HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-04, Page 13Palo 1
The TinaoliAtivOc t
iNly 4, 1957
And District News
Phone 109 Wean
Correspondent; Mice imine Abbott
Ham And Strawberry Supper
The membere of Holy Trinity
Guild Veit hanpY with the suc-
cess of their hant and strawberry
stipPer held in the church base-
ment last Wednesday. In the
peighbourhool of 300 sat clown to
Personal Home
Prior to leaving .5rt 'a trip to
the coast Mrs, Warner McRob-
erts was guest of honor at a
fareWell .Party at the hoine of
her brother, Mr. Theron Creery
of Woodham last Saturday. Other
guests included Mr, and Mrs,
Mae Lamond, of Crontarty and
Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Kendrick
of Exeter, Mrs, McRoberts spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, M..
Blackler of Icirkton.
Mrs. James Hofeord rif'Stel-
bure was a recent visitor with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Harold
Ribson, accompanying them to
Belleville. for. the weekend.
(Mra. Hofford is often handed.
a Times -Advocate paper by a
Sudbury friend.)
Mrs. M. O. Smith, who is vis-
iting Mr Srnith, went with him
on a cruise to Seattle last week-
Mr. Ted Brown Of 13ervie was
A weekend guest at the rectory.
Mrs. John Blair of Calgary
abase visit east was spoiled by
having to spend part of it in
Victoria Hospital; Was permitted
to make a flying trip to Lucan
and Exeter last Monday on.the
condition she and Mr. Blair
'would return to Winnipeg on
WednesdaY. •
Mr. Cecil Hodgies Jr. has ac-
cepted a painting job with the
C.P.A. at London.
Mee. Clarence Hodgins and
Mrs. Herbert Charlton visited
Miss Hattie Hodgins at the Green
Gables Nursing Home, Park-
hill, last Monday. and the latter
viiited Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Mc-
Lean on Tuesday.
Mr, Gerald Hamilton, a pupil
of Mr,. Ira Carling, . sang and
played Tuesday everting at the
Brinsley strawberry supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas of
London Were Wednesday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling,
Mr, Bob Hamilton has return-
ed from his trip to Florida and
WashingtOn. At Washington he
made a tour a the White House,
On Friday he and his brother,
Gerald, went to Detreit.
Mr. 'Warren Flannigan of Lte
can Was inyolved in a .collision
with a ear driven by Joseph
eenton of R,It. 2 Zurich last
Thursday -when •the latter at-
tempted to turn into a farm
lanewa.y near St. Joseph. No one
Was injured but damages were
eetinaated at $225.
Dr. and Mrs. Harney Reving-
ten are happy to announce the
birth of a daughter Catherine
Alma. on Wednesday,' June 27 at
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. arid Mrs. Ceeil Armitage
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Darling
of Parkhill, taking the latter with
them on a trip to the Bend. •
In spite of Friday's dowripotu',
the J. B. Ready's store was jam-
med to the doors for the third
Beek Auetion sale, Another will
he held this Friday.
Mr.. John Park pent the week-
end with his bAither, Stewart,
in ?Wolfe and Ms. Park spent
hers With her sister, Mrs. Len
Lebsinger of Sarnia.
• Mr. and Mrs, Don Young and
feraily of Blyth were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Graham
Mid family of Chatham spent last
weekend with M. and Mrs,
Mitchell Haskett.
" I n
.L ."
Doctor Gee**.te •MiChleete
Sin.out lies been appoint-
ed to the :staff of the Department
.of Pathology of the University of
Michigan effeetive July L
Dr, Smola received his Int.)).
•degree front the Univ.ei•sity of
Westere ftritario in 1953. Ile has
been engaged in post -graduate
otetly in pathology and clinical
pathology At ILW.O., .and Victoria.
Hospital, London.
Dr, and Mrs. Smog have jug
returned from a totlr of Gaspe-
peoinsula and .the Uaritim•e.Prov
lines and spent a,few days with
Mrs. Smout's mother, Mrs,
Gladys Ancinsoo, Leean, prior to
taking_ up residence in Ann Ar-
bor, Miele .
