HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-23, Page 3WIS we of the Teepee
IRV QdmisIr (• emir te seeerWI the rea-
M tllbg s\sss ttlTNN of emery had net
,1r. 1611170 word update the .ie...-
MOW of t1M one t.1 the
ptm bt
had f.,erly bees r.s&maraW
I n.ass, and during Sal of the
Cemetuautoser be had received the
=11wIlich he was entitled. However,
the des system was abolished. and a regular
salary was attached to the office, and now
Met gentleman claimed under the name of
errSStln, to bs paid the regular eatery during
all the time that be had remitted the fees.
Mr. BOULTON (Norfolk) moved for
leave ter bring in a Bill to prohibit the ex•
penditsre of pnblie moneys for purposes
set previously authorized by law, and to
limit the granting of pe.saoes.
Kr. HINCKS said bo hoped the bon.
ggtl mag would postpone his Bull till after
the speech from the throne had been an-
swered. The boo. gentleman had not ea•
planned the object he bad in view in the
Introduction of his Bill, tent judging from
its this he believed it embraced a subject
which was touched upon is the speech from
the throne, and whish would be fully inves-
tigated and discussed on a proposition to
be iatrodueed by a member of the Govern -
Mr. BOULTON said he had no objection
he postpone the wecond reading for the pro -
sent. The bon. gostietnao then wens into
an axplawstten of the principles of his hill.
fort is • wry low tore of votes. He said
that, is the you 1843, he had introduced a
similar measure, for the p•trpoee of retrench-
ing the public expendttere-preventing the
admuistntlon from expending any public
moseys without eothority-and for the
porpow of cutting down, or retrenching,
the pension tut. Ho would persist in his
,motion for the first reading of the Bill.
Yr. HINCKS would then be forced,
amuck to his regret, to divide the House on
the teestioo, for he was confident that tin
thou. somber would find no precedent in
t he preeeedings of the imperial Parliament,
e retreat rim in the comes he bad take°,
la bringi.g is •" .ensure affecting a point
Coached oe in the speech from the throne
before that speech was ',towered. As to
the eepe.d.turs ef public money, he would
beg tainform the huts. gentleman that the
Gos.re.est bare se power. at the pre-
empt .•scot, sensed a farthing of pub'=
be enemy without ebe a.iortty of law ; at
arse a meet entraordiwry tbieg that the
hos...aber .he.ld now mind up and pro-
gress such a hill, gad he sepi.o•ed that there
eras set a.etb•r member is the Hoene who
arouU have takes a *Smiler step. At the
maims use eke bila. member statist be well
aware that occasions would arise when it
Wats 'abos(etely.seceamaryis mimed the
public ....y without the sinthordy of Par-
'teseut, ad when it wo.ldebe criminal not
to de toe, bot the hes. guotlemas also
knew that they were held reepe..ible and
mere obliged to proeuraa.sote of iademni6-
*iioa. He would net. however, &rgue the
guinea with the hon. tne.l•er ; bat Bill
appeared tails iwsed for a particular object
embraced is the speech frees the throne,
ad if Umtata. memb r world not postpone
his moues for the present, h. 'Mr. H.)
aremld divide the House no R.
air A MACNAB could net snderetand
the objection raised by the hos. inspeetor
Creosoted. if the fill were read • first tine,
that was all the hen. m.mbee for Norfolk
rushed for the pretest ; and he would
\i.adf eppo°s the seemed reading until
after the much from the duster had been
answered. Ila was stt«Iy at a loss, how-
ever to enderetaad why the hon. member's
sootiest ehelAd be then opposed. in his
spiwies every Weems ebwld be need by the
6ewn.cnl to ecpedile ►n.ieees, instead
of thr•wenr obstacles io the way.
Mr. MERRITTwe.ld ask the Nouse
whet w three costa be in taking up this
or any ether quoties referred to in 11e
iieelleacy's speech sow, when it would
come beferethim agate, sed by the appoint -
meet of a essmittee to investigate the
Isaacsas4 public upendtture, they might
.epwt He fullest information. Ti appeased
to him highly abetted that the bon. member
°heel/ take this step. Another hen. mem-
her might get up to -morrow with another
114E em►reeing another topic, touched on
1. His Ereelleecy'■ speech, but it appeared
is hi. that .s good tome could follow
sub a eyelets, asd he hop.d the hon.
member would easement to defer bat Bill,
setll be saw wbat course the Goveruneet
let.sd,d to pursne.
Col. PRINCE would ask the hon. iespee.
ter Gssoral to point out that part of the C, would not allow the Bill to be
aps•eb which made any allusion to the sub- iatroducmd, then the country would voder-
j.et embraced by bis hon. friend's Bill.- stand where the oppoetio. excited.
