HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-11, Page 4lr1�t Times-Ad.vetete: July 11a 11►57
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Let's Talk
Sports Editor.
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Into the record books goes. the 1957 All-Star game
with all the thrillsand excitement all wrapped up in
a few choice pages. 0
The only difference in this year's classic is that
the 'winning side in the dream game.
The old master -mind had his junior circuit lay-
ing it on to'" the grandpappies of the professional
league for most of the game and, 'just as it looked
as though it would be an easy 'victory, centrefielder
writs. E. MAYS helped manager WALTER ALSTON'S
ulcehr :problem with a wrong field triple to scol"e one
run. CASEY started to look a little teary from his
dugout as southpaw BILLY PIERCE fired a fast ball
over thake dofc catcher TB;
RA to allow Mays
to score. "CASE" promptly yanked PIERCE for DON
MQ.SSI, Cleveland's crafty lefty.
MOSSI pitched to two men, fanned one and
forced the other to ground out. in carne pinch hitter
GIL HODGES, one of the nicest men in the game
today, and out went STENGEL again to liftDON for
his trusty reliefer BOB GRIM. A couple of pitches and
a line drive to 'the fleet -footed MINNIE MINOSO, who
had replaced the great TED WILLIAMS in left, and
the ball game was over,
STENGEL strategy once again paid off. MOSSI,
a lefthander, was yanked when HODGES, who bats
from the right hand side of the plate, came in. Case
quickly brought in Grim, a righthander, from the
bullpen and that was it. Another chance taken but
it worked. This is probably one of the main reasons
why the Yanks are on top of their grouping today.
They aren't afraid to take chances.
The all-star classic took place at BUSCH STAD-
IUM IN ST. LOUIS which is the home of STAN £The
way the two leagues are shaping up, this could be
one of the homes. for the World Series. The CARDS
hold a 'two -game bulge in the NATIONAL LEAGUE
as this column is written as do the YANKEE Doodle
Dandies in the American. Anything can happen but
our early prediction looks pretty good right at the
From all reports and what we saw of 'the game,
BUNNING of the DETROIT TIGERS earned a big
at on the back for his efforts in the game. BUN-
G hurled three innings and didn't allow a walk or
give up a run to his opposition. Maybe the Yanks
will buy him! •
P* ' * * * * *
ERSi'. Want to learn the tricks of the 'trade? Then
ou should visit. the CANADIAN .OPEN being held
the city'•of KITCHENER most of this week. It's
the first t dna I can' recall : the star-studded event
being so close to Western Ontario` and it might be
wise for ;all golf, enthusiasts to visit the tricky WEST -
MOUNT -GOLF COURSE for .a 'day at least. This
corner hopes to get down for a day to see some of
the big name Ainer.ican and Canadian pros in action.
PAUL HARNEY, a sharpie with the putter and
winner of some $14,000 to date this .year, will be a
-sure starter in the Canadian open with total prize
Money of $25,000. HARNEY just finished winning
the LABATT OPEN with • a 72 hole score of 278.
* * .. * * ' *
iMGS must have something about ready to boil in
the pot as rumours are beginning to fly thick and
fast about a pair of young pitchers that are sup-
posed to be coming their way. According to reports,
a BOSTON RED SOX scout would like to use the
Zurich club as sort of a farm team for grooming
young hopefuls. This scout is .supposed to be sending
the pair to the HURON -PERTH LEAGUE leader's
camp sometime within the next week :or so.
It looks as though the LUMBER KINGS aren't
the only club on the prowl for some active pitchers.
