Huron Signal, 1850-05-02, Page 4�hc iUarLb's ptelrtxmmt. So great is the dearth of gold •N silver coin Hi the Amounts doeilmose that (old and @dyer pieces are Stied este brestbee, awl worn an oi.aaseots by the fashionable of either .ca. ciril rcflllexl --An oltl.wuruan okM►nsg a Nolo( going by ear door end supposing It to be her son Billy, ule.l out to his Billy, wh.re is my tow got.. r't 'rho sailor replied Ina coetempsuuue man - Dee, 'Gime to lb us. --I for what I know.' ' W,all, ss you are going that way,' said the old roma., ' 1 %l.you would :est let Jose the hen.' ' i wish I was s ghost, blamed if 1 Jui.'i' said a poor coil the other t.ight, es he sal soliloquising in the cold. "rimy Kusa whereever they pl , tali free i they don't owe n••huby nothing, and that Ie a comfort. Wha ever Arun toll of a nen what had a bill • ine ghost t1 Nobody.- They •hod .-They never had io buy hats and vit'ale and liquor nor has to ore wood aid run eremite as 1 do. Their shirts never gets ditty D,r their trowsers out it the knees as I ever heard tell on. Ghosts is the only indepen dent people 1 knows on. 1 ratty wish 1 was one.. ' 0! Taa,l.t.i Love. -.A young woman, shout twenty years of age, on Satori'ny last threw herself out of the second floor window of a house in the Rue 47.Barre' St. Paul, in consequence of goa'rel with her lover. She fell r n the bend n( a passer-hy, w bu was killed on the riot, and she here. If re- ceived such Injuries that her !,(e is despoil red of. F.mily Roearl, the henotiful alarr girl,(or whom nin k hill, the eines traders, di,. an- mandmifillits00, as the oni, condi. ion on which they wi.uld restore her to her mother, is dead. LACIIOA atm ANECDOTE. -L, Fayette mode me laugh with a story wh.ch he said the Englub officers haJ told him of General Koypkauten, who commanded the Hessian mercinarme in 1776. This officer, • rigid martinet, knew nothing of the sea, and not much more of geography. On the voyage between England and America, he warn in the ship of Lord Ilowe, where ho passed some uncomfortable weeks, the fleet having en unusually Zoog mange. on account of the bad sailing auntie of the transports. At length Koyphau'cn could contain Wirt self no lunger, but m•rcbeg stiffly up to the admiral oee day, he eotpinenced -"Mt lewd, I know it 1e the duty of ■ soldier to be.ubme'ive at sea; but, being entrusted with the care of the troops of his Serene Highness, my master, i feel it my duty jn.t to inquire 1 11 be not poo•sible that, dost Ig some of the dark nights wo have lately had. we m.y have sailed petit AOlericar-Ceo- Frr'e Residence fn Franc. Ten -TSTA LI.N.-Mise Martineau relate e n anecdote in her Western 'Travels, of • clergyman who was so 'Knot a temperance member that he refused to drink water out of the Brandywine River, bu!lnjuyed !be wine muco eaten with plum pudding. BAD 11 THE Bast. -Mr. Horace Smith while lecturing the other night at the Sus. sex Institution, Brighton, took occasion to point out the necessity of being content with one's lot, illustrating the remark with the following bun oto(:-" A friend of mine," he said," a remarkably cool and philosophic person, was lately travelling to London, at • moment when be war labounng under a very severe cough, which was not only extremely aistressing to himself, but also proved a source of great annoyanre to his fcllow-paascrfgere, till at Inst an old gentle- man ensconced in the corner observed wan much displeasure, ' Sir. that'. • very bad cough you've got.' ' True, sir,' replied the other,' but it is the beet l e. gut•" THE FARMER'S PAPER i11 11 importations The C'...da dgrk.iU.rfet ; The best and d..psie S'.rast's paper published so IVOR 11949. JAMES rORTdR a a. MARKET SQUARE GOIDEllkil ; T%l)'f y Paused end Orkw U brie set d Cas TIN hes Lace aITI BROADCLOTHS & KF:RSET MERE.. OF FINE, FIRM. ANDDtiRARLEFAR I Is R Cr8 OF FABHIONA11E STYLE -S, Beeutifel and Fast Comore, and at prices Itiat Wilt surprises!! parchment for ("heave's.. Fasts losable'Frowstents. Du. Vesture* Cotten Sell L,mha Wool I),aweeD and Shit s. MOLESKINS, SATINF:TTB & TWEF:DR. MADE PP l.b.ATs, VRQT14 Ai ) Tit0W•ERM• STOCKS. NC.NRFS, and Hdkb. Irish Listen. s,ekskin Mie, Gloves. English, Trench sod Aa.rieaoCaps. Caaed.,.ad iA.'aly one nolo pa4Issaed Is Lipper t;emuka. T41i1 second ',viewer of ties Agriculturist a Iu preaewt lulus Coliu»eoaIS January, 1850. 