Huron Signal, 1850-06-06, Page 2t.,cteher for Oxford c,'mn.ittrd any tmpro- pnrt; in stem,: to Ir.q..re %hat were his venison• f..r r'ining. kfr. R,!Jw n then read the GIyam e+lTlltI,l ,r by Ilu.kr. Ila �1. C•eis etwr. d I1. da that alienee y the"' w le- /lee was mean r.t•od*i,_?�' m,t,rldighsl in, a •home' ar,.t.,'♦diib. was wrnnp�s 1�reShsA a t ! B 1 them ani hnldeng there ip to reprnacb for Mr. C. must ray that to 4 meet heard their liberality. If it were se the fine. Fee- or the propneal re ere' I pod hers set had er Wow General, met ' .. ' M fone �l a. r.•1 1 :'rows ti ���' 111 he LA r. J lees data• of his jth '' elra''rd?u' 'W O. on a bet a be Wm, ge,n,ers1 i the Prwtah•nl of f hem• rpvhe.'416 IR. tital'I•1'0N (Nu/to:1) •.idaccord .ng 9 Th Inr�.e�jpf epb_ a:L ra ` n.ent office, a IL'lrtid6• it M •tire t. ,,f �IL1'lfetto me71lj1 deem tome* up 'f 7 T. eo of as 'e'1 IY awe prrtioe4: balaecin • f k{e j _ ,} err a a fr5.apj. u - !e fsbU...e!w Upper L*� Tunw•rr Gondar atraS•rwl►'a RI7ler4tarire'1jt raw' ieh tits Y+re CMeeellor ceseurred, it �m r,,,ogl.l.ppose nee• rale deer rime ',I 'of hkir•;! the beat created men, ince, be defrayed from the Imeertat Treoo- ws• ,Ircl,lr.± that Ihe orders had he{�1r It) co I.1 mot 1' mut* of r. '!.e C•'unc•I. «Ase san•or* r.. «as oaf had admitted Mr. C5 proposition to keen d'. lr •nc:.mrn• rD ��.+ +, ohm,_ , h twill sec 5 e ! .Ca erne: _ »•iae. she Pr . w__ a� 7rnss abuse of tha�rrrrngattre, to De r� elated r oa tbo wn e ,1F wt(tl, 7e i ttre.< 1•:rro ells, r Mr,. It the* egad the rote I ore foto( jet eon's 0 n an p1r mpo s a interfere not ra of leer m t•w re Iwani .•f i .•n nt 1 err of would impossible • to inte.tere ►►a ( os • tr'' q 4. enterer /rIf then was not a ('ennead he was taliafied with the dtseoui,m • the the duties to be •fonne.l Ihsln �' •p urea mr waaLwa 'hi to s011 •II they 1. make so eters ars s to room, is ad, - facto stied fir hiss had Leen alnuttrd h cyrp Iy gt tort" 1 n the ep •jeer nfnAe (:ron•n• tits malt*r will, g n i 1 .. r t rl. 4 at 11 expedient to fend ail fess of legs of the Court, oiler its present Cameo -lien, tier #Albin i tiflf,Ni fitij,► insole ed some very delicate considerations- 11e n,sitsrstoad tet the decrees •oink Owing reversed by Ibe Chancellor, and u mount rig In the seercgste sit ry to pr n nd 19 yI elle' {jrfrr, ter. ?leo 1IM 1,Mloetie (seem en Kemble Address hat jra'" prem,/ Chet fat eeJsf7, � �d is up s j Oemt•ttls'1Ti sdt a►nmgeme*tri 4 Tim N to ex1(wJfinl to withdraw the related to mat ten eyes whieh Ihe y rem dwIol Meese sans F t of d'Rb vel f nm h w ls- ' ! ! err t deer his p� poral a ,�{�!{� �,((, ?ire":r •trios nimbi (o be appawl.J for their file Attornieo Goners' from the political buss had isd II y th,i r.•I rronl,r. to snob any w a w • effir•c 1u(11t�Ct�antdst t•Ilhrl de nese and their acquaintance with the nature a of the G�vernment, anJ to tertram IJ M ( r that It t of Pe [ them to their dooms as taw officers ,slauon but n ward t bI toenail (c wade o•os•wi1 hvt", 1 yy��r�,,pp �pmo pn,� #1 4 sed ass ren, bb- w n Qee+'.man w5 , He telt ,en• 1.e would say yes I old )etr 1 tAskks tbae ts. 4� ,1 hl �Me e- t mrn.hrr, el top C�"pv'flt, t� Id teem )f�1�ar•/� 11« .,p' a C o r* 411ettao rnF 6, That it a expedient to tntrodhcn the Mr CAMERON of Cornwall 'V fo'.Alij +M R� the hon, tr.•nr'rrraen had t , evade it 51,115. would draw from them. acroru'ist. to thea were bound to take up the Clergy )terns ..L.-, ve nrine,pto into the conelitul mn of �ymitditie ) etPlainsd � d, • . . tfia I.i¢1tfiRee �llFfy: re r rant* of a r iLlr,Pl. N•M-e..• suit otoe awed or rnodbl r •• a a'te thelj palmy. :aid .84 II to ambit' •ell•ewel• "-seorlo11ar'ern 'IP+eltMM . ran•• they tad no meter. ile 1 Mr. C -j �„v+np r.• ire:enc• . f! the G •teroment have no nothing' os this sly decrees, but on y to trot to L. Tis bow, /r'on•rr, he sewed . ole•trd in u.« it neatest the �n�� moll , all appointments to olcoundor the (aeylrm- certain nrdlr. of theiceThrt, pr ! y. kir, PRICE: raid a• the fins- men, r f •1 thereon, it propel, that that have a.Awmrd mmol of ihie Province. Mr, BALDWtN had kmhwn aofhlri 'as tin ...t•,'k, me lie 'rn, 5'''. 1.,1111 0( h•.SJ eoot,•eded that • mum poet road, and le*d Kort %sit allndrd to hem he w.,nl.l 5, 1 a s pnrtlee to which they err rmemial, Ile Mr. CHRISTIE then rontruled rhe ea- the ease but what he hadgatbered from etre the d. noil,y, a. t•rthern 1'p;e•r ID t 1.nter'leg road ie tach district, were orutrnttel, fon* worts. ile &Omitted the cerrecloi .- of rt,en read extracts from a speech of hir pend,ter° of our Government with that of 1 `anal.. w*. 'n be rrrn-•ve ±. in new of•bIr ,statement• n/ members. {otters Der refer* to rt.• hon. member for I amJ accummodaled the people as much u 11 r. Cameron's statement of the erten •e I±sldu ir', in which the In1r government the `State of New York, ahnwing the extra- is evict 4TM4 111 TNR fT. LawaR+t{, canab : and ware' the government )bel .5.01 a the foreauon of the tenth -newel. „•ere strongly condemned fur not making essence !of our n 18J3 no L Itur. i �t1,180, werto e Mr. METHOT inquired of the ministry (Z“1..