HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 15Realize $45
From Auction
An :auction sale of n>iseellan-
.eaus articles .donated: :by the
Members of Main Street Eve-
ning Auxiliary was a feature of
the ,pine meeting• on Monday
night from which the sung, of
s45. •was. realized. Mrs, R. E'.
Russell Was the apetioneer.
.airs, A, Bowen .arranged the
meeting and was assisted in
the .devotional by Mrs Clarence
MacDonald and Mrs. Ed. •Wurni,
Mrs. Cecil Wilson, president,
conducted the business. It was
• -decided to commence the fait
reason with a pot luck supper
in September-, A sale of baking,
canned goods: and aprons is to
be held on September 28,
Each tinenrber brought a visit,
or to the meeting.
Beauty Salon
Monday to Saturday, 9 to 6
Priddy Evening until 9
Chooses ,Birthday
For Wedding ;Day
Baskets of white .mums, Urn*
atnd. lighted candelabra decorated
JAMes 'St, United ,ehureh for
the wedding on Saturday at higtr
moot of Marion Avis Crossman,,
.daughter of Mrs. crossman..anit'
the late Ta.ecil t, Crossman, Exe-
ter, ito James Tokarx, Exeter
son of 4r. And Mrs, William To-
karz, Alymer.. The occasion 'W3*
also the hirthday Qfthe bride.
Rev. kl J. Snell performed
the -ceremony and Mr. Lawrence
Wein. organist of the church,
played wedding music and ac-
companied the .soloist, Miss. •Con,
Ole iQstiand.
(liven in marriage by Mr.
Donald Ralph, the bride wore *
floorlength gown of white nylon
chiffon rind Valencia lace over
slipper satin featuring, a molded
lace bodice outlined in shirred
nylon, petite , sleeves and bouf-
fant skirt. A pill box headdress
Of lace held her fingertip veil of
aiylork chiffon. She carried a
white flible crested with pink
roses and stephanotis,
SibY1 Crossman, rii.ald of honor
for her sister and Miss Rena
Murray Exeter and Miss Jane
Batkin, Clint o n, bridesmaids
were gowned in waltzlength dres-
ses of nylon chiffon with fitted,
bodices and bouffant skirts is
Frances Greene, Elinor Wasnidge yelw,Pink and blue respectve-
They wore small sailor bats
Also *lib 4 Years' Experience, in matching colors and carried.
Mrs. Shelia Teevin, nosegays of white baby rnums.
recently krithWallace Tokarz, . Alymer,. was
his brother's groomsman and
Lisa Beauty Salon, London ushers were Eugene Maclaren
Ether Proprietress arsine, piss Pro and Dennis .Steppe of Moo.
i P A -wedding reception and ,din-
.� er was held at Armstrong's res-
For travelling to points on Lake
Erie the bride donned a box
suit of pale blue linen with white
accessories and a corsage of
white roses,
On their return Mr. and Mrs.
Tokarz will reside in Exeter.
..+..*(Antiler's name below).•1�
Before a physician re-
ceives his license to prac-
tice medicine he must
learn how • to do every-
thing necessary to diag-
nose and treat disease.
Before we pharmacists
receive our license to
practice pharmacy we
must compound prescrip-
tions under the watchful,
eyes of our instructors,
and prove that we know
how to properly com-
' poundand protect the
potency of medicines.
Therefore, your future
health, is always better
served when you go to
your physician for advice
on what to do and what
to take, and get any need-
ed medicine from your
Exeter 447
Pick up your prescrip-
"'tion if shopping near us,
or let us deliver prompt-
ly without extra 1oharge.
A great many people en-
trust us with the respons-
ibility of filling their pre-
scrpitions. May we com-
pound yours?
'Andrew -
Main St., Exeter •.
*Quotation by
George Herbert (1595-1633)
Copyright 1967 (6W4)
Beauty Salon
314 Main St. Phone 3
Open Tuesday to Saturday
Pearl Henderson, Prop.
COUSINS WIN BABY SHOW--Prgof that beauty runs, . in the family Was provided on
prizes inIHensall .spring fair's baby ,show.
Friday when cousins won three of the six: pr_ e p
James Earl Ferguson, centre, son 'bf Mr. AdMrs, Russell Ferguson, R,E.. Hensall,
wonfirst prize" in the under -six months el ass. His cousin, John Ross Kinsman, left,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Kinsman, R.R. 2 ippon, came second in the same competi-
tion, arid' another cousin, Jane Mary Ostler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostler,
xeter, placed second in rite over six months class. •.T -A. Photo
Visit NOW York
On l oneyrnoon Alm To Prevent 'Y G
Pink caraatlanal ferric rndocer . B. r
candelabra decorated Thom** O' !
