HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-30, Page 4;POW 111111 mMilliAem dry lag op. - I • � In tbJkltale of Wsescbuoelte. with the baud -betti sled seek stems sat ase f _ I sss.ctlese of the Agneultwai fltemertle. UN% PtN.1 t' 1 A. - aT 1. L safieme.ga UNE& pre. thergre•e-t, is N. Nem •A �thobs'sthe mei we wee it Frew the glued of time neled. Maury • gm is lost fww.r Sy the csithi pao.er•L lot the ms of tbemebe � ram M nem Os the mow paiew•y he. Um the Ins. p . h nos that .then Tike • highest 6,gbt thee Aio.: May se sees. ca., still smothers PAM. ofgt.c• beneath the brio, : Bat the dt... Gone the treomr. And the pew light to brought. shy mrd•, •.beuaded rat ..re May rove op seine pearl of tb•spbt. Ues the pea, the day'. deported. Wheat the swr rJ sloe, held .way, the hon-he.rted, Str..g lib battle where are they 1 All unknowe the deeda of glory Uwe of old by mighty me., nese the few .he live to story. Chronicled by Sed -a' pen. tele the pe.. the .on above as. Dy whose .d Ave chemist's ort, Stamps sine form of those who love ee, • Shewiee es the., Collate, part, Cannot hold • higher power Tbs• within fee pea ..dtrined, When with wisdom for us Sow-‚ l_ Itdagoerreotypes the mind. .1.1A pep, bat lei it Slander Troth with death &lack ink. - Let ;Ile Ili( best endeavor, Bei to wrTte what goat men think tllo. thy words and thought. securing '''llosesi ereir from Ie.rnteg's toogee, '�•,. I time, be r,•duriag As the troths which Horner awe. -AGRICULTURE. CORN. . pe Proper Thu for Plai:iar, We should be governed mors by the state of the lasd, teas day of lb. month. 1f the land be warm •s4 dry we may plant the last week in April. As a general rule, from th.Arst day of May to the tenth,• is the beet same to pleat. As Beal Kind of Cone to Plant. -.We Rive planted many .Ahs different varieties of corn for a few years put, but have found 000e that we like se well as tbat which we heel rented the 'wrest. Tete, 1 tbnk A the cast with most .tiring ; they suc- ceed hatter with their old variety, Dias - with new mettles. Core is not like the Potato, io ibis respect. W. sttatgtiss gel a ear variety of potato, that does well for • few yep cad lbw fails_ Not so wRh Indies euro. Like a true friend, it improves upon: long acquaintance. At ow time, the Bidden corn was highly recon. mended, as it would product many ears epee a stalk, but when planted as close as we pleated, it produced no good ears. - There can bs no objection to two good cars grow ieg upon ole stalk, but, as a general thing, if the nutriment which goes to support the busks and cob of the extra are, was to go into one good car, it would be more valuable than two poor ones. The twe've-rowed corn is thought high- ly of by some, but with us, it does not yield to well es some of the eight -rowed varieties, and the cob being large, it does n ot dry well. We bare sometimes plant- ed • white eight -rowed kind, which yields well, and is very hard and flinty ; but ft falls down much more than some other kinds, sod it does not giro so good a color to the milk and butter, wben fed to ankh cowe. As • general rule, that is the best variety, which produces the greatest amount of grain, In proportion to the stalk end cob. Refreliwg the Sred.-Preserve the early ars for reed, it what we are often told to do. This may be well, if we rase a large, late variety ; bot would it not he well to w as tee best tars for reed, rather than the early ones f i have never seen a very ear- Iy kind of corn, that was very productive. The proper /,ideate Apart, at which to Plait.