The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-29, Page 3is
Report From Grand Bend
stey. M*S E. K OW$
The United Church is being re- (Keown sntrit Slionday t!l! i;iat
decorated, while the services . week visiting their husbands in
are being held in the park at Westminster Hoepital,
the back -gfthe, church. 7t is Rev, and Mrs. Jas, Whiteford
expected the auditorium will be and daughter, Priscilla,. of Royal
ready for use the. first Sunday in.:Oak.apache,• and Mr. acrd Mrs,
September, if necessary„ Wilbur Devine and son. Harry,
Mr. and Mrs. Mansford Luther were weekend guests of Mx, and
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther Mrs. J. Whiteford.
spent the weekend in Sandusky, liar, and Mfrs, E. Mcracigen,
switch, Jo Amre. and Cathy spent a few
Mrs. Chas. Reeves and Mrs. days last week in Detroit,
Phile are attending the an- Miss April Whiting • and Mas-
nualo leaders at Alma . Lind Whiting rif Parkhill
school for l •
Collegei St. Thomas this week. ter &ending a few days with
n who as had their aunt and ,'uncle, Mr. ands.
Dr, V. herens, is . turdevant and Tam -
en office here on, special .dais Mrs. Wen &
Um -
anti evenings, will not be prams- sly. -
ing here afterSeptember, but, Miss Elsie Remni:ington of
will still be available at his Dash- Woodstock who has been spend -
wood office, ing the past two weeks holiday-
Mr, - and Stirs. Ted Brooks, ing At the :home of Mxs- E. Keown
Nancy and Paul of Toronto spent returned home on Saturday.
the past week holidaying with Mr, Ivan Luther left on on,
Mrs« Brook's parents, Mr, and day for a trip to points in Us -
Mess Wm. Reptile. katehewan,
Mrs. AdaPatterson is at pres,- Mrs. Mildred Hallman of List-
ent a. patient in St. Joseph's owel; and Masters Michael and
HospitalLondon. David Clark of Thedfotd, grand-
sons of Mr. and Mrs,. Wm Sweit-
zer, are visiting with them this
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little of
Goderich, Mr, Delbert Mason
and Mr, and Mrs, Billie Baird
Miss Beulah Holt and Miss
Boris Pickle of Windsor were
guests of Miss I1olt's mother and
grandmother, Mrs.Mae Hilt
and Mrs. L. Gerornette.
Mrs. Lawrence Mason, Mrs, of London were Sunday guests
Lloyd rainier and Diane Mason of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird.
took ,a motor trip last week, to Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Bender
ud and Musa visited with. Mr, and
TobermorY Sudbury of London i
koka •points. Airs, Norman Turnbull last week.
Rev. and Mrs, P. A. Fergu-
ion and family of Montreal are
visiting with Mr. ' and. Mr -4. C.
Kennedy and family.
Mrs. Albert Cow. and Mrs: B.
Mr.. and Mrs. C. Reid and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. R. Crack-
nell of London spent the past
week with Mrs Elizabeth Smith
and Mrs- A. B. Yeo of London
building at a ra is t ang e.
Le•s.s.c•ns VlOfl
or u. en s
,•Continued from. Page 1
highlight, They watched five
craftsmen and their apprentices
making world -fatuous vases and
A soft drink in. Venice cost
them SQ cents bet it was a
.welcome relief from the wine
they were forced to drank be -
lootior Funis
MRS* IF., Stagi*i..
llir, atkd Mrs, George Squire..Mr. Charlea; Miners, a
and Mr. • and 'Mrs. Norman, Hod qtr, sacs Mrs. z
Ate in 'l'liey gathered heather in the .gins, Avis .and Aden spent :wove• Saskatoon la.ospital on ,Saturday, Detroit, .anti Mir.
— surprised thorn. They a hs highlands when the weather tai xltiys in. Detroit with friends. 8undsclue of t
Hod -
the Eiffel Tower, where, laug „ g August 24, fast week wikii .. ._ . ? . .
Trudy,. "I had Paris at my feet. cleared ;Cor half an hour. "Evert
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lainiond, Ile is survived by itis eA 1 :44:11:7.70
The faired the lrauvre .and the the�rt wo gat wet, they ex•London, visited Sunday with Air,the formerannia Rall,:of Lon-Faxrile didn':t claimed. .Air,a, Wttois. 'tart buildin s. And y ,> andMa's, Cecil,Swire.don„ ttvosonsandflares,dau.gki-
g 1, -Aviv, they and Com"�Wmiss the o are,.una n to eee the AL Stkesp are's J TtTx, and 14irs. BertFJuffield,tyre,alsothreebrothers.Fred,1?1the Lido saw Shakespeare s Julius Caesar- . sHeekendiistors with x. #�11�.
