HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-16, Page 3ti 1�meeeyrf P, a ei!rai't p l tumundremese .tbStet retie of His late M. }al. ash that tated to that 01 ti pod are ttMWt tM seiset o! the prewot tMsrv.U.S le lejrrw loto the prosperity of tis Colony, we I a strong desire that au further a my bo trade, but that your Msjeety wellberatiously pleas et to es►ia+t to your Parliament the ex- pediency of repealing .e math of the bate act as peewee the raid further allotment. ie We further most humble reprices', moat grottoes 8.verage, that the lands set 'pert to tbtr Premien. for the maintenance sod support of • Protestant Clergy, ought not to M esJnyod by uy one of Proteetaati, to the exclusion of their chrietia■ brethren of otber denominations, equally coaeetoouoea ie their reepeCiva modes of worsbtpptog God, and equally en- titled, u dutaut and loyal subject., to the protectlo• of your Majesty's benign aid liberal government, We thererwe hombly bops it will, to your Majesty's wis- dom, be deemed expedae•t and just that, sot only the present reserves, but that any funds arising from the sale. thereof, "bout,' be devoted to the advancement of the Cbrlstisa Religion !morally...id the happi- -Ires of all your Majesty's subject. of what salter denomination : or, if such applies Wirt, or distribution, should be deemed inex- pedient, that the profits arising from such lrpproprutioe, should be applied to the pur- poses of edceation, and the general im- proveot of this province. Joon WlLLson, Speaker "Commons' House of Assembly, 27th January, 1586." Sir Par,gno, Maltlaed sent this address home or 7th March, .8.115. Tbe Despatch which accompanied it cootaiod the follow- ing passage :- ' 1 tmagt•e if the Scotch Church had fumes* as they gully might, that the teem edvasced .by them to parttctpate as a Protestant Clergy in these lteserve•. eve Stonily .et apart ler the established Church of England only, would bisr led to this claim in all other Protestant denominations to "bare equally, they armed have paused before they made it ; and it is not less pro- bate!' bad Dot had in f the A,re le that bib WOW the gnarl( the door to the present liberal applieatios, they would not have been se ferweed to enflame the right of the Scotch Cheret wheel advanced sing'y. As tbo matter now steeds, I trust some good may arise hos this addr ti u It mutt •t thew bis Majesty's Gu•crerwent that by Rttiag way at 411 a *wetter that. till very rec,ntly,was never agitated, they well not emelt espectauers. bet rather entourage 41,000tent, Hales* they give way altogeth- er, and leave the Church of England on a level with thedoeeotiog sects. It would I thick, be at once es.fet and gratifying is be abfe is Lryie. war .toes of o1j.rdia ; ss ➢ • pert te tie Ckareh of Seetfand within Up- per Canada, and 1 Winer s twoderafe pro .totes wand suffice; but 1 think tins Ali,ess will plainly *how bow impolitic and 'infer - twat* it would 1e to effect that deject at the expellee of the Cbnreh•of England, and Ikea set so example that would encoarer:0 the closure esti attacks armee! Protestant sect." The High -church Colonial Streeter, caught at the hitt of t11e Liauteoant-G, • •error at owes, led it was agreed so throw a sop to the Chores of .Scotland semi the Ch0rch of Rnmie to close tbe+r meeths - The degrading mtaoer in whish these baits wore offered wdl be beet gathered from Lord Bathurst'. deepa'ch :- .Copy of a Deepateb fres Earl Btthnrst to Lsa.L Governer Sir P. Maitland, K F. B.) "Downing St. 6th Oct. 1826. "Sir, -Yoe will recce* iastructioas from the Trea'uvy for the payment, from the rand* to be derived from the Canada Comps - 5- Retro'ved-That the aeretr,ettee giv- en to the Imperial Aet, whish appropriates the Clergy Reserves to tediviJuala convec- ted with the Church of England, and the d.termssattw et the Clergy of that Mitch to withhold from all other denominate's' of Proteetauts reatdtog witluo the Province; tbeerjoymeet of any part of the bea.flt .rtatog, e7 which may art.e front the lasde so.et apart, call fur the immediate attention of the Provincial Leg+.lature to • .abject of ouch vital teterest to the public to general, sial that a'icb claim by the Protestant Epis- copal Cburcb is contrary to the spirit sad meaning of the 31st Ow. III•, and most injurious to the interests sed wishes of the Provence. Yeo 28, Nays 5 -,Majority 25. 