HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-27, Page 14Pep 144 The. Thnes.Advocate, June 27, 1957 II..0 And District News Phone 109 Wean Correspondent: Miss Una. Abbott Q Accident injures Centralia Airmen Two airmen from R.C.A,F. Sta- hu ils Enjoy Tri,. v Raise 99. �1 � To Sarnia Area . �.- -1 For Cancer cipal W.Clow and Mr. B. H. El- i Lucan Women's lnstitiite tion Centralia, Allan Ascah and Nott started on a bus trip to Sar- , h dsetheir June meeting in the William Morrison, are in a satis- nia with 50 Grade 5, 6 7 and 8 ' Community Memorial Centre last a s iylcond.ton in Westminster pupils: in a school bus operated Ho p to following an accident on ,by Mr J. W. Walls, of .Alice St. iThursday evening with 17mem- bers hea i *o. 4 Highway north of Lucan, hers answering the roll �, when their car as in collision After leaving Sarnia the firsts "Hints for a Happy Vacation. Fev- stop was Walpole Island, where with a car driven by Pieter The p Mrs, G. H. George was lunch evry,R.R.1, :Clandebo they foundthe50 0 ponies usually ' convener. She was assisted by Ye, the Seen had been sold, Mrs, Harold Whyte, Mrs, Jaek poles car toppled over two utility At Wallaceburg dinner was en- ;Lankin, .and Mrs, W. 3, Smith. Theies before rollingwinto the ditch, other ear was not damaged joyed in the park and pupils were The motto for the meeting was nor driver hurt. given a free hour to go down "make new friends but keep the Two other asset town shopping. On their return passengers in and old. The new ones are silver. Ascah car, .Gerald Ferguson and a tour' was made of the glass The old ones are gold," Bruce Chambers also of the ac with three guides th The suns. of $990 was collected R.C,A.I..Station, were treated charge, Before leaving, both , at the scene by Dr, C. H. George teachers and Mr. Walls were pre- for the Cancer Society, g rented with six glasses each and Mrs. Cecil Robb gave a talk of Lucan, and then returned to six dozen were given to be di- 'on Citizenship and Education the station, vided among the children. with a lineup of coming events. The next stop was at Oil She also distributed a question- Loya I ty •Le a g u e At 6.30 a.m. last Friday I rut „ Springs where they saw 20 wells being operated with one motor. At Petrolia supper was eaten and a visit from Mr. Stewart Park and Billie enjoyed. The party arrived home at 8 p.m, Grade. VIII Visit Medway naire on the pros, and cons. of . TV. Mrs. Frank Hardy reported on Remains Popular th 1 f th 1 b lution brought up at the District tion enthusiasm has not waned Annual. in the. League of Loyalty of At the May meeting it was Holy Trinity Church. Last year's • e resultso a mai - ox reso- In spite of a five year dura - voted to approach the council enrolment was 42 and this year's is 71, Of these 58 became members by attending five consecutive Sundays and 44 got their names on the Honor Roll by attending. the second group of five con- secutive Sundays, 21 attended 80% of the Sundays and 14 did not miss more than two 'Sun- days. During the morning service Rev. J. F'. Prost presented but- tons to two new -comers, Marilyn and John Neelin; crests to the 21 with 80 attendance and special prizes to Pat Egan and Gordon Hardy for perfect at- tendance. One of the chief objectives of the League is to increase chil- dren's church attendance. Both rector and leader feel that the League .does accomplish its ob- jective in Lucan. Lucan's Grade VIII pupils last ; re trash cans to help relieve the Wednesday were among the 500 I untidiness of the streets. 