The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-27, Page 1f' 1 • a 4 i.• Kinsmen, Lions Plan Holiday Exeter 'casing -WS sixth an- DoMinuan Day .Celebration Monday .1a0asts. a program al— allot -entirely :different from that. of other years. Attractions include the Exeter Lions' Horse Show, postponed from. May 30; -chicken barbecue, hilarious water ,contests .ae4 dance.. Feature of the evening will. be the log rolling and „canoe fighting contests in. Riverview Park fol. levying the .celeicen barbecue, "We "expect there will be plenty of fun and plenty of dunking before these events are over:" Says Kin President Lloyd Ford. He indicated local men will be participating as well as some "prefessional" talent from Lon- don. • The canoe fight involves *st- ing by two men who have boxing gloves mounted on the ends. .o long poles. E.aeh has a partner to paddle the canoe. Following the contests • there will be a dance in Exeter arena which will be air conditioned for the evening, Endres for Exeter Lions Sprieg Horse Show will be ceining Froin as far .away as Toroilto. and keen competition is :anticipated in all ,cIaases. Events mclude• jumping stales, Musical chairs,. working stock horse, flag race, equitation and trail horse, These are classes for hunters, western horses, shot - land ponies :and valentines. The afternooll show will atart .at 1:80 p.mand is expected to • last five hours. it will be held in :community park. Kinsman President -Elect Irvine Armstrong in in charge of the Kinsmen celebration: Lion Fred Darling is handling the • horse show. Wallace C Pfaff New Postmaster Wallace C, Pfaff, who' has been employed at Exeter Post Office for the past three years, has been appointed postmaster at RCAF Station Centralia. He succeeds Arthur Ball, who was transferred to Clinton. The new Centralia postmaster is the brother of Harvey Pfaff, who is in charge of Exeter P0. They are the youngest and oldest of seven sons and one daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, R.R. 1 Exeter, Mrs. Jack Van Goozen, Ex- eter; has been appointed to the Exeter staff on a temporary basis, Tiberio Trio Off To West B 'Holiday' Makes Debut Grand Bend Holiday, first newspaper published exclusively for the summer resort, will make its debut this weekend. Three thousand copies of the tabloid -size paper, printed by The Times -Advocate, will be dis- tributed to tourists expected to crowd cottages and cabins over the Canadian-Americaak holiday period. Editor of the paper, is Donald Matrices, a 23 -year-old student at. Ryerson Institute of Technology. He has been located at Grand Bencl for the past month pre- paring for the publication. Holiday will be published nine weekend sduring July and AugUst. Hear Plans For Project lafinisters and laymen. of South Huron .church met in James • Street United Church Tuesday evening to hear reports from local director, Rev. G. Strome, Crediton, who has attended four days of training sessions for the sector at Cleveland House, Mus- koka. Mr, Walter Gibson, Ingersoll, who was general chairman of the Perth -Oxford Sector last year was guest speaker and told how the sector plan ,worked in his own church, St. Paul's Inger- soll. Mr. Gibson has been very ac- tive in fraternal organizations but said he had never seen any- thing that equalled the organi- zation of the sector project. Al- though undertaking the chair- manship in a more er less skep- tical attitude he was completely "sold" on the plan and now travels from coast- to coast pro- moting the .sector project. Mr. Frank Ruby accompanied Mr. Gibson and spoke briefly. Rev. Strome outlined the de- tails and organization ef the plan. The project not only benefit the church --by increased ',interest, growth it memberthie and in finances, it discovers people who havemreal gifts of leadership he said, Nine churches have already indicated their willingness to un- dertake' this sector plan and it ,is expected by mid-September that at least ;the quota of 15 church will be enrolled. In the meantime. committees will be perfecting t h e organizational plans. A .film - strip, "Thy Kingdom Come," outlining the sector plan wal shown, Over 100 attend- ed the meeting. W02 Leo "TV' Tiberio, who has been stationed at RCAF Sta- tion Centralia for 10 years and