HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-11, Page 3e
Report On Thames.Road
Oy MBE, WIE.4IAM 0tHO41.
1liiss 1lfary Gay P'.ettibone, of Mr. and Mrs. WiiUiam Elford,
Aylmer, spent a few days cast Ronald and Doris, • visited nn
week. with her cousins, M:r. and Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs, Den-
11Irsr Glen Jeffery. Oat. Sunday zit Facey, .of. Thorndale,
Mr, and ]firs, •Glenn- Jeffery and Miss'. Agnes 'Bray is spending
Miss. Pettibone went toAylmerer three ee weeks at the Summeret
and spent the day with - M. Sehool for Music Teachers, le
.Harry Pettibone. Toront i Tonyh ln'
Mrs. Annie Thomson and Miss Mr, and airs. Mr mann
Marion •Lamport flew 'I:a-Saska- anal family • of Emig °, a•
toon, ;$ask,, o i Saturday last to Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia,
visit with the former's nieces Mr. Cephas Pym, Mr. and Mrs,
there and sister in Benito, Mani- Ernest Pym and Joll attended
toba. the Pym reunion at Riverview
Mr. and Mrs, Dan McAllister 1''ark, Exeter, on Sunday,. Mr.
of Edmonton, Alta., visited over Cephas Pym. received .a prize for
the weekend with. Air, and ;Mrs. being oldest at picnic,
Alvin Passmore. - Miss Margaret and Master
Miss Nancy Passmore visited Roger Luxton of Mitchell, visit -
last week with her aster and .ed with their uncle and gent,
brother -in,} -law, Mr, .and Mrs.
Morrison Caswell in Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. John Selves
spent the weekend visiting - with
111r. and Mrs, Robert Bern, at
Miss Marion Alexander, of
London,, is on vacation this
Mrs. May Green,, of Calgary,
Alberta, is visiting with her
niece and nephew, 1tr. and Mrs,
Ray Clarke. Powell
Mr, and Mrs. Rollie
and Donna, of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Gibson and Mar-
garet Jean of Bryanston, visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Melvin, Gardiner; Marion' Gib-
son returned home with thein
after spending 'a few 'days with
her .cousin, Marilyn Gardiner.
Mrs. Almer Passmore, David,
Dennis and Darlene attended the
Willert. reunion et Bayfield on
Mrs, Hay of Exeter, is visit -
lug with her daughter and eon -
In -law. Mr. and - Mrs. Victor
- Mr. and 'Mrs. John Bray and
Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Bray .and Robert were guests an
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Mr, and Mrs. Mac liodgert, for
a feW days.
W.A. and W..M.S, Meeting
The July meeting of the
W',M.S,. and W.A. was held on
Wednesday evening in the church
basement with Mrs. Gilbert
Duncan and Mrs, ivlilton Mc-
Curdy as hostesses,
Mrs, Ken Duncan, president
of the W,A,. presided for. the
meeting which opened with. a
poem on Dominion Day, Mrs,
Robert Simpson read the scrip-
ture lesson, Mrs, Reg, Hodgert
gave an interesting topic on In-
Mrs. Leonard • Ilarris was in
charge of the program which
consisted of •a reading by Mrs,
Melivn Gardiner and a piano
solo by Mrs. William Rohde.
Exeter local
Mrs, Charlie Lee of Brighton,
Ont., is visitipg two weeks with
friends in Exeter, Mrs. Toni
Collingwood, Mr's. Martha Smith
and. Mrs. Lorne Johnston.
John nether, Detroit is holi-
daying' at the home of his pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Re
Street). of London. then.
t,flllldl111111111111111111111111,IIIt1111,1;1;, llllt a llltllllllllll lith 011111•11,IIIr1,11111111111111,111111111111.1111111,1101111,
PD E®x 233 Exeter Phone $17
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Should a husband and father, whose chief "estate"
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Few realize that they may choose between high -rate
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To the qualified pian who needs it, this old line legal
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maximum of protection for a minimum of premium, outlay.
At age 35, for example, only $282.40 will put in force
for one year a policy that guarantees his family $200.00 a
month beginning at his death and continuing until he would
have been 65 and then $10,000 cash. To provide this benefit
requires $51,920 of insurance in the first year,
Initial. Rate—$5:44 per $1,000
initial Annual. Prononm lniti,61 Axnent Prentient
Age Rate for >r+i,Mto
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40 6.79
45 1.64
Age Bette .tor •1,000
20 $3.29
25 2.75
30 4.43
This Ts purely ,protective Term Insurance, reducing
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Learntodayhow you may
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W. Cossar Foster
Represetative .