11 Is suc4 monthly, RDd Contalne 14 pages, double cuiumnti imperial octavo During tbe,,wwnt year, the sdwrti.u.g sheet oral be dlspsn,ed with. It will coo t.in n.emeroue Illnstratioo. of Machines sad Faros Implements, Farm Howes •ed Cut - tag's, ko., Plans for Schuel House., and Diagrams in explanation of questions ID m.chanictl sc:cnee, and natural phtlu.opkyi Great care will be taken in the ',hello') of intotr•r, whetter relnting 19Agrienllore, Ilorticniturc, Mechanic✓, Ih1me.tle Fwreu• nty, F.lncatinn, or general Science: Meee- rel Intelligent practical farmers and garde ners have promi.ed correspondence, and the editors will be happy to r ceive commu- meations from all their subscriber's. Such a are of intert,t wit be freely published. so orthree gentlemen of highscientific T o e e g aUainrucnt■ (omit of whom is comet -tett with the University,] have agreed w con- tribute to the columns of the Agriculturist. Farmer., sub.oribe and pay Ibr your pa- per, and hien write for it: all parties will thus be pleased and benefited. - Tho Agriculturist a devoted to the de- velopment and advancement of the real in- terests of Canada. Much good has already been dune hy this paper, and those which it IA a continuation. But the proprietors of the C'uliic.i:or, and the other papers alluded to, ■ ifl'� r.•d great lose: and the proprietors of the Agriculturist have, so far, been out of pocket, besides she time, labor and anxie- ty spent in its publication. 1. the reproach that the farmers of Canada will not support an sericulture! paper of any kind, tat con- tinue! We hope not. Let those who love their country, and de.ire els improve- ment, make a little more effort the year, and the reproach may bo wiped out forever. Aa on inducemel.t to extra exertion, we uff•r the following Premiums: -Osis IttSt. DRRD DOLLAR, ! SE,,. NTT-rien D Parry DoLLAsa! Eve.y person who will procure •200 subscribers for the Agricultu• rist, it the subscrl'tion price of mix yob - LAI, and remit the money •t the time Sot ordering the paper will be paid $100; for 160 sub.cnbers, $75; Inc 120 d.tto, •$50;. fur 75 ditto, *30; for 60 ditto, S)t5. Agri - ' 1 1 .,, I AMEft t All NAjtK t. and MORT SPLENO( A MENT.r i rd.vr'V ¢ RTArL•E'ARr ton GREY COTTON SHIRTING*, hued Csl.roes. Printed Masons, Paso•, a ee Cloths. Silb',Satt.. and fi,i. Tech..sea Lawns ■ad Hemlkerchiel., Linen Cam s sod aodkerch:ela, tlwis., Book, gad Jecu Mot - Iles, STEAM LOOMS, DeL•loe an h• mere,. Memos 61611 cobra, Worked Cane Cut,. lets sed Cults, Ladies Bong and Shoe Dress Halite. gad Scoria. COTTON SuisG8, RelsoreJos, Burris End Crapes of ulirul •tyles, Bemutlful Linea Laces and Lae odds' is variety, Gloves and Hosiery, Art"Bei ew- ers, R ibbo,., A Fermat ASSRORTsIENT r)r S11 A WLS. CARPETING, Table Linens, Towellinb , Linen and Cotton Sheeting, 'CouBter- panes, Marseilles 'Quilts, Dam- ask Flannels and Blankets. PIETY SPLENDID BUPFALO ROBES! snd 500 BAGS Superior Liverpool SALT. 611 of which will be weld at very reduced Price; for CASH er Maiketablr Farm Produce. Goderieb, With November, 1819. ^v-n43tf 7' ,,,1 • • • ` - ri. m a C n t. • e. -e t.- w a • i t•; °e r _9 +� ▪ •hoc -(. . . 