HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-30, Page 2te be attended with bne$eiel remain, as aanatl.1M N erserreeve tgtorme. erased N hist flit, hoe . member for the
well u delrll s( shout, .xpeet•liao w Iloa. Mr. CAMERON sf rest lobose- IP,'"1114"11d el York, ethe aaswrble for
is leech( to the ogoptia of every you ca- M a h4t w the whom, N rs___ avow Duwhate, speak a fewer of the Cmfart of
►le retreuhruset that the ebc.s.c, uf the me M, rut. resets,, The latter gest'. a Do',
pubte service tett permitlli : pothers, parsenew, asntewed 1 w
Tu inmate he Elcelb.e that he mar •0 a TI*D m1Rst rrOs,
y reaaaaeo d the Covert, hint he ►4d • broths.
fully slily oe the 'tedious .f thin Hwa to Hon. Mr. CAMERON of Kat, netrode who bald a Iareratrve Ake to its mrhirb was
Araut,fhe n.etrea•, empt.liee far the eidetic e.1 a vii 1c wow! ibeeropery .f wl•:owc obwaed through tem la theme of the M
...vie*, •,.d for the m►inieemo.• 'd the Pro aoJ orotiana from pdg.mout cn'!Itor, ■n'1 teethe' bim.elf. There wail o.Iy o..
vinc•al credit, than shill % q feel au duty to protect the llue.c.tead int mutual deli- °ponies on the cornett, respeetfag the coon
edtfeetdwish the discharge of their legis ton.
aoJ that was in livor of abh.►.1 it- Thr
tanto furs tune to be m• re sacred : taw or uIRL. m••ve► of the amendment did not conte..
Tom tbi. Ilona fully concord. with Ilia Ileo. Mr. CAMERON of C°remail ales. Plate sholu►is( ego'', jwtedleuo•o. ThewExeel'rne, that 'n the rarci.e of the Pie Jur.J a bell to amend the law o(sleoda and
was no "alone so much waisted to tet.
rogaine with •hir-h he is er.tru.trel it was ',bd. const, ea the *hoboes of this court, and
hie dnii 1. ,nark 11•r M •Jost,'• r1,.ap; roha ►e hoped the independent members of Low,
Lion of he cow,- I.kr.. by p• r.0ns bul...ag rtIVD THIS Volt sense or PA•u•sm11T.
Commtssione at the p'ruirre r) the Crown Hon. Mr. BOULTON introduced a bill w MRises IIAR Semma Lor ,bat once
Mr. RICII A�LD9 said M had once been
who formally mooed Ile 1•a.e l.. br.i to 61 the turna sad film* of 'be muftis! of of the mama . ♦l if the op1101 of tb poo
about the mresistruu of stns Pro.ince from. Parliament. pie of Upper Caosde wee lithos ea the sub
the Empra of witch It is a past : Hos. dr. BALDWIN said tears was j,•ct, nit,•-leatbe of them would vote for its
To somas 1110 Earoiency that the views more ib.. a mere nominal di frre.ca les• abohm,.... Bat he tow looked opal" It se
put forward by see. per•on., and by those Iona the .nsarebical pnaciples of our r.l..rmed. W•.. t . jaadtauy bib wore
shout with them, do not gad farmer with go!en,meat sad 'hose of a republs. 1m i.trudwced Int w**Ne. anaatome latlesatl"d
. any eoushlerable 1-eftio■ of Her Majesty's was the prerogative of the Crown to mill that the, amgkt he loft ever uU 'kik ma.
Canaan sul'j •ate : pulaarcnt • He looked nem it at *• at- mon ; but a r.preee.lalioe hem the mem
That "Ise great majority of the people of temµ to •ub.ert, bit by hit the hatitutl..s hen of the Bar bore was beet dews sad um
the Promote bate, u.. the contrary, given
•t this cooreneture p,00/. a1 10 be nelru-
bea of loyalty to the Que.aaad at tach e's'
to ile connector. with Great Henna : they
look lo their own Parliament for the redress
of grw00000e s huc\ M.y be proved to exist,
gad for the adoption of murh memoir** of
tropruyemeni •s may be calsulatrd to pro-
mote their happineee sari prompenly. And
the coo6 lease placed by then In the w O.
dor. of Parhameut w111, thin Malta isa►enr-
ed, lee fully Jut6od. While 'Mahn, un•
spsrnrly with abuse, they will not barter
away fur l"oveh.e. rights dear to B .u.h
subjime, au &badoo those prInclplee of
good (nth, morality sod coutetutool free-
dom.the strict adhenace to which hu.na•
hied Great Brita.n, with God's blessing, to
page ..anthed through many petals.
Iloiea Or Aaarrat.T,
Tu,aoar, May 11.
Hes. Mr. BOULTON moved for to ad-
dress to Hu Excellency for report°, papers,
sed documents relative to reserved Bills, of
last S&Nlom
Mr. BALDWiN acid the pondeace
between the l.overnor hove and the Home
Government were to the nature of confiden-
tial commoolcauoos. He thea read • *puck'
from the Lord Chancellor in England, sta-
ting that It was nut usual to produce opie
lone by Law Officers of the Crown. Ile
(Mr. R.Idwin) felt it hie duly to oppose
the motion. The were asked were tbe
property of the Home Government.
