The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-18, Page 10P�iji 10 The ThnesAdrocoter july 10., 190 • Gram Says'
Phone 102 Ali Ages Vie For Prize:s
Man Page 7
appreval WS draittatie change
id the treditio031 Eriglish garden
' M. Once this fete =anti PM*
r !;re bese Ma belle in his Seven
Pinning .appearance witile Rusllset Area ..
, 'United que, hit one batter, .aucl
gave up a Wail; in WS tWn
Hod.gert Reunion
T game Was featured by the
sell who pounded a . nle and a porde 14414 "D. Itu$'1- thirty-second }lodged
luelge. was held at Qiieen's Park,
r1;1: nut Nve%r. athpe„:ffitbecst.4ral Stratford on July 11 with about
1 the plate. lie later lined a single eighty-five ii ttendance.
e and base into centre %inters el stunts were: girls
• field for Ws' .thirdsafety of the 5 and under, Audrey -Hedgert,.
gameMarie liodgert; boys 5 aed tut-
.-flnntersmacked out der, Kenneth _Coward. Brian Hod-
2411()AiR WV=
105.567tMgri , 4
' ailh, 4:1,,gai ilium,
amt y ..euni
...... _..... „ . ...,..,.... ons
.. dropped in ler strewberries and
- ereara. Now theY expeet bar-
' beeued steaks and sausages.
Marinfeetueers expect to sell at
Landon. aapresidentt Stewart
Griff, Loeden, as vice.eresideet
and Ray Lainntie, seLty, ae
other eetrimittees.
Mr. Elgin Slunner apoke on the
Heater family .tree and gave
out a few copies for which there
were some data to be completed,
and asked for the assistance of
the group, At this time be reed
from an Exeter Tittles the ex-
4 t back tO .. aek Fh8les lo the third !gert; boys .and girls 7 and uoder, _count of the Hunter reunion
land fittik innings ;ler the only 31.ia4 Hedged, Randy Coward; that was held on the farm of the
puaticospe other Kinsman Met to get boys and girls 19 Mad under, late Geo. WHunter in Ushorne
ore than one hit, • Evan Coward, Margaret FraserM
; 19.85.
.single safeties were .collecthee ed ;gla end under, Marjorie liod- There was a good line of
by Cy Blenimaert, Barry Glover,. get; single young ladies, hlar- sports run eff under the arrange-
; and left fielder jun MacDonald.
Cat1 garet Bray, Marjorie Hedged; meat of the sports committee.
cher Roy Mathers gave the
Married women. Helen Hod- with Griff calling diem. nut .over
} Exeter battery staff the most
New Hamburg s six hits.
othghth ners $or children 6 and tinder,
Margaret Bray; married girls 8 years arid -under, Lynda
"11 f secfourth ei,MaYo,
Hems Elect Slate
1eii200OT table barbecues
in Britate this summer,
The Hera 'Remelt was held..
WednesdaY., July 1I. at Riverview Shower featu.res
Park. Exeter with so, pee* pre-
seltnitr.. 'Kennethjohnspresided at MOCk Marriage
the business discussion substitut-
Wg for pros, Morris. Bern. The
acting secretary Mrs. Morris
Hera read the minut1es of le last
meeting. It was decided that the
picnic be held the second Satur-
day W July at 6;30 pau. at River-
view Park, Exeter. Tile new
executives were elected with
Ross Hero president and Mr.
Malcolm •Speriee, first vice -pre-
Cann; married men, 'the public address system. Win- sident,
: trouble as he rappd.popt three of gert' .Marinn , .
