HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-08, Page 17• 1' r 1 ) ti r 111111n161I011111111110111111111WaltalllllAIJ.ILit111116A1nA11011.I111A11111bM011011011Nt>IillAtilIWW1 W1111A101lIIIY,* . 1 .i Congratulations to Gerald' Ginge. rich on the opening of his NEW PREMISES United Motors Service -- AC Division of General Motors Products of Canada', Limited, wish to•extend. best wishes for continued success to Gerald. Gingerich on the opening of his showroom and service centre in Zurich. Gerald Gingerich Is A Sales Centro For Famems Delco Electric Motors UNITED, MOTOR SERVICE-AC. division of • GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LTD. Oshawa Ontario .1111111.1111unNnonln11111PInululnluluuUl mlluuuulnl1u1n1nunu11111111111111n111neulun11n141/1111111111 Congratulations GERALD GINGERICH DREAM KITCHENS DONTJUST HAPPEN r ik RqiubIieieJ Kikhehs put) wilt ltdpgO1.) 'laud See your dream become feat in minutes. Our Republic Steel Kitchens planner actually shows you how to do the most for your kitchen ... how to solve your special problems .: and models your new kitchen in realistic miniature: Call us now for your personal appointment with the Republic SIeeI Kitchens planner. Frank Gerry & Co. , LONDON, ONTARIO -- .Western Ontario Distributors Zurich Your. Loc,ar Headquarters For REPUBLIC STEEL KITCHENS GERALD GINGERICH SALES AND SERVICE Ontario p.f....asis s Com O. n� STAFF OF ZURICH FIRM–Members of the staff of Gerald Gingerich Sales and Ser vice, which opens new quarters this weekend, are shown here. Left to right are Charles Eckel, Irvine Martin,. Ethel Gable, Seth Aznmands,l Leo Me i d i n.g a r, Ken Scotchmer and Bill Smith. The firm is one .of the largest plumbing, heating and .elee, trical wiring businesses In the district. • —Doerr Photo GINGERICH FLEET—Four vehicles in the, fleet .of the Gerald Gingerich firm at Zurich are shown here outside new building. Van at the rear houses the mobile sheet metal shop which moves.to the job in order to speed service.. In busy season, staff install. as many as four furnaces a w,E k. Besides heating, the firm specializes in plumbing, electrical work, motor and appliance repairing. It was recently appointed agent for a gas company in the area. —T -A Photo Features ,Gifts, Prizes — Continued from Page 13 Backbone of the enterprise is its plumbing, heating and electrical installation and repair service, now .one of the largest in this. district. The struct:.re provides a large workshop and storage facilities for this important part of ,the operation. The new showroom and store, whichcomprises the largest por- tion of the building, indicates the growing importance of the retail section of the business. In • the brilliantly lit display areas, the firm will feature electrical appli- ances, light and heavy hardware, toys and gift items in a way it has never been able to before. Significant addition to the re- tail end of the business is the appointment of Gerald Gingerich as dealer for two large appliance firms. Frigidaire Products of Canada Ltd., a division of Gen- eral Motors, and Ellis and Howard Ltd., distributors " of iw Revco freezers, announce th s e Our Best To You, Gerald Your New Store Is A Definite Asset To Our Community Try Our Delicious ' 1 Pies, Cakes And Rolls �Nu Bakery ZURICH. a . 1, week that the Zurich firm will handle their merchandise: • • . The firm recently took over the franchise for the distribution of Superior Propane Gas, and the sale of gas appliances handled by this company. - Gerald Gingerich's new loca- tion is on a corner lot, one block north and one block west of the main intersection of Zurich. En- trance is placed at the junction of the two sidewalks to make it convenient , for customers to enter from either street. Large display windows stretch the entire length of both sides of the building which face streets. For inside display, the store is extensively lighted with fluores- cent fixtures which run from wall to wall, The modern ideas incorporated in the new building will be one of the attractions of the open house. An example of the innovations is the diffused 'lighting in offices whichmakes the entire ceiling look like one large light. Elimville Visitors