HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-18, Page 1212
rnies.Arivecete, Jul
Start. Farming
Near Denfield
Duff Prebyterian Church was
the settin for the wedding of
Patricia Anil Cont Arid Arthur
Wesley Jones. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Cann, Dutton. and the grooi is
the ser« of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Jones, Denfield. The Rev. M. J.
Curlie officiated.
The bride chose a gown of
Swiss brocade and nylon, fush.
iened on princess linos with drap-
ed neckline of nylon extending
to a floating back panel. Her
Illusion veil was held by a crown
of seed pearIs anal she carried a
bouquet of American Beauty
11liss Jud y' Rocheleau: as plaid
of honor and Miss Batty• Lou.
Jones and Miss Katherine Conn
es bridesmaids wore gowns of
crystal charm in shadet of sea
green and deep beige.
Wayne Jones, of Amherstburg,
was best .pian and Rotten Conn
end Irvin Jones were ushers.
For traveling,. the bride chang-
ed to a light blue suit with navy
The couple will reside on the
groom's farm at Denfield.
'Audrey' Storm
Claims Pigeons
The Forest City Pigeon -Club
were unfortunate when their
birds ran into Hurricane Audrey
when flying frons -Grand Mere,
(Nebec, two weeks ago, Many
birds were lost entirely and
others were days late, Of Mr.
CiarenC.e Hardy's birds, one
came home ontime, one later
and the other 5 were apparently
In last Sunday's race from St.
Agathe, first, second and third
prizes went to Brooks of Lam-
beth, Mr. Clarence Hardy's
came seventh and Mr. Norman
Hardy's eighth.
Personal !'terror}
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 'Baker
spent' Sunday at Parkhill, guests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Niblock.
And District News.
none. lot' tarcent
Correspondent; Mass Lina AIRbott
check Lucan
Robert Quick, Middlesex County
assessor, is scheduled to stake
assessment checks on Lucan
propertiesthis week in an ef-
fort to arrive ata report for the
assessor's annual. in the next
two years he hopes to check pro-
perties throughout the county. He
has already completed work m
These checks will be necessary
until all municipalities adopt a
similar assessnient method.
Trousseau Kee
On Saturday Miss Evelyn Har-
rison, entertained with .a trous-
seau tea at the home of Miss
Lena Schulte, 54 Byron .avenue,
London, in honor of her niece,
Miss' Elizabeth Harrison prior
to Miss Harrison's wedding on
Saturday, July 20,
Miss Harrison is the daughter
of the Rev. L. C. Harrison acid
the late Mrs. Harrison. Mr, Har-
rison was rector of Holy Trinity
Church, Lucan, for a number of
years before going to Dorchester
and Elizabeth .attended school
hereose from Lucan, attending
the tea, included, Mrs. F. W,
Hovey, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, Mrs,
C. W Hawkshaw and Mrs. T. C.
McFarlane r
Personal items
113r. and Mrs. P, 0, King, of
Oakville, spent last week end
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith
and family. .
Shirley Emerlck has returned
home after spending a week in
London with her aunt, Miss Mary
Mr$, Minnie Legett, nee Minnie
Beatsoo, and • her twin brother,
Gordon,. of Drumheller, Sask.,
are vfsiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Robt. Elston, Norma Mrs. Isabel Underwood, who
and Wilma returned home on hras been working in London for
Friday after spending two weeks some time is back in Brucefield
with relatives in -Saskatchewan. again,
Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Baker •Master Brian Smith is visiting
visited with Mrs, Baker's moth- McFarlane who arelstay ng with
er, Mrs. Herb Beer and Mrs. Mrs. John Little, Rockwood.
Beer, Munro, on Sunday. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and boys
Master Wayne Melton, Kitch-
ener, is spending a few holidays
with his cousin Ralph Raker,
spent a week at Poplar Beach,
Kincardine and then with Mr,
Hodgins visited Tobermoray,'
Leonard and Alfred Burgess, Manitoulin
and Mrs. Sudbury.
1Jeffery of
,Stratford, are holida
r. aying - with I Kearns, Ont. have .returned home
their grandmother, Mrs. Me 1after spendingta few days with
sleight and Wilbert. Mr: and Mrs. Dave Park and
.Mr. rand Mrs- David Spence
and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elston
were guests of. Mr, and Mrs.
