HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-23, Page 1•-
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N e'!!e1'J 't ag
iw minter jiNW,.4. c• in s'41 01 ..:s ,•
VOLUMFl1' /Pi.
. _ 1
GODF?RIOH, E'(H11VTY OF HtiROY, (90.W.) TkNRSDAYp'tlkMY t 1Rm
o e t t11 4bdw
tlede ; bene* they depend epee hired Wave can tie more uncer'a,n than the
t e ti •.-a -it help to do shit they ought to do, and the females! rigb.d a f lied lover. ' The wails'
co•.equesee IS they have their trove grafted replies Horace Gree!,.
„: •aIle-._'RCIIONATIION. avth wortbless fruit, sed o(tae these three As ag•ru,s, aom•ab,.e tee sesewon
Of foal kinds on a tree. Wo would say to among young ladled, u( thinking this world
11 a0*T W. Wsosa4ww.
the farmer that if be would bays a altogether too c•,at.. a place for stitch
good servant be must serve himself %pees dainty, hail, nyu,ph-like rod •
Theea is se Seek, ►.w«n washed •M waded,
Iba.00 And lamb w thew :
Mimi, me;nerdr. bowetore &deeded.
Est kgs Ogre recast shear
The sir fa feft of heaves t• the dying,
And ince dereyM tie dead;
Tbe helmet Rubel fat hertriter•s etch[,
Wig Mello sonlw*•d
Life▪ b. insist t es vase elliuisss
Bat evs times celestial beaedctiaee
Aimee tits dot ii pbe.
We tree bet dimly Gemegbehe ales. Wad mom:
Amid thmie renli! Ampa
Whet seam woo bindle lemeal tolls
My be besets'• dwset 166 416.
�'�i� a ns DNA ! ..bat 'resets le enmities;
This Me Vainest breath
W bat s emberb of the life Elegies,
T*bemeiportel we salt Death.
Me snot deed, -•the etutd e(wr $ectiN•-
tias]w.,.t11 that tic/well,
Where abs err Imager needs .,r poor protectisa,
hod Christ himself doth role.
lathes mem .oirerh,ciliates ted secludes,
by psardue angels
Sear from aeroplanes, eWla from ass's palletise,
She lives, when we call dead.
slay eller M► w• thiak what she Is doing
fa these bright ri'.1ma of air:
Tsar Lim, Yee, her tender wept pernisg.
S AW i* rows mere tab.
- •
7hN we Me walk with her. sed haul m•MekA
The bead which eat ore r e+,
Thistles that e'er remendrsece, %booth ea-
May reach her where sloe lives.
No. u • chIIJ shall we *pie toehold her:
Ire retied with ,aloene wild
la ter embosses we .reit wWd her,
Sae w,U not he a skald;
IIu' • fair .;idea is her father's unawion,
Clothed with eeksliel grace;
A.4 b.snids►, with all the cool's espauion,
Shall we beheld ter fees.
Aid awash. •t tienea ;•/*Leet with .nodes
Aid coequal' kw sepprewed.
The 'wellies heart heaves emisa .g td. the
That asset be -lit me,
W. +M1 he p.tiett. *sump the feeling
We eu..t wholly fray: �eaeeais�,
By Wee*. as.orf4iag. mak •--
Tbe grief tbst meet Ines
1,1 MI
n i n - _ _ ,wry
My.bieettia wntiwe et Zhu trews, is 1^
Sive to yes lay mbehd of grow"g potato
se free frees the ret. 1 have practised it
tre emenree with entire ersece.a,_sod leave
rrraturN a theewllvea, is thus pupheDII
qtly in this case. In eaesbestnefe is rut t attatt411ed to the folfowtter bit of Irony frost
..gent it will pay well for you to bite as the commit pee at fiueylu Jerrold: -
extra -hand by the day white you attend to " You'rs•e..{end for ter earth; yeti are,
graftingo„r Inc..eThe wee, tea be 'deed, /ills. Take it in the lump. sed
tit when you canoe do loth of an aku e what a lot of tt is benea'b Tour motive.
> t What a little of it to really respectable. If
else, and stowed away in a cool damp place. it wuo't unmanly, I could weep to think
If .Pep happens that some trees beep been that my .operfloe sisters tired in the same
partially grafted ; to order to Iris apples all wicked, forger world that makes black purl -
alike ep such tress it will be well to et:t di." ad eeIla car& meat."
year scloa Irons that part of the ties •ilea Powaa 01 Sraae..-'l. it stainer •aid an
dy grafted By attending to this matter Irishman• 'Bo the saintly St. Patrick, but
in this way, you save some expense, and It itIt'spea t gmeoattrough thing inhninerelr 'or diririan' thiear.ngs.
