HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-16, Page 4FUR .ALE. `TARN' HILL PRIVILku;iii, close to the Lb Shore, and at 6, 8 sod Ib miles from Goderieb. with .mall Farms at twirld. AIeo--ONEHUMOILED Buildiag LOTS in the new laid out Tows Plot of Wicklow, on the 111 ail. River, and on O.• sats road from Oedema' to the 8outi.hiog settlements is the new county of Bruce. Terme-.Ooe (earth a the purchase moo ey down, the reoelsd.rin Four instalment. with tattersall. Apply (1f by letter punt ped) to the proprietor, JOHN HAWKINS. GoleriA, March 18, 185e. 3.-• 8m6 NOTICE. ALL Persons indebted to the Subeenber, are hereby sottbsd that sir. 0 ter and Mr 1. Ratted/ay are authorized to receive all AcouotaJue to him, and unless paid im- mediately. the aho,t parties are In.uucted to sty for them In his name. THOMAS DARK. Guderich, April 10. 3i -n10 Exhibition OF FARM HTOCB and Produce Domes. tic Masufactwes, kale., by the Ilurui District Agricultural 13oca'y. As Exhibition of Cat, \, Seeds, Domes tic Manufacture. ke , 6.c., ail be held at Goderich, on Friday, the 971h e( Sep'.mber, when tbafollowing premium* will be area ded : Horses. For the best Bnxxl Marc and Foal, LI 10 0 second best, 1 0 0 third best, 15 0 For the Best.2_years old Filly, 1 0 0 second best, 15 0 third best, 10 o Best two year old Colt, 1 0 o second best 15 o third best, 10 o Best Span of Farm Horses, 1 10 0 second best, 1 0 o third best, 15 o Cattle. For the best Milch Cow, (which shall have had acalf inl8 O.) 1 5 second best, 1 0 third best, o 15 Best 2 yrs. old Heifer, o 15 second best, 0 10 third best, o Best Bull (not over five years old,) 1 5 setx)nd best, 1 0 third best, o 15 Bet 3 year old Steers, o 15 second best, 0 10 third best, o 7 Best Fatted Ox. 1 0 second best, o 15 third best, u 17 For best Tatted Cow or Heifer, 1 0 o second best, 0 13 u third best, o 10 o Sheep and Hogs. For the best Ram, 1 0 u second best, O 15 0 third best, o 10 o Best Ewes (pen of 2) having raised a Lamb in 1850, 1 o second best, 0 15 third best, o 10 Best Ram Lamb, o 10 second bust, o ' 7 -third best, o 5 For best Boar, 1 o second best, o 15 third best, o 10 For the best Sow, (site shall have had figs in 1850, and the pigs to be shewn with sow, 1 10 o second best, 1 o o third best, o 13 0 Grain, Seeds & Dairy For the best 4 bushels Spring Wheat, 1 5 o second best, 1 o O third best, u 13 o Best 2 bushels Barley, 0 15 second best, o 10 third best, 0 7 Beat 2 bushels Oats, o 15 second best, o 10 thinl hest, o 7 Best 2 bushels Peas, o 15 second best, 0 10 third best, o 7 Best bushel Tinl(►thy, o 10 second best, o 7 third best, o 5 � t 50 lbs Salt Butter, o 15 second butt, o 10 third best, o 7 Best 40 lbs Cheese, o 110 second best, o 7 third beat, o 5 hoo(s. Parties aotnpethlR for the above Roots wilt berequired to pay and entrance fee of 2s. 6d. Best 1-4 acre Carrots, o 10 o second best, 0 7 6 Manufactures. Best ''en yards Dum•e- tic made Cloth, Lo 15 second best, 0 10 third best, o 7 Best pair Domestic ma- nufactured Blankets, 0115 second best, ok'10 third best, . 0 7 Best Ten yards Domes- tic made Flannel, Fall Importations L 0 t3 T ! ! FOR ISO. _ B61.ONGING to the eabsenber, betwss JAMES PORTER 4 Co. bee Store sod the Division Court 01 - MARKET ,QUAtZ, 000Eales. lee, ea Friday Islet, 11th Ieslast, AVi: )•.t nert..d ism the EUROPRAII Two PROMISSORY NOTES; H• sod AMERICA MARKETS, se. el t*. Chew« sod MOST Stl.LNDID LiMOIT• iia,, Om JOINT NOTE evilest Joan NEST of O i'ANCY 4. STAPLE DRY COOOv. I says dr.we Ipsysba Doo ur £3 18s JaimefPhelan or GRE7 COTTON SHIRTII.IGI. Peewee I beereee Wdesdursed by Jane. t'belaa, put O Celina). Permed Noakes. Seamy sed Detestde.,� . 