HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-15, Page 7)"' t. •.• • Marjorie -Dilkes YOUR .HAIRDRESEER. Permanent Waving. ,Hair Styling .and Shaping Tinting and. .Cold. Waving .1 nommummuumuutwounonammumtwomomountmommunommummouptioluotwool f 2 Phone 144 44 Myrland Smith, Prop. Perm Kite nig sate Treatriterits, Tint:low stanieuree, irnvialm 409 Mein St. Phone, .522 • e "Y G BY" Sandwiches_ are an everyday Beauty Bar THIS THAT BY MIRE. CHANGE OF JJFE HOT FLUSHES 'Why -suffer from hot flushes, net. Taus tension, irritability, weak - ns, loss of. appetite, aches anti p4ittat _simple anemia during • Change of life?' Remember,. in Clinicaj.Tests, the majority of women enjoyed striking relief with New Formula Pinkham. Tablets or Compound. Moot likely you will be helped, too, So we .offer - 30 DAYS FREE TREATMENT If .you are not helped Just get Pink hain's from your Prop Store. Take for 30 day a as directed togetot the cause of your complaint, 1.1' you do not experience striking relief, seed us the .empty _carrell for cheerful refund of your money. We have thousands your teatiniou-. kis on file from satisfied, users. *Join them today. Try our no -risk plan.. Get our easy,to-uae New Formula Lydia E, Pinkbam Tablets with added tonic iron, or Compound with,yitamio BL • punlillews–obeeyea, ONTARIO. occurrence in most homes Tand, particularly during the hot weath- er , they seem to be the ideal solution for picnics and light snacks. However there is a number of bets about sandwiches that no wise homemaker should ignore according to a release this week from the Health League of Can- ada. Sandwiches are among the foods mast susceptible to food poisoning bacteria. Those con- taining mixtures of chopped in- gredients are most susceptible because of the extra food hand- ling and exposure involved. Hot and humid weather create ideal conditions for the growth of bac- teria— Here are some safe rules te. follow: - 1. One ef the main factors in safe preparation of sandwiches is cleanliness, All food prepara- tion surfaces, utensils and :tools should be strictly cleaned and periodically wiped with vinegar. 2. Persons with open cuts and sores should not touch food. 3. All sandwich ingredients (except bread) should be kept under refrigeration until used, and prepared sandwiches should be refrigerated or frozen im- mediately and kept under re- frigeration until serving time, 4. Store •sandwiches in small '8 14111111,444111111111 l ll I ll IIIMMOMOMIMMOOMMIlimitiolimmotomMUMOMMOMMOIMMOMMont SKIRTS For SHDHS VVear Beautiful New Reversible Plaids From $13.95 NEW TWEEDS $9,95 SLIM SKIRTS $6,95 Blouses No -Sleeve and 7ort Sleeve in Handsome Stripes Irwin's Ladies Wear Phone 474 Exeter i.! : • Mr. Bob Wildfong was grooms- ! -1..) man, and ushers, were brothers II Et e Desjardine . . Of the bride, Bob and Kenneth. . : A wedding reeeption was held 1,. 011111 llll ii llllllll 'minim, llllll Itittlimm llllllllllllllllllll lllllll milmoilliiiimilvf llllll MOM lllll ilyillil lllllll 14'. Proprietress \ at the home of the bride's par - • Packages i n refrigerator or freezer so that cold can pene- trate the entire contents. S. Never use left -over foods In sandwich fillings. Never re - freeze sandwiches which have been thawed .after freezing. 