The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-25, Page 3li
Town Topics
Items of Soeiel and personal Inttereet iie and Around *motor
'tea ureter a•tm4au^,,k0000g, tt4>} prealked to xiuhitlta. tkeift Remo.
W :44 oar rgudeir* aro i trraMted iii Talk snit souk lrir4i¢!t. rhetae SO.
Mrs. Malcolm Kirkland, Kitels Major W. E. ;dills .of Camp
i Mans Mrs. Sills and
,tiler, spent .Last cheek. with iHr. Slrlah, It.a
Ind Mrs, James Kirkland. family visited last week with
Mrs. Anna Westlake, Wyom^ t Mr..and Mrs. C. E. Acheson.
ng; Air. W. Sandercott, London, { Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Coates
and Mr. Gus Swenson, Tpledo, and Wiln?ma motored to Mt. Clem -
Ohio, visited on Monday with, ens, Mich. and visited on Sun^
liar. and Mrs. William rasa- • day with Mr. .and Mrs.. R. li,
»ere. l Doherty and Denise,.
Mr. and Mrs.. B. W. F. Beavers . Miss. 'Margaret Vickers of
it'ere in Preston over the week-+ Drumheller; Alberta, visited w it
anal having, received a phone , bei .aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs.
Message Friday that Miss Allie ! Emerson Cornish and other rel-
Eacrett, formerly of 1+x.eter, lead I atives in Exeter..
#alien and fractured her left 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rowe spent
hip She is confined to Kitehener• • the weekend at Lucknow, Con -
Waterloo, Hospital. stance and Heather 1t4acKenFie
b `Mr. Beverley iar-' spending two weeks with their
companies' Y It
Aro Accidents �,�'i7ei� Do Heavv WOrk
Bring Damage
Dentages arztotteted to $1.000. F
• Da Construction,z
One.Third Done
ave two cars. collided ort the
hn .: Kenyon
• rrisair a ,
rs for the
o And t o
b tri
xne � '
e tisborne t
boundary between bu y
1Bbbert townships Monday.
Pearce Construction Co., °con
midst, tkl4r
h s as kith;, been re' said i°edaes4a #h doh Is dose a Jaldersmat
most of the hand , end of the gauntry is sugar spas, e P o. ne-thlxd i hitched. Mr. and
Police d John Ste ave Women do zna i. b i a art pened ,and axe attracting t ur tp being o and
, o
a ice sat a n # in conpl^ eats Some versa grams � Concrete kis progressing#
intersection ,a•this,, .., ...
• , n.din .of- too or beets. is 1100 pawn s per
- 'structure will ' e finished
Ives headed north, No •ane ryas }facer of RCAF Station s ". , were ounds/. to,
bread costs fie week: ; weekend de-.
injured: tvhn"spent the, past three, Y+~ars Czechoslovakian taimtn p Rants aver the
ti Ce,ntralla { as Canada's •air _attache an ibis i revealed in. an interviews with kilo, Wool: yarns goods ell alma laved the, work. RCAF a�t e o tion- small country of :eastern Europe, Phe Times•Advocate Fxiday, one r.5t1O to.6ao hound• a One official .estirriated the :dam
Monday, a Department i Na i m o over RCAI< Gar requires 2700 pounds. will e be completed be#ore the
l driven b Aon- travels is throughout the ,week after he took v ll p
al 1�.efence vehic e . Y Tn his a e • r /C A, The eopte seem, reasonably the ear.