•,.1• •n;!'.t•1' 1•. unn'.r,'.t er of Cruse be "Hid always hold Phis doctrine. and Upon Mr. Sullivan'seleert,n in the herein. the Clergy Re PPPPPP a cabinet rection. Lando, .0 J l.. •• 1i±• • 1 pot w. Own was shot them dire not deny r1. Ile Mr. C. wan 1')q paid u wearier, whereas 11 the Dart tea acre if it were tote that ,s an,' inland n mceeos tae [ Mr. Camwros callwd upr,o him (Jdr. enol \I r. lllNC63.-I1 re mot tea same ten rom0 down the Ltk►e am teas arran7• cunni u...i 1 uu/.ie wtu(eetory gLA that top Attorney General Aad ulmiu- supr(festeJ 1L•t )be orr(fmal arrrngemrni ,td at Ail. id by s fixed salary 13000 or18JU0 would 1 heporta to 50 tipper f'aro's. est that be (Mr. C.] wantr.' nal! nom Com-( ) be. ffieient. Ife then came to the resole- Mnntre+I, there to dil,rAarge their cargoes could now be carried put ; hr Mr. 1' be Air. 130ULTON continued.. !t thou Go- and take in new freight for the interior; end 115, GtYi.Mlf .ai.(�h+.1 s' not wnfenland wosose', and was w'lltno to remain re Provincial Secretary. and Mr. Cameron neremrel believed the question shooed not lion for having the Governor's Salary de- of such were theme• why Quebec had bees the Amore -•r Genera• s •ttn+ion to lire 011• mike, and that ober 1•AJ offered him the Corn,ni,.ioner of Crown Lands. ile (Mr. he touched, why d.d they not attempt to (raw out of the Imperial Treasury. The re/used eh/. nrfe•feee, lmntmeer of 11.0 bon, member f,r (4-; Inc I „like of Chief C•wsuns•emee, and even of P ) declared that he would not go beck to ....lin Ihe public agitation on the stbjeet,- it nment that the 100010 of this Province so the crow a 14Pd4. . provincial I'estu•aatcr G•:rtral :this fee' our eonruluentr under eat consideration.- g Mr. HiNCKR to tepee •afd that to far s Mr. BA a)'sVIN •xplatnDd 1l,*1 when I J, •• joie ran n to the wont,' bow to direction fol tthe-member ti paying the Salary of Coe 'heirGover bhad00% i hiewtrned the Inland trade at the port of wan t pi.l ..f she to matter. Ile Mr. Cawarun ret'u•ry ' M. P,rce ws. Motto to emote ere s bonnet ; (Mr. 1'.) had est,' in his first let'cr that •pier House." I He (Mr. P.) r (, sci.- for 1h, forth Radio it was a retest say-( telt to hive an under )her► e1). (,. had hia'. 1 no only edence had been made this occasion,the a :i,lam'mtent „1 LIS ellcclooenr 1 they were tete only immeu,ate canoe of h a C• Ca or has to here any a It noes the oiover- 1 year. This eels arlyantasn that was gives {Ic aJnllnrd that un h1 r. Cameron's trk'iiC reg. tl at wh+t wens sauce for the genre err hs• reared to be a I:rSpnesible offline- to Mrmtrntl way that foreign vessels were uu leek.' oft and the 1,01. too suttee lot nsigoatron, for he was *Wing to wars tel office he (Mr. C) said salary was no nl•- ct s. -es sa'•ee for the err r. Hit was right Qeb:;p wild 811411111.1111`11. kir. 1(ridour thear.suR s'e the Ministry now tieing rrsnne+Ale, lin els' ersnis en np to that city ender s • star}kh retract from Mr. T11nr1' rp,.•eth at �"Rerence(0-) a set••Jntn rotoalm a.he*s. the bon. uentlr--man saylthatasalary w�atcaad f r the late administration to lake Imp the Ge question 01 withJnwinp the Attornies tial permiseion. TAe government leas In ex at4auon of what Ire A IMMt throe object to Mm. kVhcn he determined to Ciersy Rrmrmel and make it a kabinet General from poetical busrnc.*, he sane Ms most ansinns "hat the navigation of the 1 •e Price D,nnor, end ,:.:.1 bre enol.' nM , et -mire -Met (shat the hen.- member f .r l>x• fj1! question, 11 could Rot be right /or Me pre- ubj"tl in moving a resolution wait to get the St. Lawrenee shooed be free, kat at this Lard Lad •tal,d, NM the bon. u, •arbor for 1raj ehnu¢ht sees d Ihr�lr, aa.si . bow leave lb• guv.rwmewl a ltd expect hes of- writ government to be keeping the (petition su j et brought prominently before the moment, owing to the poaltion of lee reel - 1111 w.tul4 Mr. rm... going. seal watt. b jee wora4af be offered 10 the bon. member, in the back ¢round, enamor at ite e.te 'metal election. tartlet's question then were not prepared to Kent amen€ 1 In cxpatct. 1!u -Lad nothing ..F,.t ah 1111, or served economy 1 He lir. ,awl Paul whine " I am sot01 10 'mown In Mr. NOTMAN opposed l smeclmant. ogMr. 8Ai5D�%IN saidof a the subject exteMd to the Americans the free Naviga- te lay ori thea• pular..