HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-30, Page 3egg MMtr..p., t)a"good a1,Ltnnel
/•�� ' . benefit. .f cheap
tai��lies o• ell
LI WOS sol YIN .0e commerce, the . .
leak of (ravel tad Ceminerucei , sad
k t.. sae map .n ,ao,ea.. of .t la a•1 1i U R O N SIGNAL
►etplrerl per net on the nlun al all resl
sad household pope•'•.
1 MIN Ire.prc.J Iva( cnnuih nn your
petiewee, kilt 1 feel %bat Con.d••.o enter TIIIiRSDAT.•MAY 36, 11466.
'hsta•rer are IsiJ the pm-
gjet 5p.erlµril• he neglected.
61ALCOWI CApILROY• TM. Poaireial P.rhaownl has bees saw tee
• ARIITAL OF THE HIRWtIA. weeks iia Stseioo, a'd wish ilio exception a.n
118.eu0errn.5t from+ the Hon Inspector Gears!
ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. 'het t Government Drhentere• bad been era-
- dily taken up .t per in the Lando. M.b.i.
TN eteam.hip Uil.rai• Capt. Lang. are •,d that the 6nanc'1 again of the Pr.vti,ee ore
rived .t H►Idex at half -part eleven o'clock. naw in a m..•e B..rishing ceodiuov 'hoe her
es Wsdassds) morning. Sloe left Liter• have been for .ume t,me past, we regret that wr
pal oo Saturday the 4th test . The new• canton congratulate our nod-rs oh the value of
4 Ma we•1 later. the two week• Pat 'om.utery proceeding".-
Ws hove no doubt that our readers ed the
All q list on the Eurnpeao Costn.n'• (needs of Reform, generally, will fee! pleased to
Et.saane.-TM Queen etas rarely ilei:• know that is the several Di•isinaa whteh have
mead Of k Filmes ow the 1st of Maw. Be -
"heady 'ken place in the 11•use, the Ministry
Teed fie feet that the ministry have ',gain hare been supported by large majorities. This
11..s IgA to t minority on a point of little is all very good in its owe place, cid we we
moment, the proceedings of Parliament eery much pleased with it. But the ceentry
possess as general interest. requires, and we certainly expect something bet -
Tri Fiance RRro.Wc.•-Eugene POP 4., then the mere fact that the Ministry can
tesel•ed the totes of full one-h.lf of the comment a mop•n'y ! Th• people have been
army at Pail., and beat his opponent by led to brl.e,e that there aremert.ia practical re -
1,000 role*. Tb. election parsed of quiet. fore u-eertal meuorea wfat.b would predate
lythe soeialats greatly elected. tangible and immediate erects apse the acing'
Gssacs.-Tee Greek difficulty :s neither Noires", hod prosper,ty of the sesatiy. &.d obey
Iv," truly,
-- - .
sixes sa the) please. 14.....s tiny talk to their
w se
• eta expellee. Bet Is t ea is C•.ada.--
W m. Coyle, Bed Limit Jpu
.orh rotawelt "0•••••etch, four dollars • day from the "obits, and the
pull.t have a right ,e eapsr'seeivthi•S Mete"
d swage
a• Meer setweae for meth s. Wen the
rel ....fined to the lots of their Dora tone sed
*melees II might he tolerated, but viten their
dnvelllag le maenad ata lose of two hradred
poem'. per u•y le the reentry, we certainly
tbak that the people have s right to demand an
intmedute ick to such ezira0sg•■ce. It u
▪ h nem that . em •.kind Mould escape itt14.
.apesetee bondage of the absurd dorms.. of
e reende.0 and " parliamentary usages!' and
ahesld have their badman best i• a bootees' -
like reenact, and ..th • dispatch sad esteem.
N M envoi to the amount which it rota The
" Rolm sed Regel.tiura" of the hoer of As-
a.mt.ly are surely sot like the la.. a the
Medea and Persia... ad n the Mtsistry Mee
• some r treasures areal importance to fo-m
Induce, and can ensr.d • large maj.. I7 is
favor of there memo ter, w• 11411 41 .0 q
possible to de.... tome mesas by .high lie!
fsetio.a trilling of Meters. Cuter, ?apiaries, •
Prince sod MCNsb would be pee•e.ed from
picking the pockets of the people sod .medat
the batiste' d the country.
W. have to apologize to our readers for ne-
glecting to notice the fact that •• Thomas C.
Dixon. Coq., of Leaden," the Ea•Mayer and
genuine Omega of Martyrology. did, in his two
.re willing to pap Get ldtcto.. kgubttM ea r oe,bosor Goderich with a Tint duns[
settled nor .ppareotl) !Amy to he at pre- prop. pen
this- preened measure*. Bu, them Is eomparat• tf,. ,reek d the .1•uiaes : Th. Jlory► eta.