0 - r. • • :. a �,=a2 r 5 $q 1L - 13o me ^�io ~r cultural Societies, and those persona who • :Pere obtain the paper through their society, are m a '11 L i i s 10 exclul'ed (rota the above. A. we have no �,' ,12- ' a e .,, C. travelling agents; the offers are open, ,ed i 1;. accessible 10 all, with the exception just - mentioned. No papers will bs tient uaiese w . Iw.e the .nbveriptton acrompanies the order, bo• = .. 1 C til the smallest nwmber (601 is realized; .1 ter thth one half the pries [nay be retained by the competitor, till the completion of the list, which he ,mends to forward. Who will try h Where is the township in Cana- da West, in which no young man can be '• and willing to spend two or three weeks the winter to win at least the S15 pritcet- Agneu!iural Qocietiga ordeveg 25 copies i ani upwards, w:II be supplied at half a dol `I i lar; twelve copies mi.! opiesrde, 3a 9d.- C " " i *. p Single .,ubicrt twne oars ,`onar. 'LocalJ! i i A gf A C4 Age,:te, who w Il procure over three sl:l' y }np� e - • D .o ,m, e.11jn ere, and remit w . the snhncri; tion, ir. • I C7 . �g= - , m of puris, will be ellueJ 25 per cent.- r y -'a I ri-1 - i GeoroK LuctxLA,Ln, S+i:rntry Agrionitu-� so rel Asaociatoin, Principal ttfilor, assisted S tg,, - A 7 A- 1 by We. McDorosLt., Proprietor. A r It ie A All lettere should be post-paid, end ad- r, O ii .7e T tT CI F, iP• -2.. , =dream' "To the Editor. to the Agricuttu- � n•(r 17st, Toronto." • LOST!! BELONGING to the eubsertber, between hi. Store and the Ominous Court Of - due, en Friday last, 13th loetabt, TWA I'iIOMISSORY NOTES, s.: 101. JOINT NOTE against Joon i:t■,d 6a.! Csaatw DOORMAT V, fur £3 18a !tr.. drawn payable to James Pbolas or bearer, and endureed by Jauiee "sola., past dire, -+Also. use agoteat MI • Srusio.irr Bhck Smith, for £3 13a 6J.,. grown papa• bin to Christina Sauget, or bearer, written in German, also put due. This to to cau- tion any person from purchaeicg the same, tar the above parties paying lb. Natal to any pianos but the wtwcribur,-gad arty pereoa finding the above Notes will much oblige theaubacriber ky returningtyem to Aim. PHOS. M. ALY. Stratf,rd, Jely I0th. 1849. 2v-.3011 '74%&;.4i ##ff U� � & 'flit: Subscriber bees to inform the iobabiints of Goderich and its vicinity, that he has re- eeiveda Lara Stipple of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B (1 X; AND .PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for SALE a1 very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Sub,etiber also keeps on hand, as bid, at his OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Se- yerinr a,sorineso ed. 'CIN WAR of every desi'ription. The subteriber takes this opportunity drow- sing his siseere thank. to the Public for the very lioeral patronage he hes -received since he has been in business in Grwl.rlel,, and hopes by strict attention to boane,s, snd moderate paces, to continue to receive a ehareal the toddle pal renege N. 11. -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER sod BL1.1. HANGING carried on a. heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goi.rich, 6th Sept. t4149.• 9w•+i310 TAILORING ESTAbLI9R111I'7NT. • A. NASMYTH IN returmRL thanks to his friends and es- , Customers for the Liberal Pat wo z o 5; s .--w ronage which he bas received during the. Rs= cf. past year, begs to it►tlmate that he hoe jut received' in eatseriye Assortment _ c11.• vacs ^ mew. Dins VOIR91100, • 2 ., :2' _ Et. N y lti F-/ and is ready to Execute all Orders given . e S s = _ o- s A �. him with care mud penctuahly an formerly e '' ' - - ` • e Goderich. April, 12th, 1E49. °2v-n1Ott a •••i '? n !. ;% _lr Q a !r t :g We ARR OLaD TO LEARN that the impor- tant subject of Roads Is begloning to at- tract the attention of the people of the.. Counties. A meeting was la'ely held at Irrteflle.s, in West tVllhamaburgt fur the purpose of forming a Company to construct a road from th,t plaice to North Williams- burg, a distance 4,116.1011es. 1n conformity' with the provisions W the Act of last