;Mates in
4 ♦use Mit aborad be, or u you a ould have died a word of • lie In 1t"-" Nine
4.-Afesriee New Yorker. St•tesr smelairned a doses in asto.shtne.t.
Psoniee Stone FsoiT.-It has been but " Yoh sire of them. bej•pers, u easy a. a
a few pore since the emltivators of fruit eat' can lick her ear! D' yea see, npw-1 got
married in New York in the morniu' and
have been in the habit of pruning peach ..int wad m► wife Biddy to Baltimo•e the
trees at the extremities of the branches, in- rime day. Mold your whist, now, and count
stead of cutting off the limbs at the tronk.' the Slate*. There wee the state of mit-
Thie system of •horteni.g in, u it is called, rrntosy, ..liter 1 en teed front a nisei* stat.,
ai,J s sober •tote, to th. hat. of New
We gaining ground, •nett is •great improve- York; and I wint through New Jersey,
rest. The ree.oss for the rode of pros. Prnnylvaoy, and Diliwaur into )luyla.d,
;sig nes evident on examination. Most kind•I•
where I arrived in a beautiful elate of
of stone fruit grow rapidly, and beai the J^Ili6eation! There is nine, by the rod of
greatest rt a their fruit, -on new wood Mosey -count 'ern �f yez like, Oche. but
g r ' 1 •taaee's a scrougerr
which s of coon*, neer the ends of the A Dutchman and bis wife were travelling,
times. 1e this way a tree spreads over: and they at down by the reed exceedingly
much lend, and hat naked branches near the 1 firgued' The wife stetted," I waab I wits
trash : and pruning at the trunk causes the I'e heaven"' Th* husband replied, " i
wish i was at the tavern?" " Ob you old
gum to ease oat, which eronet Imes endan- ' rogue," rad she " you always want to get
gels wrNeeis4p the health or Ilk of the tree. ' to the best place."
On the tooter), by pruning at the ends'
of the ►ranches, the tree is confined to i TERRIFIC DIR.tsITF.R IN FRANCE.-
tie ..need* bay* no enliven- THREE HUNDRED LIYE8 LOST.
smell spice, -
ble effect, or only affect the twigs sod Dot 1 in • previous number of our paper. amoag the
the trunk, and much new wood is produced i (nreip intelbrroce, we bays elated the feels. es
for the prodoetion of fruit. I they bad reached us, of the safe! accident at
I Anglers -the bree+;og down e( the impassion
Carpe Lasts. -W. wilt support the nn • ' bodge. Tbe beet account seems to be gives in
set produced mod got ready, And the cheese I the foveal d. Mo*. d faire. and is r follow.:
to be made to weigh 26 or 30 lbs., which I
will be made of night'. and morning's i At eleven o'clock to the mooring. (April 16,
milk. The eight's milk being set, and 1850,) a &evadroi o(ha.sra, centime from Niue,
cooled if iee•eaarv, must be skimmed in the I had crossed over the enepeasioo bridge of toe
ST Help tarp or 'MI Tsai.
b..e beet weld. The win 3, hovet,r, bice a entertatoed that an sSustln trould lake than by :i creas,ni the nuu,her of the Ea -
perfect hi:r,ka:ie. ant the wares were eery ! piale from the engine butlers, but fu,tu- 1 tab! shed Clergy. Two toes■ bans
rouge M.o-...i .nen might he teen Jos; ■g.oa i the G lett tette had free 1a which 0 U made ranadalisg the Church roEngland
d 7 e pier, in h?:»r Canada, wh�.-b, if c ur,ct, ought
w ugh eater, de waves every sanrat ...'Mug i ell,owed the *stain,* of the .learn. cert.to ly to hive coo•:derahfe i.flueoce.-
away Inc.r,.1 than, crit .N •'n'y r -:name -)-I was While the mein building under the Fits', that her Clergymen hate no COOftC-
Beams of wend planks, dad every .n.cly that ' ma -tory of the devouring cl.•uaent, a sad attuns. New, I atria froth pewees!
could be lad Auld of, were fesa,•he.l, w enable scree nes •stung elsewhere. At the knowledge that in 58 places where regular
the men to Strep them,e'tca slut, until further sor seen o.11 series ie performed, wae-
back of the dtitiery • wharf h•d bees
e eig,arce could arrive.