1.., tau. agape' Mlcttasi Stemware 6 Cb.MM, /du•. Nuts, sed Seem Tetsh•b Leas. r irk A:dr, for £3 12s 8d., -draw 0 paya- La we* a.d Headkerchte4, Los. Caeabses. sed Hb aadhe,e4s. Swim. Seek, sad J.a..a Mar bit to Cbristi.n Sootier, or bearer, written lis•, tfTEA)1 LOOMS, DeL ..e ..d Cm•h- a G- rtMao, elan pout due. This a to eau - O .terve. Akar.. 4811 .aloe. Werke., Cep.. Col- nom why person Drum purcbasarg the sato., O tat'+ sod C.S.. Lake Meete sed Rhee.. Mose tau Ib •4u.e parties paving the Notes to 6 Hdbl.. sad $.-arts. COTTON Nt11tTINGa, sap person but the subscriber, -and as) laalaer•ew.. Sean. mid Crops. 4 bes.,i4al p.r•os finding the above Notes will much style.• Rrsead.I I'ir. Leer• .14 L.. o5e418 oblige the.ubscnber by returning them to u velem, Greene sed 14••i•ee, Andhra Flew- him. THOS. M. DA LY. ma, Reamer Stratford, July 18th, 1849. 2v-0300 A Srasnle Aert$0RTMFNT (W SHAWLS. BROAD CLOTHS & CER$F:Y MEEKS. OF FINE• FIRM, ANDDI:RABI.F:FABRICKS, OF FARMS/SASE STYLES. Beautiful s.,d Foot Cel.srs, sad sit pewee List will surprise all percbswn fee Cheapens. Fash- ionable Trewewi.s. Ds. Vemase Cwt•. and Lembo W..el tyres 5d ltktr'• tell E Subscriber begs te inform the I■babituta MI )l-FMKIiR, SATIN 7TP L TWEEDS, 1 N ADE 1 r ( OATS. VESTS AND .4 Goderich 8!sod pl1its vicinity, that be has re - TN OW -SMA. NTOCKA, may/FS, cin*•Large ROVED PA Supply .( tire LATEST la- sed Ildbfa shIrish soemnes Nim. COOK Ili G, BOX , Ohms. English. /re.eb sed Asmrisas Cepa IN G, RPETiNG, AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he Open for SALE at very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber else keeps on head, as ussal, at vis OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Se- pener assortment of TINWARE of every description. The tib.eribertakes this opportunity 4 reisr 0 15 0 second best, 0 10 0 third best, o 7 6 The above manufactures to be from the Farm of the colillxeti- tors, and of the growth of the present year. Implements. For the best Luti,ber Waggon made within the limits of the Socie- ty's District, LI 10 second best 1 5 FAL1. WHEAT. -The Show of Fall Wheat will rake place at Goderich, on Wednesday the 98th day of August. For the best 10 bite. Red Wheat, £2 0 0 second beat, 1 10 0 third best, 1 0 0 TOI O Table Linens, Towellinp, Linen O and Cotton Sheeting, Counter- panes. Marseilles Quilts, Dam- ask Flannels and Blankets. For the best 10 bus White Wheat l2 0 0 eeeord beet, 1 10 0 third best, 1 0 0 Parties to whom the above Premium. may be awarded, will be required to sell 20 bushels HMO as sample (if required) at five •billing., currency, per bushel. Tbe So.. ty will give two Premiums of Five Pouuds each for the best Imported Durham and Devonshire Bulls, from 2 to 4 years old, -Alen, a Premium of £2 10. for the best imported Boar, either Hampshire or Yorkshire. RULES OF THE EXHIBiTION. 1. All Subscriptions to be paid oo or be- fore the loth day of August next. 2. All Subscribers in arrears to the o Society, who may wish to exhibit anything O at the Show, are to pay the Treasurer the (l sum of Ten Shiltinge, ou or before the 10th day of August. 3. All subscribers having paid the sub- scription, and only such to compete. 4. All Stock exhibited shall have been the bona fide property of the exhibitnr a month before the Show, and ail other artt- O cles must have been produced oo the Farm of the Exhibitor• O 5. All Competitors for prizes must give O the Secretary neit;oe of the description of stock and produce they intend to show, on 0 i or before 4 o'Clock P. M. the 26th •if Scp- 0 1 tcmber. 616. All Stock and Produce to be on the show ground by 9 o'clock of the day of o .baro. O R. G. CUtNiNGHAM, Sec. O Goderich,.April 24th, 1850. 