HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-27, Page 10Ii0' Tbs 'i ien.i,Allvaciter Jung 27, '1957 �MtrkIX111MXiXXntYY1XUMXYXiifXXXXu,WMugitf� 2 CENTS A $USH'EI Stops Grain Insects For A Whole l Year Spray 'gins With HOWARD RIN, q TREAT B.Itt 1 to. ;l4 insects 'TREAT I• in' cracks and • crevices,. Treat New Grain With •HOWARD GRAIN GUARD POWDER Ririe$ easily with new grain as it is binned—protects it .from, ,grain insects for a whole year without affect- ing milling, feed or seed value. It costs about 20 a bushel to. use BIN TREAT and GRAIN GUARD—less than it does to fumigate. "ON SALE AT ,c • Dashwood 'Feed Mill DASHWOOD Snin1r1myiitInt i ll4ln RiUtUUtuUnunUPl111nB Down To Earth Continued from :age S chided: We were a net importing' . T,T..�... It, rt t1 J.Piaflshard 14X AIM.. 04A4/WYK .H'OOT'ER country, for beef last year. With- out enough. beet to supply our domestic market, * why should we .advertise the product raised in, some other counts'' Bateman answered that although last year Canada WAS a net importing country, undoubtedly production of beef would increase, to meet and more than meet the increase in population. Besides, he said the money raised 'would be used for other things, as well as for advertising. Another 'question: How can we get our price up when the Lr.S. is ready to flood our market with .cheap beef whenever they feel like' it? Bateman could see no way of raising prices here when there is cheap beef in the USA. Question: Isn't it up to the packers to advertise? Answer: The packers advertise their brand navies, but cannot adver- tise raw meats and hope to reap the benefit — their f t " competitors, who perhaps do not advertise, would .profit by their expense. Question; Could the CHIP not do something towards getting better co-operration between the railroads and the producers? We're getting no co-operation frons the CNR, and the stock- yards are being locked against us. They say they are locking them against the truckers, but isn't it against the farmers? Bateman: the railways .don't seem to co-operate as they should. We've been working with them, and leave gotten some promises, and some of our sug- gestions to improve shipping , have been accepted. Two members of the audience stated that they felt it was up to the producers to advertise their own product. One quoted the experience of the dairy farmers, and their increased consumption of milk and milk products as the result of their promotion project with June Set -Aside money, We buy twine by the carload. Because we enjoy. a saving we pass the saving on to you. NATIONAL is a TOP QUALITY TWINE, rodent and insect treated. Guar- anteed'for use in ALL, MAKES OF BALERS. rtlit IIII t!llI',Inn nellllllIttitin lllitlliltumult llllItttnitil,lUrit„ltlttnut flit] utt tt, unuldliilliillnttutA Ci r • Travel By Traiier‘ THS' MODERN` WAY T0' TAKE YOUR VACATION See This Trailer On Our Display Lot Travel 'trailer is the modern, carefree way to take long trips .or to enjoy summer holidays, Witha trailer you eat, visit'the-Maritimes or the west, ,go to Florida or Mexico in the winter at aiilazingly low cost; in the summer you can take•yebr trailer on long weekends to any spot within 150 utiles for a pleasant holiday; or. you can utilize it as a fl slimer cottage parked at a nearby resort, On you own a travel trailer, you'll be surprised at ;Whole hew wer'ld •it• opens up for you. Trailer travel eettures freedom, to do what you want. You can stay 'as ditg as fou like et' any place you like—you have your own 'incite) and restaurant With you at all times, "The beat of these trailers is the 'I'1tOTWO0D', Pictured abvsi ,an our r lot, 1t s designed for perfect hauling oit the roads—it wont swing or sway—and it has amazing conven- iences packed in its eompact frame. The one above will sleep five persons comfortably. We have new and. used Models, Let us give you a complete deirlonstration. See us right away so you cats enjoy ai -wonderful summer in a T;OTWOOD TRAILER, Lk.yd Hey SNI 'ON CIkEDITON 1rYYYYYofYYrdYYYnottifflot1YYYYYYYYYYmoiniiYYiYIYI'IYt►ails YVYYYtImoiYYriiiuirt'fiYYmfat'i'IYYYYYDitiifi+ Report gain Grand .Bend Et! Mitt, E. KSOWN Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Parkin, W.I. Entorteins Rev, and: Mrs. A,E. Holley son atilt' family spent Sunday eve- On Thursday 'afternoon the who were home fe ^the F.lear- ning with Mr, and Mrs. Wrlfr,4d local Women's 'Institute enter- Finan wedding OA ,Friday eve- - Garett of Granton_. tamped about 6Q members of Ill• Hing Ica .8gat.