-lf we plant corn without say re- g ard to sowing 'rase teed among it, three feet and a half apart, each way, is the pro- per distance. But if we wish to sow grana seed among it, we had better plant four feet apart ; it A better passing through it, when the corn is large, and the land is sha- ded so much. When planted this distance • part, we may leave fire stalks in each hill. TAe ('iUiestien, while Oreeneg.-Jr the plough and cultirhtor 'aro used faithfully, but little need be done with the hoe. Steer the introduceoo of the cultivator, many have laid aside the horse pl ugh ; but both, 1 think, ought to be Used, unless the lead Is eery mellow, so that the cultivator will go six inches deep. Os a hard, wet end, plaate4early, tb. cultivator, singe, makes, but little impression. If we use only the plough, it doe* not break up the lumos.- 11.e the plough fine, them let at dry fur a few days. thea use the e, hivator to make tho soil fine, then plough again. Alter wards ws nee only the culsay.tor, or bar row ; there Is no danger of using either of thee* ton much, for the good of the cora. iT/illag Cin.. -.1 area 'soffit le make a large, fiat, noire hill, at the tial time of hoeing; to rdeIt sane, M the ssfond hoe- ing ; at the third nr het hoeing, to draw all the loose dirt up a•nund the corn : end was told es ds tbie, se thsiHaewer might stand up the better. 1 knnw not where tilts idea Originated. Perbads it sprung from the pretties of using N. stay mei serest, to kap ibe form erect. Repented, and tem• mos taco,• slobs teeth, teal beth will be hater erwitheat web eopeoet. if au the manure bee been pet is the hill. it easy be nerawary to make seme b$N abort is errs, t'n. Is "Slatted as Ahe.ridges ; sad before doing wkkh, they.pyre Wefeff, gtw pv r .YANKER METHOD OF CHURNINO. owned erne the 11111111404 .ase e...nskt, 1 r • or.. • CAT AT the Oedema bels. -sed Owls Ise tl;hele r Nee Sallie m!sd aaykld b airtklk Qlil Qterniber. mei 466-11 (I assns that a ta•orit• practice with tb. ■od'ben carefully tabes out. Tim Nash to P IMPORTANT THE PUBLIC. l . p.b ielans of the treeing, to plies sato es sbund.etcrop of fine large potato**. free *petal 'maniere ee the other reds .4 the from disease god .o mealy that yen sea moor, sad coeeps's the workbag of differ- bardly eft them with the lothe set measures smear the "shrewd Yankees" IA et year, 1 put lame on the ridges only sub taws we Lane in catsteoce here. No., onto..-tbe year before twice ; but 1 found air, why menet the agriculturist profit by last year's praatue quite as :used as the ore the same practice ale politician'? 1 beers would simply diaw your attestors foe a As a proof of th• utility of eultiesttne soma,* to the manner to .etch butter is pntatoeb by this mode, 1 may mention that, made in sense of the principal coeoties in the year before tut, my weal naghbor hail New York, They churn .11 there by mill. hie platted in an adrdntng Geld, with only They churn it slow, and cootioue the oyer- a worm few* between, matured in the usu- aeon about four Mui when it is sweet andI si way with etable dung, and gathenog one cold; by which means trey obtain about third was destroyed by disease, and waiter one third more' butter from ebe same qu.n- third in course of the wittier ; wbereas only my of nti k, and that usually of a better • barrel .r tern was the amount of my Ines quality, than Le gse.rally get to the ordio- after behig stored. •ry way °Fattier the milk •ad eburuiog Some time since 1 read is as Eagltab only the cream when soot. By this method work oo Agriculture -or . • newspaper, of ksepieg dairy, the 'ahoy of churning is don't recollect which -s plan adnpted there considerably iuereu.d to obitere *bids of sowing alternate ridges with the potato they uses tread wheel power suitable to and tufa bags (Sweed,.b turnip) which I the number of Bows kepi; for 10, 13 nr 90 tried and found quite successful, owing, cows, the power is propelled by a 4sige perhaps, to the potatoes haring more room dog; or more frequently a 'beep is used, in the early .togs of their growth than they the preference is given to the sheep as it is otherwise would have bad ; and the ruta ba- atead,cr than a dog; It east be kept is • ga being a body pleat remained in the small yard close at hand, while a dog will (roved for some Uwe after ebe potatoes soon learn to come up missing ab',ot the were taken up, end throve wonderfully. i time of churning. When their dairy a very u. -d stable manure with the turnips, put - large they honks honpower. Their whole Ung it in the dips, and sewing on the top business IS reduced to a seaters'. /osteal of of the ridges formed by the plough, in Cor- turuing their milk 1010 pane, &Lc., to raise sting it rap. the cream, as to useably done here, the labor The potatoes planted were of no choi.o of which, in .hie ming end eleasing Jishes or particular kind ; sold wee *caress, and 1 •lune, exceeds that required tor' inhhing took what -1 enact catch. Jetts CRonss. their whole dairy, they tura the milk draw. i Wr.t Flamboro', April 11, 1850. -Don. at sight into one churn or more steadier 1 dos Raeder. to the number of cow. kept, in the morning Tile Cut ase Ta•oa or rue U. 4Tares. they repeat the same process, mixing the -A circular from }leery Kemp be: Co., of moraieg and esenl.g's milk so that it will New York, great cheese exporters, giros cool, and be ready for churning about ten the supply of cheese brought to the tide water. of the Hudson for the year 1849-3Or at 42,487,818 pounds, against 43,275,526 pounds in 1848-9. The decrease the pres- ent year is stinb'dted to the severe drought of last snmmer in Western New York and Ohio. The export of cheese to Great Brit- ain from New York will reach this year 15.- 000,000 pound•, agoiat 13,3864836 pounds in J848-9, being a decrease of one-fifth -- This decrease is attributed to the inferior quality of the cheese. Of good cheese pro- bably the amount exported last year would be taken by Great Britain. A table appen- ded to the circular shows the receipts of cheese at New York since 1834, and sIeo the exports to Greet Britain. The receipts o'clock the same morning, When the wea- ther is very warm they add cold water freely to keep the mirk at the proper tbm- penture while churning, libido operation they coatioue till two is the afternoon. 11 the butter tm likely to gather soon they stop the motion of the churn, or lessen its mo ties and churn slow. By this proceed the same amount of butter will bo obtained by lees then one half the labor which is gener- ally required in the usual method of making it- o That the dairy business would be remun- erative a the townships id readily proved from the fact, that Inge dairies are kept in Genesee County, which is ce .idsisd the best county in the State of New York foe, in 1834 wens only about six millions pounds growing whea', and baing in tie vicinity of from which they have gone on in regular Rochester, it demands' good price, from graduslloe of increase to 1845-9 whoa 43.