0 0 6 O O O O .6 0 O O 0 Best acre of Turnips, o second hest, third beat, o Best acre Of Potatoes, I second best, o third beim , Q 15 10 7 O 15 10 O O 6 O 0 60 6 0 u 6 OI 0 6 6O O O 0 6 0 0 Excellent Property si'�J r''w Ar%eEL Ii�. THAT Handsome an- d COMMODIOUS BRiCK COTTAGE- situate on the Northern Limits of the 'l'own of Godeiich, lately occupied by John Reach, and belong- ing to Henry Ilorton. This Cottage stands in a -beautiful and retired situation, and is well adapted for a genteel fancily. It will be sold on moderate Terms : or othertvi-e LET for a TERM of years at a reasonable Rent. The subscri- ber also wishes to dispose of a Span of good Working HORSES, one three and the oth- er four years old, and well. oke, both to harness and saddle. Also one .Pair nearly new Double harness and a new \Vagon and Double Sleigh. Debentures will be taken In payment for the Ilorses, Wagon. 56:igh and harness. Fur Particulars apply to the Proprietor, HENRY HORTON. Goderlch, 22nd Jan. 1850. 2.-o5It TO BE SOLD, AN excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12. Maitland Concession, Township of Goderich, contsiuiog 100 acres -30 of which is cleared. Tho land is of a 'superior quali- ty, and well watered. It le situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of Goderich on the Huron Road, and at the J-'nrtion of six ditrerent roads: a d as it is In the center of a populous and prosperous -locality, it is ex- cellently adapted for a Tavern .-.and or a Store. Thin farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation for busies', and trill be sold on very reewnahle terms. For particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, (l.dericb, or to the proprietor JONAS COPP, ' Village of H arpurhey, June 13. 1849. a9u 190 !flank Deed -1 and Memorial4, A ND .118.4. of DIVISION ('tnURT BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- S()ItY NOTES, for sale at the Signal Moe. Every discription of 1101 K and J1L1H Prieto( executed with netinea and t*pateh, SUMMONSF:Brega-r.dhe the New Din wet Court Act and all other BLANK RMS geed in abs District sod Divines Ceu•te, en Sale .t the Sive+/ Office Also, all hied, of JOB PRINTING executed os the (*orient entice, and on moderate terms. G,derieh, Joly 19, 1849. eigwil Otic.. Gndench, 8tb September 1149. s MILITIA MEDALS. _UCMI of the Militia - of this Province as are stilled to a Medal for the follow- ing actions, via :-Detroit, Chrysler's Farm and Chateauguay. ars required to send to the Adjelsnt General of Mihus, at Toronto without delay, a statement of their clams, in order that they ,eiy be received le En- gland by the 1.1 0' M4y next. Papas in W. F'turiaee, will please copy the .bore notice. .1 s7 4 FIFTY SPLENDID BUFFALO ROBES! and 500 BA Gal Stier,« Liverpool SALT. std 4 which will be sold at veep sed twd thaws fir CA811 orMrietshienon beams. Gedevich. 28th throne-. 8M. ilii -Hitt 'OciII '16 NOTICE. MBE 8ab•eriber haring beessppeieted Agent 1 for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AM) GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by intimate. Chit he is prepared 1• receive Stb- scriptioes for Stock in the Proprietary Branch. and applIntion• for lesarsnees in the Maisel Branch, sad to give such iafortithe Imaua se .subject as may be required_ JOHN CLARE. Goderich, 2ibi Sept. 1809. 2•-•34t1 F.ARMFR'S INN . STRATFORD. 1tNRS. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, widow of the late Thomas Doggies, of the Farmer's inn, Stratford, hope to return hr. thanks to the Inhabitants of Stratford, sad the public generally, for the very liberal support which they received duneg the short time they have bees is Stratford. Mr.. Douglas begs to Intimate that she intends carrying on the business as hereto. fore at the Old Stand. in her owe name,'and hopes by strict attention to the comfort of her guano, and moderate charges, to meat a s S share of the pnbhc patronage. NOTICE. -Received is titers lea .ember, per Scbeam, sienesesaa. A Lot of IRON, coa•igsod to F. C., Gudsricb. If the saute is Situ takes away forthwith, it will be sold to pp.. emus. CHRISTOPHER CRABS. Goderich, Jas. 23, 1110. 