HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-22, Page 3t x C i 11. .1 A. t S A A' 1 1 4 1. 4'11 N .4 A 1 .A Hawkeys Picnic In Stratford Park On Sunday the Ilawkey reunion, was held. at Queens Park, Strat- ford, with 65 present from Mit.: chell, Itusseklale1 K kto _.-. it n, Wood-. ham, Exeter, St, Marys, Fullar- ton,. Rannoch .and Mount Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Ittissell McCal- luni and Mr, ;and Mrs, Ray Mar- rison were in -charge of the sports. The winners -of the races' under 5, .evei'Yone; boys 10 and under, Peter Gartenburg girls, Dawn Thwaites; teenagers, Lois t Jolliffe; lad.ies,. Mrs, Reg Stagg and Mrs, Harold Levy, men, Harold Levy and Alex Gai- tenburg. Several games and re- lays were conducted. An election of officers was held during a short business -SERVO E , STATION For Lease Immediate Possession , TOWN OF EXETER Low Rental Apply H.O. FREE SEAFORTH Phone 366 Lucan VVins Donkey Tilt AgainstCentraiia�"ear The fans, of Lucan and dist- :laugh about throughout the son- r'i.c.t were treated to. an -hilarious ..test AS the donkeys did every - evening 'of ,entertainment in Lu- thing but what the riders want - can Monday night when Cen- ed them to do, saw the tie game tral.ia ,and Lucan played o. a 4.4 broken up. with * race from deep deadlock in en exhibition don centrefield: to, home plate by the members of each team, Three members. of the London The .hero. of the night was Lu - Lords Football Club saw action cans Harry Hardy who came in Lucan un. forms. as the coach scampering home on his ass well and general manager of .the Sen- ahead of the .other wandering for QREN entry, Indian Jack critters. Some. of the other play - Jacobs, hurled the first three .ers had trouble holding the don - innings for Lucan while Centre key :stilt long enough to get on Vert Scott guarded the key sack while still others that did get at second and Tackle lid Heur- on couldn't stay there and ended up staring the innocent looking animals. 's re in the ,. gua eye,.' Lineups for the game included; LUCAN. -Harry Hardy c, Jack Jacobs p, Ivan Hearn lb, .Tack Ryan: 2b; Cecil .Lewis ss, Mike across the plate to go with Sin- Culbert 3b,gJack Ready If, Mur- nett's round tripper for the four aid ob Whitf Don Laughton. runs. Harry' Hardy, Bob White,' Ivan CENTRALIA—John McCarroll Hearn and Jack Ryan were the c, ROY Mulford p, Earl Sinnett Lucan heroes who. accounted for 111, Bob Muldoon 2b, Bill Beam - four runs to tie up the bail ash ss, Art Story 3b, George game. Sweanor 3h, Bill Haywood cf, The fans, who had plenty to Tod Shannon lf, Roy Hamilton key baseball game. ing roamed around in .centre- fieid on his well trained ass. The only home run of the game was hit by Ea i Sinnett .of Cen- tralia, Bob Multioon, Ron Hamil- ton and Bill B_ earnish managed to guide their long-eared friends meeting. President is Ray Mills, secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Pres- ton Morrison; sports .committee, Mr, and Mrs, • Reg Stagg, Mt•. and Mrs. Reg Morrison; lunch com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs,. Alex Gar- tenburg, Mr. • and Mrs. Wm, Moore The 1958 picnic will be held the first Sunday in August at Riverview Park, Exeter. Pretty Girls! ENTER YOUR NAME NOW Ontario Bean Festival Queen Contest WIN A WONDERFUL VARIETY OF GIFTS Contestants Must Be Under 21 And Not Married APPLY TO JIM CLARK, HENSALL BEFORE NOON, SAT., AUG. 31 Sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Hensall . rf, Jack Thompson lf, aid Doug en p.. All Message From Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Miss Marlene Frazer, Park; ' hill, is spending two weeks' holidays with her cousin, Marion McNaughton. M. r and Mrs. Davidak ' Prinson and Tommy, of Trenton, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs, Austin Timms and family are taking a three- week holiday motoring to Vic- toria, B.C. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hernan- dez, Patricia, Ricky and Joy were weekend guests with Mrs. Hernandez' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Switzer. Mr. and. Mrs. Vernon Grott, Joanne and Elizabeth, Toronto, Miss Mary Baker, Georgetown, Master Ronald and Maryanne Marriott, St, Marys, have beets holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar, Miss Olive Hackney, Mitchell, visited with her aunt, Mrs. Ben Wilson, on Sunday,. The Baker family held a fam- ily reunion at Turnbu.il's Grove on Sunday. Misses Wilma and Norma Els- ton are spending a few holidays with their brother, Mr. Clare Elston and Mrs. Elston. Mr. Harold Berry is a patient in the hospital. buy your KENWOODbuyourBLANKETSthe easy wy Deluxe �Cenwood Blankets Famous Floral Tint $20.9$ Viceroy $120.95 Famous ° $17.9S"' Ramcreit $14.50 Norway Camp , $13.50 Slumber Throw .,, $ 8.95 IN ALL 'THE,• BEAUTIFUL ' I(ENWOOD SHADES Baby Blankets •.. join -the KENWOOD CLUB!, Alt you do is choose the dreamy Kenwood • colour you want, make a small deposit, then week by week tench the balance dwindle lilt the, blankets are ours! • Whether you'recollecting a trousseau or wish to buy lovely* all -wool Icenwoods for your home of for gifts, this by -the -week plan is designed for your convenience. A. personal Kenwood :Pass Book will record your. payments and show you how fast you can huy m this budget way. Drop':in to our Blanket Depart - anent for further information—and join now. 255 V F F Dresses Slacks AND Sommer Sportswear BUYS IN GOOD FOOD STOKLEY'S TOMATO JUICE 48 Oz. Tins 3 for $1.00 POST CEREALS Large Packages , 4 for $1.00 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 Lb. Bag ..,...,...,. 950 STRAWBERRY JAM Breakfast Club, 24 oz, 330 PEANUT BUTTER ClubHOuse, 16 oz. ,,,,,HIV/YY.,/„.....,. 35¢ GOULD CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 20 Oz. Tins, 2 for 350 YOR;. SPICED BEEF 12 Oz, Tires ,....,,,,1 .................. 37e PURE LARD Sthneider's ..............,,,,,,,,,, 2 Lbs, 459' GIANT BONUS 84 Off Deal ,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 730 TOILET TISSUE Vogue or Cottage ,,.,,,„..,. 3 for 230 PHONE, 16 • WE DELIVER EXETER OPEN SATURDAY' NIGHTS TILL 10 CLOSED FRIDAY NIGHTS Mrs. E. Triffry. Active In WMS .Services were .held Saturday Prem .the B.onthron funeral chapel in Hensel]. !Mor Mrs. Earl T1'effrY, Ova( Cromarty, the former Elsie 4 Tc..vn T�p.ic Mems of :5oc at. and Pomona! :intertest In :and Around:.Eeeter s The. :Exeter '1' #.** I*J1t!1•dua,,s trt *t n*i's y.t***.ed 4v jietlilah the', :hexes, 1\;c Ault Rllr rt l4 ra *re ***two 1* 70lt AAH1O ZPOr lrirxliat "Ore 71*.. Ann Lawson, who &lie4 sud.desdy in Clinton Community Iospitai on Thursday, August 15. Daughter .of the late :Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawson, of Strat- ford,..she was born at Orill.ia, in 1899. She moved as a small child to Stratford, where she received her education and lived untLt her marriage to Earl Treffry 'ori June 25, 1919, They moved to :A farm, near Cromarty,, where she, lived until her death. She was "a member of the Chiselhurst United Church, and an active m.ernber and a past • president of the W.M.S.Sire was a nstitmuteem,ber .of Staffa Women's I • Surviving ,are her husband Viand two .daughters, Mrs, Clarence (Erla) Coleman, •Cromarty; Mrs. Ross .(Margaret) Forrest, Kippen,' and five• grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters, Ar- mand, Stratford; Russell, Cleve- land; L, Edward, Flint, Mieb,; Mfrs, Walter (Jessie) .O'Brien, Mrs. Arthur. .(Margaret) Treffry, Mrs, Carl (Doris) Briggs, Flint, Mich. Services were conducted by the Rev, Charles Daniel, assisted by a cousin of the family, Rev, Dr, :Harry Treffry, Florence. ' "The Beautiful • Garden' of Prayer" was sung . by Mrs. Thomas Brintnell, Mrs, R. Tay- lor, Jr., Mrs, Olive Hoggarth, Mrs. Alf Ross, accompanied by Mrs, Robert Kinsman at the piano, Interment was in Baird'S Cemetery. Pallbearers Were Earl Kins- man, Jack Kinsman, Ross Sararas, William Parsons, Wil- liam Worden and Thomas Laing, Cromarty. Flower bearers were four nephews, Jack Lawson, Mont- real; Donald O'Brien, Leonard Briggs, Dennis Briggs, Flint, Mich. Topics From Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG MRS. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore of Vancouver are spending some time with the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, and the former's brother, Mr. Sam Cudmoe. • M. Donald Brock of Winnipeg who is touring Ontario and Que- bec called on Mr, and Mrs. Net - son Hood on Friday, Miss Jean Hyde, nurse -in -train- ing at Oshawa General Hospital, visited three days last week: at . the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman and Leslie left Kippen by motor on Friday morning for a trip to t Calgary, Alberta. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchin-1 son of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore of Vancouver. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde were Mr. and i Mrs. Wm. Helmeth of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ,Stanley Helmeth, Baden and Mrs. Aaron Helmeth, Baden. Master BobtY Gridzak and his sister, Judy, returned home after spending twoweeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler of West Monkton. Miss Joyce Hood is holidaying for two weeks in London with. her cousin, Dianne Perkins. lir. :and .Mrs. Robert Balclt a f h ml. da on�I i s as fBa s, v', o t iY a, s mainly , t teed with Mr, kan.d Mrs. Howard Johns last week, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Bower, Joyce and Marvin, and Mr, sod Mrs. Ross Jaques, Ilensall, spent , the weekend in Ypsilanti, Mich. Mrs. Harry Whitton and daugh- ter, Brenda, of Hamliten visited over the weekend with Mrs, Charles Harris. turned Mrs. Gerald her MllamcLeanafo haslowingre- surgery in St. Joseph's iffispital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mci inlet and two •daughters, Sarnia, and Mr. Bruce .Alderson, Parkhill visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Alderson. Mrs. Alfred Coates, Miss Betty Coates, Larry and Mary Munn, London, spent the weekend in Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Goman, Susan and Efizabeth, spent e past two .wdeeks.in- New York,th Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Dixon, Betty and Jimmy spent several days in Detroit 10 t week, Nlr, and Mrs. Autin Sinith and son, Brock, of Copperville spent last week with Mr and Mrs C., M. Farrow; the ladies are sis- ters. Mr, Fred ,T. Ford of Toronto is visiting with his mother, Mrs.. W. J. Ford, Mr. Bruce Tuckey and W. C. Allison and Les Rafuse and Jim Refuse .of London and J, R. Brown of Kitchener spent several days on a fishing trip to Flesh- erton the end of last week. Mrs, Kenneth McLean of Cum- berland and formerly of Exeter was an overnight guest with Miss Margaret Brown on Monday; Mrs, Mary Hannigan spent last week at Sauble Beach at her brother's cottage, Randy and Johnny Hannigan, Waterloo, are spending a week's vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Hannigan. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, London, and •Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hannigan and three sons, Waterloo, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Marty Hanni- gan. Dr, and. Mrs. E. J. Whiting are spending this week, with rela- tives at Lake Kash, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shapton of Fort William visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Shap - ton. Mrs. William May underwent surgery :in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday and is pro- gressing favorably. ; Het son, Gordon, of Hamilton, is with her, Mrs. Edgar Wildman and•fa'm- ily are visiting in Belleville. Misses June Bierling and Joan Batten who spent last week . in he Muskoka district