• ' C , f',ere explained, it wroth' sive C16� 5 ;november. ant if a will utak* any,drfference and he diJ so becnusr be thought this eat. the ..T'helluq,.Mv. CAMERON, (Kent) rose, tear. or the bringing in n1 Vr. rtrn-entnb 01 i *lit bold my office a mouth longer to oblige not the proper 1110 to bre de te*twn r taking lino of that river wr_..;_ ate egnivalenf. It ( Pe veer 9' this n +..,rc rcrccarr by peace -meal, when the was one of the principal means by h' 't modest ►at he Jl.lt 4•Lhged to the Il.e• Mr: ern: body else, ss Receiver liwwersl ; Atioroet Genera: her the tenet en tabteb lied Inert (slue oil s. they t terwmeeldaut base ¥,comet' the q wruon : but 1or(and it w'au 1141e,41 Leu, Lbe. Cameron. rote the d,iemoma the tone in *loch the bon...gesllegtas met ' of bccv;,uog an o16Ce he cun•iJured unuc- ail q •e-.t,nn•=comes ani cowls. But lie'Cess.ly, iliat • ught to have Leen abuLrnheJ. /Mr. (-'.leans( say that Mr. ' Bildwii bad or estate hes own words, and. dccerviag bus ...l ergi.nl toee:nineobv , be Aad bit 65 Ai 1 eionstttuenls-or of leerier the Govero - prufv.•t •wi ti,a..a:t..:-i.or bad recited ape- Lomat-the elterne•ive he choose. and why 1 cial p'c* luig.-hu bard ends *i fOreoLin rake 1 He eaid'1he d.Akatty was not of his snakier, s• w iwnoa-talc bad appealed to pre,' slice Mr. VO1ev would ail en,"e to Upper Casa- un•t un a .ly' wet facto. 11,: (Mr.. 1;AL:twin) da, and he rw'et!oed t.. *tilt C's convenience hwl tweet erne+ piarlrre bf a pp*refeeWue , -'ur. Cmmtrue eioul l not c.wle. sod he which 9'14" t Lith. In. n;,('- ft the wore remelted to suit ha conveuieace-had col 'wttr•wr ho better pert;' Ind *hihties cq'a11 er of them remained, there would Lata Le;u" edby few m Ganda Vet Mr. C. without t no diffoence in the nn,uber of French or AMIGO elsklteq *5110,51 pr..k•r►ionel t lent I English : or had thrix ,tare been refilled or education, felt suol,g sr his sectitude I without moving Col. Tache, no dif ieolty a&d fully able s-tiefetottiy' to reply -•fur 'ills 1 wend have neeurred wrthrhen', (Mr. C.) - natural rviienee of look needs none of But no considerate*, war lakes of 1im to • these aria 10 over toter so,,br•1rt,"'an he (i.per Casale, 1, u,n,t be forced into an world jut' 00.nrncnce by showing ober. 144:e be said he would not fake. -',e oust. (Mr. P.) at once declared ♦e would cam- Smith of 15011 Wert b, 9tr-ceneoe, Ceche.; that the question should be constant!, be- The steamer Ate.: arrived this Jenrette/et eetrenchment was fe hie proposittnn ; from hate an election. and be shifted about, be- plummet the lino. member for Kent for has- \'iger,�50. iig brontht up and made the sohject 0f po- S o'clock. at Heltfax, {p fess then nine days. • the hon. Attorney Gorrarsownstatement, cause i .at was the only reason 5t1eo to /117 chan_ -I his min.:. The letter published Atter several mottoes for sajnurnmenl pular *citation. In :newer to the member Cotton ham idranra! one-el/Mb. Brral 1be q'aestioue were ing.0itrwly pert loci.- him at the I'r.co dinner, or now-:.ecauee it by la.0 (11 r. P.) ant w'becb be had Jost had been voted down, the address, in anwer for Gu Mr. Bldw,n said It was ter 1 alt a Way tmpresesoe. The Attorney. was necessary to get in a gentleman fol ,,.ay, ua. rl,'u*n to hers culloagues beTore to the speech from the throne was then �'y•toff. were bettor; Flour had advanced I . I. li:ncral ba said, 1. tie that top Attanee5 Goer. in Entitled are ' g,l a ±s, td. ; Corn •had adysaeed Is. • I* d d, of Mr. Carnero0 l4*d Quebec, the member npnosite,=and when bettor e' ut lo urea., anJ the member Fan, and everted, 44°10 1.1• not mcushers of the Cabtoet: bet there are !W. 1Vhewt had advance) 2J. a W pet To YEAS :-Messrettrs Armstrong, Att'Y•' two legal gentlemen in the Cabinet. hlero ! ihs, Prortafon. not ••lith but stead you. '• Mr. price lien read a portion mho, op •I ah01.• .ubjrrt wa, to De referred to a r m- thea expected In err 0rc roti r w Ic. p neuro to show theleed al s bad given ronore NrsCatrernn trett diener O" tyro gevstim being prt•tlew.lrese, (.r' nthnee, hs del not aspect Ie see the hon. [An interesting khat. followed ripen a g tbeameedmenr, 8 ; wtraeras1,it,1 ember for Gasp quiet so deciJes'ly a Melton to fotralnee a lilt for simplifying pe u,nelt.on. lea neat read a hotter from YRS• --flea *, rs B'vntt, 6a eruw of gsiaut bee exprcaaion 111 tb. )!arae On that the pr*etiee n( the eau•, by Sfr, Norman: a d'ffrrcaceuf pin whle&Istes' between hi Kent, DaWttl, Lr',e, IInl c,, Lyon, alt-toc_a•,• n. The ministry, in )his master• and mitten (et rrtrnduce a 01!! to require the Eireniarr, P Confetti,and 1'ropuneat,-R. iso ,r- err+rinirt ldedb t%one in England cesandlh u were eS it has stated rennets from the ffeaJt e( Department', by self mod the other members of the cabinet Nars:-Steesicure. Armstrong. g \:r. 1V, ll. Keihin. T)nring this discos. on the Clergy Reserves. Ile bad not, as ley, Attorney General Baldwin*, Buutten. of , of opinion that we could sot on wrong bt .inn, *tame shat•+ word.* paned between stated in that letter, entered the govern- Toronto. Bonti111er, Cartier, Catchall. Cay-' beim. gurood by precedent, of tho British Col. Pr;nr" nod Solieitnr General Drnrn- ment with any pledge. ile also read from bey. Chabot, Cbaurea?