More Peace of Mind per Premium Dollar
"Nrh Story In -
Ey MRS. A. 14. PATO[
Church ;Nowa
At St. James Church the serv-
ice on Sunday was taken by U.
B ' lay e of Clin-
1 reader n
H, a 1 ,
ton as the rector elle Rev. J
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E JUDY ROSS Rev. Knox addressed a large
x- group of children at our Friday
�.a '. r e w" .e.
r a s c
Iia, ni►1 111: G •a
g c h r
Ge A
o start 'With q
" a od
Andrews h on vacate, at� ey r Way. -The total Friday was also known ata.
Andrews by the Lhe, `i'urkey eat Week"unde `''Backwards Day" as Kings .and
attendance lot the week totaled
Point. 1147 which is better than last
Queens were. crowned at each
On July 14, Mr. W. Tr ",Ashby , playga'atand,
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pen Frida
& Saturday
The following Elsetera Inerehants have decided to
remain open Friday and Saturday evenings until 10
p,m. in orter to accommodate our many friends,
i R.WI N'S
of Byron.; ,.on July 21 Mr. Trevor year. nd, John Pryd.e
J Three playgrounds are in apex. At Rin Playground,
Aiderwich of London and on i t Ica s- and Joan Pittinei were crowned.
anon again this summer. A n
Ja ly 28 Jr. R. W. Westwood of a u d Kant Ba le, Susan Doerr and Greg ,Inness
men P aygto n Y y i
Eleanor lieywood> Judy Ross ai
London wall be in charge. , d were tops at victoria while x,or-
At the United Church the Rev. age , retta Haley and Junmy B.aekneY
Larry Hetdenraar led varloais
reigned •at Queen's.Edgar Boylston conducted t
service of Holy Lo n ni4 OD
he groups in the week attivaties.
Victoria playground had pet' After dinner childr
en of all ageses
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Roule.on Cann and Shirley Wurm .as head dressed up and participated in a
leave for their vacation at their
cottage in Bruce County this
During that time the former
pastor, the Rev. E. M. Cook,
will take the services here.
On Thursday afternoon the
Sunday Sehbot picnic for St.
James Church was held at the
hoarse of Mr, and Mrs. Andy
Carter with the teachers. Mrs.
M idy. Carter and Mrs, Karl
O'Neil, also Guild president,
Mrs. Ray Hodgins, and secre
tary, Mrs. Cecil Carter as con-
in a program of sports, win-
ners for races for boys 10-13
years were Douglas Lewis, Har-
vey Poole; girls .8 to. 13, Joan -- Continued from Page 2
Cunningham, Barbara Cunning- load. And believe me, it's the
ham; girls 8 and under, Eliza- fellow with the mortgage, the
beth Hill and Kathy Mae Cunt income tax payer, the wretch
in his 30.40.50's, who takes the
beating in the summer, as al-
supervisors while over at Queen's
Robin Sanilh supervised fox the
This arrangement will be Chang-
ed eaeh week as the supervisors
are rotated,
Last Tuesday was Registration
Day and to date we have 160
swianming and 172 playground
registrants. /
On Wednesday, Arlene Glover's
team Won over four others in our
big .Scavenger Hunt. We would
like to extend our thanks. to all
Persons: who contributed: mater-
ials. This helped us considerably,
Sugar And Spice
ningbaan; . girls and boys. under
7, Nancy Hill, and David Hill;
five and under, Donald Morgan;
Girls throwing ball through
hoop, Joan ^ Cunningham and
Mary Helen Cunningham; boys,
Harvey Poole, Fred Whitmore;
shoe scramble, girls, Barbara
Cunningham, Joan Cunningham;
boys, Douglas' Lewis, Eddie
Cunningham; women's xaae,
clothes pins on the bat, Mrs,
Cecil Carter; dropping clothes
pins in bottle, Mrs. Rose Simp-
son; women throwing ball, Mrs,
Ray Hodgins, Mrs. Arthur Cun-
ningham; youngest child, Wayne
{ Douglas Cunningham,
` Following the sports a picnic
supper with ice cream was en-
joyed •served on the lawn.
