The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-13, Page 11A t•• 4 I' A Anr..ounc.ement.s BIRTHS uta, A It, S Aisle, Cnd rag. a nnn ince the birth of adaughter, Judith Pita t, June le, et olee7-tutlaisS crifoe Bobby, t1 E.ASTON•-Mr. and leers. Don I'.aste on. ]1.It. 3 Exeter. announce the beth of a soil. Douglas Mac- Farlane. at Smith Huron Hoe. pita', June G. 1367, >k'OF.'',—Mr. and Mrs, Gorcdon Ford (nee Roma .Cottrell), 1- Willson Ave., London, are happy to an-' rtnunes t11e arrival ofPtheir eon. Donald .Allan, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, nil Monday, June 19, 1057. ef1NnllRLF1IN—Mr. and Mrs. John Aiiuderlein, P.R. 3 Zurich, an - nonose ine birthof a (tassel -leer. Janet. at "South Huron hospital, June 7, leen B.ENALD Alr .and Mrs. E. I. Renaud. S6 Anne Ste emptiness the birth of a deem -liter. Suzanne, Elizabeth. at. South Huron Hos- pital, June 9, 1957, While -- Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Ward, 442 Main St.. Exeter. an- nounce the birth of a ,dauHhtP . Patricia Doreen,' at South Huron" Hospital, June 9. 1957, DEATHS _1011Th --Passed away In liildeer, Seek., on Mae 1), 1957, Jesse Frederick Smith, formerly of Exeter. North. FORD -- At Parkwonel Hospital, London, on Friday, June , Ken- neth. Keith Ford. formerly Exeter. Funeral. Monday with interment In Alouni -(Pleasant Cemetery, London. lists—In Si. .1naeph.0 Ilospltal, London. on Sunday. ,lune 9, Harry (. Hems, of Zurich. Fune- ral from the„Westiaks funeral home. Tuesday. l.eterment In St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. 330114E --•In St., Mary's lioePital, London, on' Wednesday, June 5, 1957, William Boyle. Funeral service Saturday, June A. Inter- ment nter- mn e trleUay St, James' Cemetery, r had 1ar� DEATHS SIV TZER—Suddenly, to Exeter, nn Monday, dune i9+ 1917,• Milton J. Switzer, o,¢ Exeter, dear brother of Mrs. elarthe Smith, nr Fleeter; Aire, Ida 1,1ppert, of (;ravenhurst, and William, and Diatthew Sttreltzer, Grand Send, !n his seventy -teeth year. eir1'11t 11SON -- In Victoria Hoe - London. nn Saturday, anon 8, 4057, Cora Joyce hir'hersnn, daughter of the late Alex and Mary /inn AlePhereon, in her 1/evenly-second year. ANNOUNCEMENTS Airs. Id ('panthers Is entertain- ing at a trousseau tea nn Wednes- day, June 100, from e to 4 and 7 to 9 pm.. in honour of her daugh- ter, whose marria>a tar, Patricia. 22. calces place on Saturday, luno lee Mr. and Ales, Edward Sielcl: are celebrating their (golden Wedding Ann' versa ry on Saturday, .luno 15. Relative5. 'friends and neigh- bours are asked to accept this annnneeentent as an invltatton to vistt with them on elatucday. June 15, at 1) es h w n (Id Evangelical, Vetted Church .basement from 2.00 Ice 4.3(1 in the afternoon and from 1.30 to 10.10 In the evening, 13* ENGAGEMENTS A Mr. and Mr's, Jelin Ryan. Credi- tors, wish to•announes the engage- nlent of their daughter, elarY Therm, to Air. James Russell Brintnell. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hetet nett Exeter. The wed- ding to take place in Ottr Larry of Mount. Carmel church on Satur- day, July 13, 1057. rr- CARDS OF THANKS We wieh' 1n sinee,'elv thank nor Ey MRS. Gi.ADWYN HOOPER T,Waugh h of Loudon g pea Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. p Thacker. i Ta Mr, and Mrs,' Kenneth Lang- ford and family, Mr, Herb Lang- ford of Granton spent Sunday • with Mr, and Mrs. Gladwyn Langford of Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin- son, Paul and Ann were Sun- day. guests of Mr, ad Mrs. Ger- ald Hern, Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Coch- rane of London- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Dann. