HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-23, Page 2the Gimped to Preemie Perls, bas far u
respects Upper Canoe,
6. Two or three h..lrad c(orglmes leo-
Mg to Upper C•..d., in the modal of their
coagregatrusy and r.crevie( the greater
perison of ibmte 'roan from the f.a'" de-
posited in Om country newt attach still
uien Intimale!, the popelattoe of the colo-
ny to the parent slat.. Their to 6ueoce
would gradt►.Uy .pe..d. They weld re-
fuse tato the iababsiule a lose .d iteltag
entirely English • and acquiring by degrees
the direction of education which the Clergy
of England have always poa..•ed, the very
first feelings, sentiments and opimws of
the youth must become Bnu.h.
1 bare. vac.,
Cl.rgyma Towe.4pe. lath .r Serrise
J./immure, Cwawalt, Noor C'h, Res.
J.O. Wetpro, i W,lhamebeisb,8m'I C'n, Reg.
I Orwbergh, 8w'I Coe, Reg
Martld., (k'1
F. Myer', Edward.b.rgh,ftp. 1 Cie, Reg
Mr. Blaney, Newel I, Nest C'h Reg
J. Weaken', Brock.ille, Church, Res.
Mr. Elora, R•,tard, 8w'1 C'b, Reg.
Yore, Oc•I
Perth, Cb bldg, Reg
2 Lanark,
Reheard, Ch bldg, Reg.
Kissing, Church, Reg.
Nary Pout, Ch bid's, Reg.
Bah, Church, Reg.
Napier Mille, Oc'I
Ferderi .kab'gh. Ch bld'g,0e'I.
Job Dracut),1 Adolphus Town. Church, Reg.
f Hallowell, Ch bid'(, Oe'1.
T. Campbell, Belleville, Church, Reg.
Mr. Grier, 11rad of the Bay, Ch tch, Reg.
1.di. a Vines', Church, Oc' I.
( Haadimad,
W. Meander,Cuboe,1, Cheh, Reg.
Mr. Armour,;
Peterborough, Reg.
1, Prat Iloyo, Church, Oc'I.
J. Thomp.o., Crag, Church, Reg.
Whitby, °e'1.
Are. Brachia, York, Cb.reb, Res.
Dr. Phillip", Yap Stre t, Church, Oe'1.
Pardy'. Mills, Cb bldg, 041.
Dr. Tinny, Newouket, Ch bid's, Oe'L
Clerpma. a
Cothran, new Markham, Chore!". Reg.
.der c.asid- Embr oho, C'b b'It, Oe9.
Tomato, C'► ►'h, Oct
Mr. Harris,
Mr. Barr,
Arch. Starr,
Chaplain to
the Navy,
J. Stoughta,
R f.amieg, Anteater,
A. Bethune,
R. Addter,
M►. Greet,
Mr. Leeds,
W. Lionise,
Ch.nh, Re,.
Cherish, Reg.
• Church, 0.'!.
Indian Village, Church, Oc'I.
Grimsby, Church, Reg.
Niagara, Cbareb, Reg.
Queenstown, Chortle, Reg.
8t. Catherime, Church, 0.'1.
Chippewa, Chetah, Rog.
Short Hills, 0.'!.
Fort Erie, Clough, Reg.
Loo( Poi.t, Cb ►Id'ge Oo'L
Mr. Moreley, Indian Village, Oc'1,
Kettle Creek, Cbareb, Reg.
Port Talbot, O.9.
Leaden, Cb bld'g, 0.1.
River Thames, Oa'!.
5 Sandwich, Church, Reg.
Chatham. Chinch, Reg.
)Amheritb.rgh, Cbarcb, Reg.
t New rtMenne t, Chereh, Oct
WC . 1 I Lutheran soder considera-
tion. 58 places where there is regular or once -
Menial rriee, eIciser. of frequent Margin ta-
kes be the Mirsidberies to the mew ',Wetness
i■ their neighborhood. 45 Churches, 10 of them
building, and other" commencing at 111001 of the
places when occasional Trice w performed.-
31 regular Parishes, 27 service oceasionally.
And assuming as appp.U.gon of the Pessiybry
sf tie (.malas, jet Raring no Coa.scnon
mit M..Kir qj 3ut(e.d.
Mr. M.l•taeh,
lb. Sherr
Iffy. Ralph,
(Educated principally at Glas-
gow, ordained is Ireland by the
J. Joker,, ( Byeod of Ulster, preached at
1 Cornwall andO•tabugb,Esat-
(er■ District.
Sent out to this country as a
1 Miutooary by semi Soucy in
Wm. Strom, ( London, sealed in Brockville,
1 Johnstown District, said to be
(an excellent yang man.
Educated in Scotlud, ordained
William Bell, among the Dina/stars hem rhe
Established Kirk, settled at
(Perth, in Bathurst District.
Ordained in the U. Stains. set-
tled to the Bay of Quito, , Mid -
led District; bas ro :d•did to
kiln Proviso/ may years
Ed.cated priseipally as Glas-
].gnw, admitted at Licentiates by
the Syeorl of Ulster.
