HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-09-05, Page 11a a ven 1 1 „ 3. r 4. FOR SALE DRAIN TILE 4 Inch ; 55 per Si Dei'd 5 inch .• „ .. .4,, P.I• 65 per Si Derti 6 Mcit -,........, 1.10 per At Derri 7 inch --a-, 145 per Al 1/el'd inert .- , 175 per Al.Peril Vs; -Y's and 'Elbows in Stoeli Prtees or 10", IV end It" on fieqUest ' RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elgtnfield Piont 193 1.1ican 3.1tfn -TOYS!. TOYS! Beavers Easement Tcrytown is oPen all year round. Gifts for obildren'e parties. birth- days) ate, for ail ogee. BeaVere list. rd. ware. 3trn CHUNKS 8i ape;ly Allan Westcott, phone 176-r-32 Exeter. 5* GRAY MARE. eoltrul and. reliable, Apply Boy Dietrich, phone 34-r-3 Cvecilten. 33)11 WOODEN -CASE. lrx8tx6'. W Etiele, 414 Albert St., 33ixetr. 60 DLIMP TRITC,K, '57 Ford, low mileage. in like new condition, Apply Box. 510. or phone 130-W. Tits TIONOAdvOOOK Sop* Fevers" ,Sneeze At These 13, FOR SALE FOR SALE PIANO, litainteman (30., plain case with Matching bench. Guaranteed for 3 years; 408,00. AoillY W. t alat•tin, 55a Main St. Sotith, Ex- e etet. PINING 110031 bitf f et . (ab)net. table and Phairs: Attractive finish; reasonably prie- ,Phone 1804 Stieter. A.:•zailnwri.;rt RUG. rose. 9tx1015, (I)ce new); also felt padding for ,e rtt e t h. .A, PO1Y T1 to es- I Advoeate. 5*, (logBINN. Allis Chalmers 60.1 fti1115 eqUiPped. above average condition. Apply Charlee Wallsom. Phone 31.1lehen 612-r-2. 39:5* W A. SHING MACHINE. elec.& Ire, Wash Eamy. spin .clry. new con- dition. Apply 318 Algonquin Dia, RCAF' Station Centralia, atter 6 pan. 0:12* 41* SPA(' IIKATER. In goo'i reesonabia, ',hone . eter 380 after 6 p.m. 44 0114 BURNER. used 3 months. Phone 372 Exeter. 3t• • C031131.NATION PRE z ar< :a and frig... 17 ett. ft., 3 year guarantee. Feed plan If wanted, Expellent condition. Wt•lie Box 100 (Baird Bend nr apply Grittily's State nr phone 1113 overact Bend. 3:12c 1011 PI'LLETS, 5 months old, Red Cross aneaex. Apply (levant 31e - rails, phone 2113 -NV BNalar. ;la (ilftb'S '1VINTR11 C)Al" alai all- Perpose eget with hat; number of skirts and dresses; all to fit ogee 2 to 10 years. Phone 541 Exeter. 5c . FOR RENT Np335 I'T.'1T5311, German and Italian; also potatoes for sale, excellent ennkere, Apnly to W11- fret! lfoueeeati. 21'i mites west of neneall. Highway 84, phone 93-r- 2 ZitriehAPARTMENT above rand & . 5:12c , 54 Peaches atore, APplY T. O. Sutherat, title G:tory ,_ APATMENT. furnished, boated. .: 1 nothesters ready this WeR ek. Piek hot water, private hat a, sui , hIe ROLL TOP OFFICE DESK and i your own and save motly. Runt- for one Or tWO people': no pets. chair. Phone 348-W Exeter. be van Orchard. Con. 10. Blatrahard. • Apply Penhale Apts., 70 John .61. south of Camp illparlraall. Sc E. / • slimmion.:1 co WS. registered. I 1 - STORE y B vi rioIxar. '7' x , ' ' also 2 bred belfers. Apply to Fit- sliding doors: lc:eared behind. town Pend 31X Weeks d,..1 purpose. rine in a mcinth; with cement floor and 2 large. mer (Timone,. Cromarty, phone hall. Apply at Ford's -512112 Wear, .. ne 'Exeter or plione 691-r-5 Hensall, In.British Isles Joe Bailey and his daugh- ter, Betty, returned on Thurs. day after a six week's visit in Ole British isles,- They sailed on 'Attie n On the Baxonia• They spent two weeks in Somerset, the former home of Mr. Bailey. it was 45 'years since he left his native town and he 1.)ted many changes. Frbm