HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-27, Page 15a • r a A A A 1 A A. 4. { Lyric Theatre Plhtt 421. P:t.liv.l�lr:)la • m tf It1 r• A Ac 4 I' .Ion... II! a THURS., i;Ri. 1 SAT. Juno 27, 24 and 29 "THE LAST WAGON" Richard Widwark * Felicia Farr NEWS: CARTOON MON., TUES..£ WED. July 1, 2 and 3 ' "'MIRACLE IN THE RAIN" * Jens Wyman *Van, Johnson CARTOON COMEDY ^^. GOMING -- "THE MCCONNELL, STORY" * Allan Ladd: * June Allyson Foo More ,Matin«es r July and .August Lucan Per soma Item Mlssea K. said A. Newborn ,roe Stanford visited at the rectory last week. Larry M :ck 11 a s and Roy Pitt left.on Sunday fora l.0•day Ma' tion in Florida. Mrs.. McNeil of Clalydeboye spent last Friday with Mrs. Dur- ham. Mr. Glen Kennedy has sold his property on concession 4,. Bid - 12TH ANNUAL. V1� . ert. Reunion Jowetts Grove BAYFIELD Sat., uJl 6 Y ?"1""""1"1 llu 1"1"nulUnuLulullnunu,11006tinnu,Iluluumlu,lu,timmtimit,npt1111,1,ynn1,191 3 z. Attention. a SWIMMERS R S. At Riverview Park Supervised Swimming From June 19 to September 14 DALLY •2.5; 7 - 8:30 P.M. 1. . • SATURDAYS & HOLIDAYS 2.5; 7.8:30 P.M, SWIMMING INSTRUCTION DAILY Monday Through Friday — July and August. Any other swimming may be carried on, at YOUR OWN RISK! 011711111111111,11,1111Illlllll,11111606111111666.111111 tit lllt66I611111011110666.1llllllil6 ll,lllllll,lll111111111111 it A /p alit llllltll 11111111111111tit. 1111111.1111,111111 tt 11111111111111/111, I It 11111,01t11110111111111111111,11t11111111,,11141111111111111„ A Grand Ole PR starring Hawkshaw Hawkins RCA Victor Recording Star Jean Shepard Capitol Recording Star ,. t� Ju.n e .29r Goderich Arena • also `:THE S•WINGSTERS" and CANADA'S OWN EARL HE.YWOOD Show 8 p.m. Dancing 1012 $1.25 ADMISSION ' $1.25 'nitll661f0i117u1Uuutmil.11,IpolUIO 1661611OOull066 tluu! •N1101lt umllnitnlnuunU 66661111101111111111ti111111111111flllll ittttttt 11111I1n110Utitllll ti111ti1 lllt666616 lllll Boys and Girls! Pian 'To Attend Exeter's Summer Bible S.ch�ol:. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH East of Blinker Light Every ;Davy from July 1 to 12 9 to 12 a.rn.` If you would like to Come this year; leave, your natiie and address with some friend of .yours that was here last year and •when we call on then we will also contact you fpr pre•enrolinent. ' GRAVES F911. ALL AGES Kindergarten (age 4) to Grade 10 (age 16) CLASSES INCLUDE: Bilge Study, iland Crafts and Supervised Recreation. Transporatton',provided for those coming from a dis- tance. 4r~, EVERYONE WELCOME � • VOL" :tuirtilec. ' ltiforn ation contact Director Stanley Sander by 0010 g 94422 Zurich, ktstillHatiiiBiYtiwihYtiii amiailiitaiiiiit'1'Iianiiiu itii,,,,,,,mtitatiou1 ooiniafininliWiuifflithiffinah: R HI dulph and is now 'working: In: London for the CNA. bridge builders. The village lige fathers have had new steel railings installed on the crossings over the creek on Main street north and: trust they. will . .not meete the .previous railings. fate as. Z. and Mrs, C. G :Banding and fancily spent Fast weekend with .Mx, and Mre. Gordon Ban - ting. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Reid of Walton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.- Guy Ryan and. fancily. Mrs WarnerMcRoberts I be• co acs ; and her pupils of Whalen School were among the bus -load who visited Niagara Falls lalst Fri- day. , Mrs. John Forester of Fred- ericton and Mrs, Hadley Price of Boystown, N.B.,. have return - home after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mathers. Weekend visitors were Mr, and Airs. Everett Elkins of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Alf Dickins of London, a'nd Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett of Edgewood were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman. Rev. and • Mrs. J. P, P'rest were overnight Sunday guests of Mr. Fred Brown of Bervie, Mrs:— John Parsons and