Ile could net discover it, err could he did- Mr. MF.RRiTT said that rho members
cover ay isdocessy or want of courtesy to of the gorereneet did not object to the
Hie Ege.11escy is taking steps to expedite Bill, but wished its introduction,poetponod,
ten bmiiaess of the errantry. But it appears as it would hely. embarrass the goven.eet,
that we have arrived at each a very rennet] while it would not promote the object which
pate rd siviliutu.n, that hon. gentlemen some honorable members seemed to have
should net take • single step until His Ex- in view -the exp•drtiog the business .f the
eelleecy's speech was answered. Non- session.
some. Let them burry on with their bush- Mr. H. J. BOULTON said he had so do-
sses, sad sot throw dilleulties to the way sire to embarrass the Government; the Bill
of the hes. member, who had done nothing had been contemplated by him foe years,
to deserve the couture* of hon. members sod had been in his desk for several months;
opposite who did sot wish to push bis Bill acid a member of the Government when nut
to • seemed readtag then, or have it deba- a .taster, did bum the honour to mseod
Sed, bot merely required leave to introduce the measure; be bad -eves beard the chair -
it, in order that it sight be printed, and as mag of the Beard of Works say he rim is
elbes, wee at the .omsot mouldered the And as to hie Bill embarras•iag it, thee Nen�err Mum. Artssetroa(, B,dwu,
most iaaperteat, by the people of this Pro- House ha better do se, then pound it to ge Yell, lJsahibs', Brerett. Cartier, Cheshe.,
noes• on es peaiiesg messy useetb.riaedly. Wen a.habot, Drumt' d, Deebeway, Demes,
Mr. PRIG -Always excepts( the mastersw
isleters to masters of the Helios, aid ergueso•. Phut, Fortis, Issues, Gotl-
C �• if e y oboes provost a Boll boss beteg is Is. Hall. Stacks, Holmes. Jobs, Jobseoe,
Mr.SHERWOOD was glad that the teeis odi Beech sesame were permitted, LaPoataise, McYarteed, Meant►, Menge.
Hes. grosses kept that is yew, bet abe the i of Parliament would be Dale, Morrteoa, Noises, Peiette, Prime,
other wee a still more important quietist,. T11•ms.bsse of Parliamest, Richards, 8e.brrs, Barageeo, Smith e/
sod it would set do for hos. embers to b enie, eaue there to aercies a proper in- Durham, Smith of Wentworth, ?ladle,
come dowe here and ear it was all humbug, Stene,, ad sen that then was • wholesome Thompson -an.
u the Hos. Inspector General bed said is expeudtture of the public s.miss; end it was SEPARATION FRO4I BRITAIN.
another place. an adeaatags 10 Use government u.eit to C„1. PRIN('E bagged lease to p.e.est a
Mr. HINCKS No, ■e. be well watched. Tbis is the third eessi•in prtiri,,i wh,ch was of lepnrtasee in atadf,
Mr. SHERWOOD continued. He said of what le called a reform Parliament, and and of intermit to the country. It was ant
yes, yes, for he found it .rated is gluiest nothing had bees done to merit that term. ,usual to make any .atseded remtrhs 00 to.
every paper be took up, tbat thou were 1f the umbers of the government would iroducmg • penton, but on the prevent
the words which the Hos. Iwpector Gess- permit the Brit to be reed, ibey would flee neeaeion he wan minced to do eo, a the
rel made urn of. and what hatter authority cele° be was set so green as to siipposo Jnr•ueat required the earliest possible at
Jd tee Hon. Inspector General herself that no montes could be expended without tuition, aril that hon. member. might be
require when be tcru.d Mr. Feria taut of • specific vote; uses would occur whore a indn'mi to reed" rerefulty, pa.i,rol4rey the
office. He said this that they would not dhacretwo should be exercised. But w.tb .Attorney thenal for Camila %Vest, because
corns down here asd say tbai. Oh ..refe(enc• to such • coatusgesev, ter houre at the end -of the +pe. ch from throne Ilene
no. " But we will appoint a Committee to wonld determine before hand the animus, wail an linnet -4i 'nark 10 tear which was
investigate the finances and public expeadu- to be placed at the demand of ten govern mmtraced in the paiunn. Ile probably
Lure thoroughly, in order that they may suet. At one time this was 4500; bet he Would not have made any farther abler'
make a full and satisfactory report." And wouiW be disposed to rote for five or even lion, i1 it were not for allusions which bad
.bat course were they going to posse £,10,000 if it •oald be shows that a sum been made with reference to the petition
with regard to the Clergy Reserves 1 Ile was rtgnund. Wath regard tethegrantisg ad lumaeif et • paper which it, ,..14
hal yesterday anted the ilei. Commte.ton- of pewees, then night to .me uniform nameless; oaf he wt. farther en•larndeo do
er of Crows Leeds if the measure he isteed• system, and none shout] be fronted veil •,i by t'+c remark whirh hal frequently been
d to Introduce on that queetoowu to be Parliament had decided that the party re- matte, that it was °.fair nn the part of a
• Cabinet measure, and he was simmered in eeiveeg it is worthy of remu,ieration. But member t r •hark en editor when he could
the negative. It wag than to be an opts he was opposed to a system which was sot net he present to dented tnneelf; while at
geastios, see os which the Ministry did adopted even on the other side of the water. the same twee ,he editor eould sit in • sly
tb. •Hs In conclusion he said he would appeal with corder sad attack the member usher eimiW
not intend to put forth their stress
found. however, that his remarks were confidence to the Churtnee of the Board of c,reamsancea. It had been stated in the
somewhat irrelevant, and be would there- Works not to oppose the introduction of piper to .bath he •11sd.4. that a certain
fors revert to thequestion before the house the. Bdl, as be hoer that hon. gentleman p•uuos bed been handed round Detroit.