- 10e to 124. per boshel. Their laid is 287.526 pomade were re.ei•ed. The ex- worlh 11160. iR70 and ia80 per acre. Not- Porte to Great Britain cor_meseed in 1840 withatanding the great advantage in the trill' s hundred thousand rounds, sed price of grain, Lad disadvantage in lee price have Gemmed to 6(teeo raddisa puede is price of land, they find it more profitable to 1848 -9 - keep dairy, and pay 12i per cent for the privilege of supplying the Canadian mar- kets. As the evening ie advanced. I will close my remarks by a recommend to the agriculturists of Townsend to turn their at- tention to this line of business for the future; and be always able to supply their own mar- kets -Correspondent. PREPARING AND SOWING CLOVER OR TIMOTHY SEED. Take on bushel of clover seed, put it in a pile Oa pour barn floor. Make three gal-, Ions of pickle not 'quite strong ermine to bear an egg, pot it on the seed, mix it thoroughly in the evening with • paddle or shovel, and thee spread it on the floor four inches thick. Tho next morning wet it again as above, then nett about ono peck of plaster, by spnnkline two gnarls upon it .t • time, well stirred : spread out your heap again, and so on, till yuu have it .o well did with plaster that the seed will no stick together. Sow while the seed 1st damp. One bushel thus prepared will make over one and a half bushels. The advantage, of sowing in this way is, you save at least one-third your seed, and yon are almost certain of its growing. In the spring and summer of 1849, 1 sowed, in four different pieces, 42 acres 10 the above way, six gnats to the acre not ono acre of which 'missed.' i sowed nine acres in the'.10 war,' viz : the clean dry seed ; sie quarts to the acre. On the whole field there sway be two acres of _clover not more. 1 also sowed nice buil/elm d plaster on this field, nut any on the other. HOMESTEAD EXIDIPPION.-LrcRN3E LAW. -We are glad to observe that the Hon. M. Cameron has gives notice of his intention to introduce Bills on these subjects. Alio of a bill to repeal• the ob- noxious Act of last Season for protesting Promissory Notes. Thepropriety of a law to exempt a certain. amount of property from execution for debt,. where the debtor has a wife and faanily, cannot now be questioned. Sev- eral Staters of the Union have adopted.such a law, and we hope Mr. Cameron will be able to push his measure through the House. The stilject of the License Law will require to be well consider- ed. The absured Act of last, Sea- sion by which the Banks have plucked so many unfortunate drawers of notes of $2 and 03 without any necessity, will we trust be repealed. Mr. Cameron will deserve many thanks from the trading portion di' the com- munity if 11e'succeeds.-[North American. 'Thomas, nave always placed the greatest ctmfidene' in von. Now tell me, Thomas, how is it that rely butcher's bills are .so A. experienced gentleman told me ori large, and that I always have teats war, and that be bad seldom ever such bad dinners?' `Really Sir *mined hating plenty of clover, and thick enough too. B. M. ELLA. kluney, Pa. P I'Ltertps.-Mr. Feeler, As the reason for potato planting is fast approach - log, 1 beg les.. to communicate to the pub he, throngb your useful journal, lee mode adopted by me the two lot seasons, wall great. 11 not complete weeeee. i will premise that I plant altogether In dells, made with the plough at the Usual dtotseee. In thew drills, isste•d of barn manure, i put a apnnkling of lime (air 'slacked), and plant epee the beer, isg sh.drtll with the plough. So coos as ten •haws are fairly above the proved, a light 1 bsrrew is dram neer them, *Web 1 lied 1. promote their growth wonderfully, and if even • tow are term oat. n dew no barm.