HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-22, Page 8Tirnee.Advicets, August 22, 1957 Comments Abovt Mens White Buck $hoes • Jut Arrived Dock Shoos 414.95 And Up Wuerth's Shoes Phone 232 Exeter South End Service Used Car Buys! '56 METEOR RIDEAJ SEDAN -12,000 miles, auto- Inatic„ transmission, yellow, black ana white, in .show room. dondition. "Better than • New;''' 15 METEOR CLUB SEDAN live new whitewall tires, tan, white and black in colour. '48 DESOTO SEDAN Simplimatle transmission, radio. She's .a dream! 047 PLYMOUTH SEDAN he's in good shape for a Plymouth! '50 CHEVROLET COACH Bodyman special. '51 MERCURY 1/2 TON Runs like a clock. • BIG BEN! South End Service • Russ & Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Kirkton By M3S. KAROL-0 12//1$ Get Cash For 'Back -to -School' Necessities C‘ASSIFIED 'RATES Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, 2.5 wards or ton, 70c Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Williams and Gail of Woodstock spent Moro Than 25 Words ---, last week at Burks Falls in 20 Par Word Northern Ontario. Mrs. M. Gregory spent last weMr.ek McCullough and family at Grav- eniturst. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul and Terri are holidaying at a cottage at Red Bay, Mr. Harold Tufts of Toronto was guest soloist at a combined service in Kirkton United Church Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Hender- son of St. Catharines are spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Hen- derson's sisters, Mr. and Mrs. G. IL Burgin and Mr. and l‘Irs. Fred Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill and farnilY, Mr. Torn Atthill were Sunday guests 'with Mr. and 11Irs. Charlie Atthill of Exe- ter. Mr, •George and Harold Burgin spent last week visiting with Bob Anderson at Bracebridge, Muskoka. Dr. and 11Irs. Norman Antos attended a convention in Cleve- land this week. 1111•10101101110.1111•11.0M10•111020BIMMIMMI Order Your Slabs Early Mixed Slabs 325 Delivered Hard Slabs 335 Delivered Approx, 10 Cord Per Load 31 Per Cord Less At Mill Buy now and have dry wood next Fall. Ailsa Craig Saw Mill Ltd. Phone 623.r-3 Ansa Craig 41101.11111•••• MONTHLY PAINS' CRAMPS Don't believe women who say you must suffer from pains, cramps, backache, loss of work, tension, simple anemia during mon thly peri- ods. Clinical Test; have proved that New Formula Pinkham Tab- lets with added Iron or Compound with added Vitamin B1 actually relieved the cause of pain in the majority, of cases . not just the pain itself. Why not find out your- self, at no risk? We offer you - 30 DAYS FREE TREATMENT If you ors not h.Iped Just get Pinkham's from your Drug Store. Take for 30 days as directed to set at the cause of your complaint. If you do not. experience striking relief, send us the empty carton for ckeerful refund of your money. We have thousands of testimon- ials on file from satisfied users. Join them today. Try our safe, no -risk plan. Get our easy-to-use New Formula Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets with added tonic iron, or Compound with 'Vitamin Bl. PINICHAITS-401BOURG, ONTARIO 200 OFF if 40 aitiwith order or by Satur ay !allowing tbs. lost insortion 6.Uccg...E01Ng It40ERTI0Ns 400 More Than 25 Wards -,,, lao Par Word Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted tQ one column) .First Insertion 930 Per inch Subsequent Insertions $40 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy shouldbe in Tuesday at ROOD. FOR SALE DRAIN TILE 4 inch $ 55: per 51 Del'd a mci85 per M Del'd 6 inch 110 per Al Del'd 7 inch ,, 145 per 11 Del'd 8 Inch 175 per M Del'd 'Y'S and Elbows in Stock Prices for 19', 12" and 14" •on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elginfield Phone 193 Luean lltfn ALFALFA HAy, 12 acres. pPly Floyd Wein, Dashwood, phone 92. 