- .�.Tit;
Th TinstniAsinnalti
Road. _United Church •Mt 'Salto. Miss Lorna Taylor showed My'rloret
Mildred Claire 13ellantyne slides with' y Easter trip to Urmuda and A '
f Mr. d M Lloyd � Allison. on her 'winter trip .014S
d Y, June 1,for the wedding of lid comments on lutr ureilvittats
i . bt e e Ira. Hiur �1r
daughter ii r, firs xs.::: I. rax*a.
Ballantyne, Rat. '3, Exeter, .and. W.' MaKIe I.
Gerold' Douglas Bell, son of.Mr. to Florida• at the June meeting
and Mrs. 0-1004 Bell, R.R. 1, of the 'Willing. Workers Evening .....
Rev. W. 3. Moores Officiated
at the g o'clock :cere mony, miss church on Monday .evelirng'«
Agnes BOY, Thea a R , , »wring the business period
flayed wedding oiusie, and ac. ,conducted by the president, Mrs:
ompan the soloist, Mrs. W'es Witmer a petition too,
William Cann, who sang 9'11
Walla Beside Y_Qil" ,and "O Per, &muting the sale of beer in oro,
feet Love," eery stores was circulated. This
of London •Confe Aso-
inth inbarnarria a*lovelyyher :petition
Pn stemmed. from a renes •
Auxiliary held. iii ;1'anres St.`
Marjorie D111(44.
. errnatnent Waiving
Haig Stylingand Shaping
Tinttflg and Cold, Waving
Phsntt 1.46
A floorlength gown of Chantilly Braneh and is being circulated
lace and nylon toile over duets- throughout the. Pres yterials. rr
ess :satin ;fashioned with lace It was, decided to donate 31.8
bodice with sabrita neckline to the C,G,T,T„. to send a girl
dotted with seed pearls. ,and se- to Camp. The study hook for
q}ains, lace lily-pgbtt sleeves} the fall and winter<is to be or , .tl!'nl'�' -
bouffant skirt banded wikh :Chan- tiered again and the fall season
tikly lace and deep nylon tu11e Will open September 3 with a
flounce. Her headdress of Sher- ,supper' meeting.
Spirella Corsetier�e has
red nylon tulle with lace tip- :Mrs. Hector Murray reported" some excellent ideas 'in sum,
49 Urge Women SupportCT
-Phone 156 Grind 'Bend.:
pique held her finger-tip illusion.
On the recent cancer meeting. mer -weight garment*. See bt
ell. The evening's program wasnal her14W fax eltpereBo'
Miss Wilma Harper, Cromarty preceded by a pot luck supper. ed uilatiAn,
cousin crof the bride, as iueid of .
bailor, and Mrs. Fleming $imp- Labour income in Canada is
son, Exeter, and Miss Marion Mfrs V. A.rrnstl'fln
Bell, sister of the groom, as 1956 exceeded .314 billion, com- g
bridesmaids were gowned alike tired to $9;6 billion in 1851 and
2 5 billion in 1938
ballerina - length dresses with pH, • ooU1u0,114rr/NA,}I}f}nnP}pp}it}q}1,UU,U,NP,I•tP}tN}P}
matching picture hats. They
carried bouquets of pink carna-
' and Pinocchio palms.
Linda Hackney, cousin .of the
bride; as flower girl, wore pink
nylon, and her flowers were blue
carnations with white Sweet-
weet _
heart roses, s.
Lorne Ballantyne, brother of T.T.
the bride, was groomsman. ,
Ushers . were Robert Bell and =,
Donald Ballantyne.
Powder blue nylon trieetine EXETER
The wedding reception was 1.
held in the church parlors, de -
orated in a. color scheme of pink
and white. Receiving guests, the
bride's mother chose a gown of
brocaded aqua crystalette with
corsage of pink roses. The
groom's mother wore blue crys- s
tolette with pink rose .corsage. p„,,,,,1
Assisting in serving the wed-
edding dinner were Miss Margaret
Bray,; . Miss Marion Lamport,
l Miss Grace . Johns and Miss
ee KarenOn 'Television For a honeymoon in New York,
Iap Drinking
the bride donned a powder blue
French crepe suit, black and
white accessories and pink
Addressing the convention of
is Huron County Women's Chris-
tian Temperance Union held
Friday afternoon at James St.