- A little hows is thea 'righted over the sheer., end when -.edy for their lest dress - tag - •Ins . with the plough--• Inti. More I don't know for I am sure we never have anything in the kitch- en That we don't send sowed it up in the parlor.' Tie Sphere. of ltomen -Au editor of the 'Empire State' of N. 1 York prettily observes . Women's I'Anl►ire Staff it. matrimony. Herr she was alt , ye in the majority - always reigns and (aa scurrilous bachelors say,)sorkletime. storms ' kepi" A &art -' M ea y dr Murphy,' said an Irishman to a friend,' why did• ye betray that wet i tould ye?' 'is it betray ye call it? Sure when I found 1 wasn't able to kape it myself, didn't I do well to tell it to some One that could kape ill' VERA IIOPKIiS, of Weie Flambe/welsh, L baneg Ins a 4. months poet t. -es a, tier'se Towelling Amen for iso WASHINGTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., takes lbs pre- cast oppurlaouy otthaakl.g the L.beb.tants of the 1Velli.gln. District fur the very liberal pet - roomer andenoortreg•'neat which he has received et their hoods; aoJ hew sow tM pleasure ref in- G.iRtlad theta that he ;to duly sethoe.ard to tat also for the GENESEE MUTUAL. the former 1.s,itutu n hent exelu•i.ely devoted to the be •unscw of Fano Stnek and Beachnp, the lacer tektite fistulae Towns,-a.d both us very 'node - nM MrmR. Tum Waseuveroe Coaraar offers peoulim ed - orange• to the Agricultural Interest, taking or• Jittery ria is at inn M'► cent , doing an loonsm amoaat d eesisese, baring e vrry Iars. meh cartel oo band. and promp I arttlin8 a1l claims o gees( the in.,itui.u.,-Capital, $3$.1.009 ; Mrrtthr.e. 37.986. -both twine daily increasing. Tru Oreeses CO.►ass is intended to laser, ..sinal Vin is Tawas and Villages. and /the rates ate cooegae.tly higher S. propr,rtiea to the risks being greater ; but in conarqu.oes of the large h..ines. don. lisle more has hitherto Men metb.n rbc first pM•tn.1.rfor dnrieg the . peal thirteen lean me the Amesaats bare Ad, avenged two per cent, .l,h .ugh (luting that pe- riod some of the mors dila/Matte Gro err knows bare occurred. Cord's'. !hint .126. EZRA HOPEINS• Arent (or the Wellington tad Huron astride.April 18th 1849, N. It -Panes wiehieg to have their property insured is either of the above offices. will forwatd their views, and oblige E- H. by leasing their attunes sod place of residence with either of the following fret leets.: Jure Cr -Guineas, Cambridge.• Ilt•ar Fair. 1lerhn. Tgo>.Ao y w, R. Rrwpcssew. Agent ter G.e'ph and the neiebbefits Tewahipa 3e -ell • ,FOR SALl2 MILL PR1VIL6GEes sloe. en . tbet Lake Shur., Arid at 4,, 8 and 18 'oras frogs Gpderich. with small Farms at t.eh:d. Alen-ONEHUNDR ED Building LOTS in the new laid out Town Piot of Wicklow, on the 18 mile River, and on the main read from. G.derecb to the flnerinhrng settlements to the new cnpnty aL Brew. Terrna-O.e fourth of lbs purchase moa .v down, the remainder to Four instalments with interest. Apply (if by letter post- paid) to the _.ropnetor, JOITN 11A WICiNS. Goderich, Marsh 18. 1850. 3v-n8m6 VO79CE.-Received i. Store last No - amber, per Schooner alascreti.., A' Lot of IRON, consigned to F. C.. gederieb. If the same is not taken away fort with, it will be sold to par ends. CiIRiSTOPIIER (-RABB. Qoderieh, Jan. 23, 1250. 4v-#3111 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE ClJdf PAN Y. TiIE Stlberiber having been appended Arent of the 'CANADA LiFE A•4SURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Aum - ranee, and will be happy to afford "to any person the neeeses,y nnformali.s, are to the atsetples of the lestitntine. JAMES WATSON' Goderich, 13th June. 1849. ,261911 KINCARDINE .‘RMS. (,rear Ike Wharf GodcricA,) BY H. . 