The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-25, Page 8r"r
fel Jack Smith
Par S The Tinnes Advo ate, July 2,S', 19:5 "
..,...„.,,.,,�..„�,,.., Woodham .vele
� ,ate. Ladies,
'Invade` 0.ashwoo
A team of Youth Cark,vaners ing caiavaneis, will help the con -
will be the guests of .Zion Luthe- gregation meet its .c h .a 11 e n g e
rata Church.this weekend. The among the youth of the com-
xoung. people will travel for the niunity,
Walther L .e a'g u e, international They wilt visit in homes of the
,youth organization and official leaguers; present new and dif-
youth program of the Lutheran ferent projects for leaguers to
Church,: Missouri Synod, de; teach new forms of whole -
Miss Karnes Kohtz, of Bloom- some recreation; bold a work -
field, Nebraska. Robert Fieeht- shop with the officers to review
per, of Fargo, North Dakota, and and explain their duties, re -
Miss Shirley Anderson, on Min- sponsibilites and leadership
teapot's, Minnesota, comprise techniques; present topics on
the team personal and. society worship,
The Caravan prograiil, sup- and help the leaguers plan their
ported by the Board of Young,iltfintls program for the next three
People's Work of the Lutheran Members of Zion Lutheran
Church, Missouri Synod, Is de- Church Caravan Committee are:
signed t -o assist .congregations Brenda Becker, Glen Rader and
with their total youth program Diane Kraft.
including devotional services,
topic presentations, service pro- Personal Items
;jects, recreational and fellowship Mr, and Mrs, Glen Brown of
sessions and membership. The 1 Kitchener spent Sunday with;
Enjoy Outings
On Tuesday, July 2 the Eve-
ning Auxiliary sponsored .a I us
trip to. Kitchener. Twenty nine
ladies left Woodham at 8:30 a.m
in a bus driven by Harry Dob-
son of St, Marys.
They arrived at Kitchener at
10 o'clock and visited the Bluett
Peabody and Co. where the Ar-
rowline of men's shirts and fur.
nishings are made.
At noonpicnic a c c 1 'a.
p n oath was
held in Victoria Park. After
lunch two hours were enjoyed
At 2 o'clock they all went to
the Weston bakery:where they
were served refreshments. fpl-
Iawd by a sight .seeing tour of
the city. The highlight of the
day was a visit to the 'television
station where they were guests
on the program "Coale into the
kitchen.” Several of the ladies
I were lucky winners of the .draws
made on the show.
Supper was enjoyed at the
Village Inn, Centreville and in
the evening they took in a show
before returning home rather
weary but feeling it was a day
well spent.
WMS Entertained
On Thursday,. the ladies of the
Women's Missionary Society en-
tertained the Baby Band, Mis-
sion Band and Evening Auxiliary
in the Church basement.
The Mission Band had charge
of the program with Orrie Thac-
ker and Janice Webb, presiding.
The scripture was read by Eliza-
beth Thacker and readings were
given by Joanne Webb and Clif-
ford Langford, A vocal number
was given by Janice and Joanne
Webb arid Margaret Knight and
an instrumental duet by'Marian
Thompson • adn Walter Langford.
offering was taken by Grant
Thompson and Walter Laugford.
Mrs. Ken Langford gave an in-
teresting' story.
After the program all were in-
vited to the church lawns where
games were enjoyed with Mrs,
Robt, Rundle and Barbar Chat
ten in c1
five -fold program of the Walther
League --worship, education, fel-
lowship, service and recreation—
will be explained to adults and 1 with her pparents, Mr. and Mrs,
youth of the church. L. H. Rader.
As trained workers, the visit- Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson of
Port Huron spent the weekend
with Mrs. M. Pieter. They at -
Mr. William Wein.
Mrs. Ivan Taylor and daugh-
ter of Waterloo spent Saturday
■ tended the Merrier reuniono at
Skinny men Women Springbank Park, London, Sun -
d y.
Mr, and Mrs, Wendell Gamble
gain 5,015 lbs and family of London spent Suri-
■ day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Get N*w Pep, Vim, Vigor - Miss Anne Taylor of London
What a thrill! Bony limbs 511 out; ugly hal- spent a couple of .days with Mr.
lows 511 up neck no longer scrawny; body 1 and Mrs. Sid Baker last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller
and Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt
Biesenthal spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark of .
°' et- acquainted" size only Gll. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hutchinson
Try famous Ostrex for new pounds, pep,, vim, of London spent the weekend
vigor, this very day, M all druggists, with Dli's. Henry Eagleson.
