HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-11, Page 64'.
PS:' Th. rittItta.Advacata, July 11•, 19$1
And *District News
:Mrs, Maude. Heckle n, Phone $
Mrs. Archie McGreoor, Phone 682-r-31
To Construct
PS Walks
Hensall Council is calling for
tenders for construction of side-
walks to the new public school
Which will be- opened, in the fall. of the Hensall Legion Ladies Aux- ship in Middlesex county.
Counthary and their children and .
Council seebids for laying Resident of Hensall for 20
•of thLi f 1,400 li‘vives oe egon members
neal feet of asphalt yea's, Mr. Kerslake conducted
and thfli
or cement sidewalks four feet eir amies, an egg grading station and was
Wide. Tire line-up of sports under the in the poultry business before he
At Monday night's meeting tan-
-, direction of Mrs. Wm. Aiken- accepted a position as a machine
IV man E. R. Davis reported -
head. and Mrs. Byran Kyle was ry salesman.
Legion, Auxiliary
Treat Families
The Community Arena, Hen -
proved an ideal spot for a
picnic on. Monday attended by
one hundred and fifty members
Ex -Reeve
Alvin Kerslake, former
Hensall reeve, bas been appoint-
ed assessor of Westminster town -
the patching of streets, cutting
'Weeds, and other work. He was
instructed to proceed with the
painting of streets for parking.
R. Baker, express agent, ap-
peared before council regarding
traffic violation ticket. He out-
lined his problem to council and
suggested a way to solve it which
met with council's approval. His
ticket was withdrawn.
William Smith, manager of
General Coach. Works of Canada
Ltd, attended the meeting at the
request of council to discuss
clumping of rubbish in the muni-
cipal refuse ground.
Reeve Norman Jones was au-
thoriied to proclaim August 5
Civic Holiday,
Thrifty Kippenettes
The third meeting of the Thrif-
ty Kippenettes was held at the
home of their leader, Mrs. John
Sinclair last Tuesday.
The meeting opened with the
4-H Club Pledge,
Mrs. Sinclair read an -article
to the girls about Vegetable Cook-
rey. Home assignments were
Reunion For.Orrs
Held In Hanover
The eighth Orr reunion was
held Sunday at Hanover Park.
Dinner and supper was enjoyed
• by about fifty members. Mrs.
David,lienderson of Pine River,
and Mrs. Melvin Orr, jr,, of
Lucknow convened the picnic
and sports consisting of a ladies
mystery parcel contest won by
Mrs. W. Lapp. Melvin Orr sr.'s
team of men won the relay of
chinning the ball. In a contest
of ball relay the boys won over
from the girls. Other sports en-
joyed were ball game, french
tag, and toffee scramble.
Members were present from
Parkhill, Hensel, Kincardine,
Pine River, Ripley, Lucknow,
Wingham,' Kinlouglr, Langside
and Elwood.
The reunion .is to be held at
the same location in 1958.
Bingo Winners
Winners of the Legion Bingo
held Saturday last were: Airs.
Wes Venner; Mrs. Lawrence
Brisson, Zurich; Graham True-
rnner, Dashwood; Mrs. Cliff Wat-
son, Centralia; Mrs. 0. Smith,
Mrs. Roy Smale (tied); Mrs.
Wes Vernier, Mrs. Brisson, Mrs. prizes for floats will be $50,
W. Clement, (tied); Mrs. Mae 1325 $15, and $10.
McLellan and Mrs. A. Saunder-
cock (tied); Mrs. J. Lester, Mar -1 Personal Items
lette, Mich,; Miss Carol Brown; Mr. and Mr's. Gus Voth and
MrS. Carlisle Wilkinson; Paul Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp-
Boa; Mrs. Bob Baker, Sr.; Mrs. son, Detroit, Mich., spent the
Roy Smale; Earl Gas, Mrs. Wil- weekend with Mrs. L. Simpson.
kinstrn. Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt atten*-
Door prize Of $5.00 was won by ded the professional golf tour -
Mrs. C. Wilkinson. Jack pot game nament at Kitchener on Wednes-
Mrs. Cliff Watson, Centralia. day.
