HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-11, Page 100 "Ms Titnes.Ad voc,ilts4. avlly 11, 1 'Cann Reunion, 40404 IS'em. Pm 1 Xen .Eider; married la d ntinitte we/lc, Ernra Lack stetter,; Men throwing. .paper ;plats Reg Hodgertr nnet contest, Arnold G ac tea s side; umbrella .race, yn Jaes Earls side, yetinl est baby, Deborah Cann. ceinuag longest, distance, Mr. and Mrs. e, :Cann, Keefer -di duple O nearest wedding anniversary Ur. and Mrs. Wil1rant Marney; kiderEl rsoai, Mrs. Ben Williams; largest family present, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Blanchard; lucky alate, Dorothy Kerslake, Leine ider. At the conclusion of the sup• rrttiettiritimailmeserrr Mtlill11111.1M1l111.11111n1LL1111,1111111111111t1t11$11111,111111111. per; hour Mir. Boland Willteles the retiring president conducted tire' business. Arnold Cana was 71e1nad 1958: president, Robert Jeffery; Will Miller and Ray i~+ammie,, directors, Carman an seer's tory.treasrtrer; Mr: and Mrs.Or- val Gann, Mr.- and. Mrs. Earl • ,lohnston, Mr: and Mr's, Robert ' .Ostler and Mr. and Mrs,. Robert Cann, table committee; Floyd Blanchard, Phylis •Cann and Mr. and Mrs. :Harry Jeffrey; Mr. 0411 ,Miller and Mrs. George I Dunn, welcoming .committee aril j Miss Onah Williams and Miss I Dorpthy Kerslake, reception coni- ' mittee. The 195$ picnic is to be field in Riverview lark, Exeter- on $June 28. 11111„1,11111111it11111.11111t11111111/1111111110111111t11,IG,111111,- GO.QP BALER AND -BINDER Twine Satisfaction Guaranteed !!!!!! 71 !!!!!111111.1,11111111/n1111111,11111111111iM11IIIIII New Potatoes $2.65 Per Bag 1111111Uln,lllpnl q,l111111(llnll111tH111lllnlnlll lllllllllt Summer Prices STILL APPLY ON Coal. Orders , I III II I IIM M I I I l u O /t 111111111, I I t 11,111111111111 M 111 n 11111 USE QUALITY CO.OP Poultry Feeds * CHICK STARTER * GROW MASH . •* 17% AND 20% GROW MASH * HATCH MASH * DUCK STARTER KRUMBLES • * COMPLETE LINE OF TURKEY FEEDS 11,11,11111111111,11,11111111111111,tlltl!111111111111111111111111 Exeter .District CONOP } Phone 287 Collect Beside CNR Station CLOSED SAT. AFTERNOONS, OPEN ALL DAY WED, ,Quolu,nwwunluiunn11luatOn111ttninmuttttinputUuniouu,nn uuwnluuunnuuilltuu,utt ttIt u• r Topics. Prom Harpiey • It MISS Mr HODGINS'• P.C. Glen Hayter :and family of Sarnia are holidaying with his Barents, M. and,this, New. to Hayter. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Histo , Los M geles, California uncle, and aunt of Atr. and Airs. John Ridley are spending a cotiple of weeks with, them. Miss May Hodgins of Toronto is holidaying with her brother, Mansell and sister, Maude. • Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley vis- ited her mother and brother. Mr, Alex Desjardine, Grand Bead on Sunday. Freidman —.Continued from Page 9 • Queen" she will receive a mini. Taunt of 4100 plus all expenses. Come on, girls! Huron county has the,quality and ability to gain this honour if you wit just take part. Contestants may be mar- ried or single, 16 to 29 years. Entry forms and further infor- mation available at the Depart- ment of Agriculture •office. Clin� ton, the Federation of Agricul- ture office, Clinton; Sirnon Hal- laban, Belgrave; Bob Gibson, Govrief Ross Marshal], R.R. 1 Krrkton.. Let's hear from ,you. soon, In closing allow ine to offer the congratulations of Huron County Federation. of Agricul- ture to William Turnbull, of Brus- sels, an having the Canadian Champion at the Brandon Swine show.. Hay Guarantees — Continued from Page 9 to pay $50 for the first hour and $25 for each additional hour •on every call. t Council approved a donation of $300 to the Exeter District Branch I of the Canadian Cancer Society. iThe grant was made in lieu of a general canvass