HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-27, Page 13a
. ;Sank And
Evening Service
Open this. SuridaY,. Werdnes•
day aftarnoon, acid tiering
the ev.eptiig throughout the
tarry Snider
Garen Work
Shown To Jilts
A deinonritregiatt .on transplant -
,ng Rend thinning vegetables WAS
iverl at the accreting of kiCuroa-
;tle Jelly Jttli; Carders L'itih
gather d at the home oi:: the
leader, Mrs. Mac Hodgert..
Garden, weeds, insects on. the
.vegetables ,end the vitamins: that
• vegetables contain were ,44.
cussed. The roil -call for the July.
meeting As to be answered by
110w 1' served alae vegetable
since the last meeting,"
Mrs. Barry Dougall, assistant
leader, WAS po'hostess,
1 GIVE 1
I Get mare milk--
'Keep your Cattle 1
1 free of biti»g flies,
I NQWAwt Dust there with il
1co pink COWELY 1
I COWRY POWD>r>i,—use
11VWF`y It just twice a 1
4 month,1
1 • ,o ,,.K
IFor al FI y Free
I Bairn use
10 40111140,
.4 OA .,
Al ill
DER, is bettor
than any spray.
Lasts 2 weeks or
more --less work
' for yeti—better
protection for
Your tattle. Costs
less than Cent
A day,
Flies can't
res i s
feedAction; they
Duct it over
floors to. keep
barna ire, of
ON $Ai,E AT.
The average size of the Cana-
dian family during 1,955 was 3.8
persona, Newfoundiand, of all the
ces, bad the greatest size
Save 53c
Crediton Wi
f its.'City
For the Juste- meeting mem-
Drs .of the Crediton Wtrmen'a
Institute motored to London
where, they visited a number of
.factories including the Erneo 1
Ltd., formerly the Empire brass
mfg, Co,, Xenon's Co, of Can
ado :and McCormick's Ltd,
Tliey enjoyed a picnic lunch
at Fanslrawe Park and the
beauty of the flowers at the
Morgan Gardens, The trip was
arranged lay Mrs Walter Weber
and her committee.
Stephen ScW* Plaid DIY
The Field Day for Stephen
Township Schools was helot at
Deal:Weed'Ball Park an Friday
afternoon, June 21. '
The first ,part of the afternoon
was spent in organized games
at different age levels, under
the direction Of the teachers,
This was (allowed by two
closely -fought ball games for the
iptermerliate and senior .chain-
plonship•-both between Crediton
and Dashwood. In the intermedi-
ate, Dashwood wart the Cup'
while Crediton won the senior
cup. --Mr, and Mrs. Francis Clark,
and Mrs. Frederick Mor- Crediton, marked 60 years of marriage at a. family cele.
lack and son of Waterloo called bration An Saturday Mr. Clark' made harness in Crediton
on Dr. IVorIack's grandmother, and Granton and .also managed the telephone system in
Mrs, John Morlock on Sunday. Crediton before be retired, Both Mr. and Mrs, Clark were
A large number attended the active 1n tine United CYruleka. '_ Photo
memorial service in the Creel -1
iton cemetery on Sunday. Rev,
T. E. Dahms of London was
guest' speaker. Rev. G. Strome
contributed a vocal solo and was
accompanied by -airs, E• M.
Crediton United Church School
will hold the annual Picnic in
Riverview Park, Exeter on Sat-
urday, June '29 at 2.00•p,m,
Miss Ellen Veale, Mrs. May
Will and Dr. Helen Will of Iiaz-
elton, Penn, visited last week
at the Chambers' home and at-
ihe Priestley -Chambers
wedding on Saturday:
Prier to her marriage an Sat-
urday, Miss Patricia Chambers
was honored when her mother,
Mrs. Edward Chambers served
a trousseau„ tea to their many
friends on Wednesday afternoon
and evening of last -week.
