HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 12Thg Timak44011004, 440 4, MI
4 I 4,- .0 4141A 4A040Ammuk4 All k A 14 A A Aug 4 A 14
Let's 'Talk
y. DON "1100M, OlrtAVETT
Sports :Editor,
Zurich Takes ifisiP Lead With 2-0 Record;
Mohawks Suffer Two Straight Setbacks
Theres been plenty At base , Zurich pushed home- to runs 'game,. produced their runs in the !second and threw to. firstbas.eman
:hits. runs and errors turned M in .each of the sixth and seventh third and .sixtli innings- .Walthers for the twin kill,
:by the six fluron.Perth filtering.' innings .to wrap up the game and in the third, Gerry Martene led ing.
rdate Baseball 'League teams .10 record their second straight vie- off with a dOeb.le orrow tory M as many starts.,4114 was fol.! in all, the :two clubs produced
date and mita tthe.
!lowed with. consecutive singles by , 13 runs,ls, 'picked Up 12 hits_ and
o s -of
the local Exeter Mohawks, er. Benny Gignac was the hitting Don .Gtieniher,. Bob Hayter and committed 13, errors in the mare.
rors ,have been taking more star of the. night as he delivered Dick Regier which scored, two.' than.
the sixth and thirdbaseinan Rus- mitehell Soo Tit s
The Tribe has played two uldg3'
games.. and has suffered. two -con- Snortstop Doug Theander of the • sell Page gained life on .first by
secutiVe setbacks. Hensel'. .pulled .Kings, blasted a long fly to deep ' a Colt error . to set uP another.
a 94. victory out of the fire by centrefield in the first inning that .two -run rally.
scoring six runs in, the last in- Frank Hammond, covering theRammie Wein cracked out a
centrefield pasture for the tribe, timely double to score Geiser a.nd
fling and Zurinn Lumber misjudged and when the play` fin- move Page to third. When ,Bob,
took advantage -of seine verY ished, the fleckfooted Theander .Hayter reached first on an.error.
timely and costly errors by the was standing on third With a Page scored the second run of the
locals Poi a 10•3 verdict triple to his credit,
Mohawks are the only chib Winning pitcher Arnie Meyer,'tt4j1fiminill‘lbelv.ille started the .game
• without at least one victery in picked up two singles 'at the on.the mound for Dashwood but
• the standings, • plate' and recorded six strikeouts split his finger so Rammie Wein
Elsewhere, every dub. in the in. chalking up his first victory replaced him in the second. Wein
league, at least saw action once
last week as the weatherman.
finally co-operated to let the
schedule roll int() high gear.
Zurich also pounded out an 11-
4 victory, over Clinton Colts on
Thursday night and. as a result
hold down first place in the
sandings with a 2-0 record.
Alhough they've played one
than. their .share of the spot- consecutive singles in each of , runs.
$40ro 104- talons* n n
tile fourth, fifth, .and. seventh In- Jack Gaiter singled early
2on nnn -
'WRESTLING made a "quick sand" debut in this
town bat Friday night as .only a handful of fans were
on hand t� witness the three colorful bouts that took
place, A "handful" of fans may be an exaggerated
statement as around 300 paid admission and the few
of us who check. past the ticket takers free gratis were
• that was there.
it was too had that such a good card as PRINCE
MIAVA with his sidekick COCANUT WILLIE and the
cocky "HARD BOILED" HAGGERTY in the main bout
• and the other four "top -grade" performers were not
witnessed by more because they put on a very delight-
' ful show. The fans that did take it in left well satisfied
but the wrestlers were disappointed at the turnout as
• one might expect. It's just like any kind of sport. When
a person participates, his performance becomes better
before a larger crowd as the clammering of the noise
making audience sends him on to greater efforts. •
One big consolation of the night was the tremen-
, dons kick. we get out of seeing "Banker" BILLY GOSS-
MAN push HAGGERTY'S hand and foot from the ropes
• when MIAVA was down taking a beating.
According to Bill, HAGGERTY bellered out at'
hitn,-"Get the hell out of here!" WILLIE honored right
• back at him, "I'm not afraid of you. Come down here
•and fight!"
1 asked the "Banker" what he would have done
if the muscle man had- come down and he quickly
replied. "Oh, would have run into the crowd!"