F/L and Mrs. Stan Slezak of
Winnipeg, Man., left Wednesday
for home after visiting for three
weeks with Mr. Art Willert and
other relatives.
Miss Dorothy Maier has re-
turned to Arkona after spend-
ing two weeks' holidays with her
parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Carl
Mrs. Evelyn Dodge is holiday-
ing with her father, Mr. Sam
Elsie who has just recently re-
turned from hospital.
Mr. Carl Maier of Foot's Bay
spent the weekend with his wife
and family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Schenk
and family spent the weekend in
Tuesday visitors with.' Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Fassold were Pastor
Terry and Mrs, Hulbert and
daughter, missionaries from Lon-
don who are leaving for Africa
shortly, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Fassold .honeymooners from
Moosejaw, Sask..
Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Fassc:d
and Ruth of London spent Tues-
day with Mr. and IIrs. Philip
Mrs. Nora Koessel, . Frieda
and Francis from Harbour
Beach, Michigan spent the week-
end with Dir: and Mrs. Albert
Miller, • •
Shower For Bride -Elect
Mrs. Stuart Wolfe was hostess
for. a miscellaneous shower last
week for her niece, Donna Eagle-
son, bride -elect of August..Rela-
tives and friends were present,
The evening was spent playing
contests. Everyone joined in
singing and Misses. Joyce Haugh
and Ruth Schade presented the
gifts. Mrs. Howard Klumpp
showed pictures of local interest.
Church Sponsors School
ores half-starved, sickly "bean -pole' look.
Thousands who never could lain before are
now proud of shapely, healthy -looking fig-
ures. They thank Ostrex Tonic Tablets- Helps
uild u bodyskinn because of poor a
b p Y b -pee*
tite due to lack of iron. Improves digestion,
nourishment; puts flesh on bare bones, in-
creases nen G
Any way you look at it—
' beauty, quality, value—
• Bridal Bell give you more for
your money.. See Our fine
Jewel iry
Closing exercises for the vaca-
tion • Bible school were held in
Calvary .E.U.B. Church Friday
The program of choruses and
memory exercises by the several
classes was followed by the
summer Christmas tree in which
the pupils all took part with
Larry Wein as chairman'
Fifty-five children of the com-
munity took part. Parents and
friends viewed the work done,
by the pupils in the last two -
The school was conducted by
Rev. W. Krotz assisted by Mrs.
J. M. Tiernan, Miss Joyce Haugh
and several of the older girls.
4-H Trip
Misses Elaine Devine, Mary
Jane Hoffman, Catherine Rader,
Lynda Tiernan and Carol Schade
of the Dashwood Garden Club
enjoyed the 4-H trip to Detroit
last Thursday.
Several ladies and children of
Dashwood attended ,the Huron
Waves picnic at Riverview Park,
Exeter, last Tuesday.
•w.1,nn11!l IIIIIIIIn1r111lnnlltlntn,111llllllltlnitlltlIlli/noln„tlllllallltll tnitl tl,ltnl,lll n11111,1101rl ltttt tttttttno,
Proci�m at an
By authority vested in me,by the 1V1"unicipal
Council of the Town of Exeter, 1 hereby proclaim
Monday, August S
.Winners in races for boys 2-5
were: Mayne Rodd; girls, Ca-
thie Thacker; boys 6-8, Peter
Gartenburg; girls, \rerla Hooper;
boys 9-12. Clifford Langford;
girls, Linda Thacker; back-
ward throw, Joane Webb; Pea-
nut scramble, Peter Garten-
burg; grained seals, Ruth Mill -
ler and Joanne Webb; clothes
pins in bottle, Mrs. Jack Thom-
Topics From
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hern• and
boys of Toronto who are holi-
daying at Ipperwash visited on
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Hern.
Edward, Thoma s, Ronald,
Lorne and Wayne Hern, Glenn
and Harry Towle, Doris and
Muriel Cornish and Muriel Hern
attended the 441 club tour to
Detroit on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan of
St. Marys visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock.
Sheila Hern spent the . past
week with her cousins, Ruth
Ann and Margaret Salmon at
Zion Sunday School picnic will
be held on Friday at Stratford
Message From
Personal Items ,
Mrs. Wm. Chilton and daugh-
ter, Chris, of Calgary spent . a
few clays during last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pullen of
Woodstock were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pul-
Several from the community
attended the garden party at
Kirkton, Wednesday evening.
Marlene Hardy and Sharon
Grose of Devizes are holidaying
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire
were at Ipperwash on Sunday.