United S.S. Picnic
Thursday evening tiie mem-
bers of the United Church Sun-
day School. inet at the church
for their annual picnic with. con-
veners, the teachers and the
* * * *
He gets home to be greeted by
a lawn that needs mowing, weeds
that need pulling. or kids that
need a speaking to. If by some
chance,, all these things have
been attended to, and he thinks
he might slip out to the golf
course, that's the night his wife
says isn't it a lovely evening,
I think we siimald take the kids
to the beach for a swim.
e - * * *
The kids have only been in
swimming twice already to -day.
Ilia wife has been sitting in the
sun getting a tan half the after-
noon. Ali she served for dinner
was tomato sandiwches and milk.
But it would be mean and sel-
fish of old John to go off to the
golf course and just leave them
stuck around there, So he climbs
in the ear, drives to the beach,
W.A. president, Mrs. A. Macin- forks aver cash for hot dogs and
tosh, and secretary, Mrs; W. pop, has to roll up his pants and
wade out far enough to yell at
Scott. the. kids when they go too far,
Winners in sports were: small sits gloomily inthe sand feeling
sorry for himself, and drives
them all home, wet, bedraggled.
and surly.
% * * *
At 11 p.m„ the kids are in
girls, Hazel Simpson and' Patsy
Bradley, Sharon Blake, Jimmy
Macintosh; k i eking slipper,
girls, Carole Cunningham; boys,
Jim Macintoshs; women, Mrs.
Pete Voison, Mrs. Gordon Eaton; bed, and he slumps into a chair,
shoe scramble, Carole Cunning- to read the paper. His wife is
ham; boys, Keith Simpson, just explaining for the 481h time
Douglas Thompson and Tommy that he never talks to her, other
Kestle. men talk . to their wives, and
Whistle 'after eating soda bis- she never • sees a soul. all day
cults race,• Mrs. Arthur Hodgins except those darn kids, and just
and Mr. Jim Donaldson; wheel -
baro, Y eandnm
r • w Nancy Scott Ji
Maclntosh; lucky spot, Sharon
Kestle; youngest child, Lucy
Cunningham; eldest person pres-
ent, Mr. Arthur Simpson; bean
race, Nancy Scott.
Fallowing the sports held on
the church lawn, all enjoyed the
hearty refreshments with ice
cream served in the, Sunday
School room.
W.A. And' Guild Meeting '
The ladies of St. James
Church held their meeting at
the home of Mrs. Almer Hendrie.
The W.A. meeting with the pres-
ident; Mrs. Andy Carter, "presid
ing, opened with devotions by
Mrs. J, H. Paton, Mrs. Arthur
Cunningham, and Mrs. Karl
O'Neil. Report of the W. A. an-
nual . was given by Mrs, Carter.
She said that the Woman's Aux-
iliary was started in 1885 by
Mrs. Robert Tilton with six
other women at St. Johns, N,B„
Mrs. Tilton served as Dominion
president from 1892 to 1908. As
a memorial to her a house in
Ottawa has been used as a work
centre, also a tranquil homelike
resting place for many a tired
Mrs Ray Hodgins presided.
for the Guild meeting.
{ It was decided that 'the Guild
provide prizes and ice cream for
the Sunday School picnic to be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Carter. The date the
Guild is to supply cookies for
the vacation school lunch is
August 15 at Lucan. The Rev.
J. P. Prest, rector, spoke of the
need of vestments for the eboir.
Hostess assistants were Mrs.
Paton, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. O.
noisemakers' parade to the lib-
rary where the costume judging
took place.
Alfred Aquilina, Elizabeth Knox
and Judy Coates won prizes for
their unusual costumes.
During the day competitive
stunts such as backward ras,
Crab •race, statue stand, un
walk, behind befront, hand
wrestle, and cock fights were
heldfor the different age groups.
Winners of these were: Peter
McFalis, Barbara Janke and
Elsie Gosar- his
Start practicing now for t
week is "On. Wheels Week” end
we will hold a Bicycle Rodeo an
Friday at Kin Park starting at
2 pan. There will be such events
as a Paper Throw, Obstacle Race,
Slow Race, an Accuracy Race
and others all held on wheels.
We will also judge the decorated
There was a fairly good turn-
out this weekend at the wading
pool where Pat Cann supervised.
