HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-30, Page 1F
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JRwtl Warn
ettt 4** d P:�1!RTi' dves-
ffes7ST; ms
Tjlt}rtltgt.a el then Irtimethes predated m
i}et.odau pishmest saditadngaaties lrom every
pa.a of the Premiac.. and it roreiv,d fres"
sws•gi from the p. 4"esLas of Dr. 8erut•sho
Mtt•e m Mr. Whorl Hert... Morrr.gi ween
held, re otetioss passed. pe:itaes elm ate red for
',tipster', and every other conotitetieeat mode
of Mirwmiag papular ur,dig..tio• resounded
t►st•gls IM I..4. Os tbt steosi•d of Patliameat,
iv various puitieoa are the tmklmrt were referred
Sea what essimines .•@sews of Masers. Bid-
well, Mathews, Tbesrpean of h.wstw•., Hared -
ten and Perry. Tb
• tither* of that cosmitree
Ire led has ably seamed so to oar hard. la the
entries .f amities es U. Uaversity, p.bliahed
some yeas age is air jsw1al, (nom tri pro of
J. 1Maears, Lies t -
a% The Cosendesee prrdrood thrasher' wish
the stf is t impatient I. Bribe preventing ti
tis tsruni..tias •f the Letter sad Chart, the
Choirs's* teaede;tted to Dr. Stelehaa • envy of
ares of lie pnuer oda red to there. aid i0(orm-
sibiss diet they •sold he MMr sereceive (tem
him soy idoesati s epos the maws iabm"isd
or their To t►1e e0.reatmiie•
Dr. /neeMt relented as •sewer, dectinisg te
avail hie is#of the Committees offer to receive
+Isgtjr.s, bet ;Aerie, to the statrme•te
!Nish bin had seeds la E.glead. For my
epi -"--weird erre. '1 ase nspasstbl• to is
ossa 1 led se deice to ~cool them. and they
vivo thistles pebliely tad .piety eetweened.-
Il.ssesider•tiea could have prevailed opera me
dldsey or min -cute them; bit ie apptyieg them,
every calla mind"will (rel that the general ex-
pes,siw• seed adroit the tiislesce of exception.
I dein it emir to M borne is said. that Asp
more gas* from ssteory,' •
Misch Dr. ()trachea teak ioge00osecare toe..•
4101 Gam her Herres. The Committee (salad
• list d (sarteeo questions, and examined io all
fifty two wiao.ssea Amos' the witnesses were
els tat lkt.Mss of the House of Assembly,
whose wohnne7 they e.sld .Win: mew Masa•
bees ei.ib• hsaese"h• the Legidnt re Conseil of
lee( meadow, high shading, and large pewee -
sista is the Previaes; 'snags Clergymen's(
difleaat dse"on..tiea• i• York std its vicini-
ty: and • few etk.tiadieidssls of h;gb a'pecl.-
bdit y-
•• Th• gnsetieas pet by Me Cmereittes, rela-
ted, es..g 'ober things, to the birth -place sod
edsatI.0 of .b1 ministers d the maws &semi-
satioes the tendency of the i•err.eti.on and in
*we of the C erpmes tbroeghout the Pro-
viso*: the mewled iscrrnse of doe Episcopal
Chant', awl the rendes.•r of the pep.l.ina i..
wed it; the wishes d the reha @:saw 1 Upper
Casada 4 regard to the estabei•hnwts a(..• ee
more Mathes or Deseeti..ljwe is the Pre-
viaee, with Dresher rights. privileges or endow.
meats; the inteeleresei its politica by the Clergy -
E wa et We Miriam J.0omtmtio0s: the ptop0rliss
title ata.eehers of the Episcopal Church te the
whisk pap0ktiee of the Premise,: the opi.in•*
of the swimmers, est. whieh woe the meat un-
screws desomiowl.* d Chrieneas i. the Pre -
vises;; the •.-nerd ignorance of the teachers of
tka venires Christie' Deaorciatio.s; end the
0caraev .f Dr. Staclan's Ecclesiastical Chart
of she Pi..ase.
•• TM iat.ngatones elicited • muss d eyries
med istereetisg imfersrtiee ea he the mule Er-
elesiastieal history of Caper Case/la-end la
every important pI►ticatar Dr. terrorhan's o.e-
seats were proved to be false by the most irre-
frysM. iemiroosy.