has been 'active in organizations on the station and in Hensall t' during that time, has received a posting to Gimli, Man. a He. his wife and their sdn," Ti, 13 will leave for the west on Saturday, June 29. WO Tiberio is assistant engi- neering officer at Centralia, He is, a past president of the Ser- geants' Ideas and was in charge of station entertainment for seven' years, Active in community life in Hensall as well, he is just com- pleting his term as president of the Kinsmen Club and has served as secretary -treasurer of the park board for three years. ?e organ- ized Hensel]. Cub P'ack three years ago and is still. its Cub- in aster. Merit) has 'been an, ac- tive mentber of the Kinette Club, Sang in Carmel Church: choir and was ,a member of Arhold Circle. She played leading roles in 2 number of community plays, pre- sented in Hensel Their son, Ti, graduates this week from Hensall Public School. 4 'He bas been prominent in school activities and represented Hen- sall in the spelling 'bee this win- ter. Many functions have been held at. Centralia and Hensall to honor the popular warrant officer and his family, i• • 1 ..,a Two former residents of this district figured prominently in .1'. 1' tthaweag°1ays6thit eenkt. shuffle • in Ot-' ii. a a One was appointed to one 'of . the Most.important posts in the \ '' • federal cabinet ' while" the other a• 1 relinquished an equally import- ) ant position in the governmenL. a •' a, I , Donald Fleming, the. Toronto. MP who resided here while his A father taught school in Exeter, became finance m i.n. ister• in , 44 P r i m e Minister :Diefenbaker's' ••h new PC government. Rt. Hon. James Gardiner, a native. of Farceiher, gave up the' agriculture post he has held for'. 22 years in the Liberal got/ern- , silent. iK Fleming hit the headlines on . • Tuesday when he announced he is Preparing to bring .dow.n a fall a budget ,which. wetild result,ip ,;, higher tax exereptiens, increase • old age pensions and possibly - )1,' curb government spending, . The new PC finance chief also , 'a .-•, 0 said that he will attempt. to ease the federal "tight money" :Indio as quickly as Possible to stop• the eOuntry'a housing slump. Ready To Do Raffle Fighting Jim m y. Gardiner, • tough prairie campaigner, yielded his cabinet post last. week .'With no regrets" and at 13 is ready to d o battle battle again at the polls' "if 1 am still alive." . Thus ta...11on. J'aines Garfield G ardiner shed the agriculture portfolio he held continuously for 22. years, evet since he entered federal...Polities hi 1035, On Tuesday he marked the I.' emppletioe of 43 years of un- broken public service in the Sas- katchewan legislature and the .federal Parliament, Tn that period be has never met, personal defeat, at the Willa, a, reOord, he believes. is unmatched by any,,,Otte, • Ile iitivt. joins the. Lib'erals in Opposition, stile remaining' tieeted tneiriber.ef the .orightal1935 Mae - kettle Xing Cabinet, The Other, Rt. 0011, 0, D. HeWe„ was de. feated in the June 10 vote. Not A Slendown af &et think being gust ft member .of P:arliantent is a sterk • down,". the leatherydaeed Sas- katchewan farmer said .in an ift,,, terVieW, "It's the Mast lioriertible -1 Two Former Residents , In Federal Gov't Switch sl PeSiti(in in the couptry." • • He Wag, sitting, in his cabinet office, playing with a set of itevs, His staff WAS busy removing his papers arid other belongings, 6 "You can't always be on the government side. It may appear somewhat strange that in all of my 43 years of public office I have been only twice in opposi- tion once in the Saskatchewan legislature and now here for the first time." What caused the swing to the Progressive Conservatives? "I think the swing generally re- sulted from the fact that mank pedple considered we had been too long in office. There was a lot of people also looking for patronage that they didn't get from the Liberals. They thought they could do better elsewhere. But that would be only a small, element. "The big thing is that people looked to have things done to benefit the population generally .and thought these might be done more fully tinder a new group." Have Promised The Conservatives had proni- ised to recince taxes and increase —Please tern to Page 3 1 Eighty -Sitcom' 'Oar