►, Chrimis. Dasiisea! Parliament in all eases. He deprecated mon.!: and it was repnrtc•', yesterday morn another which newspaper e pd at n wer er in suchnce ex -solicitor Genesi, Drsmmene, Darbe•nay, i the practice of appealing to the dollar pre- ire, that a hn•t,te mrrt-ne was likely to DOMAIN Ferguson, Filet. Fowrue,. Font-, polices of the community. Tho fn""'" 1.1e place -s The high hsrl,5' was on •her t.tr'., 'Phis warn true, unless Mr. Cameron nier,. Go'!ler, 114;1, laepertor General; ment were in favor ol reducing the public 'a- donkont for the part:... ' Tho rubslance of Mitered loon lots c.dlea,•uoe on the subject. meet., j"bio, Johnson, Leeman., Attorney oendiiure so far as could be dose without the*'.hese 'a unaruioatly po'IppnrJ t;''1 oar While at muntrcal, before the last sesame. Genenl La(osta•ne, Laurin, Lemieux, Me-' l.nparrrne the efficiency of the pub!ie set- 0015.1 himself, 1Jr. Ballwin, ani 31r. Cameron,. Nab, Malloch, Si -Lees. 3Eethot, Meyers, ,ire. Teas desire for reducing the Salaries were talking at the dinner table. Mr. Mongenarr, Morrison, Nelson, Noumea. of the heads of department' had very awl- ARjtIV. L OF TIIB•tBI-i. ' Baldwin seam", "What about the Clergy Price, Rfehant*. Rohinsosv Rose. Seas:- deftly rprime up-sipee the geeikruen on Alimm Reserves r Mr. Cameron replied that he Beau, Scott of Two 7losstains, Soar neer, i the ' onpert►o0 benches ware in ',cello of SEVEN feVm -i *mmg Jiwa �vspe hooked upon that as a settled question, lie Sherwood .d Brockville, Smut of Wawa, j Mese Salaries ; and be thought it wrong Mew Yea.* !1, gone to the Crone Land Mr. Merritt ta..jtwet understood thu Mr. Priers was enter for Kent approved 01,1, and eve, cnmoft' fhb Pottle Works, where wan the retrench- out. the lost subm,tteI to best (115• C.) to mented hen no the style in which it was meet " 11e (llr. C.) would telly., jest in epergne, was felled up with the amine of the written. The hoe. gentleman oke the giggly used by the aboliahing nl the i;llire bon, member for Q•rrirvc sr Com uts,toner question, if 1m dad not say he would omega .of frowsiest of t1. CnunriI end Ateistaot of Crown Lands. 11e (Mr. l'.) protested with tae on the Clergy R•se'vequestion? .(e..nomerom'1r of Poblee Work., wine was detetmioed too before' mod int/realest by the nn the -ground .that Mr. Bootillier was a Mr. CAMERON -Yes* Sol will you now French Canadian, andthe to Commis- enc that did . say so 1 stoner wen. French Canadian, it small be Mtn PR ice recoffecu that 05 aid occa- • General Baldwte, Bouttlher, Dnrtert, Cam- ,t week' a imrq,w,ble to forma govern- ! American Stocks had advanced. •roll of Kest, Cartier, Chabot. Cha . , meet without having in it some lawyers.. i Pohl Mel news rot important but karma Davlau•tn,DeWitt. Solicitor Genenl neon,- 1VIth respect to the eoreplatnt 'that there ling. Tho Atlantic was to mail 1.:. sw mond. Duebeanay Duma:. Evac. Furey.-., are too many lawyers in the House, the ar- i York on the ?Soh instsat. son, Flint. Furber, Furore', GUM', Ilan, astor was that the people sent them here-' - Y th C d' if h Chief d 1 Inspector General 1lrseks, Flo:mer, JobiIh end in oar state of society., the selection of FURTTIER FORETGN NF:t'-S. fi(rgs ; and ear n nut u rtiamoral to pal a Johnson. Lacoste. Attorney GeseMO' Lafoo-' lawyers to serve a members of Parliament :em York, 1Gy :d. feet in a W' y to wee:ve toed give a wrung very nesatisfaetory to Cards weal. Ile' sioo life' bun. gentleman 414 mer "0*5001 trine. Laurin. Lemieux. Lyon, Mathis i was a matter of ,necessity. As regarded ; The morning paper. of the aeries:e4 tinkessfoo re i1 was broedly to 1rotate molested that the habits of Mr. Chabot von wait and go mit with me r (liMonomialMonomialsIlluevien.. Nelson, Net...,' mere personal advantage, and be ho; ea he ' Press contain further details of the ago. • rine 1 ile (Sir, C.) thought so, and re- wen such that le should not be admitted, - hear.) t\'hon he [Mr. 11.1 .came u? here Rive Richards, Ross, `3assregeee, Benttef,I was shove such eon•ideration : he should brought by the Asia. emitted t.:;st the Attorney --General had and was told by' Mr. Lafontaine that C I.. Mr. Cameron did ask ifl:o could mot remain- Two Moussrms, Smith of Doerba., Broth prefer to devote the who's of hes time to' Te weather• for the growing crena f.•. thine 'hes. The Aitorney-General %Vest Teche had armed to take charge of bim • - _'{•be bar.. gentleman wanted one of two of Wentworth, Timbre. asd Viger+44. ! departmental duties, g.ln.,00 circuit, slid the week previous had been unfavorable t' staled tk.t Ae (Mr. C.) was dissatisfied at Mr. LAFONTAINE -No, I did not• - things -either lea jMr.-P's) u@ice or when NAVA :-Messienrs Oakley. Boulton of coodi.cting ,criminal business; to attending England. _ al,a t ktataob of Mr. Bullists to Ihe betiel►. 1 Mr. CAMERON--The:e are thecircum-' It shuuli null lois affairs, to come in and Turooto, Caylev, Christie. McNab, Mal -I so politieal duties. !le argue•! th,r it was The alienee on Sour had been 1*. ltd. to Phis .at iucutiecl. end nut what was in- stances of the rrsigmation, and if the bon. late *ome other cRace in' the government.' Loth, Mknoll tI, McLean, Meters. Paton -111 impossible to fix the number of the Cabinet, Rs and not to 9. 