apt. .ivel y • (bete seastrp-it u • eaanrrp where toil palsied eat to es by • friend is the Coon,
lame are CriRa.-The Overland mail is. to the great bulk d the pnpelsi.w. • orb
mid au do acknowledge the( we felt • sheht
►•a arrived. Waging datesfrom Bombay to LA reafiey, sed the woollies sod *neseee .ympeteue shiver as if.bodp had applied a
Aprfl 1, Galena• March 73, sod and China oar
ieh may be pecre.iwd le older mod eresktriee wet disruser to the back deer Berk
March 17. The Bombay import market wan
comities ant scarcely tolenUe is Camas. tie .0 thoughta the "offense.a Hasa and 3.-
dell ; perces somewhat lower for the hills are of °pinto• that if the whole i:eme In the met ume a pones....d 3.6. Olde«*k- d the
Walesa dose. Exports also del.- of oar Legislature were added up, they would whetb, "oder... telriatee( Fez tb. Manyesl.•
Freights very depm.ecd-the rale of Liv. unseat to, perhaps. tee hvndrrd posed. per day gist became risible ata glance. Mr. Dino. is,
'moat was £3 (ur fir.t class, and ee 15e. for every day the Parllaseeet is to Bariem, sed with.!. giber a ve.ert+b4e•lookiag moa Hie
for ..cord elms. Money was plentiful.- when we Inek at the proceeds of rhe Peet tweltt heed is emeider.bly above the averse. size -4M
days, we candidly deelan that we have
receivedTCalcutta imports were eery quiet, and
bot smell vitae for ver hoswty j'rr Aredred •
la .sees came lower in export. The seti-
vity has ...aided b I elesseer that has oder• Firt
beaeht imus rai•uvn is Mme e( nee' large and Veneration and Wender euffi•
i..I region of the brue, especially Combative•
tKMDeecroon•rser cid t)ecenoteamo are
Uerch.tits patting We we laehsed to believe Jet set-,
large -the psaeepue• faculties are Well develop
for heating was also dew•. 4 sees11 sol
pore Sydney's*. bslu?.s two plata eT IM.
tumid • few issuer fresi the flier, was light -
e.1, sad in a few informs an grab nod gem -
Gal Loot was Mfr,ted theeash wt tee .pan-
mert. Thu. the ml,inst..J party had the
light fad hear together, evnpl'ed from 11.
, ass ammo below, an $ theta exprveatmve
u( adu..ruiun wrua vnl.twnd'-d ; nor sem
they abated whoa Huy wets lad Iola. tete
the cellar to ezarnine the exceeding smell
enehie.by which the gas was mode. Ti..
box oo*tatntng it was s1n'f" 18 inch..
equate and 8 n depth. W cannot give the
detail. of the ieterwr of the macho... bon
rill 'Dimply elate that, as its name iodtaalee.
e evolve. magneto-rleetricity by purely so.-
ehaaiesl •coon• from the above-mention-
e d box shore ran Amt copper wire' into the
de•Compo.Ior J•r, IIoch was shout two feet
to height ao.1 six nr elitist inches in diameter,
anti partly filled with water; in this pr. b•
the ...ileo of the electricity rot spoken or,
pore h.dro'gen gas alone was formed from
the .ser, whence it pa•oud low Iwo pee-
emetcrs or re•eryotrs, alio it the aim of a
nares! each The pole, at which oxygen
gee a liberated, on this occasion passed
into the ground. an Chet h.drogee only was
evolved by the act:oa of the machine. Ti..
process of carbon,zing the hydrogen fur
tllatninati»'o ta ezceed.a,ily simple, and was
open to mow: it is very cheep, ro much so
that Mr. Payne sap. that the crew of ear-
bonitng the gu be bas burned to his house
.n three burners erne evening for a week
has not yet amounted to one cent. Tim
hydrogen ie u•od (..r fhe geieral purposes of
light and hest, and the oxygen can alio ton
second in a second jar. and may he wed
with the hydrogen to produce the "calcium
light" for light -hat s. e. t
• Mr. Pain has elan discovered a principle
by which be can regulate dbe g•untity of
; electricity to he dt.eherged iso the ensu-
: posing jar. A largo machine has recently
Owen perfected by Mr. Pain, of auAieieet
• power to supply three thousand hers.1e
!with gas; it le est up in the Worcester
Faebanre, and only weepier' a apace of
; three feet square by six in 4.ight.
One cubit foot of water will make 1100
t feet of gas, and • weight of 67 Ins. falling
eine feet 1 an knee, will rooks from this
, larger laach.ea 1000 feet of ge.. The ap-
paratus can be applied to gas work of any
kind, and be need with any of the gas fix-
ture* at prevent in fashion.
Buffalo, May 14. -
Fl.OtyR-The rwirkst rs perbdly gntet
(n_d.y and we hear of no tr.0"'e,boas IN THE QUEEN'S RENO!.
tees"* for the trade. Gate -Weal 40
oR'reid at SI tot gosal sad •4," h• 11 7ITE1J COC.\Tf,ES OF By •(r-
Waukepsr` hot no *aims Ceara to 'sur 'thaw 1ivse, perm and Bogle. S t. of
badge, p•ovttnse an 1 fare demand •' a' Wt.( of Attar itmoot 14401011oll
prenow raise. Wrteas. * doth. 14.11*- Maj•at)'s Court of (toiler.•/ Ben, h at Toe
Toren to not moth IMMu,'f tad hurn. ala route, on .h. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAT
atlas 4* not teat; eitaideelly, [tic • 11�• of MARCH, in the year of our load Ore
Tn,AStn Ma• 11. Thouea•d Eight Hundred and Fifty, anti to
?mum -Per Nerved, 196 14. be. 9J • me drrecte,', mamas the LSTATE. REAL
Ili. 17. 61 as well as PERSONAL, of Rosrat Coria.