The mutter -roll harrow bees eddied ewer. Of
the Lt. 2nd god 31 comnniee there only re-
main 14, 16. and 19 men respectively. The
n umber deficient amounts to 4t!, in which mug,
be aided 33 dead, and 30 wounded ;n the hospi-
tal, sakieg the total loss to the battalion 982. -
There is reeves, however, io hope that there
map bor yet some in private hoses, which may
n ot be ioeloded is the ..usher of those whose
(ate her, beau haws. The lien -neat calomel
* lipped .g his ',Well as he ,woo fa2,ug, and
*welled wick • welled :n the fast. The body of
the pasts dnp.eu was picked *p, hoeing the
ota.dard firmly cl,trhed in hi. hoed. One bi-
der had a musket which had run through his
body.. Tbe body of ou soldier was fond com-
pletely pierced though with • m.aket, and
gnarly of the barrel. 01 the pa welt, beat doubt.
The Dumber of bodies found, up to Skid time,
• mouse. to 143. The umed of the .Akers
killed or drowsed, es yet •.tecta;sed. err, C.pt.
Dome, Lieut. Cats Bob -Lieut- Porte Drawee
Curette. .od Sub -Lira.. noises sad Lebrick.
1t appears that woe people belaying to the
tows were walking on the bridge at the newel
the aceideat, for among the 'bodied bead ere
those of • .*sant and two cbildres.
£RTcc sTeiiu a.11 nxrn:CTtos oT leo anry.
The city of Dublin was viaited, oo Tbered•y,
the iPtb .h , +.ih the most terrific storm of
thunder, lightning, and hail, combined, ever re-
membered in the coyotrv. •.d, io its character-
istic", pestle?* hitherto inkeowo ,s these lata.
tides. 1• feet, this terrible con•elw•s' of ele-
ments partook in • eery slight dopes d Ile
characteristic •ieribed to storm• in these tempe-
rate tentedes. Its phenomena were ether those
peculiar to the midden mow gales of the Beide.
,he fatal Mediterranean white squall, or the div
seno.. sod toe ekes uo(.eeseen nod uprovided
for West lodiu harrier+. The cullset of the
elements bergs es the coy with • goddesses'
moroieg. This done, and the milk of nightBasaise without aaeeidest, although the sad .;..tenet that swots the tahabitanu with w-
eed reorefwg mixed together, In mast be It liaise wield blew very heavily (rem the west, sed the ror sad d'.my. The whole morning wu tie.
.rar•.i t. 30 deg. of Farenhrit, or there- 1 river was v
ey agitated. Tbe last of the hams secant fine, and gate *eery premise of the cos-
; end the !trim which woe taken off t
retained le the rev lk. When the milk is 'tercels see•ly eroed the brier,. than the bead d ttxecetueat o(• ra u(geaiel spring weather.. It
warm en sera, a gm, or a little more of i the column of the third battalion of the lith was not until par 3o'cloitk that the firm aodes-
gnnd reoeet is to be added, and thoroughly I4ight +foatry appeared on the other side. R•- tioos were observable of the .ppro.ebi.g tem -
tittered in. The whole is now let alone .till': iterated wsrainp were give& to nu teems to peat. The rrnsww 'Ludo/cubes them: -
at Wesel*, eared, which will be in an boor bre.k into ',enema, as ;s usually deet, hot tete A ec.e.ti(e friend t r forma as, that being in
litho reswel 1. gond. With hong wonien I rein falling heed) et the time, it wee dime- the met nt trivia, his beer* oo professional beei-
ke•h it bona tAmngh and through at rare rrdet mel the banalities adn...d is el e•e nen. at abut 4 o'clock, he looked at the be-
angle•s..d 1e In make 'quarrel of about ■n 'sol
inch in site. A .tr.itwr is s.,,,, throes ; "uses. The head of the bat•altse had beth- rorruter, sod remarked with extrem.sarpriee that
over it, and the whey /tippet! off se tong i ed the oppotite side. the pi in++, the drewmwre, the mercury had falls. to the. taint of levenl
y it elle'lve d• ri•• The turd is then again and • nen of the band were off the bridge. wheo degrees, though at the nam. time the son wee
eow.i1 "me" beshai. d iae Mercer became un, sod the whey more complete& ahorrible crush w., herd; the cast -;roe columns • shining brightly, sad there •ppered no sign
f"b""61' nay "4".' ""f 04I few from 1h• dfpped.fflbee before. 8^me of the Are, e( the right bank sud.rily gave way, erwshi.g whatever of seem se tempest. We hate •een-