Whether or not wrestling will be continued in
Exeter is a question a lot of people have been asking
and one that we have been unable to find out a direct
. answer to. Reports have it that bouts held in other
1 centres such as WALKERTON and TILLSONBURG
have been rolling along in fine style but for some
unknown reason the popular mat game elsewhere has
come to a standstill here.
We know a lot of buck. and ballyhoo goes along
with this sport but still men deeply interested in the
game, namely the professional. athletes themselves,
want to give the fans „good entertainment and they
are justly doing so. A lot of solid entertainment that
brings plenty of action and laughs .can be seen by all
the family. Just think of what your missing!
The NEW YORK YANKEES are still hitting the
headlines. True, they're not winning ballgames but
are some of their pocket books taking a beating!
It seems that. some of CASEY'S boys have been
taking too much to the liquid diet and not playing ball.
We don't mean milk either!
Can yOu imagine getting a bi-monthly pay cheque
on a Saturday and find that you've been deducted
one grand for not living up to the rules:As YOGI
BERRA said, "I looked at my check and I saw that
4 $1,000 had been deducted. Whew! These are the kind
of bi-monthly or even monthly checks I'd like to be
• storing away as would a good many of you readers.
It just goes to'prove that the YANKS have what it,
• takes in the remuneration column even though they
may be crawling five games back of the CHICAGO*
JUNE 15 is the deadline for trades in the AMERI-
CAN LEAGUE we understand, so it's almost a sure bet
that the NEW YORK club will dwindle the loot pile
for some players if things don't start to pick up. Two
• players that have supposedly caused some trouble
(Martin and Bauer) may act as trading bait for the
club and with the greenback F to go with them, it's
our guess that the World Champs land a good pitcher,
infielder and possibly an outfielder before the deadline
• is reached. Ya' know, we can't let those TIGERS catch
us or it will be the end!
Locally, baseball wise, the HURON -PERTH IN-
TERMEDIATE LEAGUE has finally been given a break
by "Old Man" sunshine as the six team S rolled off six
pines wilhout 'any .weather interference. Another
week or two of this and everyone will be able to catch
up on the postponed games.
A number of new faces are being introduced
around the circuit this spring. One comes with the
• THEANDER, of London. Doug was brought in to re-
place BILL ZUBYK at short. DOUG' isn't quite the
glove man Zubyk was but he swings a more powerful
bat. We don't think last years Intermediate "D"
champs have lost any ground in signing this youngster.
THIS'N THAT—Bert Horton of Hensall, is minus
a ball player for a week or so as 'GERALD BELL went
to the altar last Saturday with a MISS BALLANTYNE
from THAMES' ROAD. Best of luck to both of you! ,
We're taking in the NEW YORK -DETROIT series this
weekend. Of course Casey's boys will win two. ? ? ? ?
4 •
VVV ll /My llllllllllllll 10111 llll tit tttttt ttpffil1 ttt t itostii ttttt tt it, ttttt tt11.4 ttttt 111111111111/4
of the year,
Frank Hammond and third.
baseman, Fred Matheson collect-
ed two hits apiece for Exeter
while singles felt to Don McKel.
ler, Don ad Bob Russell.
One of the best plays of the
night was a fast moving double
play that went from Doug O'Brien
to Theander to Don O'Brien to
more game than most of the kill off what looked to be a Mo,
other clubs, Clinton Colts have hawk uprising.
Fred Matheson, *covering the
come along nicely to register
wins over Dashwood Tigers and hot corner for the tribe, made a
couple of gein catches on fOuls
Hensall Coach.
Mitchell and Dashwood are hit by Tom Rawlings and Doug
playing .500 ball so far for the
season with each holding a 1-1 srere 1,7 Inn H 15
record while Hensall Coach has zurieti , 340 142 2.-10 7 1
A win and twa setbacks. Exeter 003 140 0— 3 7 5
Batteries: Meer awl "Rawlins;
If all goes well again this week :Russell, Pare (s) and. Mcralls,
with the weatherman, seven
games will be played including
a previously postponed game
between Exeter and Dashwood
in Dashwood.
Four games are scheduled be-
fore the week is out with the re-
maining three corning next Tues-
day night,
Phenol. 192
Grend Send
Error Spoils
Tribe Debut
An error on a routine infield
play in the fifth inning on a
grounder hit by playing -coach
Tom Rawlings of the Zurich Lum-
ber Kings enabled the visitors to
spoil the home debut of the Exe-
Colts Whip
Tigers 7-4
Ken Patterson pitched Clinton
Colts to a 7-4 victory over Dash-
wood. Tigers Monday night in.