33 A'. O -- rel .rel 1Dtt
F t � Ael � li de it an abrcnnding oil concealed Debtor, at the
• 90: . I %VA..i Mr „• ie' Suit of II►:nar »•Tuns Tattier F. Alumni
• 4• lid an.cne Whet p -r hunhrl, 60 IA for the stun of EI hty=Three Puuade, Geo
!. 9.1 a M 44- R'. , r Ambit. 03 Ili_ 4• 5 g
to 3•': Berle• ,*, 14,,.14 1» 48 A 1. 1►t a in: SArll•ng esti Four Peace,
oats rvr bwh.l, 54 Ili. 1* 61 a 1. �: Pte 1 kava 0.44.4 all the Eat)le, Resl sed
ger Ane!. 14 Ro Ili. 1• • 9- 9d, Potatoe. per Penunal of tl•..044 1(014.11 (;..q . sad ualass
the 'tall Robert Cook return wilh10 the js-
bueheI. Is fid a le 9d. rle.itetinn of the 054.4 C•..Irt and psi In lied
�l.w Ynek, eie• .d to the Arline, or rouge live claim of the raid
. A•ne•.-Th- me*.ke. .••ie• (n► n.er1. ' Henry Dory and Thomas F. Abbot to he
K lee 40 brio. e5,tig • n 89 ; pots in gnod discharged within Three Caleolsr 310a14e
reeooet. mile. 70 440'* •i.5R. Irons the first day of the publication of this
FLni'R -A' •nerole..r•• Remand, •n•i •' N.•Uee to the Gsn.d.s Categq all she Ea -
.n nowerd Ipni.n., far W."" •n1 P'ur'e 45te, Flea* or Pereeital, of the •ahl Robert
floor. 'vireo A} 14.I,.,. Cen.Aii" r.•••t•
weow ee.nirv. savor 11.0 he.a - mired broods.
$1.75. R^.oin'a n( Wee tern mo.(.r. r..
Ant of Nn. 2 anemone. the, •-. vtt'ir el•
leer•, and th!. ,le••.ript.nn it doll .n,7 n tt4
nor h room of AnTN/ir 5 .tae het•
At RA • 4 81 for Kn. 1 'nine"... •5.37 •
&Ss re. enm. t,r .raft. AS a•1 n 5,51 f.e
reiremtto fanny Mi.Atpan. fk.'1fie a 5.(16 rnr
O.w.." 1 -nm (-Radii', Wheat, $6 a 8.tt
for Par. f]enesee,
An iri.Am•n w
be first bit etre"
e »anted, was ■moa
trrday. Ana i( .
sera �Anw it to ye
pocket ensu.
At >SrntfirJ,�Clou
94th Map. by the
Mr. W r. Lw.s d
A.gas, ertAsAwe
baa ter d Mr. Det
Ea.thope, fr.m Bellechreekae, Pariah el Lirk
micbasl, Ptrlhehire, Scotland.
O. their/ A tit , is L.de*, Es4Ld, Jagte-
li.e, the .ife d Akasder Trotter, Eq., s.d
the sister of Alfred W. Otter, Eq , of tba tows.
Cook, or sn much thereof ss may be .eese-
.ary, • Ili be held liable for the Paysrset.
Beneat sod Satisfsettoa of the elven.
Sueatn's Ornce,
Godencb, till. April. 1830. even t0
NE mile NU,t't of hayfield on the Lake
lin had just Iandr , said ' •tore, The aob•cribere will pay cash
tet he ever ate in Hite or I. ether fur hole-, and sill tario on share.
oto* prosmo-boiled yes- ail h� lea •o ei troete. to thee.. And frees
on d,.•net holeire roe, 1 baviog a thorough k991,1•dgo of tha bel -
s, for I bate it la ay eese, the] can e..Ade.t ly p.smme She pub-
lic a good .rude.
4rrieb, • BENJAMINROSZ•..
Gudukh, April 19, 1800. . •3011
Casty ,a Penh. « Friday the
Rev. Themes McPherson.
Stretford. (froze oder Caper DAM ING AND CALESTHENICS.-
Seetland.) to Mao...et, MESSRS. ROBERT ad THOMAS
rh aY McGvegar d sews, 1.1 MACINDOB ROBERTSON, Mg my -
spatially to intimate to the Lathes mut
Geetlatrnne of G.d.ricb, that they hate
open.d Cla...s for l..uuctie. u Mr. G.e-
tlea' Hall, Huron Hotel, where, 14y • strfet
attention to the pupils istreet•d to their
care, they hope to afford the parlits melt
satisfaction as will insure their patresiageo
Hours of attendsoeas from 11 A. M. to
THAT tet• nor) Frame Dallis( 41.e. 6 P. al, Gentlemen'. Class 15 111s eve•
y surd r g � i
.1;11.141,04.s( t • o.eerw nl-C...ci.st.eaaew very a ta
father ad• roes Fnlpbta Lower and little ■ r t n n• am urn■e'4 �m "� int .