there they toured Exeter, Tor- quay and other points in south- eastern England. They were in London for six days and in Edinburgh for five days taking. in the beautiful sce- nery of the Trossachs. Another week was spent in Ireland at Bel- fast, Dublin and through the sce- nic lakes of Killarney - The return voyage was ,also made on the Saxonia. A shore - leave of 24 hours at Quebec gave them a chance to tour the points of interest of that city. ' 1 tuts al 00000 1101111'11 all t Stall kl fffffff all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t I 1 1 1 1 ttttt 44-r.-12 Dublin. 2atfc STARTED PULLETS, Andrews, 0, 8, le, 12. 14, 16, 15, '20 and 22 weeks, frnis year we have a new Teachorn in this country -Kimber W -137,--a .41,h ib. hen with large white eggs. Eger size from these, pullets COMPS up very fast. As large eggs are often worth from 35 to 541% more than medium, this characteristic of the N-137 'an make a great difference (luring the pellet year. If you are going to - buy started pullets get In touch with 112, And we will call on you wilh more information, Andrews Poteltry Varna, 11.R. 3 Sealorth, phone 647-1'4 Seaforth. MISCELLANEOUS 1 EMPIMYMENT WANTED liT41'14.1.koLn vti.Fr.O.T$t t'ite4-1:rut;parilagnli 14mtviTilaljer:' terripto• {unto- tooin table: 6 garden itruffier: Walet/1g plow; • VITTIK Part 1 1 • buffet: O i•ock- complete butt let . TOP :KULL YOB. BEA.NS-lt YOU want •to. ripen your beans earlier and save your prop. have the 10Ps killed with Cynatnid. it enStIg only 23 Rad Op per acne and you ran pull your beans 10 dale, earlier. SpA me in Hermit a Bean reetival. Phone 266, L. V. Hogarth. 29:3c 1r YOU ARE saving alfalfa. or aced it w111, pay you very well to have It sprayed for graeshoppers. It NW'S only 2..00 pet acre a . lent Assured. Phone 206, Y. Hogarth, e9:5c 3 A.PARTINIENTS, unfurnished: both are heated. hot and (mid water. 'built -In cupboards, use of 1 ttun Or y for washing. PrIVate entrance. Blatenford Apts. UPSTAIRS APARTMEN'2. at 315 Andrew St.. Exeter, private. ant - ranee, living room. kitchen, 3 - piece bath and 3 bedrooms, newly deeorated, with utilities paid. Apply at Pord's• lien's 'Wear or Phone 691.11-5 Henson. colleet. 5-tfa j 3 -110065. A PARTAIENT, freshly 5:12.e • cleeorated; all utilities paid. Ala- LEGHORN PULLETS, With pipe egg size. A real buy' at 52.00 each. Andrewe Poultry.fearin, TL 3 Seaforth; phone 647-r-3 Sea - Myth. • 5;12:19:260 315 •PIILLETS, Rueset Red, lay - log:, 13 e0-11), hanging cedars, value 55.00 will sell for 23.00; 30 -bole steel nest, valite 520.00, will sell for 413.00: 2 wood 32-ho1e nests, value 530.00 each, will sell. for 420.00. Phone I15 -r-3 Kirkton. 5c t timmitel tttt tment ttttt :memo ttttt 1111111111111111 ttttt Now Is The Time To Deal SEE 'US .TODAY! '56 FORD 9 PASSENGER WAGON, a bead' „ $2,895 t '56 FORD WAGON, automatic $2,305 • '56 VORD.CutTOM TUDOR, a nice one . $1,995 '55 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR $1,805 Automatic, radio, lovely. 54 BUICK CENTURY 2-DOOR.HARDTOP ..,. $1,750 F o5 FORD 2 -DOOR $1,695 13rought. ufi in the ininistry. „ $1,596 '551011,D SEDAN '54 PACKARD COACH, a beautiful, clipper $1,595 .1 '54 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN, eadio $1,400 ,.