fam- ily of Chatham and Mrs, Pat Sebben and family of Carling. ford were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan j(iearn and family, The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor,. ers held a coat -hanger collec- tion last Saturday:and netted over $15 with promises of more • hangers; Mrs. John Smibert who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- _pita!, arrived home last Thursday. Wayne Carroll of Saintsbury, spent last weekend with his grand- parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Dr. Jim Skating and Miss Miri- am. Skating of Winnipeg, spent a 'few days with .Mr. and Mrs, H. B, Langford. Starlife Drive -In Theatre 5 Miles East. of Grand,Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Creditln Road WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT. June 26, 27, 28 and 29 "WAR AND PEACE" (Vistavision) * Audrey Hepburn- * epburn* Henry Fonda * Mel Ferrer SUNDAY MIDNITE A MONDAY. June 30 and July 1 "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" * Rock Hudson * Cornell Borchers TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. .July 2 and 3 "OUR MISS BROOKS" (Cinemascope ' *; Eve Arden. Brownie's , Drive -In Clinton' • THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 27 and 28 - "TOUCH AND GO" (Vainily Picture—Color) * Jack Hawkins * Marg. Johnston "TROOPING THE COLOR" (Color—Cartoon) SATURDAY ONLY ' June 29 "FIRE OVER AFRICA" (Color) * 'Maureen ,O'Hara * McDonald Carey (Two Cartoons) Church Service Sunday, June 30 8;00 p.m., Dr. r.. Semple SUNDAY MIDNITE, •12:05 June 30 & MONDAY, JULY 1 i-- .DOUBLE FEATURE "EMERGENCY HOSPITAL" * Margaret Lindsay * Walter acid "HOT CARS" * John Bromfield * Joy Lansing , (2' Cartoons) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 9 and 10 The Management invites 'everyone 'tb see J: Arthur Rank's top pifture of 1957 "REACH FOR THE SKY" sterring Douglas Sider, the legless ace pf the RAF. 'TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 1. July'2 and 3 ",THE .KILLING" (Dela!,), *, Sterling tlay'd n * Colleen Dr+1y (Two Carteana) DOCTOR Donald:, J. R. Petrie, son of Mr. and Mrs.. r. A. Petrie,: 01 Vienna, Ont,,. formerly of Exeter, graduated from the Fac• ulty ' of Medicine, University of; Toronto, on June 14, lie will interne at Toronto Western Hos- pital before entering" general practice, TOWN TOPICS Miss Joan Thomson, Brant- ford, and Miss Nancy Morris, Burlington, spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Les Thom- son. Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacMillan,. Pam and Marlene spent Thurs- day in ,Toronto. 'Iandek►oye C�mrnents MIS. ,l, N. PAJ'QN . di 8,e, a►a Improve rasa.►men., Mrs, Wilmer Scott was host - OSS thefor.i Junea meeting f the Iz' Clandeboye United. CtuReh W.M.. S. and: W.A. Mrs Rae Nell pre. sided for the W.M.S, meeting. The treasurer's report showed the dinner served at the see. ,conal meeting A: financial sue cess. Discussions followed on sending .a bale and obtaining a life membership, Mrs, olive of Xi sat read the scripturend a. the study book on Thailand, was reviewed by Mrs. Gordon Eaton. The W.A. !meeting followed with president d t tMr*. Alex Mcl.n • tosh presiding. Everyone was pleased with the improvements made ice he church basement. A committee was appointed to visitintheir Whalenfloors.church to see the improvements they laveve shade Church Notes The morning service at St. James Church on. Sunday will be at 9.30 a.m. with the rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest conducting the service of Communion and dedication of the new Dio- cean flag. During July the morn- ing services will be at 9.45 a.m. and will be taken by iaYmen while Mr. Prest Js on vacation. Atthe United Church the serv- ice on Sunday was withdrawn due to the anniversary service being held in the Duran United Church. . Patertl iReun an The Annual