The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-07-04, Page 1ero eats
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ExETER, oNTAPtio, 41,01-Y 41 1957
ar Strikes
PLAYGRQUND OPENS—Exeter Kinsmen's fifth annual summer playground began
Tuesday when close to 300 children registered for swimming and other- activities,
Recreation. Director Larry Heideman,, who was appointed last fall, is in charge of the
playground: for the first time. His staff includes: bottom, left to right, Shirley Wurm,
Eleanor idywood, Pat Cann, Nancy. Boyle, Carol Fletcher; top, Director Heideman,
Robin Smith, Judy Ross, ,Assistant Director Alvin Willert. Photo
In 1960?
Bell Telephone Company in-
tends to install dial telephenes- in
Exeter district around 1960, it
was revealed this week,
• The cOmpany's Plans were he
dicated in a letter to subscribers
of the Thames Road Telephone
System whick announced -increa-
ses in rates,
The letter, signed By Lloyd
Frayne secretary of the Thames
Road system, said: "Bell Tele-
phone Company have advised its
that they intend to change Exe-
ter central to dial in 1960,"
.No direct confirmation could
be received from Bell Telephone
officials. One, howeeer, said con:
version t'o dial systems was im.
minent across Ontario. "During
the next few years," he said,'
'the company plans to change-
over many centres."
'He could not confirm that the
Exeter change would come in
1960. Plans that far ahead: he
said, were only temporary. -
Mr. Frayne, in his letter to
the 105 subscribers of the Thames
Road system, said the new rates
were "due to increased costs as
the result of reducing the nurn.
ber of phones on lines and the
installation of dial phones In the
near future,"
"We have added three additio-
nal lines this year and intend to
add three more in the next two
The new rates, set ' at $2.50
per month for multi-party line on
circuits having three to 10 telei
phones and $2.35 per month for
larger circuits,represent an in-
crease of about $1,00 per year,
Mr. Frayile explained,
Nine Students
Now Teachers
Nine former SHDHS students
have graduated from London
Teachers' College and accepted
positions in area schools.
The graduates, include: Judy
Ross who will be teaching next
term. at Kertor-al ,Princes Bro.
phey, Granway, teaching at Sar-
nia; Faye Ford, teaching at Exe-
ter; Marilyn. Marshall, Kirkton,
teaching near Kirkton; Carole
Thiel, Zurich,. teaching near Zu-
rich; Odeyne Clark, Centralia,
teaching at Brantford, and Mar-
garet Schade, Zurich,. who will be
teaching in Hay School area.
Successful in the two-year com-
pletion course were Ken Flear,
Grand Bend, who will teach in
London, and Howard Kerr, Exe-
ter, who will teach at Port Credit.
Joan Gill, Grand Bend, and
Margaret Woodburn, Greenway,
have completed their. first year
and will return to the college for
another term,
, CRASH KILLS GRAND BEND YOUTH—Paul Blewett, 14 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Blewett, Grand Bend, was killed instantly Wednesday night when he was
struck by a car while riding his bicycle on the Bluewater Highway. The damaged
cycle is shown here: • —Noseworthy
Hearing Starts Monday
On Suit Against. District
Largest drainage action in
this district's history, the Hee-
meier suit against district .muni-
cipalities, will get under way
.Monday after a delay of nearly
eight years.
Dr. L. G. Hagmeier's suit for
$375,000 in flood damages will be
eired in ' MOW' County court,
house, G 0 d eric h, before two
members of the Ontario Muni-
cipal Board.
Contacted by The Times -
Advocate Thursday, counsels for
both the plaintiff and defendents
sal dthey were prepared to pro-
ceed with the hearing which may
take up to two weeks.
Dr. Hagmeier initiated the
action in 1949 and his suit
prompted the formation of the
Aus able River Conservation
Authority;. first organization of
its kind in the province, with
the idea that it could finance
flood control measures to give
the doctor relief. The Authority'e
Threaten Court Action
ver Illegal Dumping
Town council Monday night neither the agricultural society
threatened to instigate charges
against .a ratepayer who dumped
a large quantity of garbage out-
side the gate to the municipal
dump in Hay township.