disease. My teethed is, 10 plough the' whey re to be heated as soon as dipped Off b.•eath them the rear of this 4th company. +toed. slat, (throng\ the medium of so old trod
whish, with the flask c.mpany, had net enured experieoeed n41k.r, commending ooe of our sea-
aetkebridee. To describe the frightful meets- going steamers cow io the river,) that imme-
cholad lite Mise of despair which were releed, n distely previous to the commencement of the
impdwible; the scene et the brakes of Berea;n. .t"rm the wind nki'ted a few points to the south,
can only give an idea of it. The whale tome and eonuooed +nothing while the ire part of the
reeved to the spot to glee asatamee. le spite th,nder-storm and the heo.y rain condoned. it
of the storm whish was ragisg ell the boats that then suddenly, and with • violence that strained
amid ee mot at wen laaehed to peek ap the the tables of the hugest vessels, ad threatened
soldiers a the river. and • great somber who the drelrectios d Rasta and rigging, veered
were clinging to the parapets of the bridge, or cooed to N. N. E. -that it, a point of the corn -
who wen kept edoat be their ksapwek., were tees directly and diametrical'? opposite: and
immediately got .at. The greeter somber of from this peat of N. N. E. there peered • tem-
Atem, however, fennel to be wounded hy the pest of wind seer as Is meter, perhaps, bees
b.y.Nts or by the fragment* of the bode, fell- egeehked i• violent+ io this climes,., meeornpsnied
Mg se them. Every est on the "pot vied with be volley, of _hail, that .wept with omelette's
roots Osie, in ,.e'eri.g amaatsnee, sad. ■s the force i■ the direction of the male, +tettering win- the Provence of Upper Canada, which I
soldier erre got oat they were led into the Isom ie m?ryes, sod red.eing to sin every- believe to be rorrect, for the present year
1811 d l b h h h
grated late ce the fall er early is the spring,
harrow it mee.o►bay' Witco. pl.s:sg nett.
them hast ea, soy Mimes news rotted man-
ure, spread k broadcast, thee tete two
heroes tied • p..ngb, sod beck op two
full furrows, th• furrows jest ineetiag in
Om beets.[ ; leave a stip of • foot wide,
sed back op t. morel ; zed eoOtieue tillyou
base completed the lot. Theo turn about
and split these doable femme epee with a
mails furrow, thea tomeseees dropping
y*et potatoes, (pie0ee of cut potatoes, con -
tatNsg at least foot eyes ) ie the furrow,
err a.cbes spam. *Per the let ie dropped.
(ski leer borne mad pleases, tel throw -two
good furrows, [nee round of the hotel to a
throne]pit •..tleg oo the lop, drf•,cff
the lop el.awag the row of *tope*, clods,
gun„ dose sow bieMoest Ilse bsshdk tem- DAN 886.100
moa salt ever file ironed, i.ttiediately (Iheob ' - 396,00u
ajlar rwllwgt cultlith:efi U Illi Ate posts (oda.....* .290.000 ,
are4e Kse•pa rand y.. will hate • good Miseeeri. 260,000
pep; semis eudevate pommies eb.. t. Kestselte 166,000
Mele.at. Iowa 1)0,500
*iii *Ito Aix* 10 gather, clear Total... * 1 908.501)
the gtwitike yaw -billies .wd piwugh, . Crop Ism gear 1,681.000
ori t.r. V/e.sst0tiWtW. dirk ads of the jou .;.king. It i• impossible for s, at the mo Ihegb.4a bee suffered kerf"ly fauns lis elken - Into ae increaing coneroptiun. There aro ed lot•, et atwonets to about £ 1,200 per
edbt left y',fot nap 1)iblteiHr Exee.a over last ems • $27,600 r,teat to w+ipssi. the soother M Ess that have Ona rsegii calculation n ,.;laud tbel £70,- In the Province ISO towsahip*, couuinmr annum, nod oma fur •long 10. swall.wed
t down tin r' e; 111•11/'' 1e " " ' '" " here loit: of three that con with their 1.... 000 worth of s else* has bee. duel ed it
Anis 400 to 500 families in each of which up by the *spent* of making oat the lease
°1*clergyman mayhe most useful) employ- °ec***ary to coeveythe tube 10 the .yupIs-
p4e,fltear G,wn..-Thr following incident et- g1 1 Ps 1
�T yj ck tM rs- teen is *tare*) see bee has wee.ed +seed. Debits. Glaziers were est sight Si •high ore- � .end double this number will be re writ. cant ; and thoogh tliie straw of expew ba.
