HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-04, Page 1414 The irloote-Advocete,. JOY 4, 1957 .41 rs romote Exeter, District Students Exeter Prineipal. Arthur B. Idle has • ennounced promotions for Exe• ler PablicSchool. Students are shown in' the 1grada they will enter in. the •Teaehers who willbe in charge g the ,elasses, are. also Ualicated. . KINDERGARTEN Mrs, H. ,Kleinstiver Repaid Ameronken, Katherine Bentley, Brenda Brunnell„ Ronald, BrIntnell, Deborah a Bunjeva% George Campbell, Nelson. Cock - will, Jaceids. Coughlin, Robert ..Cowden, Janet Davis, Lowell Dykstra,Ross Elliott, Doris Fer- ;ow Sheryl Ford, Glenda Fish - or,. Nancy Gifford, Elizabeth Go- inan, Michelle Harrison, Larry Haugh,. David Hunter, Ronald Janke, Dannie Tory, Richard Laughton, John Lawson, Ronald Mialenfield, Janice Loader, Con- nie Mackie, Fred May, Elizabeth Katherine MacDonald, Mary MacDonald, Michael Mae - Laughlin, Robert MacMillan, Ibor Orenezuk, Peter Pry.de, Peggy PrYde, Robert Parsons, Judy Price, Barbara Rivers, Wendy Itychinan, Penny Schroeder, Dianne Shapton, .George Shaw, Jane Tuckey, Ronald Walper, Douglas Wareing,John Wein, Ruth Whiting; Sheila Willert, Do- reen Willis, GRADE 1 Miss Faye Ford Dennis Bierling, Marvin. Bow- er, Ricky Brintnell, Mary Bruls, Gary Campbell, Joan Campbell, Linda Dinney, Shirley Elliott, JudyGlover, Jimmy Hackney, Donnie Harvey, Julia Heywood, Billy Hooper, Ruth Ann Kerr, Danny Laing, Karen Lock, Linda Lowery, Gordon McDonald, Paul McKillen, Randy Parsons, Janie Robertson, Bobby Sanders, Gracie Thompson, Barry Tiernan, Jo Ann Whilsmith, Gerald Willis, Carl Wurm. Mrs. R. Jermyn Barry Baynham, Jeffrey Car- rot, .Jon Dinney, Bruce Fulcher, Philip Hammond, Norman Howey, Geordie Laughton, Ronald Moore, Susan Page, Gwen Penhale, Paul Swartzentruber, Christine Tuck- ey, Brian Waller, Rickey Weber, Bonnie Wein, Mary Wilson: GRADE 2 Mrs. R. Jermyn Barbara Biggart, John Bier - ling, John. Bruls, Judy Cowan, Judy Cutting, Jimmy Darling, Willie Denomme, Billy Fairbairn, Jill Harness, Randy Jones, Yvonne Penhale, Rene Plantinga, Paulette Schroeder, Norman Thomson, Dolly Wildman. Miss Marilyn Haberer Raymond Beaver, David Burke, Donald Campbell, David Dettmer, Ronnie Durand, Thelma Dykstra, Wayne Edwards, Judy Estey, David: Prayne, James Gifford, John Godbolt, Roberta Grassick, Brenda Hall, Joan Heywood, Lynn Ilitsrnan, Mary Lou Howard; Merle • Idle, Jackie Kraft, Bar- bara Leitch, .John Loader, Cathy Mather, Louise McBride, Benny Moulton, Donald Nixon, Gordon. Page, Cheryl Parsons, Penny 'Preszcator, Carol Lynn Shapton, Gail Shipman, -Barry Southcott, Glen Stire, Pauline Wells, Gary Wurm. Mrs. D. Mousseau Susan Bailey, Donnie Bunjevac, Michael Cooper, Ann Creech, Gar- ble Fritz, Helen Jory, -Barbara Skinner, Eleanor Stanlake, Randy FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET rillsIARCI S •"KING OF PAIN" UNIMENT, • Order Your Slabs Early Mixed Slabs - $25 DeI'd Hard Slabs - $35 Dei'd Approx. le Cord Per Load $1 Per Cord Less At Mill Buy Now And Have Dry Wood Next Fall Ailsa Craig Saw Mill Ltd, Phone 623-i-3 Ailey Craig .Your Watch Has Stopped? Don't worry, bring or send it to us. We will do it prompt - 1y. No waiting. Ce r t i f it d Watchmaker and Jeweller. 