HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-04, Page 10• TInnts44vocalL 41,19 4 1,47 ne 102 for „ HARVEY'S TAXI 24.HOUR SORVICE Kippen. Area Schools Enjoy Annual Picnics S.S. no. 10 Tuekersmith held their .selmol ,pleilic Sunday at. Lip Park, . Seeforth, Sports, began. with a baseball $ante -,With the Wen= winners over the men and children. Pre -School age chit dren all ran ..a4c1 received - a ebo .11 , . „...... . „ 1 colate bar. CAN.ADJAN Winners in races; .girls ,6-9 PROPANE years, erace Riley, Mary Plumb; boys. Monty FlUrub, Bruce. Drum • GAS mond; girls, 9.14, Grace Riley,. Eleanor Riley; boys. Donnie Pepper, Bryee, Jacobi; ming Men'S race, jack Caldwell, Bob Bell; JadieS. race. Mrs. J. Drum - Mend, Lith McKey; men's. race, Ken McKay', Jim Drummond; three-legged race, Bill Workman, and Bryce Jacobi; Jack, ..Cald- well and Bob Bell, Mr. and Mrs. James Drimunond; paper plate throw. Mrs. B. Bell.. -Bob 13.011; coat raee, Mr, and Mrs. James 4 Drummond; ladiessoftball throw Mrs. J. DrumMoud; Men's soft- ball throw, Jack Moore; guessing :. balloon race, Bryce .Jaeobi, I, jelly beans m jar, man; WuistoirWork- 1 -41 Ell! K .-,...... CO .....,... s- . :. The men proved the better at II ••. 1,, reading the newspaper over the • GIV:E 1 wome. Jack Cald.well's team , . .. I proved, after a hard. struggle, 1 to be .the winner over Vern Al- '. ,•.derdice$1, 1 MORE MILK e After a picnic supper 13111 APPLIANCES GRATTON HOTSON Phan* 156 Grand Bend r ................ ....., Workman read an address to the Wlutehouse presented hur. with a gift en behalf of the pupils, Mr. Brears attends Teacher's cot - 1 teacher, Xr. Brears, and Donna •Get more Milk-- 1 " Keep your cattle g free of biting flies. ; Dust them with ." pink COWFLY 1tage POWDER—use • P Hold Picnic In Arena it just twice a I month, • The annual picnic a S.S. No. 1COWFLY POW - 14 Stanley was held Friday eve- , II UvdiJtJI• DER- is better 1 ning in the Hensel]. Arena with than any spray. 1 about 80 in attendance, After Lasts 2 weeks or e supper sports were enjoyed by 1 more—less work •the pupils and their parents un- • for you—better • der the direction of Mr. Cliff 1 , Protection for 1 Henderson assisted by Mrs,Aub- Y.° ur eattle• Costsrey Farquhar and Mrs. Alex Mc - less than, 34 cent a day. 1 Beath. 1 1 1 1 DA. NI •r1f, On Sale .At 1At Exeter District CO -01, PHONE 287 COLLECT Winners in .races for the school children were: Lois Wright, Pamela Aitkenheal; grades 1-2 girls; Anne Clifton, Gweneth Hendrick; boys, Gary Wayne McKenzie; grades 3-4 girls;Caroline ,Aikenhead, Yvon- ne Aikenhead; boys, Bill Farqu- har, James. Wright; grades 5-6, girls, Eleanor Wright, Gwyn- neth JOnes. boys. Douglas Mc - rat sss 1 ::::: ttlItittt111110111111 lllll ti111116011111111111111111 04111111 lllll IlitItt1110 1111111111,111111111111111111411 lllll 5 Obtain The Highest Prices • For Your Poultry! Sell To The Riverside Poultry 8 Company, Limited LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 'emu lllll u l lll Maul lllll kitutt tuuMnitmiltuntltrupuntitunutilitittintitut lll uluttuukuitti l lll num llllll r lllll thmititHttituttitatnguguitigutht lllll utututuiht lll lll lllllll I l t llll 1111111111111H lll I lll tHIHIttlin10: Hensall 680-r-2 WEDDING PHOTOGRAP146 .41.1435,1 4fisouni,.? NEM/ MAIJAGEMENT rw BRIDEGROOM BOOST Canning Corn Picking Corn ' and Sugar Beet Yield with LIQUID 41% AMMONIUM .NITRATE (Applicator supplied with or without trac- tor,) See list of those who are trying it this year. BALER * and • BINDER TWINES SPECIAL DISCOUNTS SPECIAL PRICE GARDEN TRACTOR AND TILLER Ask for free demonstration. It's a beauty, Budgie Birds • Your Choice of .Many COloUrS Only $6.95 Farm Supplies •ELtCTAIC FENCERS, VERREADY 13ATTElli1S FARM GATZS (Special), MOO SELF FEEDERS HOG TROUGHS (SpeCial), BARB WIRE STEEL 8s CEDAR POSTS,.WATER BOWLS l'UTINA° Portable Pasture Pump No Motor required. The