sad assert the right of hie tion. friend 10 was in favour of public mortise being ex- heeded ► himself sod all sorts of Arisen -
make he motion, and be, hope he would pended under the sanction of law. Tbe rails. he (Cot. Prises) ora. desire..
persist is it. Bill he repeated would not trench upon the therefore that 11. petrtto0 .bould hs exam•
kfr. BALDWIN said of the bon. member speech from the throne, or the evensg used, whoa it weed be found that there
fol Toronto would look a little more close- scale of expenditures; but would provide were appeeded to it the penes et persona
ly at the speech from the throse, he would that in future no monies should be expend- as respects►le a gay nn ube 6.o, of that
find a specific recommendation to look into .d without the sanction of Parltaaset.- booms -gree different from what was stated
the expenditure of the Provide°. (Hear, Honorable gentlemen could not object to a in the lying paper, whose editor had become
hear. from the opputtion benches.) He Bill which compelled them to state distinet- so inflated that the globe itself could ■0t
Mr. B.) understood that cheer. it showed ly for what purpose money was required;ad coolant him. He (Col. Prince) must say
that bon gentleaenbad not taken the trouble h• hoped the pmopt" would not be _told that that grosser fal.ebeods, more unprincipled
l statement. asd infinities he., than bad ap-
'peered in yesterdsy'e paper, be had Dever
met with. The petition had for its object
to induce the House to apply to ler Majesty -
for the perpow of obtataag independence.
He bed read the petition, and selemety de-
clared that he ceocurred is what was there-
in stated; the best proof of winch was that
be bad signed it himself. Member" could
to look tato precedents, winch were no ob-
ject of laughter to him, and which induced•
bun to take the coarse pursued by the first
statesmen of the mother country, even at
the present day, and if that were a subject
of derision, be was quite prepared to be
laughed et is such good company. He
would remised the hon. member fur Nor-
folk, who was well a; quainted with the
practise of the Imperial Parliament, to tell
him if he were wrong in snorting that the
government always opposed any propasitios
by as individual member, of n BiII which
slashed with a ministerial measure. Aod
If it dud not frequently occur that private
members expressed a good deal of'stiafae-
tton when Government would adopt
they were no to inquire in what manner it
was expended. Ile did not want to weeny
government, so matter of what politics,
expending monies without the previous
sanction of Parliament. Tbe Chairman of
the Board of Works had said that a Bull
could not be uncoiled before the speech had
hien answered; but he had istroduewd a
Bill on a former occasion which bad been
reed a first time notwutbstendtog the appo-
sition of the government, and which after
having been denuded of the obstructions
they had introduced, had subsegn.mtly
passed; and its operation had bees & source
of pride to himself and of advantage to the
country. In the preseot instance \e said
the govercmeat would not bring in the
their measures. The hon. member well meuure themselves, but say its introdoc-
ksew that ouch thing" frequently occured ia''tiote at present is iacean:relent. He had no
the Isperal Parliament, and that members objection to postponing the consideration
would even drop measures, which they had
themselves tntrodnccd, in order not to em -
harms' the ministry. -and thus, instead of
expedrtieg, impede the public business. to
fact, nothing could 'hew more clearly the
of it for a week; and trusted the Bill would
meet with no farther opposition.
Mr. PRiCE was surprised at the portt-
oae:ty will which the introduction of the
Bill was insisted upon, for the purpose of
t,tcoevesienee of the course adopted by the Igaieing two or three days. Dud the boa.
hoe. member then the discussion which+ mover mean to say, that be eoold carry
had take place on him motioD. He there- bio Bill, notwithstanding • majority of the
fore hoped that the boo. member would House were opposed to It 1 Does be omen
withdraw it se a matter of courtesy, as well to say, that the allusion to the pob!:c cx
u (or the purpose of expediting the public pesd:tun' in the speech, is Not the some as
buaiaesa, an arguweot whet" had heart re- that which was contemplated to hs B,111-
peatedly urged by hon. gentlemen opposite. Had the boo. gentlernas four years ago,
Sir ALLAN MeNAB we. of opinion taken the same new of the subject, the
that theespendit.re of public moose. with• country would -not have been agitated from
out the cosiest of Parliament, under the year to year by the Clergy Rewrites.