Hon. Mr. BOULTON wanted to hear
all the opposers uf the motto• ay what
they hid to nay. He would like to know
whether a Prime Minister In England would
oppr ve the production of much papers. if
the Home Government had given the Go-
veroor instructions to veto 13 I1s sanctioned
by both ►louses uf parliament our Nepoesi-
%le government was utterly valueless. If
,hate wen such instructioop, we ought to
know- what they were. 1t might be a
molt convenient mode of putting an end to
a meaure.rbat Minister* might not like to
oppose openly or &dose IN strengulRuote
of the coesuy. From a settee thee bed der that erasure the belly were mead.
got abroad that suni•ters wished to prevent Hoe. Mr. Cameron, of Conwell, aid the
the utroductto■ of bulla, be would net op law coons, If vested 'nth equity•
pose 1'- torn, cool) sot get throughb booms...
Mr. NOTMAN somewhat warmly de- ifs west us to defe.d the wieeetry for the
'Jounced tip hill am being unease' oatmeal. sitoraticonia the Courts, sad the •ppotst-
and rant he hoped it would be voted dew. .cent •f Mr. Bl.k., who el" tar me eselu•
at ones. moat was cowers/4, ha had •0 doubt maJ.
Sir ALLAN MeNAB explained how the a great sacrifice. But he could not esu
Upner Comedian* had been dnrred dowel any good re•08n for 'screams( 11e **Isry
to Montreal in the winter season, but eels of the Chau:eller ever what the Vien-
na •lobation of a promise that we should C►a.esllor lid previously mewed. and for
hoe. an early session, we had 10 0884100 rusk's, It grater ,baa the seat stated or
till now. Mr. Blake's pamphlet wag be wrote oa the
Col. PRiNCE hoped the sump
moult subject. If equity jurisdiction were ghee to
be pre..et1 : b wished to ..e the me.sulry the commas cowrie, 11e beetneos could sot
commit another of those d.agrscrfel Rot• N done without appoint( at least loath•
which they have already cemmitted the er comma. law judge. Owe judge see Equi-
Seeeton. t, be tboeght would be quite ousetat.-
Mr. SMiTH of Durham made some re- So far RR the Court of Appals was ea -
marks with the object of showing that a bill earthed, he could eon no s.easslly ler the
might be rejected at any stage. two addluoaal 'Ages. H• tbotybt the
Ilon. Mr. BOULTON said .t was a per country would sot ba,06ti06641 wok the
feet face to talk about the 04 changes mals le the Court of Chameery.
the Crown, which wee seed by half a .,etwmthetaediog the Dela alp. The coots
dozen ministers. With respect to whet that ge into the fee fowl bad at bees not
has bees said about subverting mowerehical draws. A greet many cases, in whole the
institutions, be bad no hesitation to say's( Comm 01 Chancery used to hale ezel.nve
that man, of the institutions of the wigb• jultsdlction, had been removed from it, ad
housing republic were much more suited to luny other cages could be removed ; sad.
the condition el Canada than institutions the fete of the fete fund were properly cm
copied from England. He went on to show d.wo, sed the Court plaeed on that footle;
the great eoevetseace of _hums a lied the outcry that had been rebored against it
period for the meeting of Parliament. would cease. 1f this fwd cold sot gap
W. BOULTON aid we won w we
r.pu►It- port three judges, it could emptiert o,
can as the Uems limited States. The whole war which weasiest to de the b. ieeee.-
,eeted-ire the people, and he sew Perry to We hale sue.. take plan to
me their representatives so much letting to that Court, within a very short limo. which
lett** it. Ile •hewed that the mini -My we eaoaot help tattoo( ought sot to haft
-�.-•••elk• �.•-
Common Lew hedges ee new wok. they threes?, Masa, Pervaseee. Fovettee.
soot elemegehla .f f.gelly as maims a Pastor, Furcate Owlist, Hisrks, JYMar 111
1 sed M the, wenVs. ii,r•410117Cowa1 .(4.Ny. It woad Isla •reall, hot, flugemaM
wn..9mth lede.14. en assn M erre/ bees the em re, I.mlwt, s.
reg flea • ashes--- te • Mspiew b.- Nese... N.iw..Mlotette, 1' Rta►ardo.
Rst ha wea14 le) It t►ter he a prime/tile, Rat., Saweemaiii, Rtrou T.e
hat any nese who was •ot • gond Common Smith for rlme). Thea
I.ae I•wyer would a, snake • good Eqult, Ytgee.,.i g.
Jud[•. all • 3.•ed kanwleige of the fes- 11r. ROBINSON meed as awoadment
suer ..wW gnaldy hem for the hoer. 1t, to the tbirteeeth parmgr.p► of the speech,
would reteete a remark teat had fallen from which Tahoe. to rho subJect of budding
.event menebers-on the i.ewririesey ail rnurt_hr•usrt, sol jade in Lower Canada,
rillftlullf lite 8.5eto. • .1.•1010 that darling that the reuses of such works I.
had Imes prs•d last session. But there both seatless of the Proofs. should be
was nee bill dpesed about the sa.ae time as horse by the reopective Iecahoso.
the Chancery Ara edmest tilt -lbs School Hoe. Mr. B.ALDWiN aid this sad. of
MII-w4*+eb�ag ewer bees acted opus. and movie( emeedesesie was estrrely suet,
ruts about to he eep•.led. That had lees sad woe essay board of is say emu ..ea -
sent roued the country to Isere tie *pious try then t►u. 1f amendments were to be TUB RAILROAD - Lerma /$OM
of the people up.. it. Tb i•coae.si.oce moved is this way, the di.etaaalo. world HON. MALCOLM CAM non .
