HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-23, Page 4OR. 4*. MILL LL PRIVILEGES, clime to t41 lush ► She*, , trod at & • and 18 nodes Nam Q.Mrtch, will small Farm at etch! , 0 RtltlNPitKBIlertlhis $ tb rim him out ?p7• Phil of ilopr,(.s the 18 pts Rinse, sad ea rho twitsroad fres' 0trd,rsck to the AnuriakioB eettkso..ts is the now mutely et Bruce. Term. -ODs fourth sf the partbade sous •7 dews, the remainder in Four ts.telal•.ta with istsreet. Apply (d by letter poet. pail)to the propnetor, JOHN HAWKINS. Goderich, March 18, Isis. 3v-+.8ii4 NOTICE. ALL Pe p.m. ledebtd to the Subscriber, ars hereby notilleJ that Mr. U•ler sod Mr 1. Rattenbury are author sed to receive all Accents due to him, seri unless paid Its- esedtatety, the above peones are tsstruetcd Wee/ fur thew in his masa. THOMAS DARK. tiodericb, Apnl 10. 3.-810 Exhibition OF FARM STOCK and Produce Douses - tic Manufacture.. kc.L 8y the Huron District Agricultural Society. An Exbibu:uu of Cat'Ie, Seeds, Domes tie Manufactures. 4t. , 4t.., nal be held at Godench, on Friday, the 27th of September, when the following pessimisms *111 bi awar- dad : Horses. For the best Brood Mare and Foal, L1 N second best, 1 0 third be, t, .15 For the Best 2 years old Filly. - 1 0 fsecDn(1 best, I5 third hest, 10 Beat two year old Colt, ' 1 .0 second best 15 third best, 10 Best Span of Farm Horses, 1 10 8ecoIld best, 1 0 third best, 15 Cattle. For the best Milch Cow, (which shall have had a calf in1850,) 1 5 second best, 1 0 thiol best, o 15 Best 2 yrs. old Heifer, o• 15 second best, 0 10 third best, o 7 Best Bull (not over five years old,) • 1 5 second best, 1 0 third best, 0 15 Bet 3 year old Steers, o 15 second best, o 10 third best, 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 u O Parties cornspettng far the above Roots will be required to pay and entrance fee of 2s.. 6d. Bert 1--1 acre Carrot*, o 10 o second best, o 7 6 Manufactures. Beat Yeti yards Domes- tic made Cloth, £o lb o second best, O 10 o third belt, o - 7 6 Best pair Domestic ma- nufactured Blankets, of 15 o second best, 10 0 third best, o 7 6 Best Ten yards Domes- • tic made Flannel, o 15 0 second. best, o 10 o third best, o 7 6 The above Manufactures to be from the Farm of the competi- tors, and of the growth of the present year. Implements. For the best Lumber Waggon made within the limits of the Socie- ty'M District, LI 10 0 bccond bebt 2 1 5 0 FALL NVIIEAT.-The Show of Fall Wheat will take place at Goderich, on Wednesday Ibo Beth day of August. For the beet 10 bus. Red wheat, £2 0 0 second beat, 1 10 0 third best, 1 0 0 For the best 10 b.a White Wheat £3 0 0 *.co•d best, 1 10 0 Best Fatted Ox. 1 0 second best, 0 15 third best, o 17 - For best Fatted Cow or Heifer,, 1 0 second best, o 15 third best, . 0 10 Sheep and. Hogs.- For ogs.For the best Ram, 1 0 second best,' o 15 • third best, o 10 Best Ewes (pen -of 2) having raised a Lamb in 1850' , I o second beat, o 15 third best, o 10 Best Ram Lamb, o 10 second bust, 0 7 third best, 0 5 For best Boar, 1 o second best, 0 15„ third best, 0 10 For the bt.st Sow, (she shall have had Pigs in 1850, and the pin to be ahewf with sow, 1 10 second best, 1 o third best, O 15 w dew "• l 111111 -.. Fa 11 Importations LOST!! FOR 1849. • BBI.ANGIN(lto tk. s.b•ctibea, betwoes JAMES POUTER £ Ce, hr idiom and the Dt►1•10n Cotut let• MARKET St.L41112. GUD81&3CH, Bee, un Friday last, 18th sa.Hat, HuAYE leas tree%its realness!. Two PROMIMS()RY MOTES, wand AMEN.14•AN MARKETS, seed the Chespeot ad MOST SPLENDID ASSORT. Via.: O.