There will be supervised wading
at the pool every, Saturday and
Sunday afternoon from 1.30 pan.
to 4 p.m. while playground is in
Carol Fletcher, our swimming
instructor, has swiniming classes
now under way in courses accord-
ing to age and experience.
pi...4 ow
$y MRS', ARTHUR 11110414 111
air. and Mrs. Jas. Miller and.
family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Hazlewood and Steven, Mr .and.
Mrs. Norris Webb and family
i eat :Sunday afteriroan..at Bina.
int Camp.
Shirley Rundle of the Bank of
Toronto is on her holidays for
two weeks .at her home.
air. and Mrs, Harold 'Thomson
and Barbara of f'arkIrill; were
Sunday visitors with Misses
Blanche and Rhea ;dills and at•
tended the decoration services
at Kirkton United Cemetery on
Sunday -evening,
Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack Stephen
and Donald of Ilderton visited
Sunday with air. and Mrs. John
Tipping and boys.
Murray J olife of Mt. Elgin
holidayed with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills,
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vyles, Gary
and Jo Anne. Mr. and Mrs. A..
Pringle .of London were Satur-
day evening guests with Mrs.
111. Copeland,
Gary Hazlewood spent last
week with his .cousin, David
Hogg in London.
Mrs. Harry Webber left last
Friday evening for Sudbury
Where she inet her brother and
family. On Saturday they allieft
for a two weeks trip to visit
their old home at Yellow Grass,
Sask,, and will visit their bro-
ther, Mr, R. L. McAlister and
SS 10 Usborne
Mrs. ,Tean Mair announces this
list of promotions at S.S. No. 10
Usborne the grade indicated is
the one to which the pupils have
been promoted.. , •
Promoted to grade 9: -- Glen
Lamport, John Bregman, Jim
Grade 8 -- Helen Anderson,
Dorothy Glanville.
Grade 6 -- Graham Glanville.
Grade 5 -- Diane Stone, Bever-
ley Hamilton.
Grade 4 — Rutli. Cudmore.
Grade 3 — Sharon Passmore.
Duncan Etherington, Billy Jef-
fery, Lynda Glanville.
Grade 2 — John. Morgan,
SS 1 Biddutph
Mrs. Ross McRoberts, teacher,
anndunces this list of pronto -
because he meets interesting tions ,at S,S. No. 1 Biddulph.
day,—when all day, n there s a Promoted to grade 9 -- Diane
knock on the door, the sound Hitchcock, Louise Hohnes, Ray-
mond Hitchcock.
Grade. 6 -- Helen Hodgins, Ted
Grade 5--- Lois O'Neil, Marga-
ret Smibert.
Grade 2 — Marlene O'Neil.
of gay voices, and 'there, wind -
da ya know, are Betty and Bob,
their friends from the city, just
on their way through town, on
their holidays and thought they'd
drop in and say hello. And drink
all his cold beverage. And eat
every scrap of that cold chicken
he was going to investigate. And
keep him up until 3 a.m. •
* * *
It's a wonder to me there
aren't more axe murders dur-
ing the summer. -
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Carter
celebrated their 30th anniver-
sary at their home here on Fri-
_ day, July 5,
Mr. William Aliwrightattend-
ed the Shakespearean Festival
at Stratford on Monday night
when "Twelfth Night" was
Mr, and Mrs. 3,,H. Paton. and
Clareevisited with the former's
= brother, Mr. W. L. Paton, on
Sunday afternoon at Grand
Bend, '
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter anti
= Patricia returned. froin Quebec
where. they visited Sqd, Officer
and Mrs. ,Hugh Campbell of the
RCA,! Station in Quebec.
114r. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis at-
tended the Armitage picnic at
taatttittritientltum0110 il11411111101101 1101111Mlp140114itlllilit elfittatielnntlititeit
SS 1 Usborne
Mrs. Mervyn Carter, teacher.,
announces this list of promotions
at S.S. Na. 1 (Hurondale).
• Promoted to grade 9 -- John
Etherington, Margaret Oke, Ar-
lene Love, Irene Van Wieren,
Mrs, McAlister.
Mrs. W. Paye of London Vlsi-
ted on Thursday and Friday with
her daughter, Mrs. Robt, Run-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, Mr.
and Mrs.Mrs.
. Arthur Rundle,
Jack Smith, Mrs, Robt. Rundle,
and Jim attended. the Stacey re-
union at Stratford on Saturday.
Quite a number from Wood-
ham and Baseline attended the
decoration service held at Kirk-
ton Union Cemetery on Sunday.
