HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 1810 TOW 71019$44411/00144 JUMP 16, 1957
Clande boye Comments
Mra..:ire :illk.
Funeral services a vices were conduct-'
ped on Monday, JIM S, for Mrs.
Ira. Bice. former Elizabeth Ann
Sheardown, widow of the late
Ira -Bice, by the Rev. J, P. ('rest,.
et :the Haskett funeral home,
Litean. •
Mrs. Bice, daughter of the
late Mr. and Airs. Henry Shear -
down, was born at Port 4epe
June 27, 180. She had been in
Wing health, for some time,
and died on the old home farm,
con. 3 McGillivray township on
Saturday. June 1, at the home
of her .daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and hlrs, Heber McFalls.
She is survived by her daugh-
ter, (radii) Mrs. Heber McFalls
RR. 1 Clandeboye and one son,
Dr, Ernold Bice of London; one
sister, Mrs. Ada Canes, Hami-
ota, Manitoba; one brother, El.
mer Sheardown, Goderich, and
one granddaughter, Mrs. Clayton
1 askett of Lucan. She was pre-
deceasedby her husband in 1930
end by a daughter, Ina in 1922.
Pallbearers were .Carl Bice,
Austin Bice, Jim Cunningham,
Lloyd Lynn, Harold Lynn and
Charlie Cochrane.
Interment took place in St.
,Tames Church .cemetery, Clan-
Fenton Ross Carter
Fenton Ross Garter, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. James
Carter, died on Monday after-
noon, June 3 at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
. Funeral service was conducted
by' Rev, J. P. Prest, rector of St.
Rev. J. P, Prest, rector of St.
James Church, Clandeboye at
the Murdy funeral home on Wed-
nesday, June 5 at 2 p.m, with
interment in St. James Church
cemetery„ Clandeboye.
Mr. Carter was born in Clan-
deboye February 3, 1890 and is
survived by one brother, Albert,
of London; one sister, Jessie. of
{ W.A. And Guild Meeting
Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham was
hostess for the May meeting on
Thursday of the W.A. and Guild
of. St. James church. President
Mrs. Andy Carter presided.
Mrs. Ed. Flynn read the scrip-
ture, The Litany was taken by
the rector, the• Rev. J. P'. Prest.
Mrs. Ernie Lewis gave a pap-;
er on Time Plans were laid for
Ed. Flynn, Mrs. Andy Carter
and Mrs. E. Tomes attended the
West Middlesex Deanery meet-
ing :held in. St. Anne's :Church,
Byron on Monday. Following the
service of holy .communion' the
Rev. Canon A. H. Davis, B.A,
B.D,, gave an illustrated ad-
dress on .his recent visit to. the
Canadian church in Jordan, In-
dia, Pakistan, Hong Kong and
Personal Items
Sgt. Bloye, formerly of Moisse
and Centralia RCAF stations, left
on Sunday for North Bay. Mrs.
Max Bloye, Cheryl and Susan.
wilt spend some trine in the vil-
lage with her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. H. Murless.
Miss Anne McKenzie, R.N. of
the Chatham Hospital visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hend-
rie for a few days, On Sunday
they attended St. George's church
at Belmont, then were guests of
Mr. Falls and Mrs, Emily Neale.
Later they visited the new
church, St. Martins in the field,
Oakridge Acres in London.
Miss Gwenneth McGowan of
Toronto visited Mrs. J. If. Paton
on Thursday. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McGowan, have
taken up residence in Hamilton.
They were former residents of
Bruce Henry and Clare Paton
attended the annual Middlesex
County Junior Farmer livestock
judging competition at Byron on
Saturday. It was the largest turn-
out for many years,
Miss Elaine Grainger and pu-
pils of Clandeboye School No. 4
and 12 won the trophy given by
Riverview W. I. for top unison
chorus, at North Middlesex Music
Festival. The Clandeboye W.I.
trophy was won by Marjorie
Donaldson of the Clandeboye
School for best girl soloist.
