The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 7• •/ 4. 1. •.* A ..Roport On. Baseline •Mr. And Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Arcade spent Sunday in London, guests of Mr. and Mrs. PeOniank M. and Wire. M. J. %OM, and MarY, Geergetown, M. and Mrs. Z. Marriott, Ronald and Mary Anne, $t.. Marys, spent •Sunday with their parents, M. •and Mrs. •A. Dewar, Messrs, Leonard 'and Alfred Blirg"s' $trat*d' spentthe guests of Mr. and Mrs. us m weekend with their grandmother, Timms " .stuirdlky, Mrs, McNeight, and Wilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Cal LUPO, St. Mr. and, IVIrs, A. Rundle were uoys were Sunday guests 0 arke Win guests 0 Mr. and Mrs. Newton Mr. and Mrs. PAM Ifolland. Clchelsea. SundaY. Miss''' Noreen Walk= , !Owad and rWilliam Rhinwere guests of Mr. and • Mrs. W1Uan Bell„ Kipeee, 911 Scinday. Master Joseph and Miss Linda. Nethereetts, St. Malls,. have- re, double that n the previous year. timed home after spending a ours .exportS have goat 'up week with, their aunt ,and uneie, also. In 19% exports were 1LZ' Mr. anti Mrs,. 'Wilfred Wilson. up from 1055. But over the Seine Dr.. :end Mrs, Keech and tm period .our imports were up by .213%. The largest trade deka was With, the: U.S,A. n 1954 the value .9/ goods we purchased front the U.S. wet 594 milliou. more than the value 0 the goods split to them. Iri 1955. the fig. ore was 00 ta 840 ily, .North Bay', spent a days with Mrs. Ketch's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry. Mr. -and Mrs. Clare Alston, Mr. and, Mrs. Clifford Netters, Lon- don, Mrs, Nelson Knox and Joyce wereguests of Mr. and 14r5, Robert gleten: on ZkindaY. Year it was .11.P: to LZ00- Mr. and Mrs. pliVerBaker Illy Trued nits serious bo., .and Elton visited .with friends luess, Regardless of the fact it Helstein en Zeturder. has been drawn to their atten- Mr. and Mrs, Gladwp Hooper timth es„ e Liberal and, family,. Eighth, Late, were .q ()van M exit is • doing ,nothing about it, 4141011110014150,601!" Man, You're Crazy Forget your iigei Tbdusausis are peppy at 10. Try "pepping up' with Ostrez, Contains tonic for •sve41; sundown feeling dins solely to body's Jack of iron Welt many men and •wornert call "old." Try Ostrez Tonic Tablets for reo, younger feeling, this very (ley, New "'get ntittair,itect" size only 60c, For Sate el an ama dr atoOveryyz)mee. • ,r` Zion West Sunday School. Anniversary., Sunday, June 9 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship REV, H.. J. SHEI.L e;00 p,m, — Evening Worship Music by Sunday School Ever/one Welcome tooloonoleo ttttt tttttt I MII1111111111111)6111110/11111111$11111/1 tttt t timoutm% 0 4 L. E. Cardiff Continued. from IWO 1. ROM taxes aed succession duties are breaking down Can- adian estates and businesses. J.S. capital walks in and picks up the bargains as the stock is thrown on the market in order to pay succession. duties. With the 1J,S, laws making Capital losses deductible U.S: capital can buy ceit a Canadian COMPany and run it at a loss to beat :Canadian business. Spends More Than Makes The Progressive" Conservatives under Diefenbaker can see thes0 conditions and will if given a chance, work for the betterment of Canadians and Canadian CQM,- panics.. When a firm goes on spending more than it makes it is heading for bankruptcy and that can happen to a nation, In 195G the value of the Canadian goods' sold abroad was $4,862,- 000,00: in the same year Canada purchased goods from foreign countries worth $5,712,000,000. The foreign debt was thus $850,- 000,000, In fact each' year for the past three years Canada's trade deficit has been almost Vote As You Like — But Vote Services Of, Rededication AND Thanksgiving Trivitt Memorial Church Whitsunday, June 9 8:30 Ali—HOLY COMMUNION 11:30 A.M.—sErtviCE OF DEDICATION of lights and Diocesan. Flag and. Rededication of Church) • Preacher: The 4ector Church Services The -other day 'the. Hen- LOW- Peerson :said in ,a speech that he th out sm.:110n gh11.bsitottld done. about it. 4. D. HowWAS :asked whet be planned to 40 labeut It. He :Said es ia as 141-0 Department :of Trade :And Com. merce is concerned, we Sall I:0 take no steps. FittariGe Minister Walter iiarris, When asked, rep - Red that his Department wasn't Planning to do any More 41181*that .of Mr, Howe. The ISO is a nation we -are, Mortgaging cur- sehtes. We are. impeding. foreign Capital which is steadily• bW/Olg up our ..assets,. our inljneS •011r WerliSk Manefacturing, plant*. The U4. interests are assenting more and more control over Cath ada's wealth both. present and future, Heading .104 -Bonkruptcy. • The Liberal GoVernilient ia taxo• ing our :people out of world trade and. heading the country IMO bankruptcy. The CanadianVietoey PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main Street Sunday June The Day of Pentecost "For the promise 4s unto Yeti, and to your children and to all that are afar'off, even as many as the Lord or God shall call," — Acts 2:39. 