30 years. experience, ALBERT HES zuttco Weber, Honey Wein, Danny Wi SOD. GRADE 3 Mr P. ft:4.4mm Douglas Beaver, Donald Carn bell, Richard Dinney, Lilzabetli Ellerington, Donald Billott, Gary Foal, Victor Fnicher, Susan. Gib- bons,. Ruth KnoX, Bonnie McKil- len, Ruth. Ann McKille.n, Dianne McLeod,. Robert Mickle„ Robert Aloore, Terri Nixou, Ann Robert- na Waiver, Linda Wells, Hans Zieehuisen. Miss. A. E. Campbell Alfred Aquilina, Anne Bell, Lynda Blanchard, Mary Coch- rane, Brenda Dinney, Eddie Dyk- atra, ,P.amela -Erman, Richard Frayne„ Detlef Fritz, Larry Gould, Allan Green, Bonita Green, Betty Jean Hamilton, Larry Hockey, Grant Hooper, Debbie. Johnston, Sheila Keller, Judy Krause, Peter Lawson, Eddie Lindenfield, lJilk Nagel, Darlene Parsons, Georg Plantinga, Eric Swartzentrubei• Mugs Shaw, Sherri Smith, Eliza beth Snell, Douglas Taylor, Bar bara Wells, SS 7 Wbbert Mrs. Rena Caldwell, teacher, 'announces this: list el prometions p- at S,S, N. 7, Hibbert. The grade listed .is the one to .wluch. pupils have been pronioted. Promoted to grade .9 -Mildred Howe, Wayne .Coleinan.' Grade 7 --Robert Mum Carol Howe, Margaret Hoggerth„ Ade- line Chapel, Marjorie Pfaff, Grade 6-Verkyn Miller, Ted Stoneman, Edith Coulson, Grade 4 -Jim Dobson, Patricia Harris, Peter Faircloth. Grade 4 -Bonnie Dick. Grade 3 -Wilma Killer, Nancy Faircloth„ Ruth Ann Coleman,. Grade 2, -Bonnie Kerslake, Kar- en Sararas, Janice Wright, SS, 2 Hay Mrs, B. Ellis, teacher, .annuou- Oes. this, list. of promotions at e S.S. No, 2 Hay. Names are not in order of merit. The grade in- dicated is the one to which the pupils have been promoted, GRADE 4 • Mrs, E. Turvey John van Balm Gerry 13ormal- lie, Nancy Brady, Ronnie Brode- rick,.Cathy Corbett, David Cowan, Basil Crawford, Bill Dinney, Mary Lou Edwards, Leroy Edwards, Tommy Elliott, Johnny Grassick, Sandra Harvey, Jimmy Huxt- able, Ernest Kerr, Diana Knox, son, Freddie Simmons, Bruce Van Goozen, Christopher Waller, Don - Sue Ann Lindenfield, Patricia Makins, Barry McKnight, Gloria Moulta, Lynn Page, Jimmy Parsons, David Robinson, Joy Seldon, Darlene Snell, Linda Stire, Delton Walper, Morris Wedlake, Sherry Wein, Mrs. D, Hughson George Armstrong, Joyce Arm- strong, Freddy Brintnell, Larry Brintnell, Paul Brintnell, Ray Cockwill, Johnny Elliott, Tommy Gillard, Gordon Greenacre, Ken- neth Heinbuck, Dennis Hockey, Brian Hogarth, Philip Huntley, Elizabeth Knox, Terri Laughton, Rickey McDonald, Gary Parsons, Billy Penhale, Hendrika Plantin- ga, Mary Jane Sanders, Paul Sims, Margaret Snelgrove, Jane Southeott, Heather Ward, Melvin Whiting, Larry Willert, Donny Wolfe, Judy Yonng, Kees Zee- huisen. Miss Velma Ballagh