Hiram DiXon Ross Bodged: The sports committee coati-
each ,ladies kielN. the slipper, Winnifred David Henter, Brenda Brinteell;
the ond, and
Mathers socked: singles in
n kick the slip,per, Don Mayo, Brock, Gail Hunter. g'rl 8 t 11
cola,• frames but died on base each ?ISO
...‹..zr.—.. . time as his teammates failed- to ',Allen Richard; three,legged race, years, Jean Laionbmgiei; 1,1?Dyit),oriliatiTn-4
-----2(----e----- bring him around. ! flier4ali°cligg*Vc11 fiaarg algid': ge.'cklyb°31Toci)e3;
* eiBckilled nEputthheer ot4hriedi thjrijne safileatilet '' ger; In lhute walk. Mac l'Iod•
igert, Bill. Hodgert; balloon race.
with the latter getting two. Jean Hodgert,
440e- t The Kinsmen ,Midgets jumped ni---13�rninaBlir.aijui- canndana Marg 13ray;
to 4 rim first inning lead and clothespin race, Allen Coward;
vitancumuteee. were never heeded as they added 1 - • ,- guessing, lir, mecauum.
to their total in the third, fifth
with Mac Ifodgert and Bill Hod-
CFA 81,..ANSid and. sixthh There were several relaY genies
faC*IIE MORI 9101.11.0 FILL Scarp by Inalagror
gert as team leaders, A prize
• Barneere one nen nr10-41 g 6
OW Twea seiNDs Bx,\t„ Oat! enr—s s was given
to Archie Hoclgert as
the oldest person present and
.---- Fred 'Hunter. aim Tim.anell. (al
and POUF Sillery; Larry Martits the gift to the youngest baby
and nen Iia.inera, Winning Pitth- went to Janice Stewart, The
er—}funter; Leser—Mareits. • committee in charge. of the sports
were Mr. Red Mrs. Ross Hod -
hat gert and Mr. and Mrs, Allen
Through natural increase (t
is, the excess of births over 1 Richard,
tion increased by 314,000 in 1955, •
9°Pula': Meet At Mitchell
deaths) the Canadian
a new record high,
k • 1.t.
vv",(44/ /N ("01:wk
X,Pkicaisi 35 r.F;
•)() GALL
Annual reunion of the Tbornson
family was held July 1.0 at Mitch-
ell Park, About 37 relatives gath-
ered during the afternoon.
Swimming was enjoyed by the
younger set, followed by contests
and sports under the direction of
Mrs. Herb Britton.
The oldest member present was
Robert Thomson, and the young-
est, Beatrice Thomson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson.
President Mrs, John Pepper
conducted the election of officers.
President is Mrs. Wellington
Good; vice-president, Mrs. El-
more Keyes; secretary -treasurer,
Norman Stanlake; lunch conven-
er, Mrs. Clarence Pricatan;
sports committee, John Pepper
It was decided to hold the 1958
re -union in Seaforth on the third
Saturday in July.
Pym Clan Unites
The Pym family reunion was
held in Riverview Park, Exeter,
on Sunday, July 7.
• Mervin Pyrn was elected pris-
t dent for the forthcoming .year
with Bill Morley as vice-presi-
; dent, Kathleen Horne was elect-
ed secretary -treasurer. attendance, with white accessories and pink
1 Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Bern, Mr. Lloyd Webber was elected pre- carnation- corsage. The groom's
and Mrs. Malcolm Kirkland and sident and Ken Campbell at sec- mother chose pink and white
Mr, and Mrs. George Oliver were t for .. shot taffeta with black .acces-
named' to be the table commit- re ary the coming ,ear.
The sports were held in the series and blue carnation car
tee. The •sports committee for afternoon followed with supper sage. Serviteurs at the Wedding
1958 is Mr. and' Mrs. Ted Mc- at six o'clock. ' dinner were Misses Muriel, Dor-
Namara., Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Branton, and Mr, and Mrs. Doug Winers were; candy scramble othy and Betty Selves,. Miss Mar
Buckner. for the young fry; race 5 years garet O'Callaghan, Mrs, Ernie
The 1958 reunion will be held and under, Douglas Webber; 7 Selves and Mrs. Wallace Selves.
in Riverview Park, Exeter, on years and under, Cliff Webber, The five -tiered wedding cake
the first Sunday in July, Marlene Webber; 12 years and was made by .the bride's sister,
A successful progrem of sports under, Barbara Webber; young Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Ailsa
was conducted by Mr, and Mrs. Margaret Web- Craig.