6. Never t a St e sandwiches which you suspect ,may be spoil- ed. Discard them immediately. * There's a song in the air, There's a glow in the sky, There's the spice smell of pickles And fresh apple, pie; There's peaches and plums-.., A world of good food. Let's use it and can it For next winter's good. How about some favorite Can- ning and pickling recipes, ladies? Mrs, Verde Squires has given us a recipe for pickles which is well received with her family. Sweet Mustard Pickle (Mrs, Verde Squire) 2 quarts of cucumbers Inca's - tired after being peeled and diced 1 (pert onions, diced Sprinkle with salt and cover with boiling water. Let stand 1 hour or so Dram well Boil 6 cups granulated sugar with 1. qt. vinegar diluted with water Mix together; 2 Tbl, mustard, 1 tbl, tumeric powder 1 tbl. curry powder 1 tbl, celery seed .• 1 cup flour 'Moisten with cold vinegar. Stir into hot vinegar and boil 5 min, Add cucumbers and onions and boil. a„. few minutes Nail it thickens. Bottle and seal, F?1, Show Color Film' For First Time The August meeting of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary of James St. United Church was taken by the Exeter-Hensall branch of the WCTU with the president, Mrs. C, W. Down presiding. The new colored film "Far From Alone" bought from the !bequest of Miss Jean Murray was shown for the first time. Its pre- sentation was received with in- terest and approval, The film is available for use in Exeter and community during the month of August. ' Mrs, Andrew Dougall •contri- buted a piano solo. The annual School for leaders 2116e-1:10. at Alma College, St. Tho- mas, was announced for August, Canada's net national public L debt has increased since 1999 from :itist over three billion do- lars to just over eleven billion w Two Teachers Exchange Vows. Two members of last year's' teaching staff of the Exeter Pub - lie School excliangeti marriage VMS in St. Peter's, Lutheran Church,: Zurich, on, Saturday et 4 o'clock, before the .groom's father, Rev, E. W. .lielmrieb, The bride,. -Marilyn Ellen Haberer, is a daughter of Mr, and .Mrs, Karl liaberer, Zurich, and Rev. .ancl Mrs. Rd - ward. W. Heinrich, Brentford, ere parents of the groom, Ron' ald11irGs.e"Fgze'eallerelernisfich. Haereg. played the wedding iriusie, Given in marriage by her father, the bride .chose a gown of nylontulle and Chantilly lace over multiple layers of tulle and bridal satin, The sculptured lace bodice was styled with 111Y-POint sleeves and pearl•edged neckline in traed with- scalloped lace and yoke insert of tulle:Circular lace panels accented the .bouffant skirt. Her shoulder length yell of French illusion was held by a pillbox of ruffled tulle and lace, trimmed with seed pearls and. sequins, She carried a white hymn book, crested with an. orchid and .aephanotis, Miss Carole Thiel, Zurich, as Haberer as her sister's brides- owers, andmother guests mist maid, wore dresses of nylon net received in a 'Woodharn ..ride Wed In London The Rev. Deneld. IL Joyce of. fielated et a double ring eer.e. mony in Dundas Street Centre United Church, :Loden, en Sat. urtlay, when 'Kathleen Certrude Knowles -exchanged vows with Clifford Ford Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, johns. of Wood - hoot are parents of the bride, and the groom is the only son of Mr. ,Clifford Stark of London and the late Mrs. Stark. The bride ,given in marriage by her father ebose.a street length dress of.'beige French lace with nylon lining, matching accessories with mauve orchid corsage, Miss Marie 4ohns of Wood- ham, was her sister's only at- tendant, She -chose .a street length dress _of' pink nylon sheer 11: .2. • ,• with white - accessories. and. A eorsage of deep yellow roses, ItIRTHDAY PHOTO—In this of- Stanley Mitchell of Lon - neje nth blitbday portrait ot, don,• was groomsman for his Queen Mother Elizabeth she is nePilew, StavenStark, son of the Pietered" In her study at Clar- 0"gm, was ring bearer. Nor- ence House, London, She is man and „Gordon Johns, broth - wearing a pale blue satin dress, ers of the bride, acted as ush- a three -string pearl necklace ers at .the church, also at the re - and a diamond brooch. ception, Following the marriage a re- ception ;vas held at the home of ll maid of honor, and Miss Ruth F es the bride's parents. The bride's grey shot silk dress with rose and lace over tafata in shades Setting For Rites and black accessories and a 'rose of yellow and aqua respectively, . corsage. TAR groom s aunt, Mrs, in a setting of lighted candles, Stanley Mitchell received guests • John Haberer, Zurich, was ...e .,_ ,, ,...