Nffi• g�eds 10 A tarred, ae we leers fro. good meth •sty, in from to, bavae„ d hie t*mved., Brvenl mete mina, Nd happy were ,hone who were promised ed in leas than tweive ears. q been removed. it ie still reduced by the
mei.i.g potatoes, and toe work w behead. Dae of oar 0tores the other day.
a "Bu an - an.l per **lenge e.( rho sbenis who
'(1MItY'e sf t1)bel lit
Doth, tibW!!rvd That 1 • 1 1 *f deco( deserve tete eseertoeed. A ' nee- their .twits is the mane of awe er three days Whew contracted with other denomi.a-
►site.'► bele 1' Ma a country customer, who ,nae hares named Topa, who had acquired hese.. A good deal of rail Fell dewily the tions, the Church of England need not be era employed to collect it, from pareoae
f b. gats a ►ruse, inset bei calked i.ro a dry goods cors o. Market was gereri.ty in the late political trifle, night, sad Ate monies it Iv l,bwieg •hear ashamed of the progress she has made,- scattered over a surface of *sally 40 00s
swami miles, *o that the nett sum actually
dgg4bR1)t1)hws ts�er ilk sloe • doable Square, sled looked meth Irks • character 'tripped, and premed into the river, sad by his gale hoot the "emthwesh Till 1818 there oma. Qtly one clereymao ip paid over to the treasurer-ddoes not eace*d
18s* ..Moms. lid sad Upper Canada, a me.,►,r of the Church of
• f i 1 Who keen' a great dad more about himself strength and still is swimming, saved a greet • - Scotland. Th g I brought up b £duo per alum•
for the purpose of Dea'ding the curd Grist
etre must be taken not to .cold the curd leo
moth• Two pailrf11 st 130 degrees will
scald a cheese of ttOl►.: but the weather and
the quantity of turd mint be considered to
'determine correctly. When the hot whey
is poured on, the cord *horrid be broken ep
ted mixed he hand, that alt parts may be
equally treated, and male a floes& It eau
be broken. It is now reoioced to **Miler
and basket, and when the curd ie drained, A
w returned fo the tub for salting. 11e1f •e
nonce of good salt to a pound of i 11edee,
will prove'• good rule. but the taste of the
dairy women is -perhaps es gond a regulator
of able matter ee shy. The fait must be
pun ansi 6.., and thoroughly mixed with
the Curd. or it wi11 tot ripsn equally, and
the smashed places *411 acquite a bad ea-
ter -Prairie Farmer,
Tee Hoe Csss,-Tbe following t.hle
the shows total member of hogs exported
last year fromeit of the Western Awes:
berth', on which was erected sheds fur the
fattroieg of cattle. in these sheds there
were stalled 41 head of fat cattle ready for
market. Unfortunately the only way
leading to the ehede was through the dis-
tiltery, bet all escape from this quarter was
completely tut toff by the iri. The o.Iy
Neer mode of resale, the poor animal*
whewete literally undergoing the proctor
of bei.: roasts) alter, the ere haring
caught the shed% Was from the riser, where
there wa.ea owlet Intended for their con-
veyance oe bosvd of steamboats. Before
anything could be done to save them, how-
ever, It was too late, -for after the fire began
to take effect_oattheir bodies there was
one, and only one lend bellow of pain end
then alt was still ea death, the smoke bav-
iog suffocated them. Ow animal, however
i. the extreme of its .gsa., *ruse from
the salt, broke through the burning boards
of the cited, and fell into the river, where it
continued to 1.1m about fur some tome, till
assistance was procured and it woe take■
chore, bet, fearful to relate, there was
scarcely an ieeh of skin left on its body. -
rens and respectable congregations sesese-
ble. Tho sccoed asserteun 1 , lbat in the
Hoare .d Assembly c.rosi.tiwR of 44 mep,-
hers, ..old two belong to the Church of Kir-
tland. Now, the fact Is that 18 out of
the 44 profess to be of the Church of &g-
land, for the truth u( which I pledge myself
ad cos, if ntcessaty, furnl.h the names ;
the remain ng 96 are of variuu denomina-
te:ue. hutccrtatnly sot more than three or
four Scotch Preabytertano. •
Tbe Church of 1 gram] in Canada, ,wee -
supported for many years out of the eery
limned and fluctuating revenue of the vae-
rable soc.cty for Propagstirg the Gospel in
Foreign parts, wb.ch did its utmost to in-
gress* the nui(iber of the Clergy, but its
means were so inadequate to the demand.
that it swarm length obliged to *elicit the
aid of Government to ernnnue and extend
it. efforts ; accordiejtg a swell sum in aid
of its furls, nus been sur some yawn voted
bit the Imperial Parliament, of which supply
Upper Caosda receive" a portion. How
inefficient this aid is to supply the incrsas-
rnt necessities of the colony has been suf-
ficiently shown, fur the tendency of the
population is towards the Church of Eng-
land, and nothing but the want of moderate
support prevents her Irum spreading over
the Proviwce.