Wiener Root
Shower Cancels
Picnics, Game
The Evening Auxilary a the
Lucan United. Church had plan-
ned a trip to Mrs, George Pettre
cottage for the June meeting
last Thersday hut ewing to a.
deluge of rain the otiting had to
be cancelled and the members
had to settle for a pot hick Sun'.
per in the church parlors. The
supper was follOwed with a gen-
eral wind-up of the season's ac-
.The Lucan-Clandeboy.e Explor-
ers had plenned a picrue also for
Thursday afternoon, They were
really out. of luck forevith the
Auxiliary using the church their
outing had to be cancelled en-
With ,zto boat to go from sec-
ond to third base, Thursday's
bell game had to be postponed
Ladies' Guild
The June ineeting of the Ang-
lican Ladies' Guild was held in
the parish hall last Monday eve-
rting with the president, Mrs.
Kay Egan, in the chair, Mrs.
C. W. Ilawkshaw at the piano
and Mrs, H. T Bond's group as
It was decided to continue
serving dinners to the Lions
Club next'Year,
Rev. J. P. Prest spoke briefly
and asked the help of the Guild
in the serving of cookies to the
kindergarten children at the Va-
cation Sehool August 9-16, The
Guild voted to help.
Most of the time Was turned
over to completing plans for the
Ham and Strawberry Supper for
Wednesday, lune 26.
Personal Herne
!Young Pianists PS Prom
Hurricane Audrey worked havoc
with the plans of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Y.P.U. or they were
all set for swimming, a ball game
and wiener roast at Prospect Hill,
last Thursday..
However all was not leg fel'
the young people went to the
Arena instead Where Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins and Marlene Rev-
ington began the evening's' ac-
tivities With games. With arti-
ficial grass and artificial camp
Fire a vesper service was held
with Janet Blake and Marjorie
Sovereign in charge. This was
followed by a wiener roast and a
dance, which lasted till after mid-
The lunch committee, ,corri-
prised Lynette Walpole, Helen
Hardy, Sharon Kestle, Jack Park
and Don Lankhe
PreSent Recital
The Leneen, naiese, Taxan Public School teachers
boye And Grenton pf Miss annnUnCe promotions in public
Bette Leake .stagffia, a two,boteScheel, grades. Th gid e utdi-
music recital in Knox Church, rated lo the eve tO a4eleh PoPilo
have been promoted,
Tat/mien, last Monday night.
Ltleart particiPatiits meld:dad Mrs. H. Ctisleigha Teecher
Betty Anne Young, Jean. Marie Grade g—Mare Arnold, SylVia
Larkin, Judy and Donna Tb0m- Brawn, Calcott, Daisy Cob -
son, Jariet Kehl. Bonnie Oren' leigh, Barbara Cenner) (ay
an, Marilta Ribson, Dana Col- cittage, Norma Davis, Deena
bert, Noreen and Hugh Coolitl* ,Farr, Jerry Preentan, SillY Has -
Heather Acheson, Ilene DOOR. kett, Marilyn Hearn, Hareld Her,
soar Beth Blitelc and axy E�rs bert, Richard
ington who sang Soles, Amoy Hoos, DooaldKew,. bole ^ye-
liaskett and JO -Anne Ribeon as- nedy. Karen MCAlliSter, Bonnie
sisted n the choruses.
McIver. Patsy Neel), NaneY Park,
Poring the evening ;the Toucan John Parry., Jaye
pupils presented Mss Leake Bobby Smyttie, MAry Smythe,
with a Miele ease and a leelegld eCarol T h oat $ Christophe
of roses.r
tuclen s
Butyl Houck, Nelion Knight, :oho
Ward, Stanley Whitehead.
1 Mrs, William" ,Allisen, Teacher
Grade 3-4tianne Conner, -idtlY
t-Coughbn, George.Dattneey„ Kleine
IBmerick. DO.nalci Farr. Donne
! :Gardiner._ Sharon Hocking, Albert
i fiPq, airnmY Kew, Betty Ann
i Lewts, Min Lewis. Cath Y Meth -
ors. Linda McIver, Harry Yrest,
i Keg Ready'a Paul Revingten,
A Carol Schlueter, Bette Jean
Smith. -- .
1 Grade .‘,-Terry :Casirrttr Linda
Carrie, Linde KrOand, Nvelynne
loom, 'Sharon "George, David
Goddard, KenifardY, Tom IWO,
Briart Haskett, Sharon Rosati.
.Gayle Hickson, Patsy Jutzi, David,
Lippert, I/Wide Morrow, Terry
,Illecb, Bobby Thoropeon, Billet
Luean relatives and friends are
very prond otthe honor brought
to the village by Sharon Anne
Moore in the winning of Michi-
gan's Miss Universe representa-
tive, Sharon spent her early years
with her grandmother, Mrs. Ed
McLean and lived in the house
now occupied by Mr, and Mrs. E.