" The "semis is De. 80,40100.', kite, that
the • people are coming forward t. all direetass
rde,iag to assist is Muds., Cissa•, .td rii-
citing, with the greatest sanioty, the establish -
meet era settled Miniver.• .ad that ' the ten -
dimity of the peritonea is toward the Church of
England, and oothieg bot the want of moderate
spoors prevents her from swathes over the
whet" Pevi.•e,' were oosepkrely.tetthrowe y
a widow. It wee sawed, dem .theaah the
Episcopal awed hell .Iwsyl enjoyed pecolar
sieamtagrs is Cased': although it hsd been the
rib gins of (hose high L office, and had been sap•
ported by their i.fleenee, •0d eouoteunced mere
thus may whew March, by the favour of the Ex-
asiivs G.verasr,.: orbst although It. elm/I-
mmo bad powered Nes .setew►a n.hl of roam -
I.g presses of .11 de.minsalose: dud !Moe .1 -
though the clergymen of the Epi,e.pel CMreh
had shoe bee. liberally eopported. sad their
Chum -bee partly or wholly erected sed maintain-
ed from the fends of • Society is £.gt..d. 'trill
the n.mbee of .•worsen of that Church bad not
Iworees.d is the enisepropeesson se that of moor -
tat other sed the *gismo sf the
wheelies loge J- JDdly erpre..ed that the tee -
dewy of 'be popetatioa was est reword fit
!✓♦regi O. me mhos head, the highrnt testi-
e st.y nam t me ie the disiatemet.d and lade-
fsep"b enemies d Slat ►torWi.y Peseta,le-
es+,- sed nim elsesees who Ovid hes "else -
s1ewd by 1Js: 8ews►sewue(aaded Omer tti..•
'(isif ineistm01 usdgaesreetloi,' fat lbws hsvisg
(i wap Sliesst," le Ow letter, a wedseey
I'll's.•, ant isms. sed k a ide. l..et t o $ea.
of w• f 1111ipp,, 'big 00gs,•••Jecive i. the
M41smeslegfssreisegjfaajameetise al their free-
erseas ierllenelbrMtgeoli(ie difs& of me -
aa tsttfbbf .,'. -4 4111 owed desalt,
W tl..iII tIM*. 411M►' Mao 'tie mama w to-
Who. th.t hell�� te
•jjPdj11 d srti"
AA, lams
• ltlattapllaad n*11f Iliw'm0�atb ria
�' ttttttttrmmrmmssar
is helms iV..dtwt twtb trews.. Dseidee
obtatetog aaswe s from the wirseeaee to very
mioete goeetkcs, • committee was appdsted to
bold its meetings ,r Yeti. called the Central
Committee of dgerCyedes sad we* dimmed
N goepassd wise »M et/per parts of the No-
sier*, to stover rite egge.toat of Diemen
C.asetteses, add- es roarer that they wwld
carefully esker sad seesaw & the Cdswi C,em-
mitt* sa Tack. sxarate •n(umetion respecting
the .amber o/ persona MenglstZ to the religions
denomloatlese ie their neighborhood. le eater -
tutees or lite,* instructions, communications
were Leashed from the .•seines ports of the Pro -
weer, e.er,.i0g center hid fail seftmetiss
.pr that 'object. shlsused ism presses' Maw
led ge or isgsiry, sod u,bentisased by the mans -
term of resp.etalwe ts*abiwta. A Chart war
framed Prem the materials Ass obminedi hid
presented, io the opinion of tritonsees who spoke
to it, • very complete and fair view of the num-
ber of misiatera sad of this difcrat religions de-
moralisation to the Prevailed. Tbe i.fermalies
tows red by this Chert se completely hid .tt.-
fectoiily contradicts •ed falsifies Dr. arnehes's
statements, and bears w ma:eriatfy on the ques-
tion, whether a Charter granted on false repre-
sentations •od eaismniotw l si•aatioua, 'hood
M be set .tido tad cancelled, than we Mirk it
right to phos• abstracts or the Charts Gamed by
itr. Buechel', •ed by she eemmt1Les el tie
House of Assembly re.peetiely:-••
AterJA(T or Da. Al ascsae's reeirnlor7e/L;
10(0? run Tlrt TSA. IOW.