1,-.0111 ming his sincere thanks to the Public for the very Went patronage he has received sisee he has bees in besmear in Goderich, sod hones by strict attestation to Destines*, and moderate prices. to realise/ to receive a shore of the public patronage N. B. -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER and BELL. HANGING sowed M we heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Gederieh, 6th Sept. 1849. 2.-s3I tf TAILORING BST AB L ISHME NT. CANADA Lina ASSURANCE COM PANY THE Sub.,ibsr boring bees appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to resets• peopoesls for Aaa- rance, and will be happy to afford to stay person the necewary 'sforeauos, as to to principles of the leant atom. JAMES WATSON• Goderich, l3tb June, 1849. via1Btf A. NASMYTH IN returning thanks to his friends and ou- mero011 Customers fur the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during the pst year, begs to intimate that he has jest eseeiv.d an extensive Assortment . 071P TU232 IPAa1L1:m)al3 I?OlRaad3, sad ie ready to Execute alt Order* given to him with care and punctuality as formerly Goderich. Apri i, 126. 1849. 20-n tOtt TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE within 2 miles, aid the other with - ie about 3 miles of GoJer)cb Tows Plot. Tbe first is 1.';1. 10 in- 11t Commis- sion. Townsh.p of Goderich; CONTAINING 164 ACRES, 1• boun ed at the one erd by Lake iloron, mod at Out other by a Public Road, --and .tbssecoad is LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, W. Division, CONTAiNING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Roads. For Particular. apply to JNO. McDONALD, Esq. Goderich, 12th June, 1849. n19-tf HURON HOTEL, STRAYED from the subscriber on or •bout the 1st of November last, Ose Yoke of Black OXEN, brows streak on the back, ax years old. Also three COWS, one black, span:led with white spots. One large Red Cow with s white Face. One lined back brindle Cow, and rise Two years old Red Heifer. Any person leaving infnrmalo■ of the above cattle at tbs Sig nal Office or with Mr. Jobs Allan, Tavern Keeper, Goderich. will ha satt.ibd for their treble. SAMUEL McCOBKiERY. Kiseediee, 94th Dee 1849. GOf)ERIC11. TAMES GENTLES. would respectfully is- .) form the nhabitset, of Goderich, ud io,'i- eiaitr. that he will coaetestfg Keep Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE, ter which be respectfully solicit, the patronage of the public. - • 'JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1849. t2r33-1( PUIIPT TiE BLOOD. M OFFAT'8 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS The high „N envied celebrity which thee. pre-eeieeat MMIC.... hen se jinni for then {ineffable .iter, le ell the 4.....e which the, prolate to earl!. h.a read.n• the vowel ,.none. of pea.g not only mwe.tesry, bat eeww- U, of .Ne. They are be.. by their teen.; their goal wart,. twify for thee. bed Ube, trioe loot by au mita el she ...d..le.e. Z lir Aft. - .nom -VIED Mir Stratford, 21st August, 1849- 2v-089ff1 AFFECTHSseft15 8L4DDDL*./IKIRD.%YBarkeM BILIOUS mesas a LIVET COMlLLIRTa.- \eW Tailoring lErstabhshment IN GODERICH. TILE S.becnber begs to asewace to itis io- habiunt• of G..deneh, sad its vicinity. that he hoe a•mmeaeed beoinese i. the above lige. on the R born r'huiag 11. HORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square. where be will be pre- pared to te oil order. in Isis Incies the shortest noticeand et moderate charges. N. H. -Cutting be. se the Atarte.t notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderich, Oct- 17. 1849. •2n37 STRATFORn BREWERY. '114 SnMer:her in returning h s since. 