Mrs. W.. D. Mack attended the
anndal meeting of the Ontario
Historical Society held in Guelph
and Elora, June 20, 21. and 22,
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Hoist
and daughters of Fonwicic visit»
ed. on Sunday with Mrs. "' H.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fahrner
and Glenn of Sudbury spent a
few days last ween with Mr.. and Presentation
Mrs. L. Morlock.
eph spent the weekend in Flint, On Satufday ,ev.ening 96 people
1VIrs, E. Genn, Mary and Jos- of Thames Road Sunday School
sat down to a bountiful supper
ch• few in .Riverview Park, Exeter.
and Shirley Palmer spent a few
r. and Mrs. E. M. I''ahAfter the supper hour, . Mrs.
Reg Hodgert read an address
days last weekwith Calvin 1! ah- and Mrs. Robert Jeffery present-
rner at South Cayuga.
Mr, Royal Hoist of Chicago ed Mrs. Moores with a wrought
iron tray. Mrs. Moores spelte a
visited last week With his father iron
words in appreciation.
Mrs. Floyd Ballantyne, Mrs.
Jack Duncan and Mrs, Melvin
Gardiner were the table commit-
tee. Mr. and Mrs. Mae Hodgert,
Mr. and• Mrs; Wilfred Hunkin,
Mr. and , Mrs Lee Webber were
in charge of the sports.
Winners were: 'nursery class, ll,
Grant .. Hodgert, Jimmy
kindergarten class. No. 1., Doug-
las Webber, Jack IV,(aver; No. 2,
Jack Hodgert; Margaret Hun -
kin; boys. 6-8, Billy Jeffery, Doug
Coward; girls, 6-8, Marlene Web-
ber, Faye Duncan; boys, 9-11,
Ronnie Coward, Ronald Clarke;
girls, 9-11, Barbara Webber,
Joyce Mayer; boys, 32-14, Wayne'
Prance, Danny 'Coward; girls,
3.2.14, Margaret' Webbcr,i Helen
Young people, Marilyn Moores,
Color ,Fairn.
We roll1I it ourselves to save
you 'money!
Only $1.85. ,
Factory Roiled Magazine
1/ E H R
Phone 343 Exeter
e/.94 (wive
. r'� ;'�AIN�M4"iIN'4ltwttp 1W »,. ,nsNS X33
Moan 5•iOlt.s>
All -flew. Frigidaire
Super Valu!
It's all new—every inch of it—frons new SaifetY-
Seal Latch to rte coign= gay interior. With the
magical Sheer Look that transforms any kitchenl
it's the Bendiest Ever
Xmagine, in 10 eu. ft. You get a 1 tinnily -Sized Super
'Freezer Chest • 3 Big p'ull'Width Removable
Alurninuirn Shelves ; Handy 12emovable Hall` Shelf
• Deep iull»Width Porcelain Hydrator •. Sliding '
Chili Drawer • Huge Super Storage Door with
Butter Compartment and riveRiemovabfe Shelves
F • 2 Quiektabe fee Trays -all in ;1 refrigerator which
' clips in among your kitchen cabinets for that
tiresistrrefX "built-in" look,
*Uhl AND r.l
IAtKEe sr la
b%i4ERA4 MATOtri oN is
5269 °°
Harness Maker, Wife
arried Sixty Years
Mr. and.Mrs. Francis G
marked their diamond wedding
anniversary on Tuesday of this
A family gathering was held at
their home, Crediton, on Satur-
a dinner Armstrong'sst>
Restaurant, Exeter. Celebrating
with them were a son, Russell
Clark, Detroit, and a daughter,
(Laura), Mrs. Harry- Dale,
Brampton, and their families.
The couple received many ex-
pressions of good wishes from
friends and gifts of diamonds
from their family. A telegram_
was received from. Premier Lea -
Couple e.
Fifty V ears
Mr, and bits. Miatoa Brook,
life-long residents.0 tkie Zion dic-
•wit.a reception At Zion West t
lr it.ed Church, end open house
in the evening. for friends and
Milton Brock • and the fernier
Mary Delbridge of Winchelsc L
area, were married at the home
of the br'ide's parents on June 28,
1907' by Rev. 11. Fair of Flint-
ville Methodist Church.
Following their marriage, the
topple have resided on the same
farm for fifty years. Both .are
enjoying food health. They are
active inemker5 of Zion Chureh,
They have one son Norman„ ori
a nearby farm, .and five ,grand.
children, (Marion), Mrs, Bert
Morgan. St. Marys; Doreen and
Doris, Margaret and Bill,
lark lie Frost and a congratulatory
message from •Ontario's provin-
cial secretary was resented by
Thomas I'ryde,. M•L,A..