Matters on Alice St. She is -a
grand niece of the former Mrs,
Mitchell Haskett,
Mrs. Harry McFalls of Lon-
don was a Sunday caller on Mrs.
W. ,T. McFalls.
Mr. Cecil Hodgins had the
misfortune to have a big power
lawn mower stolen front his car
last Week, , r
Mrs. rItoe George (nee Clara
Perley) of Winnipeg and Mrs,
Swaim, (nee Allie Wray). of Tor-
onto weue holiday weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Corbett and called on many Lu -
can friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon lelodgson
spent last Friday in Stratford,
the guests of Mrs. Lela Beadle,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert are
happy to announce the birth of
a daughter, at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital Wednesday, June 26, a
1 1
Ch ir Grade e.•-• Robert e Ci;terirape
Recital. tielpe JortiOr .
Pupils of Mrs. ;Clarence Hardy
eital in the Parish Mall iest Mon- : 'Clcindeboye ,Comment
who, entertained at a piano re*
day evening included; Beb Eaten,
Nancy Watson, Bantle PAW, .Carel .
Stalker., Teni Kestle Joan Curt-
• .
ningham, Peter Baler, Nano'
Haskett, Wayne Hodgins, Barbara Flee Midi ted
Hearty, Hugh Elliott, Judy Scott, - - = ga - :
Binh, Tom Hardy, Ward Hodg- day, the rector, Rev, J. P. Prest,
At St. Jame* Chnrch on Sun-
13ob Hardy, Nancy Kestle, Boger
ins, June Lynn,. Gary Revinginn, dedicated the new McKean Flag,
Stem, and Marilyn Eaton.
DanaThe Ac nu gibliecrat,n Pat Egan, sPaulang'ThisDebiorel efissea gotitir.ealli surcineogiocnenriearnoYf ctehle-
three numbers, Nancy Hardy, a ,,, Mr. Prost is 'on vacation at
pupil of Judy Haskett, tap danced -rurkeYl'oint where ne.will con -
duet service at $t. Andrew's on
and IMpilS of IVIiss Bette Leake
Ilene Donaldson, Beth enace, then he will spend two weeks in
March /or two weeks,
favoured with solos; Janet Keht, the Lace
Bonnie Drennan and Heather Bruce County.
Acheeon. t .
Marks 40 Years
ArichelElect Feted
Miss Ivlarion Elaine Hedging,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, F.,
HoOins, whose marriage to Mr.
William Henry Guest will take
place Saturday, July 6, was guest
of honor at a number of showers.
On Monday June 17, the staff of
the Confederation Life Insurance
presented her with a linen show-
er. On Friday, June 21, Mrs. Don
Medd was hostess for a number
of her girl friends with a miscel-
laneous shower, On Saturday last
the Bill Teller choir; of which sbe
is a member, presented her with
a tray and cream and sugar, and
on Wednesday„June 26, the Unit-
ed Church members came to her
home and presented her with a
purse of money and the next
Friday the members of the Den-
field School Section held a mis-
cellateous shower for her.
Anglican News
At the morning service the Dio-
cesan Flag, donated by the Eve-
ning Auxiliary, was dedicated by
the Rev, J ,P. Preet who, with
his familyt left on Monday for
Turkey Point where he will be
till JillY 15 and then in Bruce
county till the end of the month,
On July 7, Mr. Herb Bridle, of
Clinton, will be the guest speak-
er; July.14, Mr. W. T. Ashby, of
Byron; july 21, Mr. Trevor Al-
derwich, of London, and on July
28, Mr. R. W. Westwood, of Lon-
don. ,
Pereonal Mint
sister fel' Terry and Dana.
Mr. Keith Frost of Toronto Mr. Will Havelcost of London
wee home for the weekend. spent July 1 with Mrs. W. 3.
On Shnday Mrs. 'Wilbert King McFalls.
and son, Bile of Watford picked Mr. and Mrs. Roy O'Neil, nee
up Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert Evelyn McRobert of Denfield,
and all spent the day with Mrr are happy to annoufice the birth
and Mrs. ,Harvey Perkins of Exe- of a daughter, Wednesday, June
ter. • 26; at Victoria Hospital, a sister
Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Ashworth for Marilee, David and Gary.
were boliday guests of Rev, and Mr. Calvin Haskett took Mrs.