are holi- daying this week at Norman Heights., Sugar And Spice — Continued from Page 2 Adana was before Eve got chin - wagging with that serpent and opened up an eternity of male misery directly attributable to the clacking of female tongues. It's not the women's fault. They lust can't help it. Talking is as natural to them and as neces- sary, as narcotics to the addict, booze to the drunk. As recompense for removing their most vital component my magic powers ivould give the girls' large; permanently -firm bosoms, permanently shapely limbs; permanently wrinkle -free faces and permanently curled hair that could be set each morn- ing, just by pressing the ends of their noses. What' else could a woman pos- sibly want to make her happy? Oh, maybe a few simple little things like a mink coat, Cadillac, an automatic washer, nbiseless children, a full-time maid, , and a husband who coiinbines the 'looks -of Rock Hudson with the charm of Bing Crosby and bank- roll of E. P. Taylor. Well, she shall have them, There'd, be treats for old and young, too, in nay transforma- tion of the race. To the old folk, I'd give a good set of teeth, a good appetite and digestion, and freedom, from aches and miser- ies. The kids 1 would not alter in any *ay physically, but I'd grant therh an extra six hours inevery day,an unlimited sup- ply of pocket' money, and the privilege of remaining children forever. ' I wonder how long everybody would be happy? About eight days, would be my guess. By that time, the men, going batty from the silence, would be ready to trade in that gorgeous, word- less creature for the garrulous Old i3attleaxe. The women would gladly turn in their mink coats, Ronk Hudson, ett., for a chanes to utter a few well-chosen words to that lovable old ape they Married. And the World, full of healthy, handsome, happy people, 'would be as tasteless.as an old rubber boot There'd be no sugar and Spied in it, and within a few 'weeks, there'd be long lineups forming to jump. over cliffs ar under trains, And if I had lost my ntiigie powers and was un- able to change everyone back Into the ugly, ilttrsetive, miser• able, happy people they'd been before, Yeied find me et the head of the line, List More Results Of HS Graduates Upper school marks of Morley Desjardine, SFIDHS graduate, were inadvertently omitted from the list last week. They included: Eng C 51, Eng L 63, Hist 67, - Bot 78, Zool 69, Lat A 67, Lat C 72, Fr A 50, Fr. C 52. Three subjects were omitted from the results listed for Doug- las Hilmather: Lat A 71, Lat C 75, Fr C Hockey - Team —Continued from -Page 1 . "B" .or .homebrew club will be entered io, the grouping with Lucan, Mitchell, . Ilderton and Zurich. • ii. Mr, and Mrs. Erie :arscadden l and family attended .the Batten reunion in kions Park, Seaforth on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Doerr, Bon. nie, Susan and Wendy, holidayed during the ;past week on a trip to Ottawa, Montreal and other . points ,east. Mr.and Mrs. W. 3. MacStoker and Terry, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lee Wilson on Sun - .day. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, Mr. Walter Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pooley and Michael Cushman attended the Batten re- union in Seeforth on Sunday., Mr, ado Idrs. William Mgr- shall ar- sh ll accompanied by friends m Hamilton, _, have returned from a two week motor trip in the Maritimes, i Fred J, Luxton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, town, honor graduate of SHDHS, and an arts graduate .of the Univer- sity of Western Ontario recently graduated as a .certified public accountant. He is employed as assistant accountant with Vick Chemical Inc., St. Thomas. Mr, Irwin Henderson of Grand Valley who has been staying with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. L.Henderson, while taking a summer course at the University of Western Ontario, has