hely bre.
doteg. There le pot tittle change to trade "tr.aeh t 'h
at Coater. Market for manufactured" .rad even • large preparation door political the Malcom or sew ether of the ertrevegeetly wait of the lathau, and Cap. Hiro, are
goof. rather lower, but eipecteI to re- .eonomista have but dim conceptions a the reel marveIlwa lines. Lea a Apprebatioa is folly , wrinkle to inti.... largely, and the coo -
The arrivals from the States. help by
me.. a great asjonty a the pe.ple. Meetly large to make a good stem.p-preacher ee TO LET,
Very little doing in tea. evil which they with to remedy. The evil dem de.eieped bot .s checked by Pelf memo whish b aequeneee are favorably felt among .r.. A
Colton advanced one-eighth to one far-
thing. Fur Orleans. 71 Sales for tie
weak, 91,000 bale., of which .peculators
toot 13,090.
Flour advanced one .hill ng and is 5rm.
Cern 1. in good Demand, at about six -
poses advance.
Pao'r•rowa.-Full average hn.»ness.-
Seef advanced oat to two shilling per
tierce. Pork, no chimer, but new western
1... firm. Hants are in good demand, et
prevto'.• rates. Bacon is steady sale. sixty
Wee. Lard a about three .»nee lower.
Business is the manufacturing dottrel.
eentlsoos quite as favorable as, for some
weeks previnne.
Freights were dull •n.1 a trifle Tower -
pasaeagsrs sad rates tending downwards.
Tag Gammon Some -rt. -Tile R,'.ner of
0404 ateet4Ota the following extremely
S .14yine eirutra.tat,ee:-It havmr been
.rrSaged by tip Maters .f S'ewart.lown
Orange district, is the county of Tyrone.
that, in conseget•ne5 of a kill haling been
lately psesed sgoin.t party• proce.s..,n.,
they should meet is Stewsrt•town for the
purpose Of de,trnvina the banners and em-
blems of he Orange Institut of that da
artel, winch they had a. often hoisted in
token of thew attachment to the Bnti.h
* .titotioo. and commemoration of the an-
w(ver.an of the Boyne. short 16 master*
Mlopging to (!te dotterel attended in Stew
artatew• au theith (net., when a bonfire
was made re the market eq rete, and 15 or
f • +arrests holmium) to the datriet were
burnt; and rt was agreed that the member.
•1 the district 0,0111,1 h,ee.fttrth lima 4n
perp with their Roman Catholic eo0ntry-
not gnat .holly in the lugs "alarms paid to by (a- the Impel organ d the Brain. and which, member of immteranle have been Iknded os
Officials. but in the regular old got-L.rs• mitres h .s 'enm Sydney .ad the ether obi
t• esslaeeuea wish him large nun..., «err
of Mans o-.oa which the boomer' of the public Ile. ad Corab.tivtetr, .(ora the presueeat settlements of 11 thatEagle1 and en great has
i. conducted. It may be ice" eeoueh to fearoreo of his character. In short, Mr. Diies become this std that the Legi.katan has
pay a man a thousand panda for as Amami t of is o.e a Jaaa awe who weals adh.,. with rb
taken the matter sot• eoo.ideratie., and io-
•troMed their Judiciary committee to bring
late) ecce ' byJodie Arland, sed ire• pin from 7 (0 9 o'elock.
reediaoly gpusite his prrrai rendo.e.. For Goderich, 36th April 1860.
term. .a4 farther particulars apply to
ALEX. M. ROSS, /teeth 8t.
Oderieh, Hey 23. 18.50. .3.1611
IBEG to isiiaate u 411 tint it may asset.
that 1 beet wader a power .(Alien grasl-
•er.ice that could be just as faithfully and as veal sad it•.city of a Martyr to .a7 duetting k, is a bill' to prevent tbu.lese from hooding el to WILLIAM'/TORT, asthenia" him to
efficiently performed for 6.e heedrrd, bet it is eases which 1e had bees tseghe to revere -sod the lend and regains/ thereby seldr1OMI collect all moment dee gas jither by Note d•
mill more 'exoticism to pay a 'heard pseudshis creed either is polities w.dy4ee will dray Police anof prison• to preveat or popish the head or ed inset ei last &whereof for the
meet .1 b sere- Ad 1 hereby Tamest all pewees ldebled
,o tea forthwith to settle the sear and ay.