es-Abut:cafe 1EXOTER ONTARIO JUNE 27 1957 _ )PS GRADUATES—Three 'students who led this year's graduating class at Exeter Public School are shown here following the banquet sponsored by Exeter Rome and School Association Tuesday night, Judy Tennant, left, and Robert Schroeder won aca- demic awards and Sandra Snider was chosen valedictorian by her classmates. Over 170 students from five municipalities will graduate 'to high school, —T -A Photo District Graduate 172 'To. HS One hundred and seventy-two District High School. In addition, boys and girls from five Huron one pupil will be eligible to attend municipalities will celebrate this each 9f Medway High'School, St. week their graduation from pub- Marys Collegiate Institute and lic to high school. Middlesex. North High School, Public. School Inspector J,. G. Park Hill. Goman has released the names Two students from J. A. D. of students from Exeter, Hensall, McCurdy school will be going to Stephen, Usborne and Hay who Europe with their families and have been promoted to grade will take their grade nine work nine, They Will receive their good overseas. news in report cards Friday. Public school students in other grades won't know until Friday whether they will advance a grade or remain in the same room: Teachers will keep them insus- pense until the last day of school. Reason for withholding results Until the final day is to encoura'ge maxim:Urn attendance, according •to;Insnector Gonian who3set the policy. It benefits -the schools be- cause the province pays grants based on attendance figures. In Mr, Goman's entire inspec-' torate, Huron No, 3, 256 pupils are being promoted to grade nine 'this year. Of this total, 167 are' eligible to attend South Huron District High School. Most of these were brought to SHDHS last week for a final day designed to acquaint them: with their new house of learning. Forty-two from the inspectorate will attend Clinton District Col- legiate Institute and 22 Seaforth POSTED—W02 Leo Tiberio, act- ive for 'the past ten years in organizations at RCAF Station Centralia and Hensall, has been. transferred to Gimli, Man. He and Mrs, Tiberio, and their son "Ti," leave SatUrday, Exeter H &S Fetes Grads Graduate..Inlinis of Exeter pub- -lie Schoor ,were honored guests at a banqtret hi the school on Tuesdiy evening sponsored by the Exeter Home' and School As- sociation. The school color scheme of blue and gold pre- dominated on the attractively decorated tables, • Inspettor. John Gornan, guest speaker, pointed out the value of an education. quoting statis- tics show that the higher the education the higher the salary bracket. •Miss Sandra Snider gave the valedictory address mentioning the wide range of activities she and her fellow classmates had enjoyed in their eight years of schooling enabling them to find their .place in high school and later activities. In proposing a 'toast to the gra- duates Principal A. B. Idle said, "Tests tell, many things but there are many things they do not tell," indicating that a youth's future is determined by • his attitude, determination and 'Motivation." Dean McKnight re. plied to the toast. W. G. Seldon, chairman of the P.S. Board, proposed a toast to the' teaching staff which was re- sponded to by Mr. Don Heim - rich. Mr. "Seldon presented aca- demic awards to Robert, Schroe- der and Judy Tennant on behalf of the board. Mr. Idle presented diplomat to the 35 graduates and Mrs. W. Huntley, on behalf of Home and School Association, presented each with a pin. F/0 Perry of RCAF, Centra- lia, entertained with tricks of magic. The junior band under direction of Tony Aquilina played several selections and Mr, Heim - rich led in a•sing song. • Mrs. D. A. Page, president of Home and School, presided. Rev. Saitruel Kerr gave the invoca- tion and Mrs, Clifford Jory ex- tended courtesy reinarks, Grade 11 Leads: SHDHS Earnifig Promotioiis Principal H. L. Sturgis aii. nounted this week that 82,6 per- cent of students from grades nine to 12 have been promOted. The students received their results Tuesday morning, the last day of school. They left after getting their report dards. Of the 403 pupils wile 'tried 'eXaMinations in the four grades, 333 passed. Mr. Sturgis described the 8z.6 perccent record as "quite good." Grade 11 topped