plea that .i.iaters were respon0-,ble for Mr. BOULTON would ask, d be did not
their conduct, wee .e gross • deception as at the time referred to, esterWn more
wee ever practiced, particularly when it is
censidersd in what meaner they are expend -
gid, of which be would not thea speak mare
perueslarty. ' The boo. member of the go-
.ernment who had just spoken, had said
that the Bill which it arse proposed to in-
trodeee embraced •subject that was allud-
ed tom the speech from the throne. where
refere.ee ie made to the revenue and expon-
diture of the Province, acrd therefore that
its nth -eduction would ewberrase the go
vernmeut. They waited • clear stage tilt
they were prepared. He could not con-
ceive how the introduction d this Bell
would embarrass ministers ; and did not
think the hoe. mover would have fair play
of the Bill were not permitted to pass to e
third re•dtng. He treated the heves would
decide in favor of ietrodeeing the bill, and
that them would not be found a majority
opposed to any action nn the .abject until
the(`,hatrm.n of the Board of Werke bad
introduced hie measure. As to the second
reading of the Bill, that might be deferred
until after the aaewer to the message had
bees delivered. Hie 'hoped the House
weeld divide epee the question ; and if the
he d wplia b fthese
fies's de.ha ebbe' W ATTAO . iT, ete
dipia, ef Ibiw eif thaw mils, they wield sea
tbeuesis • I. quiet apperanm sa
e to Md his ps Elf THE tumors Natal.
titles. Bet what moues weld bed1eged W tae
e spouse 1 1t essad or be shows, sed M d.W UW71'ZD CO 011 TYlid OF t
By .l..
them m ataompt i4 then is the soda of di.wasg /Area, Pmol mid Brsee. 1M tele
i1 set. i t wee in uy an esepeet owing be Per- • Wert of Attachment is.nl4 art of Hsi
hamster, Rodes Bet the nu.,rti 11 vers vela' Modesty's Coen of Qawsse Bead et To-
ss, was on acewrt of the payer eeetairta a rest*, ew ibo T'W 1 Y-E1OHTIi DAT
it. However, that wail mat the Uwe re tell. Up MARCH. re ten your ,f memf Loa Ono
the queue of fedepeedewe. but it would rime TheowM "rot Huadred�.t.wd Pio , sad to
waeon. sed aeosed biwoadwild lir prepared so mew a r directed, ursust the xr r AT11 REAL
amend,.eata ten Address fee the repress peewee as lull a PEIIF,UNAI.eI RewsmT Coon,
of deeruesing that gaestees. sad he weld thea a aberer re ear enecesl.d Direst at the
show that the beedble. Attorney (lmeresl .es g
sot such an autos' deluder eider lmperisl Os Sett of Hasar Dee r aid Tutees P. Aa.oxs
veromeot prr,roes eo create' • rest es Ms Tree- foe the nom of Ggtty-Three Peusde, 0.e
w ry beeches. 11e had 'be docemesn to hie Shilling and Pew Peace,
posrmiee. awl be could prow et. 1 koro steed all len Fetatgi, Rest avid
kir. BALDWIN-Verve good Pummel of the said Kohut Cook. end *slue
C.d. PRINCE cosuoued. He said. that the Iles •cul Robert Cook ,,titre within ibm .
petition watt draws ■p in CourWOea iaga.ge. tm.hcIto* el the Ned Cort sod pars se
u rie,ly according to Pmrlesmenrrp rat!•, and heti
bees respectably signed : st the move tme, he
would admit chat he had attack off erer's: stpe-
teres, with hi. own head. ■ed with ,he ens•ras
of the ratites them.elrre, sod he had takes este,
to strike them out in ouch a mealier. that they
could neer he recnlewised, rot it veer were. the
poet deed., who held petty ofNue aider 'event -
meat. would he devoured in the mme fisbiw
that the prey oink Alligator was devoured.
!i1 at k its.
oroetiy sea 14, 1860.
?LOUR, Ferree/le, per bbl. 196 Ib.. 1*.
9.1 • 23. 9d. Flour, Millers', per I. 196
lbs. 20s • els 3d. Wheat per hostel, fie
Ib.. 4s 6e1 s Ss 94. Oat• per bushel, 1. 24
a 1 s 4d. Oatmeal per bbl. 1511 theles 9d.
Pork in the hog, per 100 lbs. 20e a 26e -
New York, May 13.
FLOUR -Market Inver and depressed -
sales are $5,15 and $3,50 for Michigan ;-
Corn Meet is quiet. Bales 120 hermits
Jersey at $2,94.
Grain -There is no change in sales of
Wheat. Holders are firm. Oats are lower.
Tbe following is an "'trent from s pleats
'otter from Montreal: -
"A Montreal, merchant just returned
from Coba, left four American vessels there,
loading sugar end molasses for Montreal;
others were expecting to load shortly.