Gederkh, 11th day May, 1150. .3.17
ASPECi%L MEETING of this Society
will he held at the British Hotel,Gode-
was a weigW(e enmm'dity, it woeld b• food it te rid that he canvassed far this purpose, with e.ad,&ate. or this are Cnl. Hate of nxan rich. ea BaturtA] Events", the 8th of Jove.
ilia every hundred weight of it contained •t lib weal i.dos,ry sed seal. Now, we do not sad J J. Br�aot. Brant 14*. het •43,000 for the purpose of disposing of two or more
least one beodred sad sieves pounds of dross.- a6tsn Chet he actually 'Invited the Tories to iv• ..
night and day sad npesdo hos mane] like Sea'y. and Treas'r,
for the mere parapbarnal,a-the t•asAiowlw for- be the result of .__real ei►esmotaoce., rather cremes wh ch beeorrre more (req
minus of Parliamentary etiquette which should each new importation.
fan the trait of iatelleetaal inynupuee K We have had seems! political natio('
have been then+n to the bats and mole at ibe philr*oph4cal nfiee'ioe. by way of prepar*tiea for the Mecum', as
close of last eeatery. Th. Debate on the Ad- We have bees informed that the basiae« of well 55 a torch Tight procession of the mg -
drive has oeeepied the greater part .1 the time the es -Mayor a Goderich, was merely 1. try the ular sort The contest to bot. the stealing*
.he Pathan"' has beet n Sewi00.1d .e ha.is toe et es 'meet of inductee the Gederich at stake being rich. The office of Sheriff
me hesitat.om in «yi.g that if the r4 4,Mtr Tories te e.tcrtais him et a public Dormer, sad is worth •15.000 to $30.000 a year. The
The Hoe. Levine Peter Sherwood expir-
e4 suddenly at his remidence in Ono city on
Sabbath morning Mr. Sweetenedan.odnd
Mot L•girbtive Comtel on Friday e•ewmg.
and west to bed that nicht in hi.. glial
hook/v. Ulu torrent nn .,tering the bed
room in the morning. forint' the hon rent le
MeV sufferleg .ever.!] : me»l'eal les,•tence
eta. rmmedtately called io. when kis mala lv
was found to be a severe attack of eptlepe,•,
All that medical ekill F-••41.1 Devise for the
relief of the patient was re.mted tn, bot
death, as we have stated, was the terming•
Mr. Sherwood was the eon of a U. F..
-Gorilla, who came Into the Penitence do..
Peg the•e•nbtloaery struggle of the thir
(.ee Celo,iee, and sealed re Looter Cana -
d• : he was bore in Rt, John, C. E., In
1797. Ile studs d taw limier Atter'', Gen.
McDeeoll• who fell at the side of Brock in
the war of 1812, at his death 'Mond the old
..t 8arrieler os th' books of :he Law Soot
ett". Mr. Shortened entered Parliament to much fa 4nwsd ne,w5.e talked as subjects to torsi philosophical priao.pl.e, and coat tatted
• 1e woe sleeted Soaker le 1832, and • an they titch they have es Symms, pay to tt. with indef.t .ble perseverance, Mr. Itenry
Oboe far yeam• He was splen. - Gamow Oe.eral, sad yet them will Mae gram- M. Pelee, of Worcester, has console, ed 14l
tai N Jlgeeh. N I8'Jlfh sad retired .n idiot .e this plat, peewee 14 pea.the people " Magneto-Blectnc D.w
epossr"-s• 10-
SIM' 'wi<1 t ".semi . He iris Called 10 the are not awake to the enormity of ilii evil. genions apparatus for evolving hydrogen sod
1/tgi01e11M Cool* h7 Lord Syde•liam ire W. d.... wish u he eadoreased u reg.rdi.g oxygen gases from water by the ageecy of
1�g r r i eleetnetty, generated by mechanical means.
Mr, Ubanr..d wt.e. • 'sere (.mil1-a14 'he •uram•'ed ad na.•«svy est. d Piths- The gam.e thus obt.to.d many be used for
nl•r'_Smrag whom ire th. hoe, 14en. rove'. 1. ibe tight of the eele* ,he eget el light, beat sod motive power, and has. been
M. P. P. far Tomato, and peblia p' 114e i1 se se. • etas.- practically tested for the two bra named
th••weed, Esq.. M.P.P. (or Brook- • rig avengep
eetnhe sen ws a tmulti'sds of per .h
. cm • considerable al., wish woo
a 'dolt.•. m.eh respsmWsd by .11 par- sissy ibat eoasciluta what is im.oe.atly called der of effect.
1181aheil lefIlbr Inst. '• Civil Gemera.saat." Ad sus cite it ie pee. At his residence on Timothy evening,
A 0URDER A'^ :.ARGE, k.r.e. to ani 51 the wk.., waea it ..its t■ April 13, Mr. Paine exhibited asseveration
on bis own election. ile keep. open \m..e Shares. WM. BENNE1"l• RICH,
It certainly .xh'bi' • large unmet e(• censor vete the Martyr to a dieser-but whether he in- a rentleaan." sed " "wears by hos God"
kid of swaddle. (or the manufacture d whisk, vited tem or they invited him. w* are moored that d molly can elect him he wall hate
Castilian idastty i• umber able ser willies (" that a Droner designated the ( Martyr's Din- the office.