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Roberts of
Hamilton and the latter's neph-
ew and his bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Frost who have arrived
from England and taken up res-
idence in Hamilton, visited with
Mrs. E. Tomes and family on
Mrs. E. Tomes and family
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Laughton in Strath-
roy. Mr. Laughton recently re-
turned from hospital.
Friends, Honor
,Almarie Davis
)(lisp Almarie Davis, bride -
elect of 'Saturday, was hanore4
by ,friends .and relatives. in. St.
Patrick's Parish )fall on Satur-
day .evening when she was, .given
a miscellaneous shower .of ;gifts.
A short program was given
consistingof a vocal solo by
Wendy Kiston,: piano .duet by
Sheila and David Elston, 'a, vocal
trio by Ileattcer Davis, .Joan'
Barker and Leslie Greenlee and
a reading by Mrs. Melvin Gard,
Airs. Earl Atkinson and Mrs.
Richard Dickins imide arrange.
ments for the evening,
Kitchen Shower
Mrs. .Graham Alfreds, London
entertained at her home to .a
kitchen shower for Miss Davis.
on Tuesday evening, May 28.
Guests were former members
of the 1956 graduating class of
Victoria Hospital school of nurs-
ing of which the bride -elect was
also a graduate,
Nurses. Present
Miss Davis was presented with
a pottery breakfast set on Thurs-
day evening byher fellow nurses
at Victoria Hospital. London,
Janice Neil Honored
Mrs. Gerald Northcott and
Mrs. Stan Frayne were joint
hostesses at the latter's home on
Friday evening for friends of
Miss Janice ,Neil, bride -elect of
Janice was the recipient :of a
miscellaneous shower, of gifts
presented in a flower -decorated
basket by Marlene Harness and
David Frayne,
Shower Nola Perkins
Friends and neighbours of Miss
Nola Perkins, gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold.
Jeffrey on Monday evening to
honor her on her approaching
Mrs. Garnet Hicks read an
address and Mrs. Milton Luther,
presented Nola with a tri -light
Kathryn Hicks favoured with
a piano solo and several con-
tests were tried.
Relatives gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins
on Tuesday evening to honor
their daughter Nola, bride -elect
of Saturday.
A miscellaneous shower of
gifts was presented to Nola in a
basket by Frances Skinner and
Marilyn Johns. ,
a group of six members to at- t7—
tend the deanery Meeting in 1
CanadaByron 'on June 3.
Mrs. Rae Hodgins presided ; Needs
for the Guild meeting. An in-
vitation was received from the
guild of St. Patrick's Church,
Saintsbury, toattend their ba-
sear on June 12. 1
It was decided to purchase a
diocesan church flag to be used
on' Flag Raising 'Day, Sunday,
June 9. '
Attend Deanery Meeting
Mrs, Karl O'Neil, Mrs. J. Hew-
iitt,, Ars.. Fred Simpson, Mrs.
Continued from Page B
Mr, Elzar Mousseau has been
confined to his bed in the in-
terests of his health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson vis-
ited an afternoon last week with
Mr. Lloyd Dowson and his sister,
Miss Ella Dowson of near Var-
Miss Judy Gridzak visited re-
cently with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs,Cliff Watson, Cen-
tralia, .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton of
near Seaforth were Friday after-
noon visitors of Mr and Mrs.
Norman Long,
Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle
spent Monday in London.
Mrs. Norman Long received
word on Sunday that a cousin,
Kenneth Long of Owen Sound,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Long,
'was killed Saturday night in a
head-on collision near Owen
Sound. His wife and baby 'are
hospitalised in Owen Sound.
Gram Says •
--Continued from Page 7
Cut in shortening using a pastry
blender or finger tips, until prix
, has consistency of corn meal.
Store in 'covered containers at
room temperature. Makes 20
cups. To measure cake mix, pile
it lightly into a measuring cup
and level off witha spatula.