8. Resolve)-Tbat a comparatively small proportion of the inhabitants of UPI er Caned' are members of the Church of England, and therefore ought not in jestice to desire the sole enjoyment,;by their clergy, of all the .dvaot1ges winch the lands present, to the 61elesiee of their fellow subjects, although eacall loyal and firm in their attachment to Hie Majesty's Govern went and the Constitution. '7. Revolved -That in a thinly inhabited country such as Upper Canada, whore the Cacaos of metal instruction to the poor aro not easily obtained, it is the boudeo duty of the Pathan/teat to afford every assistance within its power towards tie support ofed- ucatlon. 8. Resolved -That the present provision for the support of District and Common Schoo is is quite loadrgnate to the wants of the people, asd ought by every reason- able exertion to be 'stressed, eo as to place within the reach of the poorest inhabitant the advantages of a decent e0ucetton• 9. Resolved That it to the opinion of a great proportion of the people of this Pro - mace, that the Clergy Lands, in place of beteg enjoyed by the clergy of ID incon- siderable part of the population, ought to be dispnied of, and the proceeds of their sale applied to 'centime the Provincial allow- ance 6'r the support of Dialect and Com- mon School., and the endoement of a Pro- vincial Semiosry of learning, and in aid of erecting places of public worship for all denomtnenon. of Christians. • Yea 31 Nays 1-tlaj-mty 29 6►, w�.lMrV"yt n • Owsascw, tiedib. targe portions 01 LhY eommrwy ober* sera the true erits of t♦!• ,c�a. to ester ateue shit they hate town IoW. $►all wa have proof to tN ,.penmen's until they had takes their (■vont• beverage, row to Ie made that such Inentete1 may Such was not the ease, the sheet el tea is be held in Upper Canada 1 b. di Canadtee queetws was still in New York sad en Teacbers show that they have as much en- brukeo-u was not the influence of the tea orgy mad noble •obition to attend and par- as • dacocle's is the tee -pot bit t►e puce tictpate In the procusdtigs o: such testi- of the las is the box that delayed the ' true tures as Teachers in °them couutnee 1 If bill.' While 511. Jury were dtec0este( lbs Teachers desire their position and proles- mento of the libel sees in the Court House non to be advanced, they must exert them- at London, e ' Tory grocer,' from London, .elves, sod sot depeud on others, 07 sit C. W-, one of those summoned to the down in complaining inactivity, No one circumstance would speak more in behalf of Csoadtan School Teachers than to see Ibex as one man atteed+ng the institutes about to b. held ; and the proceedings e'f ouch Io- .1tutes largely attended cannot fail to be indivtdualle useful to Teachers, and give a powerful impulse to the cause of geoeral edueatton. And may we ort hope for as much cordial co-operation on the part of local 8uperin- teodeots of Schools, Ministers of rehgios generally, and other poblie 0.e, as is shown by c, orders ofm.o to neighbor- ing countries 1 Upon public sed patriotic gro-inds, it ts hoped that pains will be taken in all the congregations, sol through the press, and in other a°avenewt ways, to give the winem pebltetly to th..veo+a1 lecture.; sad that .School Teacher., Soperintendeets, Clerical, aad other Bcboot suitors and ol-i etre will attend tbe day exercises of the (est outer. 1 rentor* to assume from persooal expe- rience of retch courtesy, that the Court !looses to the several coin's will be allowed to be .need for bolting these Teach- er's Institutes; and that the Superintendent of Schools in each city or town where so Institute .nay be appointed, will make the necessary. preparations a to place, fights, iv:. Perhaps, 10 nome instances, a more convenient place than the Court House may be obtained for the evening Lecture., if not fur the other exerct•cs, of the institutes. 1 confidently hope also, that School Te(usteea will in all cases readily assent to tfe absence of their Teacher long enough Grand Jury, sod a man who could be depend - .d open for Dixon, 'on his oath,' was Nig- gling about the price of tea in Sew York. Monday came, end so dud the grocer, and soother • who could be depended epos Bees upon hes oath;' -they were aeons to: - and the ' true bill' turned out in a trice. 