Ordained to the United Butes
for the pupa." of ,midi.(
Wm J.okiu, among ib. Iodises; came lately
into 11a Province, agd settled
.io Markham. ,
(11.. bre about rest year"
1 to the Perigee, ad f. titled
Jahn M'Keexie ( at Wtlh•m.towe ea Mioieser
of a part of the lie• R,,. Joh*
( Bethune'. coogregatio•.
H. has not Dees semen year, in
l the Province, grad ie soured at
John b1'L•urin ( Loeblel as Moser of mother
f part of the Tate Rao .1. 8e-
1 Scsi.'. eagreptios.
Cornwall, Erten' Dinriet-Vacant. Kiep-
town, Midland Dievict-Vacant.
" Ae the Methodist" ere no settled Clergy-
men, it has been fond difficult t} sweeten the
anmb, el Noonan employed, bit it is memo -
ed to be ewwdersbte-p.rhap. Ins twenty ID
thirty ,. the wink Procne. Or from Eer-
le.d, moiled at Kimptot, appears to be a very
✓ pertw prem. The other deenrnigatire have
tory Ilew Trsehera end those teeniest' eery so.
n ewest. Oe. of the two remeion' Clergymen
fa eenseetia ern the Chereh of Stotler hu
applied to be admitted tam the Establielad
Archbishop Ainehan did not condos hie
trppheationa to the Colonial (Mice, but
b►aght all *arta of erynmenta to hoer with
ell aorta of people, who could in any way
• , I him in ,►ties g his end -the monopoly)
of the Ree.rvee fir the Gnnrch of Enema,
sol the estebliehtiteet in Canada of an ex
elusive High Church University, aro permed
from the patella pun.. He pebhah.d in
i.ondon. a pamphlet entitled, " An Appeal
R. McDonall,
fur the euchre, beseAe of the ladies
tnbee !
lk. Streebea'e machreattose were ,.for-
luaately toe sese.sdal. He 'Mimosa a
Royal Charter, swtarwd aexclusive is
ib. ►igbdegree.
..1 for the UMvereliy el
R'M'. CO*" with as emdewommt el
915,00* acres, tabs from the public school
leads( the Proviso*, and i Iu00 a year t.
comb! sixteen yeere ! He also induced
the Imperial Governmest to pass • bill
autbortsie( the solo of the Clergy Reserve'
eerier email restricuor. But the Impor-
tance of that bill entitles it to publicata
"An Acr uf the Imperial Parliament, pard
Acne. Septum° and Octavo Georgii 1,
Regio. Chap. le.
"A+ Ace to authorise the sale of a part of
the Clergy R in the Proviace• of
Uprer and Lower Canada -9 July, 18(7.
'• Whereas by an Act prised in the slot
year of the reign of bre lata Majwety King
George the Third, intituled, '• As Act to
repeal certain parts of an act pitied to the
1 tib year of his Majesty'. Reign, 'intituled,
' An Act for making effectual provision' fur
the G••reromeot o(.th. Proviso. of Qm.bec,
in -North America's(' to make further pro -
roma for the Goarnmeat of the said Pro-
vince,' " it is among other thugs enacted,
THURSDAY. MAY 117, 1850.
that it "hall and may Se Iawlul far his-
rMajesty, bla heirs or successors, to autho-
rise the Governor or bailment Governor
Wench of tin Pewees" of Upper Canada
sad Lower Canada rpec!ively, or the per-
eaeon almi.,.termg the Governors' thorns,
to make, from and out .1 the lands of the
Crown witbie • eh Provinces, stack allot
moat and appropnation of hada as tberclo
menranred for the sepport and maiatesmee
of a Protestant clergy within the game; and
wens further ,.acted, that all •d every
the rents, profits, or emoluments which
might at any time arise from such lands so
allotted and appropriated u aforesaid, should
be applicable solely for the muetenaoe. and
support of a Protestul Clergy within the
Proruc. to -which the time should be
situated, sad to no other purpor whatever:
and whores" to persuasca of the oath Act
.such 'Rottman and of land
as aforesaid, have from use to time bees
reared for the purpose therein m.aCon.d,
which lands are knows within the said
Provinces by the game of the Clergy Re-
es/ryes: sod whereas this said Clergy Re-
serves hare to great part remin
aed waste
and usprdocuve, free the wast of capital
to be employed in Use eultivatioa thereof,
and it is expedient to authorise the ale of
certain puts of ouch Clergy Reserves, to
the lutist that the monies arising from ouch
ala may be employed is the improvement
of the rem•i.iag part of the said Clergy
Reserves, or otherwise for the purposes for
which the aid lands are so reserved es
aforesaid; be it therefore *waled by tbm
King's most excellent Majesty; by sad with
the advice sad comsat of the Lords Spirit-
tual and Temporal, Mad Comiooso, in this
mews' Paeltaaat assembled, and by the
authority of the same, that it shall and may
be lawfbl for the Governor and Lie.teout-
Governor, or the officer ad.ioutsnog the
Gr verament of the said Provinces, or stator
of theta, with the consent of the Exocuti,.