of the entire pr.e.ediage ie the Court of tab* sup the whole of the sesioe. -
Cha.eery could set he get rid of by the Yea., 13 : soya 11. Te the itil.r.j flim F.xaiser.
now roles that bad hen s legged. That wee !Ns. Mr. BOIiLTON thole moved ►le aonmo, 2Ld Mays IU&
impowlble- There mime rn
wow ( .t 1s aesdrneet I. theypnagnpb relatteg to the Si. in -1 wmuch sorprl..d t►le seerebtg
a Chaec.ry vilest that mama it Impo..i- rrreeeatatlew, to Smeller' that reprtseee- to read 1n your paper, se Editorial ante*
ble that, is a csuetry I ke this. jeslece eoulJ ratios should be bumf epee popolatia. doteumeiwe, in general tar, all
be reoder.d to ,ham w well as ceold 6t, Twvmem.- May 13. favourable to the sehsese d Mr. G
had copied almost word for ward "beechen! b.ee brought in that Court. Hie referred
bill., asseesmeot bills and Municipal bill. to eertai■ decree* in Chummy, that
and 'Omura all others, from the State of had bag reversed. is opeoanie@ to the
New York. opiate's of tbe sew Vies Chancellor, by the
Mr. PAPINEAU complained of Steelton- other Vice -Chancellor eheag1se his optnloe
silicon of the ministry to t/nant.e Oter the sed agrats( with the Cbnseellor. ' He cos
Hoose. The ministry were departing from
all that was Enelsh and con•titnttonel.-
They had ad.•ped principle* for which there
win no precedent in the English History.
On the motion borne put. and th• minis-
try treeing • loge majority in its favor, got
up and voted with the Yens ! which were
67. Naye, 7•
end then to prevent th• public knowing I 011 Tee .DDR100 IT 111$W.a TO Tee
anything about it by alleging that the ear oriscs rams TOW Ttaan.w
respondence was private and confidential.- The House debated Col. Prince's 'mud -
Whet he was moving for was not an *Moe sent last eight till about 16 and then ad -
given by the law officers of the Crown bot journed. Mr. Peplum spoke at great
for the advice ivby the Provincial length, eoodemateg the ministry and the
Ministry to the lilli of the Government, elates of governssat. Mr. Hoicks spoke
and for which advice they have not made to reply•
themselves responsible to the country. A WaDTsensT, MayWith.isometry ought give no opposition tot tun•
sure doting its pasage through the house, Tem atrovusm selaT■ o+ TIM •msua.
and yet afterwards scarcely advise the exer-
cise of the Royal veto in respect to :L-
ila contended that the ministry .honld not
be permitted to adrise the withholding of
the Royal assent from any measure they
The CLttat read the smeodoeot of Col.
Prince the abolition of the Court of Clew
(ton. Mr ROBiNSON-Was not in favor
pas iic*Isg degas' heall hte Um* sad
sheweileleetly herod erode head
el" hewer ams of the T It l•
er. tlfya.g b Gad•let r, greeherr summit
awes lie the Le ..loose Oates. 1 the
of eel ggttp.gte. Ajgtly le
t UM gas leatese /iljlylE west,
'he curse sed laog.age of Mr. G. R. Reel-
arcees1.,Mcaees►ese. why flies(► arm
supporters of the g4IrwmSe4, gas a freed"
and measly support to the adds•.*.
The 'MUM o1 the Hew Mr. D.Blemease
for timed/moon ofa memorial to the Qum,
uptown of the .Nwenieg atteeheat
of the Homos to the pews and goverewat
of lits
Majesty. wee wrung haat eight a
santnse.ly. 71.e spe.chea will appear me
Jou otberw.w. 11e msstiesed et great •rh Iloues mot sl tb►.a o'clock vaster• (or eoaatrscting a Ra.Iroed from IIs Cly
to Lake Huron, and uttoatieg that 'Irate.
gems were urod to ammo" the iahabit.nlg,
sad to double their taxa by a few who
wore tod.vtdualty interested to the project.
Now, Sir, 1 have taken a pobie part, sea
tax -paler of the sly, and as owner of red
estate in the Googly el Siaar, ad Mao
at impeded. or pledged myself nee NA -
hog: sod am of opinion that yes menthe.
ly mistakes, as to the character of the plain
-the foes which show hew .ivtutarsa.a
it would be to the comaeaity-the eaten
of the power with which rt is deemed .d•
viable to arm the Cerpwsl(oes ad 14*e
motives of those w4*. have Nested then
merry, is order to get t►ta Railroad tete
I do mot retard t►1 edam as • loiter,
in the ordInsry &curettes of the term. Itis
mot Uploaded ursine weepy to put late the
pockets of say Isdtvdual,f.other thee all.w-
eng s eempe.e.tioe te a lima Mehl* Mbosr.
his extroerdisary as1 ,tad energy. 1t ti
empty a *otos of pubes ishwested to do
that 1) joint pminietjime shish se Nagle
tedividel cora possibly aceumptim►, aid •
e.•uog of lota in order te menden who
shall ewe and manage the teat ensued y
the 'sweetmeat, mode throve\ the image of
e.stnbuteme-e• i.,aitp.t ism which It
ie alar every 1..d -bolder omd agricultaral»I
is the Casty, mid every householder, mer•
aid d aselme c is en about lbs City,
will have a direct advantage. le the facts
of the case you seem astray, an yin ask fes
dotatla (...•crag 1 supra. u Pruden
does) 'tunnies aoJ profeeaa.l Iafeemati.o
from Beet were. 1 Ind a report el M..
