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Data On Dashwood
Weekend Visitors
Miss Lois. Gaiser, of Detroit,
With her mother, Mrs. Cora
Annette and Carl Zimmer, of
Zurich, apent .a few days with
their grandmother, Mrs. Alex Weekend visitors with Mrs.
Zimmer, Dan Weber, were Miss Thelma
Mrs. Hilton Wolper, of Inger- Weber,, of London, and grand-
spll, spent last week with her children Diane and Billie Weber.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Fassolcl. Mrs, Philip Fassold is Charles Snell were Dir. Frank
confined to her bed, Watson, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs,Ervin Rader visited her William Pitt„ Air. and Mrs.
mother, Mrs. Ada Patterson, of Windsor Mathews, and Mr. and
Grand Bend, who is seriously )Il Mrs. Bob Denton, all of London.
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs, Don Gaiser and
on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Weber at -
David and Paul Rader spent tended the Michigan State Fair
a week with their uncle and aunt, in Detroit over,the weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader. Mr, John Bender has returned
Mrs. Milford Merner and Ron- home after spending two weeks
old-, Mr. Albert Rader and Joseph in Kitchener,
Nugent attended the Exhibition • Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker and
at Toronto last week, Mrs, Al- air. i Glenn Guenther
bert Rader returned home with and children spent Friday at
. them after spending a week with SimMoeand Stanley
g with Mr.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, of and Mrs. Stanley Green and Mr.
ing with Air. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. William Bearrs
and Barbara, of Detroit, 4r, and
Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford,
spent the weekend with Mrs,
Robert Hayter, Sr.
Mr.. and Mrs, Garnet Weiberg
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
Latta, 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Weiberg and Howard Weiberg,
all of Waterloo, were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg
and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Taylor and family, of
Waterloo, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader.
Mr. Siegfried Miller, of Water-
loo, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Rudolph Miller.
Mrs. Bruce Seebach, of Han-
over, spent 'the Weekend with
Mrs. Cora Gaiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reste-
and Mrs. Bob Rankin.
Mr. and. Mrs, M. W. Schenck,
of Chepstow, spent the weekend
here, bringing Mrs. Leonard
Schenck and children home
with them.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Faveri
and children, of Chatham, spent
the weekend with Mr. Sam Mil-
ler and other, relatives,
Miss Valerie Gibson spent a
week at Weston with friends,
and attended the C.N.E.
Mr, Leo Gibson attended the
Lutheran Laymen's booth at
the C.N.E., Toronto, on Monday.
Mr. Carl Maier, of Rutter,
spent the holiday weekend at his
home here with his wife and
Mrs. WI 1 1 i a m Cutting, of
mayer and. girls, of London, Exeter, spent Sunday evening
spent the weekend with Mr. Otto with her daughters, airs. Carl
Restemayer. Maier and Mrs, Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keller, Coombs, of town.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Mr. Georgie Rendell, of Lon -
and daughter, of London, Mr. don, returned to London Monday
.and Mrs, Earl Telfer, and chil-.1 after spending his vacation with
dren, of Brantford, were week- his grandmother, Mrs. Marie
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Maier.
Adolph. Keller. Miss Dorothy Maier, of Ar-
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Smith, kona, spent the weekend with
Tommy and Harry, Mrs. Geor- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
gine Witt and Mrs. Gertrude Maier, of town.
,Ledwin, of Buffalo, and Miss j Mr, and Mrs. James Poland
Edna Will.ert, of Mitchell, were and Lois, of Campbelford, and
holiday guests with Dir, and Mrs. the formers' mother, of Prescott
Elgin Rader and boys. l spent a few days with Mrs. Cora
M •
r, and. Mrs. Glen Guenther, Gaiser.
an Sue, of Gary, In-
6onn a d
diana, were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader ac- .
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker.companied Mr. and Mrs. Neil
• Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble' Waliker of Zurich, to Shawanaga
and family, of London, Mr. and , Landing, where they spent a
Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family I week.
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor Dashwood Boy Wins
and family, all of Waterloo, J Billy Maier, son of Mr. and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mrs. Carl Maier was the winner
Rader during the weekend. merchandise valued at more
Mr. and Mrs., Albert Miller, than $75 at Grand Bend last
Robert and Janet, spent the week.
weekend with Mrs. Nora Koessel Some of his prizes were a pop -
at Harbour . Beach Mich.
up toaster, three foot table lamp,
Mrs. Wesley Filkins and Jan- a travellers' case, bedspread, a
Ice, of Howell, Mich., spent last Indian blanket, salad dishes •and
many other things.