.aid S. Butler aceidentaily backed ,•nation, the air force officer ab- � Station Centralia, from ,G/C
as• + cantent,p according to the RCAF end of year.
r e.n
e European ' sinned t preturned
nd p
e Ica -
v small Nn " t Brit -
i is m B.
a o
, r v t
Men. " ecbsla aka Lox trip M 1 C .mo . p
d '1- on
i c i
t' � r a
r_ h from flatlet told frolics he was ty harvesting by ba a ted their haat ;100 miles long and 200 wife were in Prague,,lhetr barn
ing to get the car into low gear the tractors and operated a • dren went #o school in Switzer- ish Columbia with her uncle and
and, when it wouldn't go. started ,farm machinery. utiles north to •south, Located,. Airs. Kenyon and the clad :aunt, 11r.• ;anrl Mrs. ll a 1 p h
ltl Land
inovin e Alth y r tnvi ed ie an
e put it into reverse his foot •
h p
It, , x Il4snsall, who was travel- t labor on state arms w' � -the eastern end, the rats, front .Ceriatany prinoipa .yr: .. pilSre a tvpr. , • a? �Chic4t4n,
t to at the , st relip lied Czechoslovakia, gran n
t failed p l became f the laborer well 'Wing wails have been cam- '..
ling east, o s !says Ca taut A. C. sen•' crap is chiefly cereal ecause Average wage or 49
and hit a car driven who
4xroup p t d x month Meat pleted an alis -e ton floor' oaf the
by William txnviei Sfa#fa who van CD, new caxntrra g GIC Kenyon observations n casts 60 to 7A pounds a lira
Centra�a i
into a car owned by Cpl. 1•f, Cal- served that it wa& the wives M. Cameron, AFC, , st o#fiver.
vert cousin UO9 damage. did the lioektg. planting et on and his Carol Iiagarth
g who e G/C K i v
atom When visit next to Poland it is completely e a rew Hewitt, of isltngtan.
t sift ar u •ta d And it
h 1t d
" t 15
g L'1"
l h
e tile clutch.
slipped off ki
Mr. Wayne 1Ttielsh Exeter. ac returned hams with thein atter tb l ogre. h
drive eettan with No. .133, .ears vllages. Machinery Pools were f /C Kenyon noticed some a m
in a tri to the • grandparents, driven by Allain Dixon, London, l otted all over the countryside- provement in the •econctrnic eon- In anent
achine overtatafter
xis, 13ensalli left for.a, A gr p d
-talcin in the Cal- Mrs. Murray Marsh and dough- and Murray Johnston, Clinton, in t Stores, he ,+ The accident accir~red in front
Stampede on the they. I er of London are spending a collided on � hursdaY, June 20.
Although state farms, G1 ' dominated by Russian commun. dren.
returning to Canada by 14. V. 1logarth received 12
of 1 . a
Wednesday i hs
tea sin.
Kenyan said they :appeax'ed haat .,and they at til dock in New ',stitches h fell head•fixst onto
pave -
sw n e
No, e ie
�e a
i i.e e
he n u s three y
so . a t tern tin hi
' r uh f 1)
1 h va t quer g No.
110, 2 lit Y, e u,f 1 22,
On sir h ado u
g hYork n y
vet q'iF r after
i hwa
im- ent of $3 h g y
Almost all the #ar:rntng.
Cxechoslovaltia is controlled lay
onthe ..
manymore automobiles}
the he #
roads whentilts s S n �a S
he ev arrived. also a boat trip up the Thousand
Development t meet of the country`, is Officials of the Department of islands.
geared to five.yearectivplans which public Works. London, would
includes objectives for agricul- make no comment Wednesday
iural production. Czechoslovakia
concerning the awarding of a w
is completely socialized•—every- contract for dredging of the'i
one works for the government.. mouth of the Ausable river at
dations of the country, x ,
said, were offering more rotary "" of the farm of William Snow.
items for sale and there were B ro Air. and Mrs. Clifford person
Mrs. William Mair returned Few days with the former's par- Dixon, .travelling north, made a t the government. "There are only
Airs. J. L. Kydd. left hand turn toward a lineway few who are carrying on
Londorirooa SWednet. saay of Hospital, , enMr. Mr. and Mrs.r Alex Love of i antrinta the path of Johnston who 1 invidual enterprises," said G/C
week, I Moosejaw, Sask. were .recent' was. travelling south.