Still another rumor has. Dashwood Tigers getting
ready to bring in a moundsman from the LISTOWEL
LEGIONNAIRES. Apparently a hurler over there is
getting little work in the SENIOR INTERCOUNTY
end wouldlike to get on the active list. Nothing has
come out. of CLINTON concerning player reinforce-
ments or from our own EXETER MOHAWKS. The
tribe. is just getting along andthat's about it with
the homebrews they have and it looks as though it
will remain that way,, for the rest of the season. Fin-
ancial troubles put a big "NO" on imports. The boys
Who are -playing can thank COACH DERRY BOYLE
for holding the team in there because every home
game umpire fees present the chief problem. If
enough fans turnout, everything's okay, but if they
don't, then the skipper has to dig,into his own pocket
or get the money somewhere else so he can keep the
kids in the league.
You can see how your, support is vitally needed
by coach and players.
edlntnentriii intitrtnnittnunpui,nhnl,Miiii nlvhood llllllntil thoodidllltoddle tttu15inlntNtinititYtniedOk
Cornish, Mitchell & Co.
H. J. Cernitth L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell
K. W. Slade W, E. Suchard
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New Location
waft until winter to have your Television re -
haired or overhauled, Do It new to be ready for the
all games. . All Repairs guaranteed,
t. w'
Fred Reek Mouser •
Coach:Colts. Post Upsets;
Ings Regii.tcrI..Irth. Win!'
It's. the sante old ator'y. Post- with single runs in .each. of the
poned .games keep pilling ap second and third frames. ',Shedue to 'rite weather conditions Kings went two up in their half
over Western Ontario, of the fifth but Hensall fought
Three more games hent by right back with two in the last
the wayside this :past week but hal[ .af the inning•
the teams managed .to get three Then the game broke Wide
games played despite the ret open as last year's A11.Ontario
conditions of tate playing fields. intermediate "D" chaittps belt-
Lumber Kings conn• ell the lima pitching staff for
nue to dominate the Huron -Teeth oaeven dsult to abuse in the:seventh
intermediate :llaseball League by by scoring three more times.
racking up their eighth victory , One bright spot in the Hensall
in nine starts on Tuesday night , loss was a bases -loaded tri le
with a 19.7 t'.erdiet over the, by Gerald Bell in .the sixth. `4'ltis
thud place Hensall Coach. was one of two hits picked up by
Clinton Colts came up with a Bell.
big - ruin at home against the Bill Lavender and Bill Fink
move into tt 'i to to 0
Dashwood Tigers n got the only ether two Hensel
the .500 percentage ball play- safeties off Zurich hurlers in
ing bracket. ?the seven inning .genie.
The Colts pulled a close 8-7 Arnie Mayers paced an 11-1ill
victory out of the fine by seer- attack by the Icings with two
the t two six times int as tw t a single.
i�.a an D
doubles do Hesse
� ,S
n le
nings of the ballgame, had a double' and single in three
Although they were trampled trips, as slid Don O'Brien,
by Zurich at home, liensall 1'e- Liley tripled in the seventh
gistered a 6-5 decision over the while Doug O'Brien, Bill Yung -
second place Mitchell Legion- blut and Tom Rawlings each hit
aires to gain a 1-1 record for the safely once to round out the hit.
week. ting spree..
la he standings, the Coach.
ttpnre ttr ilnnhr,rrs It H }.
team hold four wins, four losses r,•len ' A11 0,'.13 3•,••10 11 4
and a tie, ktensnll 200 023 0— 7 4 6
Six games "are on tap this week Nen "Parker, Gerald Bell (6) and
with Exeter Mohawks scheduled 1iFnra•e Porker; ala,ry LJ)ay. 7)nn
to play two of. them. W'nrien ifi) And 'rim Loser X.
t\'lnntng Pilcher—Liiey; Loser ---K.
This Friday night will see the Parker,
tribe travel to Dashwood for the •
second time this season. On C 1. n t o n. Nips
their first visit, they gain'ed their
only victory of the season by pul-
ling out a 5-4 decision. Dashwood,
Tuesday, July 16th, the Tigers
pay a return visit to Exeter in Clinton Colts roared back with
the home and home series. Game six runs in the last two innings
time is 6.45 pan. of Friday nights baseball game
to upset Dashwood Tigers 8-7
before their home town fans.