the other three classes with a mark of 91 percent passing. Only 15 slut of 16 failed. Second best WAS grade 10 whose record was 85.4. Grade nine's pereentage . was 82.8, Grade 12 suffered the worst easualties, Nine of the 40 atii- dentl wilt have to repeat. tipper schoot students wrote their exams Iasi week. Results will not be available until Aug- utt. The following list 'd those who have been promoted is set in alphabetical order and not in order of merit. ' GRADE 12 First Class HonOura Helen Down, Jane Varrav, Marion Gill, JUuija Gulens, Bill Pollen, Roly Tinline. Second Class llonotirs — Don. Ballantyne, Mary. Ann Ball, Don Jaekson, Jack miller, Helen Tay. rior, Barbara TuckeY, Xen Weido. Third Class HonOurs—Margaret BOWdeit, Fred Minter, En Klopp, Claire Love, Marilyn ROSs, Allan Taylor. Credit-4.6min ary Dobson, tar. Old Eaglesoii, Darol TIMMY. • Piaditothd with Conditions au, Andre Cantiri Ag. Se.), Fred Delbridge '(Eng., Gconi Fr.), Mary Geiger (Eng., Lat,), Joe Fisher (Hist„ Ag. Se,), Marilyn Grattan (Eng., Ag. Se.• Fr.), Irene Ifaytor (Eng.), John Mathers (tug., Ag. Don McLaren (Eom, Vr.)$ Marjorie Sararas (Geom„, Ag. Sc.), Barry Slade (Geont,, ,Ag. Sc., Fr.), Ted Smith (Geom., Ag. Se., Comm), COMMERCIAL The following students will re - delve a ogintnertial diploma: Patsy Beaver, Both. Clarke, Theresa beitrich, Beverly Dick, Alma Hern, Anne lloulahan, Dorothy ,Taques, Donna Mat- lock, Joyce Peters, Itis ToniliO- sOn, Esther Turebull, GRADE 11 First Casa Ilehours * Dick Cliarrette, Ross Chriatiaii, Alii - son Clark, Bill Etherington, Mir& Za 'CMOS, Eleanor llodgins, Ger. ald lloulahan, Jocelyn llowe,v, Barbara Eetnick, Pat Marshall, Bob McNeil, Charles Miekle, GwenSntneer, Paul 'Wilson, Marion Youngbfut, Soma Class ,flonouts — Sara Jane Bannister, Doreen Brotk, Joyce Hamilton, Evan Jones, via AMIS. Theresa Mahoney, ltuth Arn ietride, Carolyn Oke, ,41tase Truth to Page 7 The number graduating from schools in the five area munici- Palities is ,13 more than'last year. RCAF Station Centralia shows the largest increase, from six to 23. There is a drop in Hay from 46 to 30. List of graduates' names by schools follows: EXETER Harold Blanchard, Frank Boyle, Eileen Cooper, Diane Delbridge, Betty Dixon, Bonnie Doerr, Jac- queline Hannah? William Harvey, Howard Henderson, Shirley Hen- derson,Carole Hogarth, Donald Jermyn, Jim, Jones, Helen Krause, Glendon Lockhart, Rob- eriaMarriage; Barbara McDonald, Grace ' iMcKenzie, Dean „Mc- Knight, Barbara Moore: Katharine Page, Enid Pale- thorpe, Peter Plantinga, Ted San- ders, R bert Schroeder, Mary Shaw, Ca olyn Simpson, Beverley Sims, Carol Smith, Sandra Snider, John Stephan, Judy Tennant, Lorne Turnbull, Katrina Vander- neut, Fred Ward, J. A. D. ,McCURDY SCHOOL, (RCAF Station Centralia) David Bjurstrom, Valerie Bull, Douglas Cameron, Diane Carpen- ter, Terry Cosgrove, David Da- kin, Brian Davis, Shirley Dodd, Mike Egan, Ann Grayer, Carole Haider, Barbara Henwood, Ken —Please Turn to Page 3 Where To Find If Announcements 11 Building Page 8 Church Notices 5 15 Coming ,Events • Dairy Page 16 Editorials 2 Entertainment Newstertainment • IS F 9 Femiyine Facts, • 12, 10 13 Hensall 6, 7 Want Ads SIPIratns 14, 4,155 11 oung (meth 16.-Year-eld .Tavisteek girt on her way to Grand Bend to .at- tend. A weiner roast, was killed •Sunday .afternoon In a head-on .cellishie on Highway 93, about three miles west of Russelldale, The victim was Dolores Ann Dyck, a Sunday School teacher who had taught her class only hours before. her „death. Two others Are .Still in Stratford Gm' eral Hospital suffering iejuries.: •frorn the crash, They are Timothy Connelly, 48, B.,11, 5 Stratford, who suffered leg abra- sions, and his brother, Michael: Connelly. 