$2 METEOR COACH, overdriveN $ 895 ttttt '53 NASH RAMDBALNER SED solid ' "51 BUICI • ' • r .'51, COACH , PONTIAC SEDAN . l' ''51 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 695 1 551 Your choke 1 ..."51 STI,J13EpEat4t SEDAN: overdrive '5500 DOLODGE COACH FORDCOACH • ' 1 :',6J) 1LMOehtJoTielle SUBUREAN Your '5° 1)6D" SEDAN (2) .PONTIAC , [ ,56 .'ORD COA. $ 495550 ,,M,Y:truDt$0e1IN°1PceACtMAKtR SED,AN,.a steal. 295 1 '49 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ '595 TRUCKS '56. FORD 1. TON PARCEL DELIVERY' $4,000 I Very ,10Ar mileage. . . I 155 FORD TANDUM DUMP $4,995 1 I '52 FORD 3.TON DUMF0a steal , $ 600 1 , s . Motor overhauled. E. ' ,' SPECIALS . i . Ths following units will be reduced $10.00 each day s i . until sold: THURS. PRICE 1 • '64 PLYMOUTH COACH, motor 10,000 miles $ 740 L s 1) $ 365 PLYMOUTH SEDAN i 1 '52 RIO TANDUIVI DIJMP, -a real workhorse $1,985 I* " TRACTORS VOA COMD1NE, -motor drivenbest'. $ 750 !I '56 ROMBARDItrt RURRE11 HALF TRACKS $ 225 tit:NEIL% I. Ok Is It E kr . ma Lehi ng c livered. Mune Baeler t•ccords; ala,jeatir PleCrill ratlio: rows; wire at e t -41 la e Pl garden .. , . - , - • - .- - - • •• • , New Idea. lcitchete aasige; pleotric i icielia etc.. eke, tire tables: It itcheti cupboards: , I P.I.MS. ( lush. "M. 01. Pan. wolE IP" 11)Y "I/ ing chairs: kitchen table and , Ge: wire stretelter; eroes-put saw; "ow- Work caned for an)) 4" ebairs; Edison plionne•roph and sealdionk barrel; 2 -section liar - BABY CHICKS 'FOR SALE 'Aeon and toaeter; tier:tete 'Medi Everything will he asold with- ' i • r• tables; stands; ren- out reserve. flayala ainatilatag• anies ta.astaossa voileto Astral i•efrigerator; Quebec' i LENNIS SFEMAN. 172 Park Sta 1111AY HAS Pt'LLET,S. sarted. heater; i•arpet aweeper: kitchen ; Knehener. 16 xerailer for the .Brollers order now for October lc" ' later (1 e II n 431 d wn /liver rana: l'arpat 2311'415.;; 141111. prompt shipment. Mixed , • •k• ntiri•ors: opinning iletate of 'the late t1onrarl Siernoo. n. wr.t,1155, Clerk. .particulare.,fnrter41: fluilte; 1111/°1''fc balq I ALVIN 4'1".A.1..PER, Auctioneer t•ross). ('alt give full crib; wooden elteat; oak bed - 130 John. N., liamilloti). 5c Agent: Lnsoitoe, eoimplete as•ith isprings and e Capevad en. • aeon e eae, w • .t r 3F tiat'diery, rootti /31111PS; ot eel hal' oom mattress: arm. chair; Lemke; 31 REAL ESTATE 1 'mum seta: antique lamps: 2 I BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITIES budgie, birds and cage. silver' • ' Ware; glassware; ;antique dishes.; FARM. in liay Township on 84 Itant•poea your merry Christmas t•abbage cutter; garden Ionia; Highway. et 125 acres of Marilee and earn Christmas money selling l'arpenter tools: /adder. Man), at* Commvnity AUCTION SALE T.k.Y1.5113.8 BACK yiata). marram, brick, •clwellusg. -Math. fiver 430111,e 1 sjets liviag room, attniat row& Ititelien, bedroom oad hathrooa* fieemid, floor erinsiete of 0 geed. sized 'bedroom* and ,hathrtise 3iufl331xeck Pedlar with water pro sure sysitem and. large *oft Witte* 4iUPPly 1444406. This 115 * very' kleeirlible th;cLysituated and in good stoat. pf repair. 17.EAL ESTATE; •Conolete of 11 Ints. South East (*oriter -Of Le; 11, linen Survey. John St..Northe .k spry desirable building loPece Hon .a.nrl will be offered separate* iss (.rim ;dwelling propert3'• Terms of Real Selate: 301'6 02 day of eale; halanee ln en 4a. -I. Sold slibject to o. reassoliable, -servo bid. MELVIN OVERHOLT, NOTIAIAN' OVERHOLT, ;Executors for .the Estate. ot the late Mary lliller. laranndif, lei:nnteeleiml.11,Igh n'ol .:) d plali koi.tic.ohorn ;kg r. r f, a Ylr a el Isosrn tl 1 y 3(1 v e , Li 5,d g: i f t tteiee too eunterous to inentinn. e$,,autmta-, ewe, 7, 1,80 rot. , ALv$1,,i waaapeaR, Auctioneer W1111 bulit-ln cupboaras. Has roek . d Hanover.ial. Write 'Sirs. L.. N.o reserve, everything will be -Electric 21.01.,. 