1t appears that s messenger had been de- spatched for the Provincial Secretary, but the Provincial Secretary couldn't come. Yesterday, the Awes." terminated. Dur - tag the prevtnns day the Queen'. C,unsel inttma'ed to the partici that he did not to • tend to proceed to the ease, as he had not sufficient evidence. Mr. Dixon yesterday made affidavit to the same effect, and the effete has coosegently been laid over LII sett /twists. Thus ends this spiteful attempt where it began. Mr. Axone chance of obtaiamsg e•ideoce by the next Amines, is about ss likely as hie being re. metaled se a Magistrate. To keep up ap- pearance", however, the proseroted were each required to miter into their personal recngr.iztnce of LIS. This ease hes af6,rJe,1 quite a new lea - lore to the duties of a Grand Jury. in the depth cif our simplicity on those matters, we 8.1 imsgined that the principal object aimed at in summoning grand juror•, was to save the time and ratpenees of the Court, by rejecting such cases as were fri•oloua or nnsepported by sufficient evidence. The (action have reversed the usual order to snit a case in which a considerable number of them were directly interested. After a week's hard work their true bill is found, and it is brought inter Court to end there. to attend tee institute in their County, andI This is a miserable ending for the at - that as many as posnbie of the Trustees tempt that has been made If the faction themselves will also att nA Iwould eke- in s net bbouhnod could possibly sink wise b.npeak the favourable consideration lower in the opinion of every one who cares for low, order or justice, tbo case before us would do it. It is melees to waste words on such an abandoned set. -Free Press. of the friends of education in the Towns 10. Resoled -That it is expedient to and neighborhoods where these Institutes pas" a bill authoriz,ng the sale of the Clergy may be held. a tern of the t e n t the M Lands .item she province, for the pit- It is not probable that Normal School will be able a to make es - 'mid visit to the several Counties of Upper Canada; all, therefore, who wish to under- ethed the principles of teaching and sysern of instructing' adopted in the Normal School, and sought to be introduced into all the Scheel. in Upper Canada, are earnestly in- vited to attend these Institutes, and to do so in every inetaoce from the beginning to the end of their proceedings, in order to be able to j•:dge intelligerttly of the system of pees get forth in the fnregotng resolution, and to address lits Majesty, humbly soli citing that he 'will be graciously pleased to give the Rryai Aesent to the said bill. 11, Reaotved-That the number of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Prorin ces bras a eery small proportion to th e number of other Christians, notwtthatand- ung the peeeaiary ani long and exclusively received from the benevolent Society to Englied by the members of that church, FA's AND G.aOaf Woes. -Baena of all ktads may be planted from the 20th to tbe last of elegy, and they often yield well wheo they are planted as late as the 10th of June, but more risk of frost is run. The bean is so sensitive that a slight frost cute the *toe in May, and +t is not prudent to plant early in exposed gu rond s. All should have a aid their pretensions to s ur000pol] of the achoet-trsching which they will desetope, good supply of g.rJen beans, as they make Clergy Retarget. 1 shell be happy to make • personal volt • cheap and wholesome food. The crap - Yeas 30, Nays 3 -majority 27." :o the several Counties to the course of theI batty bean Deeds no atrmg'Dg, and is,there- On the 28th D comber Mr. Morris ensuing sutumn, to confer with local fhe fore, a favorite among the cooks. For field reported a bill for the sale of the reserves, School -officers in the terms of the above resolutions, which School -law and the establishment of beanie the small whites are best. was passed be • majenu y (oe the second school libraries, to furnish them with Squashes, pumpkins, cucumber', water I avenged two per sent, although dunes that pe - 14.11 May, 1030- 0. Tea toss.■ • era wain vise at. Daae Bea, -1 .114.70. a paragraph Is the •• it, Cetharker's Ce.etit.0 sal," e..tsleise as itemises .51.1.. a see, as sheet t• edit • sew paper here. T.* .i11 nisch Oblige sae. by eeatieg that Nee be sot the fest. Being a pad ('eeaiy &Meer, 1 es.ewder it w.uld be iseee- ot.eet wits the datum of the ntsattoo to sntre- hire viol' politics at all. To..ru very truly. A LiRED W. t►TTE:R. Me Frenchman's Canoc.-A friend of ours was reading the new regula- 11011, regarding the painting of tbs owner'', name oa the stein of his boat - Ile read se follows: " inch owner of a boat 4r., shell paint bis name on their stere." The hon- est Frenchman wintnder■toud the reading, and sxcleimrJ mdignanily, "vie ao pant nor name on my stern, no how yon flx him," and walked off demonic the. immaculate Ministry in good round Fterch.