yes mon, a company was formed, end stock to the imount of .C1500 taken on the omit. We have not heard what desenprion of Road le intended to be built. -Cornu ,ill Freeholder. The solution of the chloride of zinc is an effet hint remedy against bedbugs. it is applied with a brush, and is the (lisrovcrn• of Sir Williain Burnett. A little. •-irl inquired of her friend,who hard passed her eighth year, " What causes rain 1 To which the following beautiful rep- ly `vas given: "The drops of rain are the tears shed by angels over the sins of the world." The success of individuals in life, is greatly owing to their ear- ly learning to depend upon their own resources Money or the ex- pectations Of it by inheritance, has ruined more then than the want bf it ever did. Teach rung men to rely upon their own efnrts,to be frugal and industrious and you have furnished them with a productive capital which nothing can ever wrest froth them. Character will filways operate. There may be little culture; slen- der abilities no property -no position in society; still,if there be a character of sterling excellence it will command influence. It will secure respect, produce impres- sion; besides who knows in what it may resultl Therefure,let alt pay the Y♦IWiost 1¢tention to cha- racter. dotting is more important. • NOTICE. L Excellent 1 e,ea.asiwedp J HE Sobacriber bovine uses appointed. Agent 7OF. Z.LL3. 1 for the PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND - GENERAL 1N8URANCE COMPANY. bore- ' 'by intims•rs,.that he is prepared to receive8ab- _ l eeriptions fpr Stock to the Proprietary Breach, H1THaedsome and COMMODIOUS and applications fee Ignorance. isthe Mama/ G '1 h, BRiCK COTTAGE situate oiv• 11 e l abject wihaa any bsgl• mut fed h latermatioa w the' Northern Limits oftho Town of obs is .JOHN CLARK. lately occupied by Julia Rauh, and belong- ' Goderich, 361h Sept, 1849. 2c-n34t.( Mg to Henry Hortso. Tbie.Cotlege etatwdd in a beautiful- and F'ARMER'S 'INN STRATFORD. retired sitt1ahon, and is well adapted -for a IRS. DOROTIIY DOUGLAS, wider genteel family. it will he sold on moderate of the late Thorn's Douglas, of the TWOS : or otherwise LET for • TERM nf' Farmer's Inn, Stratford, begs to return ber years at a reasonable Rent. Tbe avbseri- thanks to the Inhabitant. of Stratford, and ber also wishes to dispose of iepa. of good , the i)ublte Generally, for the very liberal . Working HORSES, oee three and the oth- support which they received during ttie er four years old, and belt broke, both to 1 short time they have been in Stratford. • herneer and saddle. Also one Pair nearly Mrs. I)ovelae begs to intimate that she new Double Harness and a new Wagon and , Intends carrying nn the business a, hereto- l)uuble Sleigh. Debentures will be taken . fore at the Old Stand, in her own name,'and (rment for the Horses, Wagon. Sleigh hopes hy strict attention to the comfort of i Ilarne i.. For Particulars apply to the her guests, and moderate charge., to merit 3 •I Ilene -ION bh,to of the public patronage. IIENRY IIORTON. GoJench, 22nd Jan. 1850. 2v-14511 TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ODNE within 3 miles, and the other with. in about 3 mile% . f Goderich Tides Plot. Tbe first i. ir.T 10 in tat Conce.- eion, Towaihlp of fletdurich; • CONTAINING 164 ACRES, L bounce! at rb4 oee erd b Like Huron, and at the other by * •Publio Road, -and the second is LOT 8 fa 8th Concession, Colborne: W. Divbion, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Roads. For Partiesiaya apps /o 3N0. MgI11DQNAl.Da'•g• ander$eb, 12th Jibe, 11149. HURON HOTEL GODEIiICI I. JAM OR.3, .. i 4 rvspeotdty form tn: isbaYbiT1restf:s ofwGaderseb, gad(iu vi- tality. the he will eoostanlly Iicrp H(►ryc'• and Carriages trent HIRE.ler wbbh he Ee rispeeib olly TLF $olieitr the patronng. of the pu"lie. • JA Mf Y 18th Sept. 