Bryan Baynham, Billy Beavers, Bobby Beavers, Marion Carscad- den, Helen Cole, Susan Goman, Hank Gosar, Linda Hammond, Karen Heywood, Patty IleywoOd, Karen Jermyn, Michael Keay, Phyliss Madge, Paul Mason, Mar- garet May, Brian McLean, Ro- man Orenczuk, John Pryde. . GRADE $ Miss Velma Ballagh David Beavers, Elizabeth Coch- rane, Ronald Cornish, Linda Ed- wards, Yvonne Fisher, Freddy Learn, Ricky Schroeder. Mr. G. Baker' Mary Bakker, Ross Beaver, Willie Berends, Joyce Bower, Rickey Boyle, Ronnie Cowden, Jimmy Dixon, Sheila Fahner, Anne Fairbairn, John Gibbons, Jackie Glover, Leroy Gould, Bar- ry Greenacre, Greg Harness, Marlene Harness, Linda Hunter- Duvar, Douglas Huntley, Larry Johnson, Larry Jones, James Kerslake, Laura MacMillan, Gar- rylir Moulton, She dan Penhale, John. Plantinga, (Terry Statton, Paul Van Goozen, Barbara Whit- ing, Robert Wolfe, Miss Betty Goudie Sharon Baynham, Marion Bent- ley, Sheila Bonnalie, Helen Camp- bell, Mary Corbett, Donnie Cow- an, Michael Cushman, Jane Dett- mer, Jeanne Dzioba, Bobby Ilig- gins, Stephen Honsberger, Sandra Hunter, David Johnston, Lana Keller, Janet Lockhart, Bryan Marriage, Robert Mather, Bobby McDonald, Danny McKillen, Nancy McTavish, Billy Perry, Sharon Sanders, Peter Snell, Lin- da Snider, Douglas Stanlake, Brian Sweitzer, Bobby Taylor, Shirley Taylor, Freddy Wildman. GRADE 6 Mrs. 1. Mahon Wayne Baynham, Wayne But- son, Jim Carscadden, Donny Wray Cooper, Ross Cooper, Su- san Dinney, Susan Doerr, Pat- ricia Ferguson, Gary Ford, Shir- ley Genttner, Alvin Guilford, Elsie Gotar, Loretta Haley, Neil Ham- ilton, Johnny Harness, Lester Heywood, Larry Idle, Barbara Janke, Laverne McCarter, Judy McKerral, Lydia Roelofson, Rob- ert Shapton,Glenn Shipman, Carolynne Simmons, Freddie Smith, Kathy Smith, Larry Stire, Sue. Svendsen, George Tryon, Marion Walker, Freddie Wells, Kenny Wood, Donny Wright, Nor- ma Young. GRADE 7 Mrs: C. Jory 'Pauline Aquilina, Kenneth Arm- strong, Robert Broderick, Gerald Cooper, Joan Dettmer, Philip Dzioba'Thomas Etherington, Donna Ersman, George Godholt,, James Gould, Brian Hall, Caro- lyn Harris, Helen Hendrick, Wil- liam Heywood, Margaret Howey, Linda Johnston, Dianne • Jory, Peter Knox, Anmarie Kraft, John MacNaughton, Kenneth McCar- ter, john. Nagel, Douglas Pen - hale, Richard Plantinga, Ted San- ders, Diane Schwartzentruber, Donald Scott, Veda Smith, John Snell, Bonnie Turvey, Charles Van. der Ned, Linda Walper, Brian Wedlake, Gary Wedlake, EdWard Wilson, William Wright, GRADE Mr. A. Sharon Appleton, Marie Brint nen', Donald Cann, Roger Cant; Veronica Francois, Marilyn Prayne, Arlene Grover, Linda Glove, Lavern Gould, Mien Haley, James Hannah, Anne. Hockey, DongIaS IledgtOn, Bon- nie4 Hogarth, Gloria Honsberger, Wayne Honsbergerf Beverly Ir- vine, Marion. Kerslake, Bruce Lockihart,l'eter Meralls, Thomas Roberts, .Eddy Reeleft, Brian Sanders, Fred Sanders, Doris Scott, Wesley Sims, Judy SneI- MVO, Gordon .Snell, io eS Switzer, Mervin