HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-05-09, Page 3ted, 1.4 letter of which cabia cermet he ealsed the 0 IN ells tlse.Mi harm Church h of Bootlubefore • sStfJas..at ei atees N vaChurch the procured, whereas bate use be obIs*ded at feint hot ora esp siu V eelanted i. toread e hcebespects, ie 16010 be mean respectable y we agreeing q. sv. new myee o aro persons method would be to take orders in Scot- ,..411Vtoiwho are sol yet particularly at- lard. were the delay at all sdmise•ble ; this moms ashy de.osemallo., but eves Pres- would not tate up above four months at byteriass aad Congregationalists attend farthest, and as I take it for granted that Public worship with their families -so that embers oared f the church at hulldornprefer 00 m•sy eu.e*ee* As rmketa asigkberhool one to a liecos•.es ,mired to the Ckorek, and not only foreigner, this does not appear an obJ'ectoon are their dead boned /ccordmg to its Flies. of great I at Soul be ready before be could but likewise de hake .f dole friends and recurs any other oFkue the 1 . If i* relations arc frequently collected from pri- V 7 rate places of interment and assigned to should however appear improper to lenge their graves is the public burying ground, thea bb rc bvacanI5long, lis ordrsI t a re - wit* the sok'.* gjkrs of the Chsrcb"- pose m y be• procured willthis oblige countrymin en a Moreover, their ciiildre■ are baptised •Fled •hutmuftieauo . You of this letter pie tum. educated in the bosom of the Church, and u r to the cementite., of s lodeould they fol Is the greater somber at Iengtb confirmed by proper r reseht cementite., and it they ear to the ishop. and a ceagregattum is thus in s like! that 1 ma and it • "You few years formedmirasgly .'inched ro o"r youill oblige one turn byy Arum L'as soon u venerable utabt thrown ;and even in those oar can, the ebur h, as it is retoote parts of the country where the 1 g Methodist itinerants are the most active. as probable by nue time the wafer is deter woe as the population is sufficiently com reined one way or the other, and you will pact to admit and regime the miiiislrations easily conceive that a state of .uspeose of arelar clergyman, he finds his coagre- is not very agr..ible. if the gentleman gatioa infroaaing by the gradual accernon has accepted their proponls, [14 it Mr. of their wore respectable adherents." [The Spathe?] it will be unnecessary to mention soy thing about Inc ; If nut, I can appear italics are ours.] 1s the Session of I8t3-4, Mr. (now the eersoaally mad procure the sece.aary quali- the fications, as soon as their determination Dos. William,) Morrie, brought up subject is the,Hoose of Assembly, and after coriceroing me shall be knows. 1 ark your a te.gih...d 4.b.te, carried the following forgiveness for so much trouble, and am,ito. resoluuorn o.,lht 16th DecelSber. 1823: Copy of a letter of tke 1314 October, from oke some to the same. "Resolved, -That when the Kis/dams take Mum Sia. -I should consider my - of England and Scotland were united, the self very culpable did i not take this early subjects of both were to enjoy • full aunt- ,pportuirt y of reture'ag you my thanks communication of every ugh', Vrtvtlegc• for the kindness you havehow1Q ma in the d advantage. and than neither the C hnrch burins, of the cburch, which Or certainly not the less valuable that it has been unsuc- cessful. 1 regret the lou of the place, not so much on account of the emolument which is not I presume greater than I may still expect easily to obtain. lout because, in the future prosecutions of my studies, Miintre.l effort/ the advantage of • library, a luxury unattainable in 'hie province• The excellent society war a second inducement of much weight, and even the expectation of a jaunt ecru' the Atanue i•, to a Scotch - ma, you know, a matter of -muesli ismer- niece. My engagement here expires in winter, but that is no bar to an immediate change, was a proper uIluati0e casting sp. Any application from Quebec in tbe teach- ing line would meet with my disapprobation as I em determined to relinquish that em- ployment, and never would have coir, to this country in tho capacity of a teacher, if the psuspect of an academy on the most liberal footing had not been warmly men- tioned, and of which I sae to have the superintendence. To teach a single science, as the Profe.sors do at home, or the higher cleave*. 