1649. - vti0,.9-If p TO BE SOLD, N excellent Farm, being Lot No. 19. RI'ittlanJ Concession, 'lvownehip of Goderich, containing 100 acre. -30 of which is cleared. The land is of a superior quabl- ty, and well watered. it i. situated exact- lp nine miles from the town ofGoderieb sat the Huron Road, and at the jenctioa of We different road.; a d as it is in the center of a populous and prosperouu locality, it is ex- cellently adapted for a 'Tavern .sand or a Store. This farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation for bummer., and will be .old on very reasonable terns. For particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, Goderich, or to the proprietor JONASS COPP, Village of Ilarpurhey. June 15. 1849. v2n19t( 1tlank Deeds and Memorials, AN D all Wale .8 DIVISION COURT . If1..ANKS, awd BLANK PROM18- 51111 Y NOTES, Inc ode at the Signal Office. Every dncriptlon of 11(11)K and Jolt Printing executed with neitnees and dteyatch. i T ��'tt1N1MONSF:e r.qwred br the New Die. ILT o) tnet Court Act..nd.11 other SLANE FOR,MN 12....1 in the District and Division Con u, on Sale at the 9iennl 1)81. Also. all kind• *HOB PRINTING eaeenred on the shortest notice, end on moderate terms. G-derieh, July 19, 1849. Signal Ottice, G•nler.ch, t gib September 849. S MILITIA MEDALS. 1- - serif o1 the Mile,* of this Province a 1. Stratford, 91'1 August, 1849. 2r-n`•9tf New Tailoring Establishment IN GODERICH. THE Subsc'011-4 iber high (o nominee to the le - 1 habilania 01 Gnder,eh, and 11. Yiciaity..that he has commenced business in the above line. is( the Room sdj.isieg If. FIORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square, where be will be pro- pdred to externs all orders in hie line on the shortest spice, sad at moderate eharge'. N. 8.-Crttisg does oa the shpt.'s( notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. v2e37 STRATFORD BREWERY. THE Snbseriher in returning his siacee ackaowledgemeate to the I.habiraats o Stratford, and to -his te.tomere generally, for the'liberl patroes/4i Winch he him received dors Mg the time he has been in liminess: wishes to i.tia.m that the improved arrangements which have recently been made la his establishment, will enable him to make • superior 'quality of BEER, and to furnish it en such termites entitle hint to a eentinuaiien of the bedew which he has hitherto enjoyed. J. P. ViV)IAN. Stretford, New. 28,,1845. v1-043 C.11.S$ Pi ?D Cis DELI VI:ItN., FOR GOOD OLF.AN R.1RLF.Y, at the MAITLAND BREIt'HO, by the Rr- ..eiber. J. F. BRriTAIN. 0edeeith, Oet. 10, 1841. 1.-e3Ssi 4tiVECL*R'8 HOM ., STRASBURG, t%*TVA r.Ilo,' 98th February. 1.449. S THESuberilber hereby intimates to hie friends an the Travelling !bath' gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber - deice to the Village of 8lraahurgh, and will now be found in that well-known hones for - fowl), •eieupied by Mr. Jnnee,-where he will be ready awed able to conduce to the arts entttle.l Ina Medal for the follow- comfort of those who may hon+r him with tog settees, yea :-Detroit, Chrysler's Farm theft ' patronage. And while tt he retina and Chateaugoar. are required to send to thanka for paetfavnrs, he hopde, by Witt the Adjutant General MuliIl, at ]'orolka s‘tentilin to th♦ winpe aro opal... of he withont Jelay, a.tuteiAiit of Mei? eltd*I, emseohalsre, et111 to mirit a ebnttnuance of in order that thov may be received is En- Ihler patronage. gland by the I.t of May ova, r , JOHN ABEL. PwpehiA In the. Prueee, wll plewe/ropyN9 ' '' .-good STABLES aod amain* the shore eot.cc. v3 D7 Groom.. s2-n4tf MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS •av PHCENIX . BITTERS 'I'1.. 14Sh ad sovied edtebrhy which these p..-.mi.eat atedieg.s late released l.s4•oo i.,artable eacacy u all the daces* which they palm to eon. bar re.bM We oil practice of psi* mot o.ty neeecessry, het meteor - lay et Aga. •i.h.y an b...e by their Om*: then need weds i 19 Wr ew, .d awn noes nit by the tau of t 3111L2111f _ - to tt !