4.hurner, rx.ig..; L,,OST ea I sold. if pi; etove• radio; bed epririgs: "7 $44 Green, tater in tap throughout buildings. . , • a - -. iliititake -or the late Javol: lia.rtietb wicker eheir: earpet *weeper: 3(46 double gat•age. hen house RED ST1iIOn. about 6011 poPncle. large 'wardrobe; dropleef tattle and 4 eltairs: 2 card tallies: ball and beds, -Rinker ' and pig pee, XI:tiny-five acres otrayed from Lot 5. Con. 19. ALVIN' WA.LPER Auctioneer rack: window blinds: dishee: OLEN IVEDR, Clerk . elec rhairs; tables: stoves; frIges, and many .other artielee.a This Is a community sale. Any- one having anything to melt can bring 15 along. PRANK TAYLOR- Auetioneer CLARK. ristarfn,, Clerk .411(1 water on tap. klas two pressure , , 1 TERMS1 cash. dreeser; eon:mode: AtnaIl healer. well With both lot system with both bard and soft under etaltivatiop, balanee 11 bush Stephen Township. Plume collect and Pastlare. Apply t'rhan Du- 607-4.-5 Parkhill. NOrInall cherine, 3 tulles west of Henson, 5;12e antto . • 14 A 31 AI 1.3 R SkiaTG tlx, Steven. BUILDING LO.T, 77' x 125', one Please hring back Jo owner ..kpe- Work from Main St. Cemene block cause lleencee of ear is known. building, 30 x 50', at back end 04 Apply- Emerson Glenn, Ansa lot, Best offer, .ApplY Eric 1/015- Craig. 5* wood, phone 043 16x-incr, 13tfc ply Harvey Apartments, phone 108 Exeter. 5e. APA.P.TMENT, •2 - bedroom. self contained, inifurnisherl, unheated. available. now; 3 -room apertment wtth hath, fureisbed, beat ed, hot and gold water suPplied• John Ward's Apts., apply Mrs, Gladys Nenry, phone 340, • 5* APARTIMENT. furnished. 'healed, Inn and (-old water, private 3- ple11e bath, separate entrance. Plione 27 or 205. ,c 3-13E70ROO51 nams‘ nettrle new, fell pored basement, oil furnace, hardwood floors; east side of Ex- eter; close to schools. R. E. Valk - will, 47 .John St. Ea,st, Exeter, Phone 80-5. APARTMENT, private. entrance, utilities paid, Available October 1, Phone 4351-W. Exeter or apply 33 Rernn St, E. 5tre APARTMENT, unfurriislied, heat- ed,, 1105 water supplied. Apply Penhale Apts., 70 John St. East, Eeeter. 5)10 APARTMENT. 2- nr 3 -room. At -1- ply Times -Advocate. , 50 ; APARM TENT, Unfurnished, heat- ed, suitable: for couple. Apply:m:10206 Main Si., 'Exeter. APARTMENT, furnished, el 45- n and quiet., all conveniences. sepa- rate entrance. Phone 3.09-7 Exeter. fie WANTETt TO BUY - linuee and let for with small aereage) l'Urai area. 'Please give descrip- tion and state price. ..pp)' P.O. Box 162. latran, Ont. 5 -ROOM HOUSE, with attached garage. immediate. possession. AP - Pie Eric Heywood, plume 649. 14. Vatic HOMES • FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter 2 -STOREY BRICK, 3 bedriaorne, modern kitchen and bath, good basement and heating equipment. immediate possession., Price 56,500.00, Liberal- terms. 100 ACRES - Centralia district. close to big/away and school, geed harn and comfortable house, 11.3' dro; prodUctive clay loam. Price 3 -ROOM .A.P AR T MEET, down - :gales, m cl e r self-contalned, heated, ParGY furnisheal, private entennee. 