1 should feel no reluctance, but to teach all the branches is an insufferable drudgery. 1 now return to the pursuit of some other prospects from which 1 have been sometime diverted, and hope dune winter to thank you personally fur all yet Nur-, I am, lee. (To be continued.) of the one or the other thereby Rained any asc.nJeaey-use the contrary, that both were established by law es national Protea test Cburches with'' their respective King dome tied cone/memo ly elm clergy of both are egaally entitled to a par cipalt n in all the advantages which have resulted, or may hereafter result from the said umun. '•Resolv,sl,=that the Province' of Cana- da were wrested from the Domination of Franca, by the sn'ted exertions of Great Briton mid Ireland, aad 111.1 the Churches of England sed Scotland had .t the con -quart thereof, so metal claim to enjoy the advantage', which,migbt be derived from the maid eeaquest. Renaleed,-Teat by the Act of he British Parliament. untied In the 31st year of hl. late Majesty's reign, the Governor, Lieu- tenant Governor, or person administering the G meat of this Prot/lace, was authorised to set apart a portion of ogre seventh of the Land for the (rapport Sod maintenance of • Protestant elergs. Rss.teed,- That if hie Tate M.je.ty, when be graciously authorised en appropri- ate". of land for the.upport and mainten- ance of a Protestant Clergy is this Pro- vince. did not contemplate a pro0'aun for the Clergy of the Church of t;cotlan 1, that they ought sow to come under bis Ma- jesty's moat favorable consideration by being otherwise provided for. Resolved, -That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, founded en the foregoing Resolutions, praying that hie Majesty will be graciously pleseed to direct such measures as will sec'rre to the Cling of the Church of Scotland, residing or who may hereafter reside in this Province, much support and maintenance as his Majesty DISCONTINUANCE OF THE "PRO• VINCIALIST." We have to announce to oar readers ,that !est ThunJay's Protnncialist was the last somber of tbat paper t11at will be is- sued. The establishment will be forth- sbsll tbiok proper." with removed to Toronto, and to the Pro. TheChurch of England clique was still rincialist will be succeeded a new paper, to more alarmed by this processing, and a be called the .l ort* .leiericaa, the publtca- d..p•tcb was prepared for the slgnatero of loos of whieb has been for some lime coo- ker Peregriae Maitland, and sent home on templated. tbe•971b December, 1851, in which the This announcement will, probably, take claims of em Chercb of England to the the greater part of our readers by surprise. whole fund were urgently pressed at ;wry The arrangement, however, bas been under great length. Every argumebt I. favor of conaiderauuo for some time ; indeed, several Ike maist•aance of the established Church. month ago, the proprietor of the Provincial - In any coowtry, was brought 10 bear, and int was requested to make the proposed the policy of this course to Canada, Ins's- change, and he has at length determined to ted os moot fully. The prosperity of "the do so.-Proviueialut Extra. Church," and the beggarly condition of all other denominations, were delated on with DgaTrt TROY 1!rTgwpRaAlCR.-O0 Wed - a good deal of •sesames is Feglasd. IRELAND. There a aothiog to report except a eon usua.ce of favorable, weather for am agriculturist". The emtgrest1 were leaving for the United Slates, sod people of cunsiderable meso". DENMARK. The probability of a speedy Settlement of the Schleswig lIulatetn quire! is growing daily more remote. The army of Schles- wig Holiesto are making active preparation" for deciding matters to hardkuocks. FRANCE. The proceedings of the Assembly are devoid u( general interest. The public mind ap •ears to be almost wbolly engrossed with the pending election., and serious •p - prehensions ueentertained for the result, and fo( the maintenance of public order. TURKEY. A leiter from Coostantiuople of the 6th says, diplomatic relations have been resum- ed by lbs Porte and Austria. Mr. "Marsh Minister from the Cooed Slats, has been received by the 8u!us, is a very flattering inanocr. . GREF.CE. The Boreeohalve has aJ t ices from Athena, to the 911 inst. atausg, obit tbe conference had bees continued sod the Britioh Fleet fired a salute oa the Ahnivaresry of the Hlleftw In.urreelioe. MARKETS. The Niagara arrived out on the 15.11. Her news canned an adnnce in Cotton of I, with sales 60,000 bales of:Which spe- culators take 1+000. Flour was dull and seed in favour of the buyer. sl1.more quoted or 23a Philadelphia at 21s 6d. For choice, western and canal 17s • 21s 3d, according to quality, yelluw corn exhibited no change, white was lower, and selling at 274 . 