Clinton for the Colts' second win
in three starts. '
Patterson had control of the
game all the way, as he toiled the
full six innings and recorded eight.
The Colts, who committed five
errors in the field, tagged two
Tiger pitchers for. seven hits
which produced the majority of
runs spored by the. winners.
Clinton opened the scoring in
ter Mohawks by ringing up a the second inning when they load -
10 -3 victory. ed the bases and Bill Craig, Colt
The Mohawks held a 3-2 lead centrefielder, lofted a fly out to
goinginto the top half of the Jack Gaiter who let it get by
fifthinning when secondbaseman him. Three runs crossed the plate
Don Wells handled Tom Rawlings' and the Dashwood centrefielder
ground ball with ease and threw was charged, with 'a two -base
a strike to firstbaseman Bernie error.
Dunning. Instead of being a rou- Clinton rallied for two more in
tine out, the ball slipped through the fourth when Allan Wilson fol.
Dunning's glove and two runs lowed catcher Frank McDonnell's,
crossed the plate. single with a triple for one run.
Before the inning came to a Later Mait Edgar reached first
close, Zurich scored twa more on on an infield error and Wilson
singles by Arnie Meyer and Ben- scampered home.
ny Gignac to take a commanding Craig scored the final, run
6-2 lead. for the ballgame for Clinton in
From here on in, pitcher Bob the sixth after he had got on with'
Russell or•the tribe got little sup-
port from hit mates as they com-
mitted five errors,
a single. ft . '
The 'Dashwood ball club, who. sltertstopGeorge Coveney picked
arrived late at the park for the 'up, a fast' ground ball,:stepoed on
picked up four strikeouts in fin-
ishing out the game. However,
Melville was charged with the
loss because the four runs came
off him.
Spore h a irE
Dashwood ... 002 nes, 4 8 4
Clinton 040 201-7 6 5
Mitchell 'Vets
Drub Coach,
The combined four inning pitch-
ing efforts of Doug Aitchison and
Gatenby, along with nine
Hensall errors, gave Mitchell Le-
gionnaires a lopsided 11:2 victory
over the Coach club Monday
night in Mitchell.
Aitchison, who hurled the first
four innings gave up the only two
runs of the ballgame to Hensall
but was "red hot" in the clutches
as he hung up nine strikeouts.
His successor, Gatenby, came
in for the final four innings to
fan eight and hold Hensell off the
Mitchell and Hensall each
scored two runs in the first in-
ning but the Legionnaires romped
seven across the plate in the
fourth to pull well away from
their opponents.
A series of errors in the Hen-
sall infield, a number of passed
balls and a bases-tbaded double
by catcher Kenny Saxton pro-
duced the big seven,rUn outburst.
Dick Gorney, losing pitcher,
who was nicked for a double in.
the third by Bill Gatenby, but the
runner failed to score.
Saxton and Gatenby provided
the big bats for Mitchell as' each
cracked out two tits to lead the
Legion hitters.
George Coveney, Aitchison,
"Link" Rohfritsch and Ben Was -
man bit singles in the eight -hit
attack. •
Harry Jacobi, who helped .Gor-
ney with the mound duties, had a
two -for -three night at the plate
while Laverne "Porky" 'Wallace,
Gorney and Bruce Moir, drilled
• Onlydouble play in the game
came in the third inning when
'Coconut' Forgets Drum,
Maya Has Hard Time
Prince Miava, the bare footed
strong man from Sonioa, whipped
"Hard Boiled" Haggerty in the
main event of the evening last
Friday night at the Exeter arena
where wrestling made its first
appearance in the town's his-
Miava, -who loves the, mat
game sa much that he does it
bare-footed, took the third and
decisive fall from the bare-
headed (welt almost anyway).
Haggerty to win the match at
the 29 minute mark.
Hagg6riy, who supports a hair
cut with , a hole in the centre,
entered the ring at 254 pounds
and the handsome Prince who
came in at 230 pounds had the
water literallS, rolling off of them
as their match progressed. It
seemed it was just a matter of
time at to how soon a canoe
service would be started.