• JOINT NOTE aga,•t Jens YI:NTd Enoaa sod CNILES Du , tor 1,-.3 les b'RN('Y 4 VT. -wt.?: DRY GOODS. 9J., draws parable to James Phelan . r GREY COTTON SHIRTING. Printed bearer, tied esdor.ed by Janet. 1 Orta., pest Celre.s,, ?noted Ma.Ituw Sammy Sud Owleaos dor,-Alen, 0M arsine' 51* ' STOsCury Cl.lb. Sias, Settee, and Buie Tart", L.as1 Black Smith, fee A8 Its S4., -draw. pave LIMY aad Haa.ikera►telt, Luse ('ambnesand bit, to CbnsIts. S.uysr, or buret, writlro H..dberrhi0o. Solos. Itsoh, sad June' Mo- b•. STEAM LOONS. DeLsse• aad Cash- in Gersten, also past Ise. This 1• to eau mete, Alpaca dial eobr•, Wosk.d Cap. t..1- tion any person tram pen -bassi the saint., him sea C.R., L.4.. Soot. ad Bh.ee, Dor or the above parties peyote the Not•. t.. HAI. sad Sun.. COTTON SHIRTINGS, any persue but the mub•rnber,-and a., Balaope••, Ba,eres sed Crape* of beaasiful persoe finding the abuts Notes will much .tyles, Besetiful Ilan Lae. and Lace Good. oblige the subacnber by returtitsg them to is variety, Gkvt. ad Hosiery, Artificial now- him, THOS. M. DALY. era, Ribb.sa Stratford, lily 16th, 1849. 9s.-.3011 A sreaam AlISSORTMENT OF Bi1AW1.3. BROAD CLOTHS & KPRMIPYNERES. OF FINE, 111RM. AND DURABLE PABRICKS, UP FASIIH)NARE STYLES, Beautiful god Past Coheirs, asset •.I prices that will surprise all perrlea►ss forChaapa•os. rash. Seeable Trwrr.efs. 1).. Vewtars Conde and Lembo W...l 1)sweve rd Shona. MOLESKINS. SAT1NE1TS & TWEEIDS. THE A , bonito ia iwrrr the i.hsb,l•su MADE 1 P %ISTd A\D e.dssOmense• hB.andp.tsofrithe LAt TEhSeTas1rMe- )k TRfW•ERR- RTOC6hC.iRPao/EDMTTENB d Yd Hd►h Irish Iaee. . Mcg- COOKING, B 0 Gloves. F.uali•h, Fent h an4 d Americas Cep. COOKING J CARPETING, AND PARLOUR STOVES, Table 1 inens Towellings Linen which be efrrs for SALE at very • , REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. and Cotton lr Sheeting, Counter- lbw Beeribe, tilt keeps tee heed, as Baal. Se - panes, AlarsailLt QUIZ[ at his d OLD STAND, a LARGE avery S•- p , `t, Dam- perior assortment of ask Flannels and Blankets. TINWARE ofenerydescription. FiFTY SPLENDID BUI'FALO ROBES ! The abseliber takes this opporasity el HOW - and 500 BAGS Superior Liverpool SALT, all ■ice hu waeere ihaaka lo 'be Puidie for the very of which will be ,old •1 very reelnr.A prises hoe.ral patronage he hu received since he has 5 NOT/CE is Stere last No. , , g h r h •J ,w *ember, per Schooner .r.acruisi., ' . ' ad • 1n s Lot NINUN,cueurwed to F. C., Gwleri.h. II 1h. •ams 1• out taken away fon halite, it will he sold iv pas e.a,s. CURD/DOWNER CRABA. Glederleh, Jae. 13, 1130. St -Dolt* for CASH Of Marketable Farm Produce. breo io bootees. in Goderich, and hopes by strict commute areceive ashare dthe,y.likepatronage THE Subscribers 10 returning thanks to V YTING.GLA- their Customers for the liberal CANADA Lwe ASSURANCE Ct).JP.1.YY, TINE S.M,iher bartag been appointed Arent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared le r.eelre proposals for Amu - rupee, sad will be happy to afford to soy person the nweeesary information, se to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON• Gudericb, 18th lone, 1849. .tSn19tf Jr", NOTICE, To the Clerks and Bailitt's of the Division Courts. rime tocreased demand for Sterowa . l and other BLANK \VRITl4, to con - section with the business of the I Di rutin Courts to the District, has warranted ue in pristiog them ie much larger quasti- t se. them heretofore, and consequently cita- ble. us to .ell thein Enoch eheaper-the►e- fnre we intimate to the several Officers re- gnortng these Slant Fans, that from this date, Summonses mod all other Write be• lonrinr to the Division Court, will be Sold ar,I� �the signed Oftce at the reduced pries of fr • Two SMILLIice, AAD 8,xri'co PEM iIo'r*.., _ STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. Goderich,261,6 November, 1149. 