This Week In
Thames Road
and family.
• Miss Louida Finkbeiner is
spending some tune 'with Mr.
and Mrs. Jones in Kjppen.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roff-
man of Bluevale visited on Sun-
day with relatives 'here, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook,
Mrs. E, C. Goeden and Miss M.
E. Chambers of Woodstock called
an relatives here on Wednes-
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Fink-
belner and Mr. and Mrs..Alberir
Geiser returned Sunday night
from a trip to Algonquin Park,
Ottawa, Toronto„ P'cterboro and
many other points. '
Mr, Gerald England of .Alaska
visited Witlt Mrs. England and
family in London and with his
parents Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
England in Crediton. Gerald has
served with the Bell Telephone
Co. in .Alaska for the past year
and was due for a change, but,
by special • request, due to his
ability, will return for another
six weeks...
Mrs, 0..: N. Braun of Caseville,
Mich„ is visiting with her broth-
er, Mr. Albert Morlock and
other- relatives.
4 Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Maelt lucky plate, Brian Miller; person
„visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorry with most buttons, Victor Jef-
Cann and Patricia at Alliston fery; grandfather with mast
over the weekend. grandchildren, Mr. Joe Kernick;
youngest mother, Mrs. Donald
Bray; weight of Person who
wears belt, Gordon Stone, Mrs.
Ken Duncan; oldest person, Mrs.
Mord; ord; largest family, Mrs,
Robert 1Vlaver youngest child,
Robert Bray; person with most
coppers between . 1940-49, Mrs.
Jake Duncan.,
Present Soh Voyage Gifts Personal Items
The Y.P.U. ' held a Weiner 1VTr, and Mrs, Chas Jeffery,
roast at the summer home of Mr'and Mrs. Glenn JefferY
Mr, and Mrs. en
Lammie tenddd the Luther re union at
Cl'and Bend on Saturday eve- Sarnia ori Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ray Stewart and
family of Sarnia were guests on
Orr a trip t p Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, William Thorn -
San of Exeter, Mr. and . Mrs. Wit
lion Rhode, Douglas, Glenn and
Calvin were guests • on Sunday
with Mrs. Harry Pettibone and
Mary` Gay of Aylmer, •
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner
and Marilyn were guests on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Railcars of Bloomingdale.
Mr. and Mrs..tolin Bray, Mr,
and Mrs, Donald Bray and Rob-
ert were • .priests on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Iloggarth
of SVallacebut'g.
Mr, and Mrs. William Elford
and Doris were guests on Sun-
day with , Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Sohns of Exeter. _.
Master Dobby Stone had his
tonsils removed recently at
South Huron Ilo:lpital, Exteter,
Mrs. Beg ITodgert, Mrs. Wit,
jlam Rohde and Mt.'s. William
A musical recital is being held. Who want Ott the tis trip with the
Francis William Clark, son of
the late James and Mary ClarR,
and Effie Una daughter hter
the late William and
Lewis were both born in Credi-
ton where they continued to live
following their marriage . when
Mr, Clark assisted his father in
the harness making business, Ile
later purchased a similar, busi-
ness in Granton, where they lived
for seven years when they re-
turned to Crediton and took over
his father's business.
Mr. Claris was local manager
of the Bell Telephone Co. for 40
years and he also Purchased the
rural system which he managed
for 27 years before the Bell Tele-
phone took over. the whole sys-
tem, '
The celebrants wererboth active
in United Church organizations.
Mr. Clark was seeretarJ'-treas-
uror of the church for many
years, Mrs. Clark was an active
worker in the women's organiza-
tions and a teacher in the Sunday
One daughter, Merle who
served many years as telephone
operator and church organist,
died in 1942, They have four
grandchildren; Mrs. .1 a re e.a
Schroeder, London; Donald and
Ted Dale, Brampton; Glenn
Clark, Detroit, and a great-grand-
son, James Clark:, also of petroit,
Doris Elford • cirneeful walk,
Mrs. Roy I3allnntyde,. Mrs, Ar-
nold Cann; children kick the slip-
lantyne; ladies, Wayne l MVIargaret Web-
ber, Mrs, Arnold Cann; Hien,
Gordon Stone, Donald Bray.