White Cake •
4! egg whites
0 cup sugar
sr cup milk
3 cups white cake mix
1 tsp. vanilla,
Beat egg whites until nearly
stiff enough to hold peaks. Con,
tinue beating while adding sugar
gradually. Beat until meringue
is very stiff. Add 0 the milk to
the mix.. Stir 100 strokes. Add
remaining milk and vanilla and
beat 200 strokes. (11 an electric
beater is used, allow 3 minutes
on high for making the mer-
ingue then 1 minute on low speed
after each addition of .niilk.)
Fold in meringue until complete-
ly blended. Four into two 8 -inch
layer cake pans lined with wax.
ed paper. Bake in moderate
E75:° F. oven 20.26 minutes.
For two 9 inch layers, use 6
egg Whites, % cup sugar, 1 cup
milk, 43 cups 'white cake mix
and II tsp. vanilla. Bake at 3750
1bo t 25 Minutes,
. * . .
tor tit different kind of cake
'OAT give ybli Mrs. E. L, Chaffers
i.recipe 'for `
(eluate Soup Celt*
(Mrs. V. L. Chaffer
1 cup .brown sugar
g tbsps, butter
1 egg well beaten
2 cups flour
S taps. baking' powder
1 tsp, baking soda
1 tap. cinnamon
Vi tsp. nutmeg
1 bit Initiate soup
• 1 COO raisins` dredged in flour.
lint in usual wily'. Bake in 350°
etatt for 0 of are flour,
P' S you have, alivatYa in.
to send .us * recipe, liut'
fa get around to it,. bet.
urry. for we won't ;lyeWrit.
t,. col'udln much longer.
triIia Comm e is
Family Reunion
The Gates fancily :experienced
a thrill over the weekend when
they were :guests at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs,
R. B. Gates. They included; Flet
J. T. Gates,, Mrs. Gates and
family. of Camp Borden; Mr.
Jack Gates, .of Danville, Illinois;
Mrs. Lawrence and daughter,.
usapp, of�Washington,
ton, D.C. They
. ad all planned
a a n to be with their
parents at an earlier date when
they celebrated their forty-fifth.
wedding anniversary but the re-
union had to be postponed until
the present time,
Missionary Guest Speaker
Miss. Audrey Finkbeiner, * a
missionary on furlough,, will be
guest speaker in the United
Church on Sunday morning at
the anniversary service of the
o mo' s Missionary Society,
The following Tuesday evening
Visitors with Mrs. E. Abbott
dering the past week were Mr.
sand, Mrs, Laverne Abbott and,
faintly of Pontiac,. Mich., on.
. hursda :and Mrs. Love and
.r. y,
son, Mr. C. Love, of Windsor, on
Mr. and Mrs. William Had-
dock were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. O. Pollock and
Tommy, Kincardine, were week,
end visitors with Mrs. A. Marl-
ton, and on Sunday Mr, and
Airs. M. Marlton and family of
Lobo visited with her,
Mr, and Mrs. George Bayn-
ham visited over the weekend
with Mr, E. Carruthers in Lon -
Mrs, :George Baynham attend-
ed the funeral .of :her aunt, the
late Mrs. Bice, in, Lucan, on
Topics From
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Newton, Hayter and Linda on
Sunday included Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Miller, Detroit, Mr. -and
Mrs. Glen Hayter and family,
Sarnia, Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon
Ulens, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Hutchison and family,
Miss. Gooding and friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Gooding and babe
of Parkhill and Mr, F. Statton,
Grand Bend,
Mr. 'Mansell Hodgins and sis-
ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love,
Shipka visited Haskett's funeral
home, Lucan on Sunday to .call
on the family sof tie late .Airs.
Ira Bice.
Lake Superior, world's largest
body of fresh water, is one-
quarter in Canada, three-quarters
in the United States.
Miss Fini:beiner will show plc- .,,, lll1Pt11111111,nunuqutl MI lilt Ili ll l t,nllt111111t1UlUllIp IIIgI RIIlIt111PU11111111111111t01.
tures when the Society, meets for
the June Meeting,
Personal Items "It's Time For A Diefenbaker Government"
Mr, and Airs, F. Foley visited
for a few days with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. M. Sholdice and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lang-
ford and family spent Sunday
with Mr. and Airs. E. Trewartha
of Holmesville.