'en's race, Orville For travelling to points north
eyno'sangr a cme
Alla.n Wanner, • Mr. and Mrs.
Webber; three legged race, Bar the
Webber and Linda Webber, dress and cluster enseMble with
Lloyd Bern. Ross Hunter and the bride changed to a shrimp
Don Pyrn. The winners of the
races are: girls 4-6, Marion Hern, Ilene Webber and Lee Webber white accessories,
Janice Morley; boys 4-6, Bobby (tie); bran sack race, Trudy They will reside on the groom's
Branton, Jimmy Roberts; girls, Graham and Barbara Webber, farm R.R. 3 Exeter,
6-10, Sandra Walters, Shirley Ralph Carter and Doris Graham
Hotham; boys 6-10 Raymond (tie); yard stick and straw hats,
Horne, Stanley Pym; girls 10.• Ross Graham's side.
15, Helen lien, Jeanette Oliver. Hidden spot walk, Lorraine
Young ladies, Jeanette Oliver, Webber; k i c k i n g slipper
Ruth Horne; young men, John ( woman ), Margaret Webber;
Pym, Ted IvIcNamara; married kicking shoe (men), Archie Web -
ladies, Myrna McNamara, Mary ber; grapefruit under and over,
Clifford • Penhale's side; filling
pop bottles with water, Archie
Webber' s side; sitting on ginger
ale bottle and write name, Ilene
Webber; getting out of box, Ar-
chie Webber's side; breaking
lye balloons, Lorraine Webber
and Archie Webber; Doris Gra-
ham and Harold Penhale (tie);
dropping penny in bottle, Archie
Webber's- side,
nued with their progrant- Race
winners were: 5 years and un-
der, Marion Ham; girls 6 to 8,
Alice Cole; boys 6 to 8, Vernon
Hern; girls 8 to 11, Barbara
years, Barbara IV$cDonalci, Hglerrisril1b1"tas 81t4o, 1BilagtraY
don Glenn; boys,. Billie Glenn, boys 11 to 14, Brian Bern; Orange
Bob McDonald; •youngladies,
Barbara McDonald, Elaine Skin-
ner; young men, Doug Brintnell,
Billie Glenn; Married ladies,
Elaine Skinner, Elaine Dixon;
three legged race, Mr, and Mrs,
Bill Dixon; wheelbarrow race,
Bob McDonald and Bob Glenn,
Fred )3rock and Billie Gienn.
sack race, Bob Glenn, Doug
Relay Races: passing . grape-
fruit, Ward Bern's group; egg
race, Mrs. Jack Delbridge's;
egg throwing, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Hunter; guessing pennies
in bottle, Elgin Skiner.
Youngest baby present was
Nancy Griff; birthday nearest
Dec. 31, Stewart Griff; lucky
spot, Caroline Dicicins.
Married couple whose birth-
days came closest, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Dixon; persons coming
greatest distance, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Lynett and family, Galt;
person with most letters In name,
Marjorie Delbridge. And Find
Your Husband ceased great
amusement, as each wife was
blindfolded and a large paper
bag put over the husbaed's head
with a hole cut to let the nose
nut, was won by' Mrs. Norma
.Brock and Mrs. Elaine Skinner,
The reunion is to be held on
the first Saturday in July, 1958,
at Riverview Park.
Members were in attendance
from Galt, Stratford, Seaforth,
Remelt, Byron, London, Ailsa
Craig, Granton and Centralia.