1 srknowledgrmeeu to th. .ehabirset• e Stratford. and to his e.,tomere generally. for the liberal patronage which he hes received dar- ing the time he has bees in !meows. wishes u. intimate that the improved arrangements whit* have reeehdr been made i.. his euabbohgeest. will enable him to make a sspenor quality of BEER, sad to ferrule it se each trine es retitle him to • eeatinsannn of the buaisw which he has hitherto esleyed. J. b. TiAN. Sinifwrd, Noe. 9d. 1849. tyliH2 TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WATR.Lon, 24th February, 1849. THE Soh.cnber hereby Intimates to his friends and the Travelllag Pnbli: gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber• deeti to the Village of Stra•burgh, and will sow be found in that will -knows house for- merly ercopied by Mr. Jone.,-where he will be reedy and aisle to condom to the eorafurt of those who may honor him with their patro.ege. And while be retarse thanks for past femora, he hope., by street attention to the wane and wishes el his customer., .1111 to merit a continuum el their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. v2-5414 NOTICE ALL NOTES Inc Om Subscriber will M surd without (saber Bence unless settled immediately. LOWF,LL ALVORD. Goderich, May 9, 1850. .sell rib meth sad Iter. whew New draws ew.ul. tlwy nil be band le.swsbia "Waters. fere..'. awl ahem. wee mot is ata ibIes nam. soil ae..r .8..w.d5 hi we heel three BILIOUS COMM. semi SEROUS Consols*. BILES. coormarecos. COLDS L C0V005. CN IL•G COte(•Nr110)4. USN with prat swami. on the Moms coIaUPr HUMORS. DROPSIES. DTSPI IPSIA. N. vines war u. it .miss de Ons. _5 defer ems Ore rdamoo mrdiatalt iMUPTIOJ'S of 5• Sad. R2rarPELAS, PLATY LR.%cIRr, 1r1R R aed AD V S. ra tbu mama Je w..weir, urs amusiaet will be foaled s seA. meMy. W masa r. s4. odor ssdbwee Isere 5. ,tom wise' to • tetra et eb.bras-e ere M diem .,.cine. r ,_,_l - TRY THCM. at SATISrreD. van se CURLS. POULN1SS of COMPLxXION. •1l%D*AL a>•>PILIT! 0,4/3. GIDDINESS. GRAVEL. HCADA,'Htt grant Wed. INWARD PETRR. rxr(AWMAruIr RHRVI4 MN. IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. LOSS r area LIVP* 00111 PLAIATB. • L1PROS r. LOOSLYRSS, RKHCUAIAL ,siSCAIF.S.- Sem lab to s4. s r MMa& MI Me tams 4 Newry iwa tasty .saw Nae the ea seeea euesesises twurve s. MSG? SWEATS. NCR roux' nhaILIT v. NLR roua COMPLAINTS ef en mob. ORoat4Ic IP►RGTIO,DL PALPITATION of W MEART. PAINTER'S COMM I L m s. The Mutest or.Pwr.f lime md,.isr was wed 4 Pis off rein etsdms br the me 4 Smell* sdirrr slew. 54!14* r 5. bad• .N. bemk. 1•Mb febb ad .am. RRISVMAT1SM. Mem edluedwebibis swab brow ma be sem ember be thetas ,sed■imm MUSH .r ■2.000 w Um MMA" ac VR►r. s1LTRMgvM. swxWNOS. $CROPI!LA. ell =I7f0'S XVIII., ism weewl 5.. U L C I R. V.(•r0 dawe4vYm w e M x2a. 4.R bie....•te1.db •.vena/ be Siem ilemba .r. Psalm .d dm mil es da.1.me saes waw OM Si .ammm Is ~mei Robe/ bo mast. TIB LiPI MLR IN) PIOUt1 BIYTIRR PURIFY THE BLOOD, Asa ties remove all disease from the MOD. A Mel ,iu Ike. the t 1F E P1118 sad P 8 li l 1 LTTE 28 he he me read tse! 4.- tau b .he ..t tial. dom., pe5m. Tse gm.5e Of alt».o mealtime e.g s.. pm 7 le Mw ww�ese .14 kebab, esget►•r *Mb • .seed " b Ail O.N SerrNn." esmeiN.q.4 lemeisom ae. es IMAM 1. • dn.5 $.f ae.edw.y from MOO *owl to OW twaA by eab5 rases•^ .adds, sae tap es eey ..Ay d al .mappers sod F .. m s.•.w ••re•'a••K d • The 55.55.. .aa Mb. roma 1,w *Mb while ....r be swM thee 5.t s e amniaM K .s.eand do wt bm ems ons dan•msemw atopme o; bat Y rw d. be .eW Om MearW, aiMem le. a cwt tomb ilea P ISO Ovid Mi. WILLIAM B !0TP4?, ass SPOodwoo. ,.wrr 4 osteo an.a, Visa Two Pee sake by 1 NOTICF. To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. THE increased demand for Stwwosew and other BLANK WRiTS, is con- nection with the besmear of the severs! Di. sigma Courts in the iAetrtet, bit warranted us in emittog them is ouch larger quanti- ties then heretofore, sad eoseequeetly ena- bles ti' to sell them swell ebssper-tbe►e- fore inum•te to the several Oie.ra re- ghirinweg these Blank Perm. that fro:(bis date, Summon+.