2,-.43tf attendee to business, and moderate prices, it. HOME JYA L'FACT('RE. th rd Lest, 1 0.'0 ;) Partied to wbom the above Premiums s may be awarded, will be required to sell 20 bushel. same u sample (if required) sl fire *billings, currency, per bushel. u. : a ' -3 - = 1; = O The Society aril rare two Premiums of .. 8, 3 .- w ; : ` , 1 Five Pouwl• each for the beet Imported a = s e 1 s w o' 0 Durham and Defonebire Bulls, from 2 to 4 ,o ¢ v, e r ` - C s v e O years old. -Alco, a Premium of £2 10. for : -T -o g - . ± i' B e the beat Imported Boar, either Hampshire ; • .. , : o t;- as i F. O or Yorkshire. cs - i = s o s' e I: 0 CO) a 'X 3' o e P ..4.. E. 0 w s er w - -- N. B. -GRAINING. G. PAI. I sop .• ` ova heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderich, 6th Sept. 1019. 2.-.31 t( RULES OF'THE'EXHIBITION. 1. All Subscriptions to be paid on or be- fore the 10th day of August neat. 2. All Subscribers in arrears to the o Society, Nino may wish to exhibit anything O at the/Blow, are to pay the Treasurer the o rein of Tee Shillings, on or before the 10th da, df August.. • 0' E All subscribers having paid the sub - 0 (�.crlptlof, and only such to compete. 4. All Stock exhibited shall have been b • the bons fide property of the exhibitor a month before the Show, and all other rati- o cies most lase been produced on the Farm of the Exhibitor• o 5. All Competitors for prizes most give O (be Secretary notice of the description of t) stock and produce they intend to *bow, on or before 4 o'Cloek 1-. M. the 28th of Sep - 0 tember. 6 6. All Stock and Produce to be on the show ground by 9 o'clock of the day of o .Sow, O R. G. CUSINGI1AM, Sec. GoJench April 1b50 O O O O 0 O O O O u 6 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH 1!n IN returning thanks to Ira friends and nu- merous Cost, mere for the Liberal Pat ten, ronage which he has received dune( DK CID past year. begs to minnowthat he ba jaw received ea exteaiee Asanrtment I e C ? •.. F 3 7.L;'2C3N2 9Z1R230.7► ao y and is ready to Execute 111 Orders gime to Li !rim wtth cart and punctuality a formerly (;naerlch Ana', lith, 1119. S.•-nl0rt g . =--lac 8 n a. Sg 1' 3= „ u Y. 3 • ., ♦ t. ' NOTICE. 0 o• FOR SALE. \E within 3 idles, ao.11he other with- , in about 3 mike .1 Guderlch Tows. e • •Piot. The first is L'71' to in lit Concer 'moi Sion, Township of Godeneh,' CONTAINING 164 ACRES. se CiD Libman( col at the one end by Lake ilaroe, 0 and at the other by a Public Road, -tied to the second is LO'l' 8 in iltb Concessios, 0 Colborne. W. Ditision, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and . situated at the Junction of two Pub- - tit Roads. • For Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD, Eeq. se Goderich, 120 June, 1949. n19-1( TWO GOOD FAHMS Excellent PropertyI;E Subscriber bona bees appointed AMMI HU R O N HOTEL Tfor the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND \ GOl)ERICII. poit SL:ri r• GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. here- TAN'L3 GETLt '. would -respectfully ik- Iby intimates, that be ie prepared to receive Sob- •1)form ,he .habitants of G..d.tich, sad its r seriptions for Stock In the Proprietary Breach, cis'''. that he will cnutsntly THAT liaadbome and COMMODIOUS and applications for Insurances in the Mutual Keep Horses and ('arriages !Ilse: BRICK COTTAGE ntuate iso the - Drench, sod to give each iuformattoo on the FOR . for which he respectfully sdni icit, eot of ths bumaa rare, puts it out of the Northers Limn. oftho Town of Godericb,0tri• subject as may be required. the patrmage of the public. • power of rhe Nord .Simeon to offer V• JOHN CLARK. JAMES GENTLES. the public 5 do6n,to programme which -.hal lately occupied by Jobs !t)ach, and belong- - Gnderieh, 26,1, Sept. 18.49.2•-n34t. f 18th Sept. 1P13, ••-•33-iflig to Henry Ilona. ' • at once include and Inuit the whole range This ('shags stands to a beautiful and Da. P. A. MoDOUQN In In A N be eoMolted gal MAI" v .Mea. Wow P °o. .?► (ie.rmvlch. Rept, 1 Fath, 1816. I. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOut'Yrou, &C, loose, IK{!1. GOUr.RI( M. business, beg to rottmate, that they bare for sale at low rates, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves. also Ploughs of eight tfescrtptiona, and con- sisting of the most Improved Moulds. Self acting .11,11 Doge, and various other cas- ting.. Hering c.gaged as experienced Machteiet, the subscribers rim en.6denily recnnimead their THRAS1lING MA- CHINES of :be newest desire, both alit - Urinary `aad Incveablr, and would solicit a call from intending Purchasers before buy - img elsewhere. All orders pus -wally at tended to and executed with neatness and disspateb. ORR k WILSON. -Stratford, nth Aug. 1849. ,2-oil*tf. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Conveyancer, C't)LLLCTOR OPACCOVATR, da S•• o0DERICH. Oet. 1, IBM. kaiak JOHN S'I'RACHAN, BARR1S'1 ER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor is CS..erry. , NOTARY /frsLJC., Has bio office in West Street, Gerdehh. Goder,eh. 1'.d Jsntiar,, 1850. 1v-..4• DAN 1 h.L HOME L1ZA1S, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - mad Coss.yencer, iefkiltor fa CMweery. Has bis office as t rmerlt, b 1Btratlird. Stratford, Ind January, 1850. tw.w40 N. B. -Mr. Suakin, el the late film of latrachin k Lrasrs, conttau.. to set de Areal and Cocoas' for Mr. Users to all mailers referred to kite help Stntbrd, 'W=A't'SON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE W1ITSON of Dederick. BdRR $TER AT LAW. As. !e. sad GE�RG6 WILLIAMS, of Saare►d. late of the firm of Hester. Welk" sad Wilbert*. Bsrroaaers, Aa. Tommie, hay's( this da Petered into eo-perteet•L(i.p�.h in the ['metier, sod Profes- sinu . f Law. C1a.CRSY ad C ass, will in future keep their Office' at Godericb sod Stretford, respectively, ander the same, style sod firm of Warm. sed WILLIAM - Mita W ATMs, GOdefICh, t Giotto& W ILLIa.., Streife,d, ltd. December. 1849. 4v-e4Ttf A. NASMYTH, KINCARDINE ARMS. (Near lake Wharf GoderteA,) BY H. MARLTON. .1711E above Hotel had good aecewsodatioo for Iravellere. Stabling, kc.,ice. The Parket Mary Ass will leave Gode- rich (woad k weather primmer.) reviler Iy twice a week for the Kincardine 8ett:e- ment. For freight, or passage apply to (;apt. Rowse ll the Kincardine Area. Goderich, March 95th, 1650. n8 -w3 PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN. ' 'IIE programs development of the pbcsteal and menial resource., and cap- ab:Irties of an extensive and fertile country, inhabited by an tndustnnne people, whore a.p,ratious ,are constantly being elevated wt'b their own and the general advance - FASHIONABLE TAILOR: lA'i84••�Dt31>•Y, OODERICII. Goderich, April 12, 1849. .2.