Couoeil appointed within ouch Proviso* fey
the affairs thereof, in pursuance of any In-
structions which may be issued to ouch
fioversor, Li.utamnt-Governor, or other
officer as aforesaid, by His Majesty, through
one of hi. principal Secretaries of State, to
sell, alienate and convey, in fes simple, or
for any less 'state or interest, a part of the
said Clergy Reserves in each of the said
Psoriases (not exceeding in either Province
one-fourth of the Rea. within rush
Provine.,) upon, under, and eubjeet to
such conditioos, provisoes, and regulation*,
w Hi' Majesty, by any such Inetruetios u
afonaaid "hall be pleased to direct and ap-
point; provided, the...., that the
quantity of lb* said Clergy Removes so to
be sold u aforesaid io soy ao year, in either
of the said provinces, shall not on the whole
'cooed 100,000 Beres; provided also that
the monies to arise by, or to Si produced
from any such ale or sales, shall be paid
over to ouch officer or officers of His Ma-
j•aty'' reveoum within the @aid Proriocee
reepectivaly, as His Majesty shall be pleas-
ed to appoint to receive the same, and shall
by ouch officer or officers be invested to
the public condi of the United Kingdom of
Great Brilams and !related, in ouch rammer
and form as Hu Majesty shall from time to
time be pleased to direct; provided also, that
the dividends and interest strung from
such public funds, so to be purchased, sball
be appropriated, applied, and dupoeed of for
the improvement of the remains( part of
the said Clergy Reserves, or otherwise for
tbrpurpose for which the aid lands were
.o reserved as aforesaid, and for no other
purpose whatsoever; save only no far u it
my be Dec, .sary to apply the Gane, or any
part thereof, in or towards defraying the ex-
penses of or attendants upoo any sueh Gale
or gales as aforesaid; and which appropria-
tions shall be so made in such manner and
form, and for Poch special purpose", as Hs
Majesty from time to time shall approve
and dtreet.
9. And be it further 'matted, that it shall
and may .ba lawful for the Goversor, Lieu-
tenant -Governor, or officer admiawlersn(
the g,verame.t of the said Provinces, with
the torment of soeh Executive Council u
aforesaid, in outsmart of any isetructioas
which may in manner aforesaid his issued
to him, to give sad greet, in exchange for
any part of the said Clergy Reserve., any
laude of and belonging to His Majesty
in the •s4 Proviso.', of equal value with
such Clergy Reserves so to b take* is ex-
change, or to accept in exchange, for any
ouch Clergy Ree -eves, from any persue or
persons, any lands of equal value; and all
lands so take. in unchange for any melt!
Clergy Reserves, .hall be holies by the
Majesty hie heirs and sueese.ers, is trash
for the several purpose, to which the aid
Clergy Reamre are appropriated by the
said Act, we paoeed is the tIet year of the
reign of hie late Majesty King Grego the
Third, or by this present Aet.
('j'. be Mhiru'%)
ware Mr. Altos wee a oerp.o, km wife died
but a short Uma alter him, sed beton 'be
monis( four of the .whir were dead. A
Cueoaer'. layer was bides the bole.
a Moaday the 8th lost', before R. °vs -
dry, Earl., tad a reepectM lm pry, whoa $
verdict w5. r.morded Is amseNaee• with the
above facts. Soon after the Conner had lett
the boor • little ``Irl eine died tem the
effect of the Buaey'., eamal.-Niwcm
Their Exeelleneies the Governor Aeneral
sod Coiner's of Elgin will hold • Lone
✓ ed dawfa(roow •t Elmstey Houle, us
Friday evening text, 94th Imtaal, in humor
of Her Majesty's birth day.-Prerstatone
will eumw.oce at 8 P. M.
Tire mat kart name ease of poison-
ing we ever hard of, ramrod on Sunday
lath, in Walpole neer Janis, wkoreb a
whole Hmtly-a father, mother, and three
to the Friend. of R.legies, in behalfchildren' of the childrewere amOmer nid into
llei.araasy of upper Cause;" he claimed ,...roily. it appears that Nr. Jo@llpb Alm, worm that In will istlgdeee a menet ee the
*.tetania from the Aoeimty for the Prop.- (the father) had sewn rax menthe age set- "ober', aid apped.g it te be a •' Orr Ont
gatiem of the Oempel is Foreign Parts, es filed in thew part of the country, ad a few meagre," and sampan.' Mr. Camera .note
tie resod of luo "karat &ren iesfr,Imes- days pre.oeee to the melancholy aff►ir, he iwtnd.e. It a web, mkt seppealogha
the, Mtoir
rd ie ernidi.hieg w ream in Cawmda, &y had fewd, growing ranm whore dont the res sheer wo re.► u w
which the od.eafiof the Mar pepelaann pleas, • gra.litl of wild parwnipe, whom\ ►. pMm•
Or siims./fy wader th• direction o/ the bre.ffkt boom, and sot b'sg .were eif the. Sir A115. so ma sod ohm Ilea, William
aoarske' sed is be deelisp wit the y effect it wag cooked k epdd all th' coos!? veil Jahe rllierd Cemtlwr 4si tb sea
Church Mi etonary Aoeiety, he netoally se. falsify, exact an ielan'. sol eiK girl shoot of ilia twisty M.Mber, When, medWwo5.