'suit one or two adults, Apply 145 Victoria St. W. , 15tfc k • .APAPTMENT. nostalre, 3 bright rooms and bath, 555 MonthiY, un- furnished, for bachelor or bust - note couple. No cbildren please, because of office below, Apply 'CV. Wein, Phone 7 days.'366 eveninga. 9911c IN HEN SALL - avn s t a ir apart - re Mat, modern facilities, ninety decorated., 2-plece bath, private entre. e. . Apply Mrs; :lames Smillie, phone 122-7 Hensali. 29:5e NOTICES Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO 51 ONICIPAL 130.411D hereby appoints Friday, dining room and laving room, the thirteenth. day of Septemher, kitehen and sun porch. Sevond 1957, at. the holm of halt past one floor. has 4. laage hedeooms, AUCTIOH SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects and. Miscellaneous Items On the Pi-cimises. Lot ge, Alain Slrret 3:3,. In the VILLAGE Ole ZITRICH The Undersig•ned Auetioneer is instimeted to sell by mono Atm - tion on SAIrl AnaY SEPT. 1, 1051 . at: 1190 Okikineac r,TtLva, ESTATE: Consists of Lot 20, Main Street East. In the VII - lags: •of Zurich; acres of land. more or IPA% on seinen is situated a weli ponstructed friable dwell - ism Main floor consists or large o'elnelc in the afternoon rnom awl sun porch. -also welt lime) at the the :Howie. (Tolle* • 44x3.0 ft La nil is rieh. Ontario. fee the hearing .of • all parties interested suppoit .05 or opposing the following' by- law. BY-LAW NO.. 28, 3937 .f1V-LAII, ,05' TkIE ii.JORPORA- TION OS".131310 COLTIVI3V OP +VG - 'mix TO REGULATE THE LOCA- TION OP BUILDINGS AND STI117'0'PL: RES ON LAND Al) - ACENT TO COUNTY ROADS.. WHEMEA.S. It is deemed to he neceseary and desirable to regu- late the location of 'buildings and struetures on. land adjacent to Certain comity roads; AND WHEREAS, authority la ; . • . granted under Seaton 311(a) of 100,ACRES-Hippen distrlet. level The Biglantay Imlii•ceement .ket as amended by Section 2 or The clay Mem; hydro in house and barn: good water supply, Price Highway improvement Amend- - eee talent. Act 1054 to exercise such 212,000,00. power subject 10 the approval or BRAND NEW-liebedroom, 1 -floor the Municipal Board, 'bowie with garage, up - to - date The Council of the Corporation kitchen; beautifully tiled bath- of the County of Huron enema as HELP WANTED room; large dining-livang roon fine basement with 0114:turning furnace; attached garage. 52,002,off cAs'a with monthly PaYe tents will purchase good brick home choice location. akPARTAIENT HOUSE. centrally located, 4 completely self-contain- ed, furnished apartments. This le a, brick building with everything in. the best or repair throughout. Will provide . comfortable home and .ineome. P RICE 26,500. with 21,500 raga RoomY brick 'heuse. 'Well located. 305141102 of PAYments maYinbitai spread over 10 years. CEN'13RALIA. - 3 -bedroom home w ith anproximatelY acres of lend. This 1101182 la well wired, re- decorated throughout, has good Water inside. Price 0,2,0051. Liberal terms, Immediate possession. 1.55fe To huY or sell See a V. Pickard, Realtor and -General Insurance, 3:34 lalain St., Exeter, phones 365 and 618. 20tfa 2 WAITRESSES -Apply Burkley Restaurant. 1,0:22:39:5:12c 113EI6T METAL MECHANIC, ex- perienced. , able to read blue- prints. Top wages for ,good man. Geed. 'working condition's. Apply Dzisla.b. Heating & Cooling Co., 136 Lite Street, Point, Edward, Sarnia, Pet. 29:50 IIENSALT1 or district woman for crating eggs, Light piece work. latiekle, phone.10.3, lien - 5c RE,LIABLE WOMAN to do house 'emelt and cat•e for-Arie Ap- ;Ay 'Barry Armstrong, 1.1..R. No. 1, Exetee, phone 92-r4 Zurich. 