But it troy be eked, why do not aha
Clergy Rearrves afford a remedy 1
To make the .newer to this qu.s'ion 10 -
The poor animal was killed shorty after is
telligtble, • few remarks are necessary.
order to termtoate its sufferings. By the 31st of George the 3d. c. 31, 000-
Tbe Geese where the sheds stood, after I seII*nth of the land in Upper Canada is re -
seised fir the maintenance of a Protestant
Clergy ; the operation of which proviswo
offer* at this time the following results
The Dumber of townships actuallyeurveeed
rosy be taken at 440, averariog 16,000
tier steaks from the esteem*. of others io acres, one seventh of which 0,426, equal
a half burned condition. The scene was
the Are subsided was a eaddentog one. -
The careasees of the cattle, some of them
burned almost to under, lay in rows, while
several Lyman virile. were engaged cut -
sickening to the extreme, acid we cannot
dwell on it.
The total Ins,, we understand will amount
to about £2600, and which will wholly fall
on the Messrs. Howson. u they were not
insured.-Br.ek-eille Recorder.
From the Globe.
47 reserved lots of 200 acres each, coeee-
quently the number of so..h Iota in 240
towahipe, is about 11,000 coatroom( two
and and one -filth million* decree. •
But as these lands partake of the quality
of thus° around them, many lots will be
found, from various cuusee, unfit for cultiva-
tion ; mo that the comber eligible for settle-
ment cannot be token •t more than 9,000,
containing 1,800,1X10.
That this provisio■ well at no time be
ample for the support of a religious estab-
lishment eudtcieat for the population of
Upper Canada when fully settled, will
sufficiently appear from the fact, that the
wbole salines of the colony does not e2 -
No. V. exceed 31 million@ of acre*, of which not
more than 26 are capable of cultivation,
one-seve.th of aha., containing 3,760,000
acres, or 18 000 reserved Iota of 209 sera
each, will ultimately 'constitute the whole
suggested in 1824, and obtaining a sec- property sett a part for the maintenance of
tartan 'Eharter for a Church of England a Portraitist clergy. Now judging from
University m U. Canada. Hu great obj':et what takes place in the United States; etch
wee to mote tt appear 10 the florae Go lot will not t roduce in a century an average
verwment that Upper Canada was alsoet rept of Ld0 per annum, making a total of no
entirely, Episcopalian in its theological ten- morn time £370,000, which, divided nine
dentia., and that the other denomrnttione two thousand clergymen (• very small
of Christian@ were few in number and con-
temptible in every respect. To proddce
this itnpre•.ion, it most be confessed the
Rev. gentleman was not very particular in
ins statements ; but as much came from it
we deem it beat to give Dr. Srrichan's tel-
ler to the Colonial n6ice in full :-
Cory of a teller addressed to R. J. Wil
wet Esq. by Mt Rev'- Dr Stratttna, ,Ilrck-
de.reos of York, fepee Canada, dated
16tA Nay. 1827.; respecting the stale of the by bestowing on them land on the payment
Cl.rek ie Kat Province. of a trifling fee.
19, Drury Street, St. James e, j 2. The gratuitous grants of- land made
16th May, 1827. S to such persons as retained' their loyalty
lei&. -1 take the liberty of enclosing for during the American revolutionary war,
Lord Goderich, an Ecclesiastical Chart of 1051 to officers, soldier' and sailors wbo
served to the late war in Europe and Ameri-
3. The preferebee gives by the colopl.ts
to luta in fee -simple to leases even where
the latter are more advantageous.
4. The d:ffculy of collecting rents, from
eke smallness of the amount charged on
each lot, abd from Mang scattered' over the
whole Province.
S. So lope as .pplicautd can get lands of
the bat quality and in the most ceaveni-
eot situations fee. nothing, or • mere trifle,
the natoral - • . re, that the rat
eland upon lease le almout momin•I.