These articles will, therefore, be cheap in
Montreal, and we would advise nrir inter -
chants to contract their New Ynrk pur-
chases. After discharging at Montreal,
examine its conteate; they might not yield - these vessels will take round lumber for Um
it their support, but they eeuld sot deny the southern states. Several newels from
facts therein stated. Ilari.g reed the peri- New York will cargos" of sugar, likewise
tion, Col. P. concluded by sayisg, that the sailing for M°nlreal for loads of lumber.
present was the first petition ever present- Freight from New York to Montreal range
ed to a British parliament, -prying for • from 30 2d• a $1. The Mootreel routs
separation from the mother eoaetry. He will therefore be the cheaper way for good.
stood in his place and declared that be be- to Upper Canada.
heeled every word of it; `the but evidence The Lydia, from Cuba, with 400 pose,
of which was that it was loitt• hied writing. molasses ts.now close at hoed; three or
The petition wee then handed in •t the four others expected almost immediately."
Clerk's table, and excited no farther re--
mark. -Adjourned. •NO TIC E.
I,BEG to Intimate to the ishabimats ef the
Toweshipi of Godencb, Staley arid Col-
bert)", damneder it -power of Aaersey from the
BARON DE TUYLE, dated thi. 25th April,
1849. 1 am authorized to dirpoes of hie LADS
is them Towo►bips. gad to great Title Deed for
the .me -gad also to collect all Movie• des bun.
and to grant Di.ehsrgni for the mme.-•ed I
hereby Truest all penult isdebesd to the mid
Baron de Tuyk, forthwith to steels ire their rss-
;wetiye debts
Goderick, 8th May,OS. 1550. 3+ 1Stf
CAUTION . -Whereas Margret Roche,
my wife, has absented herself from my
bed and board without any just ewes. -
This is to forbid the public giving lass ay -
thing co my Recount.
Wawano.b, May l6th, 1850. -.3016
THE next Meeting of the Sheri•
Society will be Weld at the Brinell Hmerf es
Saturday reining, the 2itb Iestast, for the re-
ceipt of are male of eve « .in
T. 4. S. H. B. 'y.
Gederieh. 13th May, 1850. 3y -e l S
R. WILLIAMS, & Co. '
And Grum! Deakrs is Groceries, Litmus,
Paints, Oils. Maeaiahes, Dye Staffs.
Hardware, etc.,
Premeriptioc• dispensed with ••easy asd
promptitude. 3v -RIS
Farmer, May 17.
Sir A. MeNAB prewated a petition from
the Corporation of Hamilton. praying tbat
they might be permitted to take up stock is
the Great Western Railway, to the extent
of £ 190,000. -
Mr. PRICE presented a petition praying
for the enact inept of a statute for the bet-
ter ob • of the Sabbat►-
rCTiTye' toss tioirairDm�Cm•
Mr. BALDWIN moved that this petition
which was presented a day or two ago by
Col. Prisco, should sot be received. He
hoped that tbe motion wouli res•ivd the
liberal views as Attorney -General, the unasimoue useot of Hous.•
many others would have done were they is Sir A. SieNA6hoped that the honorable
hit place! if the bon. member will agree member would sat throw out the petition
as the ab'
to retro -duce •similar Bill, be (Mr. B.) .nee of the los. gentleman who
id bad presented U.
would withdrew h
Mr. PRICE said, the hoes g•utlemu At that mount Col. PRINCE entered
knew what the alJssion to revenue and ex.
.�° Hoses, ad immediately addressed the
penditure meant. Would he say the Bill Speaker. He said be bad bees informed
bad no reference to the same oubjsct as was oil of doors, tbat the hos. Attorney Goal
cootaiaed i• the opaeeb from the Throne,
had moved that hie petition should not be
er, does his own Bill and speech costraihct
receives!. lie could wish that the eoesi6e-
each other! Gentlemen aro the other ratios of that question might be postponed
side must be aware, that the totroductios for the present, sod be would thea be pre-
of els Bill exhibited a west of courtesy Pam to meet the Attorney General. He
towards the Goyerament, sand if it dad set dared a pestpomsmest, hmciums, he expect.
bnn`` forrard a simdat mdnemuM uta ase ed.lo reeaure aeyral other pommies olf "a-
eo nid object to it° being deo. by tray mast- •etly Ile ami wire, asd if it would sot
bar of the House.ineooreounce the hos. Attorney G°oeral,
Mr. BOULTON-Wal yea do it T thought It would be better for hum to
Mr. PRiCE would be emery to rob the may for their reception all •; once, other -
hoe. gentleman of the glory of passing the rime he was prepared to go oast este.
