HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-29, Page 134 • osIMOIFISIIHRIEUlls111,H011014140,0S114.111111OASIMISHIMSIIIISSISISSOODS0.1111104110SIOISISIISHIO4400040ASWiato t, •1. .n. • Bowling Friday, September 6 0;00 p.m, Sharp Exeter Bowling Lanes - ,Ail of the 1957-68 executive and team captains along, with anyone interested in entering a team into this year's league is requested to come out to the Meet. ing, Plans Will he made for the forthcoming season. • New Teams Are Invited ll , lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll s Brownie's CLINTON, ONTARIO Featuring Largest Wide Screen In Huron County THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 29.and 30 — DOUBLE FEATURE — Don't Knock The Rock * Bill Haley and His Cornets * Alan Freid • * Little Richard Rumble On The Docks ." (Adtilt) * Laurie Carrel * James Darren (No Cartoons) SATURDAY ONLY August 31 The Last 'Frontier (Clout, Cinerftascope) * Victor 'Mature , • * Anne Bancroft (Two Cartoons) . • &/11111111111111111111111011110111101111111101411$1041444111411t111191111,111111111111111 l t lll 1.1111,01111111111111111t11111110#11(11a 1 . Church Service. Sunday, Sept. 1, 8:00 p.m. Rev. D. j„ Lane SUNDAY MIDNITE & MONDAY September 1 and 2 Cockleshell • Heroes (Colour, Cinernascope) (Comedy) * Jose Ferrer * Trevor Howard (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 3 and 4 The Ambassador's Daughter (Colour,Cineni'aope) * Olivia oe H'aviland * John Forsythe (Comedy) (Two Cartoons) Comments About Kirkion MRS, HAROLD DAVIS Mr. Fronk Blesenthal, of FeM-1 Mr, and Mrs Donald Reste. Data ori Dashwood AY M L. RADON This Week In Sointsbu 14 MRS. A VAYJS Mr., and Mrs. Lorne IViarshall broke., and 14r. Nielt, Miller, of ;Maier and ;girls, .0f -Loedon, Pereenel items I s, . . and fend)/ have- been ItnildaYing Grenfell, Sask.._ 'are visiting with aPent Sunday with Mr. 'Gan . .1‘.4r, and Mrs, Jo! n VIcCool at their cottagetheir at Red BAY. - sM Isters, rs. Jogai) Schroe-iliestemayer, . and Mary Jane, Traverse City, Miss Helen .liumplu•eys visited der :and Mrs, L. H. Rader. I MrS. Nelda Routledge, -of LOA- • tylireh., visited with Mr, ,arid last week at Port Elgin. 1 Mr. .arid 3tirs. Martin Me- den, spent the weekend with her Mrs. Heber Davis over the ' . .Miss 'Dawn Blackler spent jaat ' Granter and family, of LOAdont; ?rents, jr. andMO. hilip weekend, week at Port Franks. ate visiting with Mr, Otto Beste*iIaxssre.idirthur oetz, mown, , Mr. and Mrs. Itess Marshall maYer. • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carroll, spent Saturday evenlfig and family spent part of thiS Mr. and NTS, Fred Steinback, Sask., is see:Kling some time at the home .t Mr, and Xra„ London, ' week at BaYfield. of Cairlier North Dakota,- are with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goetz. Harry canon, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Mills and visiting- with mrs !It has been twenty-three years family spent the weekend with 1 m. and Mr's.' Le.GX1'Saelht'endat since he haS been Jere t And he Mrs. AL Gre$OrY visited int; from Kitchener, visited with Xt. many changes in the vain - se s Mrs. R. Humphreys,* ' . i I MOf onthill and Mrs. Ervin Devine on 'Sun. munity, , week with Mr. and Mrs, harry I 11U. and Mrs. Donald Maynard 1 Greasori and family of NoL rth daY• and Mrs. Arthur Koessel, o BaVMiss Mee essner, f ivir. salt maires hes been a s vacation na- w P. ,* tr$4 Lansing' Mich" s ent the weel• i patient in. St. Marys Memorial Mr, and Mrs. Fred Messner, end with Mr, ao Mrs. C. Pfile Hospital, and other relatives. Was Vir- Thursday with her daughter, , Miss Eunice Frederick, of Lon - "bliss Itatliburn of New York is don, spent the weekend with, Mr, Vmssel, of Lansing vhilicol Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Mattson and full weinerg• ily of London. Gordon Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Becker other relattves. • Mr. nod Mrs. Arneld ICtintz, and LakeviewCasino Bernard McCormick spent a one; Shent the weekend with his ' Mr. and Mrs, Wear Fisher, of few days at Grand Bend. with. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Detroit, spent the weelcet.td with Mrs. O. Dale and Linda, Lon don, were Sunday guests With Mr. and Airs, joules Barker. Mrs. W. J. Davis visited. Mrs. Fred Davis on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. George McFalls spend visiting with her sister, Ur, arid and Mrs. Fred Messeer,spent vo weeks here, r (Air e Mrs. Alex Irvine and family, Mr. Howard Weiberg of Kitch. home with them. GRAND BOK nerd for a, few days. spent a few days last week et Mrs. Edith Steple, of Detroit, The 1,ast Flingl . • returned 'to Kirkton with Apr. and. girls, and Miss Linda Kraft, i Mr. atid 14frs. Ed Sipple and . I M Miss Mildred Cowdrey has ae- Sauhle Beach, spent last Wednesday with rs. DANCING! WED FRI. Al SAT, . cepted a position as teacher at Mr. Robert Wein, of Sudbury, J. Kuntz. South •Bay Mouth. spent the weekend at his home. I Miss Luella Kuntz retuned I also Mr. and IVirs. Chester Hazle- wood. of Detroit called.on friends in the village Thursday, •Miss Ruth Watson, the public school teacher, is a patient in St.. Marys Hospital. Mr. Mansell and Cora, of Lon- don visited Tuesday with Mr, and' Mrs, George Hall, IVIrs, J. McCormick, Bernard and Mrs, Hall spent the week- end at Collingwood. Mr. Gallant -of Toronto spent the 'Weekend with Mr. and Mil, jack Roundel.•- ..P.F&F,01001%.14141,0 FOR YOUR EVENING ENTROVP0100... t11-1sY 1.r ,4,,.PEG,LEG OATES.. SdntaIlonoi claming aot oF Ihe Rt1 Show1 WO MAHONEY-. Vaudeville's ssteales1 R16416110* musical • The fantobul6OR MUNOZ an the Ilotk wire, A ski$ thrIll•dArnInula iltil SHE ZACCRINI'S* The. human <annum balls Featured in UN Maeasine Returned by Pepulor •• Demand, 01.14 blItittNefit the bIe-ihCchild protIlpy iontureel on 1h* Flury tomb 5h**01 A. VICTOR JUllANornoz. ino del and pony tail • OEULAN*Sent*Iional 0111 4Tweet Argil! A Rig Yap Chan 1.111 t *MIN'S CHIMPS - 7% Thty'ro hurnont JANE FlORIbA TRIO* Fornow Corney ConlortionisIsl MONDAY AND TUESDAY AFTERNOONS TiltiittS, sPittS AND OccITEMENTI .,4. ei Z, TRANSAVVORtD DAREbtVILS ''', to COSTARRING 6 (VIM MOTORCYCLE DAREDEVILS Wildqitans Entilith tytlists who performed Were the klitoyol fornify and 10 Million I ritons! •• •• • ,WEDNFSDAV AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS HARNESS RACING LONDON PREE anti Patel 32 Cleat Poo 2-YEAlt.011:0 2dloss Pato it Classified trot • .f -.4)7.,441.0.4t. $Y;laTikkitjt4.0Z /t Oast Pate 20 *Inss Ptitt lolut LIOHt ANb HMV?' HORSE EVENIS SATURDAY MORNING AND SAIURDAY AFTERNOON, , .GENE HOLTER1 ' • WILD ANIMAL SNOW ,,o, ,,,.. .,,,,,, ,., , , .,..., , ,-,_ tm,,,,.....,... ...,,,,,cr, „iltintli ...AMR. nekilitt: • differ -4M lillids ti( wild twat( domesticated •.i. .4..,...., , .;(,. onimolil • • 1 see Ria btibe ,- -.". ,...,... TM tionhont most Mel lir the thbvits1 47f' tdottfiltinal -ehitlissifitiOnf 40t• young tirtd oho # ORE ltwlq Ato Comments About Cromarty T$y MRS. K. McKE1-LAR Mrs. Dan Metellar, Russell and Soy Anne, of Buffalo, spent a few days among their many relatives here. Mrs, Sarah Scott, Mrs, Ruby Routley and Mrs. ..\ndrew Mc- Lachlan were entertained at the home of Mr. and- Mrs, Calder McKaig on Friday afternoon. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. McKaig on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. Charles Salter and daughter, Jane, of Wingharn, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald'McKatg, and daugh- ter, Jean'Anne, of Seaforth, and 'home on Sunday, and was ac - Mr, Angus McKaig. companied as far as F.orrhosa Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllraith, by his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Toronto, called at the homes of Mrs. E. Templeman, and cousin, Mr, and Mrs. Will Hamilton and. Mr.^ and Mrs. Alvin Cole, and. Mrs, Jessie Hamilton on Monday. family, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Metach- fred Annis and family lan, Mrs. Ruby Routley and Mrs. K. 1VIcKellar, accornpanred by clay with Mr. and Mrs, Mr. M. Davis visited on Thurs- Norman Routley, at Aylmer. Mrs. Wilmer Howitt, Londes- boro, visited last week with her. mother, Mrs. David Gardiner. Mrs. James Howe, Jr,, Strat- ford, visited friends in the com- munity last week. . • . Ur, and Mrs. David Baird were Sunday 'visitors with IVIra, M, Plefer. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew McLach- lan had as their gueSts on Sun- Island. They returned by way of . I day, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen, the United States." Mitchell, Mrs, Ruby Routley, St. Miss 'Barbara Ann Scott, of CROWNING QF Marys, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. London, is vacationing this week I "MISS GRAND BEND" Binning and boys, Mitchell, Mrs. with Miss Margaret Salmon. I BEAUTY QUEEN FOR 1957 Sarah Scott, and Mr. and. Mrs, Misses Evelee and Catherine' ,,„ ,_ K McKellar, • . Zimmer, o Zurich, spent a few "v"'P. photographed by all Miss Margaret Ann Wallace is days with their grandinother, leading newspapers and also holidaying with her „sister and Mrs. Alex Zimmer. brother-in-law,Mr. and Mrs. MISS Connie Dietric , of ZtiriCFPL-TV London, Channel 10. ch, Harry Elliott in ,Windsor. ' is spending a few da s with Miss Miss • Alice Walker returned Shelia Willert, home on Saturday from a visit with her sister and brother-in- law, Tvir. and Mrs. Jack McGhee, London. Mr. and. Mrs, Donald Wallace, Keith and Kenneth, Carrington', were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John •Wallace. The C.G.I.T, • mother and daughter banquet is being held on Tuesday evening in the church. . Achievement Day for the 4-H Garden Club was, held in Mitchell on Wedhesday, .and was well attended by the Hibbert "Little Lassies" group. Mr. Reg, Templeman, of Max- well, who spent the holiday weeks with his relatives here, returned home after spending two weeks SUNDAY M1DNITE DANCE in Lansing, Mich. SEPTEMBER 1 Mr, and Mrs.. Clifford Salmon 1 and girls have returned from to the music of their motor trip to Montreal, . LIONEL THORNT,ON Halifax and Prince Edward , ,, and his ORCHESTRA COMING EVENTS • JUNIOR BAND—All instruments Will practiceTuesday, Sept, 3 at 4 p.m. No practice Sept. 9. 29c BOYS & GIRLS interested in learning a band Instrument should Goole to Town Hall, Ex- eter, Monday, Sept, 16, 1 to 9 p.m. for interview, 29c HARVEST JAMBOREE— Exeter KilISMO117$ annual all- night celebration, Friday, Oct. 11, Exeter Arena. Keep the date open. 29:5:12e RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr: and Mrs. William Dougall, in Russelldale, Hall, Friday, Aug, 30. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission 500. 29c MEMBERS of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge will hold a pot, luck supper on September 4 at 630 p.m. at Riverview Park, followed by' the regular meeting in the Lodge‘room. If weather not suitable for supper at park It will be held in lodge room. Please bring your own dishes, 29c SENIOR CITIZENS -- The first meeting of the fall season of the Exeter Senior Citizens Club 41 be held oft TneSclay, Oct, 1. 29c LAKEFRONT - DANCING Bayfield Pavilion KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Every. Friday Night Alcion Theatre. - Grand Bend WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ' August 28 and 29 "CAROUSEL" * Gordon Mac itle * Shirley Jones' The first picture in the new Cinemescope 55. More than your *yes have ever soon. FRIDAY & SATURDAY August 30'and 31 SUNDAY MIDNITE, SEPT. 1 "THE kING 'AND FOUR QUEENS" (Cinemascope) * Clark Gable * Eleanor Parker Shorts and Comic Strips Starlite Drive -In Theatre 5 Wei East of Grand Band 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Read THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 29 and 30 "CONGO CROSSING" * George Nader * Virginia Mayo SATURDAY & MONDAY (Sunday Midnite) August 31, September 2 "FUNNY FACE" (Vistavision) * Fred Astaire * Audrey Hepburn TUESDAY • 4. 