Clues Regie is and t clubs. staged in the White $$wan Hotel, Mr
and ay e,
Club,. Paris risque nigh. and visited the famous :cottages ilfrs. aai
Foundousin'rl >iriiv. of the playwright's home.
Tii111gs.,A1 nmol ,
Charles Miners
Dies In Hospital
Vii >.r
kotlor From
,s former
resident of Ellmville, died in
�. 1 also Ur. and George o and Clarence.
Alt Neil Said T7onald are Interment took place on Tues»
holidaying at Borth Bay for{day, August 37, in Saskatoon.
several days. ! -.
Several from this community Mose ehipktt :News
attended Zion decoration service Air and Ws. Kenneth Paore,
Mrs. Cliff Eirssrll and 'Sana,
Air. and Mrs. Ekren Hod
i Woodstock, were recent via:,:P
Ars with Mr. And Mrs.: Harbert
Mr. arid. Mrs. Verne uha ,
cause pure water is non-existent, On the way to calms, ' they The trip through the United
PICItARDS - CONTINUER --^.w came upon the Canadian War. t{ingdam wasn't as exciting as
In the great art city of Fiore Cemetery, where their cousin, the continental tour but it had
once, "we absorbed more cultic. Jack Sweet, w s buried during_ its compensations. The girls en -
we dal .anywhere else on the second word .war, The bus Toyed shaping for cashmeres,
the tour," reported the ' girls. driver permitted a 10-n inute stop tartans, Royal Doulton figurines
They marvelled at the priceless p
and the entire busload of 40 piled and other famous English and
Warks a# the old art e asterent- out to help the girls find his Scottish merchandise. .
Michelangelo, Raphal, grave.Sack in London again — Mar -
and others , , in the'Pittzi The trip through the continent' guerike's favorite city i the girls
Palace Siad Uffizi .Gallery. They look them 2S, days and they toured cathedrals, art :galleries
• 5 i 1
were surprised at the contrast travelled 3,300 miles. We were and landmarks until it was tine
between the fabulous jewels and never an tired in our lives when ' to fly home,
precious stones in the Medici we arrived back in London."' Fascinating, as they were, the
chapels and the , poverty of the They,were off next day, 'however: sites of their eight-week „trip
people who live in caves. on their UJ.K, tour in the rain, l didn't leave the girls yearning
It's Hot in Rome At Edinburgh, the girls saw the to return. "It was a wonderful
finals of .a ballroom dancing. com-1 experience, they repeated, "but
In Rome, they saw opera per -
petition thraugh the haze of a i we're happy with what we have
forri4ed on en omens baeths The "heavy Scottish mist," which is w in Canada. "
ruins of t o1 just a fancy name :for rain, l They insist the beach at Grand
catacombs, coliseum and hew - claim the girls. The dancers, in , Bend is more enjoyable than the
tains fascinated them; the tails and formal dresses, didn't french Riviera, and the roses in
on the other hand, frazzled them.
They found the Romans hada l flowers rs in the
happy solution to the sun, how- beautiful ever, all activity stops for sever _
er 1, hours during the hottest part
of the day.
The leaning tower of Pisa was
the . biggest disappointment of
the trip, according to the girls,
who expected to see a tall, thin
„ 1111111,, 111111,1,111„11,1,1111111,11„11,,,11.:1111,1111 11„„„,,,11111„111,,, tt.„ttttt „,/,,11„„,„„,„,„t/„Il,� k• 1 1 I
A Fail
Of A-1 Used Cars Where
dhon Sound a short nttubby Corner
building on a bit of a slant.
In Monaco, they saw the palace
I of Prince Rainier and Princess
I Grace, but they missed viewing
1 the royal yacht • on which the
celebrated couple •took their
fs 1 honeymoon because it was sold for another year. As . we have
is shortly before they arrived. They couple of prepositions to put be-
} watched the gamblers win and fore the company I think we
=' lose in the Casino in Monte Carlo. shall get under way as soon as
They swam twice in the blue school starts..
s , Mediterranean along the fabulous That makes the first meeting
1 Riviera but found they required Thursday, September 5 at 7:15
1 more than beach towels and at the Scout Hall. We hope to
1 bathing ,suits. White pebbles on see all our girls out in full force
the beach made it necessary to and of course we extend an in
rent a board, an air mattress vitation to any girls 10ii Years
E. and an umbrella to enjoy the sea- and over 'to any
out and join
+ shore, where the wealthy fam- us at the Scout Hall. on flatus -
1 1 of Europe, movie stars and day nights, We will be happy to
celebrities play, see you.