George Jones of Tillsonburg on
Mr. and. Mrs. David Holland and
Eddie accompanied by Mr. and
Ms. Eric Westman and baby.
London• visited with Mr. Eel -
land's brother, Mr, Lloyd Hol.
land at Greeneville on Sunday.
Mrs. Emerson Stanley is com-
valescink .at .her home after an
operation in Victoria Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Barr and
Mr. and Mrs: Stewart McLellan
and Mr. and Mrs. William .Beg-
ley visited with Mr. Archie Barr
who is stationed at Sudbury.
Mrs. William Dore of White
Plains and Mrs. Needham, the
Mr, John R;inn, Bill, Howard former Mrs, Bruce Leckie now
and Miss Noreen Walkom visit- .of Sarnia called on Lucan
ed with Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd friends last Thursday,
Thompson on Sunday and enjoy- Jimmie Kew, son of Mr, and
ed a family picnic, Mrs. Howard Kew, is holidaying
Mr, Barry Thompson is spend- with hes grandparents, - Mr. and
beg the week with his grandfath Mrs. E. J. Kew of Toronto.
er, Mr, .John Rine and family,- Though the J, B. Ready's mam-
See C. E. Robb
State Farmi Agent
moth sale officially closed a week
ago yet all this past week many
people still secured good bar•
Miss Jean Stanley of Toronto
spent last weekend with her pa-
rents, Mr- and Mrs. W. J. Stan -
Irish Bali Team
Drops Two Tilts
Three unfortunate errors pray.
ed costly to the Irish nine last
Tuesday night iviien they play
ed with Granton in the Thames.
Valley League here, losing thein
first game of the season 2.4.
Granton scored once in the
first, second, third and seventh
innings,. while Lucan scored .only
once in the first and second.,Bat-
teries'for Granton' were: Riley
and Parnell and for Lucan White
and Hodgins.
Not satisfied with losing to
T Tuesday
Paul's at St. Pauls 7-0.
Lad Breaks Arm
On School Slide
Mrs. Wm. Begley of Morris,
Manitoba whd has been visiting
her pare its Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Barr, left for home last Fri-
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall left
on Sunday for Vancouver where
the former will attend the Cana-
dian veternary Medical Associa-
tion Convention. They will re-
turn home August 5,
Mr, and Mrs, Rehard Tate of
Dearborn Mich., are holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins
and Mr, and Mrs. George Stras.
Mr. W. J, Hussey of Petrolia
is spending a week with Mr., and
Mrs. Eric Hussey, though the
C. E. ROBB former has a contract of drilling
a well at Chatham at present.
Phone 254.22 Lucan - driller.
Mr. Sr. is also a well driller
We'll Give If A 111
'"^�� s
Thorough Outside
Three little brothers, Christo-
pher, Brian and Buddy Waller
of Exeter, were left to play on
the Public School slides here
while their Another went down
town. By, accident Christopher
fell and injured (or broke his
arm). They went into Mrs. Wil-
fred Hodgins' for help to locate
their mother, She contacted Mt.
Harold Ribson at the Arena and
finally located the mother, who
took the injured lad to the doc-
Bride -Elect feted
Miss Paula. Irene Morkin,
daughter of Mr. and Mrr. Tho-
mas F. Morkin of R.R. 3 Lucan,
and bride -elect of Saturday, was
guest ofhonor at a miscellaneous
shower held at the home of Mrs.
James O'Shea, G ariton, last
night when over 65 of her friends
extended best wishes and pre-
sented her with gifts. The eve-
ning was spent in games, con-
tests and rnusip.
Corp. and Mrs. D. J. Porter,
nee Jean Bond, and family now
of Camp Borden are holidaying
with the Corporal's relatives at
Portage La Prairie, Brandon and
Minga for the next three weeks,
Dr. B. McDermott, of Bow-
manville. son of the late Rev;
and Mrs. R, McDermott, who
for a number of years lived on
Beech Street Lucan while Mr,
McDermott was pastor of the
Presbyterian church called on a
number of old friends last week.