with Mrs. Thomas Bell on ' Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family of Toron- to and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rob- inson and family of Kirkton. Mr. And Mrs. Harry Wolf of Valley Stream, Long Island; N.Y. are spending a. week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Bell, • Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Jaques and family of Zion visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Del- mer Skinner. Brinsley — Continued from Page 12 Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fentonand children attended the Knapton reunion at Thorndale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lee and children spent St nday with Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Williams of Clandebeye. Lin Craven Linwood Lawrence Craven, hus- band of Mary Mildred Watson, diedat his home in Parkhill Friday, July 26 after a long ill- ness, $orn in Brinsley on the 11th concession of McGillivray Town- ship, he fartlied until 1956 when he retired to Parkhill, The late Mr. Craven was the third gener- ation to 'occupy the. farm origin- ally settled by his grandfather, Linwood Craven, one of the early pioneers of the district. The eldest sots of the late John Craven and Mary Ann Hardy he was a life long member of the .Brinsley 'United Church and a member of the choir. He also served on the McGillivray Town- ship *nen. His firat wife, Mary Kent, pre- deceased him in 1927, 1.1e is sur- vived by his widow, Mary Mild- red Watson of Parkhill, and sons, Alden of Ailsa Craig, Harvey of Chatham, Gordon of Caron, Sask. and step -children, Wesley Watson. Mrs. Luther Morley and Mrs, Lon_ Ylodgins,, ail of Me- Gillivray Townships The funeral Service, conducted by ltev. A. E. Menzies, *Ma held from the M. look and Son fun• oral home in Parkhill. Triter. Picot was In Marrs' Hill Cohtetery, Brinsley: Upstairs in the Gingerichs apartment, which will be open for inspection, visitors will see some of the latest equipment which is going into homes of the future. , 'Service is pot our :Motto, it's our business,' Gerald Gingeriplt -.believes this pbi.losoplay, which he follows rigidly, is the principle behind 3 The Tt A VIIAAAAIAI.AtrallAAtkflAlnAUA131.AAAM111113330M. 11MAnMMM.NAAAMItA the eatpanstoa of los business, "Service is the key to sales,"says the energetic owner, whose ._ ,new showroom. and,' 'workshop. PpenS this weekend, "If you.show people you can :give them ecru- ice, they'll came to you to buy." This theory :seems to have worked well because to just three years his plumbing, heating and electrical. .business has ex- panded from a two•man, opera- tion to one that requires eight and sometimes more, men, Gerald Gingerich goes' .over- board in his '.attempt to give prompt service. Ife tries to gtve his customers delivery of two weeks or better on any major installation be undertakes. He also believes in .cleaning• up jobs quickly, and.usually sends a gang, of men to complete a proj- est in short order rather than. have one or two work at it for days on end. At this time .of year, the firm is "moving into the heavy season --Please Turn to Page 17 BestWishes For Success To . Gerald I Gingerich )'Brien Prod uce Leroy •O.'Brien, Proprietor CASH MARKET FOR EGGS, CREAM Ei POULTRY Phone 101 Zurich eM1111111/11111l11111l111111111111111/11111.1111111111111.111111111111111111/11111.1111.1 IIIIImot In11111/111111111111111111111111111. ongratu atI ons GERALD GINGERICH GERALD GINGERICH`S FINE NEW STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY THE FAMOUS Quaker Space Heater and Propane Wall. Heater Ask about these two quality products when you attend the Grand Opening at Zurich this weekend, McKerlie Automotive Ltd. LONDON U Distributor* _ EXETER. Congratulations TO OUR DEALER Gerald Gingerich On The Opening Of His New Showroom & Workshop We are proud of our association with Gerald Gingerich and we recon• mend this progressive ,firm to you for the supply and installation of heating and air conditioning equipment. Chrysler AirTemp Furnaces And Air Conditioning Equipment. .SEE OUR PRODUCTS dN DISPLAY DURING GERALD GINGERICH)S GRAND OPENING THERM Oo-R1TE PRODUCTS 183 DUKE STREET LTO. TORONTO •