Epiwerisbees-39rlerpmes, "adorn sada
cota;deratiso-59 places of worship where regu-
lar or eccasiwoal se:mite-45 cb.rsbes, tea of
them bedding.
Kirk e< Rsesfawd-2 e'er/yeses, two ethers
vacant -4 pieces of worship.
1tllepcidr1tr-6 clrrgymeb-6 places of were
Mrtaodisu-From 20 io 30 clergymen.
..Number of
gw o t t .IPreacben.
lie. bons is
•-'o♦ao :Vilna Majesty's
Dania tons.
No. been is Fa.
en 8Otomes %tato e..strle..
sarr6'40a abbirth
No. sisested
e.=oaltos Hs Msje.ty'.
o. edge -it'd is
fot-Igo cou.trtes.
No. &domed
mc woo a' Q cue/mows.
cioo•-ort. Sinters] zed.
Member not
v ■
.. 0 0
£Nn. of Member
Oja toQ liiO .
c Commuatcsau.
■ •a •-
o Nomber of
a.,..szettortems or
Ili e o
S n .or teelaber d
" ■ o c a Ci9laeee of teplse
S o° 7'o
; Number of pieces
2 I Z.; isu
o/ 0eeas1al
?3i■ 3 ser•ite•
A'f9W413RRV AO 3RflOR 3R1
g: Y Ni anher at
= Y ; �.Sregala► hews
Ibis -Tha Jl @nee C.ibita w not given
Zwerethe chart: but i n well known that
al is •her 10 as; otbev deoomisatio. i0
the Province. There wee aloe a eoosidehble
number of Letherns mid Quakers, of whom on
settee seems to ba•e been takes by the commit-
Me return seem. to have tees *biassed fowl
Nee Erliegen*** .f de •ombee of regular hee-
Mra It woad be sspes.ib le keine • were -
tare es se Shear .w.srst. 1• • •• Report of tie
A.r,siy tor die Propag.tioa of the. Gompel to
Foreign Pans fa the year 1831," it i. .herd
that " the gre.te. amber .f Cttoreh of England
eommueia.ts at say one tiso during that year
was 387."
The cotannuee repotted ea the i7t► March.
162N, •ndno the leTh the ROOM weed few eoen-
names 0f elite white epee n, whet es amass' to
the Blsg: fi sud.d se Ma, mow. vrse.ArRd.-
Tia Jeerers Nee H. fdMwia f
" Mr. Raeilliee repotted mho' 1t>i/Sq tips
select esmeiittee, ad is .ddeew M
fell** titans, bah r depei.hg s b.
VS" tI• .
alaries fee es 'Wrap
with -
atMs% lis a a. Cdlsera.. ;
Nenas..l,dfst7, McWp Illhamaldr Pbwe-
«bttl ove". k6urlal !awry, % Mllleel Ills.• allielePte.Y1101elenglibill'e#41 Ms�L�I
"• Neve-Mesora. Amigos divers!, Bent-
ham. Clark, McLean, eleventh, Tboopsoo, of
York, Yanknaghoet ■ id Walsh -S.
" The qucuioo wee carried is the •IB-m.sive
by • poirta1y of foie/wen, ..4 rho 'matt was re-
w ired sad %doped, aid the address read • se- .
send time, adapted sad milted to be ..igi.ssed I
and read a third rime oa Thoreday wrest " •
O. Therohy, 2Ath Mkrch, the @abject was
reap medas foilows:-
'Agreeably to the ordsy of the day. the address
to Hie Majesty oo tat WLjel of a religion es-
abliabtuwt •ed University, wsa «1d the thud
•• Mr. Muerte, .oesded by Mr. McDowell.
of 9terigerry, moves that the &dare*. do wt
par: bat that it be now reeomru,ted-which
was 1941-
•• Idr. Morro, ..•ended by Mr. MCDs.eU, Q%
Celengerey, moves abet the words • sad *.moral
illapwvesrsr•-i. the fifth page of the eddies, in
the fifth hoe from the top, by expunged.