27s 6d Coffee unchanged sodden. Bacon active et easier rates. &e( in fair demand, and prime parcels advancing. • he iJotl ' programmt. Our Superior Court was oc- cupied during the whole of the lest week, in hearing the arguments of Counsel in • case of great importance, which has beeo brought to try whether the tate Doeiree .Faaougs had made a valid will. The affirm- ative of this question was asserted by the honorable Rene Edouard Caron and the Reverend Antmte Parent, Super:or of the Seminary df Quebec, claiming as Executors •ad residuary legatees, wbtle on the other band the validity of the teilamentary paper was impeached by;Lieut.•Col. Dunn, R. A., and the other bears of the late Doctor, on the ground that the testator had not a sufficient capacity to make a dire/nines of; with. Here she stoped short. But as tbe Ins property with discretion and uoderstapd• teacher said," Ven well, what does court - mg, at the time when the will was executed a agree :emir F.Ileft. blushed, aped held by him; and also on the ground of frauddown her head. " Ellen don't you know - - i -A epi ndld r1* ohR( iN G AIN( ND CA 1.P WFII6N IC8. (.11ew isgnirej oda unman whom he trust{• MP R19. i N( :RT •sed THOMAS ed to quiz, n1 be eft•1d fit him to • pair •f isi MAC[ (DOE RuBSRTSON, beg se- tts boots. epsetfelly to temente to the Ladies .sed 'Ye. sir," .add the liftman, (taklsg up two Gentlemen of Gudencb, tint they have castes moulds,) " these will fit you exact- epeoed Chases fur lsetruction in Mr. Gen- ly." iter' Hall, !!urea Hotel, wbere, by • strict Awife, who often stormed at ■ttentios to the pupils Intrusted to their her husband, was .tttiug with him st the care, they hops to afford the parents such bresklast table, when suddenly, amid loud satisfaction Si will insula their patronage coughing, she exclaimed, 'Dear mo • bit hereafter. of pepper has got into my wind -pipe!' 'ksr- hours of attendance from 11 A. M. to nesse-pipe, you mean, eiy dear, coolly .5 1'• M • G'stlemeo's Clam 10 tbe ern' reputed her spouse, glad of the upportunity nine from 7F 10 94 o'clock. o: paving her a little dept. Gudench, 18th April 1850. Ilitlls %.r the Arty Kar. -Es - 116110) s court of equity In your heart, wherein to pronounce sentence on env of those domestic enure and crimes of which the law can take so cognisance. Make your good sense the judge, arid the whole- some commandments of Scnpl"re your jury. Examine mud crone examine the wit - erten to the counsel for the plaintiff (Mr. Feeling,) and the counsel for ttie de- fendant (Mr. Passion.) You already know the evidence, and if the jury returo a verdict of guilty, lay a heavy fine un the delinquent, and bind him in homy sureties to kelp in future the peace which he has violated. Pay .•ff every dept of kindness that yeti •re able, and call in, by gentle remembrances, all that lie owing to you. Young man,' toil on, wherever you era. or in what business you are enga- ged. Whether fortune .mile. or frown.. pull away and be a man. Never mind reti- nue, other and better men have seen dark - er ones and retrieved the day. Use indµ.- lry and be energetic and straight -forward, and trust to Providence.-Dou,t be • slug- gard. Never put a trembling hand to the plough or lounge on the brain• -Never fal- ter to the pursuit ofeight. Exercise moral courage In every .talion, and swerve not for friend or foe. Ann for deep water. Never borrow notable for it is the poorest capital ever invented, and is always got a1 a share. Endeauor to be buu•,red and respected, and to be of acme use in tbe world. Eves if an old bachelor, you cap tend children and buy 'em frocks if they ain't your own. Don't be content to be a lower link in the great log -chain of society, and be dragged thro' the mud and MO, but atm for the ring in the yoke -TSR RIDO 1!i TIM TORN, young man, and 'nothing else.' -Star