'These bingos will continue Mrs. George Hess is assisting
every Saturday night. on the, staff of the United Church
Personal Items camp near Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Alickle, Mrs. Herb Stretton `and fam-
Miss Betty Micide, Charles, Bob ily of Lucan, are visiting with
and Ann, spent Sunday in Ridge- Mrs. S. Sangster,
town, visiting t h e former's Miss Betty Mickle of Toronto,
mother, Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, spent last week holidaying with
Mrs. Prank Mickle and Mrs. her parents and family and is
Charles H. Rhodes of Toledo, spending this week with Miss
the highlight of the affair, Win- He was reeve of Hensall for
eight years and a councillor for
six, During his 14 years on coun-
cil, he had to contest only one
election and. .that was in 1939,
the year he started. He was
warden of the county in 1953 and
was chairman of many of its
committees. •
Mr, Kerslake is secretaryof
South Huron Agricultural Society
and is on the board of managers
of Carmel church.
Mrs. Kerslake and family will
remain in Hensall for the pre-
ners are in races for 5 years
and tinder, Jimmy Campbell;
girls, 8 and under, Carol Camp-
bell, Wendy Moir, Joyce Flynn;
boys, Trevor Bell, Brian McAr-
thur Grant Walker; girls 12 and
under, Ruth Smale, Sharon Mc-
Arthur, Ann Lawrence; boys,
Bobby Smale, Larry Jones, Den-
nis Mock; boys, 15 and under,
Larry Jones, Bobby Stnale, Bill
Three-legged race, boys, Bill
Shaddick, Larry Jones Dennis
Mock, Howard Rannie; girls,
Marcia Little, Bonnie Foster;
Ruth Smale, Broyna Bell; wheel-
barrow race, boys, Bill Shad -
dick, Larry Jones, Danny Came-
ron, Robert McKelvie; girls,
Bonnie Foster, Ann Lawrence;
Ruth Smale, Marcia Little; kick
slipper, boys, Bill Shaddock,
Robert McNaughton; girls, Ann
Lawrence, Ruth Smale; ladies,
Mrs. Camden, Mrs. Cecil Kip-
fer; ring the. sucker, Mrs, G.
Harkness, Mrs, Harold Camp-
bell; pass the grapefruit, Mrs.
Sm ale's team.
Prize for youngest child went
to Freddie Campbell; oldest lady,
Mrs. R, Taylor sr.; .having near-
est birthday to the date, Mrs.
S. Rannie; largest family pre-
sent, Mrs. Ron Mock and Mrs.
Harold Campbell, were tied with
six children each; guessing the
mysterious person on the grounds
Mrs. A. Clark; (The mysterious
person was Mrs, Philip McKen-
zie) jelly bean contest, Mrs.
Michael Quinlan; shoe scram-
ble for childiren, Ruth and Otto
Smale; Bonnie and Danny Came-
ron; candy and peanut scram-
ble for the children rounded out
the sports.
Offer $400
For Parade.
Four hundred dollars .rin prizes
will be offered for bands and
floats competing in the Ontario
Bean Festival parade on Labor
Day, Hensel]. Kinsmen decided
this week.
First prize in the band com-
petition, expected to attract a
host of entries, is $150. Second
and. third awards are $100 and
Kinsmen hope to have bands
from the army, navy and air
force in the parade.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan
and family moved on Monday
of this week int the -house owned
jean Courner of Ottawa. and Miss
Virginia Scroggins of Galt at the
latter's summer home at Bruce
by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pfaff. —'lease Trun to Page 7
:trar ttt ttt ao t ttt tt tt tttt t wort plistitt ttttttt ttittitititt ttttttttttt tttttttttttt ttttttt tit tttt t Ott t it t tt I tttt
IS ON . . .
Smillie Reunion
Holds Swim Races
The 18th annual reunion of the
Smillie clan was field at Lions
Park, Seaforth, on Saturday.
About forty-five members en-
joyed a picnic lunch at noon,
and eighty gathered around the
long table late in the day. The
afternoon and early evening were
spent visiting and in games and
contests. The fine new swimming
pool making it possible for the
first time to hold aquatic races.
Members of the clan as-
sembled from points throughout
Ontario and from Detroit. Dr,
and Mrs. Alex Smillie from Niag-
ara -4 Falls, were in attendance.
The doctor has been president
of the clan for the past year.
Mrs. Mary Gray of Alvinston,
represented the Gray branch of
the clan. Dr. Jennie Smillie Rob-
ertson of Toronto, acted as judge
for .several of the events. Mrs,
Kay Elder and Lorne Elder con-
ducted the games and contests.