Members decided not to take
Action but Indicated they would
be .prepared to if it happened
Councillor Ross Taylor, who
described it as a "terrible mess,"
said an amount equal to a half -
ton truck load had been dumped
in front of the gate. In addition
to garbage and Junk, the pile in-
cluded a dead dog which had
been put in a box.
Councillor Taylor did not re,
• veal who was responsible but he
SCAVENGERS—One . of the first activities of this year's Kinsmen playground was a said it had not been. difficult: to
town wide search for materials required for the varied 'program. Loaded down with deltierinine becanse he had found
boxes, papers. and other paraphenalia are Arlene Glover, Jini Hannah and Judy namesboricthsetnihere With children's
Coates. The children were divided into teams for coMpetition during the hunt. Reeve William McKenzie said
" 'Charges should have been laid.
• "There'sthe* a ro fine for throwing
ets. Buy 'RTesuici itrata tor; dent
Councillor 'Taylor Said the
khappened on the first day
sh on ighways," he stkted.
, . the dump gate was locked.
cil plans to control access to the an Tattoo ere .
‘ gngetnidduSnitp°indgi she y"irnadgivel dilludailsse. rPillie tie"
mission to dispose of refuse in
, .
too, bingo and. trance Which it
....Plead turn to Page 3
Exeter Pitt Brigade's campaign
to provide a resuscitator fOr'this
area came to a quick and suc-
cessful conclusion this week When
the life saving equipment was
purchased by Exeter branch of
the Canadian Legion.
The machine, used to revive
victims of water or smoke. was
delivered Thursday and members
of the brigade Rad other officials
Were trained to use it the same
Legion's generous gesture to
finance the project was made
Thursday evening, Julie 27, dur-
ing the veterans' regular Meet-
ing. They Voted $756 for the re-
Their action came as a rata
VI a request from rite Chief 't-
win Pad that the branch con.
tribute $150 towards the machine.
The brigade's letter explained
that the Legion, Lions and, Xing.
mon were being asked for $150
each and the brigade weuld at-
tempt to raise the Additional
funds by other means,
Legion President Harold Raz -
Ken said the branch hoped to
*It the money at a band tat.
woeld sponsor near the end of
Stilly. Under ordihary chem.
he stated, the inadhind
Clerk Resigns
in Stephen
At the Stephen Mu nieip al
Council Meeting Tuesday the re-
signation of F. W. Metlock, as
tax collector, to take place int-
mcdiately and as clerk-treasuret,
to take place at the end of the
Year, was accepted with regret,
,The council had a busy ses.
Men as it considered tenders for
several municipal drains and a
concrete bridge on the south
Contract for the bridge was
let to Clarence McDowell & Co,,
Cohtralia, for $3,133.00.
Tenders were also let for four
municipal drains. The tender of
tr. Turnbull ei Son for the
Pfaff Mitniciptd Drain: was ite.
ie the area must be secured from
would riot have ibeen purchatede works foreman, Gerald Cornish.
until funds had been raised, Be-
Purebt eta Float
cause the swimming season is,•
under way, however, it was Council. agreed to purchase a
tided to purchase the equipment, new. flefating pilatfaree for swun
enung instruct on at Riverview
iitimedia thiy,
• ' Park. Councillor Glee t'iSher Pre -
Legion expects to have 16 to smiled the request on behalf of
20 bands perforining at the tattoo, the recreation council.
Willett will be the first at which A grad of $3,171.46 Was re.
the Legion Pipe and Drum Band ceived from the Community Pro.
willebe host, „, grammes Btaneh of the Ontario
The resuscitator will he made Department Of Education 14 help
available to the comMunity pey for the dog of the town's
through the fire department. It reereatien pregrait. The depart -
will be housed in the fire hall nient contributes towards the
Where it will be 'available for all salaries of full -thee and patt-
emergeheies. Pirernen,policciten time recedatitetal leaders as well
and others will be trained in its ,as the OnetetiOtt of the litogeam.