Bill, which he neglected when in power to Mr. BALDWIN aid, that in • saes of
Barry. But was it s,reaeo.able to ask tee tlfi kind. there .u. is bis opinion, no time
defernng or its introdocuoe. Tb. honors- like the present. For bis pert be had sot tbo
ble and gallant knight opposite sUribut.d gi 'gbie•t doubt u to what course \• should
to the Government a desire to suppress is- }°youmourn
s% from the very first mou % that be
vestigatia, and spoke of Bills, seeder the heard of the unties.
authority of which, only white montes eaa Col. PRINCE said, "Linn( was mon
be expanded; bet be knew that they could eommoe than for bon. members to postpone
not be expended without a vote ef • mottos, w the reading of a bill, without
ment, that misieters were reeponeible for .um°nay oppoetloand in bis opinion
every •xpesdutere, and if it were improper, theinuwise
ver] lift!. waase, asd verylittle
a rote of coo6dence would follow, and the courts", in the Attorney G.e.,.l'e mottos;
Ministry would be turned out_gad they bot it was not the fleet set of 'pansy
ought to be torsed out. He did not lost or despotism to a member, or ofiajuatice to
the hon. mower to abandon bis Bilt; if the • coaeutsebumeey that had ►s perpetrated by
Government measures do sot embrace whet lb* preesst Admt.i.tratios, sed it well be -
ie isteoded by the Bill, then be can suttee -
the leader s( • Liberal Administra-
imtroduee it. A. to the Road Bill ties, .sd the great c►smpos of t1. Reform
he (Mr. P.) would give the hon. geotleman Part] to stead forward with •mottos,
every credit which be serited: because he whteb, by ds°troyisg tb• right of petition,
wasted to be its father, the Government deegTeeod lor ever ►mwlf asd bus govern-
sided rim in its postage, and as he had 1Oent. Ile (Col. P.) was not &Ahemred�
aid it woe the beet Bill ever pasted on the bus pesitiow, or of defending that petitioe-
suhje te; wen t wasaoduwced b• for wn.1..
fore the sp..eithtrue, from ithe throutrne ater as- Atior.mellydid Genebenlkwouldowthe saveday .aid atheA••ahos."
eppertosuty Ilse to other lion. members f of • gevesaree.t of law, asd would noutieed-bol it wee two months ander 10 .-Iword hi d-
te r.ed, , ed digest its contents. mot leave the expenditure of public Bosse cossideratioo by the Committee to which it Mr.ALDWIN-Nsvr !
it. li. SHERWOOD cgocurred with to the dscreuoe of any mi°istr,)• he was was referred, who 'wade soaething of ht, Co?. PRINCE eontiseed It was • paper
the bos..m.br who had jest spokes, that therefore in favour of a Bill which created • ad then allowed the hoe- tleman to coached ie eeurM.s ,r.u.d laageage, ,xaydeg,
thus was nothingbe could find in the clear) defined platform', for good rouse.psmentrd a it. 'het ties Prs-
1 DI stip, avid which tiv.ld ►sedme its godfather. lie [ r. P.] pest it vices attest bs .,panted trent Greet Beitess.aed
.psee\ which liras at all affected by his hos. provide that the eupeaditwv .f lb* public to bow. gentlemen whether � aught not, .igoed by mew who were folly ,peel m the hes.
hist. Bill. He eould pee nothing more mooted should be prescribed by law. Would oat of common respect to the Government, Attorney Gwent is w.lub, igen. .ad
lbws • customary reememe.dattoa to look the other nude say that they ought to ex- to wait ad nes if it loseded to bring for- morel sed political wean. Bet he did mot doebt
tete the °wpeditore of the public mossy.- pond the funds of the proviso., ad thee ward a similar mese.,.; or wen the Go,- but that use teamed gentleness wseld get M end
Bah sanettig that the subject was urn- come down and ask for the memetie..f the 'earnest to wield to the hos. mover for the sae • Meg speech to show 11•1 i1"•''''''4111.
then alluded to, he ootid sof see why Assembly, ender Ila plea that they were cake of three or four dale. If ever) cos- it senet►ieg, ef. trrasnmahie satire. a be had
that eNwY *wee .o sell ..°.ber from, responsible for their condom r it was idle t°mpl.led measure is to boleros/At forward sieved is vie Iettem' us whish h. (Cq P.) will
eweWwg b right of 1ptrodoeing a &11 en • to'ay that eny resposeibihty canted owe in this wail, wbere world be the w,iag to gives to smdenttasd that he mirse Mean ten rie\
•M me a of a prse'tetnsa Rh, hs Mr•d sed defied the
1 other whew comsected with the money was spent- He diel loot charge the noble, whim every Bull cute 'able MM.- tleera'shorn*