Two days and three nights Some of our Guides were ex -
weren't enough to satisfy their tremely fortunate this month, in
fascination with Paris. Size of the fact if they .will only, realize it,
, IArc De Triomphe — Napoleon's they probably had one of the
monument to his victories in war most thrilling experiences a
seem to mind, however.
a91,111111111,,,1,1111111111„!11,1Ai„A1,1,,,,,1,1A,UI,,,,. i..4
Once again it is nearly time
to begin our Company activities
Really equipped.
'56 FORD CUSTOM WAGON, automatic- $2,395
'56 FORD COACH, V-8, nice , . X1,995
Overdrive, radio,”
Dynaflow, radio.
'54 PACKARD SEDAN, a steal .......,,.,.. , .,...,$1,695
1 '55 FORD COACH , $1,695
Brought up in the ministry, $1,595
2 '55 FORD SEDAN—See this one. •' 1395
Radio, a beaut.
'54 METEOR COACH You're robbing nm! $1,.250
'52 OLDS.88 SEDAN $ 995
'52 METEOR COACH, overdrive. ,,,,..•,.••rl.... $ 995
'51 BUICK SEDAN, a. dilly $ 795
'51 DODGE COACH $ 695
Your choice
t Brought. up in financial service.
'51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, overdrive
'50 DODGE COACH, new paint
Your choice
'50 FORD COACH $ 550
Your choke 550
'52 FORD COACH, needs some work ,,.,�, $r
'47 PONTIAC SEDAN, good motor
Your choice
Motor overhauled, ready to go. $ 600
1 '52.FORD 3 TON DUMP, :a steal,
SPECIALS .... ....DU
'54 PONTIAC COACH ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $'190
,New motor, 10,000 malt's.
1 • '52 RIO 5 TON, TANDtIM DUMP. ,...... ..,..,
' $ 595
Guide could have, and 1 think
visited with Mrs. Smith on Sun-
,Mrs, Victoria Desjard ne cele-
brated her 8Sth birthday quietly
at her home on Sunday.
Albert TA Cox, 74
First War Veteran
Albert Thomas Cox, '74, of
Grand Bend, died in Westminster
Hospital, , London on Monday,
August 26.
Be was a . veteran of the First
World War and was formerly of
Tham esford.
He is survived by his wife. the
former Elizabeth Shaw and three f
sons: George of Clinton; Regin-
ald and Lionel at home; one
brother, Ernest Cox of British
Columbia, • and two sisters, Mrs.
Richard Jones and Mrs. Rose
Baxter, both of Oxford, England.
The remains are resting at the
T. Harry Hoffman funeral home,
Dashwood, until Wednesday noon,
then at St. John's -by -the -Lake
Anglican church, Grand Bend,
where funeral service took place
with interment m Grand Bend
Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes,
of British Columbia, arrived on
Tuesday to spend a few days
with Mrs • W. J Beer and Miss
`May Skinner
$ 150
$ 75
,,.,r.,.,........fl w-, $ 435'
$ 405,
$ 505
'S1 rOitb COMEIN.E WITH ! OTOlt; a. stoat $
'56 SET RIJBEE1t ITALY' TitACXS • • .$
Used very. little.
IIA? LOADERS (2)–�-What' a:in' 1 hide
they do realize it too.
On August 17,, Visitors' Dey
was held, at the Girl Guide World
Centenary Camp held at Doe
Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sim-
mons made the trip to visit the
camp and besides their own
Guide daughter-- Carolynne--
they had four more to keep them
company. The lucky people were
Donna Ersman, Susan Dinney,
Mary Page and myself. The trip
was never. dull because with
Guides along they don't afford
anyone a dull moment and all
in all we had a "whale of a
rim e.”
Also Shirley Genttner was an-
other lucky Guide and Linda
Johnston as well, These girls
were on holidays with their par-
, ents so arranged it that a visit
could be made to the camp.
A great. deal of credit is due
Giese parents who are interested
enough in Guiding and the ac
tivities of their children that they
would travel 270 miles and back
to gain a broader view of World
Guiding, Your interest is truly
appreciated by the leaders an
the whole Company and we d
hope you enjoyed seeing the
World Camp. Again thanks t
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons from al
of us who travelled with them
It truly was an experience neve
their garden at home are Just
as eauti u as the
o.. e
Kew Gardens.