cattle pump it themselves, Let uS show you these purnpt working iii pastures nOw, Ask the then who nwn One (names supplied). This is the pump yOteve been lookingfor. Its the wonder pump, ittf C, 141 (“ZAiN- FEED c)E ED d 64 A 1 f. N 0P141 P kPVTON '4 CPIC Beath and Gerald Johnston, tie; grades 7-8, girls, Gail Farquhar, Joyce' Hood; bon, Ralph Trieb. ner, Garry Jones. Basketball throw, ladies, Mrs. Kendrick, Mrs. Wilmer jOnes; men's. Wnt. Alltenhead, Aubrey Farquhar; pass the grapefruit contest, Mrs. A. Johnston's leaMi nrs, Frank Wright's team; life Over contest, Airs. Wilmer )Jones' teem; Mrs. Allan Jelin- %ston's team; shoe scramble, Grace Cliften and Garry Jones; Gail Farquhar and Peter lmanse; grapefruit contest, Di- anne Faber's team. Grace Clif- ton's team; basketball• tag, Eleanor Wright and. Ricky Robin- son, kickhe slipper, Junior, Gwynneth Hendrick, boys' shat juniors, John Imanse, Doug- las McBeath; seniors Gary Jones Ross AfeBeath; boys' basketball throw, jtmlors, Bill Farquhar; seniors, Ross McBeath; Donald Johnston; girls' basketball throw, juniors, Gwynneth Hendrick ; seniprs, Gail Farquhar; young ladies, Marlene McLachlan, Mrs. Allan Johnston, the teacher, who has resigned, was called forward and an address read by Mr. Ross MeBeath and a presentation of jewellery- and crystal by Eddie Saldivar. School Picnic A pleasant evening was spent at S.S. No. 2 Tuckersmith on Thursday, when over 15 attended the annual school picnic, Miss Dorothy Turner is the teacher. Supper was served followed by a ball game and sports, the winners for the ive-school chil- dren were: Jim Kyle, Joan Fink- beiner; girls, 6-8, Joan Sinclair, Karen Littleton; boys, 6-8, Don- nie Littleton, Gerald Daman; girls 9-11, Margie Elgie, Mary Norris; boys 9-11, Brad Little- ton, Al Kyle; girls 12-14, Marga- ret Jean Broadfoot, Susie Char- ters, Lloyd Lostell. Young ladies, Denelde Lostell, Marie Sinclair; young men, Bob Binnendyk, Doug Norris; mar- ried ladies, Mrs. Herold Cald- well, Mil. John Deitz; married men, Howard Finkbeiner, John Sinclair; 'girls' three-legged race, Marie Sinclair and Donelda Los - tell, Margaret Jean Broadfoot and Susie Mae Lenten; boys, Bob Binnendyk and Doug Norris, Lloyd Lostell a n d Robert Cooper. Graceful walking, Mrs. Robert Elgie and Lorne Hay, Mrs. John Cooper and Robert Elgie; kick the slipper,ladkes, Mrs. Wm, Coleman, Margaret Jean limed - foot; men, Lorne Hay, John Cooper; shoe scramble, Mrs. John Deitz and Howard Fink- beiner, Mrs. Harry Norris and Lloyd Cooper; clothespin relay, Mrs. John Deitz's team; hoop relay, Mrs. John Deites team. Guessing beans in jar, Untie Hey; lady with most buttons on dress, Mrs, Harry Norris; -birth- day nearest picnic, Mrs. Wm. Kyle. A • peanut scamble was held for the children, Music by. the Norris Orches- tra was enjoyed by all. T.S.A. Bus Trip The annual bus trip for the senior grades in Tuckersmith School Area was taken to Nia- gara this year. The tour -started at Fort George, 'Niagara -On -The - Lake, and along the Niagara River to Queenston Heights Park to Brock's Monument which stands 185 feet high amid . the beauty and splendor of the gar- dens and lawns. ' The Hydro Electric Power Plant was also visited where films were shown of the construc- tion of the new .plant. Other interesting sights in chided the Great Whirlpool, the' Floral Clock, the "Falls" and the, twin flight locks at Thorold. Barn Dance In spite Of the wet night on Friday Mr. Arthur Finlayson had a successful barn dance with over 200 in attendarice. Harry Morris and his Ranch toys sup- plied the music to old time and new dancing. The Kippen East Institute had a.00th in the barn. Strawberry Social a Success The Strawberry Social at St. Andrew's United Church was a success, the sum df $175 being realized. An interesting program fol- lowed with Mrs. Robert Elgie as, chairman. Mr. Ray Mills of Woodham