HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-09, Page 4Std
TURBO -MILL � 1ll vf Eater I'l s a for tike above i �IonB L $ !r = t 7/�� f i_
clean to
F 8 1 1 r OTIC11..-Rankled Is OW, last Nee , s..
TI . Rile. will ebet rogtlilred to pay sLy ember. t.w aft �e :ata .. c A �*'if'e. ,N . ,^^,
the Lake Shore, and at a, a ked 18
FOR 1348.
Mi. from O.derich. with small Parma s told entrance lee of `2s. lid. �1 BELONOINGto tits arbsrallor, between If the mete b set /ape sway feethwitb, n• I)It Ile A Mel60111
taehad. AlloONElitniDICED Buiwtala Best 1-4 acre Carrots, o 10
LOTS in the new kid out 'Tows Plot of second best, o 7
Wicklow, on the 18 soh Weer, and on ti e
main road from Godeneb to the 3ourirhiag Manufactures.
set I lslMate is the licks musty of Bruce.
'!brae -Ona fourth of the purchase mos
y dews, the remainder in F.•sr instalments
with ist•rat. Apply Of by letter post.
paid) to the proprietor,
G.d.tich, March 18, 1850. iv -1•8m6
ALL Persona Indebted to the S rbscriber,
lir hereby ,otiftwl that Mr. O tie and
Mr 1. tienbury are authorised to rcc, it
all Access due to his, sad unless pa:.1 tt>P-
medoate'y, the above 'pat ties ate moot 'acted
to sue fur tbem 1n bis name.
Goderich, April 10. Si -n10
OF FARM STOCK and Pro duce D•tmea-
uc Manufactures, ke., by the !Wain
Di.lrlct Agricultural Society.
An Exh,bition of l'at•le, Swede, Doves
tic Mabut.,cturei, &c y kc., oil; be held at
G. F h Se be
Best : •en yards Domes-
tic made Cloth, to 15
second best, o 10
thine best, o 7
Best pair 1Nnncstic ma-
nufactured Blankets, 0115
p JAMES PORTEN A Co, bis Store and the Mashie Coed Of- will W sold to par mete. A.
• ea Pride last 1.111 isstas CHRI8TOPR1kR CRABS. 'C A N M , . ed .t all as -t at
AVE 'art rrerired frnru who UROPEANOoderleh, "s0. ! 1960. yt-s$11( ,' ~m' F �w'PMeY1•t ,
6 II . td A1u1 xICAN 5IAa10E7LS. e.e .t ibr Two PROMISSORY NOTES, i' vodede►, S.pt. 17th, 18iS. some
Vis.: 0.e JOINT NOTE aeatsat Jou CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE I . I.. B W 1t B
Emirs and Culiacan DUO.JETY, tor L3 toll i
9d., draws payable to Jame. Phelan rr
bearer, and endorsed by J.moe Phelan, part T" Baberibev kid bee. Jam, 1�. 000Zkj(Ma
due, -Also, one against Menses a romperK iPPdo .d
Black Smith, for L3 13a 6d., -..drawn pays.
Ages* of the ALFRED Vi O'1'TF,is
ble to Cbridtisn Bwger, or bearer, written "CANADA LIFE AS*URANCE CO.,' '
in German, also past due. This is to eau- i• prepared to receive proposals Inc Asap, General Agent Conveyancer,
Son toy person Irons purebs.feg the same, ranee, and will be happy to afford to any OOLLZCTO1t ogRAccOUNr8, dG d+.
or the above parties payiuy the Notes to Parson the taeeosu017 iaformatioo, es to the OODER1CH.
b nei ee 0f eke ln.tNntioo �M
say person but the aulraerlber.-and lie Pri Oer. 1. !whim
perms 6odiog the above Note. will mue�
oblige the subscriber by returning them to Goderich, 11th Pose, 1849. trin1911 JOHN STRACILAN,
him. THOS. M. DALY. TRAYED hem the 'sobacribp os or BARRISTER ANI) ATTORNEY AT
Stratf.,rd, July 16th, 1819. 9v-o3Otf S about the let d November last One
+ 8s/kfitor in ai.ae,,. tap. Yoke of Black OXEN, brows streak on the .g1OTIRY . USLl
back, six years old. Also throe COWS, Has hie else in West Stmt, G. sM.
one black, spangled with whits mete. One Goderieb. !ad Jusery. *880. ls.a19
large bac Cow with a whits Faoe. One DANIEL HOME LIZARS,
lined back brindle Cow, and one TwM.
years old Red Heifer. Any n luting ATTORNEY A7 LAW.
informatics of the above cattle at the Big- mid C . • . , 3die'ti(o: is tel,,
nal OBka or with Mr. Jobe Allan, Tavern 4-c. .