Mr: and Mrs, Boyd Dann Sand
family, Mrs Margaret Dann of
Bryanston were Sunday guests
of Mr, and Ml's. Kenneth Park-
' inson.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vickers
and Anne of London, Mrs. Eve-
lyn Mills of Seaforth 'were 'Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs; Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Jini ' 'Thomson
of Granton were Sunday evening
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Mossey's father, Mr. Waggett,of
Toronto, who died quite sudden-
ly last Tuesday.
Mr; and Mrs. Walter Jones of
Glendale, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Mossey visited Sunday with Mr.
George Jones who is a patient
in Tillsonburg Hospital. •
On Monday June 10
Phone l01
For Convenience of Exeter and District Electors,
Progressive Conservative Headquarters tare located at
(Elmore Harness Barber Shop)
• 1
Inserted by Huron PC Assn, Federal Riding
YO�,pllll 111111/11111111ryg1111I1i1llfllt llt1111111111 t 111N111111tltlltlt11111❑,llnlllo11111111111111111111111111111,1,11111111111
11nJ111nl1i1111111111114#rltl,.w-I1al11ttt1ttltu:InwnlwuluM+Cal#1#rlit►tolwll1lgglu1,11•1•1,1IMMlia��k!1�!IM (lith! '.
. ■ - ANDRUS
Hooting, Plumbing, :Sheat Metal Work
Oil Burners. •
� 1 11 11.1 11 11 1 .111 t,11U111. I.11U11. Al 1 (1111 11 1111111 1 11 i/1/ 1111) II II,IIP.
IfA11111111.11141111tt11{IUIl111A,111 11. RI II 1111! 11� l,d. 1.
.N1111111111111111.IIL1.I1P111UInlluup I11ng111lttiltunlit,q,t11114,n11/114111u11U1.M111W111#91,N1111,1.11uyutR1111110w
DOBi $
'55 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN, 2 -tone green
Two to choose from,
Your choice of these three .,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,$1,895.
'54 DODGE ROYAL 4 -DOOR SEDAN • , $1,845 -
Automatic. .
'53 FORD 4 -DOOR SEDAN, bluer good $1,215
'53 DODGE CORONET, 2 -tone
'52 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR SEDAN, excellent ,. $1,050
'52 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN, good .$1,075
FOUR '51's To. Choose From — ALL MAKES
$595 to $795
'55 DODGE 1/z TON ?EXPRESS,'like new. $1,245
Phone 200 For A Demonstration Ride
Exeter Motor, dales
'PHONE 200
Fred Dobbs,Prop.
NIGHTS 762-W or 769-M
CaCC( 111111/1111111It1,1It II11111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111# 111111llllll1; 1111111111111111i1111I llllll1I111 ..
He Pledges:.
1. Reduction of Income Tax by eliminating huge surplusses and by slashing costs of administration.
2. An immediate conference on taxation and fiscal policy to provide greater share of tax dollar
for provinces and, municipalities. Result: more revenue for local gov't, less municipal taxes.
,3. Substantial reduction of luxury tax on automobiles.
John Diefenbaker proposes to .set pensions at a figure, high enough to meet the needs of our,
older citizens and to make necessary adjustments thereafter on a cost of living basis.
The last liberal administration completely ignor ed the sovereignty of Parliament. John Diefen-
baker pledges that under a Progressive Conservative government "the stkpremacy of the people '
in Parliament" will be restored,
,John Diefenbaker, long-time Champion of the farmer, says: "My' objective will be equality for
farmers in Canada's economy." Elston Cardiff, Huron's staunch defender of farm rights, helped
r to draft this PC farm policy:
1. Flexible price -support program based on a fair price -cost relationship.
f 2. Reduction or elimination of competitive imports:
3. Vigorous campaign to increase world markets for Canadian farmers:
4, Royal Cotnniissien t� study Spread between producers' returns and consumer prices. ,
1. 5, easement of the present restrictive farmcredit situation,defr
Public ed by Pragressivo Cantervelivii Associatilon, Huron Riding)
1 .4