Rachell Levy of Transvaal is
holidaying with her aunt and un-
cle, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and
Donna were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Run-
Mrs. Lloyd Smith has been a
patient in St, Joseph Hospital,
London, for the past week with
an infected "tooth. She is expec-
ted home this week,
Jack Rundle is holidaying with
his grandmother, Mrs. W. Payne,
in London. -
Mrs. A. Denham visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bickell at
Anderson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Swit-
zer of St. Marys were Sunday
afternoon visitors with the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. W. L. Swit-
Dr, Geo. P. Morphy, Mrs Mor-
phy and family left on Sunday
for a trip to Algonquin Park.
Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Swit-
zer. Judy and. Dennis who have
spent the past p st week holidaying
with their mother, Mrs. W. L.
Switzer, left on Saturday morn-
ing for Sudbury where they will
spend a few
dayss before leavingving
for their home, at Port Arthur.
Mrs. Wm. Scott of Kirkton visi-
ted with Mrs. W. L. Switzer on
Mr. Eldon Robinson, the vil-
lage 'barber, had the misfortune
to he kicked by a cow breaking
his ankle.
The Taint,,, Ma v
Credit�n Commen
gy Mitg, ,[tY$ PH WOODAtole
ho isse.din:i so.�eShoo
er sister Mrs. Berle# • rfi
Mrs.e aving
rs, •Gr e h
ly released . Pram Soul
Mrs. M. Bowman -nt Detroit
spent a few days last week with
her father, 11tr. B. Guettitrger.
Mrs. Martin_ Moriock of GuelPII
and Miss Agnes Stock of K'tcbe
ever were weekend' "visitors wit*
4r, and .111rs. Herbert Young.
Mr. Harry Steele .and Mr, and:
Mrs. J. Scott of Brantford visit!
ed a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. kL Schenk
Master Ricky Geiser of GraM
Bend is visiting his grandpas#
eats, Mr. and Mrs, .Lteyd Gama*
Mrs. Mervyn Webb .and: 4a4l14
ters, Darlene and Sally, Dash
wood visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence hill.
Mrs. C. Berg and. Frederick
MacDonald of Detroit visited re'
centiy with Mr, and Mrs. :1I,.
Mr. and. Mrs. Vernon, Beaver
of Pittsburg and Miss Gertrude
:Beaver and friend ,f Detroit
were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Beaver.
Mrs. Albin Fawcett and Baugh.
ters, Blaine and Dianne, of Cali
edonia were weekend guests XI
the haane of Mr. and Mrs. Rua-
sell Finkbetner,
hariaa *ower
e the
w e
d Go er received a 1
news of the .death of lois broth-
er, Charles Gower. la his 0.3rd
year, ,at Marsden, Alta., on
Wednesday, July 3.
A son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Hebert Gower, he was born and
raised near Crediton and *rent
West when a young man. where
he spent the greater part of his
H•le is survived by his widow,
the former Beatrice Christen,
two sons and three daughters
all of 'Western "Canada, and two
brothers, Harold Gower of Cred-
iton and Fletcher Gower of
Brinsley,. and one sister, Mrs.
Mary Parker of London,
Funeral service was held in
Marsden on Friday, July 5./
Personal Items
Mr. and airs. Russell Clark
of Detroit spents the weekend
with the formers father and
visited with Mrs. Clark in South
Huron Hospital.
Mrs. Lloyd Hey returned from
St. ;foseph s hospital on Friday
Mrs. Mary Wein, who has been
' confined to Victoria Hospital for
the past few weeks returned to
her home on Sunday evening,
Exeter PersonalssGrade 8 — Fred Hyde, Mary
Mrs. Bessie Taylor,of Nelson Parsons. Mabel Westlake, Garry
St., spent Tuesday iLondon, a Roweliffe.
guest of Mrs. Alex Reeder and Grade 7 -- Shirley Reynolds,
Mrs. Chester Taylor. Ronnie Oke.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton :Payne Grade 6 — Margaret 'Hyde, Ca -
and Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Pass- roline Gackstetter, Kathryn Oke,
more of Forest left last week to Douglas Jeffery, Wilma de
motor through the western pro- Jong, Henry Poortinga, Clarence
virices. Poortinga.,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Parson* of Grade 5 -- Keith Strang, Robt.