The winners of some of them
included: boys, 10-13 years, John
Elder, Ronnie Elliott; girls, 7-9,
Jean Elder, Margaret Geiger;
boys, 6 to 8, rabbit race, Wayne
Peck, John Shepherd; girls, 9 to
13, running, Norma Geiger,
Dianne Eatwell; 6 to 8, treasure
hunt, Wayne Peck; boys, 7 to
9, Bruce Elliott, Donnie Geiger;
4-5, running Ralph Geiger, Kathy
Elder; 5-6, Kathy Elder, Patsy
Elliott; 3 and 4 years, Freddie
Elder Lynn ,Elliott,
Ladies candle race, Dorothy
Elliott Judith Elder treasure
hunt, 9-13 years, Patsy Eat -
well; men's stocking -glove race,
Bert Peck, Doug Eatwell; girls,
6 and 8 years skipping race, Jean
Elder, Wilma Eatwell; couples
tie race, Hazel McNaughton,
Harold Shepherd; lucky spot,
Annie Smillie; mystery race,
9-13 years, Ruth Geiger, Donna
Peck; Cinderella race, Helen
Have, Lorne Elder; Grace Peck,
Jack Elder; couples- balloon
bouncing, Sue Elder, Ken Elder;
ladies graceful walking, Ivy
The aquatic winners were Bet-
ty Howe, Bill Howe, and Ken
Members of the executive for
the coming year will be: honor-
ary president, Dr. Jennie Smil-
lie Robertson, Toronto; - past
president, Dr. A. B. &ninth:
Niagara Falls; president, A. E
Howe, London; vice-president,
Harold Shepherd, Toronto; sec-
retary -treasurer, Mildred Shen -
hard, Toronto; business commit-
tee, Robert Peck, Ralph Gray;
sports, Sharon and Judith El-
der and Kay Elder, Hensall; so-
cial conveners, Dorothy Elder,
Pearl Geiger; billet convener,
Hazel McNaughton.
Plans were laid for the 1958
Bride -Elect Honored
Mrs, Ralph McArthur was host-
ess at her home, Huron Drive,
RCAF Centralia Wednesday eve-
ning for a presentation for Miss
Shirley Flynn, of London, whose
marriage to Donald Avery of
London,. will take place in- Hen-
sall United Church, Friday. July
12. Teti friends of the bride -elect
and their mothers were, special:
guests, dropping, in during our Gigantic * -
Shirley was the recipient of
"Savile Row ' Summer Sale, you can
tour the most up-to-date men's fashion many lovely gifts presented to
her from a decoratecl waggon in
world in just eighty seconds.
color sehernes of pink and White Well, it may take a little more than bY her sister, Joyce Flynn of
jug eighty seconds when you See -the
'wonderful line of fabrics waiting for Human,
Contesta were under direction
you, but you'll quickly see how you can of Mrs. Matthon,• and Miss Betty
be one of Canada's best dressed men
this Sutnnier—simply by having your Moir, offfLondon,
ff f
new suit, sports jacket or Summer ing TIM doice stathe aceount-
epartment oof the London
tropical tailored to your personal /nee- Free Press, vvhere she is en, -
surein the distinguished Savile Row
styling. iployed, presented Shirley with a
And talk about savitia—why this year',4 the girls at her apartment in
miscellaneous presentation and
"Savile Row" Su
mmer Sale is de- London and friends arrangea
signed specifically to /it /our own pertonaI shatter for her.
personal elothing Midget ---with still a
Little room to Spare. W.M.S Hold Picnic
Right now the selection of fabrics is The July meeting of the Wo -
at its best, but soon after the "news" man's Missionary Society of
gets around, the choice may be quite Hensall United Church took the
limited. So, sfrAce while the iron is hot form of a picnic. on Thursday
—now is the &ilk to drop in and take afternoon. Mrs. C. I). Daniel's
advantage of this Gigantic "Savile Row" 1 group composed- Of Mrs. 11, M.