Dashwood led all the way and
looked to have the Fame well in
hand when the roof fell in.
The Colts rallied for four itn-
Zurich Lumber KIngs exploded portant runs in the seventh in -
for 12 runs in the sixth inning ning pn three singles and a pair
Tuesday night at Hensall to of walks given up by Dashwood's
down the Coach club 19-7 in a prize right hander, Steve Mitro.
Huron -Perth contest. Two more markers in the bot
Doubles by Don O'Brien, Ar- tom. of the eighth put the game
ole Meyers and Tont Rawlings on ice for the Colts as the Tigers
and a long triple by thirdbase- paved the way by committing two
man Bill Yungblut salted down costly errors.
the Lumber Kings' eighth vie- John Wilson crossed the plate
tory- in nine starts. with the tie -breaking run after
Arnie Meyers started on the , Frank McDonnell had knotted the
mound for the winners but was count early in the inning. Both
relieved by Don O'Brien itt the runners reached' first on infield
sixth after the Kings piled up a errors.
big lead. Catcher Ball Craig was the big
Hensall jumped off to an early gun at the plate for the winners
2.0 lead in the first inning but as he pounded out three singles
Zurich came hack to tie It up in four trips to the•'pla:te.
Winning pitcher, Ken Patter-
son, helped his own cause along
Swamp -Greys by crossing the plate once him-
self self and cracking out a pair Of
run-scoring singles.
Here 22-4 Frank-.Huesngles. eked up the
only other Colt' hit' in the big
seventh, inning when he came
Dashwood. Tigerettes finally through with a timely single.
broke into the. victory column in Although they lost the gathe
the Ladies' Softball League on the fingers o'uthit their opposition
Tuesday night when they 10-6.
sivatnped the Exeter Greys Second baseman Bobby Hayter
right in Exeter to the tune of and first baseman Rammie Wein
22-4. fattened. their :batting averages
The visiting Dashwood club considerably by each smashing
shot five runs across the plate out three safeties in five appear -
in the first inning and added antes at the plate. One of Hay-
three more in the second, seven ter's' was a lead-off double in the
in the fourth, four in the sixth seventh.
and three in ,the seventh and Steve Mitro, Who' Rias tagged
final frame. with the loss, 'backedup his
Exeter could only manage to infielder's double in the same
register single 'markers in the inning with another _to produce
third and fourth inning and one of the two runs scared.
came up with two in the sixth Russell. Page with two and
but were well out of the running Jack . Geiser with one, , were the
by this time. other Tiger bitters..
Culens led the winners 'at the Ken Patterson chalked up 11
plate with a. home run and two strikeouts in gaining the win
singles in foul' trips. Marie Sal- while Mitro fanned eight,
mon, Anne Koehler, Love FreOra lir inning" 71. H 14
Shade; Pickering and Tyler all 7)asliwa d 220 100 20-- 10 4
socked out singles. Clinton 000 200 42--6 6 2
Mrs. Don Gravett halted a 1Can Faltersnn and 13117 Cra1, ;
�tetre Alitrn and :Pini t aytar, Siii-
home run and a triple for Eat- Ming Plteher--rattei•aon; ]:.riser --
ter. while' Mrs. Don . Wells hit :tlitro.
singles in each of the second
and sixth innings.
Exeter will play -its next home C•oa c h- Upsets
game on July 23 when Kirkton
will provide the opposition.
Dashwood will AA �}, �.1� •
will meet Lieury at I. �� 1 c R 1 ei I
home on the 15th of this month, ' ,
Moore 'Ott 1'nninges. r{, :Fr :PI A four -run uprising i.n, the
Tinwliwoorr _ 30 704 -2210 2 Mirth inning to go With single
Jaxater not i A2 0—.4 4 10 ' markers scored an each of the
Smith and Dorothy Bay- first 'and "fi
Tfarrin Smithfth ;flames was all`
wood; Salmon and :t esker. Hensall Coach needed to pull out
Zurich Pops
For 19 Runs
TliV 4'4L't, d A731L 1i 11 1C1m(IJI.Lt, 5 A'8"8.