4.1. ss 50111 last eveotog. trn.Ict ; no toe to j-deedtt.ore than he (Mr, gentleman had ehuwti than fie (SIP. C.) lie [Mr. C) wanted to resign ue aee000t of was. Robimsom, tleymot,r, Sherwood .f[ (or that must vary aclnnlioq to rho exigen- ENGLAND. C.) at the elevation of tlist ir,tir'gnuhed wanted env change -if he had gone tether,' his own privets affair*. and that he now Brockville, nod 01e01000.,-11, 1 ties u( the times. The hon. genticroso he mariner in which England bad settled orator and j.11.1 et, 1M' !tench. 13:it he to desire.chungr-If he he l meet shown a sought to put it on a ditferenee of opinion, moved in amendment shit the consideration the Greek gn.atinn was Pard Dot to be ..t was d{raslkefie,l with be gement amend• w,lhoftiees to tut 31 r, Price go -they 'was ',their. lie Dever beard Mr. Cameron, TUESD.1Y, May 28. !oaf the motion be postponed till the first {,factory to the aiinistero of Ruse nal ' Waco.- "•- mat t ince made out a case -but they have _ rotten oI wwyavae. Monday in Lily. bad on \Niter the °ovenmwnt wai formed he [1fr. failed -the Attorney General has corrobora• Clergy Reserves or retrenchment. Ile Mr. PRICE will. on Tueadar. 11,1. Juse, I Mr. DOU (.TON could not agree *P h ��� London. This, owhomhowever Jenne wan afuit C,) was aouleJ to join, rood offered the "Mee 1 ted bis (Mr. Canhoroh's) statements, but ('Jr. P.) admitte.l the' Ur Cameron said of Coutun.s oror sal (sewn Lande and ae- drawn inferepces, and expressed innendues •` Mr. Price. you bate too many clerks in ' cepted it -31r. S Ilinae'e name being left4 against him, but it ayes (01 Pse house to your office ;" but be [Sir. ('.1 himself suS.e. out -ands not in Council in 315. Jaiunleine's judge of the feels : Mr. Cameron raid, the gtr.itly recommended two e'crks wlnch(Mr houec. Mr. l.tfontaine and Mr. Baldwin .peeeh of rho Cerr.inr.sioner of -Crowe , P1 appointed. ile thee went on to exnl*1m wont t -p to ilia Excellency and returned Lands really 'emitted no *newer, he w•5 is additional !Amer which Parliament ins i sip►eesed earth the necessity of Mr. Bulli• obliged In him for i1. Ile (lir. P.) admit- , Posed on hid department had created a me- ta) tieing on the tlorernment ; hr. [3h. C] ed that Mr. C. ',matted him not to resr_n= eessity for additional clerks. 05 Oete inslr4cdun retlrio for this norms•. be admitted that 1tlr. C. suggerteJ 1JIr• 1 Mr. LAFONTAINE said. llr. Gstlwem, Mr. Price wished to retire, but he f Mr. C.)1 emi5ral of 'several clerks -he admi,+rl biter the thermic* of Mr. Sullivan to the misted' thee been/ lbw jwssur, mad Mr Proem i 0 O to hint (Mr. C.) and telling hits 1 hat Bencli,,applied for an increase of his malart' being Mr. B•tldetn'. (,iced, It wait firs duty' he (Mr. C.) *as 19 be his stleecesor, and t.. tt1-t amount of Ll00. There bad beret Iu 0 ithdraw. After this he was pressed to d.00tbd to fis the linos of his (Mr. C. elec- I been any difference of opinion between Mr. by the Government a Riling np hit c b I J h t tl 1 e in Cuunrd snake any su'•gertron on the submit far the coesiderattoa aloha Mose a t the Attorney G- neral in the arguments, he wards ascertained, was purely accidental.-- series of resolutions rad' eke subject of Heel had oft •seri. Ifo come wI The aubjeet gate rise 10 0011441 enquiry are Clergy Reeert•.s. i not the heel wan' nth( dealirought aq wi+hmittethe quearr explsnat;cos ie the limas• of Lords, bit. NO'rM:1N wi11; nn •abodes next, tion of retrenchment. The miourry were FRANCK. mote for leave to intrude•• a Bill to reg.- depriving themselves of the •pporwmty nf' The excitement wiih respect to the sew late Feea 145 bo takes by Justices of Ihe' deprivi a haute( round their brow. They electoral law, is eprt'adrng is Fence, cel Peace for L'pper Cattaia, ought to come dew n M the ITnuo with • oetitin05 egaiest 'hc meuure arm poa►iorr Mr. NOT\I,tN well, on Monday next. measure on the rnbp.-I. 11e Sol not tMek in from all quarters of the counlrv. Sere orate for leave to brier in a Bill to amend • two Altnrnere General nce0esa5T. HI• r,l ih0,10. oat have seem made io ib, bill _ the Upper Canrola CO.eUII Act. tisanes for thinking that the Attorney,. Th. authors of the crpetnution *rederlded Mr. BOULTON, of Notf.lk will, on Greer••! naght not to he In the cahtnet was, Iv of err ioio0 that any attempt htosdap vier, meet an address to the, that it rendered thein incapable ..f perform franchise, ex.rpt by • trnate1*. Quem., praying that an Act may he hate•.' ins their deli's si .tlternetm Gpnen1.- rl y pr"err r eunren0,1.ts Mere .