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomson and family, Mr. Win. Thomson were Sunday guests of Mr. and 'firs. Edgar Baker of Zion. 'Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mills were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arthur of Auburn, Mr, and Mrs. George Wilson • of Base Line were Monday eve- ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Carl Mills. Mrs, Lottie Jones, Mrs'. Ill - vada Hopkins of Mitchell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Jones • • Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Mar- tin of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mrs.' Jas, Massey. , Mrs Walter Jones of Glendale spent Tuesday with. Mrs, Cecil Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Thomson and family were Sunday evening. guests of Mr. andtMrs. Norman MeNaughton of, Stratford. Those attending the Thomson reunion at Exeter on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Thom- son, Murray, Anne and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jones and family. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and family and Mr. Wm. Thomson. f Mr, Wlhl. ThomsOli is spending t few days with 'relatives at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family attended the Facey reunion at. Ingersoll Memorial Park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Massey ands family spent tate weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Laurie of Marmara. • Mr. and Tdrs. Murray Thom- son of Stratford spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thomson. nwn,t4nnttnuuinunon n,nnneniun'oo'n No Chan e -Ads Tit Tinstas,A ti II In 5 Wards Or less Mors Then 2 'Words 241- Per Word 200 OFF if id Field With order or by SatUrclay following the hst insertion SVOCEEG1lNG INSERTIONS 4011 .,.. More Than 25: Wordt .. 1U0 Per Word a .ie Senti•Disp.ieY Cl if. + s ds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 900 Per Inch Subsequent insertions SAO Per Inch FOR SALE: a TON Tlit'C1i, 1012 Dodge, with • 1401st and reeks. ens owner. Ailp e Wilson Allan. plane650-r-6: Sea - forth, • 6:13o Classified ads accepted up tilt Wednesday noon. Auction sale Appy should be In Tuesday at noon. FOR SALE ]r Aienineon SEDAN,—Going over- seas. Must sell 'Irl Meteor Sedan• black, radio. Iteater, spotlight. permanent Mime good meclpr(1c- ally but needs some body work; best cash offer;.available linty 1. STRAWBE•RRIESPlace orders Phone 632 -Ai -le. 0:6:13c ,low for your boxes or crates. Apply..Charles Sovereign, 1yscan, phone le 73729c FOR RENT AI:ILKING A1AC'Xi1NEl. Ilite WILY,Y, aitteygomoidntecro.n1diiatri1an1adtsinpghloenee16Ss• .r-5 1.aar IOLST1IN HEIFER. fresh. vac..'. hated. 14eort;;e Poorttnga. ,1. male ems tl south and 1 mile eatet of 13r. BOYS' Ill fiYCLOI. juvenile, t''C 1i; reason for welling: too snla;l Phone 349.11 Exeter. A11 i1.D 1I 1'i.. 15 acres, timothy, alfalfa end red cover. A.pltily SV,. Dalr',yntpie. n.fl, leippen, .phone 680-r-5 Hensall. 1„ BABY :BUGGY. grey, In good e'en.- (Minn. 'on.-(litinn. Plume 166 dleusali, 3 cres. Wally Wein, i)ashwood.p hone .id.? eo REEF 11IG:F:i; ATOR, A.tlinrlai, used 1 year; raeg'etle; 2 5111511 dressers; Quebec circulating heater; ]citche:n cupboards 2 kitchen tallies and small buffet: _ studio couch; large wardrobe. May be seen tit 27 Huron St. 'R'., opposite hospital. 1.3.c DRAIN TILE 4 Melt $ 65 per At Deed S titch 85 per M1 Deed n .1 110 per At Dd1'd a -71001st APARTelENT, Centralia village., Apply next to Station. Centralia. ! Bete TURNIP SEET)FAT, Precision. AP - ply Harold Dignan, 3 -Hiles west of Hensall, phone 91.r-etee1fi:^ urio6! fi i cr for the lovely cards rs anci reloweret 7 inch 113 per 12 Deed for the Dortt wand floweret175 ato rlcph's when a patient, 8 Melt bowsliin Stock at St. .TnsrYlh'a I•lnspital, :l.onclnn, .ria, Y's and Elbows and shave returning home,•« -Clay- Prices for 10", 12" and 1e" rice and Dorothy Down. 1. on Request REM. ESTATE 'TENDERS. WANTED 0 i'i7;:.D1100,e1 HOME, 'nenr'la' new. full pored basement, on :i•trnnee, hardwood doors; east bide of Ex- .eter;.'close to schools, R. E,. Falk• will, . 