Webbers Unite
The fifth annual Webber Reu-
nion was held at Pinafore Park
in St. Thomas on Sunday, July
7, with Allan Richard as presi-
dent and Clifford Penhale as
secretary. About forty were in
rolling race, Gene Spence; near
est birthday, Mrs. Arthur Hern;,
Mr. Charles Johns minute race,
Mr, George jacques; kick slip-
per, Muriel Bern, Mrs. Tom
Hern; Edward Hero, Gerald
Hem; youngest baby, Christine
Relays were enjoyed and chil-
dren had candy scramble,
Sawyer -Dougall
—Continuer' from Page 7
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride was lovely in a
floor length white brocaded taf-
feta gown with tulle 'overskirt,
fitted bodice with lily point
sleeves. Opalescent Willies a-
dorned the headdress which held
her finger-tip veil. She carried
a bouquet of red roses and steph-
anotis with white streamers.
Miss Glenna Sawyer, R.R. 3
King City was maid of honor
wearing a floor length gown of
pink chiffon with shirred bodice,
matching headdress and bouquet
of blue carnations with pink
streamers. Mary Hodgins, Ailsa
Craig, niece of the bride, as
flower girl • wore pink chiffon
with snatching accessories, She
also carried a blue carnation
bouquet with pink ribbon. Doug-
las McDougald, Fullerton, neph-
ew of the bride was ringbearer,
dressed in navy and carried the
two rings on at white brocaded
taffeta pillow.
Andrew Dougall'jr,, twin broth-
er of the groom, was best man
and ushers were Harvey Hod-
gins and Harry Dougall.
Al wedding reception was held
at Russeldale Hall .when the
bride's mother received wear-
ing a blue figured satinette dress
: t I MI in ninn n In it AM n In I nnAn WA. AnitnA I in ittri OW A On n lAnteni$11 A01111Ani IA Ala g
Mrs, William Hooper enter*
tabled at her home Friday
Buy Quality Buy Co -Op
evening fez.' her daughter, Mrs.
Gerbil Verquhar, London, who
was married Saturday, July 6.
Over 30 relatives and friends
met to henor the bride with a
miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Fred
Smith' made •the presentations.'
Contests and lunch occupied
the remainder of the evenieg.
I 51111111111110.501151151111111$111151/1151111111111011111111i1M151111111111111111111 ttt I t 11/111151111i111.111111111111111111111/111Inet Ellen Kirkland; married men,
Ted McNamara, Tony Shulman;
ladies' kick slipper, Eloise Pym,
Clara Pym; men's kick slipper,
a Jack Pym, Lorne Branton.
3iS 'Extension 5,
Ladder 27.95
Hicks Gathering
The Hicks reunion was held in
5i Riverview Park, Exeter, on Sat-
Nnounnnnonnnnonnonnonnunnimounnononnonnonoonnunnominnin ttt oununonnona t urday with .60 in attendance.
Phone .287 Collect
Beside CNR Station
# .1 nmiirtinin tr tont iurir tint' n WI ...lining in Mink tint. it 1 n in 1 I fit itin si tt. if 1st',
„ Our Prices Are Very Reasonable!
A Program of sports was con-
vened by Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Southcott. Whiners in races for
girls four and under were Bren-
da Blair and Mary Southcott;
boys, Barry Southcott, Jim Flet-
cher, Michael Southcott; girls,
6 years and under, Bonnie Blair,
Ruth Ann Xing, Brenda Blair;
girls, 8 years and under, Sharon
Fleteher, Judy Blair, Wendy
Neil; boys, Jimmy Neil, Blair
Fletcher, Wayne King; girls, 10
and under, Geraldine Blair, She -
5. iron Fletcher, Judy Blair,
•Young ladies' race, Kathryn
'•'' 1 Hicks Janice Blair; married
men'S race, Murray May, Ross
}lodged; young married women,
Mrs. Ross }lodged, Mrs. Garnet
I i Hicks; shave the balloon, Earl
Neil and Mrs. Murray May; men
throwing pie plate, Melbern
Greenwood; ladies kicking the
4 slipper, Mrs. Garnet Hicks; gues-
sing candies in jar, Mrs. Garnet
Hicks. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fletcher
and Mr. and Mrs. Bell 13lair were
tied for the largest fareily pre,
Following picnic supper Pre-
sided Ron Fletcher conducted
the bilsiriess. Don Soutlicett was
mimed president for 1938 and
Rob Blair, vice-preaident Harry
Greenwood WAS re-elected secre-
t tary-treasurer; table cOrninitted,
I Mr. And Mrs. Ilediey May; sports
5. ' toremittee, Mr. and Mtg. Earl
'Neil. The reunion is to beheld
next year at the same place the
5 second Saturday in July. Mes-
e. sages were read from itiembera
I of the iernily in the West and
card •sent to sick Menthers tin -
able to attend,
Mothers Bros. I
.Phem 3210W North ExOtOr
Oldest person that belongs to
picnic, Bill Webber; youngest
baby; Brenda Carter; birthday
closest to picnic date, Marlene
Webber; guessing weight of per
son shoe belongs to, Doris Wil-
lert, Henry Price (tit); gues-
sing beans in jar, Allan Rich.