of Temper- rraee. . Parsing. -In a lesson in par- sing. the sentence " Mao courting in cap- acity of bliu;' kc., the word courting came to a young Miss of fourteen to pane. She commenced hesitatingly, but got aloof well *sough until .he was to tell what it agreed NOTICE. A1.f. pereons indebted to the Subscriber either by Note or Book account, are requested to call and pay immediately to are Coals. CHARLES R. DICKSON. Stratford, April 23, 1850. v3nie R. YOUNG, BOOT and SHOE Maker, one door West of Mr. George Viieaie, Blacksmith, Front street, Godericb. April 260, 1850. ven13 DAVID 11. LiZARS, A ('C Z'IONE ER. IS pro/Need to attend Sales in any part of the Coiled Counties on the most rea.on• able terms. Apply at the Registry Office, Lighthouse Street. Godericb, April 11, 1850. v3 -p10 A V _1 LU.%i3LE PROPERTY FOR SALE 1! 11111E subscriber offers for SALE his GRIST and SAW MiLL, situated in the Township of McGillivray, on the &g Sable, within three nnles of Flanagan', Corner. The Mels are now in;operatiun,aod newly bujlt. The Privilege to the best on the Rorer, and situated in the best Town- ship in the County of lluroo-well settled, and Roads opened to all directions to favour it. The Macbioery and materials are of the very best quality, end put up by the ve- ry best Machinists. For Particulars In- quire ofJames Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGJhvny, 15th January, 1850. 2.5011 .The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of settling on the i Durham Road in the Townships of Glenele, Bannock, Brant, Greenock, Kin - upon abs testator lay tbe parson who prover- whet eourttng agr.'ea with ? Ye -ye lose and Kincardine, must apply unmanly ed the will to be drawn. When the de- yes, ma'am.' "Well, Ellen, why don't at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo- etmoft to given we shall endeavour to give you parse that word? 1','6at does it agree cations will be confirmed except such as are oar readers a full report of the case.- wItb!" Blushing still more, and stammer - midis d with thist Qseb,c Gazette. rang, Ellen at last said, " It agrees with all Romance and Reality. -The, the gi•Is• mi am-'' Trenton Gazette bas received a letter from - a printer in Honolulu who wept to Califor- Ilur"il District Building Society. rata in Col. Sterensou's regiment, in which Ste remained till the war was over, when 1e AT the Second Animal Meeting elf the took to publishing the Californian, .ban- I Members of the above 6oeiety, lbs doped that business, sailed for China, was', following Gentlemen were elected : wrecked at Honolulu, was taken to favour DIRECTORS. by a chief, married hfs daughter, aid is sow T. Mercer Jones, President, J. Watmn, one.of the first citizens of the village. lie Vice President, George Brown Jr., Robert ie prefcctly contented with bis situation, Gtt.bone. Robert Moderwell, Wm. Story, rg par y and a thioktug of agitating the project of Chas. wader John -McDonald Sheriff, John 1 taking or accepting two promissory the.annexation of his Hawaiian majesty's McDopald Carpenter and W. B. Rich was aP• Notes made by the u I in favor dominions to the United States., petered by th,m a Tressuror and Secreta- of James McGormon or bearer, for the sum Jail Delivery. -Six prisoners 17' W. B. RICH..14,14 twenty five dollen each, bearing date the escaped from the jail in Franklin County, 11th day of March, 1850, one whereof is Ohio, on Tuesday evening. The Sheriff T.ic8• II.D.B.S. made payable on the Ent day of January, and Jailor entered for the purpose of suer- GodesicA, nth May, 1850. • 3-n14 1851, and the other on the first day of Au - 40.1 u ATTACHMENT. IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. U,V17'ED COUNTIES OF t By Die' Heron, Firth awl Bruce. S tae el • Writ of Attachment issued out of Hoe Majesty's Cart of Queen'. Beech at To- ronto, 011 the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY of MARCH, in the year 01 001 Lord Os• Thousand Eight Hundred and Fiftl, and to me directed, agQaisat the ES'FA'rh., REAL u well as PEREOiAL, of ROBERT Cooa, as absconding or concealed Debtor, at the Suit !Ismer DOTI aad Trim*. F. Asawt4 for the sum of Eigbty=l'brce Pounds, One Shilling and Four Pence, 1 kava wise) all the East', Real and Personal of the said Hobert Cook, aad unless the said Rubio Cook return within the)u- ris:hctioo of the raid Court and put to Hail to the Action, or cause the claim of the said Henry Duty and Thomas F. Abbot to he discharged within Three Calendar Months from the first day of the publication of *hie Notice in the Catada Gazette, all the Es- tate. Real or Personal, of the said ltohert Cook, or me much thereof a may he neces- sary, will be held liable for the Payment, Benefit and Satisfaction of the claim. JOHN McDONALD, Sherif. Sxg&irr's OmcR, erieh, 6th A nl, 1030. God p NOTICE. 