Mr.. W. I. Floyd, who was visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd I Peter Grldzak,. nine-year-o-year-oldKenxon;
Principal crop in the western
manager of the Bank of: Mon• Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grid•
treat in Exeter from 11142 to i Air. and Mrs, E. A. Moffatt, zak, Kippen, escaped with minor •
1946 and manager of the main Ipatrioia and, David, London, leg bruises when he was hit by
at London since 1949• is spent the weekend with their a car near RCAF Station Cen- Over 5,000
retic ng in.the interests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L, tripe Saturday night,
health. Mr. Floyd has been with Kydd .arid Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Peter was outside the store of
Farm is encouraged by Grand fiend,
the bank for 3a years. t Moffatt, Kippen. his grandparents, Air. and Mrs,ta youth is work. for newwould.
E G Evans of Clark Mrs, Gordon Eagleson, Sarnia, ,"Pop" Watson, when a car, which higher wage Although authorities
Tits, neither confirm or deny it, it I -
ton Ontario° returned to her Is spending Several days with had• been, parked •nearby, rolled Iiirkton Community Association industries being develeay by ears the prospects for coin-
. _ t her Mr, and Airs. Frank down a slight incline and hit the ked in iia largest Association
ever the Communists. Boys leave the app
summer cottage parents,1
1 d ni ht 17 for farm serve pleting the work this year are
not ' nearly as bright as'they
were earlier in the summer.
Only one firm.—Dean .Construc-
than Co., Belle River tendered
on the job and the department
felt its price was too high. It
began negotatcons with the coin -
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindenfieid
took a motor trip last week to
the St. Lawrence Seaway and
Wednesday July• its totwo years in the
twelfth annual garden party. army and usually become foe -
Entire seatingare. accommodation tory workers when they dis-
As military air attaehe in the
Canadian embassy in Prague,
G /C 'Kenyon's primary interest
was in the armed services of
Muskoka O11 Tuesday of lastCosten. a
week after ' spending several: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schiesiel He was taken to South Huron
h herother, Mrs A.,, of A.lmeda Saskatchewan, visit- hospital for x-rays but no bones
days with zea , {eel over ,tire weekend with
Mr, were brokn. provided by the Spon _r
E. Ferguson. i and Mrs- Frank Lostell ° and , ppp Constable Ceeii Gibbons filled with spectators and bun;
Sunday* visitors with Airs. Wm. f ell investigated the four accidents. dreds stood to watch the show.
Ytlair and Airs, A. E. Ferguson, al J. McKenzie of StratfordMrs, Robert 1i:aeburn, Ilensali,
there Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mar-, has been vacationing at the was involved in a double rear -
chant Weston Ont and ]firs.home f Mr.,and Air Frank + d collision near Elginfield Men -
Estimated attendance was over
5,000, tear and :professional
Mildred. Lloyd and . daught osteli:o i day in which damages amounted vaudeville talent kept the crowd
Sheila of Schomberg. Ontario. 1 Dr R. 0. Hodgson,'Mrs. Hodg-to 5370. Other cars were driven clapping and laughing for some
Miss Meta Salter is holiday -
son and family of Saskatoon I by Donald MacKinnon, Kincar- five hours, Weather conditions
beg this week in Wingharn and have been visiting with Mr. and dine and Joseph Trowsdale, St. were 'Ideal for the evening. pro-
Eeaforth. • ' •iMrs W. IL Hodgson and family, Thomas. gram.
Exeter and other relatives in Features of the all-star Pro
r--4�district, were, two TV -
the ,�... t
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Ottewell f
Phan 1 �� !
famous sets of slaters—the gor-
and family spent the weekend Police rev Beaus Hansen gals with
with the latter's parents, Mr,
violins and the re
' and Air;;. Fred C. Bach, at their
"C t
fo� cottage at Inverhuron Beach, N.Nets Results
Mrs, Arthur Frayne, Carling
Si is "getting along very nice- •There's ample evidence to
rq,}unnouN}Itlpll,fn t,ltttttnulinu t,t1,lII,4
Stops Groin
insects For A
Whole Year •
Spray Sint With'
4.- •
to kill insects
f. in cracks and
Treat New Grain With
Mixes easily with new grain
as it is binned—protects it
from grain insects for a
whole year without
hou or affect-
ing milling.
value. '
It costs about . 20 a bushel
it does to fumigate.