Pe, tees Sweden! peonds per day ! Cel. Piing.,
am" old get eaten op at tb• British Hotel, on Tea CMLDRr Erer.alTtO�.-Ws peslnh
r l mo t statement of rt t.t-
and Wes. Cayky, ad Bir Allan McNab, mid we* eveui.g (Friday w• believe) tithe week *1 of usua n hl) p
istice takes from the honks of the Har14nr-
Louis J. Papules§ hams bees foliose ■games the Assam. It most be ether • monifyinr fact
time, aid talking over ■ed over again the gree Master' Thi fipture. in every instaaee are
to a mao of Mr. Diia'a self-esteem ad pre- below the average number and anomie of
surnetyped catalogue a IILs stens) er me., wmptinas, the the arnnoer•ey d oar G,derieh arrivals•
which ,he 00°5try he. beard ■t ken • ,booed Toryism ,sae either tee high or tee low to ailed From Feb' 95 to March 15, inclusive,
times doom( the last two year., sod which is •' mlertyr'a Disoer," e: Io below soy N.A. there have arrived nt 74 Americo!' vessel.
likely to be repest'd another themed Hosea 4e- •tu.etios .ea the Martyr. Tb. Diseer pony (19.938 tuns shap,og,l 7.553 male and 63
fete the door of the pretest Stenos. The aIle- we understood. emulated ashen• perms., ex -
female romancer.. Foreign vessels 56,
�rf14,rar d these foes wert►t n, •a rt the Mon- (5,814 tunage.) 1,908 male and 160 female
elcatm of th. Martyr ' We pee the names, as • eee.nflr.. Total -Vessel., 100: tannage,
.try, sn'eitber trove «files. 11 true, the poo- far as we have been able to obtain them, sad
Pc are mimed? awe" .f them, bee.'" tbey 3s..en : mak o'. -[Al 1* I 7oi. female
wo Lase to the reader the p-trilvge of measuring paseeng'r., 115:-(.0 t• California.
htv.psildearlp.tawigh(orthe mfermat•e.,and the laurels .d triumphal erring which the
•1 twee, .he eterad reitemti.a of then. canto' meow of Mr Dime is likely to derive Iran a..4 1 tl amURE t. Cher. Sunni ns are
pleased to learn from \1r. Sunmon11 d the
make tbm trail. biose we omen that to occupy the •• Martyr Dieser "at Goderich !
the lienee( the Legidr.rewith melt *toff, at as 1. Henry HasAs, Baker.
expellee a two hundred pounds •-day it; a fie- • 1. Robert Cana, Farmer.
grant and a profligate west* ate public meaty. 3. Please. Woodcock, Printer.
And if we ere molly i• eanest it our re,r,aek• 4- ileah Johuteat.
meet rnkudo.u, wt would ben bre-this is, Later.
p [ 6. f);.ie W*tsen, Banner.
is reality, the tree marling point. It is vain to 7, (1.4 ..? Mnrran. H..o. heli tis.
talk g( eatn.5pat erpteditere or e( effecting 8. Cal.sel HSmCtae. Hama Militia.
!detachment, us loos se we •tempt er tappet 9. T. 0 M.we.n, Epi
10. B.triener Beecher friars Leedom. and"onr
1. acenvielish ..r proposed •1 shoe, 10411.0 same we have an. heard. bet we
tltrawgh the agency a a systematic srtaagsiatat aeden,ad ,hat No. 11 wee sot John W,Ison,
of expensive same. Sews 'beamed ".sad. E•q• M-P.P., •Ithemgh hs Is .a .somas me-
a year is ceruialy • large am to b. paid to a q...alasee d Mr. D4,oe, sed was &totally in
Goderieb at the time !
Grvernee Geserel is. pear country like Cauda.
mad there hu beta s me grumbling about ,t. ET,Si.et ear tut issue wt have len some d
bet, thirty -flee dors of our Pro•.octal Pail'• oar meet steriise and •sefal tow•amem by the
meet, et two hundred meads per day, amount Califon.," fever. Daring the week Messrs.
exactly to 'eves thousad pound. Aad sup- Thomas Dark, Joh. Lase•ster, Alex. Wilkie.
posing the Surtioa should but foe aim, days, it one. D. B. McDeaald, Thos. Woodhff, Themes
may be safely taken Get greeted that u least chit. Watkins and Alex. Na.myt\ ham '.eft for the
ty-6.e of that Bomber will be sprat is the same lad of Gold.
kind d cold, pra/.less, impreetipbi, dri•elliag
that has been Fahibaed dude' the debate o. the THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC LiGHT.
Address. That is, the people will pay just os After 5 period 'it sit dean, es'ploy•d Fine & sere..( experim51I(, eoeducted upon the
"Nevem Ranch," that he has entered exten-
sively into Agriculture and that his crops
are looking remarkably well. His ranch is
sutue'ed near Sonoma, and toe has upward
of 80 acres of corn, potatoes, peas, onion.,
Sce. under cultivation• 118 brnaght to
market a Imre quantity of radishes, whieh
went off b-4.kly at 6 shillings abnech con-
taining (nor radivhee. Ili• salad brought
f nr Outlines a bunch. The fair avenge
Yield per acre for potatoes and osiers i.
500 bushel., and he esti nates that the erne
whish he will gather would be worth at
the present market price, $70,000. Surely
agriculture to the best mining in Caldor -
via. -(Pacific News, April I .