‘,„„., , pinkdtty, Aa lili: uswinilt0, Itfgli;:litnn: Watson,I"‘,1.7"'u colored corsage, tralia United Church on bawl- with navy accessories and a mot - was usher, 1 best man, and Fred Ilaberer, Jr.,in a white figured nylon (floss changed to a brown For traveling, the bride daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lliff Per travelling to Northern On- crystalette dress with beige ac - and beige Watson, Centralia and Graham tario the bride donned a copper sage. Truemner, son of Mr, and Mrs, y D. Truemner, Dashwood ex- eolored sheath and matching . cessories and white orchid cor- ,.. duster with white accessories. .1,c:hanged marriage vows, Mr. and Mrs. Stark will reside Mr. and ltfrs. Heimrich will reside in Exeter, where the bride Rev. Alex Rapson, Exeter, of- in St. Marys, will continue to teach, and the nio ficiated at the 2 o'clock cere- ny and Mrs. Ken Hodgins The total of private insurance h- el covering hospital surgi- of al and medical expenses in Can- ada 4$ 17,277,000 in 1955; fi- in gures for 1956 are not yet avail, Id able. groom- will teach at the J. A. D. played wedding music. McCurdy School, ,Centralia, • Given in marriage by her fat • er, the bride ehose a gown white satin covered. wit' layer of net and Jade. A crown of sat . trimmed with rhinestones be . .1 In Evening .Rites ber finger-tip veil, She carried a . bouquet of white " ' Exchange Vows In a setting of candlelight, pink Sweetheart reoaslensli.iwns 141.1(1 white and. yellow gladioli deor' Mrs. ' L. Sims, London, as Saturday, August 3, for the mar- Matron of honor and Ruth Ann Beauty Salon Finch, Detroit, as junior' brides- riage of Ruth Marie Wildieng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank maid wore dresses of lace over 34 Main St. . Phone 349 satin in pink and white. Theirs .HIGH STYLING PERMANENTS d HAIR .TREATMENTS e CLOSING SATURDAY AT NOON DURING JULY & AUGUST ge Pearl Henderson, Prop, s ated Main St. United Church on, Modern Wildfong, „Exeter, to Siegfried bouquets were pink carnation Gustav Klatt, Of Hazelton, B,C.; son of Mr. and Mrs. Erich Klatt, with white Sweetheart roses. Fussgonheim, Germany. Orville Truemer, Grand Ben at the 7.30'p.m. ceremony, Mrs. was bestee Rev. Alex. Ranson officiated reception nn Arewas heldat th Amiel Willard played wedding bride's mother received, wearin home of the bride whdre th music and accompanied the solo- st, Miss Olive Pickston, St. a dusky rote dress with blu hornas, who sang "0 Perfectanother chose a grey figure carnation corsage. The groom' ove" and "The Lord's Prayer," dress with white „carnation co .C1Vert Inxnariiiige by .hersage ether, the bride chose for her For a honeymoon, Spentin De edding a flodr•length gown of troit the bride changed to a rocaded nylon net over taffeta light blue taffeta dress with eaturing a tight -fitting bodice pink accessories. nd high. collar. A tiara of pearls Mr. aiid Mrs. Truemner will nd sequins held her finger-tip make their home in Parkh111. eil of illusion. She carried a ascade of yellow roses and fern. Letter From Sisters of the bride, Margaret, like in yellbw waltz -length s maid of honor, and Florence, Harpleyc. 