!benne. C. L, is. what he aye the 1.a
will commerce a the Cary mod Ozl.d 10
Nottawwga en the Georgia' Bey, skew -
leg the grades la one, t•wee►ip. the er
ceet from [mks Ontario to Lake Hera to
be three ►osdr.d .aid forty•miao fast, am
Me when defame embl, osad • geerow
mane. H. Martha the gement Nasaster
of the "asatry as &romaMn to 14*e esu•
etruettoo of Railroads, the ealy dSeully
beimg/ the creeping at Bleck Creek, Hmber,
and Neltawaa(s Riven. Ile grata lite -
wise that •.intoes, or aesmsa of the
but quality sad coot mesa are to bead
with little iuconvemesa.
The &nowt of travel, t4*° edvaatag• el
the road, the eomp•rtaw with Um Befllle
.ad Detroit route, and all the usual details
-with am ..fleets el Geeta, are jest u Way
ted clearly laid doves as they are smelly
prem, amid jest as retshle, is my opiates. -
The het to. every .ergot or imtellmgemt
bemuse moa. can of the (.reel
feet.,.., and make W lus asd, as to the
prospects of a Ratfroed payteg as well or
perhaps hotter, than soy Egioar, hence,
he has lea iotereet im a favorable nreeenr
tattoo of the eau. I feel assured that •
county, which already scads from 6 to
14,000 habels of Wheat a da tate thio
City-wh76,000 barrels of Flew, were •
'tiered here all winter -will be an to sea -
tam • local road; but whoa to that local
trade l4*° foreign travel of the whole
Weston) States, and the greet trade of ear
M.00e, Forests and Luahor, is sada. to -
«ether with the (see that this will cps a
groat high road to the Pacific, 1 hers every
eafdenee that the sleek well be preamble.
1 ave a /a deeper tetersst is the West -
en country, end is the City of Hnsiite..
than 1 have try when ala in the world;
but 1 feet that a Li/treed. brinrog into this
City the trade and travel of Lake Huron,
will do more to mare • mate nae fres
Quebec to the Waters testier, than any -
three aloe esu do.
The pewee lee sob the people to ugh:
u mot the prier or loading t1Ma000 to
any body era amde1ad tome, et oe as
o.oertan or mega eoetreet, but entry to
oblate the auction of the cilium' to sable
the corpont.oe to take stock Mochas aesswat
in the Reed,prevtd.d they demi it sdvieeble,
after tbcy renin ateMeetory imletambee
imd particular details d the eebem% which
will wettest them, le *time be themselves,
and theft emanate te Meat that
.mast. At the lime time it 1 to be re•
membered that thee EI00,010 is net te be
said over in tush, as is required is the m-
ajesty cane of s,«4*-i.Msre bet by City
Misstates. nameable in tweet, yam-.
The Columba are held responsible. then -
fere, after baisg weaned the ent►erity
Iran thine castateaate, that they de flat
ester into or astral er •«r10 10 pay 'Jill
.motet until they are perfectly Wagered
amid **cured se to the ageless, eiery ebm-
hie sempietioe of tee Reed.
it will be 1 that b.lem oho
18 (not .1 ( wee oemsved to Ts -
4S pool rate, nem.v memos tth4*oe.gO�bt it wadi eel,
be • b s& to the bc4M-biepars. ad the
=mete of Naw; bot after en ...Ib. w
abeam hes., de they set mem that every
class In the tee m..Hy 1. Madlad7-ilia
merebst ..I1. mere gentle- th...w.l .14
sI... beet awes hie ,wooled seam A.igb
sad ym.a.pre-tis ..s.r. the s.bestes
sed w laborer, Ad sten
readily --est priests Neodie r4weesi lies.
All.d. and • were raises r ti's prem le .6 -
bleed -the tail= ad the oheeesmhe (Itis•
take of • large elite est the hosed* .f telt
amd waw of the tsar l wises= re She
e el= d those el aha post Ihdbw lobs Ne
.setlteeXy soffit( to w inmtlive QM*
I.gth Us e1e1 of Mr. -of Wbtibv. day, mod the quailing of a Electne Lee's -
who purAusd •sewn• for £39 of Mr. lateve Cassel was token up no ase of Cnl.