ceded to a proposal for the wtabtiohment I4 yeses of e.g. who was absent at Sender- Tenn is the ferepiag'• mssol*,w /rig
.1 sebeiarehipe sod imitable P. wheel, partook of it. mid two hare after threw the risistry tense eriialtle ___
We have seen a claseiieatio. of Mem-
ber' of the Lower 'loose tate Ministerial -
tote, Cheer Grits, Tories, bed A tion
lets. It se set supposed that the persona
tomu.sed to each eta s win always be
found rotor together, er that the Clear
Grits sad Aneeeattoseeto will oppose the
Muerte', except a qu..tione which do not
equate with thine priaeipl".
Thor marked with as asterisk [•] are
limier*, of which there are 46 is. Flow
of 84 member..
memos. J. Boil►,•
Meru, B. Fliat,
■imerrnat*a. Berrilt,•
Baldwin, D. Theatre's,
Merritt, Jebwor,.
!hacks, Lyon.•
Primo,• Dr. H. Stunk,
Polette, McFarlud,
Tach*, ArM.troag,
Lafontaine,• Locate,
Masdo.aId,• Gh.se y. !Arnett's.
Drommond,• Perry,
Richard.,• Hepktoa,
Ferguon,• Tonal, 21.
Morrison,• -
Jobu,• ?sae.
Guiil*tt, McNeil,
Lemeuix,• Oberwad,•
8avigsoa, W. Booltos,•
Marquis, Cayley,•
Dumas,• J. A. Macdcsald,
Fournier, Seymour,
Rose,• Cryelor,
Cauchoo,• titiv*ara,
Fortier, Badeley,•
Duche*say, • Goey,•
Cbabol,• Sboiw*odl,• Sfneills,
Meting, W. B. Re►tsas,
Cbaveeu,• Comma. J. H.•
Dungeon. Matlock,•
Dr. VV. Nohow,•• ii. Smah, -
Boutillier, W. Dichosa,*
W. H. Scott. Moyjrers,•
Moalgeaei., McLme.,
Fourquia, Cuthbert.
Notes"' Cbnetto,•
Total, 16. Total, (0.-
CL$•a earl. TImiI.
H.J. Boutros,•
Hall. Petdrbore,
Teal, 7.
The following is the tesalt :-
Misi.terialiet. 25
Clear Grits 21
Ne only against .Hiaistera triers
thee oppose "Clear Graf' stem
Wi bees IlaLrued the last sentence af the
foregoing "clarifca.on," which wo cot Irom
the Ne.IA Amerman of the 14th ansust, braes*
we tkiak is ermine an uaeaeeem..te/ much
importaase so the Casadian pr olie. It informs
ug that the " majority apiost Slayers whoa
they *Dion ' Clw Grit' me•erres," will be
M,rswa-sad w• naturally foal iaclie•d to ask
what am " Clear Grit .stare t" W had
her led to believe that t►e priaeiples of Shona
G•atlem*. who are apparently pleased esu► the
swath eegaeaa of "Clow Grit," wore eer-
tau Frost pnaeiplreofpolities] jestir. W pep-
pier that those Gindeueo were malts forward
to ed.eeste the Moate of the Hw.e Signal-
"• Tara eau star erneµ. oleo To era ser
✓ ee.reas wvrara." 1a Awl, we thought they
inured to up the aeee•nty sad the morality of
I .,i•laria for the bm6t of the role p'•pl.,
ad we 'bender trek codas to es needier Myna
bra a yogis* "Ckar Grit " forst Fut • gear -
sr of a estuary ! Bet we mut aekoowlydes
that tin abort " elarrieui.* " bee aumbkd
tum, sad w" bogie to "aspect that err calculators
have Seen e(espo.d y .rre..gu, aid that Clow -
gramma simply some a d.Nrmiasd heuae op-
priuoa to the primer Ministry. W. hope oar
s.pehon ..fan*, ad, is order that we may be
set right ia the more. we shall breis sure the
slew• ops whreb it u faded W. ("Wiggly
edeas that the apprepriarim d the Clergy Re-
serves to pmrpwm of ',meal .tali iy u one Webs
q.oaie.e which we regard ea ironies thegreat
pn.eopk efOmsar Y all -we eem.et regard it as
the int for the a.e.ad q.tit.m of rmperneor so
the aminal and hardense p►e*prny of the ere -
try. bet no w, meenrth.k•s, imliard to leek
span r tee of the "seven*" which every
as Reform, wear wing le een am.esbly intend
-we nog it le a " Clear Orli sees.,.." The
Miserable Malcolm Camera ►se. ahead y iMr
verity 1.r Mt, Carttim5.'s aatf-Clore Ree.r,.