47 dohs St, tenet. laaeter, :phone $9-J. Elite and neighbors who so s DAL, BRiCK AND TiLE 1 wish to titanic all mY friends. y relatives 14 kindly remembered me with cauls, 1 1ainfield Pitons 193 Lueat. l vers and visits while 11tf11 os1 a. ' 4P S t 1 1 St. .[a. Ili. In' p t. a full a patient n room, living room kitchen. n Lnndott, and since returning loans. ��„ TV' C nc• 1 T'lrciric 3 months treats, tot 1 ' is et 1 AP .RTSLEN r, in Shipka, 2 -bpd-• ,e .ra basement, hot an co water. old; '4S UndgeJ car. Sacrifice *toilets. Phone 6-J —Mrs. 13* Allan *Jaques. 31410, indoor t ]tafc.es. .Amply A Crediton, life 1 Il st h ne 1'Xe1el fJTt AM �>' ! EM . iN M i BA1Sr—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Airs. Alartha liaist, who passed away 3 years ago, June 13. Beautiful memories si)enty kept. Of a wonderful mother we'll never forget, For eaeIt of us site did ]ler beat, .tnd (Ind gave her eternal rest. -,.Lovingly remembered by hus- band and family, - il Miller McDou a Picnic Held Here The eleventh, annual Miller - McDougall reunion was held in. Riverview Park, Exeter; on Sa- turday with 04 in attendance. Andrew Park, Mitchell was elected president for the coming year. Wilfred Annis, Mitchell is vice-president; M r s. William Lamport, Hensel', secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McCartney, Seaforth, lunch committee; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rhode, Mitchell, sports committee. It was decided to hold the pic- nic next year on the third Satur- day in June in Mitchell Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLach- lon cohvened the sports.. Prize winners for pre-school children were Faye; Templeman, Glen McL•achlart -boys, '8 years' and under, Murray Park, Robert Mc- Cartney; • 10 years and under, Murray Park, Gordon Clark; 1.2 years,, and under, Jimmy Rohde, Jack McLaehlan. E. Le -.fart c 10 I .1 11 o + 9 t�, am 4 p effn IAIPI.I:MI,NT DClT.iDING—Hensall 11.17.C. Is offering for stela the Implement .bullcling of the late William Parte., Building to he re- moved and grounds cleaned up, Tenders to be In by June 22, For ferther information notify James Clarice, superintendent. 6:19:180 200PULL13'rS, 'Name Sussex, 12 weeks old. tub Farquhar, Kip.pen, • STANDING iIAY; .1949 Chau bait ton plywood truck racks. AIlPIY Don Parsons, phone 673-r-33 Hen - sail. . UNIVERSAL 'MILKER, 2 single units; milk enw, due end of month. L. Tasko, RR. 1 (1ande- boye. phone 570-J-1 'Exeter. 13c TuNosm, Jahn Deere, 7 ft, cut, on rubber, good a51 new. Apply "Ward Hero, Woodham phone Ktriclon 41.r-7. :1° uslo) BATH T't:'13, good; also quantity of used soil pipe. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone 1118 or 130-W1.. Girls 'eight years and under, Barbara Miller, Faye Temple- man; 10 years and under, Lois McLachlan, Julie Chappell; 12 years and under Lois' McLach- lan, June McLachlan; Married men, Robert McLachlan, Wilfred' Annis; Married ladies, Mrs. Les- lie Miller, Mrs. , Wilfred Annis Horse and driver, Lois Mc- Lachlan and Murray Park, Bob Templeman and Audrey Annis; rolling egg, Jack McLachlan, Jimmy Rohde; kicking lady's slipper, men, Bill Lamport; women, Mrs. Bill Lamport; shoe scramble. Wilfred Annis and Mrs. Alvin Cole; children, Kenneth Annis and Lois McLachlan, 'Youngest' child' present was. Joyce Rhode, oldest lady, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell; oldest man, Alex, McDougall. Andrew park and Bill Lamport were captains for several relay races. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller were lunch conveners, Uilnttu n,iulrirtntnnir,rnniiliin,rritllealnintniiriy4 Special ForE. Father's Day' SPORT SHIRTS '3..95 SPORT SLACKS 7f'1#illi $7*aai s Ira $14,95 UNFURNISHED MOUSE Seven roo5ns, in Centralia. bathroom, furnace. electricity; also a number of ease and .two -room apartments In Exeter and area. W. C. Pearce. Realtor, SS Anne St. RED -SITTING Ii00Af, large, piece bath and pantry, on .ground floor, at back. heated. private entrance, all utilities paid. Avail- able at once. Mrs. 