The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-13, Page 14It 14 The. Tirnee-Aevocate, Ju • 13, 1957 t ' • • CHAMPION BEEF—Alf Scholl, Hensell butcher, prepares s to sell the beef from the champion calves of this year's Hensall Feeder Calf Club which held its achievement day at the spring fair recently. Every year but one since the t club was organized, Scholl has paid top price for the champion beef at the auction which follows the judging. This year's winners were Bill Strong, Dublin, and Hugh Scott, Cromarty. —T -A Photo And District News' •CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Haddon, Phone 5 •Mrs, Archie McGregor, Phone 6821.31 • • Backs Petition Opposing Sale The June meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary of Hensel): United ' Church was held Monday with the president, Mrs. Jack Drysdale in • the •chair. The .devotional period was in eharge of Mrs. Edison Forrest, assisted by Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs. lc. Buchanan. Members were askedto vote on samples of cups for the kitchen and decision was made, Members were asked to sign a petition in !regards to beer, being sold in ! grocery stores. *The group will i Cater to a wedding, July 12. The study presented by Miss M. Ellis, was in the form of a quiz with questions asked by Miss M. Ellis and answered by several members. Members were remind- ! ed of the Baby Band party, June 21, Mrs. R. Mock and Mrs. J. Tay- lor directed a recreation period. Hostesses were Mrs'. A. Munn and Mrs Society Opposes Beer In Stores The June meeting of the Wont - Even Coach Parties Are Not Ordinary General Coach Works of Can- its achievements, etc. All the ada Ltd., Hensall, has estab- ' senior officers address the men. fished a reputation for being Not so at General. I "'different." Friday night the firm treated • Its management has no qualms its 175 employees and their about discarding customary wives or girl friends to a ban- 1 practices or procedures if they quet and dance at the Godericht don't serve a useful purpose. Pavilion. The speeches and Perhaps that's one of the rea- formalities were quite conspicu- i sons this firm remains on top ous by their absence. of the rapidly -expanding mobile "This party is strictly infor- Nine industry, mal," announced Manager Bill Even the parties it provides Smith, in the only formal re- tot- its employees differ radically marks of the night "Ever one from the ordinary. They're strictly •informal. Most companies, for •example, take advantage of such occa- is here to enjoy themelves." Principle officers of the parent companyin Michigan, Riley Ramseyand John Adkins and siens •to give the,ir, , employees their wives,' were present but long-winded exhortations ' on not formally introduced. Most loyalty ,to the company, pride in of the men knew them anyway. There was not1 event an official • . head table. enjoy REAL flavour of a draw which was conducted Part of the program consisted • 1 by John Baker, chairman of the •I activities committee formed at •,, in every flavour I the plant to sponsor ball and hockey teams. Winners -of cash prizes were: when you Gerry Hoffman, Zurich, $50; ef7ft ( K I ST % kr refresh yo(/ FAS11, Hensall !KINDERGARTEN • REGISTRATION Parents of all children Who will be five years of age on or before De- cember 31, 1957, should telephone Mrs. :Howard Scane (194), liensall, for registration. PLEASE CALL BEFORE JUNE 18, 1957 Doug White, Seaforth, $25; Mrs. Adella Regier, Zurich, $15. Draws were made by Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Adkins and Mrs. Smith. Murray Baker won the prize for most tickets sold. Cromarty Step Dancers pro- vided entertainment during in- termission of the dance. Personal /ferns Miss Mary Buchanan, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong. The barn dance held in Art Finlayson's new barn on Tuesday last was a great success, with a large crowd in attendance. Music was furnished by C.K.N.X. Ranch Boys. The booth, operated by Kippen East W.I., did a rushing business and the members were pleased with the proceeds. A reception' for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilmore (nee Agnes Mil- ler), vVas held in Zurich Com- munity Centre Saturday, June 1, with a large attendance. The couple were presented with a well filled purse of money. Desjardine orchestra furnished music for the dance. Dr. William T. Joynt, of Lon- don, was a weekend visitor with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. —Please Turn to Page 15 $100 Wardrobe • FREE For Dad! When you purchase your gift at Joynt's, you give Dad a chance to win one of 10 free wardrobes which will be given away after Father's Day. It's worth your while to shop at Joynt's. Sport Shirts Ling and Short,Sleeved * SOX � TIES •BELTS lo SLACKS SPORT COATS 1 SPORT SHOPS • T-SHIRT • BATHING SUITS • JACKETS • SHORTS & SHIRTS • WALKING SHORTS Can't decide .Civ a_ Dad a Gift Certificate .41 ,Ottr special holders'. T. C. lore A& Son PHONE 42 • • MENSAL Open mfl day .Wadttesitayi riday 4,nd Saturday Nifiso. • Personals Laurence Eyre, son of M. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre„ and Jim Baynham, son of Mr, .and Mrs. „ hare successfully completed •their course in wire- less telegraphy at the .C.N.R. here, and were both transTerred to Guelph on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs, J E. MeEwan were in Ottawa over the week- end attending the wedding of a niece oA Mr. MeEwan's. an's Missionary Society of the *. United Church was held in the Sunday School room, with a good attendance, Mrs. A. Clark presid- ed, and with her group had charge of the program. During the devotional exer- cises Mrs. J. Smillie was assisted by Mrs. R. J. Paterson -and Mrs. G. Thompson 1 An interesting study was given by film "Let's Visit Korea Now,” with Miss M. Ellis in charge of the projector and Mrs. W. Henry as narrator, stating Christian leaders urge that this is the time for a definite effort to evangelize the entire country. Mrs. Clark sang a solo .accompanied by Mrs. T. Sherritt at the piano. Mrs. G. Armstrong, the presi- dent, occupied the chair for the business. Two invitations were ac- cepted, one to be guests of Car- mel Church W.M.S. Thursday aft- ernoon, June 13, at 3 p.m., with a special invitation extended to the Home Helpers; the other to Goshen Church W.M.S. on June 13 at 8.30 p.m. Members are to meet at qthe church at 8 o'clock for transportation. Mrs. R. M. Peck, supply secre- tary, expressed thanks for the fine clothing and knitting which had been sent' in for the bale which was packed and shipped on May 16, weighing 210 lbs., and read a letter of appreciation from the committee on overseas relief in Toronto. $10 was voted to be for- warded to the treasurer in Toron- to to help pay overland trans- portation costs from the depot to the ocean port of shipment. Mrs. Armstrong read a letter from Mrs. W. H. Love of Grand Bend, vice-president of South Hu- ron Presbyterial, concerning a petition which on motion was passed and signed, against the selling of beer in grocery stores, and will be forwarded to T. L. Pryde, MPP for Huron. The is entertaining the mem- bers of the Baby Band and their mothers on Friday, June 21 at 3 p.m. in the church. The 'cornmit- tee in charge includes Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs, S. Roobol and Mrs. Grace Harpole. Record Crowd At Aid Meeting Mrs, Percy Campbell was host- ess to the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church at her home on the sec- ond concession of Hay Township, Monday evening. The Rev. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald and some forty ladies attended the meeting. It was the largest attendance this division of the church 'has had at any time. Mrs. Clarence Reid's group was in charge of the meet- ing. The president, Mrs. • Percy Campbell, called the group to or- der. Mrs. C. Reid presided and was assisted in the worship by Mrs, Gordon Schwalm and Mrs. Har- vey Hyde. Mrs. Frank Wright gave an interesting article on Father's Day. Mrs. Edgar Munn played a piano solo. A report on the booth at the Spring Fair was given by Mrs, W. R. Bell, treasurer. Mrs. Grace McEwan was named to take' the leadership of group II. Plans were made for a congregational picnic, to be held in the Hensall Park on July 10. Personal items The R.C.A.F. Four from Cen• tralla whose captain is Mrs. Ralph McArthur, the former Elaine Beer of Hensall, were suc- cessful winners of the week on the dailyprograrn "Hotrieniaker's Holiday,"on C.X.S.L. Radio Sta- tion,, London, and will be treated, to a night on London Town and ate also eligible for the t emi- .finals which will be a trip to Eu- rope for the lucky winners, Mrs. Ethel Garatt of Linden, Mich., is a house guest this week with Mrs. James Bonthron. Mr, Roger Vcnner spent, the weekenti with friends in Toronto. Nelson MeClinchey visited re- cently with relatives at Pinker. ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. VI Ilalcien of Woodstock, and Russell Uedden, St, Catharines, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Catherine }led - den and family. Neighbours and friends met at the home of Airs. and Mrs. Kew. ard Adkins to Compliment Mist Janie Neil of Exeter, a bride of I lag Saturday, and presented her with a shower of gifts, A social Mir was spent playing euchre, Mrs. Milton Trann of VVinnipeg, sPent the past week with Mr. and! Mrs. Georga Arm strong and other relatives. Mrs. Trallli IS a cousin 61 Mrs, Armstrong, I 1Legion Auxiliary Donates Pictures 1 Legion Ladies Auxiliary znet in the Legion Hall Tuesday eve- ning for their June lneeting, presided over by, the president, Mrs, E. R. Davis. Mrs. Edna Corbett: was reinstated as a rnember It was decided to donate pie- , tures of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh to the new auditoriuM , 1 Peraottat items . At a reception held for Mr. and „R Mrs. Stewart Adkins at Zurich• .Community .Centre Saturday night the couple were iresented with a purse o money. Norm orchest tra furniated mum for the .dance. i Members of Hensel]: Women's: institute will tour the new $100,. 