presented pictures of his trip to Western Canada. A solo was rendered by Hank Bin- nendyk accompanied by Mrs - John Sharon McBride and Margaret Elgie played a duet; Joan Sin- clair, a solo; Kenneth and Grant Jones, a duet; Pat Lovell, a pia- no solo. The evening came to a close with Mrs. Elgie thanking the ladies and all those Who had taken part. Personal Items Mr, Samuel Ctidmore 'returned home unday after spending a 'week, with his son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudniere of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Cuditore,. Barbara, also IVIr, and Mrs. Fink and son, all of Kitchener accompanied Mr. Cudmore Kippee, Mr, and MrS. Clarence Pries - tap and family Of Mitchell were recent visitors 61 Mrs, Priestap's father, Mr. Robert Thonrison. Mrs. James McClymont re- turped home Tuesday of last week after spending two weeks in Exeter al the hoirie of her daughtet, Mrs. ;teethe Sehilbe. Mr. Bud MtLedd and Mrs. Garth Mosher of Ottawa, who have spent the past week With their inOther, Mrs. lvfeteod. left Nippon. Monday hy motor for their home. Mr. Douglas Itobinsini who is ht the Navy and on ship; Signe. n'aY, Kalifit,k, is 06. three weeks leave, visiting his parents, Mr. sod' Mrs. Irving Robinson. Mr. .and Mrs. Toni Mauve, •Mr, and Mrs. Writ. Coleman' and lesliti Visited Otter the holiday With lira Monfee'S mother In Mr. and Mrs. Robert tigie the. KinitavilIt district ksport On manshard Grand Bend PS Boor ly MAL GIADWYM SWIM Appoints New Prncipc . Mr. and Mrs. Ales' Dobson and Wayne Weston SPOnt the week end 'with Mr. and. Airs. Fred at tison. • Mr. and Afrs. Shaver Toronto, spent the weekend with 11.ir and Mrs. Kenneth Langferd. Mrs. lottio Jones and Mrs. tuvade ilopkins of Mitchell spent the Weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Win. .Jones. 1 Airs. W. B. YoUng 9f S. Marys Spent the weekend -with Airs •Jos. Mosey, and Mr. and Mrs. ,Cecil Mossy. Air. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper Clara, Vend and Jeanette spent Sunday ,evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomsen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Hooper of St, Marys. spent Sunday evening with Mr. Milton Hooper, Mr, and Afra. Lloyd Thomson and faintly, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thereson, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Jones of Glendale.. Ain Lottie Jones, Mrs. lilvada Hopkins of Mitchell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ',Tones. Mrs. Fred Pattison spent Thursday with her slater.' Mrs. Mowat river, of Mitchell Road, My. David G. Stanton, who Iseaunturiodoilya.t Ipperwash Reach •on . . The Church of God annual camp meetings are being held in Louden this week. Several ad. herents of the local Church of • Geld ate attending the ineetings. Mr. Gordon Turnbull, is re- ported to be on the seriously ill list, Betty Dalton, left today to take the sunuger, course at the Teachers* Training School in Toronto, Miss M.' Hoggarth of Ken. salt spent a few days with her nieces, Mrs. Roy Flear and Mrs, G. A, Kennedy last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask spent last Waelt in Detroit, and while there attended the funeral' of a cloMser. andeat v he r 8'; Roy Scott of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson Misses Julianne and Sandra Kramer of Philadelphia are spending. the summer months with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Kading, Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Flea .returned Friday from their honey. moon • in the Laurentians, and •have taken up residence for the summer in Mr, Erie Finan's, apartment. Kenneth has accept- ed a position As teacher in a London, school for the next terin, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coulson and family, Mr,. and. Mrs, Allan Guenther and son spent Sunday with Me, and Mrs. Win, Rendle. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Baird were r.Mand Mrs. Arthur Dauncey of Liman, Mr. Delbert Mason, Mr. and Mrs, Billie Baird„ apd Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McMurray, all of Lon- don. town. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell and family of London spent Sun- day visiting with relatives in Mrs. Jean, Lawrence left for Kentucky Monday where she in- tends visiting , for about two months. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, Johnnie and Colleen of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kading. Miss Dolores McFadgen spent the weekend' with her brother, Constable E. McFadgen, Mrs. McFadgen and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green disposed of their property on Main Street and have taken up residence in the Clinton district. Mr. Cesford Watson of Sarnia is spending a holiday with his cousin, Mr, Ernie Keown and Mrs. Keown. Mr. Keown and Mr. Watson met this week for the first time in over fifty years, Huron Beach Inn ()Mined The Huron teach Inn, former- ly known as the Chateau, has been opened for business under the entirely new management of Mr. A. Hewitt, previously con- nected with the Honey Dew Restaurants in Toronto, for some time. and Mr. Blair McKenzie, who previously operated a shoe store -in Toronto. Thebuilding has been reniod- eled, redecorated, and, refurnish- ed. The dining room, although not quite finished, really looks attractive, and will be open 'for •business during this week. - has been teaching in Fort Col- - Write, has now accepted the position of principal of the local school, commencing dales the first of September. Mrs, Sharon, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Desjardine will resume duties et the open - lug of the new terra, Mrs, El- liott having resigned. So far as is expected tow, only four rooms will be conducted fpr „tlie fall term. 1 Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, J. Whiteford spent the weekend in Detroit vis- iting Mrs. Whiteford's sister and brether-in-law, Mr, eed Airs. Chas. Miller, and while Mere at- tended the wedding ,of their niece, Miss Cecelia M. Whiteford to Mr, Clifford Callaghan, Several of the. Gill family con- nectioe Attended the Gill annual Field Continued from Page .9 control of ,egg production as they have in the broiler field. If large corporations get control of egg production through contract they will continue to produce eggs at cost or less and make all their profit on feed ; and processing where competition is not serious, In the dairy industry -fanners have 95% of the' total invested while compailies, witih only 5% invested control the sale of the product. If the poultry producer is to survive he must organize in some manner to derive a pro- fit from each step of the Indus- try, not just production. This can be done by the Co -Op method and unless a better method is developed promptly we should be making use of it. •••••.••••wwwww,••••,•,..,•••••••••••••••••••••• Letter From Shipka Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bundsho, Pat and Judy of Kitchener, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther and Janet. Dr. C. B. Sanders, Mrs. San- ders, Janet and David and MrS. Ida Sanders, of Welland, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKenzie and family of WinciSeer, Mr. and Mrs. McTeer and Billie of London, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech of Exeter, Dr. Hugh Creech and family of Phila- delphia, were .weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink - heftier and Mrs. MeIvoy. Mr. and MrS. Jack Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart SWeitzer and theinfamilies attended the. Pris- ciale-Comfort 'wedding on .Sattirl day. Miss Marie Symon of -TotOnto, has taken a position at Grand Bend for the sunimer and is sthy- ing with Mr. and Mrs. toss Love