'WetttneY Coates. phone 39-re3 Kirlcton. etfc Hl1MES. FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter ,$2.000.00 CASH with monthly rale Meets. good Week '/lame, in choice location; nice lot with, garage. BRAND Ne..11V•-3-bedroom, 1-1toor home with garage; up-to-date Icitc'hent beautiful)' tiled beth - room; large living -dining •temall fine basement with oil ileating. This to the type of :home you Would build for yoursSlb. APARTME'N'T HOUSE, centrally located. 4 eorupletel:y• selt-.cantaln- ed Tarnished apartments. This is a brick building with everything In the ,hest of repair 'throw bout, Will provide purchaser with good Income. :ROOMY FRADLE HOUSE: modern itchen. 2piece bath. down, 3 p up; new oil burning furnace:. central location, nice'. let. EXETER NORTH—Comfortable ;- bedroom .cottage with tbreei extra .lots and very good barn, Well wired. Good basement. '1'o buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance. 394 Main St., Exeter. pitone 166 acid 630. 10'10 HILLMAN, 33109 or best offer. Better Bros., Luean. Phone 1081 o' Lute\. KITCHEN' TAGT;B,small, size, around '7" x 42"; 3 kitchen: chairs. •Phone 2112 Exeter. 13* MOVIE CAAIIhRA, 8 Moir. Kodak ltt'owrlie 1''2,7 lens, complete 'with TCvci'eatdy leather ease,eln excell- ent condition; complete, $25.00, Apply .111034 .l1orrr'r; Studio. hie, PRI3AM SEPARATOR, eeeCormtck Deering. hand and electric, 'user/ shoot 6r'ears, lust line new; Milking machine. , 2 unit, just like new, used op)y 6 months, complete with motor, enough pip- ing to milk 14 rows, .Apply 13olui Kuznlich, Creation, 1010 DODGii CAR, in 'lovely10 eoie. dltlnn, Apply MILKING MACHINE, laeLaval, 2 stainless steel units, good Motor, used only a felt years before sick- ness causal owner to give tip farming. t`lerence Routly, phone 20-11-2 K i e l: t 011. 0,11. 13. TOYS! TOYS! Beavers Easement 7'oytown is open ail year round. Gifts Inc children's parties. birth - clays ete. for all ages. Beavers Hardware. 5 Former Resident APARTMENT, avatlable July 1, 3 bediens rooms p 4 - ' 'hath • large clothes rooms, extra cupboard space upstairs; large living room and klteben downstairs; hot and cold water on tap; heated; use of garage; rent reasonable. Mfrs, Witney Coates, plione 39-r-3 ICIrtkon. 6140 BRICK • HOUSE, 1 - room, with hydro, and furnace, ,convenient to village. :('hone 196 Hensa11. 6:130 APARTMENT, 3 -bedroom, heated, private entrance and bath. Mrs. I3arold Beavers, phone ¢02-W Exeter. 6:1 "a0 3 APARTAIBiNTS, unfurnished,. :Both are heated, *tot and cold 'water, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing..Prlvate ent- rance. Blatchtard Apis, 13* Keith Ford Dies Funeral services for the late Keith 'Ford were held 'from the Carrothers Funeral Home in Lon- don on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in Mount Pleasant' cemetery. Mr. Ford had been., suffering from, arthritis and had been a patient at Parkwood Hospital for the past eight years and passed away. there on Friday last. He was born in 'Michigan 67 years ago, the second eldest son of the late John Ford, former caretaker of the Exeter ceme- tery, and Mary Isaac. He is survived by his wife, the former Carie Canning and two brothers, Gordon, of Flint, Mich., and Cecil, of London. Relatives who attended the funeral from this district were Mrs. Harry Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford and Mr; and Mrs. William Dickey. Walper"s Men'ss Wear .. PHONE 41 EXETER. "_.. 31]Yfdifrltl'11YntillrrlmnnSMInntOnlninnnntinntht,thintnicnin muinrnuin001110unn111110ili e Power Plan Club Topic APARTMENT, 2 e'bedroom, up- stairs, ' unfurnished; le bedroom apartment, ground 'floor, unfur- nished; store. 