1VIrs. children who visited Medway and A, E, Reilly, a member of the Clarke Road High School, They {.council reported, five cans would were welcomed by the principal, ; be placed on, Main St. taken on a tour of the school, 1 The Grand Theatre party, din - treated to lunch at the cafeteria, i ner, and visit to a local London They were then asked to write industry was discussed but voted down. However a visit to the Cancer Society in the Fall was approved. Mrs. C. H. George was named to represent the. WI in the Com- munity Club Group who recently sponsored the Trade and Hobby Fair and who meet the second Monday of each month. An evaluation test was made of all. programs during the past year to see which one appealed most to the people. three tests, Intelligence, Mathe- matics and Grammar. The re- sults will have no bearing on pro- motions but will be used as a means to ascertain the capabili- ties of each pupil next September. During the afternoon sports were enjoyed. Swimming News Letters have been sent to all parents, and lists will be posted at the school, arena • and drug store giving the dates for each child's two trips to Gibbon's Park. A charge of 25 cents a trip will be made. "Buck" Auction The second "Buck" auction male was held in the J. B.Ready store last Friday with a larger and more reckless bidding crowd I can Monday May 27 and Miss Mrs. Frank Hardy was named to keep Mrs, George Wilson post- ed on Lucan WI events while she is on her trip to Ceylon. Mrs. Mitchell Baskett report- ed on the forenoon activities of the District Annual's fifty-fourth meeting which was held in .Lu - than even the previous week. Lina Abbott, as .the other dele- gate, reported on the afternoon activities. The secretary's report on the WI concession at the recent Trade and Hobby Fair was en- couraging, as was .also the finan- cial success of the WI District Annual dinner, May 27, Among the winners were Mr. Jack. Murdy who won a box of underwear, Mr. Joe Hay who squandered his money on a teddy bear and Mrs. H. T. Bond who paid..,$252 for a beautiful sheet and pair of pillow cases, but she was well satisfied. Family. Gathering On,Sunday, 20 members of the Revington family met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin for a get-together and supper on the lawn. Those from a distance in- cluded Dr. and Mrs. Len Lob - Owing to the generosity of the editor of the Exeter Times -Advo- cate., Miss Line 'Abbott was able to present tothe branch, $10 for ten new subscriptions. Anyone still wishing to help the WI kind- ly ring 109 for particular's as the Junior Choir Picnic' Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. J. P. Prest, Mrs. Calvin Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steacy and Jane and Mr. Ken Clarke were in charge of the Anglican junior choir' pic- nic at Fanshawe last Thursday evening. From 5 to 7 was spent in swim- ming and boating followed . by a weiner roast, football and base- ball., arriving home at 9.30 pan. Lions Officers Installed On Monday night the new of- ficers of the Lions Club for 1957- 58 were installed and the new president, Mr. Les' Woodward 'presided for the dinner meeting held in the Anglican church basement. ` singer and family of Sarnia, and contest will be closed soon. Plans were made for the light Mrs. Gailey Johnstgn of St. Cath- bulb blitz during the next two arines. I Vacation School Meeting months. There will be no more Personals A meeting of the Lucan area meetings till September. �h h LAC and Mrs.Wm. Brownlee now stationed at Cornwallis, N.S. are happy toannounce the birth of a daughter. Margo Yvonne, born June 10, a sister for Kathy and Vicky. Bring. Picnic Basket ' HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper Wed., July 5:30 p.m. 