15:22e TOYS! TOYS: Beavers Basement Toytown it open all year round. Gifts for chlidren's parties. birth- days etc, for all ages. Beavers Hardn are. Urn BEAVER JIG SAW, 18 -Inch; wood lathe with motor; 1 electric. mo tor, 14 -horse; I electric motor, 1/5 -horse; blow torch; electric drill. 382 William Street. Please do not call Saturdays. 15:22' FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS or used construction machinery contact Giffen Truck Equipment Limited, 5461 Tonge Street, Willowdale, Ont. 4 SHORTHORN COWS, registered, with calveby side; also Shorthorn bull, 16 months old. Apply Frank Falconer. second farm south of Clinton RCAF houses, phone Clin- ton Hunter 2-9126. 22:20c GRAIN AUGERS, Super Scooper, 127.95 each. Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter. 22e PEACHES are now ready. Get our prices and save money by picking your own at Sullivan orchard. Con. 10, Blansitard, R.R. 1, Forest, now operated by P. C. !wens, Cnn. 6 Statist -sant 22* • Appliance Values USED FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR. 7.5 Cu. FL, Like. New Condition Will Take Trade -In CSED ASTRAL REFRIGERATOR 'With Metal Stand, Perfect Condition ideal fee small femily. Cheap ler quick •sale. 1. SED sr A.11,TAN HI -FX CONSOLE Will Take 'Trade -In Snelgrove's Phone 18 , FOR SALE . . ICE REFRIGERATOR. 100.lh., white el:Ansel. cold air. .4.1r eon- dit inned, sofa. bed. Phone 247 Seel e. r. "5e, SCHOOL BOONS — Set of Special Commercial books .in good .cendi- tinn. .Apply Times -Advocate. 32* . .r. . . TON TRI'Cle"., 1950 Fargo, in good condition. Apply 'Douglas Treibder, phone 620.1V-12 Exeter. 23* 46 1VEANER :pms. 7 weeks old, York and Landimee, eating well. Apply Gladwyn Hooper, 'phone, Kirlston 115-21. 22ne (911.t CABIN'ET; valamee boWee; kiddie car. Apply 113 Wellington Crescent, RCAF -Centralia, phone, 623-W-3 Exeter, 22* FOR RENT, 1 MODERN APARTMENTS. heat- ed. Apply Hodge's store, Ihone 7 Creditnn. 27t fa AP.A.I1TMENT. above Gould & XorY store. Apply T. 0. Southeott. lltfc CENTRALIA — 4 -bedroom house. Phone 882-1e5 Exeter. Stanley Hieks. 18tfe APARTMENT, furnished, healed, hot water, private bath, suitable for one or two people; Do •pos. Apply Penhale Apts., 70 Jahn St. 11. Stfc 2 - B E P1100 M. self - contained apa,rtment, enfurnished. unheat- ed. available nnw. Apply John Vs are!. phone 348 Exeter. 22' 1 -STOREY BUILDING. 2,' x 70'. with cement floor and 2 .1a.rge sliding doors; located behind town hall, Apply et Ford'e :Me.n'a Wear, Exeter. or phone' 691-r-5 .Hensall, collect. 315tfc 5 APARTMENTS, unfurnished; both are heated,. hot and cold water, built-in cupboards, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Blatchford Apts. • 22' UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, at 311 Andrew St.. Exeter, private ent- rance, living room. kitchen, 3- pieee hath Red 2 bedrooms, newly decorated, with utilities paid. Apply at Ford's' Men's:. Wear or Phone 691-R-5 Henfiell, collect, Ste 8 -ROOM AP ARTMEN T, down- stairs, rn net er n. self-contained. heated, partly furnished, private entrarsee, suit one or two adults, Apply 145 Victoria. St. W. 15tfc $75 MONTHLY — Large corner residence, 534 'Main St. S„ double, lot, nicely treed lawns, spat:lout living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room; also bedroom pantry and bathroom no main ..floor; 3 bedrooms upstairs; roomy liasement with oil burner. Phone 7 days, 356 evenhigs. 