which has been I made in other municipalities. , A grant of $100 •for the Hay Township Agricultural .Society was also approved,. The council refused to pay in- , sulin costs in the. future for in- digent patients. The council authorized Donnelly and Donnelly, Goderich solicitor's +to prepare .deeds for purchase of ;land to widen the Blind Line, concession five and six. Council has called applications for a new caretaker for the town- (((' ship hall to replace Mrs. Fanny Bender who resigned .lane 30. Council .authorized payment of $700 to Contractor Herb Keller, 1 for completion of tile drainage. I The amount is 75 per .cent of the actual dost, Reeve . V. L. Becker presided v. .Schoo:1 ChUMS/ Friends Attend You.th's Funeral The funeral .of the late: Paul Blewett was held from the Unit. ed n t- ed Church at Medford on Sat• urday afternoon, the church being banked with ,flowers and an overflow crowd , of school churns, friends and acquaintan- ces •attending to show their re. speaks to the late Paul and his family, Rev. A. B. Holley of Grand Bend :United ,Cb,Iu'ch, officiated at the service. assisted by Rev. William b'arrott, of Medford United Church. Miss Pat Find- lay sang during the service "Be! side ,Still Waters, The Thedfdrd Silver Band of Thedford, of which the late Paul Was a mein. ber, also played appropriate music, Intermentpp nus c, took PtACe in Grand- Bend 'cemetery. David Findlay, Gray Otton, Frank' Turner, Gordon • Rump - ford, Kenneth Vaughan and Da- idv MacDonald acted as pall- bearers, while Delbert Wilde, Robert Nordstrom, Allan Page Bradley Page, Donald Welton 1►lr. Arnold Boomers, Mr. Joseph Creces, Bill Stevenson,• Erne Clark, Harold Pym, Bill Hill - bourn and Donald Mason ver•e flower bearers. Mollard Reunion A picnic of the Mallard con. nections with about 175 attend- ing, was held south of town on Saturday. It is about 100 years since the Mallards first settled in tilt district, only three of the first generation being still liv. ing, ' the picnic includng these down to the fourth generation, Those attending were from Wind- sor, Toronto, Buffalo, Sarnia, Detroit, Kitchener, Parkhill and Grand Bend. Personal Items Mrs. Wm. Patterson, Mr. and lrs, Elgin Webb accompanied 5y Mr, and Mrs, Roy Scott of Sarnia left on Monday niorning to visit with Mrs. Patterson's granddaughter, Mrs, Allan Barry and, Mrs. Barry at Haileybury. Mr. Bert Holt has been re- leased as_ a patient in St. Jos-. cph's Hospital, and is Still quite ill at his home in town. Snelgrove's will be OPEN Fri. and Sat. Nights until 10:00 p.m. See • Qeuntuutlun,nninnluiM See Our Special Summer Values 41 Connor Clothes Dryer 1 Reg. $249.50 ONLY $169 els 15 cu. ft. Frigidaire Chest -type Freezer Reg. $459.50 ONLY $349 Kelton 'M -F Console Reg, $199:95 ONLY . 149 + Portable Utility- • Airy Conditioner . Reg, $129.50 ONLY $79 "'*This is our answer to Evening Shoppers in the Exeter District, We hope to serve this district ,with •Quality+ 1Vlerchandise, Efficient Service and Corpetitive Prices such as you may find anywhere where in Canada �d Y art. therefore fired it necessary to remain openon both Friday 'and Saturday Nights so as net to add to any confusion with regard to Store Hours. Sincerely, ANDY SNELGItcVE r NELGRO xo er Miss Pauline Mason of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and , Mrs; Mansell Mason. " Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask spent a few days last week visiting in Strathroy, Mr. Norman Barber of Toron- to visited with Mr, and Mrs. E. Keown' a couple of days last week. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs• Wm. J. Holt were Mr. Cy Williams of London, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Stephens of, Thorn, dale, Mrs Donald Webb of Fort Huron, and Miss Lyla 'Bowan of Almonte, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Allen of Windsor visited with Mr: (Ind Mrs. Norman Turnbull on Sun- da Y. un-(lay. - Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Burn. ette, Debbie and Douglas, of De- troit, spent the weekend. with Mr, and' Mrs. Ted. Staniake; Douglas, Jr. will be visiting here for a few :weeks. Weekend visitors with Miss Mary Yeo were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard and Mr, and Mrs. Phi'tip Cummings of West Lorne, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mollard of Windsor. Sunday visitors with. Mr. • and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rether, fir. and Mrs. Sam Sweitzer and Brian of Exeter and Mrs. Nola Mc- Cullum of London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmonds and son, John, of Listowel, spent the Weekend. with. Mrs. Edmond's mother, Mrs. Myrtle Tetreau, Mr. Dennis Finan. of . Sarnia spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Elnan, • Cultivated pearls are grown by the oyster, but under man's. control. More farmers switch to Surge Milkers for .safer, faster milk- ing. (adv't) S 2 CENTS • A BUSHEL Stops Grain Insects For A Whole Year Spray Bins With HOWARD BIN TREAT to kill insects incracks and crevices. Treat New Grain With 'HOWARD GRAIN GUARD P6WDER MiXes easily with new grain •:. as it is binned—protects it e. from grain insects. for A Whole year without affect- ing milling, feed or seed' value. It costs about 2e a bushel ?' to use BIN TREAT and GRAIN GUARD—less than it does to fiiinigate, ON SALE AT BXE'TU DiS1"ittict CO-OP Photo tNt rrr,sJrfinerrrrulil�rnlrYrr+tnJ�inwrlrirlll,Inrltrrrlrlil Mr. and Mrs, Danny Rudy and baby odaughter, and Mrs. Rudy Sr. spent the Anrerican holiday with f,',onstable and Mrs. E. McFardgen.. On Sunday morning a little - pair of ` twin' daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boy- senberry •at Roca Raton, Fior- ida. Mr. and, Mrs, .Joseph Hislop of Los Angeles,. California, spent Thursdtly visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Turnbull. The library exdhange with Larnbton Coilnty Library was held an Tuesday morning, the new books .being available dur- ing library hours. 'on °Tuesday evening. Mrs. P. M. Daniels and grand- daughter, Deanna, and nephew, Master Freddie Thomas of Strath. roy, are visiting this week with Mrs. Daniel's sister, Mrs. Ted Stanlake and Mr. .Staitlake, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacGreg. or of Windsor visited last week with Mrs. Myrtle McGregor and other relatives in the district, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Macdn, lay of London, are visiting with Mr. -.and Mrs, E. Keown this week, Mrs, A..Sharrow and datigh. ter 'Evelyn left on Monday for a six months' trip to Vancouver. Tali Week: In Saintsbury ly MRS. H. DAY.I; ,Pt rsonaI .Items lr. and Mrs. Donald Hili and son pf Toronto and Mrs. 0. Dale and Linda of Louden were Sun* day guests with Mr. and Mrs. JIM Barker. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Davis and Mr, Fredd ;Aobbs, spent Sun- day at Windsor and .Ilondeau Park. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs -of Exeter and were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil •O'Brien,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll accompanied by. Mr. and Mrs. Renry klodgias, Liman, were guests on Sunday with lltr. and Mrs. James Moricin, ,Goderich, Master Wayne Carroll spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Ings, London. Mr. Donald Smyth, Midland,. is spending a few days at the home .of Mr.. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Miss Alexia Davis, Exeter. spent the wekend with her pari ents, Mrs. W.7. Davis is recuper- ating from. :her fall at the home of her son, Mr.. and Mrs Clar- ence Davis, Mr, ;and Mrs. -Earl Atkinson spent Sunday at their : trailer, Grand Bend, • soul ttllo!!!!U!!1tglll Mluuttwionom!!!,uttttmoU4n!11111411Ut1!llut!`IIIII!!11!1!!111111!!!ro1111111gA,eot,4 0 Litter Carriers, Hay Carriers, Electric Fans for stables, ' Pedlar Steel Rooting all at .ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Qualified men to: put your roof on. - Seed Beans For Sale' $LOO A BUSHEL. FlueryBiss�i Farm Equipment All Kinds of Parts •,and Repairs NEW 26•PLATE DISC, NEW ;Ii -PLATE DISC AT GREATLY REDUCE), PRICES . Pedlar Barn And ,Stable Equipment - Installed If Necessary Scott's' Elevator Ltd. _ . Phones: Elevator 63, Res. 110 Lucan 5 :All 1llllllt,Ilnlltillltlll1.11111111111111111111111111,111„!, II II II4444111 it 11li11111111/11,411111111nlit llltlin11,111Illl U11!!1ll1111 �lt "+11.11,1.11II161FY1ilfl tAAIRIV)1M1111)11111lU11.1111,IIk11111411,II1411N1161A1111IUMI1111141Nd.U11,11RA1,1llli;;;;0101dI111);; ; 1 GRAND 6END - AND :DISTRICT 1 RICK'S TV RADIO . �► Q SERVICE I Phone 192 .41 iii/1111un11lnnnn111111n1111n111111luloun111111nu,11n11nuu111n1in1i11t 71IU IIMM111IUt111iIIII lU!HItII r111111111111l111ltl 1 1 1111111111141111.41 1111 M M I IIII I I UMM IMII mi 1 111111,11111,11111l1111111111 0 11 0 1 111111!! 1111111 1111/1 EXPERT PROMPT -G. UARANTEED Grand Bend €, 1.ocAI nit, WELL, WE'RE AT IT AGAIIJ -- Pt -AWING ,�aturday SEREAPING AND f,1 .qM HES • NATIONAL BALER TWINE $5.95 Per Bale • WILSON'S FLY BAIT 950 Per 11/2 Lb. Can • SHELL LIVESTOCIt; SPRAY $1.95 Per Gal. • WHITE SALT BLOCK 70pc Per 50 Lb. Block - ` HURRAH FOIA, SATURDAY . OPENING' Specials. FOR • .POULTRY FEED TROUGHS '(PINE) $2,50 Each 10 Ft, Long • BUDGIE BIRD — ONLY $3.50 (Half Price) With Purchase Of Case • PRESTO FIRE EXTINGUISHER Only, $5.00 -- (Reg. 58.Q5), These prices are offered for Saturday only in belief that Saturday is farmers' day in town. nur Cva4l GRAIN- FEED -SEED EXETEI Y,,,,z73.•`•WHALEN CORNERS )'ke.vKlikKTON 35RI5 • Big,.beavfifvJ:Dodge... IRIS:YEAR'.S.MOGESTVAIUFPACBGE ...withfailow;budgatiptce! - r :•rti::•:r;:+.,::;:;::y }t:•:h\vi�l't: ✓'r. y Y} :• v.�J✓.•.vf:,.,4 J.xf•ii�64.i1i•.urlur✓ :$.::::r:r.�.Y{n.Sg .uuG! � ♦ i .{V}f tl.,.lf.LtLC!/"✓»w 'O.• j::}•L+wiA ... ' •:✓�� Like to drive the sweetest buy that ever saved you a pretty penny? Then 'try DORGE!. Here's the car that's getting the BIG raves in the low -price field ... and it's tagged' with a price that's a pocketbook-pleaserl That low price you pay 'la only the eye-opening starts of the surprise* you'll discover' in'Dodge,) Round up the family arid try a Dodge Toad trial you'll soon learn what we're talking about. Por nowhere else will you find a low-prieed car ivitli much a high-priced look , . plus 'the most powerful standard V-8 in its class, teamed with thelightiting-quick'reflexes of torrid Dodge Torque-Flite drive! Watch what happens wIxeir bunips and chuck= . holes loom ahead, too. Dodge Torsion -Aire Aide puts them all "on the level" .. , lets you corner Without lean . r . stop without a hint of brake "nose=dive' So why wait a minute longer? Take a look at the woney-saving figures on our Dodge price tag. • You'll .see why Dodge is the deal for gout You're always a 'step ahead in cars of The formed Look bode* soap, to 100th IRwligtut- i11Msflp 't1V styling • . petlflmbOttorll "11 Oratu a-M+'1ft. Iliilio:..Toraiorl-Alpo Irklll... o ifll EeMrlilrilo V■ 'o and *1s . Ir It 1s#trtrP +st00p1n g TOtal tto rntaes t riatkesi SOL% Ger''' MORO IN A CFHiiirti is datFORATION Of CANADA, 1tMITtD tHR-110c 1EAU1IFOL 1UY ill THE LOWII PRICE rlELD.I EXETER M�Toi SALES ohone 200 a. *x trr • z 4 1