and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton visited. on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harlton and family at Granton. Mr. and Mri. George Love, of Goderich, called on friends here on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Love, Brian and 'Brenda left Friday to join P10 M. S. Love who is at the R.C.N. Station at Ottawa at present. spent a day in Stratford last week. Mrs. McLeod had a success- ful sale of household affects on the afternoon of June 26, Mr. Harold Jackson ,of Seaforth be- ing the auetioneer. Mrs. McLeod left the village on Monday and will make her home. in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cooper and family of Toronto, were weekend guests of the fermees parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cioper. Mr,, Wilfred Monis spent the weekend in St. Thomas visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hutchi- son. Mr. and Mrs. G. Vennema of Burlington were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13inneedyk. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell spent the -weekend at Chatham, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Masterson. Mr. ,and Mrs, Norman Dickert visited Sunday with relatives in Clifford. Mrs. Alice ,Cook and friend of London' visited Sunday with Mrs. lames McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and son, David, spent the holiday weekend with the latter's parents,, Mr, and Mrs. A. Parker, Mr. Peter Gridzak returned home from Sudbury last week,, School Picnic On Thursday afternoon, June: 28, S.S. No. 7 Hibbert held their annual picnic at Lions Park, Sea. forth. The children went swim- ming, had sports and enjoyed a bountiful supper, Mrs. Clarence Coleman and Mrs. Percy Har- ris assisted in making the pie- njc a sticessful ohe. The teacher, Mrs. Rena Caldwell, conducted sports. Winners in races for pre. school Children were Gordon Dick, girls, 6 to 8 years, Ann Coleman; girls, 9-12, Margaret Hoggarth; hem 9-12, Robert Munn, Ted Stoneman; girls, 13- 15, June Munn, Donna Dick; boys, Leslie Riley, Wayne Cole - Married Women, Mrs. Seek Brintnell, young men, Ross Riley; Jack Caldwell; Button Guess'Robert,Munn; newspaper Ceetest, Mrs, Coleman's side; relay, Leslie Riley's side. Lad Scalded Mast e r Bradley three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, met With a painful accident Saturday,, morning and WAS taken to Seat Memorial Hospital, Seatorth. for treatment. He accidentally upset Larry Snider Lions Prexy At the Lions Club supper meet- ing at Armstrong's Restaurant Thursday, H. L. Snider was in- stalled as president for the com ing year, Mr. Snider is also man of the South Huron District High School, Other officers are.R. C. Dinney, Past president; viee-presidents, E. W. Brady, K. G. Hockey, R. L, Beavers. The secretary is A, L. Seel - grove; 'treasurer, E, H. Beaver; Lion tamer, Gerald Godbolt; tail twister, Andrew Johnston; pianist, Norman Walper; directors for one year, Wes Ryckinan, Russell Snell; directoks for two years, Thomas MacMillan and Warren May. The installation was conducted by past presidents Albert Tra- quair and Sandy Elliot. R. C. Dinney, on,being present- ed with his past president's pin, thanked the officers and mem- bers for the co-operation he, had received. During the year 'half of the indebtedness on the Scout house had been paid off. He con- gratulated the newly elected offi- cers. Mr. Snider, receiving the gavel,. expressed appreciation of the honor conferred on him. "Success can only be attained by everyone doing his part," he said. The secretary read the names of 41 members who would be pre- sented with 100 per cent atten- dance pins for the past year. The sum of $50 was voted for a tonsolectomy operation. The Lions are sponsoring Gar - dei Bros, Circus in Exeter Au- gust 24. Lion ,Tack Smith appealed to the members for a donation of 50 cents each to help paint. the Scout house. Lions A. J. Traquair and. Wm t McKenzie offered a gal- lon of paint each,. This .Week • In , • Sairitsbury By MRS. 14. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. James Stelzer of ackson, Michigan, were Week- nd guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Fred Davis on. Monday.' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, speht the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. James Tern - r. Mr, and Mrs. James Mugsford, oronto, and Mr. • Billy Abbott, iagara FOS, were . weekend uests .with Mr. and Mrs.' Mur - ay Abbott. Mr. and Mrs, .Tames Turner isited with Mrs. Will Carroll; arkhill, on Sueday: 'Air.. and Mrs, Harvey Latta nd family attended the Latta icnic at Riverview Park, Exeter n $unday. Mr. .and Mrs. Don • Maguire nd boys visited Mr. andMrs. William illaguire„ London, Sun - ay. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee nd boys and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. bung, Lucan, were guests on unday with Mr, and Mrs. Heber avis. J. A e T N g r v a p0 a d a S D Dairy ,Foods Aid Drivers Plenty of Vitamin A can cen- tribute to safe driving in the summer months ahead, atcord- ing to Dairy Farmers of Cart- ade, national producers' organi- zation. In fact a deficiency of Vitamin A you'd prove fatal to night drivers whose vision mat function perfectly to insure safe- ty on the highways. Research has indicated that Vi- taitiin A is partieularly vital if eyes are' to adjust themselves efficiently to rapid alternations of 'bright and dim light, 64 semi- darkness. The speed at which eyes relict to headlights of pass- ing cars is directly related to Vitamin A in the diet. 4 'rhe process of vision is initia- ted by Vitamin A in the eyes. Xt is present in,. the phothseni- tive pigments in the light recep- tors of the retina. Actording to recent technical information front the United States, research has demonstrated that Vitamin A ac- tually changes its shape in re - sponge to litht and dark, making Vi8biritrofficials point out that fortunately there is enough Vi- tamin A in Mir national Mod supply so that no Mit needs to stifferit vitamifl deficiency. Howevet, it is necessary to choose the individual diet wise. ly. Bich sources ,of Vitamin A are the dairy foods containing butter butter, cheese, -Ice creaM), egg Vi*liner and and green eafy vegetables, 'Canadians last year 416 32,502,- gallOria ef lee Wahl Or two dish of boiling water eit himself gallons for Lofty Man, In Which his 'mother Wit using. and Lehild, rommitilmompluallmolowilliglitillimet011,1011i1DIAR1141144011ttitt.m)Wolom1014A11110,01101. 1 1 11 Our. trained mechanics will is in top running order for a holiday. MATHERS BR Phone 321-W 'mum lllll Safety IS A 'MUM AT VACATION TIME make "sure" pleasant your tar motoring 404 sp lllllllll llllllllll lllll 1 l l It lll 111111111010111M llllll 11111$ lll ittitutitItogiutiotogitolopplogitiottiti Special Milking Machine InfIations • I, Bootor 1 • ALL MAKES 8 Obe Week Only, WrSERVICE ALL cp.oP MILKERS Exeter CO-OP. District Phone 287 Collect sisids CNR Station • , - 4 I CLOSED SAT. AFTERNOONS, OPEN ALL DAY WED. I lllll llllllllll lllll ituttutitthuttuA 1 • T-SHIRTS • SLEEVELESS BLOUSES • PEDAL PUSHERS • SHORTS • JEANS One Rack Of Summer Dresses is $6.95 Each • - JULY. VALUES IN FOODS SUNSHINE TOMATO‘JUICE Aylmer, 48 oz. tins lll : ll 3 for $1.00 AYLMER PEAS (CHOICE) /0 cm, tins ....... llllllll S for OM TULIP MARGARENE Price4 tbs. $1.00 SCHNEIDER'S' PURE LARD 4 Lbs. $1.00 PITTED DATES Price ll 2 Lbs. 250 PHONE 14 PICTURE BOOK MATCHES Eddy's 50 Pkgi, 290 CLOVER LEAF SALMON 734 oz, tins llllllllllll ........ lllllllllllll 390 AYLMER PEACHES 18 oz. tins 230 SCHNEIDER'S CHEESE • 2 Lb. Pkg. 990 WHITE SWAN (Family Pack Tiistle) 490 GIANT TIDE (7.A off deal) ........,1„,.,.,. 110 WI DELIVER EXETER g A c 4. A 4 .4 4 A A 0. 4 4 A 4 4 00 A