15:29e APARTMENT. furnished, heated, hot. and cold water. private 3. piece bath, separate entrance. Phone 27 or 205. 22c MISCELLANEOUS EVENT/DE VILLA Eventide Villa, a hornet for elder- ly citizens, is now open at 30 Sanders St., Exeter. The Villa, is under the manageinent of Mrs., L. Desjardine, phone 150 Exeter, • 815;2229e ARE YOU a turnip _grower? If , se, it will pay you very well to have them -eprayed for maggots , and water core; and watch your crop far damage from cabbage worms- •as they can destroy our e ; rop in a few days and they are, bad right now. I have available Aldrin for maggots, Wray powder for water core. and parathion for cabbage worms. If you want me to spray, eall 266, L. V. Hogarth. Exeter 15:220 22 HAT — Choice second cut Baled hay. Apply Ray Francis, phone 34-r-3 Kirkton. • 22c • EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 3, 1957 Subscription Rates For exeferZinesiAbuocafe • will be $4.00 Per Year In Canada $5.00 Per Year U.S.A. 10 .Cents Per Copk, iefeitaintesabuocafe 1 "OA Prix/folio** 'Nemo -epee Serving Ontario's Beef Farmland' REAL ESTATE BUILDING LOT, 77' x 125', one block from Main St, Cement block building, 30x 50', at back end of lot. Best offer. Apply Erie Hey- wood, phone 649 Exeter. 15tfe • HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter BRAND NEW -3 -bedroom, 1 -floor home' with garage, up - to - date kitchen; beautifully tiled bath- reom; large dining -living room; fine basement with oil -burning furnace; attached garage. 22,000.00 CASH with iriontbly pay- inents :will purchase good brick home' in choice location. A.PARTMENT HOUSE, centrally lheated, 4 completely self-cont.aln- ed, furnished apartmente. This is a briek building. with everything In the' best of repair throughout. Will provide comfortable home and Income. 1 -STOREY BRICK, schobl area, 3 bedroems: modern kitchen and bath. Sunporch and garage. Oil heated, , PRICE 46,500, with $1,590 ca.sh, Roomy brink house, Well located. Balance of payments may be spread over 16 years.. 18tfe CENTRALIA — 3 -bedroom home with approximately et acres of land..ThlrehouSe is well wired, re- decorated throtighout, has good Water inticle. Price $2,600. Liberal terms. Immediate peesesslon. 18tfe To buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance, 394 Mein St:, Exeter, phones 165 and 628. • 2,0tfc NEW HOUSE nearing completion. Forced tireoll heating. 'Nice loca- tion. Reasonable pride. Apply to Tom Walker, Nelson "St., phone 553. Stfc ANDREW tir., EXETER, 2 -bed- room hOme, johne-Manville, mo- dem kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooen and 2 -piece ba(h on. main floor; 4-pitee bath and 2 bedroome un. Situated on a lovely lot. An extra lot ineluded. 82,580 with moon down, terms for baltitee. Apply Aire. Charles Tin- dall, 220 ritiveetity Cres., London, Phone 8-31036. 8:8tfe REAL ESTATE' I WANTED 11 5-0051 klOUSIII, in cyst:Mon. 2 Years old. part beesentent. insuiat- -it priced reasonable to close ant estate. Contact A., Sweitzer. texeter„ phone 94 letfo 3 -BEDROOM HOME, nearly new, full pored btsement, oil furnace, hardwood floors: east, side of 1,3x» eters close to schools. IL E. Balk - will,. 