Keeper, O•derich: will be ssti.6ed for their Has kis Ake as (eraserlg, ie Slnafeed.
trouble. •. SAMUEL McCOBKIERY. tlltrsslotd, !.d howl, 1883. la•a49
Kamaldime, 94th Dee. 1849. 1v-47 N. B. -3/r. etrasba., d the late !rm of
- • Striates Lis.r.r oeati.ses u eel a.
tl N WI' I C F. r1 Agent ad' ousel for ,Mr. Limits u .11
matters referred to biro from Stratford.
O Calicoes. Printed Meshes. Seaeo, sad Orknss
6 Clothe, Silt., Stoles, sed Bary Tuaks, Uses
Lows* lied Haedb.re►wfs, Linea Cambric. tad
IlauJkerehitle. Swiss, Book, °ad James Mae-
• tioe. STEAM L00318, DeLaise and Cash-
meres. mens, Alpacas of an colon, Worked C. ('ol-
M COlnd best, o1!10 o hero mot Cele, Ladles doom sad 81u.u. Drees
third best, 0 7 6 Hdkb. and Searle, COTTON SH1RTINGS.
%tweets, Stream sad Creme .f benotifel
Best Ten yards Doilies- styles, Beautiful Llaon.Lsee. and Lam Goods
ticmade Flannel o 15 0 is variety, Gloves .ad Hosiery, Artificial Flow-
, t ere, Ribbons.
Second best, o 10 0 A Srrf.Dto ASSSORTMENT OF SHAWLS.
thin) best, O 7 G SROAI) VLOTHS do KERSEYSIERES. or
The above manufactures to be of FASIIIONABE STYLES.
from the Farnl of the comped- Besutifsl sad Fut('olours, sad al
prise. that
will rmrpri.eall p.rcbasrn forC►e.poeaa Fesh-
torv. and of the growth Uf the ioa•bk'howwn.rr. L. Vestia,s Cates
sad lambs Wool Mowers and Shirts.
1►rese::t year. MOLEBKIN5,SATIN ETTS do TWEEDS. rill IE$ub°rriberbepioiatormthehahabita.0
Implements. 1IADE 1'P l OATS. VI;STPt ANI) i °I(ioderiebaad iuvieiuit,,tb°tbehem n-
[' TKOW.Ett'• R7'oCKB. eviII'S, `•"•d ° Ewrsa Sepply .1 the LATEST 1111 -
e nd the best Lumber
and IIdk6. Kish Linea, leeekshi■ slits. PROt'L'U PATTERNS aI
ours . Fuel:A, Retch sad America Caps.
iderieb.oD Friday, the 37th 01 p•eut r, CX €. 1 I I\TlT B 0 X
the following premiums will be away- �� a igoII made within
I thq !lube, of the Socio*- CARPETING AND PAJILOUR STOVES,
Horses. see• �+ REDUIb.'k:Dhe o PRICES FOR for SALE ,CASH.
whicoI the best Brood Marc
second best 1 5 0 and Cotton Sheeting, l;ounter The aebecriber elm keep... Asad. os meal.
• and Foal, 1C1 10 (1 FALL 1V HEAT. -The Show of. F.tl panes, Mlarsailles Quilts, Dann_ Rt bre OLD STAND, a LARGE sad tory 8..