$ 95
Second Line in
Bicldul ..h
on Sunday. G
of Windsor. visited Thursday spent Tuesday in Ifamilttatl.''
Mrs, Ray Parldnsan spent 1 as with her sister, Mrs. H. Harlton his mother, Mrs. Sharpe, and ale,
few days last week at Turnbul. and Mr. Harlton, on, their return ter, Miss Violet Sharpe.
Grove. home after a month of vacation= Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Rata and
Mrs, Gladys Porter and.Stirs. ing in the western provinces. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Batz ere hussy'•
Eva Gower, London, visited
during last week with Mrs. Wil-
liam Marley Sr.:and Eiva.
A'liss Cora Carson Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Dunn,
'Kathy and Ronald, of , Toronto,
spent Thursday and Friday with
the latter's brothers Messrs,
Allan and Melville • Buswell;
Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister,
Neil and Dale visited on Sunday
with the latter's sister and bus -
band, Mr. and Mrs, Keep Mason,
Mrs. Leo Boyle, a.ecompanied
by Mrs. Jobe Rolko and Mrs.
M. Elston attended a. picnic
party given in honor of ' J>idY
a Mrs 4 Jof hnnSpacelr.. by
Jean and Lynda Smith, Darlene,
Theresa, Beth, Jo -Ellen, Bar•
bara and Shelagh Boyle were
present also.
Weekend visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Chris Fischer were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Fischer, Kath-
erine and Wayne, Mrs. Joe Mor-
dusb, and Mr. and Mrs. T.
Thompson,. all of London.
Mrs. Jessie Lewis, Jerry a td
Bill are spending the
Owen Sound with her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang-
ford and. John spent Sunday
with their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Thacker, Kin-
Visitors on Thursday With Mr.
and Mrs, Orville Langford. were
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dobson and
Wayne, of Toronto.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, George McFalls and Joyce
were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Squire, Fazctuhar, Mr. 'Ern Hicks
and Mrs. P. Mack, Mrs. Irene
Hicks and son Bill; of Clio, Mich.
Visitors during the week with
Mr- •and Mrs. Will Isaac were
Mr. and Stirs. Ivan Isaac and
girls; Mrs. Franey Isaac of Lon-
don, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Isaac and family of Toronto.
Bonnie Blair celebrated her
• sixth birthday on Monday and
entertained a few friends.
Mrs. Jack Blair, Janet, Geral-
dine and Brenda, visited with
the former's mother, Mrs. Ellen
Flannigan, at her summer cot-
tage in Southampton.
Miss Glenda Fisher, of Exe-
ter, is spending a few days with
Smile Blair.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Lam -
bourn, of Bryanston. spent Sun -
Mr. and.Mrs. Karl Guenther laying le Detroit this week.
and Janet visited Sunday in Mrs,, Arnold Hallman, of Ll'
Chatham, with Air, and Airs. towel, 'visited with her brother.
Arthur Hardcastle, John Guen- Air. Karl Guenther end NO.
and Mrs, Wiliam Morley visited
trier, who has been spending the Guenther recentlY.
recent'iy with Mrs. Melvin Dann: summer here, returned to Chat- Air. Arthur Saiirkbeiner was ;a
Wesle Bain with them, weekend visitor with ►r, Said
y Mrs. Borden Sander; .Jenet And
Air. and Airs. James Earl, of Air. and Airs, Robert Scott, of David in 'Welland,
d Mrs.Edna Passmore, L d L d a clay last
turned after a two weeks' Veen
tion in New 'York,
Wiliam French Air. Douglas Thompson, Of
Lieury, spent a few days last
'l Mrs. Olive Fredet-; , wit-�
and family, M visit -weekend Tri 1'enwickr Mrs S e week with Dave Sheppard,
ick and Miss Elva Morleyzer, Jiirt and Scots returned Air, and Mrs, Ken, Westaai
Sun ay evening wi with him; a'ter siren • g Cheryl, 0£ London,
•Se ,
ars, Russe roc were Sunday visitors with 'her”
Several children from the com• -
munity attended Bible School F. Squire. Prospect; Jackie and parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert
i } i lta ,
Joan Finkbeiner with Airs. Fink- I ar n
last wooly at Prospect Hill.
Air, and Mrs. William Hodg- bonier, Listowel; Jim and Carol -Miss Audrey Finkbeiner was
son, London, were Sunday guests Foster with Mrs. W. Corbett, visitor at the home of flet
of Mr. and Mrs, William Mor- St. Marys. brother, Air, and fors. Harold
ley Sr. and Mr, and Mrs. Earl ! Mr. Art Cann sponsored a Finkbeiner and sons, last week,
Johnson, London, with Mr. and chicken barbecue at Zion school Mr. Giem Sharpe is visiting in
Mrs. Melville Gunning. i for his employees. Dining the Toronto, with Larry Angus, Jr..