9:45 am. --Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Children's DAY Ser- vice Selected Speakers Junidr Choir Will Sing Message: "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" 7:30 p.m.—Selected Speaker junior Choir Will Sing Message: "The Promise" Wednesday, 8:p.m.—Meeting for Prayer 8:15 P.M.—SERVICE, OF THANKSGIVING Preacher: Very Rev, R. C. Brown, MA., D.D. Dean" of St. Paul's Cathedral. • • VISITORS WELCOME • — -•":1977,471t.". 0 Ienee,Metteete., 4 twoonannoo,,,:mmAitotwomomowoom000notoompopmmow,m0,40mok PAINTING PAPERHANGING CARPENTER WORK '-KITCHEN ,CUPEOARDE Thomas H Walk* ?bone 04' sxolgr 444444.011.44101014411,040w4M1040014444140411444144)44441444m440404440446414104404440,414440I01444144441#440/ 400WA.0.4114,04A0000}WA111(44410#1410411.1404,01,14p.11r.441,4114001.3104$1444001sItWil444011.111,1•04,10418111114.01WAP • . i I Loan Antis are now only worth SISTERS GRADUATE -.-,- Betty Joan Sholdiee, left, and Willa Doieen Sholdice, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Nenneth the Oth Victory Loan ': 1 "Bond is now worth ssa.25, yotJr dollar only $0 cents* I <hope on Sholdice, Allsa Craig, graduated this spring frorn diffeyent the 10th of June the Caeadian SC11,0016 J,tj London. BettY, adklate of south Huron piste people will come to life, realizing rid High School, received her RN. degree from Victoria os ital School of Nursing; Doreen, who attended North Friday, p,m.—Christ.Ambassa, • dor's (National Day) Hearty Welcome To All • Pastor: Rev, L. W. Krause Associated Pastor: Ewing. I., Winn -Butler THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETERSunday School 10:30 to 11:30' a.m. "Tisch, Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" Supt.; Stanley Sauder, Zurich what is oing on. Hg Now a word about Agriculture, the forgotten people of Canada by the Liberal Government. Diefen- baker Policy is a fair share for the termer, Agriculture and its Welfare is a basic cornerstone. We will endeavor 'to dev.elop wherever possible effective trade agreements with other countries, The Conservatives if elected on June 10th will .ease the Farm Credit situation, We recognize the need for a complete investig- • THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Whitsunday 8:30 amis.—Holy Communion 11;30 a.m.—Service of Dedication 815 a,m. — Service of Thanks- giving, Preacher: Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral. Church Open At All Times For Prayer • • Middlesex District High School, 'graduated from London Teachers College. ation into the spread between producers and consumer prices of various farm prectects We will appoint a Royal Com- mission to study thiS inequality i and disclose to the conisunaing 1 publie fult and ,complete infor-1 mation on this very important matter and on the basis of its recommendations enact Legisla- tion accordiogly, These are a few of the things that Can be done by a change of Government without any increase in Taxation. Vote Cardiff, /or Huron. NOTICE Farquhar Store Business As Usuai Open*. Every blight Except Wednesdays Closed at 6 pm, Wednesdays HOGS SHIPPED WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Your continued patronage will be sincerely appreciate& Mrs, Bob Miller and, Sons JAMES STREET UNITED CH$JRCH . ,Itiv. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lesvrence 'Wein, A.W,C,M. Musical Director 10:00 a.m...eunday School .... 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Minister: Rev. Javez Stade of Wbodham Anthems .by the Junior Choir: IA men's choir practice after the morning service. Thursday, June 6, 8:30 p.m.—A. I practice will be held for the men's choir who will be sing- ing at the summer school service on Sunday evening. •: •tolittmommItomm.mimmoommtsIM t ttt tiono ttttttt t t itt ttt ttt ttttttt omminummmomimslimml 1 31 Reopening And Rededjcation.:. 0 0 I a • Caven Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 9 MORNING SERVICE Al 11 AA, • EVENING SERVICE Ai7 P.M. • •. , • • GMT SOLOIST: ,, MiSSAIAFITHA MaeVICAIL TortONTO • • CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD. Ray. W. P. Kroft, Minister Mrs, Ken McCrea*, Organist Sunday, „Tune 9, 1957 10:00 a.m.