Mrs. Barbara Crickton of
Markham and Mrs. Lucy Scott of
Toronto spent a few days last
week with 'Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Mr. A. C 'Wilkes of Toronto,
who for a number of years was
manager of the Bank of Mon-
treal here, is now relieving
while Mr. Steacy is on a three
week vacation. •
Rev. and lvlrs. A. Moore, nee
Alice Stanley, and family of Kel-
liher, Sask,, and Miss Marie
Stanley who 'had .been visiting
them for several months, arrived
by car in Lucan on Thursday and
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
U. F. Stanley. Mr, Moore will
begin his duties in his new pa-
rish of Rookwood in the near fu-
Tommy Nugent of London is
holidaying with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins,
Miss Joan Stanley, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley,
is attending summer school; at
McMaster University in' Hamil-
ton and Miss Marie Lewis, is
attending Western University
Summer School
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dowding of
Arkona were Friday callers on
Mrs.. Eric Hussey who was 'hap-
py to show them through her
new nursing home.
; [rs. A. Jackson, of New York
City, Miss Edna Collins, of Brad-
ford, Pa., and Miss. Ethel Col-
lins, of Buffalo, N.Y., were
guests of BMr.and
Mrs. Harold
Butler Sr.
Mr. Calvin Haskett spent the
weekend with his family, who
are holidaying with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Cummins, in their
cottage in Muskoka.
Master Terry Butler left on
Monday for a holiday . at Brae-
side Camp near Paris.
Mrs. Garfield Needham of Bal-
lymote, was a Saturday guest
of Mr. and Mrs. ]ferry Hodgins.
Mrs. Lela Beadle of Stratford,
was a recent visitor with her
sister,, Mrs. Eldon Hodgson..
Mrs. Evan Hodgins and friends
from Montreal, were Saturday
tonsHodgins2rof Whalen$ Hamel
ter. and Mrs. Harold Butler
Jr, andfancily have returned
'' y from a 'week's holiday at Gode-
»�' rich.
Mrs, Maggie Dann of Bryan.
sten, spent a day last week with
her sister, Mrs. Durham.
Miss Helen Hodgins is holm
daying in London with her sis-
ter, Mrs, Bob Robinson. '
Mrs. Wes. Atkinson has re-
turned from a few days visit
in Ann Arbor where she was the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Marvin
Mrs. ,lean Ammo iq now work-
ing le the Mayfair bake shop in
place of her sisters, Mrs, Bud
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins
spent last Sunday evening with
Mr, and Mrs. Jimmie Turner,
of Mrs,
Mrs, Herb Strottori and fain-
ily w,ho were guests of Mrs.
Strettoit's mother, Mrs. William
Sangster, of Bengali, for a week
returned home with Mr. Stretlon
lest Sunday.
Miss. Mary Roberts is a junior
Mentor at the V.W. Day
Carnp at Fanshawe.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Colbert and
Dimity, Mt. and Mrs. P. T. 'Col-
ExETER her. artd faniely loll Mrs. .
PoivcTl, all bt llderton, were
Suriday guests With Mr. end
Mrs, 1 illieiti ErownIcc,
1: eg on Hall
Walls' Rising
Serve C.hicke.n:
To Revingtons
The weatherman provided an
ideal okay last Sunday, when 75
descendents of the late Mand
l4frs, Revington sat down
to a chicken, dinner .atSpring-
Winners in afternoon races
were: Children G and under.
Peter and Gregory Revington,
tallchildren received a nickel). -
Boys 7-9, Peter Revington; girls
7.9, Carla Revington, Maxine
Elliott; boys 9.11 Ronnie Feath-
erstone, Gary,Revington and,
Lyle Beatson; irls 9.11, Sharon
Beatson, Patsy Elliott; boys 12-
15, Don Beatson, Ronnie Feather-
stone, Wesley Stanley; girls 12-
)5, Sharon Beatson, Iva Stanley,
Fay Featherstone; open boys,
Jackie Park, R. Gallagher, Don
With Cecil Lewis as contractor Beatson; open girls, ,Joan Stanley,
and the co-operation and :assist- Marline Revington, Anne Reving-
ance of many volunteer workers, to°
the walls are now u,p on the new
Legion Hall, all ready for the
reef. The assistance of mere vol-
unteer workers would be greatly
appreciated in finishing the hall.
