HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-08-08, Page 6Th.. TissOtAdvscsti., Autuit t 17 Chiselhurst SS Personal IteM1 Arid Mrs. Eael Sarree of Toronto ere holidaylug with the: Charles. Filforcl„ Receives CPA. Charles FifOrd of Herman, was informed this week that he bed been admitted to membership; in the certified public account- ants association. Entitled to the ;Initials C.P,A; r.Fiford has ' jeompleted five years study: ' 'resident of Hensall since 1953,1 he is assistant secretary.treasur-1 er and comptroller of General CHaeaneshauW. orks of Canada Ltd. at I I Mrs, .Catherine Hedden, Herb • Hedden, Mr, and Mrs. Alex • Shorthottse, Gwen, Virginia and Earl, atteuded the Hedden re- • union held at Dorchester on Sun- ' day. Bob Drysdale, while return- , ing to Hensall Saturday morning • from his summer cottage at Turnbull's noticed fifteen, or more Free Press boxes on the Bluewater Highway nerth of• Grand Bend at Norman Heights , had been broken into and the little slots inside the boxes con -1 tabling the ,money for the papers , were gone, Enjoys Contest Winners, at the Sunday School. Picnic of Chieelluirst JrUteU ••Churl i held at •eafortti Lions. Park ,attended by over .80 were; children 8 and under, Jpyee Per-, guson; girls 6 to 10, Patricia klarris; boys 6 to 40, Robert :Drummond; .girls 21 to 24, Mary Hoggarth; boys 21 to 14, Wayne .Coleman and Bob Munn, tied; young ladies race, Margaret kioggarth; young men's race, Douglas Byre; married ladies. .Mrs. J. Drummond; married men, Jack Brintnell; three -leg. god race, Mr. and Mrs. J. Drunt- Mond; kick the slipper,. ladies, Miss Dorothy Parker; gepts, Al- vin -Taylor; men throwing the ball, Alvin, Taylor; Drummond; ladies with most buttons on dress, Mrs. George. farker„ The youngsters enjoyed a peanut •seramble. In -charge of .sports were the Misses Gerald. inc Parker, June Meen, E. Tay- lor and J. Jacobi, MORE HENSALL NEWS ON PAGE 12. pa roAurlsi.Stanley former's mother. Mrs. S. and Mrs. MatIntyre of were recent visit. ors with the latter's sister. Mrs. Isabella Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuss and family enjoyed a week's vaca- tion at Turnbull's Grove. Mr. Jerry McClinchey returp. ed home after spending the past week holidaying tn Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Mary are vacationing at SchadeeVdiew Ar. Mrs. Fred Beer are on a week's vacation ot Mani - man Island. Idr. George Thompson bas pur- chased the property of the late Mervyn Brown on Main Street. Mr. William Venner'hs dis- posed of his farm and has pur- chased thc rest epee of Mrs. Forrest.Jack ke ' Mr, ItPaterson who has been on the sick list for the past number of weeks has made a complete recovery. Miss Mary Ann Van Horne of Marianne's Beauty Shop ,is on vacation from August 6 to 14. ' 1 Sitellelelln1000140141411144011010411114111111101111111Weenlinenenneleweeen4WWWWWWIneetteellelettlefil. MARKS MILESTONE—The three thousandth trailer to be built in the General Coach Works .of Canada Ltd, plant at Hensall was shipped last week to Toronto. Shown with the milestone -marking unit are, left to right, William Smith, manager; Jim Taylor, shipping inspector; Ernest Chipchase, general foreman and Carlysle Wilkinson, plant Superintendent. The 3,000th unit was a 30 -foot, eight -wide model, —Doerr Photo And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682.r-31 Heddens Gather JRobert Case Troyer At Dorchester The Hedden reunion was held on. Sunday at the home of Lee Redden, Dorchester, with some O members .of the clan attend- ing from St. Catharines, Wood- stock, Thorndale. Lucan, London, Ryde Park, Niagara Falls, Ham- ilton, Crumlin, Brantford, Otta- wa, Dresden, .Clinton and Hen- sall. A picnic supper served on the lawn was followed with a full line of sports climaxed with a .ball game between the uncles and nephews. captained by Bob • Redden of St. Catharines. Mrs. Catherine Redden of Hen sell who will celebrate her 77th • birthday in the near future and who has eiose-to 90 descendants, attended the affair. Personal items Margaret Louise Evans of Waterloo, "is visiting her grand- arents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Y. Mc- Laren. - Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family are