe the intelligence in pro.pee'ing on Tr,n•daJ bay and neer.- so ha.* ivy .f 17i. Eteelkmey the Governor • Ths rneulh of "aid aver is yet eednocovdred eel 11 b4 a iuigciaet g.aluta, .g►nu, but thio Toter has Leen found by aumWrp, each barbaroo. roe trvapwas ` mud the rtehno.. of iia bed and bank. hoe been satiefattnrt'y ascertained by exploring parties who have reached it .y load saint. Mow. she had never sees George Cary,•d yet, weans supposing tint George Cary was thaws olio • dark "firmly, and his rines and et uldvta s■►jeesed to • formecled misery, is vidicatio• ref the lamer and casette, •fthiesnsetinh romp - err gut rs rc fhr the purport of dtep'.10 of twat or more cenedao value for Stream... Shire-. lV M. BENNETT RIGI). •S.c'y. and'l'reas'r. May 29, 11450. $hull. LAND FOR SALE. THAT ezcelleal Lot of led Na It, in the lith concession of y'dhrtoi, eealpWag about 74 teres, ooh 40 acne .1.iad. well wa- tered, • Shealy sad Loa Baro on the premises, sad within two voileoufa Sore Mull. half of the pureb•"e a,sey to be, paid, -the other half in metalemais. Fur igrtks►articn!are mealy art II. *1.. /Orem• tha larietn on the pretw.w.,, se, M:di. Alen. MCGregor, Stratford. Stratford. 2Ath Slay, 11430.) '3u1; .vo rrce. f BEG to iotimste to ell Iahabitan,s of the 1 Townships of (R,(ench. Stanley an•1 Col- borne, that wider a pew.r of Attorney from the ' BARON O1: Ti!Yr1:, d ted the 43'•, .4pril, 1949, I am ..theiimid to diets., 4 loo I.1NOS i. thew T.weel..pe, end to grant Tilte Deed tot the sane -and sloe In collect ell bier dee Imo and to g ni D'•chert.r for the some -.wag I hereby re "eat ail promos ..de0ed us ,1.. wh,l Been de uyle, forthwith thettle op tl.rirres- pective debts. *'HON MERCCR JONES!. Gleed• " Ki1Lo ata•. and a,woihan Gedrrieh. Nth 11.y. I, t• -ilia( Yemhen, tad haw Bopp hum. wick an ,lire a klssi Taut. -Dr, Fn.tho gave a age advice head water. Toe husin"ss of San Fru - 'ed leanlq tbeCoitnal to posh lb, ag.ia.t her wll erre erriau* sf rlgat'Mag,nde to parMts when be cud that fitbers bad c(vico is now laboring under • plethora of puttee birnt51 , is the rye* sa &idol Law." , better gore then sons • trade ghee • formate- sntrpII0e and 'leer'''. of lune?, gar sinee- W iMa• Shot sabre, monk jertle.-I..iag the ailing of the list steamer some Im • Arnett, elm Snemete Vrowee.-There err io'eeeeve -A vo4ng woman. on a- proresnent ta notte.abfe. N npthih' ►. ttl deenrlag.M Oailt,lrm►et stdtafll Snv t y wMeh 1 have through life h r 14.1 04 11 • Ra lrnppnA a ribber from Money t more ab oJta4 thwlyk the ,mos ( thee b the hat oheerva remits •Renew, should al least hoes rvgeMed . ) p upasMr b•'s.e1 in tow floor of the tot&.- ethnrbiunt rata are ol,tainpJ -one hnnlreJ sh.geuni "porus, pg the 0110,'a bad gen. that asswty abeald be GM rusfied the: the ' you've let your bow hurried r aid • tsttl' per cent per animm being about the cur - 6i• klotena eeterf ...h4. - .,*4 penskiw eroSibW verbally bees committed, before the paseeme•v. 'i6A, t hal rat : he's snag a rent rater N.. tenor°, hays occurred 11 ace •vereen•--91r Fewer( moss* -„ aceuee 1 .boalJ "gm br N 'tits kigtoot trial *shite,' i000eesily rejmeH the datbeel. m7 last retort, and in the !eg'ti nitro ',mai • FARMER'S tl1JT a.b1YCC11►LL• L lh1NC111 F1$ULCIW I begs so'"wrto h,• J 6.1•nda, and the ?ebbe graer*ily. that be etas dw.Al{Mied Atmelf in the •bore Yiitaa•,.•J h opse by intim attentive to rhe e..mfen 11.1 enn- •r".ewe* of Traveller.. to Own' • .Aare Ff tete ► u»esa.. (lewd Btabliwg end a etteerelve Grown i, anewdoa,•e. Mitchell. Slay Lith. 13.:1. 3.-n;5 3OHN I:LWDiX)N. Stratford, 1111,.Mareh, 1850. v31•1 $TI(ATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. H03fi; J►,!'Yti9Acf&AL. gIiE Subscribers In returning thanks to Weir (Nstomer.• for the liberal sup port they hese recited sines •e.,mmeeeing Moonrise, beg to intimate, that they have tor ale at low rate.. - Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, filen Plongha of eteht Jescripaion., and eon - mating of the most tinprosed Moulds. Self. acting ,Hill /blew ted •,none other vas. bags. Ilavrng engaged as capertenced Machinist, the roh.crhrr. can eonfidenrle recommend thiur '1'HK.19111Y1iM MA- CI(N ES of :het nas4eut des to. bosh eta. *mosey and moveable., and would "obeli • call frau ..lending Porchaaera beim* buy- ing *Noche.... Ail wrier, pun _wally at- to,.Jeatte•nd executed with neatness and despatch. • ORR to WiLSON. , Stratford, I lth ,bub. 1819. v•J-nlett(. NOTE OF11,1ND1'/ST, - tDte shout 16. 11111 of May 4045., given 'An Hdlnch to Iavor of Edward l: ,lw.li or be*mr, the stun of 157 3. ry. a'h.. .a to Asrbod env Iverson Irma pnrches- io,t Ula ..,s.. ; aim try person rrtona„r t •.• "aloe to the debecnber will be to*•rJoJ (lie their troveble in •o dotng. row ARD CO!.11't:LL- G May _'r.h. 11*) a3 -a l;