Phonal 287
ly” in South Huron Hospital prove that the police crackdown
where she is being treated for ni Grand Bend last summer has
injuries to her foot wit be- resulted in a much more law -
came caught in a power avower, abiding resort this year.
Severer toes were amputated. The provincial police detach -
Higgins is visiting for Ment reports that numbers of
two weeks rn, Woodstock with charges laid this ,summer is
his aunt' and uncle, Mr, and down at. least 60' per cent from
'Mrs. N. B. Norris and ,cousins,
last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eagles, At Monday's court, for ex -
Mrs, 3. A. Traquair left Wed -
ample, there were only 14 cases
nesday evening by plane for Cal- on he docket before Magistrate
gary owing' to the serious illness ]' C Dunlap, Sarnia. Last year,
of her daughter'(Dorothy) Afrs.
John Christie.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grassick
and . family spent last week at
the cottage in Green. Acres.
Grund Bend.
Miss Iris Tomlinson, London,
' spent the weekend at her home
Mrs. Richard Arbuthnott, Kil-
larney, Man. is visiting with her
uncle and •aunt, Mr. • and Mrs.
Robert 'Pinney. •
Attending the funeral of the
late J. Willis Powell were Mr.
. and
Mrs. MT. rs. Alison Brown,Mr. and M s.
William Carroll, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Semis and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Dixon, all of
Sarnia'; Mr, 'and Mrs. Elmer
Holpin, Mrs. B. Markham, Mrs.
H. Miller, Miss Sandra Miller,
Mr. T. G. J. Watson, all of Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hooey, ' Kincardine, Mrs. A.
Fowles and Miss Donna Powles,
St. Thomas; Mrs, E. B. Powell,
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Powell,
Mr, John Ardiel, Mrs. Walt Mar-
and daughter, London Township.
1.41 it I mnuutbnwntiuuunitilttnilf mF
entralla Leader
At US Jamboree
1.loycl Egan, 16 -year-old Queen's
a headed
Hames singers who perform on
Kenyon, differs from that in
oun rY Canada. because it's designed for
Other pro stars included Betty a different purpose. While Can -
Feist, Canadian baton•twirling ada aims at long-range inter -
tons without a3litigeinga flaming
1 ception, the Czechs are building
for front-line defence.
Although -movement was not
restricted throughout the coun-
try, G/C Kenyon said the ac-
tions of , at the Canadian
embassy weree'watcl ed frequent-
ly by police.
Besides developing, industry
and mining, the nation, is be-
ginning to promote the tourist
business it once had•at, its famous
the country. 1 piny but apparently they hay
Public displays of military • not been successful yet,
strength were made on two ne-
rasions duringthe year — the '
May 9 liberratidn, parade and theCountyCouncil
nation's Air Force Day. During
the latter display, the Czechs
flew several hundred. MIGS, Bus -Enjoys Outing, •
sian jet -fighters, and' about '25 ideal • weather brought about
jet bombers. 160 people to the annual Huron
The Czech air force, said G/C County Council picnic Thursday
afternoon. The outing was held
at Harbor Park, Goderich.
The results of the various
races and contests are: under
five, boys, Don Becker, Randy
Becker; girls, Ruth M clod y,
Elaine Berry; under seven, beats,
Russell Stewart, Bill Ratz; girls,
Susan. Berry, Catherine Dale;
under nine, boys, Frank Stratton,
Charles Becker; girls, Sylvia
Thompson Mary Eckert; under
11, boys,.' 'toy Deveraux, Wayne
Raiz; girls, Diana Dale, Glen
Jewett; under 13, boys, L. Dever -
aux, Wayne Ratz; girls, Diana
Dale, Glenn Jewett.
Women's bean race, Mrs. Wil-
liam McKenzie, Mrs.