Taylor, Dale Turvey, Robert Wareing, Diane Whitmore, Dianne Willed.. Promoted to grade 8 - Lloyd Simpson, Karen Tinney, Eugene Webber. Grade 7 - Mary Simpson, Grade 6 - Gerrit van Doorn. Grade 5 - Elaine Beiber. Grade 3 - Marlene Beiber, Lynne Faber, David Prouty, Jane Russell. Grade 2 - Ronnie Ferguson, Larry Prouty, Kathy Rowe, Ken- ny Trielmer. Grade i- Lawrence Bieber. SS 2 Tuckersmith Miss Dorothy Turner, teacher of S.S. No. 2 Tuckersmith an- nonnees promotion list; Promoted to grade 9 - Jean MeNaughton. • Grade 8 - Margaret Jean Broadfoot. Grade 7 . Billy Charters, Su- sie Mae Lostell. Grade 6 Y.. LosLell Ann McNichol, Mary Noriis, Grade 5 - Robert Cooper, Keith Hay, Albert Kyle, Robert McNaughton, Barbara MeNiehol, Grade 3 - Brad Little* Don- nie Littleton. Joan .Sinelatr, Grade •,a -Brian POMO, Ger- ald Dayrnan, Gary Deitz, .. Carl Finkbeliter. Karen 'Littleton. SS 10 Hay Mrs. E.„Nermington announces this list 0 promotions at S.S. No. to Hay. Promoted, to grade 9 Betty Bell, Judy Elder • Grade 8 - Katherine Gack- stetter.. Grade 7 - Henry Gaekstetter, Paul, Holuier„ Mary Payne.. Grade 6 - Jerry Chapman, John Elder, Grade 5 - . Craig AChapinan, Stephep Elder,. Freddie Funk„ Grant Rohner, Wayne Payne, Bruce Shirray, BllIy Tinney. Grade 4 - Carolyn ,Campbell, Barry MOussean, Grade 3 - Marie . Campbell, Larry - Elder, Ann Funk, Lester Hohner, Grade 2 - Malcolm Mawan, Douglas Munn. SS 1_ Tuckersmith r s. Laurabelle Reichert, teacher, announces the promo- tions for S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, Promoted to grade 9 - Annie Vanderworp. .Grade 8 -- Jerry Broderick, Dorothy Parker, - Grade 6 - Graham Bell, Ray McLean, Gertrude Toonk. Grade 5 - James Traquair, Alie Vanderworp, Grade 4 - William,13e11, Doug- las *Dalrymple, Thomas Dalrym- ple, Deanna Forrest, Larry Mc- Lean'. • Grade 2 " Bell, Charles Dalrymple, Gerald Tra- 5$Usborne (141:1.11 2 Alice X- Mills has an - twanged the promotion results for Thames. Road School, SS.. 2' Usborne, Promoted te. grad; -1)eniiis Passmore, Robert Hume, Doug- las Rohde, Robert Snow. Wayne Maven Grade 3 -Alex Gardiner, .Steven Johns, Judy, Coward, Marlene Webber, Davtd. 1;'assinore. Grade 4 -Joyce Maver„ Lennie Hume, Douglas Coward. Grade 5-Tinie Van der Laan, Janet Rowe. Marilyn Gardiner, Billie Snow, Grade 6 -Albert Van der Laan, Margaret Johns, Anne Johns, Bar - tiara Webber, Gary Beaver, Doug- las Coward. Grade 7 -Wendy Van der Laan, Charles Gardiner, Danny Coward, Grade 8 -Sharon Hume, Fran- ces jelins, Anne Marie Rowe. Grade .9 -Sadie' Van der Laan, Dianne Johns, David Gardiner. N . , Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the wee. Hunter-Duvar And Sons'.Ltd. e e your How Self -Cleaning Stays White Longer Repaint your home in just ONE COAT with superb Super-Lastic STAY -WHITE House Paint. Cods. paint- ing time in half . . and -you save on paint,. toe Perfect 'for previously pointed surfaces it reasonably good condition. Exceptional