0 * the ked. w ►.err, « eseter'f Ma whoae as sem °f hie inve•tlon to • number d gentle
t ytit•rl.e H.pwa* Rrw.ae.- is Bo.toa .d Wore..ter, some of whom
The Shenff of this Dietriet W received a -it is part sed peel t( the very melee eflugie- bare had eons.derabb aa „raw. in the
woafm that • moxa by the seem el P■tr+ek 'mai, and we feel pervaded Chet se ke•g as Me f•' heimmes, and others have taken great
. mord, IN0 of fhre•tt•h, Georgi., ha Saar- twigs is seas". the et nim most menses 'modest b plans and pro '-c1., having in
Ora •perp• by the •awe .f lone ..d nrpara
Mae the prodnettee of artificial light at
teff l lade Me tram to Canada. Based ieIt n tree, .her, .eta w tke e•aklisked w ethos
rata than it can he fan'ehed by
Mil til be sheet 5 Mt 6 or t Inehes high, g tnanas hitherto employed by g.. Mae.
fretted or pnekma
-rked, light kale, with dem aiht•5.. the Miens, bet seer
paw+ 60pe.- dattirere. Kr. llhhas s ben b lint
early whiskeys, tad *ben loot heard of meet the •riase of wkts% we .. p.40.- hotly 101,0s ap, •Itha•gwmk N wad oely
p•• a wetter le a het& is Ca•ada.-Haas- '• Parliamentary Uagsw amides she. Mb. ass •t•M•ker••gbr.•eh r. The hot
�g� McNah sad hie triwd rd Herber, i• rehearses were that the least .lelrs•la shades of liImo
C; ,1/ iegfe. - Prig«. vied W i1Ns* Cgtey, rd Ake AIL. was es.edlgly street and white, and a
emit tiro" Neu. -The St of - tnbrlati n. le+r Jere elPoegaaa. ham .Y a sad rale to sem iselet ed =Geld he
reel.. tsish.i teas �•ee s/'eve -
MO • *tat that there is scarcely liberty t. tall.. « meshes Joy plea•% sad e' l.- ' +r!
t n able bodied fen put ot ett mime wMw.r ssbjrot *0y this% papa..... 'wrap th. br5Nsr ft •ewmo. jag
•• Parham*sury Usage" le the very troll of bleb )' *144.14 woo eer"Ta tl with go frees
meattiin Edinbu , u,11 tie • 1*r• .►awtYamw3wad oat .le«d on.
r � 1 ..�r lathe anter H. t ('eta gnsr t •fan rotJ.
' . bra ad ngbt ft pe Me rhe. a- ` theager tole God the t w« hat
1 tree :•*�a"trt tt[alk.ma ttf.M h. Arvid m NIS . mob .w- is ttttNhltrt, ilii sill. � the gas
Fall Wheat ptromlaes to be a good ernp
this sateen in this eooetry;'"tie quantity
saws, however, we (earn. 4s only moderate.
Rye also looks eery well, and the farmers
.re was hen.. moil/me" enmoleting their
spring operations-1'icton Gazette.
Worse Aire Tell WRRD,-i.adi.. don't
know whetTme they like emnkfng or net ;
with •peeial overate., " they like 4t
with general f..nntre, " they don't dislike
it ;' and with no favorites, "they detest it."
May 29, 1350. $ve17.
ON or shout the 11th of May inst., given
by John Ilrllocb in favor of Edward
Colwell er bearer, the tom of £17 5s cy.
Tits Is to forbid any person from purchas-
ing the same : cid any pantos realInteg the
tame to the Subeeriber will be rewarded for
their trouble in ee doing.
Gnderieh Mar 39th. 1850 •3-n17
ALL persons iidelmed to the Sebeerihor
either by Not or Book aceoset, are
requested to eall ted,- pay immediattel7 t..
are S0' tit. '
CHARLES R. Di r 4,
Stratford, April 33, 1860.. vial!
B0OT sed SHOE Maker, Doe deer Watt
of Mr. George Videar'., Blaaketdtb,
Front street, Goderieb.
April 36th, 1850. v101111
'THAT excellent Lot of land No. 29, in the
18th &mausolea of Fdlar.oa, eonaieleg
shoat 74 sere., wrh 40 scree cleared, well wa-
tered, • Sb..ty sod Log Barn on the meaner.,
ad within two mike. ofa Saw MM. Half of the
purchase motley to be pod, -the other half i•
taste' men to.
For further partits1.re apply to H. 14. Byers,
the proprietor on the premises, or to Mr. Alex.
McGregor, Stratford.
Stratford. 38th May. 1850. '3.17
f BEG to intimate to the .nhebits.ts d the
Teweship. d Goderich, Stanley and Col-
liers.. that under • power of Aneroid from the
BARON DE TUYLE, dated the 35tb April,
1et49. I am authorised to diepwe of bis LANQS
to there Towas0ips, and to gnat Title Deed Foe
the same-.dalate to collect all Mates dos him.
and to greet D.•ehsrges f.w the ,eros. -ad I
hereby Tensest till permits indebted to the std
Karon de Tay le, fathwitb to settle .p their n.-
peetive debt.
Goderieb, let14 May, 1850. • 3v•nISI(
CAUTION. -Wb Margret Roca.
my wife, ha• absented hermit from my
bed and hoard without any just cause. -
This fq to forbid the public giving her any-
thing oto my account.
Wawanneb, May 18th, 1850. •3n16
Ad Ocean! Dealers to Gowen... Li'1.°rs,
Feist., oils, Narniehe., Dye Stuffs,
Hardware, e'e
Pmeriptiees dapeo.nd with aeeatite, ad
promptitude. 3v-a1S.