1 Ri,TON. THE shore ilotel has gnr.1 act. nmodation for travellers. Stabling, kc , bees The Parket Mary Aso will leave Gode- rich (wind a weather permitting,) regular ly twice a week fir the Kincardine Settle- ment. For freight dr pausge apply to Capt. Rowse at the K•oeardine Arms. Goderich, March 23th, 1830. n$ -e3 NO.iTICE. flr HE Subscriber baying 1.►,e appointed Arent (or the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL ANiD GENERAL 1!(st'RANrE COMPANY, Wee - by in.imair..:,t►at he ie prepared sat receive Bek seriptiona for Stock .n the Proprirurr Bench. .rd appllestioas for Insurances in the Maw. Breech, rad to give seeh ioformatioe oa the subject as may b• requ rcJ. JOHN CLARK. G derick, 26th Sept. 18-19. New Tailoring' Establishment IN GODERICH. HE Subscriber hep to anemones to the in - 1 habitants of O.•derich, and it• •ic'nity, that he hes renweeneed bsdnrr in the eh..., live. he the Room &devising 11. HORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square, where he will be pre- pared to rawer. all entail in h,• lint on ter shseteet tats, end et,iwndente reagens N. 11.-C.tti.g4.., en the. shortest ramie' JOHN ADAMS. G.desieh, Oct 17, 1849. .2.37 STRATFORD DRF.WERY. THF: Snbecriber in return ng -his sitter. acknowledgement. to the t.habitenis o Str•tfold, and to hie customers generally, fir the l.bera1 patronage which be ha. reeeieed do- ing the time he hay been, in %urine's: wishes in intimate that the improved arrengemem• which have reeenti, been made is his establishment. -111 enable Atm re make a morticegselite sal BEER, sod to furnish it ea such term, m .retitle him to • en.nnsunoe of the hominem wbieh be bee hitherto enjoyed. J. P. VIViAN. Stratford, Noe. 28, 1849. •2-e43 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WATisLoo, 2Sth February, 1849. ►C1iF. S'Menber hereh• intimate, to his ` (needs and the Travelling ['obit' c.a.- • that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Stra.borgh, sod will n ow be found in that well-known house for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where he will be ready and able to conduce to tl.e comfort of those who may h000r him with their patronage. And while he return, thanks for past (swore. he hopes. by strict attenttn. to the wants and wishes of hie customers, dill to mull a continuance of thou patronage. _ JOHN ABEL. 1i. $.-Coed STABLES ao l attentive Groom.. . 2-.4 tf N(►TICE. A*ai. NOTES dos the Subscriber will be sued without farther •otic• unless settled tmmedistelr. LOWELL ALVORD. dliedeeiehr May 116 1480. .9.14 0 '4n 0 - TOII1 tar8, •«ase, DR. P. A. Mc.DQU A N be consulted et •Il C 1frs. Wm. F• G.edi.Rs, Goderich. Sept, 18th, 1848. d I. LEWIS, BARRISTER, BOLH'1TOR, 1149" Jona 1848. GODF.RJCH. 1 CJ) ALFRED W, OTTER, C General Agent B Conveyancer, Cr LLJECTOR OFACCOUNTS. rg., OODERICH. 1 T11 E Sab.eriber begs ne inform the inhahituts .(G...end% and its vicinity, that he has ►e• sowed • Late* dapple .4 the LATEST 1111. PWWVEA PATTERNS of COOKING B O X > ry1 AND PARLOUR STOVES, .hire he offers tor RALE at very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Stemmed •lei heaps oat heed, as natant. at his OI.D STAND, • LARGE and very Se- perinr •.inrtlee.t 01 TINWARE of every description. Tb• es►.erltiir takes this eppnrteeiy eif'star- iesg hie entre. Maks to the Public for the.ery liberal pottering* k hos tee-t•ed new be ban Wee in 1wa..e a .a Goderich. sad hopes by wrist at*otitis to bes..e's, tad modereewave „o Cont, ase to reCCi.e ■ share of the public patroller' 14 R. -GRAINING, PAIN -TING. GLA- ZING. PAPER .ad DELI. HANGING carried es as heretofore. WI LLWAM •STORY. Goderich, 6th Sept. 1849. 