65, also of R,R. Stratford, who received a broken, left leg.. Employ Two For HS Staff Number of teachers at South Huron District High School next term will remain at 21, the same as this past year, but there will be two new faces on the staff. Miss Marilyn Bowman, of Glen- coe, a graduate this year of Mac- Donald Institute, will teach home economics, She succeeds Mrs, Bruce Perry, who has resigned. Miss Mary E. Arnold, R.R. 3, Chatham, who graduated from University of Western Ontario this spring, has been employed to teach mathematics. She will re- place Robert Mereu, who has ac- cepted a position at Ingersoll. Both new teachers are attend- ing summer courses at Ontario College of Education, SHDHS board, holding its last meeting a the school year Tues- day night, let a contract for coal and approved purchases of corn- mercial and athletic equipment. Coal tender was let to a local supplier for the first tune in a number of years. It went to Lloyd Ford at $13.95 a ton. Although a slightly lower tender was received from 'a Lorition firm, board mem- bers felt the local bid was low enough to warrant its acceptance. Five newtypewriters were pur- chased for, the commercial de- partment from Underwood Ltd. Typingtexts -were. also bought. Physical .dclucation equipment, costing $400, )vas apploved. Final paymeet. of $5.000 was made to McKay -Cocker Construc- tion Co. Ltd;ort the five -room ad- dition which, Was completed in 1056. . Use Centie Next Month K. L. Lampman, area manager of Ontario Hydro, said this week the new $25,000 service centre south of Exeter will be occupied sometime during July. The 60 x 56 cement block build- ing, now being finished, will be the operational centre for line crews and providestorage accom- Modation for equipment. It will not house secretarial offices, which will remain in their present location in he P.U.C. building. Line materials, transformers and other equipment, which has been stored behind the P.U.C. and in a barn on Andrew street, will be moved to the new centre. Four trucks of the area will operate out of the building, which includes offices for Foreman Jim Glaab and Stockman Len Dilkes.. The building was constructed by Harold Weber, Dashwood. A large area surrounding it has been fenced off and gravelled. Mr. Lampman said an office building will be erected in front of the service centre in the near future but no definite plans have been announced yet. Hydro has indicated/that it will use the P.U.C. premises. until the first of next year at least. Peits..P.r tt, eacber 4 • , • • " Marvin Coutcb, 17, B.R. Stratford, driver of the car in which Miss Dyck was a passen- ger was rushed to hospital but he Was later released. The :only other person involved, Samuel Wood, 17, of Mitchell, was treated for cuts .at the hospital but, was not admitted. He was anoher passenger in the Coptch car. The fatality was the fourth in- vestigated by the local detach- ment ;if the provincial police this Year. Miss Dyck and the two youth were on their way to Grand Bend to take part in a weiner roast. Miss' Dyck died of head injur- ies while being taken to the hos- pital, under an escort of the Se- bringville detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police, The Couteh car was traveling west on Highway 83 when it came into collision with the eastbound Connelly ear, at the 1.20i conces- sion road of Usborne township. Miss Dyck was a member of St, Paul's Lutheran Church and a teacher in the Sunday School. She had attended church the morning of the accident and had also taught her Sunday School class, Her parents came upon the trash scene about a half hour after the accident happened. They were on. their way to Grand Bend. They bad left Tavistock a . . WINS AWARDS—Barbara Anne Becker, daughter of Hay Town- ship Reeve V. L. Becker and Mrs. Becker, Dashwood, re- ceived two awards during grad- uation ceremonies at Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital School of Nursing Saturday. She was chos- en by her fellow graduates as the best all-round student and won ' the award for operating room technique. A graduate of SHDHS, Barbara has been. study- ing at Kitchener -Waterloo Hos- pital for the past three years. to Visit * friend in afitchell,asd then left for Grand Bend, At the Stratford HosPltal, they were told that their daughter ha4 died on the way to the hospital, Constable George Mitchell gig the Exeter detachment of the provincial Police inVeatigated," Three ambulances were suing. Miss Dyck, daughter of Itsfr, and Mrs. Leo Dyck, was a grade 10 student at Waterloo -Oxford District High School. She is mzr. vived by her parents. and by on. brother, Paul, 8, and one ate. ter, Beryl, 4, both at home. Dr. J. B. Moore of Mitchell, coroner, said an inquest will be held in Stratford July 2. Dr, M, C. Fletcher, Exeter, attended