As per usual, the main event.
tera failed to make the hearty
handshake before the bout.
Haggerty moved. right in on
the startled Prince Miava and
gave him a rough going. over
witilj all of his cleanest cTouts,
kicks and hair pulling he could
think of,
Conanut Willie was so enraged
over this performance that he
plum forgot about. his Tom 'rem
and it wasn't until the seven
1.. Vote McLean
Liberal Headquarters
In Exeter
431 Milt, Street
Nom or Como in re
Veins; Infeematien
Allisert — Loot ehliettlatt
minute mark that, he finally
used- it.. Of course by this time,
Miava. was weaving under the
pressure as Haggerty beltedhim
with a couple of dandy knee
drops across the throat. it was,
these same knee drops at 930
that gave "Hard iled" the
first fall.
Both wrestlers refused to give
way to one another as to see
who would leave the ring first
for a rest, so they stayed right
on the spot and waited for the
bell. -
As the bell sounded, Conanut
Willie -started right off on his
drum and must have beat out
sweet music to his partn,er be.
cause Miava, ‘yhirled some coca -
nut crunches le the swelled head
of Haggerty that practically
shook the building.
The Prince. grabbed Haggerty
While he was still stunned and
sent him hurling across the ring
and onto the ropes. Naturally,
when lie rebounded back into the
centre 'of the ring — Wham! A
beautiful judo chop just ,under
the throat floored him. immed-
iately' the sweathig ,Somoan pin-
ned lus opponent for the fall,
Insults galore flew back and
forth across the ring after this
and once again each failed to
leave the ring for a rest,
Haggerty cable • out of his
corner at the bell for the decid-
ing fall with a "definip" method
in his madness. He trted his best
to get the bout favourite in hot
water with referee Joe Gollob:
At first it worked but • later it
sure 'backfired.
Miava caught Haggerty in his
powerful scissors grip and this
really annoyed the poor fella.
because he couldn't. shake loose
for some time. Filially "Hard
Boiled" sent some stiff -punches
to Miava's mid section and got
free. Riled at being held like
this before "his fans" Haggerty'
aimed Miava'a head for the ring-
peht and headed. it that direc-
InStead of WA plan working,
Haggerty caught Gollob, between
them and the ref took the full
force of ,the blow.
Gollob. intmediAtely disqual-
ified Haggerty and declared Mi-
ava the winner inu'eh to t'he de-
light of the roaring custerners.
In the 8emi.-final, Lee Hen-
ning from Iowa, U.S.A. failed to
stop Johnny Barend from New
York city with all his crude
tactics so the match ended in
'a draw.
The 'preliminary saw Mn favor-
ite Jack Pesek engineer a fall
with his specialized flying body
scissors at 18:54 to take the bout
from roughian Bill McDaniel of
St, Louis. ,
TAKE IT EASY, 11111-13illy Gosannan, Dashwood's goodwill ambassador, became excit-
ed at tutees first professional wrestling bout Priday night and tried to get into the
fray himself. He, and the other mat fans, didn't appreciate the tactics of Hard.toiled
Haggerty who was eventually disqualified in his match against PfilleIS Miava, Sam
Goddard was the referee. TA Photo
• *
.Kings Thump
Clinton -Colts
Zurich Lumber Kings, last
years All -Ontario Intermediate
"D" Baseball champions, ham-
mered out a decisive 11-4 victory
aver the Clinton Colts in a
Huron -Perth League "home open-
er" on Thursday night.
Grand slam homers played a
major role in the game as each
team collected one,
Shortstop George Laking of,
Clinton got hold of one- of Jim
Lyon's pitches in the fourth in-
ning and sent it sailing over
the right field fence to give his
club a temporary 4-1 lead.
However, in the next inning,
the Lumber Kings loaded the
bases and Benny Gignac, batting
sixth in the lineup, slammed a
pitch, over left field fence to put
Zurich into the lead which they
never lost.
The largest run rally inning in
the entire ballgame came in the
fifth when the Lumber Kings
scored no less than six times.
Pitcher Jim Lyons, who record-
ed 10 strikeouts in the seven
inning game, had • fine hitting
and fielding support from his
teammates as they pounded out
11 hits and played errorless ball
behind him.
Clinton on the other hand,
could only muster three hits and
committed on error.