'Lucan UNITED CHURCH LAWN church vacation school leaders - Presentation , The members of Holy Trinity senior choir met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steacy last Tuesday for a buffet dinner in honour .of one of their members, Mr. B. H. Elliott, who has ac- cepted a. position on the Barrie Public School staff. During the evening Mr. El- liott was presented with a hymn, book by Miss Marilyn Brownlee, and the choir master. Mr. Ken Clarke, giving the address. The regular choir practice fol- lowed. Baseball News Owing to several days' rain the ball game Here with St. Paul's had to be postponed. How- ever Lucan islet Evelyn at• Eve- lyn last Thursday night defeat- ing them 6-1 keeping up their perfect -score of no losses. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fairies and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swatridge all of Stratford were Sunday guests of Mrs. An- nie Fairies. Mr, Harold Brooke and Mrs. Ronald Coleman were Sunday mitt ,,,1n111. guests of their grandmother, Mrs. T. Brooke. The former has been appointed assistant manager of the new Mahar Store in Windsor„ Ile will take over his new duties after relieving for managers at Sarnia and St. Thomas during their vacations. He will be leaving London in. about two weeks. Miss Beryl Cross of Cbbourg, was a visitor last week with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Corbett. The Denfield Baptist Church Celebrated its 123rd anniversary last Sunday with special services at 11 a.m. and: 7,30 p.m. The Rev, Harvey Mritt of Arkona was the ':guest siieaker.. Mr, and Mrs. Chas Windsor, was held in the United Church school' room on friday evening, with the dean, Rev. John Prest, presiding. The group was ad- vised the registration forms for .the school have been sent out and upon receipt of these forms the executive will meet and ad- vise whether or not more teach- ers are required. The parade of decorated doll buggies, trykes and bykes will be held again this year and the stock car race will again be featured. The women's groups of the five churches taking part in the vacation school will be invited to share in this activity by pro- viding cookies for the kinder- garten group which will meet in the United Church. Golden Wedding Anniversary Dr, and Mrs. T. D. Orme, now of Toronto, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Sun- day. Among those present were Mrs. T, D. Orme and Murray of Lucan who are spending a few days in Toronto. Personal Items Mr. Lawrence Grose of the Tillsonburg H.S. staff was a Sunday caller on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLean, —Please Turn to Page 15 Admission $1.00 and 50¢ 'ltf11i1'HMO ffi 1111,11111111.111111i1111411111#11111 Illiltlli 111GIuili11111111pu111Uu111I1111111ffillM11bpgHlilUgU 11 WRESTLING Wednesday, July 3 -LUC.AN A.R.ENA Grudge Matclrt PAT O'CONNER F«P.= VON,IRIC • With the Support of the Irish,' O'Connor figures he. get sweet Dalt;revenge Terrible Vori 1 rici RON,... on � .. OACHESON vs. JOHN PESEK ,JAN GpU1'CH vs, JOHNNY WALKER Show Starts 9 p.w,r ,lidttrllllilon Reserve '$1.50 and $1.35; 'General $1,00 rNllrirllrlMnrrrl'11111'IpY11l71ifYY11111rf1�n1111ginY`ItYYniilPllYYlreprirririr�lrrlrlrrlrirltfigtlllnfnPllYrui<; Mrs. Annie Fairies and Miss Lida Abbott visited Mr's. John Blair of Calgary in. Victoria Hose, pital last Wednesday where she will remain kr at least another ten days, Mrs, Alvin McLean has re- turned home after spending a fowl days in Dublin, the guest of Mrs. Annie Lobby, the former Annie ;Ryan of Mean and her sister, Mrs, E. L. Gibson of Exeter, Mr, Les Woodward. spent a few days hi Toronto last week attending an L.O,O,F, Grand Lodge mooting. ' Mr, Eli Thompson called On tueatt friends last Thursday. Mrs. Eldon Ilodgson has re- turned horde