Esau, and afterwards a Chancery 8.0 sew Prince'. amsndme.ta. The Colonel made
got up le regard to it. He described the a lag •pe•eb in which he crowed himselt
venous ad elsnW smiler • the is favor of elective tsetitotiona and aeaer-
e .lits of w4ech to these Iwo poor met telt alio. to tits United Stales. He declared
bee. bees betwret 1300 amt Crew;
600. He the oh bad bees in favor .(tibia cheer. a
,outd morellos fifty other •inch este•, t►.
whole of which could be much better **t- °err tti+wd.tinn yan •«e, and called epos
t".4 le a Le. Court and at far le.. toll.- - eb Chiet C ,..uuuoner of the Burd of
Theism feed wee a tax open tartan
Pe. -.work• to vent, hr staitwemt, allreie«that
cutter' sad fella a claw of suitors, while a tosdesorbet nitn with hi o b hod f..s
it maid to WI o. the con.muahy. newts sorb opinions. H. did wnb to see
Hoe. Mr. Caeeroe [Kent) ►meed the the output Government ger reit lisleos they
mosey of the asendrseet would wit►dtew it would diesel,. the punt Parliament, u
ter tb• roust ; not that he was opposed whack pet, he felt moi•lisd that u Improve -
to It. het he thought this was taking up Mnt would tib Mace.
tM urns •/ ►ho Hoose sett► a mb t that Mr. BADGLEY followed in ■ lisi. lt►y
eeuld ba man e6ikiently halt with anetb•v •1 .I. in which be declared himself in favor
tip. He referred to the memo' of the of elective institutions the.sm asA desouscel the
Yiwi*try for Ihefr dismissals.
boll.WIINug the Courtef Cbanoerv, as Mr PAPINEAU meds. vert ►le'pveh
which time Col- Priece who tntrodoeed .t of toe we Mrs hewn ton( et, ire prisriples
said thaI.in rust would N likely to cost of npeklsnnism sad the unsuitability of
mon them E11 i0.., which befog a mode -
see other .*atom of goversamet for this
rite amount imbued may to vote for it. -
cousin' He esu ver, severe no the Mia•
the Cutin ; sad all the lawyers thee in the
Houma Except Dr. Rolph, supported it. earl,
C01. GUGY referred to the case emotion -
ores followed ►v Mr. CAUCHON, of
by t►. number (or Norfolk. Had a Simi. the !oursel de Qaebe, is a moat abnave
Iso proeesdia( tea eomm.)eed is Lower speech, which excited attract is all honor-
a►le minds.
Cassda whore a diainetirne is mode lie Two ee these other •pe•ken followed op
.weer law sod equity tt wneld the question. But nothing, ver, important
haver bees disputed of is ►b ampfist mss- earn met of the debate. Wo shell gave the
Debt ti a seri chert tip and a vert small main points in our next oumber.-[North
coot, ad anted for ever. Then wu American.
H. [Mr.C.) 'appealed the aitabIshmnnt of ttaaatieg tb priseipla er oasis
but one npinies of the outmost' coots and
role of the Court of Cb•acery, and be coe-
1tdered it • duty o! the Hones to yield to
public opuses. He Wonld disclaim try
Intoe en of saying say Song derrecpectful
of the Chancellor whom he entertained the
very highest opinion.
uttered this a reawn for making completer' Hos. Mr. PRICE esu atnniah.d et the
against the Curt, and the country would course of the hon. member for Norfolk. -
not be satisfied till the presses knife was He [Mr. B.) most he .wan, that prior to
applied. the eetabliNsent of the Court of Chance-
l -los. Mr. BALDWIN acknowledged the ry, there were thousands of causes which
spirit of candor in which the member ! no court could roach. Bonds were thea
for Cornwall had treated the *object. Re r)IIIte commonly gives for deeds, sad this
fernier to Mr. Blake, bethought him above practice led to the greatest difficulties. -
all the mercenary motives that had been He censured Mr. Boulton for wishing to do
imputed to him. He looked upon the pram- sow all at ones what in the plenitude of
tlee of suspecting the motives of public
men ae calculated to de(rode them, and
debauch the public mind. 11e had consent-
ed to bats three judges in Chancery with a
view of getting •s ehclset Court of Appeal.
In that matter he deferred to theopistoo of
the present Chancellor whom he regarded
u th• beet qualified mss is the coumtry,
for the office be bolds. He bad felt the
necessity Ohmura, .a u many fresh naiads
as poailble, to gut os ease• of appeal, for •
lodge who bad once takes a view ofa ease,
sea not so open to eoovmettes, es another
who had no pan to it. Tie would rive
of abolishing the Court of Chancery above.- great weight to their decMetons, which wee
had not Opposed in the House. If the pa- fie should move test the New Rules when the more necs.**ry to prevent a 6sal appeal
n he mored for were produced it was not they came before the Howie should be re- which lay to Her Majesty and the Prtvy
be object to (Net any censure on the mini- (erred to a Committee to see what change. Council, and which was very expensive sed
try for what they bad dune, but it would be bad been made. He was opposed to the occatonrd long delay. Wash regard to
his desire to get a resolution passed to pre. amendment. the propwitIoo to give equity jurisdiction
ret any uurtmtry doing n0 11110. I Col. PRINCE -Wu surprised, to hear to the Common Law Courts, it had boss 10
Mn. BALDWIN said if he (Mr. Boultoo) I objectifies, from the hon. member for Sim -completely answered by the cumber for
would nuke any part•celar measure of last' eon. He would not have wondered had Cornwall, that it esu scarcely necessary
for bin to go Into tl. That .,.fres had
Nes tried in Peensylvaou sed hued, sad
it would fall everywhere. Ie regard to the
n ew rules, the Chancellor was of optaon
they would reduce the coots about four
fifth.. 1f this Court were abebebel, n
would not alter the Baton of the rights to
be decided. would sot prevent parties Beek
tog the hest advice, lad would set prevat
the best talent eecunag the bat remuoera.