3v-* l0 THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist- ing between JOHN STRACHAN of Godertch, Esquire. and DANIEL. HOME LIZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, as Barris- ter and Anomie' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Notary Public and Conveyan- cers, is this ds dissolved by Mutual con- sent. JOHN STRACHAN, DANIEL HOME LIZARS. Witness -A. W. S•rmaceaw. (Wench, 2nd January, 1840. NOTICE. 2v -o49 TIiF. Debts dire bythe firm of STRACHAN k LIZARS, as Barris- ter and Attornies at Imw, will be paid by John Strachan and Daniel Home Lisare, at their respective offices in Godertch- and Stratford : And the debts due to them are requested to be forthwith paid. Those due the office at Godericb, to the said John Strachan, at Godertch, aforesaid, and those due tho.ofce at Stratford, to the said Das - Home Lizari, at Stratford, aforesaid. JOHN STRACHAN, DANIEL HOME LIZARS. Godertch, Ind January, 1850. 5v-ed9 HAYFIELD TANNERY, CONEmile North of Bayfield on the Lake shore. The subscribers will pay cash or lesther for hider, and will1a00 on share. all hides so entrusted to them. And from having a thorough knowledge of the bum- e in accordance reo locations requirement. nen, they can confidently promise the pub- lic interest to a good article. without the koowledge and approval of the WILLiAM TIAL[., Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of BENJAMIN ROS?.EL. •11 right in the locatee or assignee. Godertch, April 19, 1850. v3n12 GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. Caowo LAND Orme,Bentinck, County of Waterloo. March 140, 1850. ,3n7 CAUTION. IIF. blic are hereb cautioned from mg them in their cells, when the Jailor was Sgars, t " 1851 as the undersigned has re - cell and locked In, and pneonere took "►be JOJOHNGI.iDDON largest liberty." -The Jailor recovered from the stunning blow, put after them, caeght knocked down, the Sheriff thrown into a pring Importations calved 110 value for the same. extreme satisfaction. nesday last, an inquest win held before W. one of the ringleaders, and brought him On the List April, 1854, the Committee Johnson, Esq., Coroner, on the body of a back to prison. The sheriff was locked so of lbs General Assembly of tbe C.ierch of woman named Jordan, found dead in a shin- fast that a blacksmith had to be procured Scotland opssed up negoetations with the ly vear the bridge. From the evidence to cut the bars. Five of tbe prisoner., four imperial Government, on behalf of their given before the jury, it appeared that the of them counterfeiters, got clear. friesds is Canada, by memorial signed in deceased had long been • "hard drinker,' Wheat advanced in Galt mar - their sante by Dr. Mearns of Aberdeen. and that for the six days preceeding her The General Election of Parliamentary death, rhe had not tasted solid food, but ket on Tuesday to 5. 104 york, or 3. 74 Representative" or Upper Canada, took had been almost constantly in a state of in- currency per bushel. There is but little _place in 1824, and eh* result ■howed the toxieauon. Verdict, "died of apoplexy coming 10, nor will the queenly increase Powis strength of the opponents cf demoprodiieed by ioteiperance."