11 x,40 feet, heated, Apply John Ward, phone 3.4e; ' nee 'i'o'n Pryde, Huron MLA, de• scribed. the glgantio St, La,w» rence Seaway Power, project to Exeter Kinsmen at their govern- ment night meeting Thursday evening. With the help of slides, Mr. Pryde explained bow Ontario I•fydro and the Power Authority of New York were cd.operating in the multi-million dollar task of harnessing, the river for manufacture of electric energy. MrPryde showed how dams would create a drop in the river of 150 feet over an area of one mile to provide the force neces- sary to supply 2,200,000 horse- power bf electric energy to Ontario and New Fork.. His slides also showed hOw towns were being lnOved to new sites (.o allow tor the itdadtloiids created by the tams. Tho MLA suggested ftinsinen visit the prosect on their holi- days this summer. Conducted fours, are provided by Ontario HThe speaker was introduecd by gay Wuerth, alit/ apprecia- tion expressed by ilaroid Pres/Woe, /'resident -elect Iry Armistead# ciinduetetl , the iii`hfetiini#. Feast President Ray Wuerth was 'ser geant.et-al ms4 MODERN 'VV'HITE ROSE Service Station FOR. LEASE Flt'' TOWN Ob' BLYTH Good. Gallonage,' Low ':lent Licenced Mechanic Preferred APPLY SAM 11tcDONALD Box 329 Clinton '1'O'V3 NSI#I1' OF :ST i,l.m d I'll ' I3 C0i' CEMION AWLNICIP-1,L. DRAIN • Tendera will be received lay the 'township of Stephen on the Filth concession Mu111rtpal heath, too. Mating of 1,389 lineal feet of open, 41rain. Plan. profile and epecdfica- icor s may be seen at ills office e r Pt the (.'leek. Work to commence an soon as tender is awarded. Tenders to be In the hands of the nr 7 ne ,.3. 1957. or rie f. a .0 Clerk on Lowest 00 any tender not news" eerily accepted, W. I.ICD1OltC -I+ Clerk 1'1 7 .n ., it c FIRE PROOF THEATRE, bit 0d- !ng 140' x 130', of cement and steel construction, 'Will seat 391.. All seats ane. decorationsin exeelient condition; room on.lot for expan- sion: new hot water beaten' and cooling system; wide screen with latest tdual ' picture .equipment; cleat R,(!.4., sound, 7'or ftlrthsr a5 D4a 4,d Information sell Walter Y St. Marys. or write Box 616. R, J. Harris Insurance- Agencies Ltd., Realtor, 615 Richmond St., 6 radon, Ontario. 0i in Crediton. l2 :,-I1p0At swum years old, part basement, insulate ed, priced reasonable to close out estate. Contact A. 7. Sweitzer, Exeter, 'phone, A4, • 16tfe 6tfn 7-210052 130VSF1. 3 bedrooms, a- piece bath upstairs, 2 -niece down- stairs, oil heated, garage, , aejotn- leg schools., ApplyAndrew St. 1.3:20 ?T:4:11:15* 'WAR?.TIM'E HOUSE, frame. with asbestos siding. 3: bedrooms.' A'p- piy 127 Anne Ste or phone 691 r :Fleeter. •1,30 AP A. leT M 6i 1'I T, unfurnished, '3 large rooms and bath. Private entrance. 585 M,atn•St. '13• BRICK HOUSE—Apply Mrs. Geo. Layton, 110.Main St., phone Exeter 286. Elite • APARTMENT, furnished, immed- iate possession. Beavers Ha.rd- ware.,plum e 86 'Exeter. • I3t•fe .ATAT,.TAIENT, 2 -bedroom, furnish- ed or unfurnished. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 476, 13tfc 4-R0012 APARTMENT. . centrally located. partially furiiished, beat - ea, with bath and hot. , water: separate entrance; available July I Y rent reasonable, 313 Anrdrew St., Exeter, SA]ALT, A PAIITMOTh1T, v2.11411 ti now. Phone 202 Exeter OF apply Godbolt's Apartments, 16 John 11. 3•RO03t2 APA.R'rAeEN'r; on RIO - evay 4, 11,e miles south of 'Exeter. 7'•'ti1•hished o1' partly furnished tt Ith electric stove and retrigera tor; private entrance and separate 3-picoe bathroom; avallable Jule' 1. Tiione 37S.".VI. Guaranty. Trust Realtor ' 7(EY8lr.LL • • 2-hedroom frame ebttage, modern kitchen, double garage, Ideal for retired couple. - llENSA.L'L • 3 -bedroom frame home, Immacu- late, modern kitchen and bath. new oil beating unit. 'Well worth your inspection. TOWNSHIP Ole STEP1HEi PF'Afee' MUNICIPAL DRAIN Tenders will he received by the Township .of Stephen on the. Pfaff Alunlcipal 'Drain. consisting lot 155.906 lineal feet of open drain and 866 lineal' feet of tile drain. :Plan, profiie and spenificationa ,may be seen at the office of the l"lerk. Work to commence ea soon as tender is awarded. Tenders to he In 111.e hands et the Clerk on or before ,Tune 29, 1957. Lowest or AMY tender not neeeeasar'liy ac- cepted. F. w, DM0'RLOCK. Clerk 13:30:270 r ow:',SFtil. oil' ,ST:FlPHEN SMITH MUNICIPAL D:ItAIN T.ende.rs, willbe received by the. Township of Steplten on the Smith Municipal Drain, consisting of 1;000 lieteat .fleet of open drain. Plan, profile and speeific'ations may he seenat the office of the Clerk. Work to commence as Senn as posaihte after tender las atvard- ed, 'Panders to be in the, hands of the Clerk on or before ,lune 29, 1.957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. 