Berry; women's timed walking
race, Mrs. D. Erskine. Mrs. B.
Hill; c oat. n t y, councillors. and
wives clothes pin race, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ratz; women's kick the
slipper, Diana Dale, firs. A, H.
Erskine; thread the needle, Mr.'
and. Mrs. 'Wiliam McKenzie, Mr.'
and Mrs. W. Jewett; county'
councillors timed walking race,
M. • D. Lister. B.Parrish, M. Harper: • supper
Oct,, 1948—Wing Commander 'daw, Mrs. Earl Campbell. Mrs.
Van Camp, DFC. • John Graham, 78, wife of the
May, 1949—Group Captain New- Goderich mayor, was the oldest
son, DSO, DFC. person present. and John Mur -
Nov. 1, 1951—Group Captain ray Graham, three and one-half
Norma Davis, blonde Buffaloccoms
dienne; Miss '' eggy-
hillbilly singer; and Billy Meek,
the popular comedian from To-
ronto who's. probably played the
Kirkton show more often than
any other artists except the
community's own Paul, brothers.
The Pauls, Lee and Gerry,
emceed both shows..
Willner. of the popular amateur
he heard as many as 50 to 60 ° contest was handsome young
,•' xi
�. tit
o A
cion, tis
sec Lar
Charges during a ry ,
"Things have definitely settled Clarence Lewis, of Granton. He C e n t r a l i a CO's
down to what they have been. in received $15 for his rendition of
recent years," says OPP Cpl.1 "Yours Is My Heart Alone."Lar- I From 1945 5 O n
Neil Chamberlain. r:Y p red third in last year's -00n- Nevi 8, 1945—Group Captain N.
Ito1Zert A. Bruno, Halifax, was test. .
fined $75 and costs for impaired Cute little' Scottish singer, Sha- I S. A. Anderson, AEC.
driving, . ron Strong of Seaforth, captured 1 Feb. 15., 1946 --Squadron Leader
Willard Brown, London, paid second prize and $12 for her song, i J,A , Edw r 7, -D C,,
a fine of 525 plus court costs of , She s The Lass For Me." '
Command -
US when he was convicted Impersonations of TV stars in. ' ar, D. E. Galloway,
of careless driving on June 26. eluding . Ed Sullivan, Ed Norton. April 14, 1947—Group Captain
Brown's ear drove into the Jack won third and 'Elvis
r Pres. D
Wonder Grove penny arcade, ley, Lender of hillerton, Scottish elan•
smashed through the back of the err. Sharon. Ann Grube, Wing -
benches and. by la row of ham, placed fourth.
benches used roller -skaters. A dancing trio from. Kirkton —
One. girl was treated in hospital
for injures,
Brown -pleaded not guilty to
the charge,
Scout at Huron Park, Centralia,
is attending the international jam-
boree in Valley Forge, Penn., this
Over 45,000 boys are attending
tend ng
the 10•day camp
Troopmaster at Centralia,
Lloyd recently received his Bush -
man's Thong, one of the highest
awards in Scouting. He helped
finance his trip to Valley' Forge
by baby sitting, delivering and
six mnnother. odd jobs for
tribution from the Centralia
grotip conimittee.
L !lnttli{Illtttl 1 !
�iNtl�nstltttllultpinq}InllutUlltnu W 11111111}INI}InInu1111R,it1lnlp,10,1,1111111111I IUtl,11ltllllllilll/1/1111nnllN4
Front End Alignment .
Wheel Balance
Is A Must For Your Carl
Birino 1t In Today(
Comments • About
(Intended For Last Week) '
The July liieeting of the Wom-
an's .Missionary Society was held
at the hone of Mrs, Sarah Scott
with eleven members present.
Mrs. Scott presided.
Mrs. Moore had charge of the
Study Book chapter on Formosa
and was assisted by Mrs. F. Al-
len, Mrs. T. L. Scott; Mrs. T.
Laing, Mrs. Houghton and Mrs.