swedes/ No ! We w .N all Mead io tone
5.y @soh ebad seppsaiiise. Tho twee', mere•
bees whew how etaml1.d se Tsetse w chicly
Taira .l the lererewla wheat, and ►.weer,
Mali they m y be opposed t. the moon Ad-
e ruutra use, .bey we erred la o tenfold d.gre
to soy iearfer.ses with the aiaies snas s-
t mt el tie Clergy Retiree. Ague, the gear
used Raremehwat se empbaneauy • " Clea
Grit masare," and s.ppoeing tie hes Member
fee Nodefk .hoer iatredre. a /ill M 11s en -
pees id r.deeug all .slant• d Provirtal 015-
aaale, lay, stony per omit, sed savories that
the Gorenmest "bo.I4 oppose this Bill, are we
then to suppose that the tweet' Tarin, whose
Meads a•d relative* ill at Ilea awo'thi,d. Wall
Om offices of enelumeat in the Proriace, will
awn/ally wppart Mr. Beepers's assesses for a
reductio of solaria, and tbu leave Houten is
a muority of Mirror ► W. could jest u ,ashy
believe that Las mama Mealy Tories would rote
a coaly museums' u 'be political wisdom sad
temerity of the Earl .f Elsie ! The troth ie,
that the Tory niches of the Haw will jot vote
w ith the " Clear Grim" r .rep little trifling
( envies .hen they soppose that the Mfoiatry
cu be embarrassed. Bet ea every question of
real value gad utility -every geatioa calculated
to upset the iniquitoa...d "'drive policy .l
good, .r •sabbres Train. the Tones will jut
.rite lin. Tries- -
Ia this " elasalfie•tiom " ohm. are ne.aty-au
pot dooms' (leer Grits, and we feel tattier to
believe that u awe -Birds Wessel the majority of
tion will rapport the Admioieustir. We have
rhe honer of Mia, p.rsoeally acquainted with a
w amboe ..`these gatleoto., sad or feel eoa6dett
that this borety sed their desire for Canada's
prosperity will precool them from Livia( a fr-
iar ppeei:ia t. Maulers. It may be tear
ibex %key w Mmgaia end estbsdrtie is the
noes ef real psrucal Reform -perhaps they
wish u be lwward, nmd ase iaelia.d to go farth-
er time ib. 0ovorameat : bet tatty ars mouldy
set oe mopid with their alkaaium as to sup-
pose teas their .Ipeeutira et welshes cat beret
Period by defeutag the proal Adeniaistestia
ea q.rat.00 of oeripaaualy hole iwportaao..
Th. Casaba p les bar had ..Sr sot •open-
•'••, ad amen .s cie.l iail!ige.ee to aea-
bl. them se believe tint if they camel obtain
the reins of rattier grie.ataeeo from the Ad-
Moamaa of Rohnt Berwla, they cam scarce-
ly I..h with Free es rarest* to the Tories -
ad however mammy tee Chime Grits may b., we
satyr• them tint their sincerity will met be
reaewd Sao dwebdel u she Riad of Refam.r.,
by their wiring with Sir AUas McNab ad Wm.
CaySy ! Them u sesethiag very wpieioes
Lehi.( is applyla, se them iia 1.. arranee
u the great wart d poprker Raf 's !
We her raid' them remarks simple $e o., -
y et M gat rwadaw'tbe atroag probability that
this " ela..iieatir " sad ibex statement of 'h
*Mess of a Misaity against Ministers wbee
they eppame "Clear Gni ne.uore.," sustain a
nisch larger quantity of whet is vulgarly called
"Cry Mop" them ear be reasonably expected
from as profeesisg to be guided by m *alight -
✓ ed leve d truth .d jerks ! Ad as Mois-
ten, ii the Speech from the There, have an-
n otated their iei.$tios to deal with the roar
memoirs whin' are deepest importance ti
Curds, re.: Law Reform, Rstrtaehmeet, la -
reamed Repe...eutiw, and the equitable As-
.a.esamt of Property, w• think the Pat majori-
ty of the people are desirous that patience tad
fair play ,bald gbarscieriz. the conduct of Re-
gions Members dwriag rho present Serion.
IT Mau Tare! !-Sir Alla° McNab bis
p.bhely amounted his ittentioa to retard the
baaiur of the 8essia, ad cern the country by
emus iatroduei°g the Rebellion Loam" Bill' ' '
Wodsr if the moa who ns away with the Mace
is likely t be rewarded for big patriotism !
[T The Astor. for A• United Cranes Wee -
ed a Saturday, having occupied six rays- The
amber et heavy sod perplexing civil wit" which
wen eiepo•ed of were grater, w• ►.lice., tins
oe aim former romans ; sad if Oar Villes.'L.w-
yen have sot profited is a knowledge Witte quib-
ble. ad " gloriosa taiaues " d their pro-
fession, they bad an opportunity of at haat learn -
leg a valuable lentos a the art of speaking --aa
assuredly Mere. Willson, sad Beecher, of Con-
de., ad Mr. Oslo, el Toronto, displayed me sev-
eral oeeasior, dancer the week, a very cern
' bars of met and West at the Bar.