✓ ARTBMA. ACVrx our CHRONIC RN, Euxeresx APPICt0ONE eJ tae BLADDER ..i KID.%Z TS BILIOUS !EVr.Eee,,RS It LIVER OOM ` PLAINTS.- M molt sad whim ewe .tree.• I.S.W. they ..N M fined Innwt.bk lan(rn. fanner., end when. who .as es Mew Md,eae...nl ..,r7 •.swank be without Ilan BILIOUS C'MOLIC. mod SEEUC:S Leerwiw, IDLES. COSTIVENESS. COLDS t C4CORe, CN',/.•c. CONettM/.nom reed wok .Mean.,. in Ihr draw, CORRUPT NCAURs. DROPSIES, 1 1 1 . , £. PhD yew. with One dat.ery SIM .MAW &Mr ones those wed.c,ne. w,wedrwr UVPTSWOI ar Ole 64y, ERYSIPaus, guru LINCT. Marten ad AGUE. foe 11.. wawa* . (9* woe We weeny (Mee wed.riwr wdl In (,.ml • safe. t eMv. mei swam mired, Other weden n. k..e the *Mew .akeei u,. More of the firer. -a esu b, thew ...share et nerw••e•t- TRY TIIOM. NE $AllsFIED, MY0 BE CUBED. rocatests v otrMPt!Note. 4111111111147. DEEILITT, G.,UT. OIDDINSRI. ORArSL. NEIDICNRS.ofAwt Mee, INWARD. !SPEAR 111054 TOOL emDIPOLE BLOOD. JAU t o; . L. Luse d APPB- Tfra, LIVER 001113PLAINTR, LEPROSY, LOORLNERR, >♦acatCVMIAL n1sFASBs.- Mew Sob o erMtwre A.esl►a11 9.. .ss. nr /Sweet jail. *aye but, thin IM test ete.r,fal r.ryrn•te. rf R•rwl.rdla NRIIIT SWEATS, NER000R DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS V Dei Meet. URUANtC ArrRovuor11, PALPITATION Jr~ SLAT. PAINTER'S (:50010. P I L B a, TM wi,iiwl wow* t of thee. a..Amie s rem .need of Pile er M Teen wsalem by the erte of time lie Motu..,.. •►vie. ►Al YR ,o rhe Asa, .da heel, awhe. seats .M mos N H 9 v M A T I N N. Thew •A.etwl web Oi twride dbr.* w,n be wee of relief M the LA. Mw1.4M RUSH we BLOOD tell. is=AD, SGORrg, aALrRuruv aCnnFrt.A. w =I9r0's aTIL, Ase went &e.. O L C E R R. d ewrp te•eeepUw WORMS, .r.R Yeah .•w e.ee,n.ur tanned M these Mwbweee Parente .N1 Aso ..Ills nb„te.ree thew uta, aver Orr e.rt.w,w - wepered Peke( .111 be ornate TIL UFA PILL IAD Pnt1II BITTIBB PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all 'finesse from the epeeist. A al,.sl. irt.l .111 l..• its LIFE PILLS gad P H t N I X 1 I T T E 8 1 w rad the meal of eemwe- 501.e t. the .riwattee or seer, peieat. The putt.g d this wedieiee• ao. p•' A lo 'ow 4,yP.n t. d 5.00, Iepti.r .r► • Carse l villi "1, h,. Gond 6.warian,•. ca type rhe d,...,. a ea. w ea h. *awl* .f lv.eM, nes Well .net ...w Wby wi h teersan whiting lie try sow.s.;�sry DM show .I,et.d Mw. ..i,.nr•.re taw 4aa•d, ,rotor. them AMY W...•.r.�.e.ebb M award U.. Ib.y • . ,e.u.. Ke e.rahL .,b1 4..t bey Were s,iWP.a.. b4 tae sag eteee W.et et. fir p..` weans E7` Peep.Aasee eel, y D. WILLIAEI E. SIOrPA?. as Mwaw.y. r.w..r of Ankeny street, 0.w .s8 Pee Salo by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Godoyieh, Jan. 90 1840. NOTICE.-R.cmv.d la Store last Nu ,ember, per Sebuoner efaaer.tiea, A Lot oIRON, eosalgaed w F. C., Gude/rah . If the saute re aot takes away forthwith, it will be mold to par coots. CHRISTOPHER CRABS. Gederieb, he. 11fe 1060. ye -.1I tf CANADA Lire ASSURANCE COMPANY. TILE Sub.riber having been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE, ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for A.ss- ranee, and will be happy to afford to any person the necessary information, as to (hip principles of the lnatitatins. JAMES WATBON Goderich, 13th June, 1849. , ii19tf STRAYED from the subscriber on or about the let of November last, One Yoke of black OXEN, brown streak on the back. six yearn old. Also three COWS, one black, spangled with white spots. One large Red Cow with a white Face. One lined back brindle Cow, and ono Two old Rod Iteifer. Any person leaving information .f the above cattle at the Sig nal Office or with Mr. Joha Allan, Tavern Keeper, Goderich, will be satisfied Inc their trouble- SAMUEL McCOSKIERY. Kiocaidine, 241b Dec. 1849. 