USC and it can be brought into Council agreed to provide ad-
actioft simply by phoning in an ditional funds to the ColtiriUnity
alarm. Centre Board to allow it to paint
Legion also assisted the Exeter and repair the grandstand, Reeve
Mohawk 13ooetet Hockey Club McKenzie said this work was
Thursday night by purchasing necessary to preserve- the Arne -
$200 worth of tickets on its raffle. ture butthe board Would have to
Three new members were itiiti. tette to the t6wn for a grant to
tiled into the branch—Jack Burke, Over at least a part of the test,
Case Zeehtliseh and John lteeLeati, Mayor R. E. Pooley felt or -
Members of the installing team genii/slims using the stand should
were Andrew Merlin, Reg Me. donate towards the etief, whieh
'Donald, lleeVeY Pfaff, Stewart WAS Militated at. Arotted $L000,
Dick and President Heltelitah, It Wee pointed out, however, that
nor the turf club, two of the prin-
ciple users, had funds to con-
Councillor Ralph Bailey felt
money which had been budgeted
for• the operation and' develop-
ment of Riverview Park should
be used for this project.
Council considered passing a
bedew establishing the minimum
size of a building :lot at 6,000
square feet after learning that
the Huron County Health Unit
would not appreve septic tank in-
stallation on a lot any smaller.
The question arose when Clerk
C. V. Pickard 'revealed he had
been asked if the town bylaws
established the minimum size of
building lots. The town had no
such regulation, he said, although
it had been understood that the
Minimum was 4,000 square feet.
A party proposes to build a
house on a lot that size, the clerk
revealed. Members of council felt
there were a number of dwellings
on similar -size lots.
Council approved a grant of
$100 to Exeter Lhwn Bowling Club
in lieu of a refund on taxes. Club
representative Ken Hockey, Who
requested the greet, said the or-
ganization had received $50 a
year from the town up until, last
.yeer When it had neglected to
ask for it. He requested two
years' grants In one.
Clerk C. V. Pickard pointed out
that the grant had been given in
the past because the greens were
a beauty Reg for the town and
the benches placed neer the side.
welk were available to the
Councillor Ralph Bailey re-
vealed that 24,510 gallons of oil
and 444 tons Of sand had been
placed on town roads.
Where To
. Find It
Atinettneemeitte 12
Church Notion ., II
Coming events 12
Editorials 2
Entertainment 40.1.1 ..1 12
Farm News
Feminine Fade 7
Fteitsall - 6
Liman 13
SPeeti e4r 5
Want Ade „„... ..... . ...... .. n
first project was to ,dig' a new
outlet at Port Frank's to allow
the water to reach. Lake Huron
more • quickly.
The action has :been held in
abeyance since that " time al-
though the doctor has added
damages suffered in several
flood s since. ""ee
though it appears there may
be no further delay of the hear-
ing, it may take years before g
decision is reached; One lawyer
connected with the hearing said
the action could go to the On-
.tario Court of 'Appeal and from
there to the Supreme Court of
Canada. "It could go on for a
lifetime," • he said, e'but I doubt
that it will."
Presiding at the hearing will
be two members of the Muni-
cipal Board, W. Greenwood,
BSC., and C. W. Yates, Q.C.
Frank Donnelly, QC, Goderich,
is representing the plaintiff; E.
Seekverrnore, Q.C., London is
ceAsel for McGillivray; Edson
L. Haines, Q.C., Toronto, for
Biddulph; Elmer D. Bell, Q.C.,
Exeter, for Hay, Stephen and
It's been estimated that it
might cost as much as $800,000
to remedy the flooding situation
on which the doctor's claims for
damages are based.
Dr. Hagmeier was the owner of
about 7,000 acres of land in the
Townships of Stephen in Huron
County, Bosanquet in Lambton
County and McGillivray in Mid-
dlesex County. He has since sold
about half of this, acreage.