Mrs. E. C. Attwell of Sarnia. Haskett, Judy, Brian and Bruce
Mrs. Gladys Atkinson spent toMr.tr. Parry
yck Cummin's" cottage
July 1. with her sister Mrs. C. Sound last Friday
Fisher, of Exeter. for a monpi's vacation.
Mrs. Stan Hayea and Geral- Marsha Itibson is holidaying
dine were Saturday guests of with Hamilton friends and 30 -
Anne with Kitchener friends.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Clarence Hardy. Lornie Morley and Elaine Ern-
, I exick are beginning their holi-
The preceeds of the recital will
go towards supplies for the jun-
ior choir
During the evening Mrs. Clar-
ence Hardy as leader and MTS.
Kay Egan and Mrs. Calvin Has-
kett as choir mothers, were pre-
sented. with gifts of ippreciation.
Personal Denis
Mr. and Mrs, Nele Cronin of
Toronto were weekend guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy. when he Was ordained in Dune
das Centre United Church, Lon-
Since Ordination
At the Clandeboye United
Cherch on Sunday, the minister,
Rev. Edgar Rouiston. spolce on
the Christian Ivlinietry, also read
the Scripture from the Bible pre-
sented to him on June 3.0, 1017,
from the London Conference,
• •
Mrs, Wilson Hodgins, Mrs.
Charles Little and Kathleen and
Messrs. Nelson and Milton Hod-
gins were among the 100 or,
more who attended the Mitchell
reunion at Springbank last Sat-
Robert Hodgins of London is
holidaying with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Hod-
Kr. and Mrs, W. J. Smith and
family, have returned from a
visit to Rockwood where they
were the guests of Me and Mrs.
Alex McFarlane.
days in an odd way. Both are
aseline Section dawn with the' mumps.
onors Teacher Ity and Was Roy Stanley spent
Mr, and Mrs, Norman L
wIrtriaonod Mrs.
The nupila and their teacher the
Miss Elinor Bell Of the Baseline Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weir
school held their annual, school and family were holiday week -
picnic on , Thursday afternoen end guests with Mr. mid Mrs.
when parehts apd rfeighbors Were Edgar McFalls.
Invited to kiln Pith them in their Rev. J. P. Prest and family,
activities , Wt. Kay - Egan. Miss Marilyn
Brownlee anti Mr Scott Garrett
were among the vast erowd who
attended the 3.00 o'clock pitgrint-
age to the historic $t. Ann's Ad-
elaide last Sunday,
After A three week's visit with
his parehts and Luck,. relatives,
Mr. George Strasser left on
Tuesday for his horne ie Long
Last Saturday night Mr. Ita
Carling was M.C. for Miss Mar-
jory Kester's successful reeital
at Thorndale• and presented the
diplomas to the Winners. One of
his bent pupils, Don arikard
piayee .at the recital.
Mr. and Mrs, Ceell Armitage
and famile spent lett Subday at
Spriogbank visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. -Les Wills of London
Alm and Mrs. jack Wyatt (nee
Carol Dobie) fertherly of Luean
are lialMY to annautice the birth
rif a daughter, Shareit Lynn,, on
June 16 at St, 3osephis Htispital,
a sister fez" Dean and. Barbi.
Massimo From
don, Conference president was
Rey. $: W. Muxworthy,
Since then he has hail charges
Harmony, IViapleWoOd and
est Harrington; Staffa, Zion
and Bethel. While at Arkona,
Sylvan a n d West Williams,
church union was started, Then
he was stationed at Wheatley.
At Itidgetown. he served 11 years,
At Central Church, $t. Thomas,
he served 13 years. In July,
me, he became minister at Lu -
can and Clandeboye_ United
Hd was born on a .faren in
Bruce County, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Routs -
near Ripley,
Mr. and Mrs: Rotalston have
two children, Harry J. Roulston
By MRS. F. SQUIBB and Mrs. 3. H, (Doris) Thomp-
,son; also four grandchildren,
Mr. aod Mrs. Harry Roulston,
family Mrs. Chalcraft ,anel Mrs. and Robert and•Mary Jane, son.
ThaMson. Terry Thome*, Thield
Ara. ArElleek, Teecher
Grade Margaret Armitage,
Jerre' Butler, Peter Butler, row
,Alcott, Margaret Calateigh. ftt-
11,0a CobItigh. .Lotilse ,Cochrane,
Larry .COOper, !Steve Davis. Ann -
.George., Bob Hickson, Wayne
Oedipus, Susan- IfYrie,. Russell
Kennedy, Douglas Lewis, Lorry
Lewis, Lorne MorleY. itoge.r Neel).