returned to his home. Mrs. Edith Foley Ottawa is visiting with Mrs. Lee Wilson, Ifr, Ralph Batten is visiting his' sister, Mrs. Ida Archer in London foracouPl.e ofdays this week. etiOcouvrAvy Going Thursday, August 22nd to Satyrday, September 7th, incl. Return Limit—September 11th For tares and train service, contact your local agent. ^rl,s "'nr abii, .AL 1.10110111101144444111µ111,11.11111111W111111141144 lIA114 1,111WA11111141144/41N104111111MMNAA,!! Are Always Offered 1 at• Larry Snider Motors Come In And Make/. Deal Today! '56 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, low mileage -. $2,895 '56 FORD RANCHWAGON, automatic. $2,395 '56 FORD COACH ...., $1,995 '56 STUDEBAKER COACH, overdrive, radio . $1,800 '54 BUICK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP ,,,.,.•... $1,800 Automatic, radio, four, new tires, '55 FORD SEDAN ,,..,. $1,59.5 '55 FORD COACH.. '54 METEOR SEDAN, radio ,,,,,,, $1,400 '54 FORD SEDAN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4...,,. ,. $1,350 '54 METEOR COACH ,., $1,295 52 MONARCH SEDAN, radio, automatic $1,195. '52 OLDS SEDAN ,,,.. $ 995 '52 FORD COACH, overdrive, radio $ 4895 '52, METEOR COACH, overdrive, radio ,,..,,,.,$ 895 '51 BUICK SEDAN • $ '795 '50 OLDS SEDAN '51 DODGE CORONET COACH '51 FORD COACH Your Choice '50 PONTIAC SEDANS, '50 DODGE COACH '50 FORD. COACH Your choice $ 550 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN $ 195 '49 MONARCH COACH $ 195 $1,600 i 5 $ 595 choice of 2 $ 550 TRUCKS '55 FORD TANDUM DUMP $4,995 i '52 FORD 3 TON DUMP $ 795 SPECIALS The following units will be reduced .S1.O:00 each day until sold: THURS. PRICE '53 FORD COUPE, new paint $ '995 '52 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, fluid drive $ 525 '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN $ 505 '51 METEOR COACH - $ 505 '52 RIO TANDUM DUMP $2,125 '52 FORD PICKUP $ 605 OLIVER 70 TRACTOR $ 290 TRACTORS '51 FORD COMBINE $ 750 '56 WAGNER, LOADER $ 495 1 '54 PONTIAC COACH Larry Snider Motors Ford • Monarch - Dealer • PHONE 624 Sales and Service , EXETER L 7tli1it11101111,1nn!lninnn11,n11,H....Mit/1lunnet.... ll ulnnalltltltntutklinntlnnlill!!tli/ltlunn uulun.[ adive*Tuto CANADIA NATIONA EXH IDITIO BOB HOPE • World famed eomedv star, ksaditmer.tiM' Eueni ng Grar dstand spectacrclar etxry atght at s.I5 with top entertainers, dancers, singers rale by a gigantic fireworks display. OMIER YOUR TICKETS MOW ANGLING BROS. AND BARNiNM A BAILEY COI Dont miss "The Greatest Show On Earth" •t ti4s , exciting Afternoon Grandstand Show, FIRST WEEK ONLY Aug, 26, 27, 28,29, 86 rend 31, at 2:80 p,Yn. NEW MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR QUEEN EUZABETN BUILDING An exciting new setting for Pashto's S'heeas ,J1 Women's Activities with a 1,360 seal theatre. Cooking schools, fashion shows, furnishings. SPORTS GALORE World Champion Meiotic stars, track Ted Ault 1rxts, plus Canada s Olympic training plate- • VISIT CANADA'S WARTS NAIL OF FAME < WORLD'S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL, BIBLDWNC Canada's prize-winning livestock, deir,aotodadill poultry, Putt, grain and vegetables, on dx,pJe' - .. r dog show., cat shows, { NATIONAL NORSE SNOW Altg. 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 in Nee Consetttill INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS • The famed products of countries ail assrlI ser. tel. MILE Or MIDWAY New rides, nets shows, new go,neet. 1 F000 PRODUCTS BUILDING (,entre of attraction for almost three nett*un peopts.a IRISH GUARDS SAND World -celebrated band from .England an the Bandahell. bjINTERNATIONAI. AIR SIIOW DBreathtaking two hour./mw Sept, g owl y ere1 , Enjoy one of the greatest events otynitillifetime`tat the Canadian National Exlzibitiori,, the le*Llee!<k annual exhibition in the world. Three haysireliAlliitt. fifty acres of fust,entertainment and iittereetiq AUG.23 SEPTC7 CAN'ADAi • ttf' ram, . M rP1L.AV' A '-f