Carol Foster ryas at the United
Church Camp at Goderich last
Mr. Laverne Morley was in
Winnipeg., on a business trip last
Sharon Squire, Woodham, a.WoodhamAvis and Allen Hodgins. holiday-
ed during last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Squire.
Mrs. Grafton Squire and baby,
Pail• arrived hone from the St.
Marys Memorial Hospital on
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield,
Betty and Gayle, Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Cobleigh and family of
Lucan were at Tobermory on
Miss Evelyn Massey, St. Marys
is spending a few days with
Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. French and
Earl spent the weekend in Brdont-
field, New York, ,Taney return-
ing home with them having hol-
idayed for the past two weeks.
Ladies Hear Medical Missionary
Mrs. Wm. French was hostess
for the .Tilly meetings at her
home on• Thursday evening with
16 ladies present.,
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins was in
charge of the W.A, The theme
was "Soy." The devotional was
taken by Mrs. Rlahre, Mrs, Ron-
ald Squire and Mrs. 'Pidgins.
The members decided to have a
bazaar in the fall
e e. Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr. was in
Civic�°1d the chair for the W.M.S.Miss
Hi r Margaret Clark R N. who is
vacationing. with her parents,
Rev, J. T. and Mrs. Clarice.
showed: colored slides and told
of her work as a medical ntis•
sionary at Bella Coote,
'United Church hospital. The
ladies were interested iii hear
LI int( about her work and found
Miss Clarke anxious to resume
her duties.
Articles grown, sown or made
were for sale anal Mrs. l`tanill.
nrrlrnnrrtrnr,rlArrrrrnnrurq>yrrrnrnutntnrrrrrnturmuurrunuirrrnralntitrttnrrrtrrrYrttrtt.t: hitt illkiglf1B Wait iii ehal'8'R.
for the 'toWil of b 'toter and 1 respectfully request all
citizens to observe it As such.
ly Z5L 1057
It. E. POOL1
5.tudents; Win Prizes •
At Bend Bibb 5chocI
'he annual' summer Vacation
Bible School, held in the Churcl
of God closed on July 12 after a
successful session. Rev, E. Wat
tam was. superintendent, with
helpers: Mrs. Kenneth McGreg
or and Mrs. Doris McGregor fat
the pre-school attendants, Mrs
C, Vincent and Mrs. Leland Des
iardine for the intermediates
and for the seniors, Mrs, C..Sher-
ritt and Mrs. Rufus 'Turnbull,.
Prizes were given• to Susan
Desjardine and Wayne 1Desjar-
dine, son and daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Chester Des arldine, for
j o
bringing the most •attendants,
also to Eric Brow,p, son .of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Brown, Green-
Personal items •
F/O. John Kowalchuck was
recently posted at Edmonton,
Alta. Mrs. Kowalchuck antl fanc-
ily left by plane last Monday
morning for Winnipeg, from Mal -
ton airport, where her husband
will be meeting her for .a short
visit with his parents, before
motoring to their new appoint-
ment at Edmonton.
Mr. and' Mrs,' Fred Brewer
are visiting this week in y
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mae
Holt and Mrs. L. Gerornette
were Mr, and Mrs, Jack Rid -
doe') of Sarnia, Miss Beulah
Holt and Miss Doris Pickle of
Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Dodds of Seaforth.
Mrs, Frank Statto.n, who has
been a patient in Victoria Hos-
pital, returned to her home on
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Love of
Calgary, Alta,, .are visiting with
Mr. Love's brother, Mr. Wm,
Love and Mrs. Love and other
relatives in the district.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Burn-
ette and Debbie of Detroit spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Stanlake, Douglas, Jr., who
has been a visitor here for the
past few weeks returning home
with his parents..
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Turnbull were Mr,
and Mrs. Melvin Dodds from.
Florida on Thursday, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hislop of Los Angeles,
Cal., on Monday, Mr. and Mrs.
C. P'errson of Ohtario, Cal., on
Tuesday, and Mr. and Mrs, Jas,
Breen of London on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird and
Mr. Delbert Mason visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Morrison at
Atwood on Saturday.
Mrs. Walter Hughes and son
of Preston visited with Mrs.
Hughes' aunt, Mrs, L. Geromette
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: Russell Gill and
family of Brampton are vaca-
tioning here for two weeks.
Miss Dolores 1VIcFadgen of De-
troit spent the weekend with her
brother and his wife and daugh-
ters, Mr. and Mrs, E. McFadgen,
Joanne and Kathy.