>; Monday for .a Mrs jack Thomson imville and liurondale Institutes fewsnore days vacation.. Rev. at their, regular u ontlil y meet. Holley wilt resume duties .and ing. Two items were contributed have charge of tha services in by each, Institute for :the pro- the United Church next Sunday. gram rvliieb included a sing. It is expected the services will song. The memmbers were wel. be held in the open :air if the coined by the president, ltlrs.'weather permits, Emery Desjardine, Constable and Mrs. E, 11ic- and family spent Sunday eve- ning with Alts bilvada Hopkins of Mitebellr Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thomson spent the weekend at Oshawa. St, Lawrence River, Bull and Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Clare, Veryl and Jeanette and Miss Beth Facey spent tire' weekend with 11Ir. and Mrs. George Channel of Bloomfield, Ruth and Beth remaining for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones anct family attended the Dawson re- union on Saturday at Gibbon's Park, London. • Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Young of St. Marys spent Saturday eve- ning with Mrs. Jas Mosses. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knox spent Sunday at Fa w Lake. Mrs. Chas. Kelly, Peer. Jim- mie and Paul, Mrs. Chas. Kelly Sr. of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey, Peter, Jimmy and Paul remaining for a week or so. Mrs. Theodore Stephens of Anderson, Mrs. W. Kernjek of St. Marys spent Wednesday eve- ning with Mrs. Jas. ,Moi;sCy. The Story In Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER S.S. Anniversary The Elimville Sunday. School anniversary service was held on Sunday with .Rev. W. F. Krotz of • the Dashwood Evangelical, United Brethren Church as guest minister. Baskets of white and pink peonies. adorned the front. The children's choir sang two numbers under the leadership of Ronald Elford and MiSs Frances Johns at the piano. ,Visitors in the community were: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter, Mr. J. W. Manning of Clinton, with' Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Pym Mr. and Mrs: Luther Rowcliffe of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern of Zion, Miss Gerta Hun- ter of London,with Mr. and Mrs, Everett Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle of- Thames Road, Mr, and, Mrs,. Beverley Skinner and Noel of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs.Frank- lin Skinner. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ?yin and. John of Thames Road, Miss Marilyn Tuckey of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett of Thames Road with Mr. John Kellett. Mr. and Mrs, John Delbridge of Exeeter with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Routly- Mr. outlyMr. and MrS, Jack Robinson, Steven, David, and, Dianne' of Kirkton With Mr, and. Mrs.' Chas. Stephen, Mr. and •Mrs. Chester Dunn, Mr and Mrs. Joe .Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of Exeter and Miss Flossie Davey of Central- ia with Mr, and Mrs. John Rid- ley. , Mr.• and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Shirley and Harry of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and fam- ily, Mr, and -Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd, Mr: and Mrs, Harold Bell and Carol Ann, Mr, and Mrs: Donald Parsons and Susan of Hensall .with: Mrs. PhilipMurch,: - - Eby Band Entertained The Elimville W.M.S. and W.A. Held. their June meeting at the borne of Mrs. Lewis Johns where they entertained the members of the Baby Band. Mrs. Deliver Skinner. had charge of the pro- gram,' During the program Mrs. Franklin Skinner read an ad- dress and. Mrs. Wm. Routly presented . Mrs. W.. J. Moores with a • set of bed sheets and Miss Marilyn Moores with a cup and saucer on behalf of the W.M.S, and W.A. Both Mrs. Moores and. Marilyn thanked everyone in a pleasing way Personal Items • Mr. Stanley Johns of the fi.C,N. spent a few days visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs,. Kenneth Johns He will be sta- tioned at Shearwater, N.S. after his furlough. 1MIr. Elgin Skinner of New Toronto visited over the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whet- stone and Merrill Anne of Lon- don visited on Sunday evening with. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell. • 'Mr,' and Mrs. Delmer Skin- ner,' Edward and Frances, Mr. and, Mrs. Melville Skinner visit- ed en Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred rPord of Eden. • Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Long of Atwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Johns. Mrs. Maynard 11fargison and Glen, MrS. Ed. Johne 'visited on Saturday with Mr. and 'Mrs, Delmer Skinner, Mrs. John Batten and infant son returned home on Saturday frons South Huron Hospital. Mr, and Mrs.. Howard. Cun• ninn g tl t and /and spent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs, Lloyd Vogan of Molesworth. The; Elilwtville church service will; he held Sunday at the usual hour 10 a.in. with Rev; W, .1. Moores for his last service, A. Speeiat conimueion and the rites of baptism„ will take place at this service It.ev. Hugh Wilsonr the new pastor for this charge, will teinmence duties the fol- lowing Sunday, The Btirnvilte Mission Band will hold its June meeting en Saturday, day!June ne 4 at t (re of Miss Joanne Miners, IiOriie. Decoration Service Fadgen and daughtersspent a The annual decoration service a.tives in Royal Oak, Mich,. few days last Week visiting rel - was ]field at .Grand Bend cense- Mrs, F. Baldwin of Goodwood Ont., and Mrs, A. McMurray o Toronto visited for .a few days with their sister, Mrs. B. Keown and Mr. Keown, Edwin and Don- ald^ Fieghen .and Bruce Draper J. 7.'ruscott .also sang a duet. aunt Torontooverthe visitedweekend, with their Mr Ebner Bell, Q.C. of Exeter was guest speaker, and spoke on the spirit .of the pioneers of the community compared with the spirit of the community to- day. Rev. A. E. Holley was chairman for the service. Mr. Murray Desjardine read the cem- etery report. Personal Items Mrs. Mary LU is confined to lier bed at .the home of her sen, Mr. Eddie Gill, with illness, Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Dodds of Palmetta, Florida, are visiting friends and relatives in the coin- munity before taking tip res'. deuce in their summer hone on the Maitland River for the sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duggan, Janis and John, have just ar- rived from England and are taking up residence in town, Mr, Duggan has accepted a position with Mr. Wm. Finch'. Mrs, Dug- gan is a sister. of Mrs. Stanley Gill. Mr. and Mrs.. -Wm.. Rendle spent a few days in London and Windsor last week, visiting with relatives, and called on Rev. and Mrs, Houghton and daugh- ters. Rev. Houghton was the former rector of St. Johns -by-. the -Lake. Mrs. Elsie Yealland of London returned home with them and is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs, Beadle. • Mrs, Ellen Desjardine • has been laid up for the past few weeks with a sore foot. The W.A. of the United Church are holding a home -baking sale on the church 'lawn on Saturday afternoon, July 6. Mr, Delbert Mason and Mr, and Mrs, Billie Baird of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear, and to' attend the Flear-Finan wedding on Fri- day evening, were Mr. Flear's mother, Mrs. W. Flear, and sis- ters, Mrs. J. Hewitt and Mrs. Geo. Buckingham, his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. D. Flear, all of Toronto, his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. Flear of Hamilton, their son, Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Flear and family of London, and friends, Mr. and MrS. J. Charzin of De- troit. • .Attending the Luther picnic'at Sarnia on Sunday were Mr.. and Mit. Lorne Luther, Mr. and Mrs. Mansford Luther, Ivan, Larry and Lynda. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Desjar- dine, Michael and Diane, Mrs, Thos. Desjardine and Darlene, Miss Inez Desjardine and Mr. Geo. Winegarden spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos.•Desjardine's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Windsor. Mrs. Desjardine is remaining with her parents for a few days. Mrs. Roy Flear and Mrs. Don- ald, Flear entertained at a re- ception on Thursday evening for bridal party for:the"Flear- Finan Wedding, following the rehears- al. Mr. Allen Miller, whos suffer- eit a heart attack, is improving slightly, but has to be kept very quiet for the summer. Mr: and Mrs. A. DeVries and Kathy of Kitchener, Mrs. F. Wiseman, Miss Shirley and Mr. Harry Wiseman and Miss Aline Durnford of London called on Mr. and Mrs -4E. Keown. tery an Sunday aiternooti The Dashwood band played for' the hymns, and. gave some fine se- lections. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. Ross Love sang a duet,. and Dr. H. .Godsell and Mr, s The eggs of the water flea will batch 10 years ' after they are Iaid.: phone 102. HARVEY'S TAXI •• 24-HOUR SERVICE PINK COWS 1 1 1 1 1 GIE 1 ;MORE MILK 1 •• 1 1 1 i 1 11 1 1 0. on salt At Imes 0 OOWFIY raAii. is Imo Get more milk— 1 Keep your cattle 1 free of biting flies. Dust them with pink COWFLY s POWDER—use 1 it just twice month COWFLY POW» 1 DER is better' ,1 than any spray, 1 Lasts 2 weeks or mere less work for you -bettor Noteet'ion for ,II your cattle. Costs 1 less than cent a day, A,timber of ladies of the tk ! Ctim'vi11e t in en' s Institute Exe eir rdrft o: were guests of the Grand Bend fitstitute an Thursday afternoon'; alt. 'Greed Bend, Perce p Mr, and Mrs. Coward of Bellinghani,Weshirtgton, 'visited Monday with Mr., Mid Mrs, Chat. Stephens, 1' N:iws 0E40 :prem. 'Crediton East t IN.,MOTZ Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and daughter; Marle.ne. a:nd. Mr. Ed. Harris,all of Leaden spent Sun. day with Mr ;and Mrs. Win, 'Mots,. The Crediton East neighbors gathered at :the hone- of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brock and presented them with a 'trilite lamp before moving to. Preston where Mr" Brock -has been employed 'for. seine time. Mrs. R. Mots .:nd- Ronald at- tended a farewell party in River.. view Park. Exeter; on Sunday afternoon for Ar, and Mrs. E. S. Steiner, Production of creamery 'butter to Canada In 1955 reached a new a n n u s-- high of 315,000,000 pounds. - v,, .NOW IS TO PAINT YOUR NOW ;:it,r`1 a..iFor Easy EruiiMing. o Good $,olid Cpvcring • 'Wonderful; High Gleas • Stubborn 'Weather Resistianel•. JAW est for mobreprinBenjatn t: ,FisheFish�r.- HARDWARE Phew " 29 Exeter odernFORI STYLESIDES .. ti. a.. Ili OOP seti STANDAD .0 IXTR.."C'OST S-TANDAR Y_ ttt • • • of TRUCK VALUE! IMM P•100 $TY•UESIDeS BDTRU .•.,tri;} cost less LESS TO OWN ... LESS TO RUN..., s► LAST LONGER TOO d MODERN STY• LESIDE BODIES, standardfat no -extra -cost, are available in both,6i/2- and 8 -ft, body lengths., The hrg Styleside Pickup bodies extend to the full width of the cabs give up to 70 cu. ft. capacity, This new design makes side loading easier. Or you can choose from Ford's traditional FlaresidePickups with 61/2- or 8 -ft. bodies, or -the ultra - modem Ranchero, combining passenger car styling with truck -load capacity. MODERN TRUCK POWER! Ford offers , Pickupsincluding Ranchero, with advanced short -stroke engines. Pickups are powered with 139 Hp. Six or the 171 Hp. V-8; Ranchero offers choice of 144 lip. Six or 190 Hp. V-8, Without a doubt they , are the most modern engines in any truck. MODERN COMFORT, STRENGTH AND RIDE. Ford cabs offer modern cowl -top . ventilation, easy -entry inboard .cab- step and passenger -car comfort. New stronger frames, new sturdier axles and new rear springs increase chassis durability. Ford's new, longer, wider front springs give an improved truck ride. GET MODERN TRUCK VALUES—"standard"• in every Ford- . Truck. . • • (Certain feature: illustrated or mentioned are "Stand- ard" on some models, optional, at extra coat on other:,) Enterthe big Ford -Monarch "Sales Jamboree" Contest -15 glamorous new cars to be given awayl You could be a winner! See your Ford -Monarch Dealer : /w Mb,- mon:Ecu l Snider Used Cars Cost Less, Too '56 'FORD SEDAN, radio, a beaut $1,995 '55 MONARCH COACH, automatic, radio $1,850 '54 BUICK HARDTOP, automatic ....• $1,750 '53 MONARCH SEDAN, like new ,.., $1,595 '55 FORD COACH, a steal , ,,,,,,. $1,495 '54 METEOR SEDAN, radio, lovely $1,495 '54 PONTIAC COACH .......• .............. ............r $1,195 •'53 FORD CLUB COUPE y • .$1,195 '53 FORD SEDAN •. '53 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio ' '52 MONARCH SEDAN '52 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN' '52 FORD SEDAN; Yikd new. Your choice ...... $1,050 '52 METEOR 'COACH .autolnatic 'a steal ....,..: 895 '52 FORD COACH '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN '62'' METEOR SEDAN Your .choice $ 795 ° '51 MONARCH COACH • -'51 MONARCH *SEDAN '51. DODGE 'SEDAN DODGE- SEDAN Your choice$ 695 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN...„r„r,..r,,,r......................•...,, $ 595 '5 HENRY .1 COAOIl ,,,1.11 ..............$ 495. I'M ti