tion. The only way that the Court could
be abolished, is to abdsh both law sad
equity proceetoege and comaldate them
into one a had been done in the state of
New York. He thea rad the New York
Herold. to Now that all proceedmge in that
State were beginning to partake ofa C►as•
eery character, and that the dreaded as
mass power was b'ig restored. He cook
see no recon why the saltines of the
Chancery Judges who were to form part of
the Court of Appeal should not he the moue
asthma of the other Judges; if all wen
ton high they ought to he reduced. U.
win perhaps dwelling too much upon th e
subject, but it truths more necessary that
he ebould do so. from the circumstance that
the Press that usually sepported hs part
whsle is opposeton, attacked the Mimtatry
for those changes. A paper a the city
recommended the pnmcipl.s of Mos very
measure In 1816, but now eoademaod the
change* a a r►. The hon. «setlemea
thee read from some paper, the Erseriatr,
we usderetood, to show Plow the q•.eelioe
had been pressed Lpoa the tiove►emee,t te
which the liberal party were then in eppe-
sillon. The pnectple of the 'season hew-
ing been thea sustained by the liberal Prep,
while In oppostuoe, ae well a by 1**dreg
melesiet$a of that party, whet could the
Goversmeot do, but what they bad dose'
He appealed t. hon. /enthuse appease,
whether, et was not Moet onion 10 eb.rg�e
them with perpetratie( o job is mohair the
chafes that bad been 'nod*.
The Hoa. Mr. BADGP.LI Y eeeld vas se
reason why them should be a apsnte
Cart t hove a mepate1• jenedictioe. H.
meld not usdersta.d why Oho n;Mbee of
Law Seders .hesld not be ieeraesd, and
the Equity sad eomemese Law marts ewer -
red. He cashiered that close a lee11
e legise. meld be equally well &ceded y
either ms Equity or cowmen Law Jodie, a
both were well served is the matter. ile
Gould net .firm that the Cart W failed se
a Cart .f Esperty.
The Hos. (f. S. BOULTON',only=e-
terad is the .pione of the pelisse
Imes lover Mewls oh spell fast. I
,oily j.rledietlms sweet he slew to the het. Devi ase. Dremlessd, eel. Acs, De• I oil le i 10,
be itareiStis4s.4 tilt (tewOpel rod I' Jlove am, (i
Spero) a subject rf diffusion, ministers
would he prepared to defend the advice
they gave to have such bill reserved.
Mr BOULTON contended that the eoe-
&fence we placed .n the administration
entitled us to know the advice they gars
on any subject.
The motion was then put .sd (at, -
Yea:,, 31. Nay., 42.
tHAnOR• 1!r TIIR cseim T.
Sir ALLAN MeNAB made engiry of
t 1111. ars regarding the changes in the
administration since the last Banton of
Parliament -and in perttcnlar Stet they
•i11 sO,rJ to tho finnan and the country
some definite rxplanatlnn of the oireuln-
• lance• *loch !oJ to the retrenchme.t of
the Commtssinner and Atoo.tant Commis-
sioner of rho Board of AVnrke from office,
and from the pats they hell in Iler Maje•
ty'e Executive Council. If no explanation.
were Rouen they wm,l.i have to conclude
they come from the gentlemen opposite. -
They were ehl*ring to their oboes as to
the resets of this amendment. The boa.
gentleman at the head of the Board of
Warks had almost been skipped alive, but
be (Col. P.] had nn doubt the gentleman
would get up and vote for tt. .Not one
boeorebte member of the Homes had ventur-
ed to get up and deay the statemeeta he had
made of the miaow, character of the Court.
lie hoped the members from 1.. Canada
would not vete ar1inst the proposed bill to
abolished it. Public opinion wee decidedly
opposite to its exute00e ; public notoriety
said that court sea •curse to the country;
go into any house, require of any person
and he will tell you en.
Mr. SMITH, of Durban said, the new
ruts for effecting a reform in this Court
had not yet been promulgated and it was
wrong to propose to abolub 11. He argu-
ed that such a Court win necessary and
that there given in the F.rnietner newsy*. that Of it was reformed would not be what
per were the rnrreeI ones. it hal been before.
Mr. BALDWIN said that ministerial el.rALLAN MACN.AB,could not vote
explanat'nns were not ezrl.nati ,ns of the for the motion, but he believed there esu
Crown, and, might be given by the minis- not sow in the moots, a more popular sub-
tu tithe had rotted. Tho isometry had no tut than the cell to abolish that Cnort.-
ezpianat'ons to give ; they c-•ndveted the Public opinion was decidedly opposed to .t.
8 ,rot on the same pvineiplee that He looked upon the amendment of last
they di t last •noon, when they ...loud a seemon a e job and such was the reeotted
lag* share of the confidence of the W es... or... ), of the en'.ntry.