Hoary Wal tee eavicted as remelt, by nab-
bing, was ,atemeed to .is math" imprison-
ment at herd labor i■ the Comity Gum!. And
Grego Cary eaeieted of Rap', was tiaune.d
se be Mated et Gedwleb a the fourteeeib day
of Jaw mixt. ,We will probably offer a few re-
marks a the rise of tbis a•krismu uta, is
oar meat.
Fria the Examiser.
Yesterday at three o'clock in the steer-
smen His Excellency the Governor General
proceeded a state to the Chamber of this
Legislative Couaul in the Parliament
building. The member, d the Legislative
Couoeil being aseembld, Hie Excellency
woe pleased to eommead the attendance of
the Legislative Aaembly, sad that House
Ming permit, His Excellency spend the
third Samos of the Pronmeiel Parllameet,
of tbe Provisos of Casda, with the follew-
'sg Spemb from the Throat
Hosorallc Gentlemen a tie Legislative
Council: Gfe.lsers tel the Legislative
1 deeply regret to here to .worse to
Pw the death of the Q.ea Dowses', a
reese.. whoa may .litre* sedated Her
to all Blares of Iter Majesty•, whjtcts.
The occo►»acee of the east year, sad the
s*e.m*fty which bad arisen for prorodo.g'
.ritalen .tor for Parliament
while t. lltm'i-, bmeg earned on me
the duty of daring the rases
the imprecision ablest inbreed re the Ad' t
da... el the Hew of Amy tN lams
Breva mistime to the places for heris.
tb felons Meeti.ge of the Lmgulaterr►, i
have imam' It after full deliberauoe sd,i•
onbte to give e8mel to the primer of that
adage by mea to meet at this
Tbe imperial disarm remeatly made is
the luperal Hrng.t(a Lew, sed tbe tla-
provemou'e Mixte 1 io the Provincial Ca-
rla, win,1 true', teed 10 premiere atsnal-
ly the Cumwereial Interests of the Prorate,
and to attract to the routs of the St. Law
✓ anee a cos.adsrablepor era el emierrt
hoe Europe to thin C..tlaesl.
ltaffords me much gratification to bo en-
abled to Inform you, that recent advices
rose England indicate a marked improve
meat is the vale. of Canadian securities in
tbo British market. Your dehbratiom.
will, 1 feel gain/ d, have • tendcocy to a
courage the »vias` eucldeoce.
1 am very ..n. DI of the great t1por
lance of thee° colonies of placing the t
between the British North American PHs
vireos, on the most unrestricted footing. -
I have bre la cowmus'calros, during the
recess, upoo obia subject, with the Lieut.
nest Governors of Nova Seotia,New Bruns-
wick. and Prisms &foard I.laod, and with
the Governor of New(ouodtaad. 1 recom-
mend to your cooaideratius the expediency
of giving such powers to this Government
as oily eoable it to meet thy• advances of
the miler culoaies In a liberal spent.
The Act paned last Somme for the es-
tabnahment of reciprocal free trade between
Canada and the United States, in corona
art clef the natural products of each, has
not yet cotseinto uporattos. I am inform-
ed that a corresponding measure is sow an.
der consideration of the Cungruss of the U.
By as Aet paced during this last Aesolo■
of the Imperial Parliament the entire eon•
trol of the interval poets in British North
America is vested In the Provucial author-
ities. Whatever further action oo the part
of the Caoadias Legislature may be noes, -
eery in order to .ecus for the inhabitants
of these Provinces the benefit of a .hop
and uniform postage rate, you will, 1 feel
confident, be prepared to adopt.
Th. expediency o' effecting an tocrease
in the Parliamentary Representation of the
Province, will probably ague engage your
A menu» will h. submitted for year cos
sideration founded oo the Report of the
Commissioners appointed to inquire into
the conduct, discipline and management e1
the Provincial Penitentiary. The iger.u-
ing wealth and population of the Prosioce,
and the growing ion to capital punish-
ment, renders it highly important that the
system of discipline established is the Pro-
vincial Penitentiary and Gaols should be
made as f.r as poes.ble effectual for the
prevm•tion of erioe, and tbm r.(ormalioa .f
I ■hall lay before you eommunieaticos
(roue Her Majesty's Coomisoosers, ter t►m
promouo■ of the Exhibtuo• of the Works
of lodustrj of all Natrona, 10 be held is
London, in 1861, which have ban trans-
mitted to me by t►m Prucipal Secretary of
State for the Colones. I valuta to ea-
preem rhe hop. that Canalise Industry sad
Produce will b 6ttiagly repreweotd on that
interesting occasion.
lo pursuance of the Act of. last Session,
the practice and proceedings is the Court of
Chancery u tipper Caaeda have been placed
upon an Improved footing calculated to fa•
cilitat• the borates of the Court, and Wo-
✓ n .spear to suitors. I "ball direct co-
pies of ohm rules which have Immo primal -
gated for lhi. purpose, 10 he laud before you.