Karen/ Neil, Kenneth roweit10,
Anne Bilason, Lynne Amine%
Bryan, Smitha .Cheryl ThomPeoh,
Nancy Watson, LYede Young,
Patti Young,
Grade 0—,Yeali .Cocbrane, Ruth
'Frost, David George, -Janet Keld,
George .Thorson, Joan White -
Mr. .4. N. Igiiiett, Teacher
-dale and Mrs. Aileen Itiehl, Ven-
eta and Bob of Stratford Were
guests of the Paton family,
sgt, Bloye of RCAF station
North Bay spent the weekend
with Mrs. BlOYe and daughters
at the hoine of Hr., and Mrs. H.
and Peter, twin sons of
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Tulle and Philip
Dunwoodie, London, were Mon«
day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo,
Squire. '
Miss Barbara Gibberd and
Mr. and Mrs. II. Brambs and
Peter, London, visited Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Klehre.
3V1r. and Mrs. Ronald Squire
spent the weekend in Kitchener
With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beckett.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Smith, Bel-
mont, and Mr. -and Mrs. Frank
Smith,, London, were Sunday vis-
itors of • Mr. and Mrs. Melville
Mr. Peter Goudsward, Miss
Joan Burnett and Carol and Jim
Foster attended the 1st of July
celebration at Embro. Others
from the community attended
the Strathroy races and the
Horse Sbow at Exeter.
Mrs, Gladys Porter and Mrs.
Eva Gower,. London, spent a
few days this week with Mrs,
Wm. Morley Sr. and Elya.
Mr. Alton 'Wallis has taken
position at Westminster Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cann,
London, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley.
Mr, and We. It. N. Shervvill,
Lynn, Paul, Linda and Robert,
London, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Morley Sr. and
1 on by the pupils and gaines we.
A splendid prOgrana was put
1 1 * d 11
1 • •
For a Fly -Free
Barn use..
Get more milk— 1
Keep your tattle e
free of biting flies.
00WFLY I ton Baker presented Miss Bell
Dust them wt
.presentation to their teacher
Was the highlight of the after-
noon. A well -worded address was
read by Wilma Elston and El.-
It just twice a
DER is better fi
than tete spray. I
taste 2 weeks or g
with a 'silver cream and sugar
tray in the. grape design and a
silver butter dish. Miss Bell is -
leaving to take a school nearer
to her home. Lnoch was served
by the pupils.
.more—iess work , Mrs. Kenneth Savage, Leedon,
VA* you—better • Mr. Wm. McIntosh, Bill, wanes,
proteetien Or 1 and Jolui, Detroit; Mrs.eltobert
your eattie. Costs 1 Rundle, Jinn and Jaek of Wel:el-
le:4e than 14 cent 1 ham were guests of Mrs. A.
a day. 1 Rundle on Friday..
Mrs. Robert lilleton, Wilma
and Norma left this week for
• , Tuxford, Sask., where they will
II spend a couple or week's holt,
1 day g With relatives.
$ Ass Ella Reiland, Ilamiltoe
I Mr. and IVIts: Lloyd Holland',
0 Marlyn and Ross, Greenville,
N were `titeekend guests with his
: brother, Mr. David Holland. Mar-
a lyh remained for a couple of
a weeks holidays;
i Mr. and Mrs. )i,eg Stocker,
$ Praneis and Barbara �f Sarnia
i Were We6irend gnats at the home
g Of Aff. Duricert Menlittighton.
; Mr, an& Mrs. David Itollatid
o ,, had as ghosts on, Tuesday eve.
II tibia; Mr. Nand Mrs. 'Cal Ludas,
1 Mrs. C. Lewis, MrS, Grose .find
1 son, Ede, Mr. and Mrs. WM.
g Lindsey, St. Marys, Mr, Arid
g Mrs. Erie 'Weattlair and baby of
; tondo. the odetis1011 being the
: eclebration of Mr. and Mrs, Carl
a 'teens'. 26th wedding anniversary,
N Mre. Wilfred Wilsere Mrs, Pe-
kinson, Mrs. Glinnis and Noreen
Walker Were arming the ladles
I who enjoyed a bus trip 1.0 Kit-
asidasaasomai.....aariatimmooraaasaaa. ehenar MI Tuesday,
rileo earl gowns ,
4 4,DAltatIttit
Actiont they
s feed ied.die, '
ketleig It ?tves%
• barna ftee 'of
11. /NI fAi
This Week In
• .11.10 Mkt, to .1.10RNE,
and daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
J, H. Thompson, all of ,Kitchen-
Ile will tee cm vexation after
next Sunday through July and tbe
first Sunday in ,August. During
that time the former pastor,
Rev. E. M. Cook oe Lucan, will
Conduct the services.