United Church, Exeter, Mrs.
George Mitchell of Arva chose
for her theme "Concerns.”
"One of Abe deepest concerns
As about • Temperance, " Canada
places sixth in the drinking
countries of the world. We must
have sympathy and understand-
ing for the victims of the drink
traffic. Churches should not be
a museum' for old saints but a
Come To Avon's
Open House
Thurs., June 13
afternoon and evening
Check your Avon needs and
come and see our display.
Exeter South
Exeter North. •
Newest Cooking Mit cie
hospital for sinsick souls," she the purchase of two i1 from
late Miss Jean
the bequest of the corsage.
said.On their return, the sou?le
Mrs. E. Geigel. of London, a Murray of Hensel], . to .be pre- kill live at Hensall.
past president, who presided for sented to the W.C.T.U. at the i Guests were present at the
the convention, introduced the Provincial Conventipn at Osha- wedding from Detroit, Toronto,•
guest speaker. • The devotional wa June 11, 12 and 13. Sarnia, London, Mitchell, Zurich,
period was in charge of Mrs- L Soloist was Mrs. T. Coates of Hensall, Exeter and Woodham. -
Jewell, assisted by'Mrs. G. •iiensall. A vocal duet was ren -
Johnston and Mrs, J. B. Craps- dered by Mrs, It. Shapton and
ton, all of Goderich. Mrs, 0. Andrew of Exeter, Re- helps educate toward the farm• See our #etching cottons. in
A memorial service for Mrs. ports Po the 'various depart- ing of the habit, as an inevitable brilliant, sun -kissed colors.
Beau#y Parlor
Located Behind. Post Office
'T, Trevethick was conducted by nients were read and adopted. partof life, and, whereas ad• Dainty and fresh, they wash
Mrs. W, J. Pybus and Mrs. C. Mrs. T. Jewell, Goderieb, .was Vertisements in our. magazines
with eases
W. Down, erected president. Vice-president and periodicals educate our
A letter from Mrs, Ambrose in is Mrs. J, Cranston Goderich Youth to use alcoholic bever-
was read announcing corresponding secretary, Mrs. J�. ages, we would petition the gov-
•ernment to ban till.:- such pro-
1sonoo,uuu„e},putivo,11(1 11, or,i1"�go,}IUWn.......pl:', antel.on,.,t'(xaderiehT; ',record-.
oflH111/Hu}u+nlq.Hn}IquP111UPW11} 11Uun.}}Inl} !ng ;l Secretary, Mrs. i1, Powe,
Exeter:.: treasurer; Mrs. ,G. Johns -
tont Goderich; evangelism and
christian stewardship, Mrs, W.
Pybus, Exeter; drugs and nar-
cotics, 1VIrs. W. C. Pearce, Exe-
ter; soldiers and sailors, Salva-
tion .Army Office. Goderich;
Gr}lim Says:
Try These In
YQur Qven
Medal contest, Mrs. H. Powe,
Exeter; flower and fruit; Mrs.
S. MCFai's, Exeter; temperance
in Sunday Sehools, Mrs. E. Raith-
by, Goderich; press, Mrs, Maude
We had an interesting conver- and has used many of the res-- Hedden, Hensall.
sation with Miss 'Marie Hodgson ipes, We hope toknow later who Resolutions passed at the Ion-
one day recently. Marie has she is Meantime we'll just say vention included: Whereas,, un -
grams an o censor a picture
shows which show social, drink-
ing • favorably, thereby educat-
ing the young toward drinking.
We resolve to urge all' women
to refrain from, social drinking
or serving liquor in. their homes
making `an effective protest
against the socially undesirable
Whereas there has been an ur-
gent appeal to legalize the sale
of beer and wine in grocery
stores, we hereby protest any
• future action on the part of the
Retail Merchant's Association to
legalize the .sale of beer and
. wine in grocery stores.