-Branfjord till after the farmers have done their sow- -Mot thurebism in the Proviso) : it was Herald mg. The ftil crops of wheat generally firmed eeees.ery by the Church of England _ look luxuriant, but In a few instances low - Clergy to take decided steps for obtaining lying portions of the particular fields have r filial settlemeel of the Reserve ques.ion THE Fnumoa or Vesuvius. -.1 eorres-• been winter. Ploughing and sowing ere in their favor. - Accordingly it was resolved ponderal of the Journal of Commerce thus now proceeding with great alscnty, and all to .and home the Rev. Jobs Strachae,D.D. describes the ground Scenes o(the mountain the spisg occupations of the farmer are in then Rector of York, afterwards Arch Dea• since the eruption: full progress. But strange to say, the win cos, and now Bishop of Toronto. Dr. i am sorry I did not come hero • few days ter still lingers among as. May -day Strachan was chairman of the Clergy Re- sooner to witness one of Vesuvius' grand brought as several heavy storms. of *sow, serve Corporation, and the leading politician eruptions -which has been the largest ever and the eights are cold and frosty. The of the Province ; for many years :he sat In known. We have been to -day to see the seams altogether has been ineoepreben- Parliameet sad cootroled the entire civil l.v,ke., and it Omen wonderful. A new Bible. -Cult Reporter. government of Upper Canada. As the rev. crater has been formed, and the emission of By an exchange paper says, gentleman will occupy an important part in lave, was so immense, that it has extended that • Spanish is...I was loadug at Gott/in- ch/mu sketches, it may not be uninteresting a dietimes of seven miler, by one and a hall burg, on the 17th February, for this port. to elate that Dr. Strachan was Parish to three miles wide, and about thirty -feet She is the bark Cart Johan*, and will bring 808001111ast.r of Kettle, in Scotland, and high. Alter desccending the mountains, it out a cargo of Iroft.-Qambec gazette. arrived in Canada in 1799. fie became a has gone forward, one sod . half miles wide, At the last meetink of the teacher at Kingston, U. C•, and not finding and thirty (eat bigh, for a duluice of five this is most his expectations, be offered miles at least; and forms an embankment Montreal City Courted, • letter was read Wood as a eliminate for the position of like that of a railroad raised over a pima, from George Brows, Esq., Architect, offer - pre ifa{oa Minister of Montreal. Ha covering thirty two houses and one or two ing to rebuild St. Anis Market House for wrote to Mr. Blackwood of that city, sever- churches, and destroyisg of course an im- £4,000. After some e•averstimesoo, the fer- al times on the subject, aad we find the fol- mense number of vineyards and farms. The tber consideration of the 'abject was post- Iewisg very cbarscten.Ile peseagee from direction was on the side opposite of Naples poised. f•... his letters, published is the Cbrietion 1s- -Tb. eight must have been most grasd; At the conclusion of t1Ir course str.eter of June, 1830: and while it lasted (say five days,) the of ',ewes" the" is•titutes of a.dieiae," Ertratb a l etferssigwed"Jokes Rfrae*as" Railroad ears run all night, to Carey people in McGill Celleg•, by Dr. Fraser, we J to see it. Although the trembling of hoes uodcntatid that the prize for general to- dasd N itio,,,.w is 1R01.awd eddrr5Sed 0s at Naples, was eeo.ibl felt duringthe m T.Bbeekmeed, Mowbwl• led y 6creeey, •1 tbe weekly examisatiose, was 1. rees Ismer of 90th Asgo.t "i find eruptiod there're. not the Ioest apprehee- awarded to Mr. Esoeh G. Dorlasd, of the Lar Midland Dutriet, U.C.-1fewt. Gaza Mr. Yeesg Iron Misiet.r here. Ilea he sloe a as left yes altegetber, or dos he ge le eve the _.... . Judge Jay, til New York, Pre- ans. 1f be ora yeti -glue we • good ARRIVAL OP THE CANADA. sideet of the American Pease Society, aad 'a/arp 5nd 1'll Meows yes clergyman." the Rey. Charles Brooke, of Boston, ebair- • L hem learn •! tut September.- New Yeas, May It, 1830. sae of the Excretive Committee, have bees "Whys 1 a..stiased is my last Mo. Y.s.g'e The Caweda arrived s1 Halifax yesterday. ehosen to represent the Society in the Pesee Ming bare, I bad little iaterates of iseeiriog We bare bet few additional items of is- Cosgrove, to be bold ,n A*guet at Frank - fartior het and dreg SOme days saes tenet, Telegrabhic dispatches of the Caws- fort-on-theMaine, is Otrm•sy. frees agr. Tersytb, that • rest properties 4.'s MOWS 10 seed. The sub -marine telegraph he - of tM meat rsapeet.blo of Montreal wets Iles madm will mace here to -morrow mor- twee• Pranee and England rs to be cem- conneated with the Presbyteries Church, trig. We glee the &mewing: -- a at say rate Mould be eo•eected with it, ENGLAND. Meted by the 1st of Septemper.