1 . s brideimaid, were gowned -------- Ry MISS M. HODGINS headdress of yellow and pink bwns of crystal charm with osebuds. They carried nosegays f bronze mums. dollars. Ethel's a va Beauty Salon a a PHONE 18, GRAND BEND a FOR LATEST STYLING r ents, decorated in a scheme of • r THE Y J NX/restinghouse WHO KNOWS THE t PRICE OF EVERY- THING, AND THE h "A CYNIC IS A MAN m • 1 , P VALUE Or NOTHING" ]i; ellow and green, The bride's other received guests wearing avy sheet over gray printed ffeta with pink accessories, The couple left on a - short oneymoon trip, to • northern oints, and on their return will re in Exeter. TOMATIC:WASHER TERMS 10 SUIT YOU TNNt* eon cast neve a lebotsering, fully atitontitie Washer thtest th* rifty tool The wonderful Dew Ltundr6Met doescoMp family i wish conveniently And efficiently, Ne*, entiolifte "Witter Saver' measures *tater to the size of the load laves from 2 to 1 gallons, depending ott the type and lite of *ishl It Wei Oa ,dosp tool .454 fe'ed/HPOINO at. s, Beavers Hardware PHONE S.! EXETER Author's Name Although it is statistic- al fact that the price the average family spends for their medicines is Xtbw a lesser percentage of their total income than it . tised to be ten years ago, it is also a fact that their benefits are now much greater. -- Modern prescriptions are really a great value because they help you to get well so much more quickly that you are sick only days,•instead of weeks. Their price is low compared to their value. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people en, trust us with the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we Cott.= pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main 'St., 'Exeter PREStRIPTION CHtMISTS 4illordatfori by Matto 'Wilde titS6-1060 Oeyright 19S7 ($W1) ocal Ladies Win At London Picnic Mrs. Edgar Squire, Mrs. Ed. Johns, and her daughter, Mrs. Delmer Skinner and grand- daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Ag- nes Drummond of Mrs. Stanley Frayne, Mr.s. lfu- `bert Schroeder and Mrs. Geo. Lawrence attended the anoual Graduates Obtain Mary Hastings outing at Spring - bank Park, London on Satur- day. In the contests Mrs. Edgar Squire won first prize for best home-made, jam and Mrs. Law- rence won second prize for hand- afts by people over 70 years age She 'exhibited a pair of ncy socks and two crocheted plate mat doilies. Personal Items Mrs. S. J. Kayes and family of. Willowdale: cint„ are visiting her father, Mr. Mansell Hod- gins and other relatives here. Mr. Mansell Hodgins and Miss- es May and Maude aecompanied by Mrs. Ross Love, attended the funeral of Mrs, Oakley Ryan of London, who was buried tat Strathroy cemetery on Monday 'last. . On SilndaY Mr, Mansell Hod, gins was host at •Kt turkey din - per for his .family and grand- children: Airs. Kayes of Willow-• dale, .Mr. and . Mrs: Clarence Hardy of Luean and Mr. and Mrs. Rost "Love of Shipka, The gathering; 22 in number, Was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love. Other members of the family were unable to be present. Goderich College er of fa This Week lh Winchelsea BY. MRS. F. HORNE Commercial Posts This Business School can ac- commodate thirty students and each year the desks are well filled. The Fall Term opens Sep- tember 3, and registrations are being accepted daily. The following students have re- eentlY began work as secretaries, bookkeepers, stenographers, and typists: C. Anderson, Canadian National Railways, London; L. Lodge, John Labatt Ltd. London; M. Andrew, Richards - Wilcox Mfg, Co. London; B. Larder, Lon- don Life insurance Co„ M. Mar- tin, Royal Trust CO, London; Personal Rani' D. Harrison, Law Office of Er„ nest M. Lee, Q.C. Toronto; R. Miss- Sybiliia Xydd of Van. Gibbings, Preston-Neeltieg Lid., eouver, B.C., was a recent Stratford; 11 Campbell, Dept, Of visitor with her cOusinS, MisSes Agriculture, Walkerton; O. Wil- lieafirtriii:er,eathidgordne,ora and mr, son, Circle Bar 'Knitting Co. Ltd. ch Kincardine: R. 