2v-47 • ICCIFNOTICE To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. Tut inereaeed demand for . SUMMONSES and other BLANK WRITS, ie coD- neettoa with the business' of the several Di- vision Courts in the District, has warranted u' in printing them in mueb larger quanti- ties than heretofore, and eoeeequeally ena- bles us to sell thein much cheaper -there- fore we intonate to the several Officers re- quiring these Blank Forms, That from this date, Summogaes and all other Write be- longing to the Division Court, will be Sold at the Slgan/ Office at the reduced price of (l7` Two SHILLINGS A0a Samna Pan H V1'nRRD. ,i -i CASH for WHEAT AT the Godent. M e.IIs-aud C sit for Cherry Slaw Logs et Goderich and Rayfield Mips, ley WILLIAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 5th December, 1849. 46.1/ STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOME MANUFACTURE. • r1'IIE Subscribe's' in returning thawing Io their Customer's Inc. the liberal' sup- port they have received since enmtneaeieg business., beg to intimate, that they have for sale at low rate.. Cooking. Box & Parlour Stoves, also Ploughs of eight description.. and -con- sisting of the mast improved Moulds. Self- acting .hill Dog,, and yahoos other cas- tinge. Having rigged an experienced Machinist, the subscribers can confidently recommend their TIIRASIIiNG MA- CHINES of the newest design, both sta- tionary and moveable, ao.l would solicit a call from intending Purch before buy• ing elsewhere. All orders pun-tually at- tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WiLSON. • Strafford, 13th Aug. 1619. v2-n48tf. PLANS AND SPECIFIC.ATiONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabttants of the District of Huron, and the not itborinf Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Plans and Specifies - items of Public or Private Buildings, Brod- es, Mil! Dame, kc. kc. kc., and will take the supe:inlendenee of such Erections, on the most rea.on-'ble terms. His thorough knowledge ofbis profes.ien and he practice as U,;ilJer, qualifies him fur ' any undertakingrn the )tint•. • Addreee poet paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, Sec. bac. SIratkord, C. W. Stratford, March 10th. 1849. 9v-ni:r 11 j STRATFORD HOTEL. ' (LATE May's.) - - the Travelling Public. that be has leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Jseac May, -where Ise will be ready at all times to afird the usual comfort and supplies end promote the personal convenience of his guests. WINES and LiQUORS of the beat de- sEnptton. A stead, Hostler always in attendance. ALBERT G. IiATCIi. Stretford, 18th Joly, 1849. 2v-n!&f 1 R. WILLIAMS k CO., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines; Perfumer', Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. 1111Esubscribersbeg toInform the inhab- itants of STRATFORD and the sur- rounding Township., as well as the public e genera!, that they have opened the above establishment In tkie Town, where they will also keep constantly on haled a choice selection of GROCERIES, KI-vES, LIQUOR*, HARDWARE, ke. See. When they hope by keeping a good stock at low prices to receive a share of public patronage. Phyeieeo's preeenpttone and family re- e:pes dope#s.d whit the =reatetet accuracy and promptlnde. N. R. -Crawford k Imlach'• Mustard wholesale and retail. R. WILLIAMS k Co. Stevan"d'' 14th loaner, 1850. 1vn50 KIN UARDINE ARMS. (Neo Oto Wharf Ceder -WO ' ' BY H. M A RLTON. ' *hove Hotel h Y9 good aee•SPOdaU O/ , Ibrtr .4 ye,*trittogsike.flab. Tho Packet 7oraryikeAsinn wile Io. Gde- o - rich (wind k wetber p.vmittioR,) M.jnlat y 1 e'lest t*serddI.Infret gent. For /retell, a apply to Capt. Rowse at the 1Rtiderdith Aries. fioderieb. March 23th, 1880. n0-43 a r D ,.:alas ,v. a,et! tt;<sa►11 P.. A. cflOVeht 'tine o se,• , oIS , g�- . HARIt18'B'1;R,'BSLIC1?0S AMU Jest, IBM. ixy> 1tEeiie • ., • , ALFRED W, OTTER, - General Agent & Conveyancer, COLLECTOR or4Ce'rnrNTa, Be. Be. GODERICH. Oet. 1, 1849. 