5:12* SERVICES CUSTOM BEAN COMBINING: -An - ply Norm Whitirig, phone 65511V e.vezaings. 2915c follows: 111 No person shall erect. any building or atructure, any part of which 1s located closer to the nearest limit of any of the -County roads or parts of the County roads. hereinafter defined than - 25 feet. where the road la 100 feet wide, 42 feet, where the road is 66 feet wide, and in no case closer to the centre line of ilia original road allowance than 75 feet. (Z) No person' sharlerect or' in- stall gasoline iimpi: -1a.) ',loser than, 60- feet from the centre line or the original road allontance (b) on a curve or the crest of a. hill (c) on the tangent to a hori- zontal or vertical eurve. where the sight distance.131 Jess than 800 feet in each direction. cholee Clay loaara very suitable (3) The County :made or Parts of county 'roads defined by this by-law Ara as follows: NEW 140U11]5 nearing comPletion. The entli-e. county road eystem Forced air oil beating. Nice loco- 6548111101 in (••liedule "A" a BY' - Reasonable price. Apply 30 , Law No. 53, 1;54-, same and ex-. Tom Walker, Nelson St., phone rent ouch parts or 11,42 youn(y 551. steo road system ivhirh lie within the limits or any Tnwn. Village. nr 3 -be))- Police 'Village within tile County ANDREVar ST., 'EXETER, room hotne, Johns:Manville. me- of Huron. ! dent lcitchen, living room, dining (4) The C orn or at ita n of the room, bedroom and 2 -piece bath Comity of Huron, by their -Clerk, on mean Poor; 4 -piece bath and may give notice to the Owner or 2 bedrooms up. Situated on a Occupant of any land requiring for gardening. Convince, yourself by inspecting this prOpeety. Tertns of Real Estate: lee; an day or sale; balance. in 30 ilaye, Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. 1101-S Te 0 LE EFFECTS AND - MISC. rrosies, Shelvadore refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., lilts new; Plane° 31 -inch television, eom Plete with and rotator, used 6 months; WestitighouSe electric -washing- machlne; GE ra.dlo; Clare Jewel kitchen stove; Duo Therm oil heater; 3 -piece ehesterrield: dining room table with 6 matehing chairs; studio; 3 oak' rockers; 2 loather rockers: bufrol; cupboards; centre tables; kitchen table and chairs:•mirroral iampe; fancy table iampe; Sinieer sewing machine; bureau; 4 complete bedroom suttee; 2 toi- let sets: electric -clotic; kettle and Iron; 2-huriter hot plate; large assorimht ot` dienes; glee:s- wore.; silverware: eomlete set of dishes; :nate; blankets; comfort - Real Estate AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Dwelling Dirpeay Across from 1.t.V. onurott And Lots IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURTCYI The Undersigned Auctioneer la instrueted to sell by public auc- tio.n on 3"):"aPt.1"):3AQ1VISoctIK4PTP...1151,:, 1057 rty,Ar, ESTATE: C'onsisting of Lot 94. Knell Survey, liars- St , in the Village of Zurich. on which is elluated a well built -white attimmummentaimommumenuttemememe WHITEWASHING CLEANING- Arrangerothts can be made. BM Watson, Daithwood. obone 19. litre $03188031. STIATIPEN:rNG - For an expert job. take your scissors to Wuertli's Shoes, Main, Exeter, 511 20,FURIIOW Fora) PLOUGH. $ 05 1 3411J11,13.0W 1,ILC. PLOUGH ttttt /VA • $ 05 1, 2 HAY LOADMS--What am I bid? DEAD STOCK.: Picked up prinpt-: ly in sanitary truelts, Small elae,rge, made for animals, wider 500 lbe. total. Phone eollect: Mt, eter e17: Willisara Stone Sone Limited, legersoll. 