Grace Scott. Mrs. K. McKellar
led in the dedicatory prayer.
A splendid topic on the life of
Dr, James Robertson, ,who was
the first secretary of missions
for the Presbyterian Church in
Western. Canada, was - given by
Mrs, Calder McKaig, and cur-
rent events by Mrs. F. Harburn.
PersOnal Items
for .en
$144 AND UP
Tbo I!
Work Shoos
Men's and oye
$4.951 And: Up
f�,EA,THER & RUI1110R
Phons 252 • bat
Marshall, Sharon Stone and W V1r' Bean OB'E, CD.
Shirley Ifern -- captured fifth ,Aug., 1J54 --Group Captain A.
prize, They performed in pretty
blue costumes.
Other amateurs in the contest
included singers Billy Hall, St.
Marys; Donna Baker, S.S. 3,
Blanshard; Marjorie Donaldson,
Clandebaye; Gayle Atwell, S.S.
13, W. Nissouri; dancing numbers
by Cheryl Little, Hensall; Sharon
and Shirley McLeod, Kintore;
Gayle Monteith, a
t 'th Harlington; Joan
The C,G.I.T. girls, with their
leader, Mrs. M. Ltntniond, at-
tended the play,, "The Ten Com-
mandments," in London, on
Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace Sugar And Spice.
and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace — Continued from Page 2
Thomas ing out the clothes. It's muchattended the, funeral of Mr ace at Startford on
i a foot of snow, whenyou're beer,
Mt. and Mrs. Howard Eves,
Dennis aHyl Gladys, of Moose -
jaw, Sask., arrived here on Wed•
nesday to spend a few weeks
with. Aire, Eves' parents, Mrs.
T. Laing and many other rola-
M. Cameron, AFC. CD.
July 12, 1957•=Group Captain
A. G. Kenyon, CD,
Drain Case
Stilt Going
and Eleanor Fitzsimmons, S.S. Engineers have been testifying
7, W. Nissouri; a modern jazz in defence of the Ausable water -
piece by Karen Moore, Rannoch; shed municippalities being sued
Jack H g
and an accordion solo by
McPherson, Thamesford.
Adjudicator was Francis Dan-
iels, London, who also judged the
preliminary contest when 97 chil-
a#rom 32 spot on theools gard nmparty
Committee in charge. of this
for $375
meier in004 by Dr. L G the drainage hearing at
G Col. cS Wwh. bald,
eh Archis s London
engineer, said Tuesday he had
Made an intensive study of all
the drains emptying into the Aus-
able River" and that in his opin-
ion. the McCubbin drain efficient_
year's show included Mrs. T. A. ly carries allthe water for wine
Crago, convenor; Mrs. Fre
Switzer and Mrs. Gerald Patti.
President of the community as-
sociation, which Is composed of
representatives from all groups
of the community, is Fred Swit-
zer. •
Proceeds will assist in the de-
velopment of tlieThames
ley -
Authority pnorth
Chiefed ,
}ilffliilatilt'iitiYtfilfitttittit ulttittitimatainitttitliftu Natalia.imuluomitimmul ttbuiumuuttutitti}
1 . r
Mrs., Jack Cockwell and daugh-
ter, Neva, and Mrs. Garnet
Cookwell, ,Dashwood. visited on , The only one who suffers is
Stan lay with Mr. and Mrs. Ottd Dear Old Dad. Summer is some -
Walker, what of ,a nightmare for me. A
Dow returned home
David Chappel and Bruce rsewspaper is not published• by
on 'Tuesday some sleight.•of-hand m e t h o d,
frons Camp 133tnrni, where they even in a summer resort area.
spent the past week., But you have 10 cope with. people
Mr. and Mrs. J. heckler and on their holidays, and there is a
son.. Barry, Zurich,. visited on• steady procession of 11'100 S from
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Don• the city who want you to knock
aid Seott, • off and coins have a beer; re -
Mrs, 14irs. Catharine 'Haltingarea#;• tired printers', former re
siden ,
ed the pupils of Grade 7 and 8 and tourists Wanting to know
of No, 6 School to an evening's what trine Maas is Sunday.