Mr. and Mrs. •Alfred Miller,
Idrs. Paul • Zeebe, Miss Susan
i Zeebe, and Miss Carat :Smith,
all of Detroit spent the weekend
- with their relatives, Mr...and
Mrs. Jay Whitefo
Mr. and Mrs.ack Ford and
Terry :of Detroit spent the week-
end at their cottage here.
Cobbledick Clan
Unites At Park •
Fifty-two members of the
Cobbledick clan held . theiran-
nual reunion at Riverview Park,
Exeter, on Sunday.
President Jim Etherington, 'of
Exeter, and Secretary Glen
Allen, Fullarton, were in charge
of the event. New officers elect-
ed are Marvin Oehm, Stratford,
president, and his daughter,
Gloria, secretary.
Prize for the oldest in attend-
ance went to Mrs. Cora Carter,
of Clandeboye, who is 83; the
youngest was Wayne. Cunning-
ham, Lucan, three weeks old;
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Johnston, of
Sarnia, came the furthest dis- ZURICH
Races were held for the child- +
ren. Phone 78
Cadets Ross and Joe Ivison of
Camp Ipperwash visited with
their relatives, Cpl, and Mrs,
N. Chamberlain, John and Nancy
on.Sunday. John Chamberlain,
of Camp IPperwash, spent
the weekend nd with his parents
and sister.
Guist look , Presont.d
On Tuesday .everting the ilii•
loge Council Met in the town
hall for a •special meeting when
the Grand Bend Promotion Com-
mittee presented: the council
with a guest register, the first
naln,e 10 appear being Juliette -
on her visit under the auspices.
pf the Lions Club last week.
speech' v.. E. A. Holley made a short
hilReeve J. Daltnry presentation,
the register for; the village.
,Personal items
Mrs. Francis. Clark of Wind-;
sor is spending :a few weeks with
her sister, ,Mrs. Mary Ravelle
and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green
and Miss Audrey of Ciinton
ited friends in town on .Sunday.,
tr.04t.tAAAl10010PIWOtrtuduillinttlWAIAAWM4nAAtnttilillUArnrtfMAAAAttt 4114euMt!AMAA0011101Ain4,fttllA s.
Phone 192.
Grand Bend
tintnnolinnInninnntllnlr11n1tUnPntlttatnlllnit,rintlnAArnot t dill nu nlnnonttlll„tllinmo altar
Ifyou own an earlier Buick than our 1957
product, you're probably reluctant to
part with it—and -who can blame you?
After all—regardless of year or model
—there's nothing like a Buick to set
you a cut above the ordinary run of
mortals—make you feel master of all.
you survey.
But listen. As wondexa. as your present
Buick is—we can name at least five'good
reasons why you should look into a 1957
Buick. Five good reasons why you should
try this dream car to drive -today.
Read 'em—and leap!
Veto Advanced Variable Pitch. DynaJlow is the only
Dyhaflow Buick builds today. Itis standard on. Road -
master, Super and Century --optional at modest extra
cost on the Special.
5 Reasons to She Your
Buick Dealer Today
I. Today s INSTANT Dyiaatterr*-Response 1 Whew I
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2. Brilliant Vi Power on Tap -This big engine blends
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3. Zestful New "Nests"'Aide-Take Buick s'traditionaI
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4. Unique Ball -Joint Needling and New Braking -Makes
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Puts braking on the levet. (And Buick.s powerful now
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S. Suave Low-Sweip Styling—Clean, crisp, classic Iltes
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We're Giving Awa!
GREEN CARNATIONS? They're the, prettiest flowers you ever saw! Made up of 10 beautiful .$1.00 bills. See them
on display . di 1 in our window. 'VVe re •giving them 'away during our First Birthday Celebration to say "Thank You"
for your generous patronage. Come down to get your "Green Carnation" right now! , .
Thursday, July 25 to Saturday August 3 '
Free $10.Catriation
With Every Firth Bros,
.Made -to -Measure, -Suit
Suede Jackets
Selling At Cost Price! -
E's tjie gospel truth! As a special feature of thisanniversa'y sale, we're selling these beautiful
Suede Jackets at exactly what they. Cost us. To
prove it, we'll show you the invoice front our
Terrific B�rgains
Throughout 'The Store!
Our "Whale of a Sale" was a success but it won't
compare with this 10 -day anniversary celebraw
tion, The bargains are nothing short, of stnpend-
OW.We can't list them here—come See them in
aur windows.
Free $1O carnation
With Each Of Our Better
-wear Suits
1en't and Boys' Wear