after a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Nora man Gras, of Cambridge, Mass. The latter came for Mrs. Hodgr sort then picked up another sis. ter, Mrs, Lela Beadle, of shat- ford and visited with a third slater, Mrs. Chas, Carseallen and Dr, Carsealien of Whitby before going to Cambridge. Junior Farmers' Field. Day Junior Farriers fxorn Ai'va, Merton. Ailsa Craig, Leman, Edgewood, Thorndale, Lambeth, Mt. Brydges and Glencoe held their annual Field Day last Sat- urday on the Medway • KS. grounds, Arva, with 93 points, won the ehampionsixip. Runners- up were Glencoe with 9.3 points and Edgewood with 25. Doreen Garrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman of Lucan,. was .one 1Hear Byron� inister At UC Anniversa.ry The Lucan United Church eele- oxer of Main and Frances. brated its 32nd anniversary last Ministers. included, Rev. Sunday. Taking as. the therne for liam Chapinan, William England, his sermon, "The Venture of Samuel Tucker George Kenuedy, . Faith," the Rev. Clifford G. Park, William Lund, antes E. Dyer, B. 111.A., of Byron, was the guest Sherlock, George Jackson, Robert speaker at the morning service: Davey, Samuel Sellery, R. C. The choir provided special music. 1leliders, R. Williams, A. E. in the evening service the pas- Chown, ,T, ,E. Ford, J. P. Rice, tor, the Rev. E, J. Roulston, H. 3. Fair, J. A. Ay.earst, J. E. chose as Ms theme' "An. Appraisal Holmes, G. J. Kerr, T. T. George, of the Christian .Church." The R. H. Barnby, E. G. Powell and guest soloist was Mrs. R. E. Raw- G. C. Clifford, In t867 Rev.' William Rennie, of. Ailsa Craig, .organized the first f the local winnera in 100 yard dash, high jump, running broad jump and standing lump Farewell Party And. Presentation, Prior to her departure to her new home at Clinton, Mrs, George Young was guest of hon- or at a farewell party at the home eof 1• Mrs. Sheridan � adan Reline-. ton last We,nesd.ay when 20 neighbors and relatives gather- ed to extend best wishes, During the afternoon Mrs. Young was presented` with a steam iron, Marlene Revington snaking the presentation and Mrs. Clarence Lewis- reading an original farewell poem , I 89 On Birthday Mrs. W. T. Banting last Tues-', day celebrated her 89th birthday quietly in her own home with her three sons, Donald and Wilr, liam of Lucan and Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Banting .of Port Huron. In spite of failing hearing and of being tied to a wheel chair; because of rheumatism, Mrs. Banting is very cheerful She and the late Dr. Banting; lb td their GOth wedding anniversary in 1952 and Mr,! Banting died the folio• wing year. lings, of St. 't'rtomes. The Mdthodisteatsand the, Church dates back 95 years Presby- Presbyterian Church across from texian 90 years. I 5 .they the Little Brick Scli oI During n 19M t o i n merged into. the Lucan United tate pastorate of Rev. John Camp Church of Canada, sr last Sun- bell the cliurcli was moved to day was a celebration of the :95th :the lot now awned by Mr; J. H. anniversary of Methodism, the Cantelon and later sold. 90th anniversary of Presbyterian- . Ministers included Rev. John ism, and the 32nd anniversary of Lees, George McKay, George the Lucan United .Church. • ' Galloway, John Glendenning, J. In 1862 a group of Methodists H. Ratcliffe, E. A. Hardie, Robert. met in the railway station to or- McNair, Mr, Freeman, E. F. ganize a congregation under the leadership of Rev. George Sex - smith. Hon. D. McDonald, of Gocl'erieh, donated a lot at the corner of Main and Richmond streets for a church which cost $653. Rev. John MeL. Smith, John Smith, Dr. Campbell, Alex Wilson, Robert 111eDirmott, Daniel Johnston, Wil- liam Fie, J. 3, Brown. Since