I would recummmad as of se aide -
guile and perhaps uvea equal importasee the
consideration of the jurisdiction sod prac-
tice of the Inferio, Courts in that part of
Province with a view to the extension et
their sphere of usefulness, and the lo...s-
i.g u moth u ramble the expiates of liti-
The regulation of the Municipalities, mod
the construction of the Gaol. and Court
Houses in Lowo► Cap ria, and the laws for
the election and »tura of Jurors, sad thew
for the A..2esment of property for local pur-
poses in Upper Canada, are among the.ub-
jeel. which will doubtless engage your 41 -
Gentlemen of tit House of Assembly. •
i shall direct the publics account., with
the estimates for the year, to be laid before
1 reenmsmed to your attention an enqui-
ry into the 8..v.sa nod Expenditure of the
1 rely os your relines to grant
supplies which are oeeeswy for the
lic servie., and for the maintenance of this
Provincial credit.
Hoeerai let Ue rt/ema awl Oeeifattis.
I have deemed it to be my duty is
extreme of the Prerogative with whlc
am inputted, to mark Iter .Majesty's disap-
probation of the course taken by persona
holding Commbeions at the pleasure of t
Crown who have formally avowed the
sies to bring -about the separation of
Province from the Empire of which it to
a put.
The view. pot forward by thea pe»
and by those who act with them, do not
have reason to believe, find favor •iib a
considerable portion of Her Majesty's
n adian .objects.
The great majority of the People of t
Province have gives at tire jurcture pro
n ot to be mistakes of loyalty to the Qu
and attaehmeot to the eonn.elton with
Great Bntsm.
They look to their own Parliamat
the rdras of grimier which may be
proved to exist, and for the adoption of s
measures of i . t as may be mica",
lard to promote their bapptn.00 and proe
i feel 'soured that the eoafid.ac•
by them to the wisdom of Parliament w
be justified by your acts :.d that, while
you deal unsprugly with "burs, yea w
not barter away for novelties, ng►te dear
British subjects nor shaedoe theme pensi-
ons of good faith, morality, and eoasti
tiosal freedom, the 'erect adh
to which hes enabled Greet Britain,
with God's blooming, to paw arses
through may perils.
Hte Exeelleeey rod Um Breech in Ruf-
fin ad French in a loud and distiact v
On "trivia' in frost of the Parlr
bedding. His Eceellesey was greeted w'
ebe.rs, which were renewed a kw r
h i
. 4..) oSd IBls4T ►thM 11•.N.
dos T- he Aes- tee, ole ,atlas. se. mow
hen elegant d.rtieg the.e.usj i.
Ile. Robert Baldwin. ewo.ded ti W.
Llentana email fat Maim amine. y a
- bill rename the dmae'ietetylea a the
eat► el ern Ly Magistrates. Lein hang
bees give, the ball woe islreds.sj, hg,d
• read a .ret erne.
After saner sank" wtbirh Ws «d set
dacuect hoer, b dsbpe...1 ae 4 wryiy.
elH i MaatrdJ Y 6.
Alter arm 5.thrrther r stib Weasel Um
House airman ttU to-atrerrw at ! esters!.
IL -
from the Legislative Chamber to tie car-
riage. Deesiseen's troop of Dragoon lie-
eempmaied Hie Excel lacy.
L e e t 11 L• T►.$ • c e s w a L T.
The aiembe» of the Legislative Assem-
bly esteemed after the dig( of the span.
The following mem wen proses' :-
Mor"ro. Armoires/ Bedgley, B.14wts,
Bell, Balla (Nerleft,) Balla (Tenn-
ee) Bow liter, Berritt, Camera (Cars-
well.) Cesare* (Kat,) Carder, Caanen,
C.yley, Chabot, Cbri•tse, DeWitt. Drum-
med, Dahomey, Doses, Pere urea.
Faros, Farotee, bogy, 0.Klit, Hall
Meeks, Hopkie& Juba, Jehr.Ss, lora
tun, WmeN.b. Mall.eh, McC.e.ell. Karat -
and, Malmo, Manta, M..geweis, Mena,
Mosrni.or, Paramus, Potato tries Prior,
Riebwde, Robson ember* ,creaser,
[anroaiOD roe Tr "GLOM"
Afton the usual ro.tise haloes W ape
poiot:tiest of Comeness* W bee premed -
.d with, the Hos. Mr. Porg.ew. gets ga
ties, that at ao early 4 ', he eketdti 16636.666
that the hoose be pet in pawi.n of say
measure which the Estimative mi(kt bare
o cosromplatieq with a'aa.eee .to the
Library. Ile would meet tkr"erfdly Lad
hio aid on o important • subjoin or be pre-
pared himself with a propeense, shield
the members of the G.,eve..emt have boyo
which they were disposed N resoaemmM.
The lion. Hour kaviag drlded that e00
copra. of the Gov.rses (&serol'. ►
should be pentad, and that K simelj be
taken tate coarideratio. me Thelmay, U.