'ood.hal c:.Ihu.rchChoir
Honors Retirin► Leader
'.I'be members of W.oddh ant . turned, with them and took in
choir met at the hence of Miss Toronto Fair for a few days
Shirley Rundle on Thursday eve- last week,
nines g last when their choir lead- Afr, Dave Shantblaw was' sue-
er, Ray Mills, was guest, of hon- eessful in winning, two firsts at
the Goderich races on Monday.
"Shirley harvester" is doing
well. •
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rance of
Goderich were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy of
St. Marys holidayed. with Mr, and
Mrs, Ira McCurdy last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCurdy,
St. Marys, Mrs. Ira McCurdy,
or, He has served a number of
years. as choir leader in the
Woodham church and he mill be
greatly missed. Ray was pre-
sented with an end table.. Mr.
and Mrs, Mills have moved to
Student Nurse Honored
Miss Norma Bern was guest of
honor at a social evening held
at the home of Mrs, lune Robin-
son on Tuesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Preston Morrison
Mrs, Verla Copeland Airs. Shir- Kandirkton, Wasaga motoredBeatih to Collt
andalitso g♦wocallod
ley Smith, Mrs. Joe Blommaert,, {.
Marilyn Brine, Grace Doupe, •ed on Mr. ,and Mrs. Oliver Mc-
Betty Hera, Mrs. Grace Tipp]n , Curdy at Barrie.
Mrs. • Don Wilson and:Shirley School opened on Tuesday
Rundle presented Norma with a morning with Mr. Dennis Wyatt
musses' pen and pencil set and of aStratford as teacher. Four
thermometer with her initialsnew pupils started; Kathy Thaelc-
engraved in gold,
Norxna left on Tuesday of this
week to go in training at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Personal ltelns
Mr. and Mrs, Norris Webb and
family were Sunday visitors. at
SL Thomas with Mr. and Mrs, public school at LondonEast;
Henry Small, & '
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Chatten Bay Mildred Cowdrey at South
of London spent Sunday with the B Mr Mouth
,Mil s, Mr.
former's .mother, Mrs. H. Chat- Mrs,' Jim Thompson sof Granton
ten, attended the races at Goderich
Mr. and Mrs, Vic Chatten and on Monday.
Barbara were at'Parkhill on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webber,
day, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Day- Winnie and Billy of Rochester,
id Patton. • Mich. visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd, Smith, Harry Webb over the holiday.
Diane and Doug, spent Sunday
at Peterboro with Mr, and Mrs.
Sam Bell. This Week In
Miss Jean Copeland of the e
Bank of Montreal is on holidays Sa�ntsbu�ry
this week.
Jim Rundle returned home on
Sunday after visiting the past
few days with his friend, Ken-
neth Culver, at Lobo.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Law,
Patricia and Charles of Ottawa,
Mrs. Wesley Shier, Granton, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chat -
ten and Barbara on Tuesday
Mrs. K. A. Henry, MIss Eva
Henry, Dr. Violet Henry, Miss
Sadie Henry of Toronto were
weekend visitors with the form-
er's daughter, Mrs. Oliver Hazle-
wood and Oliver.
Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, Mrs. John
Rodd, Mrs. Glen Copeland were
at Ipperwash Beach on Wednes-
day, guests of Dr. and Mrs. Dan
Hearst. Dr..
Miss Blanche Mills accompan-
ied Mr. and Mrs. Don Rixon and
Mary–Jane to Beamsvilie over
the weekend and visited Mr, and.
Mrs. Rixon Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Louch. and
Frank and . Arnold Vanderlin of
Hamilton were holiday visitors
with Mrs. W. L. Switzer, '
er, Diane Smith, Marie Levy and
Judy Bloomaert, .
Mr. Ron Chatten left an Sun-
day to teach school at Elora
Miss Donna Mills to near Saints.
bury; Mrs, Glen Copeland at
Fullerton; Miss Donna Copeland
at the Sir John A. McDonald
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. James Barker
are spending a week visiting in
New Brunswick. Joan is staying
with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bark-
er and Gary with Mr..,and Mrs.