"• Oa which the Hour divided, and the yeas
and says beteg taken, were as follows:-
" Tram -Metre. Braley, Bidwell, Cameros.
Laren'', McCall, M.Ddaell,gf Glewgarry, Mc -
Lea.. Megrim Peery, Role", Thomson, oi'£r..-
mw.c, and Va.ltonvbsel-I2.
'• Nery--Messrs. Bay, Beardsley. Rernhsm,
Coleman, Fothergill, Hamilton, !torpor, J.
Jones, NIeBririe, McDonald. of Freston sad
Russell, Matthews, Peterson, Randal. Scotluh.
Thompson, qr 1o4, Wbnte, Wtllainess, sad
W i lseo--iii
" The gveettee was decided in the oeptive
by a majority of six, sad lost accordingly.
"Oa the gaestiea (r paring the sddrea., the
Hesse divided sad the yeas lad aye being
takes were es 1.1west-.
•• Yee. -Mesa. Bay, Be.rdiky, Beesley,
BSdwtfl, Celewmn. P.rhergtll, Hamilton, Hor-
ner. Letterer. McBride, McCall, SfeDosdd, of
Prescott end Russell, Matthew*. Petry, Peter-
s**. Randal. Rolph, Thorium's. ref f'naatsaac,
White. Wilkins's, ad Wilson -41.
"NVw-bidders Benham, Cameros,
Awe. bleioadl, air O/mwgwrry, McLean, Mee -
re,. Seoiliek, Tbompws, d' York, and Va..
•' The question was carried in the affirmative
by a m.90rily •( twelve, sad the midmost wan
passed and signed by the Speaker. .ad is as
•• To As King', Yost Excellent Akira*
" Mon GiArlocs Soruxws:
" We Your Majesty's dutiful sad toys( sub-
jects the Cammeaa of Upper Cassels, in Pregla-
cial Parlisewn: assembled, hostility beg Isere to
merman to Year Majesty, that we have sees,
with areal s.rpries sod regret, a letter .od vette-
Meatiest chart, dated 16th May, 1827, •td ad-
dressed by the honorable and venerable Doctor
Streams, Archdeacon of Yeast a member of
Your Majes'y'. Legislative Commit" d 1101.
Pro►,oee, to the Right Hoe. ll. 3. Witr..t Hor-
ton, at that time l'mdre Secretary of Seat' for
the Celeste, fes the io(orreetioe o! Lord Gole-
Aen at the And of the Colonial Deport-
ment: sa they are inaccurate in same important
respects, and are cskulated to lead Year Majes-
ty's Grverasueot into 007.105 errors.
"'We beg leave to i.form Your Mejesty, that
of Toor M.jesty's subjects to this Province, only
a small proportion are members mf the Church of
England: that there is pot any peculiar neode1ey
to that Church ■mo•g the people, andikat moth -
Mg maid cause more alarm sad grief is tacit
stied*, than He apptehens.oe that there wee a
desire, on the vert of Your Majesty's Ge.ero-
ment, to estsbli•h, es pan of the state, one or
more Church or denom:naoo of Christians in
this Prosince, with rights and endowments;
ant groomed t. Your Slajrsty's 'objects in gese-
rd, of other desensuali.a, w". are e'q.rlly e.. -
mast onto and deserving, sod egastly l.yI sad
attached to Yoe, Metorty's Rost Person sad
Goverment. io following boaestty the dictates
of their eon.cie0ce, as regards the gust and itn•
portion out -Sect of religion, the latter have saver
bees coseciees that they taeI Iblatedloy law t
0r key obligation of • good ..greet. or dos. auto 1
'hies to forfeit Your Msjru'yht hvoor and pro
teetion, or to exclude themselves from • partici- t
potion in the rights and privileges ecjoyed by
Your Maje.ty's other s.bjtcts.
learning, will epee these aeeoeots, be limited
sod partial. We, therefore, hambly beg that
tutu Morel will be pleased to lists0 to the
w;abes of You 6lepety's people is !ha teepee!,
sod to came the ptreseot chewer to be caseated.
aid one grassed Gee from lbs*kowt oo to which,
tialoI.fe.ed by • eoovietioo of Tour M■fsty'a
r sdeoddysheloosfee cora, to your loyal soh.