-t. Ietf J. K. 0001),I -NG, - AUCTIONEER, wLL altend SALES in any part of the Coassy on reansabls-Terms. Ap- ply .1 his Reeideaee, Light -Hou.. Street. Goderich, April 4th 1849. y-90 „ DANIEL CORDON, CABINET MAKER: Terra doers Ease if (U. Ce.ad. Cg's. fljfc WEST -STREET, GODERICH. August 27th, 1849. 1v -o30 5tokt9, CIiE.1iIST and DRUGGIST, WEST -STREET, GODERICH. Er -bo Marek 8, 1849. JOHN J. E. LiNTON, P 0 1 •111 1.1111111.1C, b�( CUMMidslnnpr Q13f 1'1 BeTI(;A, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFVRD., DAVID H. LIZARS, 1 TISHES to iatioaate is the iababituu ef- Goderich .ad the aarrodadur cesstry, that lib has commenced bowies* as Coaveyeacer, General Agent sad Aceeustaaa; mad by seeds - oat sureties, accuracy, sod moderate cheese., hopes 10 be useful to each se May mewing his seances. These wish's( a employ him h any n( Ib. ahoy. branches will plea cull et the of subjects, of which the Journal may, in Registry Office. Liehl►our tercet, retired notlagc,cod a well adapted for a New Tailoring Establishment Pt 1 1 F i Int B L 0 0 D. future, become the advocate. Goderich, 13th March. 1edea v3 mk genteel family. It will tor .n!d.•1 moderate IN GODERIOH. M O F F A T'S 'Germ : or reasonable otherwise (tet n THE vans• of r lase to an to the hat VEGETABLE 8 E T A B L E LIFE PILLS years a/ a reaoeable Rent. The subecn- 1� habivala of Gorier ch.and its •s•• oily, that her also wishes to dbpo.e of a Ryan of good he kis commenced buainer ie the shove II.. a N D Working HORSES, one three and the nth- to the Room Omuta' II, HORTON'S Bad- PHCENIX BITTERS er yeah an well broke, o o w e h ‘•111h• h. sane ... ,, r•• -e. Hare h I rid' �' one Pair nearly fared to execute afi orders in his nue ea the md,t„r h.,..t,.,ae r." chair iaean... o.tsey le .0 LET TERN f h fourold,d Il b Ire both t di. Shop 81.rkrt Square, her eP"'"Th. 'eh d d t tri hash hew t arne.a am ss. tea Also .bone'' "'dee' and st eudcrite.bar n. new Double *lienees and a new 1\'ago. and ( •the due... vhwth ',tat y..r... cat.' r,r'..•w.• e - sial 1,4414[11441 1 ptd.. ,.« only wn.eew.y, hat lamer - thy of them Tbay.n have by then Inks; their es& ,..k. waif, ire Yew, tee airy tui.- not y QM LOA of alt erdnl.ra Double Sleigh. Debentures will be taken 11 to payment for the Iloraea, Wagon. Ste%eh i O and Harass. For 14rtteulate apply•to the O Proprietor. HENRY 110RTON. 0 , Goderich, 23o4 Lao. 1850. 2t.-nSlt 0 1.) O Grain, Seeds 5 Dairy For the best 4 bushels Spring Wheat, 1 5 second best, 1 o third best, o 15 Best 2 bushels Barley, 0 15 second best, o 10 third best, 0 7 Best 2 bushels Oas, 0 15 second hest, O 10 third best, • o 7 Best 2 bushels Pests, o 15 second best, O 10 third best. i f Best bdshel 'Timothy, o 10 second best, 0 7 third best, o 5 Best 50 lbs Salt Butter. o 15 second best, o 10 third best, 0 7 Best 40 Ms Cheese, o 10 second best, . o 7 third bast, o 5 Roots. Best acre of Turnips, o second beat, o third beat, Best acre of Potatoes, second nd tbask t 0 1 0 U O 0 tt 6 0 0 6 0 O 6 O 0 0 0 6 (► 6 0 TO BE SOLD. excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12. Maitland Concession, Township of Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 of which u cleared. Tue land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It is situated exact- ly otr .tells from the town of Goderich oh the Iluroe Read, and at the J•lncuua .t s,x did..rent road.; a' d u it is in tlr center 0t • populous and proeperoua loc+ht i , It If eft- cellen'ly adapted for a 'revere sued or e Store. This farm le well entitled to the attention of personr desirous of an eligible situation fur hamar, acid will he sold on .ery reasonable terms. F.* particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern aeoper, (iuluricb, or to lbe propn.t•'r JON.IS COPP, Vilhgc of Harpurhey. June 15. 1819. vin 194 Blank Deeds and Memorials, AN1/ dl bond. of InvisiON COURT SOICBLANKS. and BLANK FROMM- Y NOTES, for ale at the Signal Office. Every diaenptlun of iM1OK and 10,1 Printing executed with nesooeaa and dis,.eech. TT SI'MMON SEM rege•red by the New kh 8T t_ met Court Act, andel! ether RI. reoliMS wed is the District and Division Cowie, en Sale at the Hagan! Office Also, all tried, .f JOB PRINTING executed ea the *hers' ..lice. sod .n 'mien terms. G dee..►, J.ly 19, 1949. Zitgetal Otte., G.der.ch, Si sib Serember IMO ■!L1 to 1 1 A � 1711 of lie Militia of this Previa. as t. are retitled to a Medal for the follow - 13 0 leg acuses, * 1 •-Detrat, Chryeler'a Farm 10 O and Ch.te.ng"ay. are tegntred to need to 7 cs the AdJmtaot Ooeeral o/ Militia, at Toronto without delay, a statement of their clam., O O is order that they may be reamed to Ea 15o glad by the 1.1 of May neat. Papers ie this Pruritic, will *est copy 10 0 the above tactics. 13 a7 9. B. -Cutting done o■ the .horse -t notice 30115 ADAMS. Ooderich, Oct. 17. 1849.. *2n37 STRATFORD BREWERY. THE Subscriber is reternimp his pieces ackeowlydgem.eta to the. iebauiraae e Stratford, sod to 1,!$ curtomen raen11v. far the liberal patronrlte which he has 'reclined dor- iar the time he hat been in business: Wish,. to ietim.te that 0',e improved arrangements wbieb have recently been made is bis ,.;.bishment. will .nark h -m to make a superior gallty el BEER, and to (orn .h it on etch tern as eetirle him to a eenunu.'inn of the business winch he has hitherto tamed. 3. P. ViVIAN. Ssstfssd. Nee.. 46. 1649. .2-.43 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STR i,ttcuG, \\'.TFILOO. 29th Febrouy, 1o49. 11 rrIlt Sub.cnber hereto! tot,snatee to hie I fried& and the Travelling PubIrr gene- rally, that he hart remove.! from New Aber- deen to the Village n4 S, ra•hurgh, anti will now De f tuna in that wcll.tnuwu hone, f.M- merly, nceupted ht Mr. Jonee,-where he will be ready and able to condor.. le the comfort of those who may honor Mm with their patronage. And *hie he returns thanks for pa.t henna he llhpre. by *tries attention to the wast, and wish,. of Me cesto,ner., still to tent a CoetIDuante of their patronage. JOHN AIWL. N. B. -Goof ST.lR1.E`t and mestere Grooms. v2-4411 Nt 1'i'iCE ALL NOTES due the Nub.ertber will he L' coed without farther notice unless settled ,esedutrl.. I.l►WELL ALVORD. Goderich, May L 1650. *3o14 STRAYED from tie sel.efiber ea or a *beet the let of Nn,eeelon last, One Yoke o/ Black I)XF.N, br'.we k os thr beck, sex years old. Aloe three COWS. outs black, slp.gled with whim tomes. Oe. large Red Cow w -:h a .bite Pace. O.. hoed Beek brume. C.., .