Personal Items
Mrs. Jack McEwen Was re-
membered on her birthday when
a group of 14 friends visited her
on Saturday evening.
Mr. arid Mrs. Herman Powe
of Exeter visited with the Patons
on Thursday evening.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Logan and Myrna of Thorn -
M. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson,
Mr. and Mrs. Rea Nell attende
ed the tea-mital. service at S.S.
3.2. McGillivray, Cloverdale In-
stitute members were nostesses.
Guests for the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning-
ham were Mrs. Fern Cunning-
ham of London, Miss Betty Ward,
Orillia and Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Richie, Baden. On Saturday they
atteoded the centennial at S.S.
No. 12 MeGillivray toWnschip.
Mr. Richie was a former teach-
er there, Mr. ahd' Mrs. Arnold
Harper and Soso of St. Paul's
spent Sunday with her parents
and the other relatives.
IVIiss Mae Knox of Toronto
spent the weekend with her
brother, Mr, Jim Knox, and Mr.
and Mrs. Karl O'Neil,
Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Flynn were
guests at the wedding of the
former's niece, Donna Muff and
Qonrad Harrison at Church of
Christ Diseiples by Rev. Dr. B.
C. Eckhardt with reception at
the Seven Dwarfs Inn,
Thames Road
Clandeboye PS
held ie VA4041
lora )aat Monday ati
*0 many •of the *
art in :Miss 140.:
Knox 'Church,
enly a girls prow.
The 'worship service
bY ,Counieltur Kae He
Anne Geosge assisting—
ing 0.pened with * amt.
genies. DUring wore
tee a game of cber04*O
ed using Bible storm.
.Tbere wilt be :no MOre. akk
.11000 tili $optember.
'The proceeds from the
Tea will be uaed to _send Mae
front Vie, Mosey Indian itat
to 01.mint :Copp; the weskit
gust Itt, as well as toe
around Explorer from the c
Grede — Poole .Coughlins. Clendeboye group. Indy Mask
Nancy Haskett, jean Merle Lan-, will be the luaky KsplOret.
kip, Mary Mather, Kirk Mont. ins reckoned on resets%
geniery, lobo .Neelin. Berbera tendanee, fell,unifornt, knOW114
Park, Barbera Bony,. Joan of the pest word, Sunder irie
Schleaer, Judy Thermion, Rose and chtirch attendenee.
Grade 7—Arthur Cobleigb, Stuth The june meeting of the Lae
Cochrane, Wayne Culbert, Carole "Elated Church W.M.S. was he
Devis. Caralyn Donaldson, Bon- in the church Isarbor* lot Myr
.nie Drennan, Hugh Elliott, JOe day afternoon, With the .pret
Hodgins, Ward liodgins, Barbara dent, Mrs. Alex Young, en t
Lawton, Don lVlagoffin, Marilyn hair' and Mrs, R. Pitt's grOep- 1
Neelin, Bill Neil, Peter Prest. charge of program and refres
Gary Revington, Marsha Ribson, meas. Peenni on COnfederati
Edna Ryan, Patsy Sovereign, Da- were read by Mrs. C. LeVels, M
vid $wearngen, Ron Woodward, C. Neil and Mrs, R. Pitt.
Betty Ann Young, Gordon Young. Mrs Clarence Lewis gave
Mr. W. Clowa Teacher interesting paper on a review
followen by a resume o t e re
Beth. Black, Robert Chown, Mae
- • bytery recently held at Ciend
It was voted to have no reg
lar tneetings liejuly and Augus
but sbmetime during Aueust
treat the senior members Of th
congregation to a social lifte
the IVIissionary Monthly. This we
Grade -- Heather Acheson, f h
Miss Elaine Grainger announces
the promotions of S.S. No. 4 and
12, McGillivray (Clandeboye)....
Promoted to Grade 9—Marjorie
Dehaldson, Rosemary Hall, Nancy
Scott, - Donna Blake, Sharen
Grade 8 — Elaine Armstrong,
Wayne Williams, Nancy Elson.