rets li ibis rro,i.se, m well as by • mer el
Oil 14 111• people. sod a kaowleJgo el their
sesi•N m
epee the sabres, we bate preowned to
W. would also bee leave to shite that it ia
the general desire of Toor Majesty's 'objects to
this Province. that the money, .'sing !rum the
sale of any of iksola io leads ret solla t!,,. Provin:0
(or the .poem o
and ammo of a Prerelease
deep,. should. entirely sptoyeiated to purpo-
ses of 'ra
deco ea and tem ■I -we
erneid moat humbly repreeno, that, to apply
them to the benefits done or two Christian de-
somio.i-,ns, to the eulusion of others, would
be uoju.t a well as impolitic, adtbaiu might
perhaps he f..ad ■epracu..c. se divide them
aoag all. We bate is means to Oar that the
Mose at Mould suld safer mosemity Teem
net giving • Oolitic support to its ministers, and
Ifrom freeing them to be ne pported by the Ifberali-
ty of their people.
I hlaoy Warks for the ;sternal inprrvenesh of
the Province, rd great iseportao60•to iia progeri-
sy and to the ease nod comfort or Year Ntgeety's
' uhjere are eeearrily neglected for the want
of money in the Provincial Treasury: for although
the taxes are only ora trifling amount, yet, from
the scarcity of moony and the wast of eyes •rat
tolble price for the prodgeiota of their farm.,
Shay are paid with great difficulty be zany of
Year Msjnry's people: it is is
rp.msible, there-
fo, to raise by taxation' th
n' e Drew ase
eeesry to
wodertake sod carry at those works. It is also
mit desirable taw■ larger sem than Is at pre -
Nest •1 Almost osal sbo.ld beemployed toexie0d
through the cououy the *d•eamges of educatio..
.'We Waster* humbly pray, that the :noon's
ing from the sale of She iambi set spin is this
Province for the 0.pport and r..tormaOes da
Pretestaot Clergy may be placed at the dippos•I
of tape Legislature of this Proviiee, for the pur-
poses we have ine.iiosed.
CecL.00.' Howse of Assembly,
hfareh 291h, 182d.
The reception which this address met •1
borne, wo will stow le ow next chapter.
(?o be cautioned.)
Provincial parliament,
FRIDAY, Map 17.
olsa1a ON rx71Ttoa you IIDv1*DL*C1 continued
Col. GUGY aid be ecoid bate no Mesita -
tion is adenine, that the g 1 rale
war n /saner of the bononble mem-
he, for Essex. Al the tams time, there
coot,' be two kind of doubt that the lions.
had a right In interfere to certain cases
where the welfare of the cornmeal! i9-
.09(1004 to be in danger. And in his out-
man, If tiwre was one qui:aloe mere than
another calculated to agnate •nctety-
tbesr, bear,] -and if be might so terra i,
resolve it into its Dris0tl.0 elemeste, it
wan the one involved in the petition pre ,
•.•nand by the Iin. member for li•sex-
(cheers from both oidia* of the lloisel-.end
be could not sufficiently exp•e0s his regret
Chet such a Dentition should have boon
found tat that hon. gentleman's hands. For
that reason he was prepared to support the
mottos of the hon. Attorney General, sed
the rather, because the bon. member for
Essex had stated that be expected to re-
ceive more petitions of the same character.
1n that case it appeared'to him to Se still
more neeemeory to take steps at once to
e0n7lnce the reentry, that they would not
permit it to he unoeceseanly agitated. He
looked opal at as a most insane project to
propose at this moment the independence
of the Province. Where was the Army 1
Where the Navy 1 Where the Ordnance
to protect its independepce, or the men to
draw up Foch a coasttt0ttnnas ss would sub-
sisted the shocks to which it would be sub -
j. -ewe its indepeodewee would not la. for
21 hours, Ho did not say lbat the coun-
try woad be conquered by an •rmed'force;
bet it would be overran by bands of loefcrs
sod v.yabonds from the neigh'eonny ropob
111 dud not with it to be understood
that he imputed to ■n9 man -and more
sepnrlally to the bon. somber foe Essex -
• deaths to bring about loch a state of
things. He only spoke of the inevitable