Paton, eunie,n,,'with A. good attendance, was held 'at Sprangbank Park, London, !,01 lowing the noon heal, president • Harry ,Crellin .of London pt•esitl. ed ,for 'the business session. Mrs. Lea Carley won the prize for coarsing farthest distance and also wars oldest person present; largest faanily, Earl Paton of London with six children pres- ,ent and 1.5 grandchildren; the c '1 hid youngest r.es. I en p t Rick Y lteatnan, Ailsa Craig. President elect is 'Leonard Carley, flint, ,Mich ; vice-presi- dent, Emerson Paton of Kir;k- ton; secretarytrreasurer•, • Mrs. Aileen Richt of 'Stratford, Sev. eral £sonnies banded in Their family histories tor the new book of the fancily tree, It was decided: to have the annual repoloit of the clan in Stratford Park in June 1958, The sports committee, .Donald aieantan, .,Ailsa Craig, Ronald. Paton, ifirkt.on, and Clare Paton, Ciandeboye.eonducted a,progrant of sports, Winners in races, 5 years and under,. Max Dorman, Stanley Tteamen and David i'aT ton; girls 7,, years and • under, Myrna Logan, Joyce Dorman • and Nancy Martin; boys 7 years and under, Paul Martin, Bruce Carley; i. 2 girlsand under,J rr g Jo air Marcee Glendinnig and Judy Hobbs; boys 12 .and under, Paul Martin, Bruce Carley; ladies' balloon race, Shirley Damao, Eve * Beams ; Meaner Crean. :P•. r . : I �t at sae► Hems at s Mr. Ball .and. Mrs. Emily Neale of Belmont dated with Mr. and, Mrs. r" Ms AAI n ,me 1Je drag a A Moaud ,' e .i Mr. end Mgrs. Mae McNaugh- ton anad Mr. and Mrs. Alger liendrle visited on Sunday "with Mr. And Mrs.. Bill Downing .and: ':fatally in Chathani, Bir. Torn Abel of London aril!- . nd on the Be.iber family and M. and. Mrs, .Bea: Neil .on Saturday then :spent ;the weekend with Mr, and .Mrs. Lorne Barker and his. h,. h.s brother, Douglas Abet, .who snakes bis home there. Mr, and Mrs. Kurt Gebel and family visited friends in Enabro 'OA :Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs. Peter Banks ;of Sarnia spent .the weekend with the Ja(ter's family, Mr., and Mrs,. Maurice Simpson. Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Paton and Clare and William, A.11wri.ght. Visited Mrs. Aileen Riehl and Queen's Park, Also ;the Shakes- penman hakes- p a ..ra Theatre, e, Stratford, later,calling 'on Mr.. and Mrs. 'Gold. win Yundt, COMIIIG EVENTS SOUTH HURON Junior Farmer Weiner "toast, Port Blake, Fri- day, July 5, '9;00 p,m. BARN DANCE—Arthur Finlay- son's barn, 11/4 miles north :and 21/2 miles east of Kippen, Friday, June 28.. Music by Norris Or- chestra, dancing 1Q to 1:3Q a.m. • 27c heat Grind :Beni FRIDAY R SATI Juni 24 /Pd SUNDAY .MIDN(,T;J, '12:1* A.M. THAT CERTAIN PEELING"' (Technicolor) * Bola Hops► v. yak R aw M+eri! Sait+t * Oeorla Sounder* MON, TUES. A WIIDR. -Nly+ 1, 2 and '3 'THE BIRDS AND THE BEE$." (Technicolor) A real romantic comedy', THURS., .FRI, * SAT;,. July 4, S..and S . "'PARDNERS (Technicolor) A Martin & Lewis cornedy. Two Shows. Each Nit* 7;30 and 9:30 • Aftern oon Exeter Kinsmen' Club's SixfhAnnual Dominion Day 1,Ell!?i 6 T 1 Mnd'�y, July 1 Exeter Lions' Spring RSE SHOW• (Postponed From May 20) + HUNTERS + WESTERN HORSES + SHETLAND PONIES ' + PALAMINOS Jumping. Stakes, Musical Chairs, Working Stock Horse Flag Race, Equitation And Trail Horse Events EXETER COMMUNITY PARK - 1:30 to ' 5 PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN 35¢ ADMISSION 75f Evening - Picnic Style Chicken BARBECUE Enjoy a delicious meal of chicken,, fresh vegetables, ice cream and beverage in Riverview Park. You don't need utensils; we supply everything. Tickets,On Sale 'From Kinsmen :Members! ADMISSION $1425,- CHILDREN %-TICKET Entitiles You To See Thee Entertaining Events:. Log Rolling Contest • Canoe Fight 'BARBECUE b CONTESTS IN EXETER RIVERVIEW PARK DANCE in EXI:'TER! ARENA STARTING AT 9:50 AR CONDITIONED MELODY ,MAKERS ORCHESTRA ADMIS310N no! AL:Ei PROCEED TO EE U5 `D FOR WELiFARE. WORK