Bean race, E. Miller's team;
bum race, Donald Bray's team;
Message. From
During the evening, Mr, Dick
e ut eon who Wt on Sunday
o Europe,.. was re-
sented with camera equipment
and a memory log book. n
S.S. Pienie
Thete was a large attendance
at the Sunday School picnic iti
Riverview Park, Exeter on Wed-
nesday evening last. A fine list
of sports had been arranged by
the committee in eharge and a
-good time was enjoyed by all.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. M. Elliott and
Miss Agnes Anderson were Sun-
day guestswith Mr. and Mrs.
S. McCoy n London.
Mrs, Lorne }Belts 'visited ever
the weekend with her sister,
Miss Wilda Pollock in iCitelten-
er, '
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Haddock,
Mr. and Mrs, George Daynhatn
attended the Decoration Service
in the Grand Bend cemetery on
Sunday afro were 'visitors at the
home of Mr. and Td s. T. Bcstard. { sow.were anyone some of those
Loge Aid
Junior Band
Th. '1X1..Ld ii�Advocat!
• Or 'Graduation
*ipso aef ,altdlt',..lialltr al
11404.. ***AIWA Ltwrt tltrJRIM :ttr "
bracelet Witich in a .dainty sign:id row* woo* swift
+design., '$17•5Q strap, $65;00
A donation of $17 from the sale
of aprons was voted to be 'given
the Junior ABand at the' closing
meeting of the seasons on Wed-
nesday evening of Pride of
Huron Rebekah Lodge.
Members voted to substitute a
pot' luck supper at the opening
meting in September for the
usual summer picnie.
Noble Grand Miss Ruth Skin-
ner conducted the meeting and
the annual report of D.D.P. Miss
Jessie Little was read by the
secretary, Mrs. Margaret Flet-
Prizes for the euchre marathon
held during the winter months
were given to Mrs. Harold Bell
who tied with Miss Ruth Skin-
ner for high score and to Miss
Betty Coates for most lone hands.
ofa ch
A presentation
floral bouquet was made to
E. S. Steiner by Mrs. Valeria
Armstrong on behalf of the lodge
members.' Mrs. Harry Cole read.
the address. a
in the United Church Ott Friday 'Usborne township school chit-
e;a;1 g . tinder the supervision dren to Niagara Palls on Friday.
of Mrs,. TCenneth Hodgins,
Miss Margaret Clarke R.N.
who has ben on the; staff of the
Bella Coda hospital for the past
year arrived home last week to
spend her vacation with f
' air var-
etits, Rev. S. , and Mrs, Clarke.
Mr, anti Mrs. i4Yatrricio Mae»
Quite a number attended the
reception and dance on Friday
evening iti for Mr. and
Mrs, Gerald Bell.
'Ori Sunday' rtiotting the Seers
meet of the Lord's Supper ,will
be observed at the church ser.
Deltaic! of Lucca were Sunday via,
evening visitors with Mt' Dorden
Smyth, treat where theSi will visit with
Mr. and Mrs. K0111e01 trod. relatives fora few days prior
gins attended tine decorratian to T)iek'a departure fax ''usage.
aerviee at Grand Demi nernetery, MSS 1•lorente Clarke who .is
on Sunday, attending smuttier school In To-
M'rs. Prod 11 cCutelieon and roam spent the weekend at her
rattily 1dt on Sonday for Matta home,
The •Best
FLY KiLLER for Barns
Only X r,0'rt73A,Tr blas
'I'Itir.( rt.W nctlWtl
flies can't resist .1e
kill„ as ii,e'g .teed,,
,amities tt dnY iv
dost x� r. O It la A X'r
over floors -•.— keel*
t,nrn tree o!` tUea,,
ON Vera; AT
Phone 287
Left front element .egvipped
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Provides capacity for your largest family gathering:
Come in and see this:brand new cookinginireele
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A place -flat road 'makes any car feel
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That's why you' need a Buick ..• . alt
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If ever there was a west year to buy a Buick 4.. this is it l
With all that's rtew in Buick for '57 .. new almost every..
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