9-415 JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chancery Cota,eyonecr, NOTARY PUBLIC, Has his office in West Street, (Foderieb. Goderich, 9nd January, 1860. 1v -•4P DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveyancer, tt3olldtor in Chancery, Te•r Iles to. once ad forme'tly, io Stratford. Stratford, and January, 1380. !v -o49 N. B -Mr. Strachan, of the late Arm of Strachan k L.aars, continues to met se Agent and Counsel for Mr. Liaarm in all matters referred to him from Stratford. WATSON• & WILLIAMS, DIXIE wArsON of OoderieA, BARRISTER AT LAW, &c. &e. and GEORGE WILLIAMS, of marled, tete of the Arm .1 Hector, Weller std Williams. Bannten, die. Tomato. aerie( Mae day entered t.I.eeeee.../eeeaaarreretip, is the Premier.. sad Prefer, - aloe el LAW. CDaaciiv a.4 CoayRa.H/e, will a f.1ss keep (heir OEees •1 Goderich sod Stretford, respectively, wader the same, style and firm of Warw. aed Wii i,a.s. Dixon Warnes, Oot'trlcb, Gamma WILLIAws, Stretford, 94111 December, 1811. fkose,f A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILORt 1112:1-CIFIRMI Tr OODERICR. Guderieb, April 111,, 1849. 9v-alOtf J. K. GOODING, AUCTION LER, W 'LL attend SALES in ..y part of the County on reasonable Tera. Ap- ply at bis Residence. Light -Houle Street. Goderich, April 4th 1849. v -9a DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Tires Seen Zoe Vele C.s.d. Co's. Vast W CBT -STILE ET, " DOMINION. Anruet trig ISN. 1 ,-n30 Stokes, C'IIE IST and DRUGGIST, W I:8T-STREET, GODERICH. Maveh $, 3140. 15-11. JOHN J. Z. LiNTOI'f, Pvatrc,� �/ Cit n • � i i er Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. DAViD H. LIZAR8, WI8HE8 to ianmmat. to 111. inhabitants of Goderich and the .srrsading cavary, that he has commenced business as Conveyancer, Cesare! Anent gad Accountant, and by s■.,do- nem atien"on, accuracy, and moderate charge, hopes to be useful to such as may regeirs bio services. Thee. wishing to employ him is any of the ahoy. branches will please will at the Kerber), Oates, LI/h7 hese. street, Goderieh, 13th Mereh. 1850. •3-r1 DR. JOHN HYDE, (Lase veers Erman,) ELI IE ED II IC A IL EAU, STRATFORD. Joly 31, 1849. 9v -s91 WM. REED, HOUSE ANO.SIGN PAINTER. LiGHT-HOUSE ST. GODERICH. Oct. 95, 1849. 9.238' ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. And Mil Engineer. Office at Mf. ROIKaT ELLi.' GODERICH. Jemmy 19, 1350. !v -e0! NOTICE. THE Subsen3er having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the M . Davenport, of this place has established himself as a roawAaosa AND co*stutoN MERCHANT. Any orders or commission from t►. Mer- chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 21.-7atl. c qt 1uron E111gttnl, Ie pRINTgn uv POst.tmmmi, EVERT ��.�t� AT BY THOMAS MACQDEEN, EDITO& AND ►woraiE7'On. OYFIC. M AS SST , It10Aaa, eODaardl. ••• Beek sod Job Printing, esteemed witb neatness sod dispatch. Tames of rHzHumes SIo.AL.-TEN SHIL• LINOS per ammo if paid etriertly is 5414.111', or Tee !Let •PD BIS PEeca with the erpiretion of the ye.r. No parer discontinued 'Distil arrears ore paid op, unless the publisher thieksit his advu- tage to do .o. Any iadi•idoel in the eo..try becoming re- spossible for six sebeerlbere, shall receive a eg.enth espy /retie. 8T All lettensddreeied to the Editormsstbe pest paid, or they will not be takes tis, of the poet office rayw OP Apra*Tr•tw. 8ixtiaestiled ureter, first iseertive,....>t'8 51 F.aelsottbdr u.ntinwrtiee,.t...... re 7+ Ten hoes and gn8er, brit isserths 0 1 4 1 teak .tbs.q..si iisertle• 0. 10 tileee (114 lisw, first i'antieB. trier lies, 0 0 1 �F�eh liberal ..t I...,11, liberal di.eesat mode M lb"' was ttieertlae by *elm*. • OB PRllr l7 NO el everyJ ilw4.NN11 tlydisth u tM tom. (l.eaM.r ,111M.