HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 16Nee Tbil Irbsts*Advocats, Jona k 1957 Gymnastics. Exhibition .•• Indicates ..importance •dISPIAY Of gymnastics t.age time: for the mile at five and flow -144Yilig a role of inereas-I.one-half minetesand the incit- ing IMPOrtanee at RCAF Station] vidual• record was one minute - Centralia — Will be one .of the !less than that, foatUreS of the progrant on I! There's. no room for fat in jet SatordaY. flying, and the :chubby ones Flight cadets — getting: iu I learn it the hard way. One hefty'. aliaPe. to take the Strains and; cadet naw in 'training at Cen- etressesof jet speeds and, ttralia has already Jost 17 pounds manoeuvres — will demonstrate ;:and will have to eirop another the rigorous physical education .20 before he on meet the' program th.efre •subjectecl to1 standards. during their training at -Gen. The physical training program ;is under the direction of Flt. Lt. HBecause the air force finds:1W' Marley' NATO Trainees at :Centralia that flying jets requires inuclu take part in the Air Force greater ,Traly.s.cal stamina than: ayjarogram this year. piston -driven aircraft, the 'con- Of f icers of the Turkish Air :ditioning program starts in :F re•e Ort -ceurse at Primary earnest. as soon as the cadets • ' • • • • • .0 F. ying Training School, will de - .arrive for training in Pre -Flight inonstrate the rifle drill of their SChoel. country during the afternoon. Cadets must meet athletic- This display, as well as the standards. For example, every •calisthencis of the flight cadets, pilot trainee must be able to run will take place on the tarmac by the mile in six minutes. before No. 4 hangar. he leaves 'Centralia. To stimu- AU of theground displays will late 'the training, instructors. be housed in Hangars No. 3 and of each course and encourages: 4. the incoming group to excel the record the times and averages! Second highest river in eastern One which just graduated. ! Canada, second only to the St. One :of the most recent courses -I Lawrence, is the Ottawa, nearly to graduate set a 30 -man aver- 700 miles in length, .111141i' AIR FORCE DAY VISIT RCAF STATION CENTRALIA JUNE 81h T. R. Faulds AND SONS LTD. Chrysler • Plymouth - Fargo Distributors 73 KING STREET LONDON T AR GE T FREED OM 1 Visit RCAF Station Centralia Western Plumbing ' AND 04/OUSTRIAL SUPPLIES:LD 130 Maple St London •.? CENTRALIA OPEN HOUSE FEATURES AIR SHOW—our of the top RCAF planes which are expected to perform in Centralia's Air Force Day show Saturday are seen in action here. Top left is the P2V-7 maritime reconnaissance Neptune, latest aircraft to enter squadron service with the RCAF. Carrying a ton and a half of electronic detec- tion gear, this sub hunterzkiller doubles for minelaying and torpedo bombing duties, The highly manoeuverable T-33 jet trainer at upper right is ,the aircraft used to train Canadian and NATO student pilots after they leave Cen- e tralia, Air Transport Command's "Flying Boxcar", the air- craft which won headlines in the 1J.N, airlift to 'Egypt; displays its size and carrying power at lower left. Through its yawning cargo doors, afire truck rolls into the pod - type fuselage. Star of the Air Force Day show, lower right, will be the-RCAF'S CF -1,00 long-range interceptor, the all- weather aircraft which guards North America's aerial approaches against aggression. Here the blunt nose of the big all-weather fighter makes a striking picture as the. crew climbs aboard. —National Defence Photos 'Flying Boxcar', Formations, Of Jets To Feature Centralia Open House Guests at RCAF Station Cell.flying including fly pasts by ' pilots and planes will perform for tralia's open house on Saturday ' groups of nine Chipmunks, trios ' crowds at six other RCAF SA - will see the most active air show 01 Expeditors and the jet forma- tions in Eastern Canada. They in the station's history. I tions. ' : will present demonstrations at St. The air force will parade a : In addition to the special per- Hubert's, Quebec; Trenton, Rock - wide variety of its aircraft before„ formances of the 'jets arid train-. cliffe, Camp Borden, plinton and the public in a continuous four- ' ing aircraft, pilots at Centralia London. hour show that will last the will carry on their regular air i In. charge of the air show at length of the Air Force Day pro-, training program throughout the •Centralia is Flt. Lt. G. J. Car - gram. Aircraft Will range from afternoon, 1penter. the conventional Chipmunk to ' Free airplane rides will be pro-; Personnel engaged in flying du - the screaming Canucks. j vided by two Expeditors whichties during the day will include: Novel machine in this year'si will be flying in and out all aft- I HarVard solos — FO's D. N. show will be the C-119 "Flying ernoon. Those who find lucky , Bailey, M. E. Billings, F. R. Wra- Bqx Car,". the globe-trotting , leaflets, dropped in advance of; dick and F. E. Sibley. 