Grade 7--Italph Simpson, Bob
Egon, Tom Kestle, Sharon Blake,
Sheila Donaldson. ,
Grade 5—Judy Scott, Bob Don-
aldson, Murray Simpson, NancY
Kestle, Betty Lou Thatcher.
Grade 4—Linda Lewis, Larry
Grade 3—Elizabeth gin Ron-
nie Th.atcher.
• Grade 2—Patsy Bradley, Nancy
Hill, Erwin. Gebel.
Minister Departs
Rev. W. J. Moores' condueted
his last church service at
Tnannes Road en Sunday morn-
ing. Sacrament of the Lord's sup-
per was observed. Mrs. Acthert
Miller, and Barry joined the
chureh by profession_ of filth.
Mrs. Meat Jeffery's name was
transferred by letter froni James
St,United Church Exeter to
Mre Millie • Pullen and Mr. Thames Road.
• •
and Mrs. 'Wm; Morlee Sr. Called
on Mr. and Mrs': Milton Brock,
Zion, on Wednesday- evening on
their golden wedding anniver-
Mr. and. Mrs. Ken, Hodgson
and family visited Sunday with,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold. Carter, 8th
Mr. Stm
ewart Tho'pson is
spending a few "days. at Marie -
dale with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johne
son and girls visited receetly
With Mr. 'and Mrs. Berl John -
5011, London.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morley, jr.
and family attended the Dell re.
union at Riverview Park, Exe-
ter, Sunday
David Johneon. London is hole
idayieg with Mrs. Thompson.
Bruce Wallis was head of his
clase at Medway High School.
Gordon 'Morley
Usbome Native
Mr. tied Mrs. lirtib Brea and
chiltitee visited eit Sunday with
relativee at Lerigten.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wlb Manville
of Staffa were Sunday visitors.
with Mr. and Mrs. William Wei.
Mrs. Harry Pord, Mr, and
Mrs. Harry Snarling anti Miss
Kathleen Horne of London. Were
Weekend visitors With Mt. and
Mrs. Fretiltail
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Waiters
wore at their eottage at Cliesley
Lake or the holiday Weekend.
School Picnic
On, Friday evening ''haines
Road eehool pienic was held in
the school owing t� the wet wea-
ther. Some sixty adelts and ehile
Oen. were present,
. Relays, games and contests;
were conducted. Lunch was
Served and a social time was
Pat -tonal items
MOM ge From
Cobleigh, Dana Culbert, Marilyn
Culbert, WWI= Darling, Ilene
Donaldson, Victoria Eizenga,
Shirley Emerich, Judy Haskett,
Diane flielcaon, Dennis Laughton,
lYtiehael Xurdy, Victor Neil, John
Bibson, Ante Ryan, Kathleen
Ryan, Paul Steacy, Erma Thorn -
Son, Donna Thomson.
Grade 9—Barry Black, Bever-
leY Butler, James Drennan, Pat-
rick Egan, Janet Findlay, Gerald
Kehl, Alan Hodgins William Nee -
lin, Carl Rummell:Thomas Wel-
ler, David Whyte, Joan Young.
Margaret Armitage, daughte
of Mr. and Mrii. Ceeil Armitag
last Fridey had the imieferturie
cut her left band bacilron a Po
bottle and required medical A
A Vacation Reminder
Mrs. Andrew Pollock and Miss
Ruby Pollock of Hamilton are
spending the summer months
with. Mr. Harold Pollock.
Mr.' and Mrs. Emerson Lovie
and family of London visited
last week with,. Mr. and Mrs.
Orval Mellin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winter -
burn and famity of Toronto spent
the weekend with Mrs. Ed. But-
loek and Stuart.
Miss Devine. Mason of Sarnia
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrenee PoIlock.g.
Mr. and Mrs. Brute INIeLinchey for .on, of those
ince the birth of a ton
Mr. Barry Brand and Miss Do -
reed Brand of Toronto spent
SaturdAy with their eousin, Glen
Mrs. Jack lVfeLean.. Miss Beta
ChoWan and Mr. Donald Cho-
wan of Lutan spent Sunday with
Rev..W. J. and Mrs. Moores find
lidiss Rota Cottle wbo lule been
a patient in the hospital went to
the home of her sister, Mr. and
'Mts. Herb Harrison �f St. Paul's.
Mt. and Mrs. Chas. Borland
returned home on the weekend
after beving been on a trip out
Wett foe seven weeks.