As to the m4ttdnal members of the moats Mr.•MORRISON stated .worst of the
(res Ave of them retained the office* they charges effected by the new ruler, sod eon
held before. If *h. rneml.rn who Aad re- tended that this woelJ effect a great refine
tired felt it right to replan that slit, bmue non in the cors• of the Court. 11enaftrr
wee the prone, else. for sueh eeplanatmw.., tf an7 ca.. in it"' Court should occupy
Ser ALLAN McNAII asked if the expls.1 mon thse six months, it would be the
eaten. given O the little newep.p.r for f alt of the paras themselves. The 'des
the mta'etry. • in the 4..szi.er sewste. I of abolishing the Court me Mo.tbs after
per fee Mr. Ca rn, were on the authority t tmpro..ments hese been effected le 11
of the government. • ' was too absurd to be sntenuaed. lie had
Mr. BALDWIN sad he rave a explain- road • doenment by Jude* Edmonds teepee -
tions the sbohunu of the Court of Chancery
lion. through the newspalet• ; he always ( y
it the State of N. Y., he J E. elated
rave them in that House. - [ledge )
TSR " .wiLri'o aT.TRu,"
Ow ell the is the COMMIS
law Carts were fast itemising chancery
Mir ALLAN McNAB introduced a Bill ; aid that hedge pndreta that
to *reside porton. fr offices, who has.' in a he Tars the people of the Mate of N.
been concerned a creat sg them or onere$- 1 York would t tired of therr present eye-
ing %herr emolument Second reading
n eat Wodeeeday.
1.80 1mr01w.
Mr. SMiTH, of Derham, tatrodneed •
bill to amplify the prattler,, and melees the
oxpoow. of legal is Upper Cs
Hee. Mr. CAMERON of Keel'ateede-
ed a bill to repeal the mart,
mol a/ isel Nedse. I,
tem. He [Mr. M.) coiner/ea that the
busmen could at be dose i1 egaity pewees
be gine to the law carts. The salaries of
jn.lg s were esesteolly Ming b ewg4*' bo-
ron the eowwtr7 se ..ewwvw; bet the
Jud(** meet he well paid or the belie.,.
would net be well doge. Litigatia was e
the increase in the State of N. York seem
thea our oysters ewd 'sold mamm e ft
Iwerseee He •p. ke is favor of referring
the wetter t. • Coawtet...
Mr. SMiRH, of Fraete.ee, iso set set
power he bad sever attempted to do. -
With regard to the fee fund, he ridiculed
the idea that the people instead of suitors
should he mode to pay the eats. Hs com-
plained that it wee unfair for member. who
voted for the Cbasesry mes.ure last 8es-
ion to °ppoes It now, jolt when the pro-
eeediegs of the Court were being simplified
and a trial of the Usages introduced was
only jest begiesis( to he made.
Mr. MALI.00H mud the country at
large Balled out against the Court of Chan-
cery and to have it abolished. He bad
once given a vote in this House that he
deeply regretted. and that wam for the mar-
mite contract between Upper and Lower
Canada. He regretted that vete becauee
this very someone Bone was going to he decided
by Lower Canada voles in opposition to
the wishes of the people of Upper Canada.
Mr. HOPKINS. This question pecu-
liarly demanded the assent of the people of
the Western .eetia of this Previews. He
was perfectly aware that a Ins than nitss-
tees-twatistt.s of lbs isbabttaste of Upper
Canada wets d.e'dedly opposed to the pre-
sent Court of Chancery. He (Mr. H.)
held that there were too mail lawyers in
the i.egisiauv. Assembly. He reesember-
ed the cantion whish Governor Mimeos put
forth nearest the dmi.rinn of lawyer into
Parliament. He thoerbt that the .gneol-
torsi iotmseu of the Province were para-
mount to every other. bot so long as the
legal profession was allowed to muster so
' trouer is the Homos, little chases was affor-
ded for the proper presentition of the farm-
ing population. if there were few lawyers
to Parlament, there wonld alms he fewer
defective law coons earl jmdie bills. -
He would eooeequ.atly support the amt,sd-
Mr. LYONS (Russell) win called forth
by the observations of the Hon. member
for Carleton, (Mr. Medlock). Hs bad bard
',Sections upon the bar of Upper Canada.
with 'eremite to the fnrsatios of the Bal
in quetto. ; sow, if carefully ezaroined,
they (the lawyers would be found to he the
tree Reformers. Ile erotismly'ha/tht the
duties oldie Chancellor might be discharg-
ed by one of the Jedgas of eve of this 'ope-
ner Courts. He esu also of opinion that
each could be **ally effected.
On the question hots( put, there appear-
ed -
For the amendment
Agetsst it - • • •
The estrum least\ u which lir nun of
Wedgedsy eveaisg's 1.rseeediew hes n,.ded
premets es giving say detail of the debate se
Tb.redsr. We shall gine a eepptemrst with
oar Tenders issue, is order u beteg op the u-
rian of the besieges.
The debate es Thursday evening was almost
e.tirety ■poo Mr. Hasty lobs Boehos's valises
. m.admente.
Mr. Prows seek* is iia peculiar style for two
hers; we are safe OW readers wilt be amaed
w ith est reporter's sketch slit weea laid before
.hem. Mr. Papiaeae was rather mere tedious
than eyed, sed men violently disloyal than ever
heron: for tnree mortal hears did h• detain the
Impedes, Hew. Mr. Caeehoe.pokavrrl ably
is reply: hie mows orae Mr. Pal ness were
forcible mot toning. Mr. Henry 5.1. Bwltee
sad Mr. M. Cameos mid.a few weeds. and the
vete was takes oe 16a 6n. emeedwst is flew
of elective l..titutiess, wh.s then wen, for the
seeedrnese 13, tiniest it 51.