`w sr ria aw,riw..t of
Wheat will take place at Goderich, on` ask Fla;i*els and Blankets. 'e'
second best, 1 0 0 �S`edneedey the itth dry of Autos,. l IN11'AiiE of every description.
tiller! best, 1�7 ll FiFTY SPLENDID BUPFALO ROBES ! The sebseriber tiara this ops nmaity eir°ter-
For the heat 10 bus. Red Whoa', £! 0 0 oil 5110 BAGS arp•rier Liverpool SALT, Ill sirs h. sincere dislike is the Public for the very-
For the Best years telt! ►eeund hest, 1 10 a awkieh will he .elf rt very reduced Prices boon! peu..p be hes received sista Ise has
FiIIV, 1 0 0 • third best, 1 0 S "' fi.r CAP3l a Marketable Farm Prodsee. bees is bsan.es is Ged.riet; std hopes bystrict
Goderi.•h. _'nth Noeeu,ber, let49. Y.-a43d .tte.,w. t. beaiEMMS. Rad m.ieritr pc... to
SeeOiid best, 15 0 Fur the best 10 bus While Wheal £2 0 0 - ` a - - - -- --- - - e..tiaer to receive •.Aare d for psWie patr.saee
ear heretofwe. WILLIAM STORY.
Goderich, iib Sept. 1849. 9,-.5111
tv's District, C1 10 0 Table Liven.. Towelli Linen
ereo.d best 1 l0 U c- - e
third best, - 10 O third beet, 1 0 0 •i s > • ! i' H
Best ht a year old Cult. 1 O ti Part:es to whom the above Premiums '�• ° p✓ S ' !
may be awarded, will be required to mill29,1-8
r ` e
second best 15 0 y 'w $ s
20 bu.heta same as sample (.f required) at r a' i i m�
third best, l U 0 five shuhngq currency, peibusheI. y 9 1gr3 . y -1 i p
Best 'spall of I' al`Ill The Sect. ty will give two Premiums of r 2.. ! : : • .� • -- ,
Five •Pounde each for rhe best Importfd . P ••1 ' ' tame
Horses, 1 10 l) Z ...
Purl am and Devonshire Buns, from 3 to 4 -,e = s = Z A
second best, 1 11 0 years old, -Also, a Premium of £2 *U. for r . . 4 . 3. ,,,�
tl!!nt best, 15 O the bent Imported Bear, either Hampshire J 2 '• �_ oo 0 a a a e;j o
Cattle. Or Iu,if- Ile. Z
n''a.eysaa ! r, 1....
RULES OF THE EXHIBITION. ' o ' Fa. L r 9.. -
For roe the best Milch !'este', 1. AtI Subscriptions lo be paid os or be- is : �--
(tvI►icll shall have had lure ihd I011_ iiay of August nest. 1 : C
2 All Ru'�scr.bcn. in arrears to the n
a (':Ile 111 11r>V.) 1 • O Seci••ty, who may wish to exhibit. ani tam . g in'' 10 ' = e- a el L,
secoitll best, 1 0 U 'at the show, are to pay the Treasurer the -�_ 1s •- a'„ - q
third best. • 0 15 u surf of 'Tea shtlh.ge, 00 or before the 10th w 31 1: p >i .
!leiter 0 lr, 1, day 61 August. _ .• _'
Bestyrs. old3. All subscribers Naming paid the sub- fi
. secuud best, o 10 -0 emotion, and only suet.to compete. n R
4. AA Suck exhibited shall hays been e" : •-
third best u 7 G - a
' the bow• fide pr.tperty of the exhibitor • ,,� � � � � :7 �, -� E it.•
Best Ill1II (not over five month before the mow, and all other arU- : S 3 7
tears UIS.) - 1 5- 0 cies more harp been produced o. the Farm o O o e - O' G H
of the F,fh,bitor• _ "eC o _L A , Z T�
seeond best, 1 0 0 5. All Competitors for primes must give •ry r • e e S 9 n r'. V�
third bast, U 15 0 the Secretary aottce of the deaeriptioi of sR,. II rs .1 :- T .
Bet 3 year old Steers, l) 15 t, stock nod produce they intend to show, on' i..0 Pt ;y : ;.1
or Loreto 4 o'clock P. !I. the 36th of Vey- E 3 3 :� t o'
secundrbebt, 0 10 o tembr•. `yr• : n- E el=