IViiss Juba tot•land. of tketet,
Mr, and Mrs, Larry Rudolph,
Miss Alma Boland ar Toronto,
Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Borland ot
Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
Gill and family of Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs, Sandy Munn and
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Row.
eliffe and Gary of Hensell spent
Stieday with Yr. and Mrs, Chas.
Ur, and. Mrs. Sohn Crilg of
Sarnia. 'Visited Monday With
Mr. end Mrs, .Wiliieni LeMittert,
Mr. Percy Pessinere of Exe-
ter visited over the weekend
with Mt, and Mrs, Lorne Pass -
Mrs i NOtIlIaa :Knight of Sea -
forth, Mr. and Mrs. Vilest Pvt.
were gileste on Sunday with Mr.
end Mtg. Tony Shultrtan of FM-
Gordon S. Motley, Stratford,
died Tuesday, June PI at Strat-
ford General Hospital, where he
had beeh a patient for the last
four weeks,
41y trade he was eaterer.
Born in liebotite Tovvitship 00
October it. MK he Was •the tOtt
Of the late Fraricie and Elize-
beth tornieh Morley, lie had re-
sided itt StratfOrd for the past
34 year% He tees a Member of
St, Paul's Anglican Otturth. flur
ing the fir -at Werld War he served
with the 1.10th bettgiolt,
Start/Meg tire hie Wife, the
former Dbrothy Low; two &nigh.
ter's, Mrs. Bruce (Betty) Dale,
A.R. 1 Stratford, and &nth, at
hotrie; twia sisters, Mrs, Hervey
Squire, Xirkton, Miss Lilliert
Morley, Milverten; one brother,
Mr. Wm. Morley, Whalen, and
one grandson, Larry Dale. Mr.
Merley 'WM predeceased by his
only son, Frank, Whe 100 Ille
life nverSeaS during 'the &colt('
World War.
Ito?. C. Ea Leads, rector o!-
51. Stephens Attglitab church,
Stratford, Offieleted lit the fun-
eral setviee ifttertnent Wee iii
Attendee cemetery,
• • • GOt VOW'
Don't let sluggish engine performance near your driving
pleasure and boost your gas costs. Get our engine tune-up
before you leave on thet trip. Timing, plugs. carburetor and
points edjutted for efficient, economical operation. A good
and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Horner, E rg5
the birth of a daughter.'" 1
Selbourne English a De- I )55
troit spent a couple of weeks
at his home here. '54
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner
and family of Newmarket spent
the weekend with hit mother,
Mrs. 'J. Gardner,
A presentation was 'held in
Corbett School on. Friday ..eve-
niog for Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Clark (nee Jean Young).
IVIiss Lillian "(Rens of Windsor
spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. W. T. Ulens,
Master Joey Hodgins, son of
Mr. and Mrs. _Jack Hodgins, had
hia tonsils removed lest week.
Mrs. WM. Kirkwood of London
spent a few days 'hat week with
het sister, Mrs. Lanra McLin,
chey arid other relatives. .
Mr. Hugh Horner and daugh-
ter of Toronto spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr, arid
Wt. Jos. Horner Sr.
Mr, and Mrs. Willis Brantley
of Montreal visited 'with rela-
tives here last week.
More than 99 per cent of the
ale Id Set levet it COMPOSed Of
oxygen. and -titrogeit.
The heat generated by light.,
ling A matelt reaches a Maxie
MU* of tote MOO 'degrade,
Automatic, radio.
'51 DESOTO SEDAN, radio, automatic .
'51 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN ......,..... ... $ 595
$ 895
'50 FORD COACH ...........$ 595
'55 DOD,Ot .1/2 TON iPRESS ..... $1,250
Exeter Motor Sales•
PHONE 200 •NIGHTS 762,W or 'WA
Fred Dobbs, Prop.
1600 men will be
watching you drive
this sunnner
PriYiditelid Police Ofilette—usint patrol
tars, helitoptera, motorcycles end redo -A,
*Ill be keeping a watchful eye on °Mario
roods thie enterer. They lift to protect
you, the trAvellitit 'Nike, by etheburagittg
Obedience to the highway
Yor your Olen toloty -ond tlibt, Of your
Tieighboute,be tuefut whoever you drive.
Buy Within the law end ovoid
Inconvenience, u welt** p000iblo
prosecution, it WM moo
pletotant sumMet if you do.
ATICORN YllitN111AV1140A11111111141-s 00110140
Nee. A. Koko *ober* Morrow reoseral