30 1 Larry Snid‘r Motors I Ford .Monarela.Ditaltr - PHONE 60 Sales and Wyk. EXETER CARPENTRY WORK, roofing and siding, repairs and ad:Utter:a. Ap- ply Arthur rio,y, anti GhtleY Ste Phone 46 Exeter, ,• 24•1.11 lbeentilithiltittithlutentelittidifinaititterititilleintiOnnannellintreinittnitnntitenititrainifinaillnint! • lovely let. An extra lot Included. e5,500 with 53,000 down, terms for balance. Apply Mrs.' Charles Tin- dal), 220 ,UniversitY Ores., London, Phone 5-2036, SiStre 1 PLOOR, insial brie, living morn fireplace, •2 bedreems, full bath, nice kitchen, full cellar, Itirnace, hot water tank,. central loeation. PRAME 1-TUSE, Z-bedtoom, hydro, WANTED HORSES -Will buy itity kind of horees, hesavy tar light. Btty,„. ;tell or exchange, Call 135, Frank l'aylor, Exeter. iitfc bath, oil eat. • 1 -STOREY HOUSE, new furnace, 3 - Mete bath, new roof, garage. Min to remove or alter any be lc - Ing or structtire erected eller the Passing of tine By -Law that does not eomply -with sections 1 ant•L and each nottee under this section Oen be. in. writing end Spot by registered 211811, addressed to the Owner or Occupant of the 1511(1. (5) If the. person to whom the notice is given, loader section 4 above fails to comply with It within 30 days from mailing oft such Aotice, the Corporation of the County of Huron Ines?' ,clirect any officer. employee or agent of ald Corporittien to Pn nil 1121(1 remit HOUSE, 6 -room, in the land and do or reirse sin be very convenient shopping mate, bath, hot and cold water, cash deal, qpick possesiben.. iStre ArAtt'atgNT 110518E, oil furnace bath- done, whatever may,be tapeeesary, . to rerriove. or altet suet i 1 ' or structure mentioned in said notice. heat separate entrances and EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 8Ew3SIa. 5A1:3t41741,18 ItTloost1r510o Hockey Putniture, Phone' 99, Ex. x' bsk the Week. flempea, . (6) Pvery person wins violates Gt n oany e proclaim1e of Settioris ('0011.16.oodinves,inet.God th dwelItnea 3 bedrooms, bathroom up- 2 and 3 Or fells to comply with Floor Sanders stairs: living _room, dininz. room, den, kitchen, main floor: furnace. 55tfe W A Y 100 ACRES, brick houee, large borne, silo. drive - shed; 515,000. STEP 33307.3 1 0 0 ACRES, brick house, has conveniences, large shape barns with goad stabling, litter careiee. Write, phone or eollie, W. C. Pearce, Realter, tx.eter, phone 435; Part Parets, Phone 507, Fred Cole. Photte 536-W, Salesinee. 11t50 Guaranty Trust IIENSALL 3 -Bedroom frame 110111r, immitete. bite, :modern ktle.hou and bath, new en heating unit. Well worth Vitae inspection. 1,4k,SSATA, torat ttoroage, 0011v#1112111 lo ytt- tago, kept briek 1101152 '64111) th turnaoa and ba. Pelee toductit, 14-'0,Ns2tIr..a, • <o(1o. er fieseit 11(11125.Mo(16.5113-bedrhom brie): liettge. exceptionally Well decorated - reeI opportunity to acquire a 1100 bowie. 33))'(11'5(5(n1) Krick 1161150, modern fcitehett, good state Of er repeir, tit ftinittee. 1-1tINSAIA, tboou 'Vr1pobre1§ht1! 