Hon. Mr. De Blegaler* gaveNan1 list as
loon a. the Speech abould hero bee Aisne -
ed of, he ahold mean* aiva it hie dry. Were
the House proceeded 1. ethos 5s.ls.rti to
move that they wield tabs tan ..maidens
tion the following woelaiee width be
would thew reed :-" Tkmt ea bmmlie sled
dutiful address he prM1md to Asa j,mtf
the Queeo, expressive .f Sae shush at-
tachmeat and devotion of rho re
Council of Caine le the ream
and Go verbena' of Her Majwg, MtsfidW
d.tmmealioa of this Haim i'
sad individually, to me/stele
that gloriour eonewgtiwads=
privileges which as subjects of lie *Web
Monarch we sow ..joy nailer 1j r Majar-
ty's gracious role, ad w►itb wt dein to
transmit is all thole tolls.es to ear emit.
lost posterity."
The Haw east neat %mama M Obese.
and on the snivel .4 bis Emmeline, the
Go minor Oeaersl, was selsmeeeg yonset
is the Clamber, of the Leei4Wi.o C.emml.
On their return, an after the Speaker W
takes the Chair, the ldlewfq mumbo
were latwdwd,.ed seek their swat.
Mr. SAN HORN -4.k.4...4 by Meese.
Bedpir W MmCmm .U.
Mr. CALU HOPKINS-shy Masora
Prise. sd IBB-AWray Geste•(
Mr. CHASOT-by Mown .
. Canoe
agd Duebe.se! .
Mr. MIi:RR1TT-by Menge. Baderts
sad Lafoatsine.
The nano of Meese& Laic Image. J.
8. MiNa.ad, P. Perry, J. Wilma, and
Dumber Rose, f 1 tbir sagest mineneee-
eia, wore .leo esa.ase.4.
Mr. BALDWiN thea moved for Wen 1.
bras( is a Bell ter the ad.iwtaues Means
t. Justice* of the Peaoo. Leave greeted.
Bill road a Int time.
The SPEAKER Ma laid beam. the
Hour His Ihewlfewmy'm speak rehab war
rad, the whets Helm sandbag.
Mr. BALDWiN moved that His
loser's speech be takes rate m.seidnatb.
on Friday seat which woe ..derod.
Mr. DEWITT mad that the Clod be
directed to e►arge 1. rho Ceatiagoseas d
the Hour, the pottage en all Letters set
exceeding ow aim in weight, and es rela-
ted papers, to sad from W ewiebese .( W
Hour, during the meow Seeman ; provi-
ded that when poetises M the Ham are
maclood, the portage thermos .batt be
charged without restriction se to weight.
- Carried.
Mr. BALDWIN moved, Tim tl* ease
,and procediags be printed, bine Sem oce-
an by Mr. Speaker, sad that he d. M'Mhel
the pristine tbmraf ; sad that se peg..s
but each a. he .hall appiet de premmme M
riot the err. -Camel.
Hos . Mr. SHER WOOD gore armee that
bo would briag in a Bill a modify et wooed
the Unary Laws i. this Preview.
C.loael PRINCE gave statics (hot he
would move for bare to bring ie Ai Bill le
abohth the Cart of Mammy.
Mr. MORRiSON gave foram That i.
would on a future day, igmird of Ae Nine -
try whether it was theiriateeleen i. Isere•
dna a Bell e. the Clergy Remove olaesties.
during the primal Sea.ios.
Mr. PRICE, ie wooly, tabooed the boa.
pttl.mes that it wee hie Isb4Tles le balm
op that afoot se sae 0 tinsible eAm
the Speech frees We Thiess lei been mare
@ word. (Hear, hem free the Oprwilies
benches). it was Mia his IsasMj.s M
take op the Rest.ry olnaetles • (11..,,
Mr. M. $11Z2W000.-.Wes N the
Nos. Mels►er'o immeshes M brim( Is W
Bill as a Misogamist a ee.ee i
Mr. PRiCE.-No. He wend art me
his owe individt•! reeptselflty. (Clem
term the Onppeooeiniom . )
Mr. MORRISON gmr. anise Keg he
wore introduce a Bill to obmtld 1M LAN et
P • Ie. Uppm esseis. •
Hee. Mr. ROQIJg10lf mew Shall
be meal Wredmes S au (s ialiiah Lsw
• it A .M SClf s gar
s MsMT ib
s pinedMelisseo5''''Wine
Ota Kona of the Ben. W. IALDWiW,it wee ordered. That Selma Steeslog
setae be p . rd br Ks vats
- pre.
. 1. Os Pr;Itsp el
ty'r,{fgse me ■nsiesk
S. O■ Refined. sod Limb
a. Os Ili itMMO
S. Os ATaedl.g Oadn s
S. Oe Primly.
?b. 8.... 1DNSBD T, .*.o N.
Kr. maims bmert up s Ma, lst
from the C of ole T ,igaM
C.rrt at Thee Rine, thll.
armee of salary Maid e jrs
be.. geNbns. olid It wee set W beam-.
Me to Integrity pre else. se Wes p.Wksme
es be did at hand M ea...r ge iedtddtr-
ale who wen pet hie t net
lbw pgititm, M -tale hoMaMdR 11a_
Ior d
bees I
tk. 1.
alt th
l lei!
the tl
an a;
drag t
to e
la b