• take the often of Asistant Cummrsnner- 1 trun-and admitted that Mr. C. • amid he Cameron and his co!teatrne. Hawke read for Ibm.establiebmteet,.of as Bleettse L,"rs- %Y1th regard to lawtere Sete 1w the faM- ship of Po+'tic Works which Sir. Merritt would resign With lir., P. if be had tore- an extract from one of Mr. Cameron's pub- t, g part of the National AsremDly eooee1 Y P Lrtiv I;nnuc, net and the kgialstve, he remold pe mock ' in than opinion. deoluled. Ile (Mr. C.] ea'Isd upon '111r. I',i_ , on the Clergy Reserve q restinn. Now I hrfied letters, and e.,uimeMcd on its stale . 11 Mr. not roN tease notice of Kt. !Soother then the member -ter the Fourth al. Doran, President of the Assemhl Meru(' and urged hen t • wept the oMtce he wo,ild ask. Mr• P. if her heel trot stated swots, her peva- akd to elate that h. had jntent:om to introduce a 1411 to abolish into Riding. Ile would tae it down that bhrd- - peri eipetro in this opinion, and he kb a• be kilt tett he (Ma M.! wee the hese 1/a, pruSahtl t♦ of oiriatisd! is resign two reser before beard of the allepd off_ r t.• ; i ns,a.l,e*t Ire de),r, lye man had ettelned eeninenee n• this con- tlierefore ahrsnted himself frnm his duller a,ual(fisd men for this ..Qct ; ad rad Dere! nal* q,esou•n to mems preteen la Toronto ; ,Mr. Cattettua yf the Post-maator ( metol. I ilial:• Mr. BOL'LTON gave notice of a , linen' that was not a lawyer. The hnsi- , a feet whieh is regarded as a a'rr.rger erne Mr, Merritt w'u,.tJ notCom, Mop. llo alis denied that Mr. Cameron . Bill retate0" t•. warrants, , nee. of the /rttnrney General was replevied I *Qainsr. the measure than would hast heir, 1 be .atUMtapt C am hit, 1 ere a seemed to' elision the Adorns, had ever al lee lima eljectcJ' Jo the op- 1 lir. ItOttLTON, of Toronto nave notice nn•ler the presenl'yetem. Mane inetsnc.s- h 1 trs.e,1 to urge this tila.la. left efiie• But oil thole( ira end his co'(eagees agreed 1- 1111 )neer Ia der any bo,l y ; and h^, (Mr C.1 G••nerars ideas, that f r, Price Jed not do - to rel:tte-t!ac flalcrument fr. m ember, lee !sire 10 g's out : well, p••A•ao* he dol nnt,- warnl, an•I.1 5110 negent solicitation of the, The hon. gentleman rat.) that he s•nnld ¢u hon• Mr. Meeks (who rail be should have' not and that no power un earth could keep a *est so the CiMnel-rhe term r• Amite- tic. Ie --:hal cumin[ to Toronto wails' teat'. sLuu1J Ihe iiaulubed, .04 the salary of . make 044 dafiwreo.•e�.i• fact, ko declared as the toe coninu►•.oner. • 44 Poetic %Yorks ! solemnly as Teter, when he denied his uta4• -tna•le '413.'1. sat. e.J 10 tale the thee ; bolt 1 ter, that he would reeten, hal we' et ideally nc. cr•t,.ar4 more of cqa 41,a(M of the sale- not halloo sincere. Ila (Mr. (:.) wood' e moat a ••mora' •poem, puinttacot el the hon, mennher for Qui*ee, f of molt en for se Arrdrees to his Evicetienee. , of this oeglertt had earn eerier hie knew- . it is raid that "motient goalie heifer. th.- intho way new rtatcd 1, Mt. Cameras. for • retirt relative to the Stationery used. Inl_o. 11e (Mr. B.] had bwew;Ar tenser firm altitude assumed be the pearls, en' .r M. i!TNCKS said, tit first amnge. rn the Public D•'nsrrmeste, for the year es-' General for t)wrtt-five years, during whieh „l•li¢rd to temper the violent and rescuer, went proposed at the formation ofthe'cabi- dinm3lst Dee. 1819. hecoeducte.l the hominem* h,meelf, without ars ,neae"re* whir!, the ministrn wor4' net wee, thou lila Sullivan ohnol 1 be Beer•- Mr. BOCLTON, of Termite, of as :1J- l "kens the a:h'rce of any one. and never In"( fain adopt. 1f thie he ten., th. tempera's Imre, anti Mr. Cwamrun Ptc.necet of the dress to 11:s Fx±•e�l. nc�r _ Jor •_return tela- ! a croakier woof of prover at 'enema. AN mea•nrca most be allowed lobe imhmperat•. Board of tL'wks without a veal to tho ca. ting to the Ii*rbor Dur et the Port of To. ' tithe citing of Engltah precedents, rt was ennngb Inset. '1'W a0CumJ•arraegement ,vas, that 'Or rn,.14r 1019. `absurd to M, Potts that. Om Chaocelior, In Not only ere the most extraordinary 31r. Caweruu;vyas,tu lake the Colnm:sstop-* Mr• HOUI,TON, of Toronto, of a Bill to Eegland, eels b eoprf„anJ dtecharges Jiii1'- steps taken to prevent the sae of the o rf triRhtt eun t.f P0'1111.41, (booth oto did ram' 'refer to t),c sfatrmi•ns heed• by S1r. ) eral.Iipof CruwnlanJs. L'e cot:d nut re -p pe.vtt.10?'bs. )ebbe 3. latish% -' it 1000' Inns --be knowe no tar •Dour it- anion paper•, hat three of the leaden d. 4110 aatnk 69 419 b .i 99969"1:(h.ette'( to lap the P. ; 'bet tort &flet he htiJ 0gge lets a fr.' t member all the conversations that bank M. DOIJI,TON, 0f Toronto. of • Bailin i TU -ale, milu•ters would bog:tite sufficient to g *ltd at the tfii.i,'bdt NtfHbeld appeirto *s 'him. member e11h-i (hale if o -Ge• eernn.ent was to bo Moira he • conversa- tion or that kind. lie had no doubt he 1 l might have rand that the two con.mraaiuner- lee7Ver, 111. 4'utelnrment wsa loopy I, Sed! amer•n rimed that s Sir.' Derbyshirese rep abipe should b. equalised Ip pilot of aslant. 0 -ca, an till Mi. 5-'1i11.0 r. ,red wh;n he of the Q,een'. reinter. was to be pint In but he never made any prvm:rn ea -the sub- ,. (Ur (.'