Chalmers Picnic
Seventy eight members of the
Chalmers Clan attended the 32nd
annual reunion Wednesday, in
Riverview Park.
Messages of greeting were read
from absent members Which in-
cluded. the Chalmers
Coopers, Andrews, Regina, Sask.;
Gardiners, Clearwater, Man.;
Thomas Duncan, Winnipeg;
Woods, Calgary James Gardiner,
Ottawa and the Moons, Detroit.
Mr, WilliaM Moodie was the
The annual Hunter reutiioe, was
held. at RivervieW Park, txtter,
enSaturday with over a hue.
drol, sitting down fa snow.
J3 &car nf tiondOrt prc-
sident acted as tif
m�niC,Atid Rey Larnmit sot -
rotary. NeXt yea es teintaitleeS
were named with till Brock of
Auxiliary Studies
Senior Citizens
The, study on "Senior Citizen"
was discussed by Mrs. Lloycnay
lor at the July meeting of the
Afternoon Auxiliary of James
St. United Church on Thursday
Mrs, Taylor read poems per-
tinent to the subject and spoke
of the life of the senior citizen,
the tragedy of being out of work
at 60 or 65 years of age, the feel-
ing of being unwanted and un-
needed. "The tendency now is
to realize that the older man is
reliable and dependable'and
needed on certain job" she said,
"It is predicted that in 1961
there wili be twice as many in
the age group of 60 and 65 as at
present. The Chinese could set
us an example in caring well for
their elderly people," in discus-
sion on, the Senior Citizen Club
The worship service was taken
by Mrs, Frank King assisted by
Mrs, Clara Halloran and Mrs.
Jack Carr. A piano solo was con-
tributed by George Godbolt.
President, Mrs, q. E. Zurbrigg,
conducted the business. Mrs -
Herman Powe reporting for the
United Nations, spoke of the
changing face of the what
its charter is, what its limita-
tions and the changes during the
12 years of its existence.
WCTU Delegate
Submits Report
The report Of the provincial
W.C.T.U. convention held' in Osh-
awa June 11 to 14 to which Mrs.
E. Geiger was delegate for Hu-
ron County was given at the
Monthly meeting of the Exeter
Hensel'. branch. of the W,C.T,I.j,
held at the home of Mrs. Frank
Gunning on Tuesday. afternoon.
Mrs. W. C. Pearce told of the
Forest Cliff -camp • near Forest
operated by the W.C.T.U. who
own the property. M many as
100 young people up to 2.7 years
of age attend this camp in july
and August. The business men
of London give their support and
visit it every Sunday. Ellis
Pearce is at the camp and Mr,
and Mrs, Pearce visited him
; worship service of the
• Meeting was taken by Mrs. C.
W. Down assisted by Mrs, W.
insect damage 1
to your grain
oldest 'person present while Bren-
Spray bins with
da Kemp waS the youngest. Pres- i.
tilt from the farthest distance was
Mr. Albert liatitilten, Winnipeg, g.