Heber Davis.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Noels were
guests .on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Jack Dickins.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire
attended • the tea at Medway
School on Wednesday evening of
last week.. Mrs. Carroll assisted.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins
and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
attended the 25th wedding an-
niversary for Mr. and. Mrs. Al-
bert Dickins, former residents
of this community, at their
home in Lambeth on Saturday
evening. They received 'a, chest
of silver from the Dickins and
Coble)gh families. . ,..
On Sunday evening Mrs. Sam-
Dirs. Florence Tufts of Lon- son McFalls, Exeter, Mr. and
don visited her sister, Mrs. Roy Mrs. Gerald Glenn and son, Mr.
Kink and Lorna Ser, Mrs. eve- .and Mrs. Gerald McFalls Eke-
and Lorny, ter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bloliimaert Leod and girls, Newmarket, Mr.
were weekend • visitors •with Mr, and Mrs. George McFalls and
oand Dirs. Ross
and 'Mrs. G. D. Hewett in Toron- Y ' Mr.,Mc-.
to. Falls and David, Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd and MDicFa)lsrs. WilliamCQuintonentraliaMr. and
and fain -
David Wheeler were guests of
their uncle and aunt, Rev. and
Mrs. John Wheeler, of Allen-
ford, over the weekend.
Mrs. Ada Butters attended the
Selves reunion on Sunday evening
at Mr. and Mrs: Walter McDou-
gald's at Fullerton.
Miss .Ivy Miners of Rivers,
Man. is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
Oscar Brine and Oscar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Vodden
wereonda visitors with y i or w th Mx.
nd Mrs. Robf. Scott and Mr.
Robt Vodden at Clinton.
Mr, and Mr. Ross Gunning,
oronto, were weekend visitors
ith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller.
Dors. Milier, Rae and Ruth re-
week with her mother, Mrs.
William Nadiger, returning home
Monday with. Mr. Filkins.
Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camlachie,
Canada has eight rivers of
returned to ber home after visit- more'thaii 1000 miles in length
Thomas H. Walker -
Phone 553 Exeter
T1i'TONE WHIT; hone paint aotually cleans
itself. It's brilliantly white to start with and ,stags
white years after ordinary paints have turned
dirty and gray, Bain helps it shed dust and
grime, yelps prevent stains from
eavesteoughs,. downspouts, flash.
Ings and window screens,
4Ng COAT hiding saves time,
,haves paint, save tlollara.
LMdei' FieIds Ltd.
;Piteng 101 Motor
Second Line In,
Personal Items
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Fischer were. Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake of London,
Mr. Ronald Dearing of Windsor,
Mr. 'Gerald Fitzgerald of Kit-
chener, Mrs. Lena McDonald,
Mr. Ed. Dearing and son, John,
all of Staffa.
Miss Joyce Fischer of North-
ern Life, London, visited on Mon-
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs: Chris Fischer.
Mr.. and Mrs. Dean Gibson
spent the weekend in Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Here and
family of Willowdale visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Or-
ville Langford..
Mr, and Mrs. George McFalis
and Mrs. Irene Ricks and son,
!Bill, of Clio, Mich. went on a
motor trip through eastern 9n-
Mr. and Mra. Murray McLeod
of Newmarket visited' on Mon-
day with Mr, and Mrs. G. Mc -
Miss Marion Heckman spent
tyle weekend with her cousin,
Miss Shirley Atkinson,
Mr. John Itolko Sr. spent the
Weekend with his sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rolko and Mr. and
Mrs John Rolko of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "Woodall,
Monica and Lori, of Windsor
spent • the weekend with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Spaeek. Miss Judy. Woocl-
al1 who spent her holidays with
her uncle and aunt, also with
Mr. and Mrs. August Gregus,
and with her grandparents at
Crediton, for five weeks, .return-
ed hoine with her parents.
Bradley Gregus of Exeter vis-
ited his uncle and aunt, Mr, and
Mrs. John Spaeek for the past
Misses Sheila and Wendy ] fs-
ton, also David Elston, were re -
tent guests :of their friends,
Bat'Xiara David and Gary And.
reW, PMQ Centralia.
Mr. and Mrs, M. I1, Elston
accompanied by Sgt, and. Mrs.
A. Andrew were guests on theta -
day evening of Itev. and Mr's,
Anions at the rectory, Ailsa
,David ,ilston was a Weekend
nest of Mr, and Mrs, I; 1 y ,
i t�ee, Wcodsteok,
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lilly and;
family and Miss Helen McFalls,
London and Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Davis were guests for a picnic
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mr, and Mrs. James Young,
Lucan, visited with Mrs. Fred'
Davis on Sunday. evening.