•d est T.. years rid Rad HeAse. Aviv porde, lentag res/nrewtie• of the severe vitt', at the Nig eel OtSv. or with Me John Allan Tarsi K r, Oodevorh..111 M at►•Sed Inc their :fir 'iLL. CII!♦ MN, IV ASTHMA. ACL'TR a.d CHRONIC RHEUY4TISZ ArrcCTI0Y1.f rte RLIDDLAed KIDYi►8 MUMS FIVE= & LITER OOaIPt.AINTe.- le the .krwh art tree. mien them i stem*. P4444441. tin deal be Read ,..•aahie Mutters. 1view., awl aim els ewe .e flow natere ea error anawwMr he onetime are BILIOUP CHOLIC. w SkRO411 L•eww.M, RUM. QOarlrevesa. COL DS L CUVOBD. CM.oLYQ COR'I'Am,1. tied soh prat aeecea 0 the Ser. CORRUPT 1105018. DROPAILS. JFWEII 4T$R*. w r.r wen eaoo d awake Mr ear .teal Ewa afire s tree saltiw e rW dy. liorrioNd 01 the WM. RRtulrsua, PLITV • LI.*QT. >RYRR.a4 ROVE. P. ere grew•JM. w.. Me..wet *tot. .wartime -.:l r amid a gar.. w.na,. eM tams. 0..i. Uwe. ur.r.rt tack the meow MOM tar sae 1 At. i.w-• s- M 11.. ..Acme ,e remanent - TRY TM Cie. Y aOTlAlen. no crow. r..uLN1Ns LUMPL RAION. •MNEUA DLMBLITT. awT HID.r.rw. (141 CL MRIPA. Hid. dent sea WoA4 veru. meIJw*!roar as Ruled Prt1. IMIVes stoup. MINIPILL LUSA •( 4001- �1�31! 00*PLAIBTTS. Lineup V. WOVEN EA . - MI ACValAL DIICADEi.- Nem Y to ora.se womb •• ,h. elksie 55n*, .oL rr% err Are He we 0..r -eel wJsa.a1...4 neMeariD► MINIM .Well. NSR10171 n1RILITT. 55511(71 OONPLILM70 al 111 rob. t1Sr:IYIC Ir0ICTIOM. 'AIM' /MN ,r1 11417. ririrsR'• CMULIO. I L D B . TM* weri Perigee of glove ..Jeer we reed of Pip of ■ rets sued!. M Me rte 1 time to ■•arw stir Is./Are wee tied. rads, bad. her.. Pieta ed ea r• R N E V fI A T l e R. Tiwle ais.l woe As aide.& Memo elite ewe 1 naw b, W 1.1 Isaa.re.w RUM eV !BLOOD 1t. ta. HEAD, ag-vier, /ALT&/RUM. •KRLriR DRo►IiLA, - ='I1r••• 1•TIL, }as �wtM been U L C E R R. a 5107 erer*r1w W 0 3s.: E t 1.wLINhist, s..1 .sw,.ew ,...et. M 1Y1.e ar.latem rw•mr *al he mil '.eda.5•.. tea. .raw saw u.r.arwe v tessera Prier' wa e• .nae TU LIFE MUM Pttrlltl 1I1TUI PURIFY TIRE 11001, Aod thew remove all disease from the .y.tew. a tentstnSete *►e LIFE PILL$ dr P11111111 01TTE!:w9d*.rwe twerp- thline le the .marl -1 t...y peke. Th. ,..d.. 1 A•5 eaeie u....r• w p1 1 la del.. rel MM. pther • ,h •r,... elMi Geed treadle." t.ea.eleae..-e. Melo.5 ye 5t. e• envie, of 0,,.4.,, frten n OW Yliaq a, vats& wee/mq teens. Ila toy toe my may tr * The ,ppan ..d 1144441•4114414 ate Marra I0.e 11 . Rea was mean Mae with van. sem 5. ..std r.. 5. Me..he) an rMarterse..= l•�rptev et. .ter Mew wee ss.rw w.epport bet M pm ba h1 a lYbd Mae *demo* limn &.m e. •e bn Nes 1- tr frwp.nd w ..a y Ds. RtiLI 7•. 1MDPlAT. tits ►.aria.!, ear I aaeatrl ta/•en. 4.. Ye . 8. halo he . sseep}t.e P&11J. PARSONS. trosllD, MULL McCOM&II&Y. Ads Area ' Xiecndi.. 4411 Dee. 1140. *w.17 Gode►ieb, Js.. tet, 184•. Tlie great q,se.ttons now before the Cuuntrv- will be thoroughly ex: mined and discussed in all their bearings. The sug- gestions of national and traditionary pre• judice, on lie one site, and the prompting• of cession, or blind e • thrtsim oe the giber, will be alike disregarded. That tourne which, upno aearefol re%tew of the wh•.:e, appears to ba the best adapt.d to rewire the prwpenty of Canada, and tot 1.t.1:g happiness of its people,will be uoheutalingly and energeticelly. pursued. The interests of sgnen:lure, commerce, and ethtcah,in, deemed, tied will receive the first attest on: and of general twosome, which will 6,4 in The Noah Awrric°. • steady and consistent advocate, may be enumerated: retrenchment in the public expendt!nre-lhe repeal ..1 the law ander which the Clergy R'.