-Amker- .tbu'g8 Courier. Tler. L It'ires.-A clergyman in England was those married. Hie fret wife be married for money, the second for her beauty, aid the third to take care of Mtn when he was ofd. His Ise partner proving a shrew, he was accustomed to remark that, during his life, he bed three waves -the world, the flesh, and tbe devil. NOTICE. 7 BEG to Wiener, to the inhabitants of the T.wesbips of Codene', Baster sad Col - bore,. that trader a .:ewer of Alroriey from the BARON DE TUYLE, dated the 25th April, 1849. I am authorized in dispose of his LANDS in thew Toweeh.pr, and to grant Tule Deed for the same -and also to eo'lect all Monies doe him, ■0d to grant Discharges (.•r the write. -and I hereby request all pereoos indebted to the bard Baron d. Tar le forthwith to settle tip their pe- peetime dela*. - THOS. MERCER JONES. Goderich, Sth May, 1950. 3v-nleif IMPORTANT TO TILE Pl'13LIt'. EZRA IIOFHINS. of West Flamborough, lambough, having ter a few months past been action a. Travelling Agentt for theo WASHINGTON CO. takes the Ve- riest INSURANCE Pe- wet opportunity of thanking the Inhabitants of the Wellington District for the very liberal pat- ronage and er.coarsgemeat whieKhes baa received at their bends; arid b.a sow the pleasure of in- forming them that he is do!,' authorized to act also for the G SEE hUTfAL, the former lestitorirn hemi exclusively devoted 4.o the in- f erence of Farm Stook and Beadings, the latter taking risks in Towns, -and both on very mode- rate wow. , TUE WatsuGTO, Coaraw effete peculiar ad- •setages to the Agricultural i0ttrvet, taking or- disary risks at one per cent., doing au immeme amount of ermines., ha.imq a very large cash capital on bead. and promptly',Wisg all claim. ■ gaiost theinstitution,-Capital, =8 4,(10Members. 37.9E6.-botb briedaily ec4.easin . Tux Genets C is intended to Insure . gaiost Fire in Towns and Villages, and the rtes ere eoeegaeotly higher in proportion to the risks being greater; -bot in consequence of the large business dose. link more hu hitherto been tegaired than the first payment' for during the pan thirteen years the As.es.ments have only melons muskmelons ... should not be rind sem" ef the meal diw.rooe fires ever ksowo reeding) of 20 to 3. The Legislative Coen - ed, buwcrer, put an extinguisher on tbe Bill. (Tobe continued.) TEACHERS' INSTITUTE'S IN UPPER r Canada- aameaa.d place of rendeeee with si.___ _. __ CANADA, for the sevaral , Lincoln, is Upper of the cereal Plants, ought to,commenee Rte g g S reps'ed to attend Sales in as ort of St.- Catherine., Lieeoln, Haldimaorl rod P g (.Mown. reds....:• I P y P Ci 1 f k Oriel V ( d t f Welland May 30 sod 31- growth hero by the nth of May, and the Joint Committee, C.mbridge. the United Counties on the moat reason - :teemed" ter Trndrrs• Sepeneteetdeals, Hamilton, eetwort as , e farmers p g y bat h R OfSu. Twosaa 3 copies of the Scbool Act snd ail Forms. Regulation', icc., required for its execution, and to consult on the best mean■ of pro- moting the interests of education generally. It only remains fos'me now to ate the times and places at which Meows. Robert- son and Il,nd will bold Teacher. Institutes pleated till after the middle of Mayam! have *ce.rred. Capital, g401,f g : EZRA HOPKINS, set for the the 10th of the month 1. .00n enough.- Wellington and Raton Diatricts• Under glass, or under coarse cotton cloth, N 8 April 1 -Parties th 9wishieg to have their property these vegetables are planted earlier. ;round in eitber of the abor. offices, will forward DAVID H. LiZARIB, Indian corn, that rich sod meet productive their view., and oblige E. f1. by leaving heir AUCTIONEER ATTACHMENT. IN THE QUERN'S BENCH. UA'17'ED COUIT7B8 OF By eir- Nrrow, Perak ant/ Brute. $ toe of a Writ et Attachment +.■sed out of Her Majesty's Court of Quern's Mmes at To- ronto, on the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY of MARCH, in the year of mar Lord Ore Tbousand Eight Misdeed end Pifty, sad to me directed, apneas, the ESTATE. REAL as well as PEREONAL,oI Roeser Coos, an abscondtog or ce.eeesied Debtor, at the Suit of 114.70.4. Dorsad Tsoaeu P. Ai.ure for the sum of Eighty=Three Pounds, Ooe Shilling anJ Four Peace, D kers setsed all the Estate, Real sad Personal of the said Kobert Cook. and uoeee• the •,I I Robert Cook return within the ju- roJictinn of the said Court sed put in Heil to the Action, oreause the claim of the said Henry Duty and Thomas P. Abbot to be discharged within Three Calendar Months from the first day of the p,.hlicarton of 'hie Hunte in the (So adea Gazelle, all the Es- tate. Real ur Personal, of the Pell Ro'rert Cook, or se much thereof as may be nocas- •ary, wdl he held liable for the Pay luso', Benefit and Satt.f.eteon of theelan'- JOHN Mc DONALD. uteri/. Sesairi • Ovnctt, Goderich, rite April, 1850. 