47 John $t. East, Exeter, phone 89-2. litre • • Guaranty Trust APARTMENT. small, furnished for light housekeeping, in VIM. tralia or Exeter, for single limn steadily employed, .Apply Box '5'. Thnes-Advocat e. 22c HENSALI, 2-Bedreotri frame home, immacu- late" modern kitehen and bath. new it 'heating unit. Well worth ynur inspection. HENSALL Rural acreage, convenient to vii- lage, well kept brick house with furnace and bath. Price reduced. HENSALL (Inc of Heneall's finest bones, modern 3 -bedroom tinkle bouse. exeeptionallywell decorated— real npportunity acquire a fine home, PIENSALL . 2-13edroom brick house, modernkitchen, kitchen, good state of repair, new fu mace. HENSALL 2 -Bedroom brick nonae, new hot water nil heating unit, ha:Ile/end floors up and down, good state of repair with 2 -car garage, Priced for immediate sale. HIPPEN 1 Bedroom home on highway, sul Brick. hath and converted oil furnace. Good sized lot, low taxes. Ideal for retired couple — priced to sell with terms. We have additional listing's of town and farm properties avail- able for ,your consideration. Guaranty Trust Realtor' n, TATEMS Phone 51, Hensall 22tfc BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY CAN GIVE prompt ship- ment on wide variety chicks, Pullets. Limited quantity started, Broilers for September - October should be ordered. now, Ask. 'ie for further partimilare, Agent:, Erie. Carseadden, Exeter, 'phone 246-W1 Bray Hatchery, 120 JohnN., Hamilton. 22e BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LADIES: Without previous exper- ience you can ear as .1nuch as $2.00 or more per hour in your spare time. We train •you. Ex - elusive territories opAn In South Huron rpral sections. Please write Mrs. J. Green: General De - 1 livery, Hanover, Ont, 22c t Mt:26R, thaw brie, living rootr t firefilitee, 2 bedrootne, full bath, hice kitchee, full teller, furnate, hot *titer tank, central location. FRAME HOUSE. 13-bedroints, hydro, bath, oil heat. 1 -STOREY HOUSE, new furnace, 3. piede bath, hew roof, garage. RtJG ER/Cft H012512,6-roorn, In very convenient shopping centre, balk hOt and cold water, cash deal, quick poseessiort. 1,8tfe APAATItIENT HOUSE', ell furnace heat, Seterate entrances end bath - meths. Geed in veatmon t. Good &Welling; badroorne, bathroinn UP' atairn: Living roost, ng , diniMoroiden, den, kitchen, MVO floor; furnace. 26tfci 1-1/413WAY 140 A.011,ES, brick hearse, large barna, Silo, drive. Shed; $1.8,000. EPHEN 100 A eiltEN, brickh(1uee, house, ban COnversiences. largo L. Shape 'barna with good stAblint, litter terrier, 'Write, Phone 01'01110. W. r!',. Pnitrn, Realter, tattier, phone C.15i. Earl Partiode, Phone 667, Fred CrIle. Adria 530.W.,, •Saleaftleri, 1.1tfd HELP WANTED GIRL to do light housework and look after one child while mother works. Phone 364-R Exeter. Xtfne EXETER PUBLIC UTLITIES COMMISSION requiree Stenographer - Bookkeeper Apply in person. Phone 127 for appointinent. 15:22c RELIABLE WOMAN to do houee- work and care for two ' small children. ages 3 and S. Sleep out. Duties -to commence September 1, Phone 187 'Exeter. • 15:22:29* CLERK -TREASURER VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Applications will be received bY the undersigned for the. position of clerk -treasurer for the Village of Grand Bend. Duties to com- mence September 1, 1957. Appli- cants to state salary expected and qualificetion's. Appllcations to close at 12 noon August 26, 1957. B. WAIN,WRIGHT, Clerk ' Village of Grand Bend 15:22e 2 WAITRESSES—Apply 33urkley Restaurant. , 15:22e • MATE & FEMALE HELP to work on poultry. Seasonal. Apply in person to Canada Packers, Ex- eter. • 22e, . . . , PART-TIME NEED 3300 IN THE NEXT 60 DAYS? , • If you have 1 to 3. heiirs daily snare time and a car — you can start at once making :Extra Money Ent() 11 I ng• Motor Club Memberships in Dile locality .