11013LOCK, Clerk k.0:'.7e T0'SVNSI311? OF STEPHEN CARROI,',, MUNICIPAL DRAIAT Tenders will he received by the Township et Stephen on the Care roll Municipal '',rain, consisting n- covered feet of co e] f 3 00 Ile a o drain and 950 lineal foot of open drain. Plan, profile and specifica- tions mayhe seen at the. office of the Clerk, Work to commence as soon as possible after tender is, awarded. Tenders to be In the hands of the Clerk on or before Jens 29, 1957, Lowest 0r any tender not necessarily accepted. MoFtf.00K, .(lerk • HENSALL • vil- lage, 'Rural we ent c�Ilouse� edl1 brick with furnace.and bath. ill sA1,t. • 'Fite'' "n Hensa11's ' finest ,homes,. modern- 3 -bedroom brick house. exceptionally well decorated real opportunity to acquire a fine home. HEN SALT, 2 -bedroom 'brick house, modern kitchen, good state of ,repair, new furnace. HEN SA:L:L 2 -bedroom brick house, new hot water oil heating' unit, hardwood floors up and down, good. state of repair with. 2 -car garage, priced for immediate sale. HENSA let New, " small, frame, 1-'hedronln home, nicely appointed. ideal 'for retired .couple, •priced to sell. ;\Ve have additional listings of town and farm properties avail- able for your consideration. GUARANTY TRUST , Realtor 0. p:s;TE,▪ RNOV Phone 51 0en3n11 REAL „ESTATE BRICK _ .HOUSE, 1—storey, 3-bet1- toom, 3 -piece bathkitchen sink and ctipbbards, dopble garage, 2 STOREY BRICK, , oil furnace, forced air; 4 rooms, sunttercll, stain floor; 'a beds a.ttd bath, upstairs; garage; locaUoit good. BRICK HOUSE, well slteeted to school, soltitb10 for large family or batt/, oileee 3burhlhg' fa ece bath 2 -piece 1 FL.001:I, maul brie, living room nlice 1kitchen, bftdil! ocellar,nite (urrutee, hot Fater tank, central lnration. FRAME HOME', 3-bedroorn, ltydee, bath, 011 heat, 1.57'OREY H0f1SE, tie* furnace, Vete bath, ttbw r0nf, garage* RUG 1ti'10"le :HOUSE, 6'1'oalle in very convenient shopping centre, 'bath, hat and 1013. Water, 0115h deal, qutek poseteelen. letfd APARTMENT ENT HOUSE, ells 'turtiace heat. separate entrances aiid bath - roosts, : Gond le Y e e t tji t, Good dt'veilittS'; 3 bedreonse, batbr00M tip - Filth's: living rent, tithing room, den, kitchen, plain Iloor; fern5eletfe 00. 23tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG WOMAN desi.ree rummer etaiPlovntent at Grand .Lend. Phone St. MMrY3 ;90 or 'write 13o;t 3(41, 13e HELP '*ANTED AL1PPt,3-AGFA WOMAN, to give kind, and ,Un etre t,Andin,g taro to elderly lady. Prectlral nursing ssau aet :but not essential. Extra help In Monte. "Write: W. lila'. �e filo Flux lil6, ,c`,t, Marys TOSSTASI'11P OF STEPHEN CONCRETE BRIDGES Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen on a con- crete Bridge between lois 35 and 36, South Boundary, 30th Conces- eession. Plan. profile and speetfi- cations may be seen at the office of the Clerk. 'Work to commence as soon as possible after tender is awarded. Tenders to be in the isands of the Clerk on or befnre June 29, 1957. Lowest or any Ten- der not necessarily accepted. • F. W. M1oRLOCIC, aerie 13:20:2+c WAITRESSES full ,WANTED 005 5 Hine, one part time. Apply in person. Itether's Coffee Shop, Fleeter. 