Married men, Verne Towers,
Lyle Revington, Dr, Harvey Rev-
ington; married women, Mrs,
J. Shields. Mrs, Shirley Towers,
Mrs. Betty Revington and Mrs.
Mary Revington; guessing part -
Visit Adopted. Veteran ners' waist . measurement, Rev -
Three members of the Legion ington Stanley and Betty Reving-
Auxiliary, Mrs. Dave Egan, Mrs,
Cecil Holmes and Mrs. ,H, T.
Bond, last Monday visited their
adopted veteran, George Newell,
at Westminster Hospital, London,
The receptionist, Miss Lizmore,
took them on a tour of the Red
Cross rooms where relatives of
the patients can spend the night,
when necessary.
Mr. Jack Baynes, who for many
years has pperated the Super -
test station ou Main 5t„ Luean,
has moved across the street to
become a partner of Mr. Lloyd
Acheson, at the Lucan Motor
Mr. Art Bell has leased the
new Fina station on Main street,
south, and begins operating this
Granton Principal
Receives Present
Mr, Kenneth Moir, who has
been principal of the Granton
Public School, for the past two
years, has accepted a "'position
on the Kitchener teaching staff
with duties beginning September
L Before leaving Granton, he
was presented with a gift, of ap-
preciation. Miss Veda Bowman,
Rat, 2 Granton. has accepted
the position of principal.
Personal Items
Mr, Don Scott is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital with an
injured knee. ,
Guests last week with Mt. T.
C. McFarlane were " Mr. and
Mrs, F, G, Stanley of "Toronto,
and this week Mr, Gordon Mc-
Mehen and family: -
Friday guests with. Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Hodgins were Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Scott, of Chi-
Rev. A. Aylestoele, of North
Buxton, spent a few days last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Ars. William Aylestock.
Mrs. Warner tvlclioberts .,and
her niece Anne Creery stayed
with Mr. -and Mrs.. John Blair
while visiting -the Calgary Stam-
pede. Mr. an 1Irs, Blair ar-
rived safely home ,from their
trip East and -Mrs. Blair is feel-
ing much better after her illness
in Victoria . ,Hospital, London,.
while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dins-
more and Mr. and Mrs. George
Holmes, of London, we're Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Dir. and Mrs. Erwin Scott and
Elizabeth Hill attended the Stew-
art picnic at Springbank last
Mrs.. A. Gilmour, nee Alice
Bagger, who. was a patient in
St. ,Joseph's . Hospital after . a
fall from a cherry tree, arrived
home last Tuesday.
Mr.• Colbourn Johnston, . of
Winona, wax a Saturday guest
with -Mr. ant Mrs, Frank Hardy.
Mrs. Alvin McLean and Mrs.
Cliff McLean attended- the tea
given by Mrs. W. F. Hodgins
last Saturday
Miss Hattie Hodgins, of Green
Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill,
visited her friend, 1vliss Jane
Cunningham, of Ilderton, 'Thurs-
day and Friday of last week,
and on Saturday attended a tea
at her brother's home, Mr. W.
F. Hodgins, Denfield, where
Mrs. Hodgins entertained a
number of .friends; who were
unable to attend the recent
trousseau, tea in honor• of her
daughter. Those present had the
opportunity of viewing the wed -
Meke the inside
Vacuum Cleaning
Your White Roe* Nolo
ton, -Dr. Harvey Revington and
Marion Featherstone,
An exciting game of ball .end-
ed in a tie.
Something new is in the offing
friends. The Luean Arena
traducing, on Friday August. 2,
the first Canadian appearance of
two performers, THE EVER -
LEIGH BROS„ of "Bye, Byp
Love" fame whose recording is
second on tbe hit parade. This
vvill be your one aneonly chance
to see and hear the boys, who
are returning directly after the
show, to Nashville, Tennessee, to
appear on the Grand Old Opry,
TV show. For the `rock and
roll' fans, and those of you who
enjoy Grand Old °pry, this even-
ing is a must,
The Everleigh Bros. will be
supported by two orchestras --
Andy Brant and his Eldorado's
and The Melodines, The dancing
and entertainment will be held
on the main floor of the Arena
proper, while the air-cooled mez-
zanine will be set up cabaref
New sound equipment and light-
ing effects dre laeing installed
and yon will -be advised of the
bigger promotional efforts in con-
nection with the gala entertain -
On Friday' evening of this wee.k.
the folks of Lucan and district
are sponsoring a presentation
dance for a very popular young
couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young.