,s Aim, he li
the pawelfare. Now be did sot d.- the Government with improper sap .duets, The bo.. and gallant knight talks of the bis set�e(.»sns liptissce
ke . 'she p-hi(Ing dweseg, .tare
ek+s I \►row a.y ob.truetioms is the way hot the be would say that the palate fends mese, of ib* m
year, lied says embant sne ahis tail bunnies his ler. Did rhe honorable.f the t3ovensosat, bel he was mot preps,- wore often expended in a way the hose,able desires" of eeternees ete their hefts: but luso 'systole( abut the Ditto( Right', tent
d to e.bset to alletet... sm Unit part, g aH
atlewn wield not speed them eery. e wool( Ibis energy)faatate lthat return.- g.ansts wpn
ef► etierre, by the fifth clime ot
ss toe whether he..mdt.d or eheeld sot Mere, Otsubr%, would plats the etpeedieere mm- He sheets, eke to know whether the Goy- which the Right id Pennem is seemed t Did
lees wsy particular measure. Hs had a des the mid rule of Parliament At pre- oreessst °r is.sobers ere to bring forward met 'hi see. gwiksasa .011 kesw ten: the
gel bi'einem* eny gamIto. M ehnes, seat, he said, tbe pares sulfa an is the measure@ that will be rendocuve to the b"t se.rweant« u for 1°w gf Eeglee/ hu laid
reei.t with 6rtns•w the et- • heeds of .new two s,sbero the(errw bos.lm of the eeoH►y. Shnald n fail to do it dews u se ,show: tint dot eobiest bed at all
Sept of any .muter to throw eat out by awe; who sus, down to the fir ire ..eee the nest 0. ibm a lee f« rho rvdreee .f
W mere diets.. He therefore hopedthe - "o, stemb,•n could Introduce them soles- dv.m ifwe,,.ess .the eemww Is. eeald sot re-
eppr°v) ef their eood.el, gad ff le wee quietly. lt.aot II our we our t\see esom i• w4eb es -
los. somber would sot withdrew his mo- _ obtained they e.uuid., it we epsewie. of The lieges them divided epos the me- dress em.Id'wly beobtsia•i. Ire. elm imperial
rm The question i•vlved 1. kis Bill want of nomadism. whops they stink sad ties to inir dace the 1111, whom there were Parlis.ee.. by the reseyd of the gnat bet4es
OW the *herons epos wile\ the Clear the (vestry is threes leve ap,eet He dM is fares of the welts:- sods 'Weigh be sad ibe ether pothunters Whored.
Qlits bee ss\ss their staid. (Cheers fees sot propose by bee Bill isaw/wi.t with the Yait-M.wre. Bsdflmty, Boulton of Ref. Yet be did .me doubt abet ter bo.. gwtb.ee
Y�dn.f1N How) it tabs qos. •pwsA uses threes, *NA r.wssO.sd- fork. Boole°. .f Twemta, Cameron of 1••••42.00•0“ Weal, tial it .r ..eh .pontis.
die► setae .smelly rite Me wises esti arse* Cerulean. Omani of led, Gyl.v, Cha a0 te°reit 16.4. neeiw. slth.egt 1. (M..
eli W poli° n osel, .8d which at the stem titers of she eey.try• but he preps ed is i du, Dewitt, Qo*y lbpkiw, M.elfal+, BsI4w w the ewey ..e wen heed \.w
tilos fee the eosnt,"T of aloes heti d,pmred lay dew. ws • 1•t that w ' w asd pnsmd it (srward : aye. sad bio
a usher el the C•biset of his seat. it . &heed he err sss.J • Mr•1I.ek, Minses.ell' Melwam, P.pin*+°. es the kR (uhe IsepOee« Oesu'.l))
Awls sMglo tial q sstr.s, wined', of all j..eil fantasist W h t�step.s.wasert, IPrtww a ms4• ear-g".hth 8hrwiead of • .1.jwets, Ls. Bat vises wen edy ehesgi
geese IIm aMe.tsy.a- C r!'Senslw �•-llv er e. \M18e r Rl�••1r hi .mmMeewl •b
Shen he
-,..M our?".
__ -
NOTICE. -Cana among the cattle of the
subset -ism about the heresies of Semen
last, • Red Heifer, three yeses old. The owner
is rq.emted to es11, prove property, pay expenses
,aadtake her away. WM. BARRON.
St. Mary's, 8th May, 1850. 3.-a15
FRANCIS FISHLEIGH begs to ;atoms hie
(Muds, gad the p.blic generally, that he bas
established himself to the above Village, and
hopes by strict attention is the co.fwtLed eon -
ve.iesee of Travellers. to merit a Were of their
patronage. Gond Stabling tad as attsestivo
Greets in atte.daeee.
Mitchell. May 1546. 1850. 3v -s15
N me abeet the 13th of February Ism, a Neu
kJ of Head gives br Ake. Taylor, he L5 7.
ld. Asd thio is to forbid any peter from re-
ceiving or paying the mid Note, so 1 hare alrea-
dy paid it, sod will get be agai■ reepossible for
the tame. Aar person Ending end delivering
'the said Nets to the esheeriber will be satisfied
fee their tro.ble is so hisg.
Goderieb, May lb, 1850. 3e -a1.5
REMA1r13G is the Pest Oise et Outfield
op to 7th May, 1850.