When the doctor filed. notice of
action against McGillivray and
Bosanquet Townships, these town-
ships added five other munici-
palities as "parties defendant."
The other municipalities are
Parkhill, East Williams Town-
ship, 'West Williams Township
and the two Huron County town.
ships, Stephen and Hay.
The Ausable R iv e r runs
through the doctor's property
and he alleges that there have
been several serious floods dur-
ing the past several years. The
portion of the river that flows
through his property was dredged
Crash Damage
Over $5 000
Property d a in a g 0 exceeded.
$5,000 in six district accidents
this week, Ontario Provincial Po-
lice report.
Charges have been laid against
Engin Kugukarda, RCAF London,
who made a left hand turn in
front of a car driven by. •George
D. Mackie, Oakville-, on the .Blue.
water Highway north of •Grand
Rend early Sunday morning.
The Mitchie ear suffered $1.000
damages .and loss to Kugukarda's
car was $500. No one was injured.
A' car driven. by William Pin.
combe,. A.R. 3, Exeter, who told
police he was crowded off when
it struck e tree on Highway 83
early .Saturday ntorning.
eombe, alone in the car, was not
OPP Constable George Miteliell
ifivestigated. Mut actidents Thurs-
day, Stine.21.
Otd Model Wrecked
A 1929 Erskine tar, driven by
Joseph 'Cantin, R,R. 2 Zurich,Wes
'wrecked when it was struck by a
.car operated by. Warren Flanni.
gan, Luau, on Highway 21. The
Gelatin tar WAStravelling north
itheit he made a left hand turn.
Damage to Ptarmigan's vehicle
WAS estimated at $200.
Remand E. Here,IICAP Sta.
-41eage turii, Page
and enlarged in 1928.
The doctor contends that Mc-
Gillivray Township failed to keep
the channel in a state of repair
as required under the report of
the drainage engineer, Ile also
contends that Bosanquet and
McGillivray have consti ucted. a
riumbex -t.f 'drainageworks brin-
ing Water into the river and
have Jailed to take this water
to a proper outlet.
- The doctor alleges, as a result
of lack of repair and 'increased
flow of Water due to these drain-
age works, • his land has been
flooded and his crops destroyed.
The suit claims .damages for six
separate years.
In addition to the damages,
the plaintiff seeks a court order
requiring the townships to take
the water to a sufficient outlet
and put the river channel in a
satisfactory state of repair.
It is expected that the action
will be heard in Goderich by two
members of the Ontario .Munici-
pal Board. . •
Report Progress
On,Usborne Dam
Construction of the $200,000
Morrison Dam is progressing
well, according to Ausable' Auth-
ority Fieldman 1.1. G. Hooke.
Cement floor of the spillway has
been poured and part of one of
the wing walls has been com-
pleted. Reinforcing steel has beeti
laid for remainder of the walls
which should be poured next
Ding of main sheet piling
across the spillway should be
completed by Friday.
Centred calls for completion of
the dam, by December 21, but the
contractor, Pearce Construction
Co., Hagersville, expects to be
finished by.fall.
Inquest into the accident
killed 14 -year-old Paul
Grand Bend, Wednesday
has been set for Wed
July 17,
• Coroner Dr. A. M.
• Forest, will preside at the
ing In Grand Bend town
The youth was killed in
about 10 p.m. when he
struck while riding a MO
the Bluewater Highway sot
Grand Bend, Hit from b
the impact threw hint hit
windshield of the car driv
Mansell. Mason Jr, 30, I
• Coroner Calder said th
died of multiple head inj
Young Blewett and a
nine-year-old Bradley Pag
of Air. and Mrs. P'at Page,
riding their bicycles south
Page restaurant on the
water road. They had bee*
ing at the Blewett home.
Mason, also travelling el
• told police he did not se
boys. Traffic was heavy
time and it lied started t4
shortly before the accident
Bradley Page, who desc
the accident Thursday to
Times-AdVocate, said he sat
Mason car .approaching fret
rear. "1 shouted to Paul, ql
a car coming behind.' 1 gi
the road then but he didn;
just stayed on the road!