13' ?OUND WRIST WATCH, an Hensel' Come anunity Park, Owner can, Asim t:lte trema by -contacting :Tlonaid MiSCeil;neous ♦telt)11 Afock, Fox 43 Iiensail, 130 ' fan the ''remis { Gostlen Street, atiort'tes,, to tete WANTED VILLAG1; OF ZURICH • ' The 1`ndereliened Auctioneer II WASHING AtAC1IlNFI, old, used, `Instructed to sell bee Inibn Aug- ` electric. belt -driven; also shallow **en nn welt pump jack: hope wagond, d / 3gl R5�A.A Fat# lelelti y,1'CTd 5t1 ,$$7 add used* galvanize!sheetin1* ESPAE--Conatotsp#C con. Phone Granton 72-- ',: 10, W. P. South Hale 22. V'II lase of Zurich on -titch is eitnat- ed a Weit constreeted two storey brick ',dwelling, "fainfloor tech eslets of livingand dining , hedroont. F i t c h e n and ,utility ”▪ -6" se S'' earpete ;Scniter cupboard; stasis. eupbonrd; cupboard; quantity of ,dj glaasivare (some getticriiue); pan'1F Jnr;' utensils: hot. :plate; feetnIr 'Oen and p1ilosva: oil space beaten hose bicycle; work bench: well] tubs; ,copper boiler: crooks): lawn mower +quantity Trutt 1441 and other ertielest too numtsrotll' to mention, , TF,P.A1S: Cash r F 5'T A'T E :tar! k a h frame ti -room house atrith' $-p1ec3• . bath and new cit furnace, Soil subject tet reserve ..bid. 1O% 4ay 1 1 0 w ;e. ] re n $ � of gale, ba at they a. to be sold at :0 p,xu. Estate of the late William IiSjl1R .AAuctioneer Isea MARRIOTT, FI O. AI Itll , F �T AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Reel Estet'o, Household Effects and MISCELLANEOUS e75'ee YOU a contract grain grower". u to spray i1 Jnr1f yo1000410are inbe cedersure that room; second fie/be bas 3 bed• youmay sell your grain to best rooms; large basement, coal and advantage. Contact T. V'. Ho- wood furnace, ample lawn and Barth, telephone 266 Exeter. 6:13c garden; also shall barn and garage. This is a very desirable dwelling property, very nicely s to situated and. In first clews state a of repairs. Inspection: invited be- Sore clay or sate. Terms of Real testate --10% oft day of sale. Balance in ecl day%, Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid, OrHF12 ITEMS: Dining roan/ table, 1) dining room chairs, var- ns na n k' centre tables; 2 leather rockers. 3 oak rockers; arm chair;. erneleaf table; buffet: smoking stand; tapestry rug. 9x10: net' Williams sawing machi,tet eiectritf limpet kitchei table. e. andd chsira• Westinghouse electric stove: Sun- light 'electric washing machine; congai0um rug, 10x12 ; w 1tinl desk; counter. scales; trunks; cellar tables; large assortment of bedding; 111anketse quilts; come feelers; fancy denies; silverave,re; glassware: 3 complete.hedrooits suites; toilet. sets; chest nt draw..• era; clothes basket: assortment of carpenter and garden tools,. single cords of dry hard wood, etc: TERMS: Cash. SALE OF STEEL TRUSS BRIDGE Sealed Tenders wl1'i be. recetvet3, by the ttndersIgned until B'riday. lune 21, 1957. 12 noon. EDT, for the steel bridge located on the old portion of 1'IiglewaY'No. 21 at Hayfield, Ont., crossing the 'Hay- field River, span approx. 320 ft. Tito successful, bidder to remove the structure at his 'owe expense and leave the sight in a; sat.lfac- tory condition. Specifications may be secured at the office of the undersigned. A. certlfied cheque payable to ththe.e Corp. county of Huron d to for ine ncluded withnt �teae31 tender. The higlo5tnr'aafy tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. I3RITNELT. County Engineer, County of Huron. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING .MM:ACHLNES Electric: portables by the week.. Hopper - Hockey urniture, phone 99.; Ex- eter. eters Floor Sanders Floor 1idgerb, ltioor Polisher's Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER tan -1'616,A' C71T'i:Af41-�•T+'ante aopltslt 410 , elbbtriclty, isbtatl WWI'', 3 aates, $1000. 9tfn 14 t t'411 SV' A Sr 100 .1+Ct;.b15, `1,rlek house, . large barns, Silo, drive Shed; 316,000. 81‘111,14 11 N 1 011 Atti38, betel. house, hem eb1VenStlette 1ar,fis L- rhAttS bat'na 'tvith Sbdd htttblthRr 11tter e5,trifr'. "cVt'Ite Rhone nr eeeele, '1i`. O, istarc,t. Y7saltor, Bx@t(r, rhonp 435; 1'.+e,rt t>1t welts,. 11.})1)115 1197, 'i' reel talk. phone' 8311.W1 Salesmen, 0 TV SETS i,AbIt7S, 1IEGORD PLAYERS AnCK'S TV AAAI° 5k,'f.1R015 Phone Grniid $end 192 (Otte SERVICES WHITEWASH/NG 4r CI,,E A.NING-- Arrangenttnts can be madeBill Watson, ;basbwood, phone 3Otr- 19. MOBILE .DISPOSAL ' CONTRACTING Septic Tank Cleaning' repairs 0n tat'ains, l6"a,termainq late Nece Installations runts 205 . 