'WEDNESDAY September 3 and 'THE vat. Am " ax" (Adult) * Parry Lopez * Newly , Garland • • Saturday Night I:. • DANCE$ ..tartNext Saturday Night SEPTEMBER 7 Ladies' Bowling MEETING Tues., Sept. 3 800 p.m. EXETER BOWLING LANES Everyone interested in bowling please attend. Phone 546 Exeter if you Ivish to enter a team but are unable to attend. ll sissfashoisHio, Lyric Theatre Phone 421 'THURS., FRI. di SAT. AUgust 29, 30 and 31 "THAT CERTAIN FEELING" * Bob Hope * Eva Mario Saint Added Shorts & News The Titnei SIPROVIRISKIMeluenntAllAntettrassalteterMiteteldettSHISSRAM*19411.06.M StMarys Thursday and Friday' 4 September 5 and 6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Juging of ell Entries Except Irivestock end Poultry FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Judging of Livestock end Poultry PIM, --PARADE o School Children, Scouts, C bs, • Guides, Brownies, Floats and Bicycles, led by St. Marys Citizens Band. 2 J9 OFFICIAL OPENING by Hon. J. teitik, M.P. * 'ACHIEVEMENT DAY FOR ALL 4-H (JAMS * COMMERCIAL FEATURES IN BACON, HOGS JAY * EXCELLENT DISPLAY OF WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S WORK Thrilling Chariot Races Livestock Parade • Friday Evening Dance In St. Mdrys Recreational Arena Music by SLIM BOUCHER and His Golden Prairie Cowboys • EVERYBODY WELCOME lll . l ,s ll A111,111,004010140111041411M1100101111111$01111111141141141, 14, --- COMING —. ALL WEEK September 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" * Gary Cooper * Dorothy McGuire Here is family entertainment that no one can afford to miss. Come. relax and watch the show of the year. CANADI NATIONA EXHIBITION BOB HOPE World famed comedy star, headlines 'floe ASsish Evening Grandstand Spectacular every night at 2,15 p,01. with tap entertainers, dancers-, N.a1Sitro • - • EiinFaXei by a gtgantie fireworks display, 01111111.1 root statIETS NOW RIMING NOS. AND DAMN & DAILEY CIRCO Don't mist "The Oreokat Show On Zords" et* the txtitins Afternoon Orandstond Show. WREK ONLY Aug. 20,24 ,12, 29, 30 and 21,It 2:30 p.m. NEW IMIL11-1111LILION ROU** ()IKEA EUZABETN NILSON exciting new setting for Fashion. Shows and Women', Activities with a 1,350 issattheatre. Cooking schools, fashion shows, 'Unwitting*. SPORTS GALORE , World Champion. Aoolitk iskont. tracts Gild Aelci meets, ARS CRAO4O.X CXympic training plassw sisrr Cfautbk1 SroliTs NAIL sr flit 1..o.arry, /Skit, grain and ago:ablest, OR voloiximiCailado'i premise 61•00-wilinciy4 to Jutwockilleo•Y- ININILD'S mom *c .nut , NATIONAL NORSE SNOW Aug. 23, 24, 26, 2/, 28, 29 is skit Calisisia3 INTERNATIONAL MINTS. ' CA fanwst producte eoantrire'61 seer the world MILE Or NOWAY *tr Nem rides, new shows, new ROW. - HMO PROMIDTs somento Centre of attraction for almost Buse pcol IRISH GUARDS NANO World -celebrated band from Instead ON* On the Bain INTERNATIONAL MR SNOW —• Breathtaking tufo hour show Sept. 8 aor only. Enjoy one of the greatest events of your..lifetinie the Canadian National Exhibition, the largest annual exhibition in the world. Three hundred and fifty acres of fun, entertainnient and interest. CANADA ON DISPLAY L, Fred 7:Walsh, President lk Hiram E. McCallum, Genera Manager I I I I , If Exeter Legion, Memorial Hail 1 cLARENICE PETRIE • 'I AND HIS t4ITE HAWKS Watch Next Weekes Paper Sr Furthe' Potholers t Nvimumholomm.,,,mmonouvowntimittomiow.fiumnotouttomminotookovni,,,,00,00k:f .0 . ., Hensall Kinsmen Club Presents Its Fourth Annual Ontario Bean FESTIVAL Labor Day, September 2. HENSALL COMMUNITY PARK AFTERNOON SHOW * HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST For O'Keefe Trophy, Starts 8 9,111. * LIVE RADIO SHOW 12 NOON Roy Jewell, CFPL, )on Main St. * MONSTER PARADE OF BANDS AND FLOATS Prizes: Floats $50, $25, $15 Kiddies Entries $5, $3, $2 * MINOR BASEBALL TOURNAMENT 1:45—Exeter, Dashwood, Lucan and * OPENING CEREMONIES 2:15 Judging of Bean Queen, , * MIDWAY * BINGO ,* MOVIES Admission (Includes up0614 Adults $140, Children 350 Leistious Beans With Pork Dinner. Courtesy W. Clerk Limited EVENING SHOW Baseball. Playoffs FO? ,Hensall Trophy )' p.m. Served Pithic Style 430 to 7 Afl-Star Stage Show' Featueing PAUL BROTHERS AND 1HIRLEY DANCERS CHAMPION BATON TWIRLER MUSICIANS OTHER OUTSTANDING ACTS 'FROM TORONTO Admission:, Adult:: *to, Childeon 50 Children Under v., Free Dances HENSAI.1 ARENA 1030 p.r. Doslottinets Oro:Misty,. Crowning Of Bean Queen