(eity or rural). No experienee—trairting aids provided. Ersqutries from women welcomed. FULL-TIME. :Have you experience in direct selling such as Cookware, Tela,te ware, Magazines!, Books'. Appli- ances, insurance ete.? We need expeeleneed men fer lucrative sales posftions. Opportunity to qualify as District Malinger in this area. • Reply by letter at once stating Part or Full Time to: Mr, Pled:ill, Po* 817, London, Ont. 22e • SERVICES WHITEWASHING & CLE'ANING— Arrangerntnts tars be made. 13)11 Watson, DashWood, phone 19. Otte LOST Tny Manchester, hlaek 1 and ten, with crooked tooth. , Answers to, name of "Bittell". Pet of children from Windsor. Please call 'Windsor ('1, 2-7130. Reverse charges. Reward. 15:62c CUSTOM BALING and combining. ,ply Norm Whiting, phone 0.960- W. evenings. 201r6 EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES "Electric portables, by the week. Helmer. Meeker Furniture, phone 99, Ex- eter •arc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers Floor, PO118101'4 Vetounin Cleitnere, TOOLS, Et0, ElEAVE,F1S. ,asAtiovvgkstg,:exttEsti . TV SETS. xAntee. nscottn PLte moosTVta..4.1to 'SERVICE Grntid Rend 1110 Typewriters gt.A.1411Aato DttPtsit'r A VAT 13f NVtlAlIt Oft,110N1:14 EXETER TIMES-AIWOCATH PlidniS /70 •' 'NOTICES Bankruptcy Sale By order of the undersigned trustee, the fixtures and equip- ment of D. RIVERS, EXETER, ONTARIO, will be sold from the premises. A representative ,of the trustee will be in attend- ance Friday, August 23, 1957, front 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m„ to take offers on individualpieces of ,equipment consisting in part of islands, National Cash Reg- ister, deep freeze display counter, Ruddy Refrigerated display counter, walk -m• box, grocery baskets and buggies, , F, 0, KIME, Trustee 312 queens Ave„ LONDON, Ontario, NOTICE l'APMERS: Mr. Hubert Cooper will be driv- ing livestock truck for approxi- mately 4 weeks. Please phone 15 er 599-Je3. —Ned. ,Armstrong. • 22* AUCTION SALES AUCTION, SALE Of .Furniture MAIN. ST., EXETER, Across the road from 'Fred Dobb's Gas Station SAIL RDA. e's .8.1; 0, :1•4, 1130 Trovking chairs, dining. rporn table and 4 eltaire; kitchen table; eltairs; kitchen etinoard; china, and buffet combined; Smell table; couch; 5 ehairs; armchair; cbea- terfteld suite; 5 small tables; piano with. bench; 75 sealers step ladder; Single bed. springs and mattreeis; bed lamps; :cur - tales; feather tick; 2 beds with springs and snattresses; drease-r enct stand; bed; bureau dresser; 5 clocks; lawn mower; crolcipole board; hall tree; card table: sew- ing machine; ottoman; lamp; small table; washing machine; Ironing board; settee; coal-oll heater; sealers; garden tools; 4, burner hydro stove.; cheeterfield. aFlonar, EARL. Proprietor CLARE' Fxsionl, Cleric PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 15:22c AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the VILT.A G:93 OP liPIN'SALL WEDNESD4:3:, A111 l'ST 118 nt 100 .O'Clock Electric+ wasiling sischine; Cole- man camp slew; studio enucti; dining room table and 6 chairs; drop leaf teble: arm chairs; odd chairs; combination writing desk and cabinet; rocking chairs; bur- eau; sideboard; sewing machine; cupboard; wardrobe; beds; springs and snattresse s; small tables; radio; dreseers; wash stands; bedding; mats; dishes; kitchen utensils; hot plate; step ladder; coal; wood; garden tools; lawn mowee; block and tackle; wire stretchers and nu merou s other articles. Timms: Cash. MRS,' IOHN 13. FORREST. f'rOP. .1.... L. MeNAUGHTON, Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer AVCTION SALE Of 96 Acr.i Of band LOT s. cos 4. l'SBORNE TWPs. rain,sx, .a.Fot $T 30 at .2100 4)."Cipelc 50 aeres, in grass. Balance Of land ender cultIvatinn. • Terms of farm made known on day of sale. Sold subject to re- serve bid. CHATTELS: Cash. 3 -furrow tractor plough: 1"wa7 disc; MeDeering binder. 