Summer Sale, where you can combine 1 Pock, Mrs, T. Sherritt, Mrs. W.
high quality with low prices and dis- 1 1)111g, Mrs W. H. Stephenson,
anguished appearance. Mrs. J Horton, Mrs. M. Tra-
quail', and Mrs, P. Graham, pro -
;Med readings and musical num-
bers, with Mrs. Peek in the
PO the business period presi-
I (led over by the president, Mrs,
George Armstrong, it was de-
cided to do custom minting at
lithe church this week. A, StilOrga4-
mormintinnororrirrinniningenngannrirrierimmergurnrorrnglimmarringrogroggrinsirrosr".4 hOard ettPOr 11/28 Sella
11. C. Joynt & Son
a mamba of tha SA4111 ROW group
Permit Item
pr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard,
14011.- egg;s4 John and jean,
are -spendipg tht 1O1lU1 Vaca-
tioning at their :Stii.Uner eott-
Mr. .and, Mrs. Rosa Jiiiits are
holidaying for two weeks at a
cottage near Drysdale.
Miss Sharon McArthur visited
over the weekend with her grand-
mother. Mrs. Ida Willis. or Len -
The auction sale of 'household
effects and property, of the late
Mervyn Brown held Wednesday
was successful. Good prices were
realized. Ed. Corbett was the
Messrs. John Heal :and Ed.
Little are spending a week in
Mrs, Harold Bonthron,
Bevan and Shelly are vacation-
ing at their :summer .cottage
;near "Turnbull's Grove.
Miss Audrey R41)41'4011 was
a weekend visitor with her
friend, Miss Roggarth,. pear
Com arty.
Miss Shirley Flynn, .of London,
bride -elect of this week; is holi-
daying with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Flynn,
HENSALL PROGRAM $TARTS — A five-week community playground program start-
ed Monday in Henan. Over 90 are attending. Gwen Spencer and Dianne. Bannie, two
of the supervisors, explain a game to a circle of children. —T -A. Photo
Personal' DOM* "
,b/rs, Keith Lindsay wile has
been. visiting 'with her parents
Mr. and Mrs,' jam, Henderson
returned on Sunday to Naparree
with her husband who spent the
weekend here. Miss Jean Hen-
derson returned home: with them
:and will stay for .a month.
Mrs, Minnie Little. London, is
visiting her son and daughter -M -
law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 14..
tie, and. family-, Marcia and Che-
Mr. and Mrs. CarlPayne,.
Mary Etta and Wayne, llaYe re-
turned home after spending a
week's vacation with friends at
Groton, Conn., the trip of thin -
teen hundred: miles_ through five:
turnecL home last week from a
ystoattlecs„ was made by motor.
trip in Washington and New
Mr. and Mrs. Laird -Mickle re -
Mr. Carlisle Wilkinson, plant
supervisor of ,General Coach
Works of Canada, is having a
raneh-style home erected on his
propertY on Richmond street,
Henson. In charge of building
operations are Mr. Wilkinson,
Norman Jonea, Dave Sangster,'
Robert Simpson will lay the
bricks on.
Super Save Sets 'The Pace for Quality Meats
There's no mystery' about the finer flavor of our Ground
Beef, It has that good steak -like taste because it's freshly..
ground from lean, tender pieces of the same high quality
beef from which we cut our famous steaks. Perfect for
picnics and party -time hamburgers . for meat balls . .
for Chili . . for meat sauces . . for any of the many
delicious dishes calling for ground beef. Buy some—you'll
be convinced it's a best buy for the money.
Smoked Side Bacon
Head Cheese
T -Bone Steaks
Chicken Roll
3 lbs.
69c !b• .
29c lb.
65c lb.
49c lb.
Select Quality
• Sweet Juicy
19c Ib.
47c Doz.
Luscious Niagara Black
SWEET CHERRIES 6 qt. basket 1.95
Home -Grown Tasty Mealy
NEW POTATOES 75 Ib. bag $1.99
Large Heads, Firm
2 for 27c
For Outdoor Cookery
Wooden Handies - Steel Black
Anodized -Finish
Made in California
Regular $4.95 Value
With $5
Super Save Sets The Pace -for Quality Foods
Jams and Jellies
Lushus Jelly Powct rs
Red Salmon
REG. 590 LB. VALUE—Imported English.
Licorice Allsorts
Grape Juice
9 -oz. jars
4 FR 89c
3 PKGS. 26c •
3 FT3R
1 LB. tiAtaS
YELLOW LABEL—Grind to Your Taste
uper $ave Coffee
Orange Juice 8 FOR $1
6 oz. tins
,oArttito BAMBINO
Large 24-0z. Vase Jar