In regard to tate groes natal of the lea -
Meantime. (in the slimmer of 14126,) Dr.
Strachan bad proceeded to England • se-
cond time, with the duubie. object of
urging the Clergy Reserve achene he had
nember for • co00try nearly as large as
England) gives only £188 to each.
Hitherto the reserved leads have been
inefficient from causes now easy "ivies's,
though' not perhaps anticipated by the dis-
tingu!shed statesman who advised the ap-
The causer, are -
1. The great enceuragement given by
government to settlers of good character,
h[wes limning, sod ever, asontseee gine.- thief *seine the sphere of •t seephetie influence r an tom w Is it adpears t at t e
CAurlh of England has made coo.rderable
Those who were toe mach mewed in walk were or termed to the ler? of the tempest. Th. e'er- progress, and is rapidly increasing.
plowed se linen. All the wiborities of toe nous Shed the gbbele* of hail we.. .object The people are coming forward- in all
tow., the tr.epa is the p wase, and the adieus a Nteea weeder sad eves e.rio.iy, warmly directions, off ring to assist in bu,ldiog
sad *sadiron who had escaped fy.ry. hod only npreeeed by the tenter of the .we -etre -ken pee- Churches, and solc.Iing with the greatest
ewe ides-tMt of steelier +1 trio twiemeri i. pie. We ..ride.e ww h•ilg,ese" fell sear N,
anxiety the establishment o(• settled roto-
their power. A resew Il..s.um of the nib, e.pi,det.Wy I.rgrr, each of them than the larg- ;'ter ;indeed, the anpruali t toe oLtaining a
respectable clergyman unites neighborhoods
M. howl, rendered himself eoesp.c..wsise his M acre -rhes. together, and when one is scot of a mild'
hese eireenser. sed • yens , e, Plurbr* ae fay the Northers Railway ani■ d cons:lietory di -position. ho is Buie, ID any
the immieea donee?.( her life. plumped into sb. thin emieleg, site that the temp,. raged (ear- settlement in which he may be placed, to
.ester, and deed the life of to Waft who wee folly ell Moog toe line, sod thee lbs town d form the respectable part of the intiabitant•
t obs lees Oa* of theestdiN•, who bed reach- FIRE-Ft)RTY•ONg BRA OF CAT- tt rot twins lou t s
} time M eared to tell. No sir; replied the I two sone is the Church of England, of Thee* things preening forcibly en the
jg. t ironed asete►aet, w. don't wish le buy any.'_ e4 the mitre 'abort. imsdiai.4y stripped and Tilsit AURN RD,
' Wont to buy any egged' 'Nn ash, we sw*m 1" Tbe S t*0. '41ie"minles. his death his congregetio. oma •pint to his Clergy, and um the Lieutenant Go -
Tb• her.Nat e*Imarl, to +d efReer of rA. Oo Tuesday tut a dedrutnve Ara ne- three devotee, which with another cellee. %*lour of Upper Cowed' and hs if -
a dr seas store hero.' ' So ! Wel carred at Atut!ad, b whrch tee • ne
7 g .mp1r• •.+.red by the ad'otut and ►? .nme y p ted at Kingston is 1822, count four centro induced them to peck 'he power el settler
en my you won like o y some setups y . errs o
good .wee
of viral; std 1 wield skim r6niegers to
b aur lite
t y s. ftorees
and hogs. 04 eht-f.pt. " throng h
the winter., gore l�gflf dtidr Odd' bid.iitsg,
cled6811 p$i i -nag. • woof'. s1k•
e a large�a e4•S,%kasy a possible, sod
yoo will not be troubled 'rib tie pn4Ytn
d that aARI!/arlry f
seaas, nor a ww�g� y��
• ' wtl. tab'sg{f7T' rAf sial
$hick they are now parish pnesta. After minds o1 wbe Lord Steno, .tf Quebec and
lb be Id 1 k t be Aie rue, escemvd with ba Kk: bat altM.gh d b H H
sums as • distillery gattone ie all, which acv is communion the Clergy
Bourse" t„ a limited eatvw•, aw
eblokWus.-.fat s. . a.d a Irsigkl) eight were hurtled to the groWad. Abele' •o. with the Kirk of Seotltrd• Two are at wt.,ll a kastng them, leasing tM ps.taede
reri•a.lr weaseled sod braisedbe would set quit be eta rd f d f Cls
the Peet. hat nwasd te worth ever the mama '''doth, tis be etbetall altar WOO= /meet vacant, and of the two Sco'ch tier
•bsmv tis' l';0. Of► ' 1 lMl yo. ere dtn't pia o G. prnvi ra sr M e.