4HAND DEMO 16..)3:30:6 13:20e lac BRUSH. PAINTING SCHOOLS Separate tenders' Will he receive ed for the. brusli painting of School Section No. 4 and School Section No. 6, Stephen ' Township. Tenders Wile in by ,lune 24, For particulars contact• Witmer 'Wein, Sec,-Treas., _Box 181 CrSdito� +Oc STRAYED CAT, tiker'colored female. answea's to the name "Fluffy."' Phone 00-11 13-, Crediton. AUT. 10N SALE$ . Clearing AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Effects Anel Real Estate in the VILLAGE OF' 'IVOODIIAAt SA'i'I::Ltl?,1 X, .4 L:'\. E 15, 1057 (annenc1,i at r n toec , A,S.T, Three-piece chesterfield suit e• 4 wicker chairs; end.table and tnir- ror; 2 small. tables• •floor lamp; magazine rack; chesterfield table; music cabinet; piano stool; 2 .tern stands; fernery; Boston rocker; 9 - piece oak diningrotten rosuite.. (leather seated chairs); combina- tion china cabinet andbuffets round ex t e n a i o n table an chairs; A'strol refrigerator: drop head, sewing machine; cheat of drawers: 5-plere walnut bedroom suite with wardrobe( in excellent condition); night stand; eing10 bed. spring and mattress; dresser; 3 -piece 'walnut bedroom Sutte: single. bed: dresser; stand; and bench; 2 chairs, rocker; antique table;' quilt box; radio; 3 rugs„ 11E1) YEARLING—Last soon North tlsborne Boundary. Anyone see- ing' animal. contact William Cann, Exeter, .pitone 4556-2-5. 13c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAT- HATCHERY has a wide choice of:chicks, prompt shipment. For egg' markets. dayold and started pullets. Broilers. Dual purpose chicks. A'.sk us tor sum= per Ilst with prioe?. .ksk agent: Erie Carscadden. Exeter phone 246 -'SV. Bray Hatchery, .120 John *.. 3.lenlilt0n, , 13a GORDON mkt,. Harper Woods 'Mich., Executor fn tthe Estate of the> late J. P, Rau. ALVIN WALPSR, Auctioneer 1 left my films at... Huntley's Drug Store PHONE 50 EXETER NOW! FAST SERVICE ON COLOR WORK Your Film is Back In Approximately One Week NOW 15 THE TIME to have, your septic tank ptin'ttied out. Phonea l3tttlee, Bro5.,'1"o9-yv or 10g Lucan. °0.5:1* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO YOU', presently reading ihle insertion, z4 nhevree for bigger profitsand betterlhcbme of. l(ttl(yenetiug ahMoti1a eer t' res duels are hi denttalt& being; ell the (Hest; qult.lity, Heeded every' where tend fast axles ()bighted, Wit'lt (site interesting esoneltibtis„ stens you brill be the 1101;s tft a ;tined and depefidahte' lusiltest. crani, 10 knt„v More it bolt 11? Write Joe clelelle, If 'c'a ate fen. t'esnutt;tl h5 your locality, teS Win *ltrV5 itnot]tet l,'1t'crc+stt(t* atiggeel' inti for -wets. This le 1115 ;year whets. atnbttiOne 0er5nns have 'e /*Hafted In do 'eniiteilltti1g and 1111- etove. 411611' sitnaflen. fires le- fortllation at 1600 helot ttniet,. tt 42 111,0)11eeaT Dept. 60`, � ratio• A tee ste.etr ee, '4( WA Nit' 1sI's for riatr.6lieb. business. Real ' nppe1'tunity. Net a+:051101Telheedatt t8 etaut, 'Cl''t`lte TttS:ttolsalgw Deese 1)' 202''0, 41165 It,.ichelteu. St, Alohtrettl, 'Quo1St NOTICES P,ATO;\1 VIVIltt,TNG - 1<t tit131'ini5 Kalhfrolte t ;M61111011. of the T`3k» 110113.1 Tiet1Yt1 't'w1r1114 Associsl iti11, IS orleit0lkfrie n 115041 iyl. h5ttoi trvitTitili": ,Kri '0il6 iS1t61'est* , otoxi O t 1ti11 "Gur'idh: 1621 SPORT SHIRTS Smart Leighton `Styles Unconditionally Guaranteed Made by Buddy Fully Washable' LONG SLEEVES $3.95 TO $5.95, SHORT"SLEEVES ,,,...,,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $2.95 TO $4:95 Linen Handkerchiefs Socks 50c $1.00 Cuff Links, Tie Bar Sets $3,95 VAN HUESON SHIRTS BATHING SUITS CAPS SUMMER SHORTS Slacks s Slacks ! Slacks -1 1l.ua'Idreds of pairs to citonse froth, starting g *COO, 119 a Ally o l Slacks, regular $1.9.06, 11educed to $15.95. PHONE 214 MEN'.S at BOY'S' WU Otrtlitt