entertainhtent at the Shake.
speariarl l+estiva1 play "gam- between these interruptions,
let'.' an Thursday evening. and the toll taken by Cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean'
and family, Cargill, visited eat
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cid
Mt._ and .' Mrs, Alen: ltamsey
Ind Mr. and firs, JamesKim-
sey visited an Sunday with i4tr.
and Mrs. 3. Sorensen, George-
Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert Lain
were guests at the marriage of
lids. Laing"s brother, Mr. d'ohn
jeffersott, of Sault Ste. A1arie,
to MiSS Norirla Hall, Of Eche
Bay, which took place in the ttayer5. Titin t"nt going to fialC,
Anglican Church at Echo Bay. I my holidays find go home and
Saturdays 1 sleep for a week.
more simple to 'rattle up peanut
butter sandwiches and milk than
to prepare a hot dinner. And in -
Stead of hounding kids about
piano practice, clean faces and
shined shoes, she just turns them.
them tall,h the
Ma baby
let's her leak after them,
is was designed.
W. B. McGeorge, Chatham en-
gineer, testified that drainage in-
stalledin the area had been de-
signed to carry off artificial
waters and not. toprevent flood-
ing of Mr. 1•lagmeier s farm.
Mr. McGeorge said that lake
water levels had a definite bear-
ing on flood conditions in the
Ausable River- area. He said that
there is a minimum and maxi-
mum difference in lake levels of
between five and six feet which
would have a direct influence on
the rate of flow from the Ausable
river area.
A professional engineer said
Friday the best plan to 'prevent
:flooding similar to that which
damaged; Dr. L. G. llagmeter's
property would be to erect a
dam on the .Ausable :River at
Parkhill or some other point in
the river's upper reaches.
H. B. Todgbam, d Chatham,
a civilengineer who has been
engaged by McGillivray and. Bo-
eanauet townships to investigate
flood conditions in the area,
testified an behalf of the de-
fense. He was asseciafed with.
MCCubhin 1 rigineering, Windsor,
which .designed drainage work in
McGillivray Township.
months, was the youngest.
parties, swimming Jaunts with ason;" Air,"odghaitt said.
the kids, the knowledge that there reHe said the portion of the
are Still ashes in the cellar and
storm windows to come; off and river :hove T)ttvil's Islbow shows
wifilcing nights tit catch rip, It a considerable amount of clic.
little wonder that I'M just one repair but itt the, upper reat-hes
big nervous tie by the end of of ttie Sera e River and. birdJuiy. Creek, the drainage work is in
* at >F ; a god state tff repair.
When Labour Day comes, I'nr The drains • that had been
going to be tip at the gate's at Constructed, he etntinutd would
the entranca to town, with a. big tint materially affect flooding of
happy grim. ort my fade, wavitig the degree that damaged. Dr.
a gar goodbye to the Jolly Mb- jti`eperty, rather. he
added, .they had been -designed
top4ourthant tedle nach ,�brrttalaarfloodr,
ing which 1.
Why is the .telephone still working, Mummy?
Its most unusual when a storm affects your
telephone. • It's reassuring to know that it
has a habit of staying on the job.
The reason is that your telephone operated .
fronmbanks of giant batteries in the telephone
exchange. Should power go off for any rea.
son, these are charged by a Diesel motor
standing by for just such an. emergency..
So the uninterrupted service you enjoy is
no accident. It takes forethought, ectuip-
resent --and money.Ali are necessary ifyou
are to have the best possible telephone
service 24 hours a. day.
Sam, Other Cause
Mr~. Todgham said he would
have difficulty in designing .a.
drain to benefit the area with-
out costs becoming prohibitive.
He added that the gmtiler
'property is sit feet abbve the
level of l:,ake Tturon and said
he did net think the state of
disrepair en the .Ausable caused
the •:floods In 'their entirety.
"There itrtist, be some, other
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