2-Redrooln brick honee, brae ant aetnceteo.Teti.t10 water Ott tieeting nen, herclwood 'More Ito and down, Pood 1114542 PE/VERS t-lAraMMAIkei gXttER of r patr u.tib 2-05?' garage, pelted for tramedlitte We. New dass In Band Instruments will be started in September. Parents of children from 9 years up should come to Town Hall, Exeter, Monday. Sept, 16, '7 to 9 p,M., toor- sut with band instructor. A limited number of instrU- ments will be available ,to those that qualify. EXETER DISTRICT JUNIOR BAND GRAND BEND AND DISTRICT • RICK'S TV RADIO SERVICE Pbone 192 EXPERT PROMPT GUARANTEED Grand Bend -a mintAisiiimmimmtimemmosturstossittionitottitettistantirmumtersammuummitugmuntmailitionA versioselleesissielesimmi notice given under Sectlen 4. ellenLe, be guilty or an offence awl on • summary conviction Shalt hit 11' shle to a, peaelty of not more then fifty dollars. ($50.051 foe e4,Ch offencp and eon(Intience of the -condition enestitettni.-, 41 offence for earth week after eon- • vletion, therefore, shall constitute a. 11011'- offente. (7) This Itty-ititw shell come 111)0 effeet upon the day It is pAssed by Conn0i sknhjert to the approvel of the ()Merle lttml- eipal Board. ' Reed a. Pest, sectond end third Otte, and finally passed this 14th clay of .Tune, 1057. (Stgtie(5) A. 35. 'ERSKINE, County Clerk (Signeti) 1-1AROLD GOWDY, Vitarden, COunty of Huroe. 5:I2e TV SETS m43, uteoilb 111,AY1sft8 St1C1C14 hAtItti AV,itvICel rhos* illerind tend iD2 Mitre I< 11-11e1rnon1 home tan bIghway, /o- mit Prielc. 1)a311 end enneerted ell furnace. (400(5 aimed Int. Iota, 10005. Tdeal -fOr rooted People -,e %irked to stall With. 1.0211114. et tees, A: t ItiOng, itntinkft 05. TItttd (ATM 'Properties Itwg,11% ttblo or your eousideratioo* y ewr ters 81'''"7"Ar'r) bttr3t)IvrAmdt• Guaranty Trust fit Wttll.t. Oft 11014,114 Molitor • ttiqt1S.A.b1YOCA3t ft. ft. P.A.ERVOI Phone /TO Photo 61, Ilousau It tatft AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the reeirlisest. Mato Street Wein. in. 1 he 111.11..4 ale hP 11 A 14'W110 The tindereigned Auefinpeer re- tektruetieftet to tell kW Tkublie Aust ton hia, et elkt 11 OA SEPT. 14, tiW nt 1 100 61111ri) rism; 1-48TAT14: Coosistiog: int 24, rinit 11, 1 315 Acre% ef tend 11)1 whien lit ititneted a Well built • dwellibg. "Mein floor ra,iiitt dirtling awl livitag mein end 3 be:leonine, etnell eummer autt 11111113' rOntri, Soehnd hOirntln% And eitltheg elotalat. Pull basenteht. /Argo tr 112. Property nicely tilitteteti end grim) Stele ol 301)31 )1'. Also ‘ery suitable ho,1li1ia1 101e. 1 it EAT. mr .vrt;: cel s it t g• n f 11 lets. 23 in 30, MI 'Willtt 16 eitit- Med 11, frit 110080. tellattinciev all ItT via ran rev. 5. teentlet(ut levelled for servieo atatioo. motel Or alleP Ihitsrettit. terms' of Itfial tstste: 1011, en • diY oS AaIA; bgiauek Ili an 41410. Sold subject to k roasonablk t0.1 " WE'RE MOVING TO A NEW LOCATION—At the end of September, we plan to move our store to the premises formerly occupied by Doug Rivers Food Market, across from the Town Hall. Before we go, however, we want to reduce our stock considerably' to simplify our moving' prob les. We're slashing prices and giving away bargsins that bring tre mendous savings to you. Come in to get them . . . NOW! • Records Regular 90c each Three Fpr 74c Over half of our huge stock of popular, hillbilly -western, semi -classical arid classical records will be on sale at this exceptional price. A special bargain. table will be loaded with hundreds of these discs. Youll find lots you. want to buy at such a saving! BestrDeals In Town! Special TRADE4N Allowances On: + Frigidaire Appliances 41 RCA Victor Ti 1958 TV And Sets 14, PHONE 16