hiding quality. Stays gleaming white -for years longer. Worth $9.45 a gallon. QUART 1.79 CAL 6.40 One Coat, EXTERIOR WHITE NOUsePaini Save $2,00 a Gallon SUPER-LASTIC EXTERIOR ,HOUSE PAINT -72 RICH COLOURS Quality -tested, Super-Lastic Home Decorator House Paint -in a wide range of Most -wanted colours and smart tones. A rich, fall -bodied finish that resists Wear and weather. Greater coverage gives extra savings. Matto your home the smartest on the street -with Super-Lastie Home Decorator House Paint. Canadian Tire saves you $2.00 a Wen. QUART CALLON 1!50 • 5.15 TINTING TU8E5 .13 *0' .72 SPECIAL COLOURS -Outside Gloss White, Shutter Green and Bright Red. Quart 1.65, Got. 5.75 ' • ...t•ttWitt.,:ttti:Miatn•tp. • GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT Contains "Titanium" the Long,vreating WHITEST White ARMADA 'Thrift -priced Noose Paint it made kens the oversprey midden ref **pensive Applience finishes, (is u.d en refirifferetors, automatic iressiseirs, oft.), *Ad it acientificellY blended with "titenhoin" it' Ai limier*, A *my *nth: factoryfinish at ort extiptional Seivingil for low.a0it Istinte, cottage and farm protection aied tweet* Attractive Colours, too ALL, AT THE SAME LOW PRICE ARMADA itiTERI011 'AND EXTERIOR ROOM PAINt*Teer choice *4 CM**, bright Red, THIS MediaGraff bit* Weil, Dirk Dreier., Aluminum, Flat White. 'flatlet, 'ION mid Parser. O .39 L 3 IMRT 911A e taisyGetsiavoy 0110 01,44: FIMMAlgt0A4()A.,?:f The..AO-New All -Speed NOR'POWER TURBOTIRE SPARK PLUG 140R -POWER "TURBO -FIRE" SPARK PLUG is scientifically designed and engineered to giro an EXTRA LIFT . a 'new power surge that will restore instant -action meow to the touch of your toe on the accelerator • • • of traffic lights, for high-speed passing or pulling under load, Replace old worn-out plugs NOW with MOR -POWER "TURBO -FIRE" -for a difference you can actually feel! • Jet -Propelled O( -Away • Extra Fire -Power Under toad • Reduces Fouling, Pre -Ignition' • Boosts Gas Op MOR -POWER "TURBO -FIRE" SPARK PLUGS ire guaranteed EQUAL, OR BETTER than original • equipment . . . at an actual savings to you of more than 30%, Engineered to exact spicifica- Nano to ensure the correct typo and heat range for every' car, truck' and tractor. Install a as* set of Mor-Pewor "Turbo -Fire" Spark Plugs today for extra pOWIr at greeter savings. Each ENGLISH 'CARS -. .65 &69 FREE Spark PI' Gap Gouge with, ovary eet.olri or mons Mer -Power Smirk Plum. ' SPARK PLUG TOOL LOAN SERVICE We will loon you thy wrench and wire- type gap setting gauge-- on ' refund- able Aeposit. . Have You Checked Your Plugs Lately? Sprirk Plugs should be 'spliced at feast. every 10,000 miles to keep your engine perking in top condi. Non . . and to ensure simalinum miles from your 1111101111111 Save •safely -with MOR -POWER. •c.