000 Hensall Public .Sehool prior to their picnic meeting on Mon- day, June 17, held on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne on Highway 4 south of lima, At the Community Arena. Pinus were outlined and -com- mittees appointed for a plane to be held at the local park Mon- day, July 8 for Auxiliary 'mem- bers and their families, Commit- tee ,appointed ill eluded mrs. Davis, Mrs. L. Baynham, Mrs. Fred Beer, 11Irs. 11. Smale, Mrs. F. Alkenhead and Mrs. _B. Kyle. There will be no meeting held during July and August but will; resume in September with a pot luck supper. A period of bingo. was held 'and the winners were: Mrs. R. Mock, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs. E. Corbett, Mrs, Wham.; Smale and Mrs Alda Simmons. Specials were won by Mrs. A. Foster and Mrs. H Horton. ^ ' Always Use Shell Gasoline • While in for gas, why not let us check your car thoroughly to get it ready for that long summer trip. Complete. wheel alignment job and a bumpar-to• bumper check by our expert mechanics ,will send you on many happy motoring days! - Mothers Bros. • Phone 321-W North Exeter ll llllllll l lannoonnonostionalsolononnoinnano $UPER SAVE SETS THE PACE IN SOUTH HURON You 'buy foods by the earth', — not by the handful. So save money the same wayt Shoo where you get a °artful of low prices — not a handful of them. Shop at St -PER SAVE where every Dem 1/1 low priced every day. You,I1 .savp for sure because more low prices mean minaller food bills and bigger savings for you. If you have a food llst an longas yonr aro& and n budget that's always a "little short"—StPER SAVE is the Place Ato make both ends meet. SUPER SAVE. SETS THE PACE! Super Save Instant Coffee SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! Reg 216 Aylmer Caisu SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! Regular 690 raftCheeze 5 ri Z. JAR Lge. hiz SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! Gold Seal Fancy, Reg. 49� Sockeye Salm SUPER SAVE SETS THE PACE! Libby's—Serve with Ice'Cream "1. • Fruit Cocktail •EE,Gaz43,TN Reg. 1.11; c i1 -Oz, Btls. c 1� -Oz. Jar c 1/2 Tin c Larne .0.miniiilitilIplinitiM111111111J111111111111141111111111(41,11111111111111 ttttt 11T11111111111111111111IN 50 Off Offer! Detergent 24 -Piece Picnic Set • SUPER $AVE BONUS BARGAIN! tttttt ammommiamommommomooMmom ttttt t feminist' tttt to t t tt W111111110", c ,politionotiononnuattiononaliononnotionatinatinionsiononnotoonaponeon l ! llllllllll rATIlEtt'S DAY PEATIMES: ALL POPULAR BRAND • CIGARETTES • . .., ot FLAT TIN Pr 50 82c CTN. C/F 2C1C1 $2.8y i „„„„,„„,„„.„„„„....„,„,„„.„„„„,.„, llllll ..,,,, lllllllllllllll IllIt iiiiiiii 111,111 i 1 iii II11011111111111111TA flilift11110111111illii11111111,1111111111 iiii 1 i 111111111111111111111111112111111111,11111111111IIII ttt I tt 11111111101,111i11,11111101: TINY GUMS I. TERRIFIC WEEKEND VALUE! G.DLDEN HOIll, Huge 25-0z. Poly Bag bag 49c 1 ttttt 1111110,11111i1111011111110111111111011111111 llllllllll I lllll 111111111 lllll tottootoorP„ totfitutututtotutootoittonottutotittomuoultotottotoott lllll toottoottotott lllll tuttotottuouttotflou ttttttt , FRENCH FRIES Frozen Food Feature! BIRDS EYE Reg. 2 /or stio 3 for 4 • . 1111.1111111111111111)111111111.111111,11111111111011.1.1111111111111111111.111t.1111111 tttttttttttt tt ttttttt 111A x IquI wommetoter.".ymese• Fresh Strawberries • .\ ? •SUPER SAVE FOR FRESH PRODUCE Sheet Juicy • rk E , BIG Sunkist Oranges SIZE 13S'S ociz, 3vc I. .....1„,,„ 1,..tiii . • 1 Potato Macintosh Apples a -La. FLY 49c I Large Stallia Special California Celery tit= M6'S 21c 10 Lb, Sacks GroWn Bunch Radish .LAtraGt SU1sICH 3 MI4 19c size 14'm California Lemons 6poIR 21c P.E.i.'s 37c dLGE. TIN .01111110111111111H ttttttt It1111111 tttttttt f01111,11111Wri 0 PEATUREl cltrititie,sr 38c I RITZ PKG. 19c :s0i, ttt tttttttttt tttt tt t toittottiotooltotoottoottootem4 111111111111111111111111111101111111110111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 liIIIIIIIDhIIIIIMIlIIIIiPIIIIlIIIIllIIlIIIIJ1lll1lllliBJJ $uper $ave for Quality Meats Wieners • 3 LG. $140 LS, 69c Sliced Side Bacon Maccironi-Cheese LOAF LG. 49c Beef & Pork Sausage 354 t II ttttt moonannonnon, Choice Veal this Week End Champion Beef Ask for rout eta of DILL STRONG'S STEER, whieh won he cheMplonshlp for finish et 111131NSAtti I) :tt, (AL1' (11,-tili. At 1 e gn I Itr Priee444 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 111111111111114 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111911111111111