Whereas, hi spite' of m any
protests, certain provinces have
issued licences to. serve bever-
age alcohol for consumption on
transcontinental trains where ab-
stainers. and :minors ` must sit
with those who consume it, and
must travel in cars where il-
legal drinking is a disturbing in-
fluence, be. it resolved that we
call upon our federal ministers
that they do not allow such con -
completed two years at McDgn- "thanks, der thee
aid Institute and at the end of "The recipe, for white cake the salCanada Tempere of. liquor is iteg
her fourth year, plans to be- mix, is easy to make and can be if
come a home economics teach- used to quickly whip up a cake," the C County,
nt ' were ' repealed whereas, by
er. She is so enthusiastic about our friend says, vote and the ligi4or control ac
her course that she'.surely will White Cape Mix carne' into force the way would
be able' to create interest in the (A Faithful Reader) be opened for the establishment
subject in others. 1 box (2%4 pounds) cake flour of liquor stores and the sale of
houseeenr she has been keeping rs 5 cups sugar liquor. .would be made' legal,
for the other members i therefore we urge' all women to
of the family white her parents la cup double-acting baking use their influence in every Way
are taking a trip to the west. Powder _ to create public opinion lit favor
She has givers us a recipe this 1 Tbsp. salt
week one fie has to 3cups'shortening (room tem- of the Canada Temperance Act
t ) until such time as g
y Mix dry ingredients. Sift to- 10
(" Orange Bread Exeter) gether 3 times into a large bowl b
10 rams de icting socia drinking
steel recent- better legisla
l• peva ore tion is placed in our statute
ra range � ooks. '
Miss Marie Hodgson, or onto Ware into
waxed paper. Whereas radib:and l TV ki e-
1 large orange
surra tion of beverage alcohol on•
e t
time until such legal action can
be taken the existing laws be
strictly enforced.
any rains, and that in the mean -
3. Turn to Page g p
J. cup sugar
1 egg �r
Vs. cup milk
2 cups sifted flour
3 tspss baking powder
iii :tsp. salt
1 Tbsp, melted butter or short-
Grate rind of orange' then
squeeze juice. Add the sugar to
the orange. Beat egg and add
milk to it. .Add this to first mix- ,
ture. Sift flour, baking powder
and salt end add. Beet all to-
gether thoroughly. Pour into
wish well -greased loaf pan. Allow to
EL -HEA?' rise for 20 minutesin a warm
THERMAL EYE & SWITCHES Th'plis Bake 325 for 1 hour.
This bread keeps moist and is
even better the day after it is
• * * *
We had such a pleasant sur-
prise last week when we re-
ceived a letter from H.R. Wood-
ham. which contained an inter-
eating recipe The only disapoint-
meet was there was no "name
signed, The writer said she is a
faithful reader of our ' column
1 .<
Left front element equipped
With Theri$ %l Eye— watches
cooking - . - maintains exact
heat desired for frying;
boiling, warming. All pots au-
,. tomatitally controlled,
Shows the intensity and dls•
tributtonr of heat on surface
elements provided by each
Of the pushbutton switches, ChoicI by sight is easy and .titre',
Prfivldes edpocity for your largest (amity gather**,
Como to owl soe tide brood iesw sie}stcloa'iaitira&
for t'ounoti It.' the Watt to shags,
Why stiffer from flit tinabed, ;nee* '
roue tension, irritability* weak.
need, lossof appetite, aehet and
paint, simple abanit* during
change ef, life?' Remember', lit
(iliitinel TTOO, the xiiajority of
women enjoyed striking relief with
New Fordiule Tablets
ler Compound. Most likely you
wilt be helped. •too. Se we offer-.
14 you aro not hrilped
100g6t:Lsinkbawet.fro nyourDru
Stltre. Take for 30 flays as directed
ou ila, itot etpesienee etrikin*
relief, Meati) to the empty canton
fee We bareTrefund of thonifeilds of tie money, mens•
1'wle on Cele front satisfied users,
loin then today. Try out tare,
sa,rifin pla'a. Gkt but nie�t}: +to•tree
NewFen'mui* lL 'dna E. JPifkliiiM
xabltta wilt • wyit Vlt*1st iron,
tie Ct►itrlianttri .
P1'1010AINI er ONT'Aiife
Sizes to 241/2
From $3.95
$1.95 Up
i •
We Ari Now
Air- Fonditionedt
Your past patronage has realty beat appreciated and we hope that
you will cdtttiflue to Came arid tie US.,
We're' Giving Our Staff
„ . - A,Weil=Deserved DayeOff By
Closing All Day Sundays
Armstrong's and' Rather's Restaurants Will Remsain Open,
1ufIey Restaurant
HOHR m t MAIN ORM OH''A :1 ► '
u,,`'- -w
Sizzie 1his Sitimiti.