The nine-year-old said
were "quite a few cars" o
road and it had started to
Bradley was returning tc
home for the night and I
was accompanying. him t
• They had been playing W
mechanical game at the I
• Father of the victim is
liam Blewett, Grand Bend, 1
ager of Klondyke Gardens
op. The accident "Twee*
front of the co-op warehou
Surviving besides his pa
are three sisters, Barbara
Judith, 15; and Mary, two.
An active member of I
ford Silver Band, Paul just
pleted grade nine, his first
at Forest District High Sc
The body is resting at th
pen Funeral. Home, Thedfo
Funeral services will be
• at Thedford United Chur
2;30 -.p.m, Saturday, July..
termeet' will be in Greed
Constable L,' G. Brunner,!
est, was assisted by Cpl.!
Chamberlain, and Constabll
Maishall and E. Meradgel
the Grand Bend detachmeil
the investigation.
Oil Lease Own(
Seek PaymentS
• Owners of oil leases en prt1
ties expropriated by the AuS
River Conservation Authorite
the Morrison Dam res0
have filed claims for conte
tion, Fieldman H. G. Cooke
this week.
Calvin Consolidated Co., TC
to, and William MacGregor, I
3 Kippen, are seeking ari
stipulated amount from the A
Fieldman Hooke said the 0
man board appointed by the.4
ority to purchase the land
meet shortly to consider
Sites Board Mees
Historic Sites Advisory i3
of the Ausable River Conserya
Authority will hold its firstn:
ing Wednesday, July 10, to
Sider inauguration of a prog
to preserve and identify 1
marks throughout the waters
The board was organize
1956 but did not meet during
year. It • was provided wit
budget of $200 last year and I
this year,
John A. McPhee, West Willi
township, is chairman.
.Contract Soo
For Dredging At Ben
District representative of the
Department. of Public Works,
London, Said Thursday tenders
for the federal. dredging work
had been (Veiled but no contract
has been let yet.
"We got only one bid," the
official said, "and we are ne-
gotiating with the bidder about
the MIK price he is charging."'
The tender was submitted by
Dealt Construction • Co., Belle
The representative said he
expected the work will be done
this summer. The federal por-
lien of the harbour, he ,explained,
runs 80 het east from the
miter end of the north pier.
This point is about 50 feet west
of the end of the cement wall
on tic north side of the river.
The official indicated the con-
. .
tact will be let this month.
COMpilifit 'Engineering.
Engineering ;report 011 the
dredging or a ObetiOn of the Aus-
able River at Grand Raid is
peeled In "a week or 86," Alis.:
able Authority- Pickinnat H. G.
liooke saidthis week.
A erew. . mot .frorei tlie firm
Col. 0, S. Arthibaid, OLS, Lon.'
don, has been taking levels Th the
_theited this Week. Pield work
will .0 completed by Friday.
Hooke said the
noting report WAS heft& expecte.;
'led in 'Meier to 'complete' the,
_project this .Stilintler. Dredigne Of
this portion of the river is
petted to coincide with the dr
mg of the mouth which is b
undertaken by the federal gov
Portion of the harbor under
eral responsibility extends to
easterly limit of the northern
The dredging from that poin.
the Bluewater Highway has b
taken over as an Ausable A
ority project at the request
Grand flcncl.
Before a contract can be
however, the work must be
proved by the 1epartme4
Planning and Development,
Ontario Municipal Board
Grand Bold Council, in nddi
to the Authority.
If the approvals are x •ee
the Ontario government will
on -half oL the cost and the A
ority vi1 assess Grand Bendi
the rentamdcr.
I Survey Reservoir
Engineering work is also
Icooling on the Parkhill danid
other Authority prOjedt.
A crew of three started
week to. make A survey c
reservoir. Ron Claweon. of
Toronto ntfk tlf
and 'CO., iS in ,Chitrta,
Some contour work the
hos already been th
the bee of p
The Authority b
some .O0 act*s of the tato