0 aerial freighter which recently Air Force Day, and those who 1 Chipmunk solos—FO's W. S. won headlines flying air support get lucky program numbers at Roberts, L. E. Houle, J, R. Stith - for the United Nations Emergen- i the gate will be entitled to the i "land, D'. Broadbent. cy Force in the Middle East. The rides. .' Expeditor formation—FO's .I. T. twin -tailed C-119, capable of car- Traffic around Centralia will be Chandler. R. 3, Muldoon, R. D. rying a tremendous cargo, will heavy be on view on the ground at Cen- I Besides providing the air show . tralia early in the afternoon. and ;for their own station, Centralia then will take off and fly past around 3 p.m. Formations of three different jet craft—F86 Sabres, T33 Shoot- ing Stars and CF100 Canucks— will perform over Centralia. One of each type of the jets will be on display on the ground. Although Centrali'a's famous formation aerobatics will nbt 'be featured this year (they've been banned by AFFIQ), the station will present solo demonstratiotis of air antics in Harvards and Chip- munks. • There'll be plenty of formation Colorful Coronet Special Edition Special colorful edition of the Centralia Coronet — the station's monthly magazine — will be available to 'Air Force Day visitors Saturday. Sporting a four-color cover illustration of F86 Sabres in for- mation, the 36 -page periodical mation, the 32,page periodical describes in detail the job Cen- tralia is doing in the RCAF and NATO training program. It outlines activities at the station, and give $ biographies of .key personnel. The magazine will be sold at nominal charge. le was printed by The Times -Advocate, Air Show Schedule Here's the schedule for the air show at Centralia on Saturday: 1.15—Harvard local flying. 1.30—Nine Chipmunk formation take off, 1.40—Nine Chipmunk formation pass. 1.5O.–Three Expeditor forma- tion take off. - 2.00—Three Expeditor pass. 2.19—Jet formation pass, 2.25—Chipmunk solo aerobatics. 2.35—Four T33s land. 2.43—Three Expeditor pass. 2.45 -1 -Nine Chipmunk formation pass, ' 2.50—Harvard solo aerobatics. 3.04—Three Expeditor forma- tion pass. 3.09—Three Expeditor forma- tion land, 3.09—C119 take off and fly past. 3.30—Nine Chipmunk formation pass. 3.35—Nine Chipmunk formation land. 3.35—Routine flying, 4.25—Expeditors land. 4.26—F86 formation. 4,31—CF100 formation. 4.36—T-33 formation. NATO Program Nowhere has the true spirit of NATO been more fully illustrat- ed during the last five years than at RCAF flying training stations. where Canadian air- crew traiaees have learned their profession side ' by side with Young men wearing the uni- forms of 10 other NATO; with - tries. .The II,CAlos NATO aircrew training programme dates back to the end of 1950, when the first Five Years•Old intakes of aircrew from other NATO countries arrived in Cant ad:3, Since then more than 4,400 aircrew (as of end of 1956) have been trained as pilots and navi- gators by the RCAF as one of Canada's contributions to NATO. The. training has been given to aircrew from the UK, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, 13e1. gium, France, Portugal, Italy, Greec and Turkey. All training. osis have been absorbed by Canada, AIR FORCE DAT. • . JUNE .8 Visit :RCAF Station Centralia Cow4 an Hardware "Th. Store With The Stock" 125 Dundas Sti, LONDON Phone 0431i f • Johnson. • Chipmunk formation—FO's D. Y. Y. Snelgrove, P. Giles, E. J. in- nptt, D. C. Harvey, J. E. Jotham, H. W Schweyer, A W. A. Blair, D. L. Ingram, R D McArthur, J. M. R. Croteau, and A. J. Reid. Passenger rides—FO's G. W. Franklin, P, E. Gorman. Routine flying FO'S E. M. Lance, D. A. Profitt, G. T. Mire - house, J. 0. Strevett„ P. N. Priske, .T. E. Riley, 3. D, Leach, A, J. Clarke, S. M. Gibson, G. A McGarvey, W F. McLaughlin, W. J. Gratix, D. T. Thoburn, C. A. Burroughs and K., E. Cooper. Flying Chipmunks at St. Hu-. berts and Ottawa will be' FO's P. T. Dowd and R. Q. Paquette. • .Dismantle Aircraft, During Open' House: highlighting this year's ground Another :feature will be :the display at RCAF Station Con. display .of Tiger Moth and Fleet ,tralia on Air Fotee Day, will be aircraft, former air force train - the removal of an aircraft en- log planes, which will be flown gine and its replacement during to 'Centralia from Oodericb. for the, :afternoon.. the open house. This operation —a normal ono Most of the sections of the for the mechanics on. the sta- station will sponsor displays: to• tion will take place in the show what part they 'play in centre of one of the hangars Centrallies: day-to-day operation. which will be open to 'the public They'll range from the routine to. during the day. —Please Turn to Page le 4. gwitiollif If I ttttt II t tttt 1.m.mmil4.)4!iMAI44flIMM.)114 t I tt t SEE THE SHOW AT. RCAF Station' Centralia Universal Ignition AND BATTERY LTD. . Suppliers of Automotive, Electrical, Carburetion, Fuel Infection and Test Equipment 324 YORK STREET „LONDON tttttt ttttt ol tttt iiiiii ilimm..111,11111 iiiiiiiii O. ii iiiiiiii .1 ii ii iii 101 llllllllllllllll l ll $11111114 mumminummiiiimi III AIR FORCE DAY SATURDAY JUNE• 8 -SEE YOUR AIR FORCE IN ACTION AT • RCAF STATION CENTRALIA Stanfield Automotive LTD.• 453 Talbot St. LONDON Phone 44171 AIR FORCE DAY A Tribute To RCAF 'Station .Centralia • / On behalf elf the MembersMibr o Council and all the Citizens of the Community, X wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Officers and Men of RCAF Station Centralia who are playing a vital, role in Canada's defence prograrn..We are proud to have this Alt. Force Station and its personnel as out neighbours. .As Mayor, 1 urge all rxeter citizens to attend the Alt Porte Day show at Centralia in order that they may appreciate the job this station is doing for Canada. MAYOR IL }i. POOLF,Y. 11 • The Town ofixeter 1 4 ,t