George Laking wielded, the
booming bat for the Colts as his
homer and single produced two
of the three Clinton hits,
• W. Craig socked the other
Don O'Brien, Bill Yungblut,
Benny Gignac and hurler Jimmy
Lyons each hit safely with one
of Yungblut's being a double.
W. Theander, Tom Rawlings
and Don Hesse got credit for the
balance of the Zurich singles.
John Wilson, losing Clinton pit-
cher struck out two men and
gave up five walks while Lyons
issued, seven free passes.
George Laking picked up all
four of the Colts r.b.i.s. while
on the Zurich roster Gignac
had four, Yungblut two, and
Tfieander, on O'Brien, Tom Rew-
lings, on Hesse, Jim Lyons one
Score hi Dielege :it E
Clinton — t ttt 000 400 0— 4 3 1
Zurich. 010 460 0-11 11. 0
Coach Rally
Sinks Tribe
Hensall. Coach pushed six big
runs across the plate in the bot-
tom of the sixth and est inning
on Thursday night to upset the
Exeter Mohawks • 9.5 in their
first start of the season hi Hen-
sall. •
Trailing by three runs at the
end of the first period, Mohawks
got back' on even terms with the
Coach club ,by scoring two in the
second and a single tally in. the
The top of the .fifth saw Exe-
ter take the lead for the first
time in the gameas a, double
by .Bernie Dunning, .a walk 10
Dick McFalls and back to. back
singles by Robby Dobson and e
Don McKeller scored two rtins-.
Don McKeller pitched the first
five innings for Exeter and had
Hensall well in .command .most
of the way. Bid fry ford was
sent in as Henson became • ,•
"alive" and ripped •through him
for six big runs. „ I
Harry .Jacobi led off in the
sixth witha, walk and was fol. lowed la)- Laverne Wallace who 1 77..070;n -
Baker on a
fielders choice and Jerry Ran- IT'S FUN WITH A
The tribe gotJohn.
nie on 4 pOp-up to shortstop
trouble started.
Bill Springstead. but then the 1
Catcher George Parker got on! OUTBOARD
by an infield error, Bruce Moir i
smashed out a double. Ken ran-
ker singled and Bill Lavender
sent a bounder 'down to third I
baseman Gerry Pitre wh� bobb-
led it for an error.
Gerald Bell then got to first
on a past ball and the game had
to, be called because of dark-
Although Exeter picked up nine
bits off of starter Harry Jacobi
and relief artist Kee Parker,.
Heleunse, hurlers were tight in the
• Ken Parker received credit
for the win while' Iry Ford was
tagged with the loss,
Mohawk's starting pitcher Don
McKeller enjoyed a perfect day
at the plate with three hits in
three trips while Gerry Pitre and
Bernie DUnning each had two..
Single safeties fell to Robby
Dobson and Joe Wooden,
Laverne Wallace and Ken P'ar-
ker paced the Hensall attack
with two hits each with one of
Wallace's being a double. '
Bruce Moir slapped a double
in the big sixth for the fifth and
last Hensell hit of the game.
Exel 021 020-5 9 2
Henna 300 006-9 5 4
Tigers Blank.
Mitchell Nine
Dashwood Tigers started off
the Huron -Perth Intermediate
Baseball League season' on the
right foot as they strut out the
Mitchell L.egionaires 3-0 at home
on -Thursday night.
A real pitching duel between
Mitchell's"Whitey" Match° and
Dashwood'S Steve Mitre was
carried over the eight -inning
gain e.
Mitro threw .a scattered five
hitter at the visitors, fanned. 14
and,walked two' in hi l first start
of the season while Jlifalcho
allowed six hits in going the
route and was charged with the
Costly errors by the Mitchell
club paved the, way for the run
hungry -Tiger crew.
In the fourth inning, Dash-
wood grabbed a 1-0 lead when
errors by shortstop Art Saddler
and catcher Kenny Saxton Al-
lowed Dick Regier to gain "life"
on the base paths and eventually
score the first run of the ben -
gal -he, -
Two more runs in the last half
of the fifth inning for the. Tigers
wrapped it up. •
A walk to Jim Hayter followed
with singles by Bob Hayter; Jim
Melville and Harry Mott with
Bill Gatenby's glaring error
—Please Turn to Page 5
The "sWeitest-running Johnsons
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Phone 3 Grand Boner
Huron -Perth League
Mitchell et Hensel,'
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