Biiff.In. May 22.
FLOUR. -Holders are very 5rm to -day,
sad dammed advanced prime, since our bet
there have been sale. of 9.000 bile. at •8,
for good Wisconsin and .5,114 fors good
Ohio sad Michigan, to -day there were sale.
of 500 14141•. Pretriemne at 1113,00-,1100
Alhambra Ohio • favorite brasd at 6, ■red
570 bbl., meatyWiaeoest. 6,-300 e.
Caned'as ee private torsos. 011ie Mrd
Michigan hast breeds ars g.aerally hold at
0aars...•Th.re was eo•.4derekleimam-
meet le wheat, and ',onetime salmon( 10,730
bosh. Ken.ha at 93e. 9,900 bah. Tippet
iAIO mixt at 96e. Cern 4. rather marl r to
day w1th few trea.eetione, holders beteg
unwillh0g to mb.lt tea deelle% and temples
to give the elegise rater el limit week. The
Daly sale 'bat eoan to oar konwledge wee
%6')O heels. al 61e. sleet. 511 was offered
for • erred seaple a yellow, end reform&
of about ,h. ISM of F.bresey leer, • Nem
'ef Heed gime by Ana. Taylor, fee £S 1e.
IS Aid 110 la t. (said •sy penes from re-
roatrwl May !1. •rpe►i°1 rhe a•'d !thee, `e 1 hem •lre*-
Yuma hoe *Hatred Mem the •'eeneem ed•iR set M aria r.ep.aa bt* tour
Aar undies sod delimei•g
extra der lees Ashes le deemed at Ile ilea* we k ba ah,s giber will M wished
pts, sad 16. for Pearls.
IS prepared to attend Sales in any part elf
the United Counties oil the most masa-
able terms. Apply at the Registry 0*11me,
Lightbou. street.
Goderich, April 11, 1850. ,3-610
THE subscriber offers for SALE his
GRIST and SAW MiLL, situated to
the Township of McGillivray, os 111. Dig
Sable, within three mites of Flaisgaa'.
Corner. The Mills are now io opeyation,aad
newly built. The Privilege is the host oa
the River, and situated in the beet Tows -
ship to the County of Huron -well settled,
aid Reads opened in all directions to favour
it. The Machinery and materials are st
the very beat quality, and put up by the ve-
ry beat Machinists. For Particulars is.
quire °flames Crumble, Esq., Galt, es ap-
ply to the subscriber.
McG.11ieray, 151h January, 1560. 1v501f
j -Thio Galt Reporter will Insert the
above until forbid.
NOTICE. -Came ening the tattled the
wbaerivor abort the begianiag a Summer
Ion, a Red heifer. three year. .Id. The rattier
is rearrested to sell, prove property, pee expellee*
ad Mk. her away WM. BARRON.
8t. Mry'14 0th Mm, 1850. 3• -eels
FRANCIS F18HLEIOH begs to tafrrtn hie
fri+'de, sad the probe ge.erally, that he be•
veta1fiahed himself is the storm Village. .ad
hereby genet snesuine r° the oe ahem e.d este-
mance d Travellers, to mint a share d their
patremoge. Good 8.Mieg .d .• •tw•.u•e
Gr.t.n. to ateedsaee.
Mitehelt. May ISM. 185(1. 3e-1113
neer', 5141'.1011. ray be Mimed eT f3• ed, tib.eeifll7Mglr Jw tdlM.sbee
iII 4 A4
0 -..cries Mee selling at auutin111 very ler. le 80116. rq q► 11111°"11111 .*
NS desirous of nettling es the
Durham Road in the Township' of
Glenel„ Beitinrk, Brant, Greenock, Kin.
lose and Kincardine, must apply p.rasally
at the Office of the onderslgned, and no 1.•
ration. will be confirmed eecept oath as .re
made le accordance with thus regeire.sa.t.
All asstfnmeeu of intermit in locations
without the knowledge and approval of the
Agent, will be con.:d.red as a forfeiture of
all right in the lneatee or aseignee.
CROWN La.D Orrca,
Bentinck, County of Waterloo.
March 14114, 1860. v981
THE public are hereby eaotiosed from
taking or accepting two prnmiseory
Notea mode by the u . 1 is favor
of James McGormon or hearer, for the ser
of twenty 5re dollars each, Warta, date the
Ilthday of March, 1850, one whereof Is
rade payable on the brat day of Limitary,
1851, sad the other on the iret day of Aa•
gnat, 1851i as the undersigeed has re•
tatted no value for the .am*
Slnt'ord, 14th March, 1350. .rn7
Spring Importations
1 8 3O.
IMPORTER of Dry Goode, 24 Detdse
• Street ; will receive ex "Gladiator,"
"E►m•teago," "Cambric" "Mary' olid
other •bhp., • large lmporlstt•• of sew
and chimes geode, direct irem the 1hPiek
Markets, which he wlll offer to the Irma M
ser) favorable time.
The geode wile bei ops• for hapeetloe
sheet the lith feet .
ismAllare.Weladi 1A?JIM s4M4m