Rev, P. Dymond, rector of St.
Patrick's church, was in charge
of the service on Sunday. He and
Mrs. , Dymond and. Hillary have
been on .holidays for the past
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McFalls,
Mrs, Ross Lester and Ellen were
Thursday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
and. Odeyne Clarke, daughters
of Rev, J. T. and Mrs. Clarke,
Centralia, began their teaching
careers at Sault Ste, Marie and
Brantford this week, Florence
graduated from MacDonald In-
stitute, Guelph, in May with a
B,IL,Se. degree and isteaching
home economies in Sir James
Dunn Ugh School, Sault Ste.
Marie. Odeyne graduated from
Teacher's College, London, in
May and is teaching grades our
and five in Alexander Graham
Bell school in Brantford.
• •pe.a.Rove
a e onooal 12I•4 Y 14w.io
u,.o,cw o
Free circulation between rooms
is an important item in the
easy operation of a household.
This plan has a direct connection
between the front vestibule and
the rear entry. A small hall leads
to three bedrooms and bath, and
may be reached without disturb-
ing the privacy of any' other
room. Basement stairs, coat
closet and lavatory are all con
venient to the rear entry,
An L-shaped living room, with
a folding door to close off the
dining space, and a combination
kitchen -dinette complete the first
floor, There is a full basement,
Exterior features include picture
windows, fireplace chimney, cov-
ered front entrance, stone or
brick facing in front, wide sid-
ing, and asphalt shingles. Floor
area is 1440 sq. ft, and tubage
is 26,906 cu, ft. •
Order Plans Here
Small' House Planning Bureay of Canada
P.Q. Box 942,
SAINT JOHN, New Brunswick
Please send me more information, without obligation, about
the plan features and the type of construction used in the
Times -Advocate.
house as pictured in The
CITY _' PROV. ...... »..
Centralia Comments
Choir Enjoys Social Evening
The members of Christ Angli
can Church choir . met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin
Elston on Wednesday evening
for practice and to make plans
for the church anniversary ser-
vice on Sunday evening, October
13. Followingthe' choir practice,
a social half hour was enjoyed
by all.
Personal Items
Mrs. Gerald Paul and daugh-
ter of Kirkton were Wednesday
visitors with
Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Hicks.
Miss Colleen Stoho of Tees-
water Was a visitor :for a day
last week with • Mr, and Mrs.
Ebner Powe and girls before
taking up her teaching duties in
(Intended for last week) ,
Air. and Mrs. la of Trenton
- were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
P. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Murray
of Berwick, N.S., • wh.o have been
visiting with relatives in Exeter
and vicinity, called. on Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Hicks and Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar were
guests at a reception following
the Tasko.-Phillips wedding.
Mr. and Mrs, Reid Brown
(newlyweds) of London were
Monday visitors ors with
Mrs. John • Thompson,
Mrs. L. B.od s
H on is'
ing im -
P ,
ing from the painful injuries she
received when she was knocked
down by the car 'door when the
car accidentally shot backwards
as she was getting into it.
Mr`s. Nemeth Hodgins was a
Friday visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Steeper, Corbett, and
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hod-
gins, Greenway.
F/L J. L. and Mrs. Andrew,
Philip and Georgia of Camp
Borden were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks.
All were Sunday evening guests
at •the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Brown in Exeter. •
' The Clarke: sisters have taken
np their teaching duties. Odeyne
has been assigned to the Alex-
ander Bell public school in
Brantford. Fier e n c e will be
teaching . home economics in the
James Dunn Memorial High
School in Sault Ste. Marie,
Mr. and Mrs. Young and
family, Mrs. Richardson and
daughter of Campbellford visit-
ed for several days with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Osborne. Bobby Osborne return-
ed home with them and will re-
main for a couple of Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Essery of
Pontiac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs: S.
Sorensen of Chatham; were week-
end guests with Mr, and bit's.
Alvin Essery.
Keith Hodgins visited Blast
week with his' aunt. and uncle,'
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Free -
lick, Royal Oak, Mich. His par-
ents motored to Sarnia on Sun-
day to meet him On his return
Mr. Wesley Hodgins and his
daughter, Mrs, J. McLachlan, of
London, called on Mrs. E. Ab-
bott, Mrs, T.. Willis and other
friends in the village following
the decoration service in St.