—"In The Spirit" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 730 p.m.—"Appointed Seasons" Thurs:, June 6, 8 p.m.—Ladies Aid and W.S,W.S. ZION oAspnAto0o Paster; Rey. K. L. Zorn 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service THERAN CHURCH THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CI4URCH Rev. R. Van Paros4e, Minister 2100 pan, — Dutch Service con- ducted by Mr, E. Breeuwsma 3:30 p.m.—Sunclay School Everybody Welcome ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Era:Oven CREDITON Rev. Glen R.. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.M.—Worship Musk by the children. 11:05 a.M.—church Shoot 100 p.M.—Annual Children's Day Service MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alert. Rapson Orgattitti Met. A. Willoird U:15 *m. --Worship Welt. Nursery Class in the Primary Room. Reginners (4-5) will withdraw during the second • .3"t 1000ni.-,-The Church School 0. 1. WOetifiler In Th. Ninny Church As Pateolly - CHRISti AN REFORMED t' FORD "HIDE -AWAY" HARDTOPS 4: • 4 .J.J110' NO .1 MONARCH LUCERNE CONVERTIBLES 1FORO - SUMMER C.ONVERYIBLES 1st PRIZES Ford Skylliver "Hide -Away" Hardtop-. the most exciting new car on earth! Here's all the snug protection of a hardtop/this tho sun -loving fun of a convertible. it's another automotive first from Ford, •k: CONTEST RULES 1. All entries must be submitted on official "Sales Jamboree" entry forms. 2. "Sales Jamboree" entry forms are obtainable only from • your local f ord-Monarch • X. Complete this statement in 50 words or less: "1 wouldlike td own and drive the new kirid of Pord because--:---" 4, To be eligible, your "Sales Jamboree" entry must hesigned by your ford -Monarch Dealer or one of his salesmen. 5. Entries rnust he deposited in the official "Sales Jamboree" contest entry box at your Ford -Monarch Dealer's. 6, Any person resident in Canada and possessing a current driver's license is eligible, with the etieeptiOn. or employees of Ford Motor Company or Canada, Limited, its dealers, ia advertising Agencies and their fanillies. Soo your FORb-MONARCH DEALER • •••••••••••••AeZ.ii::•::Z0,0•!,•••• 2ittl PRIZES Monarch LUCarrnt Convertible ',fired with the spirit of the future. Surprise tat or iitt ytar--stto, cess car in its ficid! ENTER THIS SENSATIONAL CONTEST! There's nothing to buy! 15 glamorous priXes will be awarded during the big Ford,Monarch "Sales Jamboree" June 10th -August 17th. At the end of every second week a winner will be selected from each of these areas; The four Western Provinces and Lakehead area—Ontario —Quebec, Maritime's and Newfoundland! For ten wonderful weeks we're hold- ing a big "Sales Jamboree". At the end of every second week well be 'awarding three fabulous prizes Ford Skyline,' "Hide -Away" Hard- top, a Ivionarch Lucerne Conver. tible and a Ford Sunliner Con- vertible! 'Just think of it, there are 15 glamorous new cars waiting to be won—and you could be a win- . nal Get le full details' from your Ford -Monarch dealer. The glamorous Skyliner is a mile- stone in automotive design. -the top car in the Ford - but every Ford model from Custom to Fait - lane 500 and from Thunderbird to Station Wagon is just as outstand- ing in its own field, Monarch too, is the succesi car in its field. Fired with the spirit of the future, the all-rtew Monarch lith its imaginative styling is the surprise car of the year. If you want to own the leaders in the field . the leaders in perform- ance and preference „ in style and stamina itt sheer glamour and newness . go Ford or Monarch! 3rd PRIZES Ford Sunlinetr Cettvertible—Cattada's favrinrite tonvertible, Thi e sculptured -hi -Adel beauty is loog.loW and loaded with GO! 'You'll get the greatest deals town during the 'FORD -MONARCH SAIES JAMBOREE" • - • of Ag thitiog Morning, Sondeo l'• 1 Exeter, Ont, ODOOlog 'Nurgoy or Childroti tip to Six Years .cmultcH Sittiday, Stitin 9 • 9:45 Crit.-4tUdertt: HttlS s thUrth, ' g mis 1)Am—stow: A„, FORD AND MONARCH 1'.T Sunday S6tiool becallSe Iteopetfillg Setvie6 • ' • • , ,L0 ''4itsiMinititittsstsinitenininisintlitinitatitittutlitiaititistaittstinitnittninsintittitittottstittstintsitinitninstinstitinietrisrittinitiostidatirinitatitinr,Nk, d arry 6 , • 'Striritt itinstittatatimialtailittlintaiatitittatilitisettittitititittatintattittiatinttnistitatissitittiditittinititintini#, et, Alt Weltottit cotort. phonti 024.: LES AND SERVICE