9,-.31.1 • TWO. 0000 .FA -RMS • • rOR *ALE: ONE within 2 oils% sett the other with, in about _I mites of G.derieh Tuve Plot. The first f. Lr.T 10 js let Cseeed- S inn, Township of Underfelt, COf4TAINING I64 ACRES, is bounced at the one end by i.aks Huron, .nd at the other by a Public Road, -and the wetted 111 LOT i is 8th Cooeeseies, Colborne, W.Dtuswn, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Juectloa of two Pub- lic Roads* For Particular. apply to JNO. NcDONALD, Esq Goderich, lith Jose, 1849. s111-11' HURON HOTEL, Ort. 1, 1849. JOHN STRACNAN, t BARRISTER ANI) ATTORNgy-RN LAW, Solicitor en Chancery, C T OTARY PUBLIC, Ilea his "Ike In West Street, Ooderieb, Goderich, 2nd January, 1850. $,...4P DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveyancer, solicitor fe C7..eiwp, 4•e •. lies h a office es formerly, 1. eatemod. Stntfoid, 2nd January, 1160. Ibremefa N. B -Mr. Strachan, of the lata its e( Strachan be /suer., continues to set ss Agent and Counsel for Mr. Lizare in all matters referred to him from Stretford. - N& wf\r,S I O WILLIAMS, DIXIE WATSON of Goderiei, TJARRI'TER AT LAW. &e. As. sod GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Bastard, wino( the firm of (lector, Weller sad Wil air, Barristers, he. Taoism, hs•i•g this day mewl isle ee-parteenr.ip, a the Previa. std PAM - 1,01 1.1 Law, CM•acaa• ..d ,Coevtr•aerae, will in fours keep their Offices at G.detich /ad Stratford. respectively, ander dee sego, *ISM and fuss of Wrso. and Watteau'. Dtxta W•r,oa, Go,'ericb, Grows W,..i.tans, Stratford, 941h December. 1849. 2s-1N7d A. NASMYTII, FASHIONABLE TAILOR( GODERICH. G..JM,kb, April 12;1 849. 9. -.toll h J. K. .GOODING, AUCTiONEFR, W'LI. attend SALES in any part .f tie County on reasonable Terms. Ap- ply at bis Reside nee, Light -Howie I:teeet. Goderieh, April 4th 1849. •elle ' DANIEL 'GORDON, CABINET MAKEnt Mariam, Earl gild Cesdn CI'.. qik.. WEt T-STRRBT. - ee1011161ca Aigwst t71 h, 1849. 80.181 �t0kto, . CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, WEST-STRCET, GOAERiCR. Marsh 8, 1349. 9s-5. JOHN J. E. LINTeN, TTTTTT P111111, Commissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. GODERICH. TAMES GENTLES, would respeetfslly in - el forst ebe tehakire.is of Goderich, sod its vi - clan!. that he will cne•t.otly keep Horses and Carriages FOR IIIRE, lir wbieh he respectfully sericite the petroosge of Ibe public. JAMES GE`iTLES. 19th Sept. 1949. v2.33-tf WWWIPT ria uses. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS Thr 1,10.at *m h sof e.Mtriry a►.► time pre-ssieellA Mod...., 5.,, aty"ir.1 for their i.r.ia►i. .Leary is nil Hee .sere .hire Obey profs. to eve, Am restored do ✓ eset proctor. of ,rite rot .al.we.rry, but mower - thy of them. They sry brow. by their fruit.; their good .•..I. 'envy for thee, ri Wy eerie. i 1 by 10. Iola d the .e.du loon liCrUllf ML.L.0 1111=1 MC OM rifAaTRYA. ACVTZsod CHROSIC RBECY/TISM. AIIkVTNONod W BLADDER std IILONE YS. BILIOUS rcvzae ar LIVER COMPLAINTt.- 1n the lentil .et own. where three 0er..• er.00,l, tar, .01 be ism/ Inenamile Northam Wm.. land .10.rn oar err so atom plwhrans..dl memo .nerw.nl. M Mehr tae.. BILnrt/9 CIWLIC. cod SEROUS Looses... ISLt8. COSTIVENESS. COLDS a, t,sVoua, c9M.'C CoirrMr 110:. Voce wit pow ewer ia limn drew.& CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPSIES. DTSPISPRA. ter smr. Mats vie dalwa.r. L. Jatoary 19, 1450. sear. incl drier •••ea its.m mei n..r. rs.derlr. a'&UPTIONS d w Biro. &ITSI?SLJ*, ?LJTV Lx%C V. VRVttR and AO5'Q. re. aii•meaty. .dtie 7 wo• ase Swats, Nee w..sw .,R be :.rd • .u4....4. as .wrier wenn O.ha..d..r, Mw ale noir. •wy.rt. r. rRn of tae dory ens M Woo ec,b.n re . mosey., - TRY'nitM. it sa'terien. AND SE CURE.. IOuyse$R$ ef COMPLEXION. O'Dis**AL DDHILIT=ff OMIT. GIDDINESS. oRArcL. Hu0Ar•lsd.deveri IOW. INWARD ,trig, INILA1,MATORY SB00AI4 T701. I0ru1s BLOOD, JAONDWI. LUSS e/ Arra TIT& LIP'= O•3IIPLAIIIT$. LtPROer. LOOti5,NLBS, MRSRCn)RIAL DIeUASrO8.