James Cemetery, Clandeboye, on
Sunday afternoon,
Mr: and Mrs. George Thomp-
son of London were recent
Visitors at the,honie of Mr, and
and Dors. L. B, Hodgson.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Dunn on Sunday after-
noon were Mr, and Mrs, Luther
Rawcliffe and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Milier of Exeter,
Wayne and Gary Baynhant ae-
com anted their parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Fred Baynhani home
to Detroit `after holidaying -with
their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
G. Baynbant,
Mrs. Lorne iflcks . resumed
her teaching duties in the sehool
on Tuesday following the sum-
mer vacation,
At a meeting, following the
service in the United Church on
Sundliy morning, members of the
W,M,S, decided to postpone the
September meeting for One week
to September 17,
/nl1i1,/Nir,it„iWliilulUllilfOi11f11,lin,il l ni ... .. .. .. YIVj:
- J
'' H.siting, Plumbing, Shoat Metal Work 1.
Oil flumes 1
E .+. i
hakii�'iii,om,ffio motif kot. vaifiiorrrf mfflirnilrrlirrrrrrwrauirompimlfir itiilrifirfrrltitiilrriiitmia
Phone 102
Loans Make it Easier
To Keep .1 To .Jdnes'
Runtars that the "Jpneses” built three or four decades ago
have been slackening their pace
are not founded an fact, accord-
ing to a spot check .conducted
by the Canadian Institute of
rlui bing and Heating, An the
contrary, whereas, yesteryear
their goal may only have been a
new hat or fur coat for Mrs.
Jones, or a bigger car for
.Tonesy, today they are satisfied
with nothing less than 'Spilt -level
homes, two bathrooms to .every
family, and: sub -level playrooms
tor junior Joneses.
But for those whose burden it
is to keep up with the Joneses,
Athere 'is good news from the
Institute. Despite their ever-in-
creasing baste, they are today
actually easier to keep up with,
at least so far as modernization
in the home is .concerned,
To substantiate this claim, the
Institute points to the new home
improvement loans, which open
the way to any home -owner ,to
install any and all of the ameni-
ties so proudly displayed in
Jones' new split-level, Available
at any chartered bank, repay-
able in convenient instalments
over a period of years, and
actually sponsored by the federal
government, these loans have al-
ready helped thousands of Cana-
dians to do just that.
Among the many uses to which
the loans have been put, installa-
tion of modern bathrooms, or the
addition of a secopd bathroom to
the home, has been high on . the
list. Fortunately, most houses
were equipped with fairly spaci-
ous bathrooms. At that time, little
advantage was taken of all Was!
space, ,but today it can be &or"ta
good use.
To begin with, '' twin' wash-
basins will cut down on theMerit-
orning bathroom queue. ,Andno
longer do they stand in 'solitary,
glory surrounded by air, Instead,
they can be recessed into a
flush counter -top Waling a corn^
plete dressing table with plenty
of room for make-up accessories,
Space for the addition of a
second bathroom is .not nearly so
much 'of a problem as it first
appears. One reason for this is
new designs in .bathtubs, partic-
ularly the square type that
measure .no more than 42" by
•,31 With the square: bathtub a
pantry or cupboard no Wider
than 42" and no longer than' six
or seven feet will provide all the
space needed.,
Next best .to a second bath,
room, if available space is• even
more limited, is a shower room,
And there isno needto have
the floors and walls made Water-
tight, because a shower cabinet
can be installed which is com-
plete in itself, 100 per cent water-
tight, and taking up a minimum
of room.
in these and many other ways,
home improvement loans are
helping Smiths all over Canada
to keepabreast of the .Joneses,
and in some cases even to over-
haul them,
NulQ III IIIlli 11.IL111111!QUIII/II IIUQ.$..Immo! 1,11,11111011111111,,,11,1111,11,1,111,I,,I}
Sash '
Order Now For Quick Delivery!
A. Spencer &, Son
Phone 102-W
, I11I a u 11I! I O„I I11 U U„„1111 m I I1,P,I u111I1,111111111,1,111 f,11111,1,!,IIL UII III,I O10l11IlII IIu IUB p t I III III II.I,II
Be��iiNG-:�_40 '=
SERV/CE AL W.41�S, ieiGyr
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Consult this Directory for expert work in construe'tion er
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6 Oil Heating,
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General Repair 'To All Cars
Phone 72 : ;Exeter
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Radio. Repair
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Phone 104 `Bilotti,
Sire Your Local Tradesman HASTE
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