•rve revenues are di. tnbuted, aad their reversion to the pobl.c- the ab••lttron of the Reveries -an elective government in aline brasebe•-the election. by the people, of dtstr:ct . fficers-nmpl.6- ,cattott of the laws --refers is th' j•idteiary nstera--an extended and uniform irate .'bice -.-reform in the repe•enlation, ea the Leo. of pnp.lalior,-;ntrodnctine of the ballot -abolition of the law of prrmngen- iters--ameeJment of the Jury law -repeal of the ullry laws -equalisation of a..e..- reeat--revo.ti.a of the pene:oa list and the p*s•a.mng eyeteIn- the reprsealon of mos- otroltee, ka.•., ke. Wailer existing ctreume(ancee, the a•'ees.ity Dor a sew Metropohuan Journal, alike free from Exee.tive influence. sad 8sctar as pecolsarinee, to advocate these and other progressive reforms with cenets'eney. sed ill a stunt of res dour, u.coetasienated b, faction, end eupen•r to local asci persons( is•aeoce ceases be deeded. N. eapsew or wi'r'es will be spared to o►rsts the esrlset avid fullest local, proviso - 00, tial, and femur news; the pr•ceediagw .1 thre legislator*, law sod pollee ei.ortr, puhl,e bodies and seetings,will herah.olarlt and faithfully reported by skeet -laid repor- ters. 4 Arrangements are is progress (re securing . from London, New York, Weehtngtns. Moeireal, the Extern Pro- lseeo. and 11(oroia, TERMS di Sob.cnpttoer THREE DOL- LARS per *slim. when pail in advancer, - FOUR DOLLARS if not so paid. A Weekly Rdutme, On shire* sheer, will N MNwbed se moo Y a.=Mr :Wit nsenbw of enb..rtber• shall be °Mamed. et TWO DOLLARS pro .wwm ie alva.cet TWO. AND-A-HAI.P DOLLAR&.*(Bosse sod Advs tote .este seeded at the weal MOO. Orders and Ade•nisrmeste toles 4..'.r6. slt o KIN 00'FOM k PP. sleds . el The .7Yerr A .crier, C.-, Ter.alw C. N. Toronto, 1880. DR. JOHN HYDE, [LaTa Ikon ISa..j Df1 E TD I G A L HELL 9 STRATFORD. July 31, 1548, 2v-.96 - WM. REED, HOUSE AND SiGN P.91XTER, 4'c., LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERICU. Ott. 25, 1849. 2.8'40 ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And Citi! Engineer. (!bias at Mr. Rosz*T ELLIa' GODERICH. January 19, 1850. tv-a52 NOTICE. rrliE Subserl►er haying RENTED the WAREIIOUSE and WHARF Sl..g- Iog to the Masers. Davenport, of thaw place ba established bowel( se a ►cede APD Corinmntoe inteclateT. Any orders or commissar Boy the Mer- chants of Godericb, wit! receive prompt attention. JOHN MCEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 1v -70f. blit guron Signal, If PRINTED LED Pe5Lt.M5D Twuf.ae BY THOMAS MAE-QUEEN, a.tv.a MID reerfetElea. orvecn ra.E.T-SQUADI, ormeatter. •,• Beek mod Job Rims', .teemlyd wit! neeteees sad dispatch. Tame a run Hoses $Sanas--TLN BIM* J-1808 per aaa.m if paid slrietly is advert.., er Tw.LVI LID SII Pica with the expiration •f the year. No paper dieronrinoed seed arrears are paid op,.ale.. ills publisher taiakiit!is. Wean - s ag e I. de le. Aey iadi,idoli• the e..atry Weedy( for am esbseribere, .ball resew. • erred. ropy gratis. IIT All let tenajdre•••d to the Toon m sbebe pow paid, or they will set b. talus eat elf the pal oMee TaaMs 0r AD1E•TMIJS. Bit linseed soder, first is.Mies,...r>t• S S F.aeh eah.egae•tisnTti•n,........ S a 74, Tea Gees sail wader, bet iSSertisS,.... 0 4 Each ,abp .sesf ineeNj•D,. S 11 Oyer ma harm, ant lawrtiee, pit i *, 8 Each esbserwet faeortlea, 1113 Cr A libe+a4 Memelt mei is teas •dy0edm 67 the area' Tots estIvrts=011 D•etaikwP aS,tSM.