Music provided by the Bon -Ton
Boilermakers, '
Enjoy Swiniming
In London Park
The Lucan and community
children enjoyed their first two
trips to Gibbon's Park lett week.
Over 50 children. attended each
trip. On Tuesday Mrs. J. B.
Ready, of Lucan, and Mrs, D,
Kestle, of Clandeboye, were in
charge, and on Thursday Mrs.
Art Black and Mrs. Herold Cob.
leigh, of the Public School staff.
The children. -were an well be-
haved and no accident happened
to mar the pleasure of the out-
ings. .0n Tuesday and Thursday
of this week the last two trips
are being made.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has-
kett visited on. -Saturday the for-
mer's brother, Mr. Harvey Has-
kett, who has laeen a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital .for the
past six weks. Though Mr. Has-
kett rs resting comfortably yet
be will have to rernain in the
hospital for another 10 weeks at
was the guest speaker at Holy
Trinity Church last Sunday,
cation. '
Rev. David' Nosewortily, of
Toronto; was the guest speaker
at the Pentecostal Holiness
Church last Sunday.
"Pauline Vole,' owned by the
HardY Bros., is now in Toronto
in readiness for races at the old
ougl;.s Stone, of Tren-
ton. R.C.A.F., spent last week.
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mr. and Mr's. Charles Wind-
sor called on Lieury friends last,
ding gifts and treusseall, Sunday.
Clandeboye Comments
The Ritchie reiition vas held
tui Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr.and Mrs, Wilfred Cunning-
ham with all the elen
Oldest petson present was
Mrs. .Mary, Ritchie, 91 years of
age, Coming the farthest dis-
tance were Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Heiner, ahd Pat Ahne with their
infant daughter, Paula, being the
youngest present front Niagara on
the Lake Ont. Largest family
prize vett to Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Lyen.
Fellowirig the sports supper
was setved oil the lawn. Attend-
ing were: Iler. and Mrs. Carl
Ritchie, Baden; Mr. and MrS,
Will Ritchie, Sandra and Sonia,
Mt. and Mrs, Cliff Ritehie, Glen
arid De Wayne and Miss Blearier
Curtx of Parkhill, Mr, Clare Bit-
chie, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek
Bend,. Me. and Mrs. lint Mtn -
Sten. Timothy and Salidy Of
Stratford, Mr, and Mre, Den
Lawrence Of London, Mr. and
Arnold listper And Joan
Bre& mid Karen, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hern, arid ben .of Zion,
Mem*. Gerald and BAIA Lynn
and he Cunningham. Miss June
Lytle Of Clandeboy4 and MOOS
and Dorothy Lynn of
Mrs, Artield Harper and hail
spent * feW daya With her pa-
rents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ctie.
ningham this week.
Mr, and Mrs, George Stiltz
arid Camerori Roy of Delaware
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Cunningham.
Miss Owenneth Tomes spent
the, weekend with her sister and
heiband, Mr, and Mrs. Lyne
Sawyer, Petrolia.
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Banks of
Sarnia spent a few days with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Matirlee Simpson.
Mr. and Mts. Ofton 'Leather-
laed old Dianne of Toronto spent
several days last week with the
former's tister and husband,
Mr. aod Mrs. Rea Neil.
Mt. arid Mrs. X, H. Paton atid
Clare aed friends front Stratford
Londeri, were guests on SO -
day with Mr. aed Mrs. Wilfred
Miss Margaret 'Henry it taking
a Summer Otiose in Home Bee-
ternics in Toronto.
The 3uly meeting Of Claude -
boys WOmen't Institute wat held
at the bottle of Mrs, Rea Neil
With vice-pteticlent, WS. Herman
Hardy, presiding in the absence
of the presided, MI, A. Blake.
of Heine teorionites and Health,
and het „ tOttintittee were in
eherge Of ati interesting pro.
gram. Mri. Macintosh read an
article .nti enriched bread and
Nage Turn to Page 13
41' .43 .
witlt yew Claes
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436 Main St. Exeter
Phone 451 Milton R. Robblni