doe is
w tbf belt d ' .cra at ed La IM dmuNar had �w dip. glebe. naw a toe i)roviwee, ewe hae.ppited IIi., c. 31 and th-e w tbe object of wbe 11„1
f �' r1 ��• dims oree. [7 Tor holy orders in the Church of Scotland. b.fo, Perlurnen'.
i Melt rod a atee quarter o' petit I' ' i tell T1s (1Moi.e eddlrioeal dnuN..,e from the ser, the dares of Are wee Mr. The teachers of Ib* Mfferst dusoterua- From Ibis ineteure they lot k for many
ye," dr deal in goode eselo+vely p,wwwwtwor Angles,*( WeA0,aday - Ilewison and Yoe ten were al the 11 4id la tines, "rob the eatepnoa e( the two notate- ioportat .4 gee :-
WS a WAIS what* tem tree for dried Thi ie.pN.ies.frridge whleh ba. Atlee was the tipper story of the bitldieg, hot fro tent oflbe Church of Scotia/ad, War emigre 1. A Ierge porion of the country wow in
prda#tlf Meir. hells shoot twelve ?core ago, bat shout a Test mild wee the progress of the flames, that g.mueaalisu •nd • reaped•bie F.. hat ma- • manner locked op, world be merle free.
Wp.Weyse 2. The before' would be mere pcnetenl
are for in peyil.g their reek. for tear •f linnet ar
lutes, c!•Im to renewal or odvatsg.ows porches,.
e and 3. The metre* weld be *armed d wUr-
Ydtftl* si g were erierweu n•roar)
eti nee. ova •
■ t % iivttA6 ,., W�ile repaint, ..Ater sow the row. by TM tale they deoee.ded to iscerl4te !bL ttethodist Meeting et Kiwg.wn,
the gimp obese No w sad you awes V"i ��• Tbe Ammo at bet inter_ of the ere, the tack earl :transit pert from the patted
the the ,merthsr emote to demi swaytai s'e'w "' .ib eralp, rete*. Ana •Neils se t►bsr• the raker their hoover'
enveloped i.Iamee.- 1 d
A*lt"!w • *W . Mae N of the distillery wee
]w tea. •.. r, is i dire. OA*. thee.' M.dm.• r by teesmbset .t 'IA Meer e, foreA tlrlr aeu•eua etioleed elle jlNbo- plyusr elcratm.. to say aureate,' that
RId •aro Tbe rapidity ••f the *%woe towel, &tested
t i. dig db. .e.u.eR? twamo w de sthef •+Ae, diet teipi far a are of itt. .0 the States of might b npotred.
!�'Ek�__ i� ,t,�t��1fi1 id.�w�1� 7o.tirtMy 1{s by •a gouty of loth wtaeW oe the Pees" els Coafensea the Ceue+d Suers d 4. The 1•r objection • raft tba
•MM lilts... 1TaA' t1rW Acta there mos ed iMP'spts vet'?* A
tlhaf. lints •f sM braise (bU h.. set bad
4111.111118.. bats y„to1► Pm w1' • Ica,
a', dei to. f.lamable wetss of the mete- .Amar ted it is mawtfeet that the Colo- reeereee. u • burn to 1 and
teeth- tttgaj I bAlma N W mailiar. •o t ' .' 13 - p sat t• the M hbo,h.ad I the reeuf e. atal 0oversinent soother has nor ea have iteral eote•tereatr., would in • t
M ow the neer was [vempla'elg blocked
'g 1 [ greet
.,lp. y silo Parliament world is •
y� os robs YReeeenahea W few nim. the pea tgMa est nob of lie popu!shoe by their ulje•oce few yaws be mutate from rAe usual great
tee W, •, m Witmer. *air onf 4Stmee.gw. ti •R pfiligiIRy. M ease OWbeibbsg, tN4 greet tilled v.1. .41 (Mtrudtioes beth civil sod re'tgi"u. to ud of i3. Rorsry r..r the Pr^,.ruing
*.rise wee41l1110Brr Na dt ik' �llbfl k N t mrMrst at w•w w the sir ether ngo'roul over them or prevent degree be rsrw.ved.
t��+ •ca Watt ng the *Advert eremglcm t• ret.h the fr•rtseew fwd' them frog gradually rendering a tarp per b. The Impanel
_ M WT ted. 1Ma\ eo.Id rle.e