-The two y points are Cape Grimm near Calve, aad were tM CI man agreeable, I desired Tbe probability el a speedy shear of the Sbakspesre ('tiff, sear Dever. The M►. Cart trues of ►b friends whither Mtnernena teis,ressoadthiswest. by sa``nal di•taseo w •.ly 18 Eatliah miles ; bet the there wore MN WSSS ea the field, and defeat is that pert ss of the, Chaseeller'• telegraph, eosewting or *res. wires, is to Willi. est`ht be expected.- Budget, which proposes a reduction of the been mils to allow of oscillation. As be bee Moi tsSYanad the erbset steer, dirty es Stamps from b per mist, to half a hit. Meade [Messrs. Tided end Y Gill] Mie Crewe, upon all eng•g,es..te ruler LbO. St. Andrews and Quebec Rnil- tvee, I pewesnes.w.nd ht. tether. Ur 7'ht►Ge,er.mcnt ha. m*rmineed • Bull wry -We Ware liana the Nfooda,d that 1850 • JOHN PHILIPS [MPORTER of Dry Goods, 24 Dundas Street ; will receive ex "Gladiator," "Erromongs," "Cambria," "Mary" and other ehtp(r, a large importatio0 of new and choice goods, direct from the British Markets, which he will offer to the trade no very favorable terms. Th, goods will be open for inspectors) about the 15th mat. 1.osdon,C. W.,eth Mae,1850. 014-1m NOTICE. ALI. NOTES due the Subscriber will be sued without farther notice unlees settled immediately. IA)W ELL ALVORD . Goderieh, Mar 9, 1850. v3o14 LiST OF LETTERS REMAINING is the Port Office at Stratford op to 7th May, 1860. Brannon James Hevien Richard Barker John Kaneda)) David Barnes John Kahle? Nieh'. Barker C Kastner Peter Curry James Miller Joseph Conitoe R Maclu.ky Colbert Crerar Peter Moos Thomas Clyne George Karnes Arch'd CosGrove John Madden James Campbell Arch'd Magill David Carroll Peek Montgomery James Dally ihigh McDowell Robert Dart John McFadden Wm Dickson George McNanghtoo Wm Douglass Thomas Neigh George Dick John Parker John W II Daugherty James Frontier Vel Fraser Mary) (des "rich Chrii r Gentler Antony Gray Nlehola. Gender William Crewe Robert Flay Andrew Hamiin's Hugh Hoffelire Joh. Tackerbury Nalhl Hall Robert Wald John A. F. MICKLE, P. M. Parker John Ru:ledge Jubn Ritter Val Herbert John Stevenson Ilugh tatsvenson Teas Seeder/ten Henry 2 Scarth henry Shellerb,ry Nich'• Tait John NOTiCE. THF.'Oopertnerehip heretofore canted on is the town of Stratford by R. Boyce and J. Wiles., Cabinet sed Chair waken, w die/wield by mutual consent on the 1501 day Marsh, and will hereafter be car- ktaa them be a ateasg pr•kabilily K enc- peobi biose tetra moral uttermost.. Lb. Inti inst. was the last day for receiving rine on by R. Boyce and J. Marchetti. All .wetly, 1 .ho.M dMiks eppveetsg op.nik Tb. maws measure for r.grtisttsg the leaden for the grading, kn., n(% mils of debts des to the firm to be pard to Boyce otberwiett i Wed Mee takes, • Prows t• Torr MereaaW. Manna of E.glaed, to rwestrsg the Railroad ham at. A.drewe to Wood- and Merebas?, and all debts of the firm to sty ; !bed oleo imegitied that tie .aiary melts aad wof Parinm•et. stock, and that • ser.Mr .f Railroad Cin- be paid by the same, a wits*** one hands. eme wee g.eslar s yen mention. 1 senot Ttia u it el Rept., be bred jht the tractors from *bastioned Butes have arrived JOHN W 11.81 IN, lieee.atlle pllwsb, bus tint would mot se Gorham ease before t1. Coeds of (naw. as Sa. Aadsews for lbs purpose of petting is ROBERT BOYCE. .asie. mere delay tbas teeing orders, the The news •f Kr. Oalhe.s'it death mowed lenders. Stratford, Marsh IR, 1850. .e08 Stratford, 14th Matti, 1850. ` .3n7 LIST OF LETTERS. REVIA1NING in the GODERICII POST OFFICE, In April, 1850. Ara Alex. Askin Dr. Alexander William Arnell Alex Allen John Barnes Ehsba Crabb Mr Cooper Thomas Cameron Donald 4 (tunnel Jobe Caldwell Joho Curry Patrick Cook Robert Cook NVlCum Churchill Arthur Colwell John Colwell Samuel Carey Sarah Cameron Alex Collings Capt W F Derwin Welham 1 Dowel J Davey Jane A • ilken John Dunoline Michael Drury Mrs Anne Duncan Andrew Dunohon John Dennis Henry Donley Matthew Ehy Samuel Fry Edward F,enting Patk Ford John Gone Charles Gourley William Griffin Joseph Grant Jansen (.ray John GiI,nour Thomas Hinter W Jnnr Unite Serene' F Hunter William Sexmith Matthew Hogan Patk I Senear George Hay 'amen - , Blethers 1V'Ihnm Johnston Iliga Th. (lead of the Mu- Keehegoobens}John nicip.lrty, Ginlench Kercher Mon (,eorge.The Mayor,Godench. Linley lasbcll Thomsen Marin L'ddel Robert Taylor John !Ann Dominick Terence Widow Miller George Tawdry James M !ler Daniel G Wtlk'neee Dan,el Maxwell James Wtlkl..nw