.* erected as a waiter' of course Ihai I Mr, Pr•e,'a office.He penteeted against jP1q and had no authority to d, so. ' Withr. ter re "mold be Srrr'•ttev sad he [Mr.'1, had the situation **wed In aha son regard to Mr. t:amprnm's complaist tbat t:) fume: Ammeter of Crowe Lands .a•' of a geatl.anso, a framed of Mr. Holmes ! ! he was nut con.ulte.l, he denied that Inc •gleed upon. F.rery ether p,u,sable aht1 ; whose claim wa• heel 1 lel the !hum • judge arrangement had been enure to resnettrwg wee prop Ned bot obi•, anJ a determination' -the ether gentleman was a Cathohe who! toe imoorrtrrent of the lamp ter o1 Q,rebec. wee "need i►v Me" B,)Jwrn (hat trite Sr' ha.: twee pers,•ruieJ o as takes to fill up • Mr. BalJwu Std other ooeu,bers ware ab- rsm1•'wrent sl'.sitd but he made, and rerun.* 1 vaesner-nn (rend to hen more than beteg psi, and it was Mtposatb:n Haat any name •.nug0ra, 11. (IiI. C. was certainly die- I to mmol of the party. ITe wool' now clemi' could Lave hese submitted t 1 the Governor est.sied ead telt aarteted, *Ed would fns.- Ile( re: king to one or to o remarks of the' (;emerel. 'Phe arrangement had bereft men - i Ser an,..-h's tea'so0 0.sa not pnsate; 1155 10rt.or Genenl, whose enndect was Homme in cabinet cor.ver•at•onr. The bon• t ewllevalart e,.,.5.,.,e4 utero ; that wu is geatlenaan for Kent had .mer] • great deal • mow? Imo lise►be tahl'k,. Price it -was}tflelywei, NrmOeri4 Mr. P. to rub•M Office 4m ve/ht awn b.. Alb b s*"ipaeAN'i' el/Ave i ere .4 km. Yr les filmed*: nemw0stbi.wet - ons J •Uar of +I, List wrist'' t'•hs hu aatt.fee ago) to tease. an imMeu ion, prat a plaice 9160 i0 " pwl:nK at )hew," tor, Iso- "A, ; wan WW1! for r«rm. (honed or relative of hid 16:0 wu se as.L as any one should lave. i Mr Comernn's) what was the fact. Mr. ns, re fair ve,1 truthful than •abet Or hes rsn.mer reds ;ht. ww. ase arrangements *boob eewilrerJ it At•rirahl•• t.' lease was o41)11 NowliMr' Intl. 8.1 then on tic- ' e oar. '.1 d.*lli.s.IM. to the Gera er 1. 111.,111 and Otte 1•r'w•ruse ,'hired% he reeatoej and ore, od tin the Atethula of'1i19. hot ' 15 erll sgw's ; hot Ire, ton. had re•.wtsd to a..pbi•trt at the chase notate .reach he bad nought to charge him (Mt. C.).wit h cabal!• Mg or ,ntrigeong. Now, h'we,er much he rnighl be charged with best• iumul•e, or passion, he sees trot chargeable with intro. ,I.sstlr.Rr.l w, h m otetwl sew,•�. eni jsrole•1,•4 gointr err eahelthere-4,e meet concealed tee .1.50 'h5, o ie 1 ey of 11.'t f� v.rpolont ua '1 row*, • he bad 1.014+ 'west, It Perigee 4rt the r.••lf, e1.J 5.41•. The nn. Attoonry tis the C.,m'wrw. eoOr oaf Crewe Lands ens tienrr,l a"Mni`of• 1., to oils f.n, pr.jodicrs the C.esiry R•rnrvsgwoolau bot whom the sad eerie h•n'trigs of •Iron Isrguag•t ,n Cor.arussioner'speaed'y 406,11" b'm (1G• etas. a'm't -r, 5e41 .v• IhO p"hhc mind. "( C.) th t be (air. P.)might hen to rplge (1. Pr,••i",•' u. deiusctej Aye. debauch era ,leie q.. -stn n, he (air• C ) rspfe,l " re• sl; av whet. S., 1 ti'hs. Mr. Sneaker, 1'f ,wain tri ibat time ermine, ind I semi roes o • 1.orleos•n who 1). ! v,oI h J undar pmol *Of ytri. 11 moo he AVMs,' 10 t ar lemon:rar(H le au(, hod colleague. 10 House weer, 'het ahe (Mr, C.) wswtid to ur•t.wree *foto in s ('ahlnel *loch he did Imes reeds pops:ertty hi bre teslgtwtiss be e l tune eines . t.klog an ,.;kp,.rits pular w,rn4 have bnesghl hie ewlbarm e 5. •gree %Leo hr was as i,•dspemlent u.on,!wr 500 on 11'. pen:. ad gulag rt ew • well.• ,ImL`r o lee' rirrom•tancw,. D•,t. ).err ; het it was l bscnows Ire ('0 1.•?, 1e (Ifr. ('.) felt that p,lvate mer 1.d out dein lilts. Ant had left . ea to dA air ft et all a orality was far tourt i j seed them so 'Nur,. that ober haus a •Male *rel '•-vo'w's o0' raped by gentlemen notate amnnn5 04,0.01,0,10 •0,1 oeuhi•''eal arra- shout retrenchment, in coon, tion with cab: - set arrangement', bot all bis pnupr mala bed Won unreel to Lower Caoadr. 11e (31r 11) cared not for • trumpery easing wlmth• er It were £600, or 11800 a year, *bell 54 Arrest a gosstiuo was involved ae e aatufae- tLory arramrn geent to the two section* of tot Province, 1f the Roar* of Werke lied been premier, weer th an Ripper Comedies the prettiest dametisfactie. w..(d prevail is Lower Caned.. if 1►e onion were brokwc up Oh* guoersment cost' sot be tutted ue sabots great addlttoaal expense. Yr. Conferee (Keno) complained of the *room of neuteolien sorrowed rewards hue by the musbere of the Government. Tees perms.' In leading the public mead away from (1.e face, It had set been denied that he .eggeosed a rsisclion is the leapeetnr geserars t ; noise of the .atonal weemmmemrented. The mute. meet s4 .1. Among? 1ieneeel Same, the* I5,( Ih • ed.'e•n1 use slippers of friesds under monotone to n.0 aralw51 Mm. The Irwmie ' (Me. C) iid ram mp M Ile• isefemtai..5 rl.e.pi•.v t.pa of d}16coity in their toe ()oases' ea•d 110 t wes( and (Mt. T ) mend her to tette dee e mem- .1"'" of 1Qe.', 40J ti -en 1J(Lnd 0400 road, wsI6001 .U,. C. braag rs.so!te1.