'attending the reuideri froni the 110WA
Order Your
Slabs Early
Mixed Slabs — $25 Del'd
Hard Slabs •-•:- $35 Dela
Approx. 10 Cord Per Load
$1 , Per Cord Less At Mill
• Buy Now And Have
Dry Wood Next Fall
first time and representing the
Western clan members.
Officers were eletted: Mr.
IVfoodie Was taMed hon-
Withatit orary president; Mrs. S. Coward,
presidetit; Mrs, A. Morgan, vice- 5
president; Mrs. W. Sillery, setre. ;
Relay games were etiloyecl, 41
Groups with Mrs, Cliff Miller as
eaptain, winning the bean Contest I.
and carrying the brill, while Mr.
Lloyd Ballantyne's group Weft life
saving dontest, gulp chewing, and —Kills insects itt cracks
liewling' pin garnos,
1..• 114. •
, •
It Ike 10 win
0 0101.0
4 5'0145 005.15.10
• Ailsa Craig
Saw Mill Ltd.
Phone 623-r-3 Aliso Craig
and crevice,
TtesUlta of races Weref AM harm grain.
nnder4 girls, Indy Meyer, bev. —Mas prolonged killing ae.
erley Pasamere; And under, tion.
phon. 192
Grand Sot*
. I
Obtain The
Highest Prices
For Your Poultry!
Sell TO The
Riverside Poultry
company, Limited
London 7,1230 Phnia Collect Heneall 6004,2
Fluery Bissel
Farm Equipment
All Kinds of Parts and Repairs
• Pedlar Barn And
Stable Equipment
Installed If Necessary
Litter Carriers, Hay Catriers, Electric Fans for stables,
Pedlar Steel Roofing all at ATTRACTIVE PRICES.
Qualified men to put your roof on.
Seed Beans For Sale •
;.$5.00 A BOHM.
Scott'silevator Ltd.
Phones: Elevotor 63,' Res. 110' . Lucian
tttttttttttt t ttt tt tt ttt
boYs, 306 Matter, Dennis Dee. —Cests lead than VW per
can;6 to 8, girls, Fay Duncan, bushel, ;
BtlliT116 Millet- 6 to 8, boys, Billie
Miller, Doug Coward; to 10, SAT AT
girls, Joyce Mayer, Jeanne Wor-
dee, Itbtiala COWArtf: 10 and over-, 5
Wordeol 10 and over, bnys, Dan.' I '
girls, Ramona Worden. nosanna }, I 't
nY Cow1 ard, Oarry notate. f Phone 21
Mita Diffititr.
Gneasieg tithlier of candy in jar,
den; a to 10, boys Billie Wm, -
Mrs, John Templem knantataatymmaataiamaalamaimanaaltaiet
Future... 4-H Club Member
The two-lear-old in his play -pen IS
fascinated by life around him. He longs to
pull the tail feathers out of every chicken
on his father's farm. He has no idea at all
how a fanner's son should behave, buthe'll
find out, later, when his brothers initiate
him into the local 4-11 club.
Roe he'll learn by doing, pledged to use
his head, heart, hands and health in the
best possible way.
4-11 Clubs were started with one alinple"
Mea in nun to have rural young people
do a worthwhile pieoe of Work at horde,
Voluntarily, and do it hotter than ever
before, Plant a garden, plot, perhaps, or
raise a calf, make a dress, beautify a room,
The idea was so good that the young
people swept their parent i along with them,
and farm life improved amazingly.
4.11 Clubs have dome many useful thirigs,
They have kept the right boys and girls on
the farm, trained young then and women
for leadership, improved life .iri rural corn.
inunities by introducing better agricultural
end home practiceso and implanted the "
ideal of good citizenship in young minds,
There are about '76,000 4,11 -members in
Canada. Many will graduate into farm
organizations in which are the progressive
young farraers who—by using modern
Machinery and farm techniques—help to
keep pit 'Canadians well fed.