- Ms.w Rall r maim, sates, all tar esus 1 Ip. -uv tea saw. stns roe to mat s1w4Ra 1 m inr.4 ,eosesnIlw MST SWUM NSR room nssII.rev. Ntorocs COMPLAINTS d d Mei. URO/NIG 411,E:T1Wr.l PALPITATION 4' tR. 814 RT. PI INTRR•8 CHU1.1C. P82. o U. TO. moi 10 1..,.t.../ three oed...e wee ewe el tela 1 i lean manarw M to me 1 then tat Ileiri,w•.hm, PAI Nn i• tie hr/. alta s.r0. sed.. )..m and mama 11 11 d4 U ■A T I . r. Thies .toss wwa rl. am14 Sesser .JI hr owe of rid br 110 iia 1aa.tiws RV,* of M\04/110 Meer R1Lm, gem rp, SALTS/MUS swIWasls. RCRoru1.A. ea ZING'S 4PIL. 1111 ws.ta c.... U L C t R S. grew, dnw,pfrn w O *S. of d► ►.,.... db.w.w ~OW 1w P.,.p w.R 0...R r./,.t.tltw team nae. Wet tarsr r,reer to Weeer•.e111,44 site le OPIUM 111 UPI nils ate Arran PONIFY TNI 81000. And the. remove all i(10...e from the system. E .Ingle oriel .lis plane the L IF E 11111 sod P 4114 1 f BITTERS biome the roma l.ewgo tbl.e i. the .eti .ti.. 1 e..e, pilaw Theei Odom.mionk ioan -.501 I. wale weap,l►P. N� MNK toe.* win, a P••ebbL ores 8taoatla.,f efrtome 1M dome/ow. en *Mel I..*min .r grod.hy tom Wee now r lir Odra. y mase►.* cogen nisi., ee en ma eery �` as 'lis wrappers a.1 Semarn a .r. emrryW.i, IM..iw dm. who tease'• them .Ila wins wife Emma sae trey coa racoon 8. owed. W Sal 5.y A.* •N► ,east. w,.pp.w: let R res e11. le ./Sorel Ilaaiitt any ears I.we sir - - ars emit rat DR. WI AM a.�1Rorl4, ss lemew.y. 1 aa5me m..w DAVID H LIZARS, xxTISHE8 to intim*. to tee ishabiteas e( VV Goderich and the seroebdiag cowry, that he hes eommeneed besieges ss Cosvge.esr, General Areal sed Aeesu•ta.t, and by wids- e.e atestios, wean.?, sad modem* cheeps, hopes to he useful to such as may regain W services. Those rights( to employ him le oar n( the alio., breathes *111. please sell M the R.ei.iry Office. LiggFh,tbow.e street, Goderich, 13th March. 1850. v': -a8 DR. JOHN. HYDE, [L•T1 ►ern salt.,) MEDICAL MIAMI, STRATFORD. -July 31, 1949. 9v-e9g WM. REED, HOUSE AVD SIGN PAINTER fe.. LiGHT-HOUSE ST. GODERICH. Oec 25, 1849. Sena ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. And Ctrill Engineer. Office •t Mr. RearuT Ewe GODERICH. M Bib cry WY. PARSONS. dei111111. h10. * VW. 9.4 460. St -ail NOTICE. 'I"HE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE ad WHARF' hekaag- .g to the Mestere. D.vesp•rt, of nhisplate, We established Mosel( ee • IrOswA ■ Dia •iso co.wiesron tr5*CeaMr. Any orders or commission from the Mr• chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, Marsh, 1849. t•-7ntf. �f)c ijaron Signal, A rewrap MID resumes, mew tlmmarewie BY THOMAS MACQUI, aeras toe Pwsrwslrs. person were tr-sgoa&I, .0.15,ea. •.• Isle sad Job Priati.g, seeiewit'es1H 1 drepeaeb. Tsetse er ewe Reuss bw.as.-Tait ML• LINOS per annum if pod Mrislrisedire.er. or Twaava u. Sia Puce with the .spiewim o(t►s year. Ne paper diecediasd until amens we paid .p, sale.. 111. plusher tki.ks i. its Jess - tape to de es. Any iodivies,' is He eeseirp b emiegse- miseetele les era .wheetlbere, .has ,mei.* • seeps t►espy gratia IT All letters sd4r,ue4 u tee ZJirsf Bleti pmt aid, er ditty troll net he Wipe old Ire pest .Seri -- , TIMMa 00 Kali eine sed whir, firer i.eerll(M,... E•ee es baileea i Mort lee, ' Tea hoes sad seer. got Iaernisa,• • LL•lt sats... iseeriisso ..••e S Over tet tiers, fist f1��edytttt'��.. t� INIP 17' A k'Meal de. itedf tem N 1i '1D SW .4..t)1s. by trove., XIV' Ohapabir It Ti