-• bcr for Qotbccwider chute was t34499. , provide for Annual Reports from the ljewdti sit in tbe,jinuee. . .f1'dttllfc Dansrrtwoentr. L lir. Su 'chnrGoocral DRiMMONDwd Hon. Mr. CAMERON, of Kent, of ee the hen. member for Norfolk woeld be Address to hot Excellence, for ester. of � satisfied with the evstein of government if certain correepoodesce relating to EJeea- be were n.adc the thirteenth member of the trio. ',cahoot. lion. Mr. LAFONTAINE, of a Btll lei 31r. BOITLTON denied that any one bad extend rhe period, limited for certain purpo-', eve- !meet him my mer, ser, in the Montreal Registry Act.Mmod. DRUMMOND 1I. it meowed to Hon. Slr. LAFiINTAINP„ of a BM to•( him tied we *Wield not be (forded by the g rant Fixed and .Anneal Salaries to certain ,amt rules -that they were in England: the Officers of Jus'ice is [.ower Caasda, and to name might he changed, but there most he create a Special Fuad of the Fetes and Fono. leverets, in the cahooef, whether they were lenient, attached to their offices. called Attorneys General 1r not. Sir A. N. MO; AB, of an Address to hu The iiours then adjnoroctf. Excellency, for copies of certain De•patchoe en the subject of 1!.e lndemrlty Ball. W F.DNK$DAV. May 19. Hon. Mr. HiNCKR, of a Hill to estsbitah Solicitor General Meedonaid wee retro- • some joie system of Assessment in tipper 4.a..d by A'ton,v General Baldwin and Gsada ' ia.peetor General Mocks, Sed took his eNobll*bmeal.04 piat'naace.f Ce�flwwi veinal IP MANUMIT. `Schools in Ulmer Canada. Col. PRINCE said eller ,be mote n( the lfne. M.. Ihockr, of * Dal 1..11., tN` Ifouae on his emendoseet to abolish the esrr*et solos' of c.'tatn 1'''rergn Cuis. I Curt of Chancery, it wooled be rimless far H.0. Mt- M,nek•, of $'1311 10, the Moe- hlio to totrodnee say measure sob that kw of she Poet (Mee, end for IM rrgwh .1 jest. in that homer of rnenra►ler. lot wee ass , nail* Proyreaml Pelt the defects in the working of top Comet he (fie•. ' shoeld',tempt to get remedied. The hon. Iloo. Na-.Utecke, o: a WI to (au1l1.1.1 10*541rr for Conwell Is a marines debet. Reciprvast.Frte Tre4 betweee the Prom-- had irefetved to mere of this. defects -the ',ice and (•e octet otbrall Prurtacer in revering of Its decrees by the proems British !edit .America. : j,r'gee, first were made by the late Vies Hon, M. Meeks, of a Rill to erten' the Chaneellnr. He wished to got the dsergot Act fer the formation of Cowiptms, for ane. a tfino d, Ho wr .,,ii t(.pi.io..fia11h. etreetleg Roads asd other wn►ke t• Owe- Cowart eight In be aboi'sb k pores.5ae.ed fer t►' peeper ei ae•re'lieg Tme ('I. B of lb. Lagrs(aUq Cows 1l Pw►bc Work' 0f $ like Ottun• protested s to•• -g4 elsueg .bet the I.ar Mr. CHRiSTIE moved the followteg Watts, Cer.alhod peered o Mali for Me reedatio.s 10101.1... 01 Cmpessks for Mtaoufutorisg 1 • That 11 ie wxp. Iu..t t0 reduce the *1 pmrpsu4; Sad • WI to regulate tlbe Tslslwsl peewees of top Legaletere, or the Cavil 1.5., of rotesem. • Iowa tww"stly the •femmes of 16. Ciyft Ge- rot. PRffCZ ,meek ed. Eh tithaii00ed emenneet of the Prein et.. .5,51.1 earor to show the °perorata work• 11on. Mr. 111veks, •.f • B'll f .r lbw blW1 seat (07 Giengary• cja han unsretsr.l. severaariel nMrernnrne ofes., thebrNatfosnsi Gerard fit 'leen published Mr *Mating a petition legaiat 11. new etertrnl law, Atrhm,rh 15,004 trnnp. have bees cos grd theiron►, aspre4en,ou vt 00 rgateinworretintinne hatensmise' whtbitt W hart few days.- The chiefs of the ultra repsblr 0511 51551 T ere demtrrbwd eher*g ro sssl unenviable emetine; by i* bs mon oiskgl part of their followers. they ars mrged a' once to resort to hostilities. sod arrows", with death of rhe. do not eo.ady, whilst they Ihemselve• declare that Ike pvgwn - linn. of the ser an rut .lbs' inevit•bi., deetructios must be their fate if th*. do eemoly. Early in lbs week an nntbreak essmnd to Ise imminent, Sed the prep••♦' plam of le- sorr5etion war pnMeibwd. Oe the amber hand. the plan of settee rhalkoi eat by es- ernmtnt by the *optw•eesius of the tbeemt •mod revolt hu been read* keowr, arid d r. looked sone ear so eRleresl ae to wader prompt soiree's absolutely certifs. Ministers have nrat,sild oe Lome $ p► - teen to retire to Foeteiee►'eee for a fort- night- 8..eral rima kayo tabw >Jre is ammoori pa of the •owners, That am ongN the miner' at Cement horse to arum• • tssfotee eopect, bus (ion. Castilla's W enreeessded th. di•torbrad rlratrret w4M a • mls. d troops, gradually ner ewitsg mrd "at the den 0f the la.t *'mere lbs tpMsrwmo. A lo^k•d otx's a eajled5 r,•, The trade e( Pssim M M a Imre mmefsAs eery startd,.g lb's it ler e's.e the revolettoe of February. Tess eaemmsM from ti. agrjc.ltuttf sigma's(• mere en cheering. TM ksmstge MA „we IM1w seal N i. Irr,d the nM 15..5 t wit Pis b•smllkiest fer tb. 7rs w terse frits -4414 11116 lfillhiROIR. eta isA,elfik