14' lrnlrof _ 4 2 1 0 Den,'aa C0venev, 31) .._ 4 0 1. 1
Jerry :Rennie 2h -_ _ 4 0 1 0 Charlie Weatmen. its _ 4 1 0 0
11111 Lavender. so 4 0 2 1 TCelth.,'tVaithere, If _ 2 0 1 0
(e aid Bell, 1h _..- 4 0 0 0 'Doug \tirhiw0n et 4 1 1 0
Laverne St'allaga, 34�_ 4 0 0 n Rob -Sadler, .. .. 4 1 1 0
Pt11y 1{l0 n_ 4 1 1 0 I1a4'nld Hotnbuck, 2» .. 2 0 0. 4
;lark H'A'nderenn, )t p.. 3 1 2. h hnli':It'rler, rt ' 4 0 1 0
;inhn• Salter, rf 4 1 1 6 'roil .Sawyer. a tttt,. 2 1 I 0
(ieor(t•e Parker, o _.,...- i 1 1' n "Whitey '13101( 91o, 2v 2 0 1 0
0, -licit Parker• 1 0 0 0 a -Link ltnhfritwcll ....__ 2 1 0 0
11-8111 rlatatllay 2 0 h 11 •
'TOTALS 03 5 0 1 '-1 n Sexton1 0 1 0
a --Went .to lett held hi the Otlt, d`1e•n '1‘'tt0ifi.2at �, ... 1 0 0' 0
• '1()TALS.
85 n 2 ...6,.
a 'Jtejilate4 tV4it1i ra in 4171,
h - ritebe8 fr. -galena In 41h.
n t iili•pltt f4;r Sewyar In 4111.
d --'hilt lataire °1•I,einbtrek at 2nd In
141.7.r rox '8
A1511 1i Si I)A,1UI:Wobk1 A:B ti x4: 14
Ray Anstett, 2b 4 1 0 A ,Tsui 11n,ytar, e 4 1 h' 0
inhn I3'itwnn, 3h a,.,,_„„, 3 3 0 0 flityrnle 't1 tlhr. 142 6, 1 3 n
W. tart. ha _W-._ ; 1 0 2 TJnts 11ayter, L1s S 1 8 n
'gen'Patir+rson, P _.._ 3 1 2 0 Steve :41I1er. pW 3 1 1 n
0111 Craig, r ._.._. ..� 4 1 3 0 Nett11akler, rt_. 2 0 '0 0
1-in'ssar. It 4 n 1 0 Tarry ,Marlene, 33 3 n 0 0
arelle.rd, 1» _ 2 0 h 0 131iosel! 'Pate. 11' ... 3 1 2 1
:4ntie•ay, et „ 3 n n h ,Peek (miller, CC ... 3 1 1 fl
:Prank AtetTnnell, xt. -, 4 1 0 0 Tsnn. (i1u', MP?, cel 3 1 0 2
.�.- ..._y:. t..irrank Dalton _W..__.. 1 0 0 1
TOTALS 34 8 '6 2
TOTALS 32 110 4
a—Wont in 4hni't itt 0lghU1 for
ZtiLICIi,10 All 11 1•T H
bong 6"l�ri n, a» _. 4 8 1 1
6,4inn t)• rirn,
Arriba 1leyer'J. 42? _�-.... n 3 3 A
14111 'Vulltkhlut, , to 4 1 1 1
'Tani TLatvilnhw, r ,,. 4 2 1 h
nanny 11Igrr'te, it r, n 0 0
thug• h'11eo,nrinr. ae 2 2 0 1
Oen TI'a4342. 1 f • ,.. 3 3 2 42
:Mary 1.11ay, 1r a 2 f 41
i 'erat.tL5 cAcc23 ig 11 4
i & 'Pttehed far /alley 11t 42th TOTALS 26 7 4
.1ILIT1RATAr ..42'l,". H T;
w Torry 11anitle 3h .-, 2 2 0
h-14111 rig% ander. en 4 2 1
r (4er'nld i4ell,. 115. 4 2 42
Laverne Wttlle.re 21x`.. 2 0 6
lark 1letrierenh If„. 3 4 '0
rsanrl~•a Parker, e 2 0 0 it
T4lih baker. 44f 3 A' 0
8 heft 'Ptlrkibr•, 1f 3 A A'
Flttl T iri1e, t'I' � ,...e., 2 'A 1
a -15e» T. Lary, ,, m o '0 0
f Bob 'Payliltarn 1 1 0
e—roolACn1 1 ea tder St 113' Ht Nth.