4 1x-•10 BAYFIELD TANNERY, OVE nide North,of 8a)9e14 on the Lake shore. The subscriber+ will pay eater or leather for hider, and willeann on shares all hides so entrusted to them. And from having a therewith knowledge of the busi- ness., they can confidently promise the pub- lic a good mottle. WILLIAM HALL. BENJAMIN ROSZE(.. Goderich, April 19, 1850. v3n12 DAN( "NG AND CALKSTI1KNICB. �I ESSRa. -ROBERT and THOMAI4 MACINDOE ROBERTSON, beg re- spectfully e- s tf lI to intimate to the Ladles and pce u y Gentlemen of Goderich, that they hose opened Classes for lnetroctioo in Mn. Gen- tles' Hall, Heron Hotel, where, by • strict attention to the ptiptfs intrusted to thole care, they hope to afford the parents such their patronage a will trout■ e satisfaction l r g hereafter. Hours of attendance from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. Gentlemen's Class in the etre• Din( (rem 7+ to 94 o'clock. Goderich, 26:h April .1850. NOTICE, s indebted to Sub.eriber A LL prreoathe t r. ore o Book at • either b] 1\ r , requested to call sod pay immediately to are costs. CHARLES R. DICKSON. Stratford, April 221, 1850. v1•la R. YOUNG, BOOT and 8110E Maker, one door West of Mr. George Vtde.n'e, Blaobemitb, Front street, Goderich. Apra 26th, 1850. v3n11 yrs a4. , pts Ike it vpena 4.H ea e W b d jIalton June Hz.ar En.ApplyC 7 be t aim to finish taotin ,b that Berlin able terms,atto Revelry and other (1 Isere , f Courson Sc%sofa 4 sad 5. w, Lighthouse street, $imcOe,•Norfolk, Jetts 7 end 8. time. Th. middle a May a probably as ig Retest -ism, Agent for 3r -o1 and the Goderich, April 11, 1850. v3 -o10 throughout Upper C.inadrr.• safe and cors a time u any to deposit tbe neighboring Townships. 34..'15 The 65th secuoa of the present School Guelph,} Waterloo, J'tne 7 sed 8. seed ; et some refer an earlier day,and ny, ate, Burn of £760 pet annum for *be Act authorze the bolding of a Tonic/teas' Woodstock,• Oxford. June 11 and 12. 7 P mimeos of the Presbyterian mini.'ers, and a (+■tours in eacb County to Upper Canada, Goder'ch,t Huron, Perth and Brune, Juoe = many plant ,by the first of the month ,- similar sem for the sappers oPRnmao-cath- ',totem suet regulations ae may be preecrib• 11 and 19. elle priest'. ed by the Supenotend.ot of Schools, by London, Middleeex, June 14 and IS. "I deem it advisable that the allowance, and with the sanction of the Guenter Chatham. Kent, Jute 18 sod 19. which may be granted to ministers of the General in Counc.I." Amro etherg, Eire*, June 21 and 23. Presbyterian persuasion it Upper Canada The requisite sanction has been proposed Corona'', Stormont, Dundee and Glrnger- ebould be lim-ted to persons who ere ost'iral for this purpose. The Board of Edoeation ty, Jelly 4 sad 3. horn British subjects, who are in feel nom has prepeeed to the Masters of the Normal L'Ofgeale PIs.CP(t and Russel!, July 9 monies with. and who are acknowledged by School to devote a part of the nett few aad 11. Corn a not :rimed byhplanted it ■ the Kirk of Scotland, by abom they shoeld months to c inducting loch Instituter; sod Bytown, Carleton, July 12 and 13• 1 em g P tie recommended to the ieauteseet-Goner- AI . Roberteot and Hind have very Perth, Lutist sed Renfrew, July 16 Lod 17. cool or cloudy day, provided the following nor fur ( their appointment.. cordeely .ecedei to the suggestion anJ ex Brockville, Leeds and Grenville, July 19 dace ate warm enough. Some farmers plant by the Almanac, some by the putting out of the oak leaf, and some as soon as the weather looks favorable.- Some choose a hot and lair day for plant- ing, though they know not what wilt be on the morrow, or what a day will bring forth. " With respect to tee Roman -esthetic pressed teen utmost readiness to visit al1 and 20. 1 pr este who are to receiv eele ■o allowance the Connote in Upper Canada, as far Kingston, Froetenac, Lennox and Addiog- from Government. they I. recommend- praeheahle, .o the p oeecutiot of • work ton, July 23 and 24. -c ad to you by Bishop Macdonnell, who will for which they are so adtpb mily qualified. Picton, Prince Edward, July 28 snd 27.