Janesville, Wisconsin, visited Iteynolds, Kenneth Oke.
with relatives this week, return- Grade 4 — Nancy Strang, Jane
ing home on. Thursday. Poortinga, Ronnie Parsons, Al -
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Traquair, len Oke, Earl Gackstetter, S4iilo
Gayle and Jane of Ottawa are Westlake. Sadie Hovious,
spending a two -weak vacation Grade 3 -- Josephine Westlake,
with the former's parents, Mr. Jacob Hovious.
and Mrs. J. A. Traquair. Grade 2— Dianne Oke, Ronnie
Mr. and Mrs. -Rowe Dinney Dougall.
and son Pat, of Nanaimo, B.C., Grade 1 Sr, --• Harold West -
are visiting with the former's lake.
mother, Mrs. Thomas Dinney. Names are not in order of
SS 4 McGillivray
Miss Betty McIntyre, teacher,
lists promotions at S.S. 4, Mc-
Promoted to grade 9 --JoAnn
Carter, Jacqueline 'Brintnell,
Berke Carter. Mary Dixon,
Mary Miller, Margaret Brint-
Grade 8 --lion Morgan, Wil-
fred Bieber.
Grade 7 Clarke Itollings,
James Thompson.
Grade 6—Gladys Carter.
Grade 5. Linda Aitkins, Willy
Van ,Mechelen.
Grade 4 --Darlene Carter, Muth
Miller, John Miller.
Grade 3—Carol Carter, Shir-
ley Bieber, Sharon ;Sieber, Ger-
ald Morgan.
Grade 2—Jean Atkins, Dianne
—Please Turn to Page 10 hmninghatn,
gYYi,(IYYYYIiirilluiYlO'irYYPilYulry,Ytii111tiiYrnUlY,irllll t stern iHun Yitn r,iiiYnl it i ifa(lo�inirfltiiflfMffYliH91f6`
Cann Families
Picnic in Hall
The Cann reunion was held al
the Exeter Legion Hall on Satur-
day, June 29.
Members of the Clan were pre-
sent from Meaford, Delhi, Ham-
ilton.,. Guelph, • London and sur-
rounding district.
A. successful program of sports
was in charge of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jeffrey and ldr. and Mrs,
Arnold Cann.
Winners in races for five years
and under were: Kathy Elder,
Sherry Williams; girls 6.8 years,
Jean Elder, Brenda Eaton; 9-11
years. Jean Laramie• boys, Jim.ml7
y Kerslake, ougias Jeffery;
young ladies, Marian Kerslake,
Dorothy Kerslake; men, Dennis
Springbank lass: Sunday,
Guests with Mr. Moore Cuna - -
iiinghani and Mrs. hired Sinip- i
son on Wednesday were the lat.
ter's 'brother and wife, Mr. and I
Mrs, B. Keawx1 Grand Bend, a
and cousin, .Mr, S. Watson of I
Sarnia, On Friday evening re,
-and Mrs Itby Gibson and boys
of Crediton and OA Saturday, .
Mr. and Mrs, George Summers
of London, the couple who lost
all their..household goody in thee
fire While they were living in
Mr, Jack iiarrisoi't's hoose.
Mite Patricia Canal and. Marian
11fay celebrated their ,birthdays
together Jit Monday *hen, Mrs.
Carfrey 'Canh; etitetteirtedi'tltti. "tett
w to rell+l:r•edkktatingteraa't Grated
Attention Farmers
Never Close
24 -Hour Service
Dr, Salsbury s Laboratories
EXE I;lt SEE; '0417 diSI iC
'nnnotai al tuutauntituutuntimil atalnaulluliinmunitmllu l'timitulataimulotinitlAl unnilt°
Sgt. J, W. Crooks, Rockcliife.
Cpl, W. Rose, St. John's Que.
LAC R. E. Miller, Camp Bor-
Miss Harriet Bowen of Lan -
ave with C -11 -IL Onca'Coat
self -washing paint ...
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with amazing .nn
the new exclusive ingredient in
-(-1. Trutane White House Paint,
makes it the whitest ever,
Lindenfields Ltd.
For Your Convenience
Eecause many of our farm customers have expressed
desire to shop on Saturday nights, the merchants of Exeter
have agreed to remain open. Saturday nights until, 10 pan.
This change in store hours has been brought about
iaecause.° of a, sincere desire to give our customers the best
service possible in ttppreciatioll of their kind patronage,
:Eider Ottsinessmen's Asso.