-r.c. TEST -RUN GENERATOR •EXCHANGE Factory rebuilt and. test run, to • guaranteed "new 'pra•formance" standards. Not Just 'avirhouled - but completely rebuilt.' All parts showing the slightest wear. are" expertly ma- chined or re- - plee•d,Ex. change price 015° MOTO-MASTER IGNITION PARTS . Engineer Approved MoTo,MAsTER IGNITION COILS - Mimi on specifications set up by the engineers who designed your dm Scientific balance of windings enures . maximum efficiency at all speeds. To Fit G.M. prod., 1941-54 Chrysler prod., 1946-55 Ford products, 1949-56 Others 3.65 to 12.25 Price 4,40 4.60 4.45 MOTO-MASTER IGNITION CABLE SETS --Duplicate original equipment. Everything is included: approved hi - tension wirer, terminals, clips and distributor "tableware nipples." To Fit Prigs Chevrolet, -1929-56 1,20 Dodge, 6 cyl., 1935-56 1.60 Plymouth, 1933-56 ,; 1.60 Ford products, 1949-54 1.96' . Others 1.20 to 2.15 -Sore Up to 40 % MOTO:WATER IGNITION •TUNE-UP KIT -Get bettor performance by re. placing ALL worn distributor ports. Kite Include rotor, tend and set of points, • TO Fit Price Cherrefot, 1929-52 1.35 Chevrolet, 1933-56, 45,10. 1.76 bodge,' 1939-50. 1.63 'Dodge, 6-cyl,, 1951-56 ------ 1.17 Ford -prod,, 1949-56 Plymouth, 1935-30 6.63 Plymouth, 1951-56, 6471. 1.77 Others 1.20 to 2.10 MOTO-MASTER VOLTAGE REGULA- TORS - faulty voltage fildIllOtOt may easily ruin your batten' or crater. Protect against "overcharge," "undercharge" or "burn -out" . . Replace with smooth -acting solenoid typo Mote -Mester ventage regulator. Original equipment qUalityof al- most half the price 11.1111 ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT•QUALITY , Moto -Master MUFFLERS' Save up to 50% -Blow-out Proof t Do -It ' . Yourself Price Chevrolet --- 193740 (most) 6.30 1941-53 5.98 1954-57, 6-cyl. 7.95 ;1949-52, 6tcyl. 6.85 Chrysler and De Sate - Dodge 1949-32 6.85 1951-55, 7.45 Ford ' 1949-34 . 5.98 1933-56 8.10 Plyinoutli 1949-52 6.65 most 1953-56, 6-41. 7.40 Stude, Champion 194746 5.20 Ciampi mare, pair .50 " Tnittntintion Chnrar 2.60 Milff 1611 Exhaust' Pipes and Tail Pipes - For Every Car and Truck ReadHined. BONDED Brake .poe Exchange::,.: ',Easier to initall-No rivetting-No a Same as type now used or enema1' equipment. I ' ' RELINE WITH "CHRYSOTILE" - Make Year ar safe and enjoy big dollar savings with :Chrysotile Bonded Reedy -Lined Brake Shoe Exchanger Na' texperiente le necessary to put safe brakes On ••yetir.:tar. You simply remove old broke shoes' and install "Chrysotile Safety. Engineered Bonded Lined ShOes-anyOne con do , . . quickly, easily and at low cost, Just bring 10 youome brake Shoes and' exchange them for firmly banded chrysotile Lined 'Broke Shoes, 2.WHEEL SET -EXCHANGE PRICE 'FRONT REAR Chevrolet 1936-50- 3.85 3.85 1931-56 4620 3.85 Ford and Meteor 1949.54 4:45 3.85 1955-56 • 4,05 3.85 Mercury & Monarch -1949-54 4.26 2.25. Pontiac 1951-56,20 lir 22 4.20 3.s5 If year ear •Is not listed, enquire fee prices.. ' LININGS RIVETED to Shoes for je per awn. Alm cent. Mete relining If dallied, MARE DRUM TRUING*.Peseetlinif *ars, tad $$.29