` R n tg conduct ; and the Bishop himself, the Pres- lag woe of tbe regulatinoa which sboutd Cobourg, Durham sad Northumberland, Montreal, 3rd May, 1850. bylenas overeater, and also tea priests, govern the proceedings of throe Tnac•ga,' August t2 and 3. ASHES. -$ales to • fair extent at 27e should he removed to produce your eerti8- l55Ttrtras, before stating the times at Peterborough, Peterborough, August 6 or Pots, and 28s 3d to 2*e 6d for Pearls. este that they have bees in the actual a,.- which they wilt be held in'bo oemeral Cour- and 7. FLOUR.-Tbe Stock in Market is light charge of their day for the period of which ties of Upper Canada. .. Barrie, Sinecoe, August 16 wed 16. and Flour of good broods is readily saleable the salary"' claimed, and that you have no A Teachers' institute is a meeting of Cwt it be specially ob d, tied the first at 22s to 22.'64 for supertne. be considered responsible for their good It becomes then my n9ic duty to epeci- Belleville, 'listings, July 30 and 31. objection to the payment beteg made. Teachers assembled two, four, or two or lecture in each place obeys mentioned, will WHEAT. -For • good sample of U. C. Iced) " BATHURST." in their profession. During each evening first day waned for kidding the institute; " l have, itc• four weeks, fur the purpose of improvement be delivered is the e.rming precious to the Mixed to atter, 4.. 9d. per 60 lbs. wit the 13eseioa of 1898.7, Sir Peregrine of such Institute, a public lecture is ■wally and it a hoped that Teachers, and all upon t and pot. Lower There a no Stock upon the spot. Canada Red, of goodgnality, is in demand st 4.6d per tot- ent, holders generally demanding 4s 93• PEAS AND BARLEY.-Notbing doing. OATS. -Then. hate been no transac- tome during the past week. The latest Sate was 5000 mewls at 19. ed. PROVISIONS. -In Beef, a few Sales have taken place at 57s 6d for " Prime Mess" and 30e. for " Prime." The quanti- ty in Market is, however, trifling. In Pork - considerable sale of " Prime Mee." took piece a week ago at 6l. 24, at which it u in active demand. The Sales of ".less' hayn not been important, and at prices rang- ing from 63. 94 for American • 66e 34 (or Canada. Canada "Prime" is saleable at 45e. At t Maitlaod laid before the Provtsctat Levi- delivered on some subject connected with liters, the Colonial Secretary's reply to Common School &loestion. Doting each their acidness of the previous Session. 1e day the Te cher. composing the Institute, it, tbr paragraph relating to the supposed are either formed into el , for school thereto* of Clergy lands through the Canada exercoee, ender ably, lam rectors, or discuss Company sale was explained, but not the the modes of teaching the various subjects eligbtestalluaten was made to the more of Common School instruction, aad school import■■t part of the address, The house organisation and discipline. of Assembly took up the subjec', and after What is contemplated during the ap- mach debate, passed the following resole- preaching yammer et intended as a preemi- nent, on tried Dec-, 1826:- Lon fur or ntsoductioe t. Teacheri s 'non- e 1, Reeoh.d,-Tbat thedeepatchofthe tutee, rather than holding suchinstitutes Right Hn.00ra►le Fwrl Bathurst, His tbe'neelees. It is intended to limit each -Mejs.l 's Priecapal Secretary of State for meeting (with one or two exceptions) to the Colonies, commoniestesd to this Hoose Two nays, including two 105010g lectures on the 12th [aslant by His ExoeCesey the -the fret oe the eve of the first day of the Lieuteraet Covereor, in meow to the institute, the second on the evening of that Address to bit Majesty of this Honore at Rte day. in some cues, a tb.rJ lecture may last ee•sior,r.speetteg the Clergy Reserves, be delivered the evening following. is asistiefactory to this Assembly, iaumueb The evening lectures will comwenee at e. It is '.left on a material part or the 8 o'clock. The exorcises each dry will reepeettal representation of 111is House coo- commence in the morning at nine. and con Weed h the said Address. tioue until noon; will Ise resumed In the 10- 2. Reseleed,-That the imperial Par- teraoon at two, end clone at five. homiest, Ity ceefertritte ea the people of The subjects which will .nage atten- Uppity Cauda a eoseutatios in many tion daring these exereisee will be chiefly, import's* respects Unita? to that .sjoyed the rums... Ano ralnil►L•, or TRAMMING by the isbabta.L of the Parent State, was Reedier, Writing, Arithmetic, OrtAegrs- dtsireot of promotisg the happrerres sad pee, Geegreyh� with Mapping), Nataral preepetity d o11 pm... who might become and Gator�ajl History, O, seawar, and, in reeideet to the Colony. some Inetaneee, perhaps, higher sobjecte; S. Reeelt'.d.