+ and all other Writs be - loaves to the Division Court, will b. Hale at the Sigma Ofce at the reduced prise of Q7' Two StnrLulas IIuIPSNCI PTA 11UIN IS. ,_L-0 CASH for WHEAT A T the Goderich Mils -sod C -s* far Cherry 11 Saw logs at Geder,cb tied Say6.Id Molle 'by - WILLIAM PIPER. Goderich stale, 5th December, 1849 46.11 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. barb. 1)a. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA N be cocooned at all Xis. °Ia. F GesliaR'a, Jr'v afat . Godards, Sept. 11118, 1644. 11- I. L lB Rr I S, BARRISTER, SOLI(iTOR, Jose. Inie GODE1tICH. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Conveyancer, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS, +•e- 4e. GODERICH. Oet. 1, 1849. 2-a25 JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor ise Chancery. Cosreyeoccr, NOTARY PUBLIC, Has his office in West Street, Goderieb. Goderich, 2nd January, 1850. 20-449 I)ANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .sad Conneyeaeer, Solicitor in Charier* 4c.. 11as his office ea formerly, is Stratford. Stretford, 2nd January, 1810. tr.4141 N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the late firma of Strachsn k Ltzan, continues to act as Agent sad Counsel for Nr. Uwe is all weere referred to him from Stratford. HOME MANUFACTURE. THE Subscriber. is ',terming thanks to their Customers for the liberal sup port they have received eine* enooeneisg business, beg to intimate, that they bate for sale at low rate•. Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, oleo Ploughs of eight descriptions, and cos- aati.g of the most Improved Moulds. Seif setts( Mill Dogs, aid vinous other cas- ting.. Having engaged an experienced Machinist, the subscribers can confidently reenmmend their THRASHING IMA+ CHINES of the newest des go, both eta- 11onary and mooeable, and would oohed e call from intending Purchasers before bay- ing el.ewhere. All orders pun:tually at- tended to and execntid with neatness wed despatch. w ()RR k \VILSONi. Stratford, 13th Aug. 1849. e2-ntBtf. . PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber bege !•ave to inform the an 1 tis• neighboring Districts, .shat Le has Established himself in Stratford. anJ Is prepard to give Plans and Spe.ifrca- noes of Pubic cr Private Buildings, Enda- ;a, Mill Dam, kc. $e. kc., and will take the s:pcnot.sdence or such Erections, on he moat reasonable terms. Diu thorough knowledge units profession and his practice as Builder, qualifies him fur any undertaking is the line. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, - Builder, ke. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 16th, 1949. 2v-n7tf .5 S'I'RATFORD IiO'FEL. (LATI ■ar'e.) rl1ITE Subscriber informs his friends and A the Travelling Public. that he has leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now tho county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May, -where he will be ready at all times to afford the usual comfort and supplies and promote the personal convenience of his guests. WINES and LiQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hostler always in attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, istb July, 1849. 2v-ot5tf WATSON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE WATSON .f GoderieA, BARRISTER AT LAW. Ae. &e. sad GEORGE WILLIAMS, .f Stretford. late 4 the firm of Hector, Weller aid Williams. Beniaten. Ae.Torsete, bevies ibie day .sieved olio'.-prtaet.Lip, a the Practice, sed Profes- ses. f Law. Coalmine sad C cue, ..11 idjstsre keep their Offices at Godeeich and Strada!, respectively, wader the sass', style surd tires of Winos and %Vistula. Dots Wareos, Goderich. Gaoaoa W,wass, Stratford, S 9414 December. 1849. civ -n41711 A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE .TAILOR: 173114-941,MI , GODCRICH. Guderieb, April 12, 18-19. ".