union ministers include J. J. Brown, S. R. Johnston, W. J. Moores, A. F. Gardiner, R. B. Potts, of London, and Rev, Wil- Cummings, Rev, E. M. Cook and liam Chapman, of Exeter, were Rev,. Edgar 3. Roulston, the guest speakers at the opening services. Robert Fountain was the first Sunday School superin- .Personal Items 'Miss Joan McLean has ac - In 1867 the church was enlarged and an organ purchased for $281. In 1872 the church was shoved to its present location, on the col- lgwdale. eepted a permanent position with the Children's Aid at Wil Dost Papers What si.clamor in the Post 01. free .ate day Thursday and Friday as subscriber after :subscriber asked for his Exeter '.rinses Advo.- eatet •".Mrs. Jones" and "Mrs. Smith" got theirs and I didn't get xninel" Only one bundle of papers instead of two reached the Post Office Thursday morn- ing. The other bundle .apparently went on a tour to. Toronto but decided to return Saturday morn. Ing, The editor kindly sent down substitutes but as they, _didn'.t ar- Lucen Horse Wins .et flarburp ' • iy our-year.old "Boward Rose - croft, " awned bF driver. laud Gd.. niour and Sheiidaa° RevingtOn.ot Lucan, paced bis: fastest mile o the year, Monday, JJte 1.7, at. Buffalo Raceway. Entered in- a Class G• Pace it moved cut in front at the first quarter and was never seriously threatened in the $-horse event, rive till Saturday morning either they were returned with thanks, Illi,{1.111111111,1111.111111111111111111111111{I millll,l,ll 111,111111111111111II1111111111111111111111111111111II IIIIIII.IIIIIIII �' CABARET STYLE ANCING To Music by Bill SteWart and His 'Parkview Garden Orchestra. SEAFORT'.-. ARENA I� FRIDAY, JUNE 28 Dancing at 9;30 • Enjoy This Special Cabaret Style Dance • - Splendid Floor -- Novel Decorations •Tables provided for your convenience. ADMISSION -- 75¢ EACH Auspices Seaforth Athletic Association 41111u11}1111111,1IupIMHIM11111"n111101111t,111In11111,1111{ ,11111, UMW 1 .11 ENTIRE STOCK of DRY GQODS; Quifting! Selling Ouf SHOES, CLOTHING, DOMESTICS DON'T MISS! LUCAN °N* DON'T FORGET BUCK Es;.. S Aucfion Free Every • Friday Nite 'at 8 p.rn. LAST DAYS! HURRY! THOUSANDS CAME - THOUSANDS SAW - THOUSANDS BOUGHT IT'S THE GREATEST SALE SENSATION IN HISTORY • WE WERE JAMMED AT THE OPENING • 1 EVERYBODY WAS HERE • THE ONLY SALE YOU WILL EVER GET REAL BARGAINS IS .A SELLING OUT SALE • IT MUST BE SOLD AT ANY PRICE • SAVE Fred A. Tarbox SAYS: CRANK, UP THE.. OLE BUGGY ---- LEAVE ' THE DISHES IN THE CRIB—PUT THE BABY 'IN THE/ SINK--: DEMANDS IMMEDIATE 1 STORE HOURS 8:30 to 6 Daily Fri. tib 10 Sat, til 6:30 PR CES SLASHE W4WEE! %Let's Go Look $ 77 Buys ;What � Now ONE ENTIRE TABLE -JAMMED WITH VALUES WORTH TWICE THE MONEY. HUNDREDS OF VALUED ITEMS. WE MUST SELL QUICK.' S0 HI RRY. AUCTION ,FRI.'.8 P.M. Scott Montle SHOES ,4w toe Aoi $10.00 T1[i!n',r DRESS PANTS iVsli, to *14.0t goo 'wl.1.rr 14 diem, fin ion PANTS Ax low gilt 33c tiog,s 'F)llilen to $7.0 SHOES $3.77 Meg. 'Values to $3.96 SHOES alone inrCroc SHIRTS 1. »,cies YD. 3, GOODS r,.11ttt`H' � �� SOX Nt 1N • COME WHILE THESE ITEMS LAST. NOTHING HELD.. :�iaare�l DRESSES • .Ail telt AO $1ooa Don't Go "NAKED" Look cryc Buys What 7 I Now ONE ENTIRE TABLE WITH VALUES THAT USUALLY SOLD UP • TO $5.00 SHIRTS • TIES • SHORTS • SHOES MANY OTHERS — DON'T MISS! Get Your Auction Money ,It's First ,Come•! First Served Assommossw MODESS KOTEX ttei .sir •31c 411r.tar111.ur.. Don't Be LATE Look$77 Buys What � Now A TABLE FULL OF TERRIFIC VALUES TO BE SACRIFICED TO SELL OU,T IN A HURRY. I HAVE ORDERS TO, SELL OUT IN•A• HURRY DON'T FAIL TO COME: Get Your . AUCTION, BUCKS Cotton THREAD Re*•' sit S c • J a Uwll111tlrj;; Glee JEANS 97c iitex'x SPORT SHiRTS S1000