attended the injured, Near Target For Cancer. Although returns are not yet complete, Mayor R. E. Pooley, cancer campaign manager, told members of Exeter district branch of the Cancer Society at their meeting Monday night that the proceeds would .exceed those of last year, "Returns are slow in coming in but the campaign has gone over very well," he said. The groupraised $3,400. in its first campaign last year. It was voted to continue the education program at the fall • fairs as in the previmis year by having a*display and disributing the latest literature. The third Tuesday of each month was voted as the regular meeting night for the Exeter.. and district branch. Two new films were shown on the early detection. and. treat.' ment of cancer. President Fred Dobbs presided at the Meeting. Past Master Initiates Son Past Master Andrew Easton initiated his second son, Thema% into Lebanon Forest Lodge, .A.F. and A,M., Monday night;. Mr. Easton is believed to be the first past master- of the local, lodge to confer the first .degree on two sons. He initiated lill elder son, Donald, when we' was master several years ago. A Listowel Mason witnessed the initiation of his son at the same -meeting. Cpl. William J. Sergent, of RCAF Station „Cena tralia, received his degree from Rt. W.B. Adam' Dodds, assisted by W.B. Jack Wikson, both 'of Listowel, in the presence of Cpl. ,Sergent's father. Sqdn. Ldr. George Hicks, of RCAF Station Centralia, was also initiated. Arthur Gaiser, master of the lodge, presided for the meeting. See HolidayWeekend Test Of Police Record Although the big test is still to come, it looks like Grand Bend's crackdown on rowdyism is getting results. Crowds at the resort have been as big as ever so far — perhaps'larger — and they have been much better behaved, ac- cording to police. The OPP detachment has laid less than half as many charges this season as they had last year at this timeand it's not that police haven't been. active because the detachment's strength is equal to that of last year and it is operating under the same strict orders to clamp .11 „ • • DECORATE GRAVES—Members Of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion tl.nd the 1.0,0.P, Lodge decorated the graves of falleii comrades and brethren Sunday during the, annual Decoration Day service at Exeter Cemetery, Above, the Legion, led by President Harry Holtzman, conducts * remembrance tereineny in front of serviceineres graves. Most of the graves in the cemetery were decorated by the fami, lies, • Photo down on liquor, noise and traf- fic violations. "We hope this trend is the re- sult of last year's campaign," Cpl. Neil Chamberlain, head of the detachment, said this week. "We'll know better after this big holiday weekend coming up" Encouraged by. Mend Bend council, the resort force laid hundreds of charges last sum- mer to show that it meant busi- ness with its crackdown. The campaign got so hot it brought protests from a ..group of mer- chants who felt it was driving business away. In spite of the complaints, the detachment was strongly commended by the vit. 'age's elected representatives Question of policing threaten- ed to become an issue at 'Mimi - nation time at Grand Bend, but it didn't simply because most taxpayers agreed they wanted - strict enforcement, Grand Bend merchants are hoping for good weather this season to make up for the Wet, cold summer of 1956. Crowda so far have been good, Over the past weekend. a hot one, the beach was erowded. Grand Bend's proniotion coin- mittee, headed by Eric McIlroy, hopes to plan. more attractions to entertain the big holiday crowds. The group is eonsider- big a number of prelinlinary, beauty contests, leading up te the' now-faniotta Labor Day pro.. gram when "Miss Grand Bend is selected. Another development which may affect Grand Bend this suitimer is the applications for liquor licences for four dining lounges. An official of the Omit. rio board, however, said he did not expect any dedisielt on these requests for three weeks. Dominion Day it[ Delays Paper to order that our staffma, enjoy. the Doirtinink Hai. day, he *III nbe pubbshiel. '440' tett • et 'week, • • , Correspordeali altd. totitrk. lettere Are. reddefitlid to 1ittbs budgeo to soon Et. VW sible in order to Avoid oat unnecessary t