HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 6imaIwemI/491OO � ► "Th. Timsi"Advocalts, June 6, 1957" Letter From Use T.4A Want Ads brio 770 Enter L.yric Theatre `?hon. 421 Pr.views It 11 Coming Attractions. THURS., FRI. L SAT. June 4, 7 and. 8 "mASSACRE" * Dan* Clark * Marta Roth and on.e th same. program "KENTUCKY" • Loretta Young * Richard Green MONI, TUES.. & WED, June 10, 11 and 12 "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" * Dan Dailey * Cyd Charisse ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Cartoon Cartoon COMING JUNE 19 -22 - "OKLAHOMA" * Gordon MacRae * Shirley Jones :.:rinsiey By MRS-,, CEt~ll. EI,LWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tweddle spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton and Zr, and Airs Win Fenton were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Airs, Harold Knapton of Thorndale. Mr. and Idrs. Steve Dundas of Crediton spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon. spent Tuesday .evening with Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Simpson of Exeter. Mr. Earl Hamilton spent Tues- day in Cooksville. Under the Canadian constitu- tion the provincial and federal legislatures must meet at least once a year. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING SATURDAYS The New BENTLEY-GARDINER ORCHESTRA featuring Trumpets, Oboe and Dalt Walpole on the Hammond Organ. utJttUlRlnm, III Il 111111nl lll111111n1,111n11 umunnlpi111111111111111111111111111111nt11111111t111111111111111n I Wllllp The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1957 at 10:00.,a.m, All accounts and notices of deputations should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Satur- day, June 8, 1957. A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron 11111111111i11;11111111111111111111,1.11111111111111111110111111111111t11111111 nI11tt Ittllnllnit1111r11111111ttltllllllnlltll1111111 y lll1111lttlllli11111111111111n111t11111{IIn111111111111111llllll111111tt111111t0111111111t111111t111111111,1rttttti 1I11t111,:'llllllr Strathroy Firemen and West .Middlesex Memorial Centre present Car Bingo 51.00 Admission includes• 15 Games Saturday, June 8 STRATH ROY .. WEST MIDDLESEX MEMORIAL CENTRE ' Extra Cards 3 for . 50¢ Feature Game on Car $1,00 or 6 for $5.00 / • Doors Open 7:30 p.m. Games Start 9 p.m. (DST) • .Free Parking Space Available 7I MM/11111Mtit, Iltltltllt111lIIII111111lIItt/ttlltttl111111111111111111,1111/, Ill tlllt11111111111Ill11111lt.111111! 111 Iltl Mini 1111,•• • J: INTERNATIONAL GREETING—Here's how Canadian air force cadets greeted reeted trainees from NATO countries Friday when the two groups met to begin primary flying training together at. RCAF Station Centralia. a. 7.lie Canadians and Europeans are divided into pairs to share barrack rooms for the duration of their six-week course. Besides train- ing the NATO pilots, RCAF Station Centralia spreads international goodwill by enter- taining the lads from Europe, —T -A Photo One Hundred Churches At Dashwood Convention The fifty-first convention of the Ontario district of the Missouri Synod got under way Monday evening in Zion Lutheran church with Dr. Herman Harms St, Louis Mo., second vice-president of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church delivering the opening sermon. He said "The whole Bible is the truth of God. To this truth the church must remain faith- ful and ' avoid error, Christians who know .Jesus as their Saviour are thereby made witnesses of Jesus. They have been made hap- py possessors of forgiveness of sin, life and salvation in Christ 'Jesus, As individuals and as a church they . are therefore to. bear witness to Christ at home at work and at play.and by par- ticipating whole-heartedly in the work of the local congregation and of district and synod." Nearly all the 100 odd c'ongre- gations comprising the Ontario District from Ottawa to Wind- sor and from St. Catherines to.. Kirkland Lakeare represented. Rev. Kenneth Zorn is pastor of the church.' Officers of the district are: president, Rev. W. 0. Rathke, Waterloo; vice-presi- at Field Day for Stephen School dents are Rev. M. J. Michael. Toronto, and Rev. C. H. Uue- haus, Pembroke Rev, M. F. Poi - lex, Hamilton, is secretary;• W. H. E. Schmalz, Kitchener, .trea- surer, aqd Rev. H. H. Erdman Kitchener, executive secretary. Shower For Bride -Elect Miss Selma Eifirt, Mrs. Hu - Mrs, Harry Hoffman and Mrs. bert Campbell, and Mr. acid Don Gaiser were hostesses in Mrs, Arnold Eifert of Detroit the basement of'1 the E.U.B.E.U,Bwere Sunday visitors with r. church Monday evening at a and Mrs. Edgar Restemayer. miscellaneous shower for Miss. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Heppler of Joyce Engeland, . bride -elect of Waterloo visited with Mr, and this week. Mrs. Harry Hoffman and fam- Gaines and contests conduct- ily on Sunday. ed by Mrs, Carl Oesreicher were enjoyed. A mock wedding was a humorous+feature. Joyce Haugh was Justice of Peace, Mrs. Don Gaiser the.groom, Donna Eagle- son, the bride,. Ruth •Schade, best man, Mrs. Ralph Weber a strangeman and Mrs. Harry Hoff- man estranged wife of the groom. Mrs. Don Gaiser read the ad- dress. Donna Eagleson and Ruth Schade assisted in opening the gifts Joy,ce made a.'gracious re- ply. Mrs. Milton Ratz 'and Mrs, Vernon .Schatz, presided""at the tea table for the -lunch.. Dashwood W.I. The regular Women's Institute meeting was helld Tuesday ,,May 28 in the Mens club -rooms. Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, president, presided. . It was decided to have.a booth hcol area also to join with Crediton. and other Institutes in discus- sing Tweedsmuir -histories. Following the'' business final arrangements ` were made for thedistrict annual to, be held the following day at the E.U.B. church including setting up' the layette, , • • .Dr,- Erdman Frenk, Jolit, Ill. was chief speaker on Tuesday. "The 12 greatest churches in United States are• not the 'church- es of the greatest preachers" he said. "Good preaching is not important but solid orgapization is essential. In these 12 greatest churches the organization pat- terns were constantly changing to meet the changing conditions of the congregations." "A •church that doesn't feel the need to change its constitu- tion every five years was a- sleep" was the speaker's chal- lenging concluding remarks. The president, Rev. Rathke,. wild was re-elected for the com- ing year told the convention that the church today faces fearful op- position—among hich are com- munism, materialism and agnos- -ticism. He said "We become fill- ed with a thousand fears but every fear will vanish if we see the Most important thing to see, that Jesus Christ is with us in this struggle which opposes us in our work," c) Ninth Ontario Championship Fiddler's Contes Hensail Arena �rid+aY. Jun.e 14 ' $tOQ' p.m. Sharp Annimon $300 IN CASH PRIZES Trick Fiddling CONTINUOUS SHOW, NO WAITING Square & Step Dancing Poriaorad by Hemel! Chamber of Commerce Spot, tentribut d tri ,The Silrvic. of the Commurdity $y' John Labatt Limited Stephen Native Dies In Hamilton John • I. Patton who was born and raised in Stephen, Town - shit!) near Mt. Carmel passed away at the Hamilton General Hospital Thursday, ' May 30 in his 65th year. He was employed as a• checker at the Canada Bridge and Tank Co. in Hamil- ton. • Hewes the son of the late Ri- ehard= Paton and Katherine Ho- gan. He is survived by two sis- ters,..Mrs: Margaret Thelan and Mrs. Alfred Ash, both of Detroit. The body rested at the Hoff- man funeral home until Monday morning when Fathet Kelly sang Requiem High Mass in ' the church of Our Lady Mt. Carmel and interment was made in Ad- joining d-joining•cemetery; Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Robert Faveri and family of Chatham spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schenk. Miss ,Anne Messner of Lon- don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wieberg of Waterloo and Miss Kay Web- ber of Kitchener spent the week- end' with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieberg, • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and Tommy' and Mrs. Georgina Witt 6f Buffalo spent a few days with. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and other friends, Mr. and. Mrs, Carmen Eckmier and Paul of Stratford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil - Tani Haugh and Shirley: Miss Ellen •Gilbert and Mr, and Mrs. John Gilbert of Strat- ford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koessel and Virginia of Lansing, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. James Koesell and son of Holt were weekend visitors with Mrs. John 'Kuntz and Luella and other relatives. Dismantle —Continued from Page 9 the spectacular. A station parade, led by Cen- tralia's trumpet.bend, will start the program. oft at 1.15. The public 15 urged to arrive at the station• as early as possible in order to see all the events, Free movies .— including car- toons and aeroplane pictures will be provided for children throughout the afternoon' in the theatre. Co-ordinator of Air iabrce flay at Centralia this year is Wing Coiliniander isr,h. B. Bray, DO, chief technical officer at RCAF Station Centralia.. members, include' Sqdn. Ldr. R. $. bavis, adMinis- tration, FO 1. Allen,. pnblicityr 1'O G. 3. Carpenter, flying ilis- playi Wing Cmdr. E. C. Like• tress. 7iiaiipewer; Sgdn Ldi'. A. C. )Curti, official guests; lilt. Lt. t . It. Wforley, bands and paraded Pit. Lt, 41. Roberts, ground display Mr. and Mrs, Herman Zim- mer, Windsor returned home after spending a week with Mrs. E. Kleinstiver and friends: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning - ton, Elimville were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. John Bender. Message From Greenway Celebrate Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts were pleasantly surprised on Satur- day evening when about 30 rel- atives visited them in honor of their thirtieth wedding anniver- sary.. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Brophey of London entertained at their home in London • on Saturday evening for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey who were also celebrating their thirtieth, wedding anniversary. Personal .Items Mrs.` Susie O'Neil of Sarnia visited in Saturday With Mr.. and Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. E. Walter and Miss Edith Walter of Surrey, England are .visiting for some time with their daughter and sister, Mrs. • Oscar Steeper, Mr. Steeper and family. A presentation was held in Corbett School on Friday eve- ning for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woodburn (nee Betty Glousher), Mr. and Mrs. John Drury and family• moved recently to the farm they bought from Mrs. Chas. Mason. Mr. Drury is em- ployed. in. `Orr's Meat Market, Parkhill. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and 'family visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Arth- ur Baker 'of Grand Bend. Mr.. and Mrs. 'Carman Wood - buil' `visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Elzar Mousseau, of Kippen, • Mr. Lawrence • Curts is home from the hospital after under- going an operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner and Charles of St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moore and family of London visited en Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Steeper- and family. Mr: and Mrs. David Cluness and Larry of London spent - the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sc.afe of Ailsa Craig spent the weekend •with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elton Curts. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mossey were Saturday guests with' Mr., and Mrs. W. B. Young, Mrs. Jas. Mossey •returning home with them after spending the past week with Mrs W. B. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family *ere Sunday guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Timms of Base Line. Mr, w and Mrs. Wilbur Facey and faintly were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Thoinsoii of Granton were. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson, Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Milts and family of Bath, Mil. and Mrs. Mat Mills* and family of Bath were. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills, Why They Come There is much ]'cost talk about why tourists tome to Canada., Just as foolish is the contention that many stay away because there is not always ready access to .a "bracer" when they want it. But all tourists aro not users of liquor. Indeed a great propos• tion• of them are children. Hun• dredS of happy families come to fish, to hunt, to rest, to play and to enjoy the beauties of our lake districts, Indeed it can "trulkbe said that the liquor free atmosphere of many of our beautiful summer' resorts is one of their greatest charms„ Don't let :the trade have its way. Of Course they want more otltletsr But they alone •stand to profit HURON CDUN?Y• . "C'8'MPERANCt P.BbERATiotsf (Adv"t.) Topics :From ,Zion By MISS JANE PYKEMAN Mr. and Mrs. Everard. Miller and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kerslake, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykernan and family motored to Bi -amp-' Whalen for their anniversary. tn and Toronto on Sunday. A number front the eominun-Recep:tion ity attended Sunday services at Zinn West Sunday School an- niversary services will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.ni. Mrs. Weed Hera attended the W.I. District Annual on Wednes- day at Dashwood, What's Doing? Read This Page The vote by secret ballot was first used in a national' election in Canada in 1878. COMING EVENTS ANNUAL STRAWBERRY and and Ham Supper — Thursday, June'20, Tpivitt Memorial Parish Hall. .16:23:6c TRi-COUNTY Youth for Christ present the filen "Wire Trapper", giving. the life story of Jim Vaus, in. the Clinton Legion Hall, Sat- urday, June 8, 8 p.m. This is your invitation, 6c HAM & STRAWBERRY Supper in Cromarty Presbyterian,Church on June 18, Supper from 6 to 8 p.m. Program .to follow. Admis- sion: adults $1.25, children 754, 6:13c LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital regular meeting, Tuesday, June 11, 2:30 p,m. 6c PRESENTATION & DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Essery, at Lucan Arena, Friday, June 14, lllesjardine's orchestra, Ladies please bring lunch. 6c EXETER ROLLER RINK Now Open Skating Wed., Fri, and Sat. 8 -11 p.m. REFRESHMENT BOOTH. Skates Supplied, - Aldan Theatre Grand Bend. FRIDAY & SATURDAY • June 7 and 8 "RUNNING THE TARGET" Color by De -Luxe * Doris Dowling * Arthur Frani *,Rich. Reeves • Short Subject and Comic Strip One Show Only' Each Night ,8:30 O'Clock , • and Dance FOR MR, AND MRS, NOAH ROWLAND Sat,, June.8 MT. CARMEL HALL storiit.e Drive-in Theatre 5 :Miles East .of Grand Bend LS Miles West of he, 4 Highway on Crediton Road FRIDAY SATURDAY June 7 and $ "BATTLE STATIONS" * Pat O'Brien Everyone Welcome * William Bendix /111111111111!! l l ll l i n 111 III II I P I!I I I II I II I III!111!II RI NIIl I I I 111011111¢HIM'I I II I II II I IIIlItl11111111111 1111114 t 11 ti 1t1Un11/ Barbecue AND OPEN HOUSE South Huron. District High Schaal Tuesday, June 11 (In Case of Rain, Thursday, June 13) SERVING 6.30 to 7.30 PROGRAM 8.15 P.M. HALF CHICKEN Potatoes, Salad, Roll Coffee and.Dessert ,,,.., $1.25 Child's Plate .65 Highlights of Festival Awards Presentation Fashion Show, Handicraft Display KIRKTON COMMUNITY 'ASSOCIATION Preliminary 'uvenil a Contes Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Friday, June 14 at 8 p.m., (DST) Francis Daniels of the Martin Boundy School of Music, London, Adjudicator - ADMISSION: - Adults 25¢, Children 15¢ • Contestant's and Accompanists Free GARDEN PARTY —a WEDNESDAY,. JULY 17 • Ilftllnntlltllll Yllilllltlnl/f ryIUflltgl nlI llnll1111111tIn11HHnlllll01nll1111 tllnnitlllInalltnllllltlflll1/1un.II111C vtorr • STATION CENTRALIA :.,. *GROUND DISPLAYSCONTINUOUS, MR SHOiM . DEMONSTRATIONS JETS .,�.. BANDS --=DEMONSTRATIONS FREE ADMISSION 1 TO 5 P.M, PARADE iJ ._.,J._,.. ,v*,. pad, • Y"' a 1. I 1. A ti