-slot( J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, w'LL attend SALES is any part of the County no reasonable Terme. Ap- ply at kis Remdesce, Light -House Street. Goderich, April 4th 1849. a -9n DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Three door, Sea J tis Ceaels C•'s. Office WEST-HTREI'T, GODERICH. Miguel tri'th, 1849. 2v-4130 S to kes, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST • WEST-8-TRECT, . GODERiCH. Mara s, 1544. 2v -bo JOBB J. ;. LINTON. wOTAS Y 10$5IB. Cbminiaaioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, BTRATFOR1). DAVID H. LIZARS, WISHES t• Minima to the tababitaots of Gnderieh sad the surrounding eewtry. lohabitanrs of the il,tnet of Heron, l that he has commenced bsaneesas Coevsyeseer. Geeeral Agent •.d Accountant, and by amide - 00s atir.uo., accuracy, and moderate charges, hopes to be useful to such u may retrains his services. Those wishing to employ bum is uy of the sM.e broaches will pleat/. call at the Registry Office, Lightbenes street, Goderieh, 1318 March. 1850. .3-n6 DR. JOHN HYDE, [Lara ►*os 115.0,] R. WILLIAMS k CO., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs. &c. &c. THE•.baertber. begto inform the inhab- itants of STRAFORD and the sur- rounding Township., as well as the public is general, that they have opened the above establ'Sbmeot in this Town, where they will also keep coa.taatly on band a choice ...leettnn of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, HARDWARE, ke. ke. When they hope by keeping a good stoat at tow prices to receive a share of peblie patronage. Physician's preecriptuoes and faintly re- c.p.s dispensed with the greatest accuracy SIM pro&pt tuade. N. B. -Crawford k l aI.ch's Mustard wholesale and Wail. - R. WiLi.iAMS k Co. Stretford. Mb January 1850 t,n50 KiNI:ARI)INI: ARMS. (Neer the Wharf Gedertek,) BY H. MARLTON. IT"!7MiE *bee. Hotel bit good . lee travellers, stat er, tte., ke. The Paeket M.vy Ass will leave Ged.- rieb (wind It weather pwmittisSgv,) regular- ly (wise a week for the Rini -tribes Sett:s- BENJ. PARSONS, meet. Pee height .w peesags apply to 8.1. Agree. (gt towel et the Kitnardise Arm.. Godsrich, Jae. 11, 1648. 1 Asi111i.k. March 9/Mk 1850. aS-el e�.,l•,•:r,.�x • IYJ1CtIID1lGAIo EAU, STRATFORD. July 31, 1849. 2v-826 WM. REED, HOUSE -1ND SIGN PAINTER. 4-.., LIGHT -HOUSE ST. GODERiCH. Oct 25, 1849. 2,838 ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And Civil Engineer. Office at Mr. Rosea? Exits' GODERiCH. January 19, 1850. 2v -s61 NOTICE. THE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF beloag- ing to the Messrs. Devenport, of this place has established himself as a roawaaoaa AND COMMISSION M1l CHANT. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Wiod.or, March, 1849. iv-7stf. the fiuron 9igno.l, IS P115110 MID PO1L,ES11 SVC., vseiswav BY THOMAS 1111ACQVIEVI, carrot asp ►sarturrol. 007101 MA.IRT UARR, 00141a1c1. •• Beek lied Job Pri.g, executed with amities' w .es and dispatch. Tauue .v TI M H:ROI 13/4111110... -TEN ern- LiNOS per mermen if paid meetly in advisee, et Twat.' asp 8,x Pawl with the elpirtNes .f the year. No piper diseestinved until anew, ars paid up, esteem the publisher thighs it his.dvsa• tate to do so. Arty iedt,tdual in the cosetry brownie, re- spoesible for six sebscribera, .61l1 peens 5 ihcopy gratis. ET All lot ten) .ddneeed t. the Liter Nest he pest paid, or they will let be takes est.f t1. pest *See Tgus 05 nil Nees sed ester, Int (.serele.i.... t8 2 S Eeeh .ebeegeeerineertig. 0 0 71 Te Item sad oder, bat iserris,..:. 8 1 4 Leek eehee.veet i...,., ........ S • 10 Over tis Cates, best ,5., pea line. S. 1 Keels esbgeeet la..rtise. 0 8 1 IT A liberal dimmest. sods es there woe 'dewier by the year. JOB PpRIIITus431.mteer gm* eed r....ber ef,tesiptiy owssesb..