6-11 cut; wagon; double set o',1 harness: '46 .Chev. truck, in tecrod -steps; 3 cars for hay 'fork track; whiffle- tree: neck yoke; 7 rents :tenet) wire and other articles. GEORGE WRIGHT. Proprietor CLARK FISH:F1R. .elerk LANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer •22:.1.9.0 AUCTION SALE Of Barn, Blacksmith Equipment and Miscellaneous Items On the Pernisee. In the 'VILLAGE OF JIASHWOOD 'rise 1.7ndersigned Auctioneer re, ceived instructions to eel]. by' Publics Auction on SA'1`1.110)AY, A ser 31, 1001' nt 1130 p.m. Combination :Flarn and Black, smith .Shop: This is a 2 -storey building*, 21x80 ft. Bottom storey completely lined with brick and large blacksmith fireplace. Also adjoining stable for livestock. Building well constructed and ip good condition. Cash on day , of sale and to be removed within 60 (Jaye, Fell line of Blaeksmith Equip- ment including vises. tongs, work benebes, new 140n -it% beam scales. bolt clippers, blowers, tire setters, large nesnrtntent of horse - shops, w re n e he s. bolts. Many articles too numerous 10 Mention, TERMS: Cash. Prop. • • ALVIN AvAbnicit, Auctioneer 22:290, 1 ,11 011 • SUMMER HEAVY, DUTY 011 SUPEROYL 10-30 Heavy Duty Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil is best for your car 12 months in the year, in every season—in all temperatures. Lets yew forget Spring. Summer' and Fall -Winter changeovers. . SUPEROYL 10-30 IS TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN IN EXTRA ENGINE PROTECTION QUART SUPEROYL 10.30 Pure Pennsylvania is the superlative new Summer -Winter Heavy Duty Oil. SUPEROYL 10.30 is as free-flowing as the lightest 10-W winter oil In zero weather . prevents cold ell "engine drag". Yet it gives full-bodied protection of SAE 30 on hottest Summer days. SUPEROYL 10-30 gives premium gas performance to regular grade gas. The high detergency live! of Heavy Duty SUPEROYL 10.30 makes it the perfect lubricant for all cars, regardless of age er condition. 00.1T- YOURSELF—Change your ownoil so 'you can be sure you've got the world's finest. You save money, too! 1 .89 GAL Moto -Master V.I. 100 + Heavy Duty Motor Oil Cleans as it lubricatesEliminates valve -lifter Sticking. Refined from 100% Pure Pennsylvania and fortified with carefully selected high detergency additives. Save $1 on every oil change. • • NUGOLD MOTOR OIL—QT: .27 QT. m39 GAL. 1,49 GAL. .99 5,Gal. Drum 35,50 Cceleen'eMlFgeeesseesseel „.. 4`..r FAST -FLOW OIL FILTER Add years to 'the life Of the engine. Keep Mit dirt rind obratiVes. Complete for most Ford rind Chet,. 9. fie • FILTER CARTRI DGE Perfect replacement for all cars and trticks. A new filter will protect your engine. 1.10'1.89 HEAVY'DUTY BRAKE FLUID For all hydraulic broke systems, equal to and mixes with any original brake . fluid. 20.oz. ..... 498 CARBURETOR' CONDITIONER Removes water, varnish and dirt from carburefart fuel p'u 6 p and gas lines. esselil, • • seeeleelliele eaterartj CONTOUR AUTO MATSMELD Jiffy Installation—easily reinoved fax drighfenis ear interior, saves wear and foist on oriOltsei oquiPment, For front or rear. leek 1,C141114 Sky Bine,. Coral Green er each IR ... Blue -Grey, each.. 2.55 e• 4 8. .s A A 436 Main St Exeter Phone 451 Milton R1 Robbn*