Howard Johnson, of London, is evening he gave a talk on "Hog Stirs. M. Ratz spent last week
holidaying with. Carol Johnson; Raising.” with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Brock, Ch selhurst, with , Rev. J. T. Clark returned Philip Fassold, in Dashwood.
Earl French; Burton and Shar- ; home from a month's vacation Miss Geraldine Kayes, of .Ta.
on Hodgins with Mr. end Mrs and on Sunday Rally Day ser- route, spent last week at eta
Hinson Grose, Denfield; Sue : vice. was observed in the United home of her aunt and u neje,, Mt,
Ann Squire with Mr. and Mrs. I Cburet'. 1 and Mrs. Boss Love,.
Zion, an na eve, on on, visa he ; on Ars Miss Eleanor Sharpe has
Exeter, visited Saturday week with their daughter, i
Hing with Mr. and. Mrs, liielviile
Mr. andMrs. earn
Jack Rate, Mr. Rata, Joan and
Paul. .
Mr. Stuart Switzer spent the
ed d nth Mi and f ,n tyle
urst h0n'E Garry and don,
A llB k Chi Ui
to be forgotten in our Guiding!day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
lives. Atkinson.
Lrry SMotors
„ pet' ,< Me11erdh .13a1rW,
0Mt 624 Salo tht tXtrkk
teloess—a:1lit MIla eleateallteletetililtt#Ilnt�it!'etiltittitit[1,Ittrnt�ItitiTitrilYtitillYYrtttttlliilipttlitutllrtlti
Ho 15 Highway,
5 of 6rsrnptd,Y.
YfMSl 11,26 oat,
ROA!) Stlit tA4t;:
AsphaltVery p way
borzoi of bossy
>Iti t pt killed,
This ear was travelling south ata apeed•far too high
for the road surface conditioti,'The ear ahead signalled
a left-hand turn, and pumped his brakes to give
additional warning because he hadtO wait for au
oncoming car before inaiking his turn. The driver of the
high speed car jammed on his braes and the can
Went into a violent skirl, It abet oft the road, niipped
a tree, then sittaahed head on into another, tree,
tail the driver and hie pa eager Were killed blatantly.
Before iiort travel toe fast for the road surfacentt-
ditiony rearielihber this picture. It could happen to you,.
o'itAiFbeit'Airteeteit 0t Ta,AFlvptilit
• i 'DRO -A t fold exna,mirm; no
more power shortages; 25,000 -miles of
rural lines serve an additional million and
a half people; the 60 -cycle conversion
• AGRICULTURFE-••-tJnexcelled Agricul-
tural Representative Services;Edunational
facilities at the Ontario Agricultural
College and the Ontario Veterinary
College; loans for Junior Farmers; grant
for rinks, , arenas and community hale;
improved marketing plans,
• PUBLIC WOB.HS—Zile Ontarib Water
Resources Commission will supply a.buii-
dant water to Southwestern Ontario;
stream pollution to end; housing for
Ontario Provincial Police.
• TAXATION—A new c tax deal with
Ottawa will give Ontario and the Munici-
palities added revenues and keep down the
taxes on homes and farms.
s I tGIIWAYS—A mammoth program of
construction and renovation given Ontario
one of the world's finest higher net-
works; vast increase in municipal road
Conservation programa, the Thames Valley
and the Aux Sables Valley; orderly plan-
ning for industry and housing; n.ew
industries brought to Ontario.
* PUBLIC WELFARE --Huge scare Esq
in grants to Children's Aid, Homes for: tho
Aged and Welfare projects lighten the local
tax load; pensions for many clew of
dependent citizens along with medical cam,.
• EDUCATION—$102 Millions in grants
this year; grants to increase ander revised
system; .a Millon Dollar special grant to
the ti'niversity of Western Ontario; nevi
Teachers' College at London.
e Ii'P ALTH--Effective Tubeitulo taa►r
trol; Salk Vaccine for Polio; +new end
enlarged mental hospitals; a pian set
ttnivereal Hospital Inaurante.
Middlesex 'North.
11111;slaioett t"eittitiltt ltrsssnia
.il p ertli Awe/we, tbtidntt.
fel: 4313'43
Authioriz tl by The Mtdrlieoeit 1:1a
Polis opei5
ire* e#-tktf Anti, td 166011#44*
'boly11nhf t trio
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