--Test tee appeopriatioe of 1180 School Goer/russet and Di.riplin..- a sereeth of all the surveyed lands whet. Some ee owes subject. may 0ee077 much this Protegee for the support ted mats- lees time and attestios thea others, accord- tissues ceord- tM .es .f a Prote.tast away is a ahnok- tits to their relative Importassee, and se IDE menifeetatios of tbs pat.roal regard of t . 1 may 5cggeat. Collateral the oventieut of the Mother Country to all is Majesty's subyasits; avid, with power by the Assembly to legislate thereon, a w sed wipeout pent .1 semi ew•stitetion. of the Normal School. 4. Esselved,-Teat the Imperial Lig- During` many years such !Istituto' bam islets's rmwww tbo prVMMbtq 040Iresm- been h.14 in various parte of Germa•y; and stares in the essdities e1 the felabttiets duns the last four or five rears, they ha,e of tate Colony whish might reads' as alter- been 11.ld with great adva.tage sad eoeceas sties le the law reitb respset to the Clawsy is the Now York and New England State. b. bourses r Aean,eties t, sad tt►laol loll tali At (7leslree, tiadMieh T.wo4bfp, se the 7th ogpsiise They ham bees aemanuely attended by cheers bet sot inebriates,' betweies the unwise Mr. prim MaDeeeeez. egad S0. PMlimsi/ alt 1MMty tie MAI IIIJ eu sgge 'swears, 8oboot Officers, and other edam- pries of tdlow-es•dlee mad the theta heron thank ��s Omelet f lsthe Tlet Janafp.11rv.e,ea Wr,.tsdar, �1'� ZcigwsM6 h Teachers, he shoes �e 'ret In .sate., leaa. r.eagrN el*aglrnq sI Mr to say es snots ooessrerns be intro- ; but the ofeaeb institute 11 be ander the direeti°, of the Masters others Purposing to attend the institute, will be present at the preceding evening'. Preliminary lecture, and thus be pr.psred for entering upon the proceedings of the (agitate the morning follow+l g. E. RYERSON. Entero. Omcw. Toronto, 16th April. 1850. e • Title lestitme will be attended by Mr. Roberts*. sleoe. f This lasttest" will be ■ttendcd by Mr. Hind slot.. Last week, we took notice of an attempt that had been made by the Tory faction to make the law a vehicle for their party spite and malevoleeee, in reference to the petition on which our ex -Mayor's dismissal from the Communion of the Peace was founded. We stated then that a presentment had been produced acetest eight of the alleged signers of that potato.. Tbe Grand Jury made their preaentmeet on Wednesday, asd the Tories chuckled in all the glee of triumph. A coneudersble part of the two following day• was spent r• the attempt to found a bt11 on the preeestreent that had been made. Some of the a Jurors for our Lady the Queen upon Tmgn OATH" had acme qualms in reference to it; and u ten Jurors, however much they might feel disposed to do no, eould not End a bill, 00 some protegee or another the Gtaud Jury did met asewNe oe Sato day, -thea meet- ing was poe*po.ed from Friday Datil Mon- day. It may appear .0m.wlret etrenge althong% ne,.rtbeleas true, that the oil)) obstacle to a true hill is lbw ease, sheey►e oboe* el yoesg lireen tum. ft will setsrelly eseite earpnee hew the Chien b•A meld here had ewe is idoses is defeating the esde of jectie. (f). Whet ...name meld there • ' tris MIP and ' tk. e.p which BUTTER. -No No, 1 offered: The trade beteg well supplied with the lower qualities, the Market is dull. Naw York, May 6th. ASHES. --Quiet at $5,82 for Pots end Pearls, Receipts moden.te. FLOUR. -The inclemency of the wea- ther checks bo.inese-market very heavy : sales 900 bbl, at $5.12 a $5,31 for common to airtight state ; $5,44 a 5,89 for Mtcbt- gen ; and $8,75 a $3,81 for pure Genesee. BATON April 16. MARKETS. -Flour -Bot little change to wilier to day : heeler, Arm at the rates of last week, bet buyer• era Dot plenty : sales 500 brio (Sterile Canadian at 3, duty paid. Ohio aid Michigan No. 1 aid at the same figure. !Birth,. At Gle•trew, Oad.rieh I'm...hip, se the 9.11 tan, Mn. Pates MoDssgall, •f • se.. }�1[a r t111M 7 sight sat have bees prod 1105 of Stele? 1 Hod Besse or the J • moppet both to enc ers, tet *grimes, without their tea 1 -and High WTIw, apt ItlImo. •eelru►e.e • HURON f1UiT.DIvG SOCIETY. A VA LUABIE PROPERTY repHE next Meeting of the Shareholders of this Society will be held st the British Hotel 00 Saturday evening, the Qith Instant, (or the re- ceipt of subscription• and vele of one or more ---- ' Shares. WM. BENNETT RiCH, THE subscriber offers for SALE hie . 