'Westbrook, char - Nu% harry Ford mr, and tared accountant office of Mr. Mrs. Clarence Ford, Kitchener, A. M. Harper, C.A. Goderich'; T. Mr. Gosselin .lack QBugya City, Goode,W A. She ffer Pen Co. of Caada Ltd., aGOderichL fi6Onrd. a riMdr.talanftt Mofrsi.6141dool s N. Okr,ehWuionndds ruSnaellnit Unemployment ;fri oEn tH General Coach Works, Hensel; and mrs, w, Armstrong' Joyce of Exeter, miss -Suratice Commission, Goderich; :Marilyn.:. M. Of , Gede- Gardiner Of Detroit were guests riebQrr: Ittank. mllMontreal i er, itcAt., sthoot mr. and Mrs, Gordon Ford Clinton;On' Suhday. A. Drennan, Bank Of IViontre a I, Goderich; R. Glazier, Mrs. James Horne spent a Clinton Community Credit Union few days recently with her Ltd, Clinton,. M. Dales, RCAF niece, Mrs. Will Maines and Mr. School, Clinton; M. Dales, RCAF Haines of St. " Maya, School, Clinton; IL Hicks„ Mos - Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 81101, sest-tterris 'CO. London; 11, An - Mrs, Joe Parked and Jody, end drewS, Viet,Otla I•losnital, London; Miss Carole CututinAliant„ all of M. JOhntfone, Culligan Seft Detroit, visited during the east tar Service, Godetieh; C. 1414,,,.• WWI withMil. IsabelSultan fgt. Canada Packers Ltd. Ulin. end Mr. Tennyson ,johnti CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend Present 'Wagon' To.:Zurich Bride - %His Marilyn Baberer, Zurich, bride of .Saturday was guest of honer on Thursday week at the home, of Mrs. Fred Haberer Jr, with Mrs. Keith Westlake Aft, 00., hOsi:CSS, Movie pictures were. shown. An address was read by Mrs. Wes ilugill and ,gifts were pre- sented on a decorated wagon drawn by :Christine' Ilaberer .and Elaine Westlake. 0a Saturday friends of Mist fiaberer honored her with .a mls- ecllaeous shower at the home of Mrs. Hari Thiel when Carole Thiel and Kathie Kalbfteiseh were oe,hastesses. The gifts, were presented in decorated !haskts, BriclesuElect See the 'beautiful •samplee ot wedding statienery, and. other ROMs for your blg day at Ti d mes-A vocate all lieW TO111 • the only Home Permanent that's NOW WITH... All New Frttsit kr Waving Lotion 7. All Now Lanolin -Treated End papers — AEI Now 10 -Minute Waybill Action IP All Now No -Dab Neutrolialmol $001141sig kit for Ww.so-pissortsf8 • 10011011w4 • • beelPlif itiockline find end ...;11. REGUL41, SUPER OR VERY GENTLE opo lop imp imp am cm es, MI On IMP MP Ill NB NM IMP UPI, • •DRUG EXETER ET STORE ; Something New . FAST FROZEN EXETER BEEF We Will Supply You With: ROASTS 31/i to 4 pounds — 41/2 to 5 pounds, Larger on special order. STEAKS Sirloin, T -Bone, Round, Minute (tenderized). 2 to 4 in package with pliofilm strips between each steak for easy separation without de- frosting. 4 • STEWING BEEF Fat trinimed off — cut in cubes — just right for stew or meat pie. 4 MINCED BEEF Twice ground — cut in patties 'or bulk. Our minced beef has sold us many a quarter. IT IS DELICIOUS. EXETER BEEP WILL BE SOLD RETAILAJDN A QUALITY BASIS AT TI -IE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE. EXETER, BEEF is fast frozen as soon as cut and COtnes from the finest, young bid cattle grown right in OW own district, Try some EXETER BEEF, Take an assortment home with you, WE SELL:OVER FIFT‘e VARIETIES OF 'FROZEN FOODS Exeter Frozen Foods PHONIt 70 , 502404 MAN STICEET PS.—'W4 Are Open Satueday 14141110mm 10 p.m.