br-Ttisp1AEOd 42 MCr111te at 2b tTl' 'St11.
d e151tlie Aa e136)1 &4 1b F142 r,itlt Cls.
ik-11( A,11rld 16r NSW id 7tlt
f •i1er,laoed riffle 111, 3't 144 at%
an important 6-5• upset over the 1
visiting' second -place 1llitchell
Leglonair'es in B,ensall Friday
night, tr
Jerry Ranolo's single in the
fourth was ,the main spatkpiug in
the four -run rally as two. runners '
crossed the plate on the hit.
Mitchell Legionaires did their
best to come back and band ,
pitcher Billy Higgs- a defeat in
the last inning as they produced`
three runs to go with the pair
scored in the second but they
still fell one short.
Shortstop Bill Lavender and.
left fielder Jack Henderson spear.'
headed Hensall's nine -hit -attack
by lashing out twoti
is apiece.
Bruce Moir, Minnie, Bill Biggs.. l
Jon Baker and George Parker
contributed other Homall safe-
Doug Aitchison's Mitchell Le.
gionaires lost the game but
showed the most power at the
plate, Keith • Malthers, Aitchison
and Tom Sawyer all cracked out
doubles hut not at the right time.
Bob Frier was the only Legion•
aire to pick up two bits.
Singles fell t to Kenny
Whitey Malebo, TonSawyer.
Bob Sadler, Doug Aitchison Keith
Walthers and George Coveney.
Don't Wait
Any Longer
To get a summer's fun out of
beating, buy 'your boat, motor
and trailer at Manor* Marine
Famous "Seahorse" Power
From $175 to' 099
Runabouts and Hardtops
Froin $133 to $2,000
Effortless Handling
7 Models from $135 •
Brenner Garage
Phone 3 • Grand Bend
.A, ear load of players from
Mitchell didn't arrive until the
aurth inning and when it did,
dill Gatenby took over the mound
duties from "Whitey” Alalcho. ?.
Malebo, however, wastile losing .
Score SAT• assaitgsi fl u Xa
Mitchell _ _ 020 000 3---3 1) 5
iie.nsall r... 100 410 0..6 9 1
'Whitey Malebo. 15111 f,aten»y
14) and Torn Sawyer, lien Saxton
14); Silt Higgs and Geo. Parker.
Winning Pitcher — Wage, T.oeer
Harkey Meetin.
• Tuesday, July 16
Exeter Town Hall
Everyone is Requested To Attend
in.a 1®w priced
usbed ear.,
1954 Chevrolet
4 -door sedan, air conditioning heater,
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1953 Pontiac
4 -door sedan, air conditioning heater,
-turn signals, two-tone, low mileage.
•1951 Chevrolet
2 -door sedan, air conditioning heater,
one owner. -
1954 Hillman
2 -door hardtop, air conditioning
heater, turn signals, two-tone finish,
like new.
1953 Chevrolet
Deluxe sedan, shadelite glass, turn
signals, low mileage.
1949 Mercury
4 -door sedan, radio, whitewall tires.
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