1'- *Zee. H. B. S'y. GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in Goderich. :3111 May, 1850. 3v -e15 the Township of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Fla.sgas's R. WILLIA1ltS. & CO. Corner. Tbe Milts are now io'op.ration,aod CFI E MISTS AND DRUGGISTS. newly built. The Privilege is the best on And Genets Dealers in Grneerie., Liquors, the River, and situated in the best Town - Faint., Oil.. Nerni.hes, Dye Staffs, ship to the County of Heron -well Mottled. Hardware, etc.. and Roads opened to all directions to favour 8 ZR A T F O R D . it. Tho Machsoery and materials ■r. o! Prescriptioci dlpeowed with accuracy and the eery best quality, artd put up by the tre- promptitode. 3vml r ny best Machinists. Fur Particulars to- 'TOTICE.-Came among the cattle of the quire of James Crumbie, Esq., Galt, or ap- wbecriber about the begiaoingof Summer ply to the subscriber. lit, a Red Heifer, three years aid. The owner PATRICK FLAN AGAN. Proprietor. iii regoeeted to call, prove property. pay expenses McGilltsray, 1615 January, 1650. 2,3011 and tae* her away. W M. BARRON. 07eThe Galt Reporter will insert the St. !We, 8th May, 1850. 3•-nIS al ove ante forbid. 37 FARMER'S HOTEL, -MITCHELL. ' FOR SALE ! ! FRANC.$ FISIILEIGH beg. 5o inform his NOTICE. friends, end the public g Ily, that be her PERSONS desirous of settling on the e.tabliehed himself to the .bo.. Village, sad Durham Road in the Townships of hoperby sleet attention to the comfort aad coo- Glenel; , Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kin- venteoee of Travellers. to merit • share of their loss and Kincardine. most apply personally patrseage. Good Stabling and •o atlMatire at the Office of the undersigned, and no 10 - Groom's aueedanee' cation" will be confirmed except ouch as oro Mitchell, May 15th, 18.10- 3v -ole made in accordance with this requtremeot. TOTE OF HA.YD LOST. All assignments of interest in location* N or about the 15th of February tut, • Neu without the knowledge and approval of the Uof Hand given by Alex. Taylor, for £5 Agent, will bey considered as a forfeiters of Id. And this is to forbid any person from re- all right in the lnratee or assigner, cei•ing or p•yi.g the said Note, a" 1 have sires- GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. -dr paid it, and will not be again responsible for Ceowt l.*'i, Orrcn, the same. Any person finding and delivering Bentinck, County of Waterloo. t the said Note to the eubsertner will be vet'afied Marsh 14th, 1860. ' v3o1 for their trouble in to doing. THOMAS SFLA:. Gederich, May 15, 1950. 3v -s15 - - CALTTION. LiST UE' LET ERS T11E public are hereby cautioned from taking or aecepling tern promissory REMAINING ie op to 7th May, Branson limes Barker John Barnes John Barker C Curry James Coulton R ('reran Peter Clyne George CosGrove Juhn Campbell Arch'd C.rroll Pat'k Daily Hugh Dart John Dickson George Douglass Thomas Dick John Daugherty Jame* Pone*? Val Fester Mary Geeg rich Chrii r Gettl., Antony Gray Nichols* Gird.', William thieve Robert Hay Andrew Ilem'Itne Hugh Hoffsire John *1.11 Reeert the Poet Office .t Stretford Notes made by the under.tngned in favor 1850. of James McGormoo or bearer, for the eon* !le•im Richard „f twenty fire dollars each. bearing data the Kenedav David 11th da of March 1850. (toe whereof to KehlerNiel''* ,made payable on the first day of J Kestoer t'elem 1851, and the other on the fire day of Au - Miller Joseph nodosity Colbert gust, 1851; ea the under.igeed has 7 calved no v e for the same. Mose Thome' JOHN GLIDDON. Marton Arch'd Stratford,` 4th March, 1850. 1307 Madden James Magill David ` Montgomery Jame. McDowell Robert McFadden Wen McNeugbuon Woe Neigh George Parker John W 11 t- 4OHN PHILIPS I)IPORTF•R of Dry Goodie ea Dardae • Street ; a'll receive •s "Gladtater.' „Eremite's." "Can torte," "Mary" and other ohms, a large terportattes of neve and choree goad., direct frees the British Markets, wheel' he will eller to the trade eo •.r] favorable terms. Th• geode winbe open far s.epe.t.w sheet the 151h test. f.nndoa,r`.W.,2tb Yy,leite: : .4-.m Spring Importations; Parker Joh. Rutledge Jobe Ritter Val 8leven.on Hngh 11'e.eaenn Teas Nsnder.on Henry 2 Werth Beery lthellerbnry Nteh'd Tait John Teekerbury Nath I Wald Joh. A y MIrKLE, T. M. Seibert Joh. 10311111111111CA itis sit