Brasooa Jame, Bowie' Richard
Barker John KenedayJ David
Barnes John Kehler Nuch'e
Barker C Kanter Peter
Carry James Miller Jeeeph
Coolies R Maclosky Cdbert
Cremes Peter Mow Thecae
Cly., George Marines Arcb'd
Cesfihov John Madden Jaws
Campbell Arc\'d Magill David
Carroll Pafk Montgomery Jame*
Deily Lingle Mennw.11 Robert
Dart John McFadden Wm
Die hefts Purge McNamgtut.s Wes
(boring. Thoma, Nigh Goerge
Dick John Parker Jobe W H
DaughertyJae° Parker John
Femur .
al Rot lode* Jibs
Fraser Mary Ritter Vol
Gengench Cbrii r Seibert John
Gettler Aatosy Stevenson Hash
Gray Nicholas Rttveeuaon Tea
Gunder William S.ndervne henry 2
Greire Robert Srarth Hear]7
Hay Andrew Shell•rbury Nich's
Heu.iltne Hugh Tait John
Holrmire Joh. Taekerbory Nstb'I
tHall Rebut Wad John
to the Action, messes 'be claim of the aid
Henry Doty and Thoma. P. Abbe em be
discharged within Three Calendar 'loathe
it un the int der of the peelueauon of this
Nouse is the C«aelr Ga:NN, alt the Es-
tate. Keel or Persist, ef the gad Robert
Cook, or ene soh theeeof se wry he .cc.s-
ary, will be held Iuall. for the Papua',
Benefit end 8.lsfe•tion of the claim.
Srauri . (l,rec..
Gn.k'nck, tib April, 1,50. 3r -a10
VE mule North of Baylisld o. e Lok.
O Om iw.. The s.becrtbrve w i 1 pay cash
or leather f., lode., .N will saes os obese*
s11 h•dam .. ontreeesd to thus. And frogs
having a thorough knowledge of the buat-
sees• they can eon6Jestly prm..m the pub-
lic a good article. •
Gudericb, April 19, 1850. .3.19
spectfully to rnumate ro the Ladies mdd
Gentlemen of Godench, that tbsy have
npened Cases for Isstryxuoo in Mr. Gen-
tles' Hall, Huron Hotel, where, by a etriet
sttentuoo to the pupils isirustmd to their
care,tbey hope to afford the Benita such
e attofactuoa se will idsu.e their peirb.age
ilours of attendawce from 11 A. M. to
5 P. M. Gentlemen's Claes hi tb• eve-
n ing from 76 to 9i o'clock.
Goderich, 264 April 1860.
ALL penoos indebted to the Subscriber
either by Note or Book •eeoont, are
requested to call sod pay immediately tw
are costs.
BtnUord, Apnl 22, 1850. v7a13
BOOT aid SHOE Maher, otedoor West
of Mr. George Vidttsid'i, Btwkeoitb,
Front street, Goderieb.
Aprt: 961k, 1660. 'Sall
IS prepared to attend Sales in say part of
1 the 'Jotted Couetw on the meet reason-
able terms. Apply at the Registry Oic.,
Lighthouse street.
Godetneh, Apn! 11, 1860. vII-.10
THE subscriber offers fes SALE ►1e
GRiST and 8A W MiLL, siteated In
the Towesbup of McGillivray, on the Big
Gable, with' three miles of Flanagem's
Corner. The Mulls are u•. i.:operatiossa.4
.owly boil'. The Privilege is Um beet os
the Rrvr, and situated is the beet Town-
ship em the Comity of Heron -well settled,
asd Red* opened u■ all direction" to f
et. Th. Machinery asd materials are of
the very best gsality, end put up by the vs-
ry best Mwsbistata. Fier Particulars es-
quire inflames Crosbie, Esq., Galt, or ap-
ply to the .nb.eriber.
McGillivray, 15th January, 1560. 2,50tf
Q7'The Gott Reporter will 'siert the
above gotil forbid.
lre, of 'ettli.g e. the
Durham Road un the Townships of
Glenelg, B°ousek, Brant, Groomed'. Kis -
loss and Kincardine, must apply personally
at the Dolce of the usdmrsigned, &ad .e 10 -
cations will be cos finned except ones "o are
leads is secordance with this requireme.t-
All aseignpwots of worst is loealiest
wittiest the ksowtedge sod approval of the
Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of
all right in the luster or a.igoes.
C.owe Lass Orrcs,
Bannock, Comity of Witerl.m.
March 14th, 1860. ,S.7
1'I"E pablle are hereby cautioned from
takug or accepting two
Notes made by the usdersingsed is faeor
of James McGormoo oe bearer, for tbe ars
of treaty fine dotter• meh, bests( date the
I lth day of March, 1860, emu whereof 1e
wide payable es ibe first day of January,
1851, and the ether es the first day of Au-
gust. 1651; es the 1 has re-
ceived so vele* for the ranee.
Stretford, 14th March, 1530. v3a7
Spring Importations
1 M SO.
IMPORTER of Dry Goods, 24 Deeded
• Street ; well receive ex "Glutei's."
•,F,rrnmongs," "Cambria," "Mord" ad
other ship, a large i.po►tauos of now
and ,hetes goods, duvet from the i rut.h
Markets. which b..!11 offer to the trade os
rot] favorable term..
the rook' .01 be epee for i.peeties
'boat the 16th net,
Mayrj1160. rld-1.