A Mothers John Watkins Thomas Mnrria Murray Peter Son Murray Cathartne Msylor Thomas Mitehell John Muldoon John McCoy Robert THOMAS McGregor A M Maguire Michael McKinnon D McKenzie John McNee Davao - McGratb Alice 2 McGlead Michael McKay Archibald McGibbon James McLean John McClave Edward McE11111y Anny McKinley Robert McKrn1'n Tbumai McCaul John r McKenzie Jane 5 Moffat James McClellen Samuel Nicolson Mr Nicolson Angns Nicolson Kenneth Noone Jho Orr James Peck Leonard 3 Quigly Patrick Russe! William 3 Rattenbu•y Isar Rose Hugh Ryan J,ho Robertson William Read Williams Reed Mr Smeltzer 'oomph 2 Sampey Thorns. Shannon WiIliam Sampson George Schneider Rev P Smylie James Naundereon Robt 2 Stodard William Stevenson Robert Scott WVilha Wilson Abrahawf Wilson Charles Williams resets Whitely Nettle Young Eliza KYDD4 Foot Master. THE FARMER'S PAPER. " The Canada Agriceitsirist ; The best and cheapest Farmer's paper pablisked in Canada, and the only ons now ps6lished in Upper Canada. 111E second volume of the Agriculturist in its present form commences January, 1850. Itis issued monthly. aad costaios 14 pages, double columns, Imperial octavo . During the present year, the advertising sheet will be dispensed with. 1t will con- tain numerous illustrations of Macbloes and Farm implemeou, Farm !louses sed Cot- tages, &.c., Naas (er School Houses: aped Diagrams io explanation of questions to mechanical science, and oatoral philosophy. Great tare will be taken in the selection of matter, whether relisting to Agriculture, Horticulture, Mechanics, Domestic Econo- my, Education, or general Science. Seve- ral intelligent practical farmers and garde- ners have promised correspondence, and the editors will be happy to 1edea commu- nications from all their subscribers. Such as are of interest will be freely published. Two or three gentlemen of bigh scientific attainments [00e of whom is connected with the University,) have agreed to con- tribute to the column* of the Agriculturist. Farmers, subscribe sod pay fur your pa- per, and then write for It; all parties will thus be pleased and benefited. The Agriculturist is devoted to the de- velopment and advancement of the real in- terests of Canada. Much good hu already been dune by this paper, and those which it is • contm0atipn. But the proprietors of the Csltirn:or, and the other were alluded to, suffered great low: and the proprietors of the Agriculturist have, PO far, been out of pocket, besides the time, labor and anxie- ty spent in its publication. 1s the reproach that the farmers of Canada will not support an agricultural paper of any kind, to Con- tinue? We hope not. Let those wh.n love their country, anJ de.ire its improve- ment make a little more eli,rt this year, and the reproach may be wiped out forever. As an inducement to extra exertion, we offer the following Premiums: -Offs llue- n.ao DOLLaas ! SwvglrTT-nva D•LLaas! FIrrr DOLLARS ! Every person who will procure 200 subscribers for the Agncultn- rist, •t the subscription price of ons Dor.- r.aa, and remit the money at the time of ordering the paper will be pad $100; for 160.ubscribcre. 05; for 120 ditto, $50; for 75 ditto, $30; fur 60 ditto, $35. Agri. enlliral Societies, and those persons who obtain the paper through their sorely, are excluded from the above. As we bra* DO travelling agents; the offers are open, and accee.ible to all, with the exception jJoesst mentioned. No pipers will b sent nets$ the s•'bseription .ccompames the order, un- til the smallest number [00] is realized: •i- ter that ORO half the price may be ratsimed by the competitor, till the.nmplsuo* of the list Which he intends to forward. Who will by 1 Where is the township in Ceba- ,la %% cat, In which no young man ass be hind willing to spend two or the,e wO.ke this winter to win at least the eJJS prim ?- .lgrsrultunl Sncteliee ordering 25 copier and upwards, .111 be suprue.l at half a dol- lar; twelve copies as; upwards, 3$ 3ingle auh-criptions, one Jolla. !meal Ag.nta, who will procure over three sub- earthen, and emit no this s.rh.eriptiun, fru of portage., will be allowed 95 per cent. -I Gene°R flu . f8ecnta:y Atneelto cal Aasr.ei.t,nn, Pr(seipol Editor, assisted by Ww. MtDnr'oa1M Proprietor. 811 tetten should be poet -paid, and ad • dr.s e.l •' To the "'elders to the Agricelte• rut, Toronto."