spending the month of August at a summer Mime at Schade View. Mr. and Mrs. William Simi). loon. and son of Detroit, spent • the weekend with Mrs. L. Simp- son. Mr. Alvin Warrener of Pontiac, Mich, was a weekend guest with • Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Reid of London called on Mr, and Mrs. S. McQueen on Sunday before leaving on a trip to the West Coast. Mr, and Mrs. Don Rigby and • Donna of Blenheim and Mrs. Jack Traquair and Ruth Anne • of Hensall spent the we.ekend with Mr. • and Mrs. Harry Snell. Xippen `Gun Club are holding a Trap *Shoot at Kippen this Sundass A large number of en tries from out of town clubs are expected, Funeral services for the late Robert Case Troyer, 65, who died at the family residence, Aylmer, on Thursday, August were held on Saturday from the Hughson funeral home, Aylmer. Mr. Troyer, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troyer of Hills - green. was born at Hillsgreen. Surviving are his widow, • the former Mary Gough, one son, Jack Troyer, Barrie, one broth- er, • James Troyer, Toronto. Bingo Winners Bingo winners at the Legion bingo on Saturday night held in the Legion Halt were: Mrs. Bob Baker Sr.; Wilburt Parker; Bob Baker Sr.-, Mrs. N. Baird; Mrs. Wes Venner; Mrs. Mae McLel- lan, Sim Roobol (tied); Mrs. Alf Clark; Mrs. A. Sandercock; Dav- id Smale; Mrs, ,Wm. Smale, Di- ane,, Schwartzentruber (t i e d); Mrs, Clarence Reid; Jerry Reid; Mrs. Wm. Bell; Harold Schwart- zentruber. Jackpot consolation game, Mrs. Carlisle Wilkinson. Door prize of $5.00 'was won .by Mrs. Bruce Walker. Dislocates Ankle Lo9ding Tractor Cecil Maxwell of Varna, CNR foreman at Hensall. received a dislocated ankle on Friday, July 26 while jumping to avoid a trac- tor which toppled while being loaded on a •railway car at For- est. Mr. Maxwell was taken to Sarnia General Hospital where the injured ankle w.as put in a f cast. He had sbeen helping load the tractor aboard the rally/ay car when two boards slipped caus- ing the tractor to slip back- r wards. Damage to the tractor was light. Mr. Maxwell is recup- s erating at his home. Choir At Carmel Honors Member At the choir picnic of Carmel Presbyterian Church held at Riverview Park, Exeter, Thurs- day, July 25, Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake, a member of the choir for many years was presented with a necklace andmatching ear- rings with Mrs, Harold Bell, organist and choir leader doing the honors. On behalf of the Arnold Circle of the church of which she was a former secretary and held sev- eral offices, ,Mrs. A. Orr. presi- dent of the organization, present- ed Mrs. Kerslake with a table. .cloth and nylons. Mrs. Kers- lake, Bill and Joan, ,will leave Hensall at the end of August to take up residence in Kemal! Park, Westminster Township, to rejoin Mr. Kerslake, who was recently appointed assessor of that township. Residents of Hen- sall for 20 years they took an active part in many organiza- tions in the village. Mr. Kers- lake was former reeve here for eight years, served on the coun- ell six years. was warden of the county in 1953, served on almost all county committees and was secretary of South Huron Agri-, cultural Society. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden and. family; Vernon, Bob, Or- ville and Lloyd Hedden, all of St. Catharines, Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Hedden and family of Dresden, were holiday visitors with Mrs, Catheripe Hedden and amily. Mrs. Earl Sproat accompanied Mrs. Mildred 'Kruka, Largo Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Rob rt Gemmel on a motor tripto oints on Lake Ontario also visit - ng friends at Pickering Beach. Miss Joan Kerslake was pre- ented with a Guide Ring from he Girl Guide Association at the weiner toast held at the cottage f Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin at Schade View last Wednesday. Rev. C. D. Daniel .occupted his own pulpit on Sunday last at the United Church, •Carmel Presbyterian Church congrega- tion will worship ,with them dur- ing the month of August with services at 11 a.m. and Sunday school at 10 a.m. S. G. Rennie and Harry Horton rendered a duet. Miss Greta Laremie was at the organ consol. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allen, spent Sunday with relatives, at Tiverton. Members a the Hensel' Girl Guides Association were enter- tained to a weiner roast at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs, W. 0. Goodwit, Sehade View on Wed- nesday afternoon, July .3.1, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shep- perd and family of Toronto vis- ited over the holiday With Mrs, SheppercPS mother Mrs. Smillie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs; Sack 141ortey at Delaware, Mrs. Wm. Hyde spent the past two weeks, vacationing with Mr, and Mts. Ed. Barrett in New Jersey. Mr, Harold 'Belt and friend est Toronto were weekend visitors with Mt. and Mr. W. A, Bell, Mr, Te s, J. Allan ofToronto is holidaying with Mrs Ellen Bu- chenan, Miss Dorothy FArquhar ot To- tont° spent the weekend with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hark- ness visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. James Campbell in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wit. Cook of tondo visited recently with Mrs. •Sae, WOW. and Mrs, Diet Mcgwen. Mr, •and Mrs, kit Barrett Of New jersey and Alias Lattretta Bell of London visited this week with Mr, and frs, Wm. Hyde and Mr. •and Mrs. ha Paber, Announcement Middleton's Drug Store • HENSALL. has been sold to Mr, Trevor Wilson, London, a graduate pharmacist. The transfer became effective on August 5, 1957. • 1 wish to thank the people of Hensall and ComMunity for their generous patronage and loyalty Vitt for the many friendships I have enjoyed during My 18 years in business here.• . Yours, R. H. MIDDLETON New Owner Having purchased the drug store of Mr, R: H. Middleton, I solicit the continued patron -age and support or his' customers and friends. I promise 'to maintain the 'high standard of service and quality which has been established by Mr. Middleton during his 18 years in buSiness. Pre- Scriptions Will be filled accurately and quickly; the •stere will continue to feature famous Roteli pro - duets and we will eater to the animal health needs of the farmers -of this area, took forward to the pleasure Of meeting and serving the people of this district. 411 Sincerely, TA.EVOlt WILSON MI 0 Taking A Trio? Shell remium asoline WILL GIVE YOUR CAR THAT NEEDED LIFT On your way to the beach, stop in and receive the best in courteous service and a dependable gasoline. Mothers Bros. Phone 321-W North Exeter 1'411101 lllll .111,1111‘1141,11/1111i11111111111111 llll If ll l i l ll llllll Do you think that the qnly .way to lower your food bill's is to buy less food . to do without the "ektras" that brighten every meal with appetite appeal? Then there's a mighty pleasant 'surprise in store for you the very first time you shop at SUPER SAVE. For here, every price is a low price and that means you can feed your family better for less money. You serve better meals because you get top quality foods ---foods that are best by taste. You spend less money because every item on your list is savings. priced. 1111•111BREROVEVRIMIRRIPBRIMBowswamEMPWRPOSSE HAMBURG . • BLADE ROASTS SHORT RIB ROASTS BONELESS POT ROASTS 'Le. 37c MINCED HAM LS. 591c SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! 1i -OZ. BOTTLES AYLMER. CATSUP SAVE AT SUPER SAVEI 10 FLAVORS JELLO POWDERS SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! IN TOMATO SAUCE CLARK'S BEANS SAVE AT SUPER SAVE I FANCY QUALITY COHOE SALMON SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! BRIGHT'S APPLE SAUCE SAVE AT SUPER SAVEI SOUTHERN CROSS TUNA FLAKES 0114 101, i3OZA HEINZ VINEGAR lbc ••••••••••, Vz'S TINS FANCY QuALrry, LIGHT HEAT SAT.41) ons 3 3 3 2 FDR FOR FDHR FOR FOR FOR 35c 26c 20 Oz. Tins 49c Si IS -Oz, Tin. 431c 27c MAZOLA 16 02. 18112 41c 1 a SUPER SA4TJ, Loaf Sliced Bread 17c. SUPER, SAVA PURE z.Jar Peanut Butter 35c SUPER, SAVE 2-0i. ;lite 470 5-0z. Jar Instant Coffee 1.06 $UPER .$AVE COFFEES Yellow Label LB, 79c Green Lat,o. LEI, 89c Red. Label LB. 95c NEW—NO. 1 QUALITY Potatoes RED CARDINAL Grapes SUNKIST 0 Oranges SUNKISt Lemons .150 [tartlet Pears 6 FOR FROZEN FOODS BIRDS EYE — rult irs 12-0/ Cello Pim Ocean Perch 27c • SUPER SAVE BONUS BARGAIN Plastic Laundry Basket In Four Attractive Colors — Regular $2.49 .49 elielmeimmes with $5,00 purchase .4 A A 'k A Y A