Mr. Besltmi's seen.d ame.droest, se nrreseh-
mnt, was.rptived wit net debate, M to 941:
aid his third. apse aaaeutiea dismim.l., by 3s
The .ppoei.isa pressed as .djeermm�t se it was
past 12 .'clack. Mr. Baldwin wished '►0 de-
bate oe the Aden's se he 6eished be4.,. the
Boost rear: they had beet. two week. 1. Se. -
sew end bad as ret done ..thine. The tontine
for eiljaete'seet was pot, sed lest by e' large
.ujerity. The °pp.ei'ia ben• epeeki.g
mealiest time. io which ptrtime Mr. Pricer sed
M. W. H. Bm.ltu psn,e.tarly driereswidad
rheaerl,es..14 the prospect ipoeswd to M that
the Rosso wasld have to wean them set. bet
u lest • entepromire was ebembit the gpsiNse
thee-med. . atter mach 00pesiten.
served se meet at 10 A. M., ea Monter. awl
6.;.h dos delete me that day..ed the Hour ed -
jammed at 211 o'clock, Movies est 114 hears.
The p.Mie will. an awake, .bserre. Met the
swim ..( '►r seeswti01 lir. to eeesame time.
sad retard the 1Ni'em a mach r pn.efhle: while
the Mi.i.terial nide by rebwiiniwi ft, throe• to
the .,,ache ea viturentios .f sera .eserara.
nen eonally d,,,,miiedssn offal o. clew* for
protracted .o.eebi'yi.g• Mee. .f the some1e'
an reported meth mere folly Ovum their merit
warners: Mt we ant sex ase the '1.. elle of
opposition now bims oases in the Reese,
mb.wld he esderemoed by the e.Rstry.-Olde.
1- -
it will he seen by the report i• soother
ultimo, that the Iwgielative Conseil have
adopted an Address to !aGoverum Gesor-
al, in reply to the Speech fame the Throes.
Their Addeo' is as echo of the Speech,
and is a foil hoose gram carried with may
ewe narrative! voice. This fact spent
volumes for the practical .ad info character
e l the me .ares .bout to be laid before Par-
liament by the Government, aid the few
memo of deemed wbieh alta is the Pro-
The tone of the whole debate is the
Canal a well calculated In have • alutary
effect a 'lie country; the (air .ad e•sdid
spirit whieb prevailed is pr.eialy what
. leeld Nsee• in the erossIvat.ve breech
of the Legislator*. While the mat hherel
views an expressed a the itwl topics
of the day then is • Aro •ters...is is
favor of the enemtitetiael gomenerent we
mew sojny. sed • Mein for pndeet, prat.
1141 I•gi•1•tl.s, i• preheats is vaunt,
rebuses of elonge. W. are sorry that
from these remarks we meet except the
Hee. Tbeesae M•ekay. who. frees the
oosome W loryiom las plumed into the
N ye of ultra repe►lls•nieme. Mr. Meekly
h as a+wllect right to Otaago hie *islew
o md Meese* • revol.ttat.t in theory if N
chorea. -say, it soros boning permitted
to breech hie . ry me.trese el" the
Hoer of P1rti•mest; hot we N pretest
• shit the a -e.. 1 Bs .d
Majority sgaieet the aesosdmeet • •27
The Mhate was the ransomed es td
nen`teel twotia.
i1... Mr. HINCiLB pretested ageism the
pretties of numbers epee\ia` of eeeawree
WSW esmeied by Lower C.a.d. votes. He
wished to weeid the test that 1M1,.I.a had
bees =waived by tapper Catsd. =prwote-
Mr. BMiTH, of Pro•tess., tits, moved
as aswile.at, &clarity the now .f t1•
Coon of Chancery d( 1 to the
waste a Ile Premise* ad its , of pay-
rThe s.tisn gram pot, and reselsd thee :
Yea ie: Nay. 3a.
Y•aa-Badgely, Booing [.i Norfolk).
Balite [,! Twat.). Cameos (of Con-
nell). Ai ri.ie, DeWitt, Gogy�, Hepkise.
lasses, Mallneb, McCoseotl, Meigs,
Meyers. P.pseew Prise., Bebes.00. Bey_
ewer, SUM [ef Fresessee). Sts.emses.-
ITave.-Aresae.(, Atleem.y-(bmw•l
Rsldtt.. ResuWew. nattier, C.e.lee,(.-
"rime is wh1► ►o iad.lgsd whine *folk- eol wed eleewkw-ami tb gestin" .0146
err albs sse.ad hese= of the LegiltsWts. poetess. .
Teslt. It ie em it Md * IAA Mai* Alit ID •tehte Imps.% -•---.' d s f Obi
w ilt=
= t4M d ad41. 1 tri. .. a lest, worm TIN NiM0f01etm
Issel.sa lird the Mr. Thames xaels , the
himself w Tdsaiy, The Viper Neese propose do seas awl, eoti 1m a 0080•
Ins «SbwzpIble le the eyes of the pubs k. glm ser Oretem.. l'he WWI be a-1 Olt/
the et thew a.y wise •• 7 weeli ems" ties d trial
mmaird•d as s paid of aha weeswl /led ei Owwtoetl =
yet the mire s.lfawebAnlies le whisk She Nm IeYaMs M
.. i
flet Mer
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and but
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army at
8,000 v
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has ani
Apr11 1
dell ; pi
for sea
The Ci
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wiry b
at Cal
took 1
lees 6
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