HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-06-06, Page 41,4 .o Thnos•AsIve ot, p 1 11i1I •01,1147 Lucan Miss E. M. $Litton H & S Names Prominent Nurse Miss EdithMaud Sutt son, 93. New Officers My waya inaTrsndayMrs, Sheridan Revington was Murdy funeral 'home, Lucan# till elected president of Lucan Home 1330 p.m, Wednesday, 11fay 29, and School Association t the when the Rev. J, P. Prest con- ducted funeral services. The in- terment was hi St. James Ceme- ' tery, Clandeboye, Pall bearers were: Ronald Hodgins, Jack May meeting last Tuesday. Vice:presidents are Mrs. Cal- vin Haskett and Mrs. Don Rev- ington; recording secretary, Baynes, Roy Hodgins, Ward god. Mrs, C. -H. George; correspond - Pus, Don Banting and Roy Stan- ing secretary, Mrs. Les Ken- ley, nedy; treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Daughter .of the late Dr, and Lewis; executive, %'lis. Clarence Mrs. James Sutton, she was born Young, Mrs. George Thomson, m Clandeboye January 24, 1864 Mrs. Ivan Bern, Mrs. Robert a.nd attended Clandeboye school Kehl and Mrs. Ralph Smith. and the Sacred Heart Convent, London, For several years she was *organist at St. James Church, Clandeboye before leaving to train for a nurse at North Adams, Mass„ after which she was assistant superintendent at York General Hospital, York Pennsylvania for 10 years before taking the Deaconess training course in Bluefields Va. In 1.918 she came to Lucan to make her home 'with her sis- ter, the late Mrs. Cora A Hall and remained here till 1947 when they moved. to London. 'In 1948 Mrs. Hall died and Miss Sutton moved, to Toronto. She is survived .by one sis- ter, Mrs. Laura. B. Hodgins of Toronto, four nephews, Wilfred Hall of Essex, Paul and Allan Sutton and Dick Hodgins all of Toronto, also four nieces Miss Phyllis Hodgins of Arizona, Mis- ses Amy and Edith Hodgins of Toronto and Miss Ruth Hodgins of Los Angeles, It was decided to purchase 12 new chairs with some ?f the proceeds of the Trade and Hobby Fair. It was voted to open. future meetings at 8 p.m. in- stead of 8.30 pan. Mr, B. H. Elliott's room won the atten- dance cup Miss Winnifred Ashplant, of London, teacher of health educa- tion in secondary schools, was the guest speaker. She gave a humorous and instructive talk on sex education. Explorer News The Expedition of the Lucan- Clandeboye Explorers was held in the United Church parlors last Monday evening with an attendance of 17. The Expedition was based on the Explorer's Prayer, with Counselor Kae Haskett in charge. The Scripture lesson was read by Coralyn Donaldson. The craft period was given to the making of favors for the mother and daughter banquet. ,111n11111111u,n1,tin t, llll Q/tl num t1lit 111111n1ulut ul lIwet lllulllllllmllluilli/uu a ullll,gl//llllll1111. Re -Elect Robert (Bob) cCubbin In West Middlesex Mon., June 10 There is little doubt a Liberal Government will be returned. VOTE McCUBBIN NEXT MONDAY ... Always Fair . No matter what your Political Affiliation, keep a man with a record of hard work at Ottawa. Make Sure You Vote Urge, Take Your Friends To The Polling Booths Cell' at or phoria Mr. McCubbin's committee rooms: FRONT STREET, STRATHROY Rhone. 920 or 925 RIVERSIDE DRIVE AT WARREN Mono 1.0242 Vs Authoriztrd by West :/Adams* Ass'tn hNItPlIYlYYfitPYih'iVYYY1iY!'liPlli't'rplYlryi�fl'IYiYf1YYYYYIYn'i1Yi➢IYiYYiYti'YYP}t7lIiYYYYYIYPYY(YY�lf6iilYY1 9 11 1 Mrs. H, .A,. Lowry Dies In Riverside The AltudY funeral home, Lu - can, had charge of funeral ar- ratlgements for Mrs. Henry A. Lowry, 53, who died at her re- sidence at Riverside, Ont. after a lengthy illness on May 30, She lay at rest at the Wyan- dotte Funeral Horne Riverside till 9 a.nui Friday May 31, when Rev. Ralph R. Sadler conducted is funeral service, then to the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powers, London, where Rev, M. H. Parr officiat- ed at a funeral service Saturday June 1, interment was in St, 1 James cemetery, Clandeboye, Mrs. Lowry was born near , Granton. She attended the ;Lucan High School and London Normal. She was married 25 years ago and taught school before and after her marriage. She is survived by her hus- band, Mr. Henry A, Lowry and her parents, Mr. .and Mrs, Charles Powers. Joseph Shaw, 63 Dies At Islington Joseph Shaw, 63, of Toronto, died at Islington Monday, May 27. Funeral service in George E. Logan and Sons funeral chapel were held on Thursday, May 30. Mr. Shaw, branch secretary of the Kingsway, London Life In- surance Co., had been in poor health for some time. He is survived by his wife, the former Muriel Irene Hodgins, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Chris Hodgins, of Lucan, Lucan Horse A Winner On Monday, May 27, `Hiward Rosecroft," owned by B. Gil- mour and Sheridon Revington, made its first appearance at the Buffalo raceway this season, and captured the six -horse event. Case of Silver Won Mrs. Lloyd Mason held the , lucky ticket for the case of sil ver which was on display in The Hub window and valued at $49,95. The Harvey Radio,, Lon- don sponsored the draw and the Hub gave tickets to each pur- chaser at the restaurant. Young People Help Missions On. Sunday night, at' the Lucan United Church, 22 members of the Lucan-Clandeboye YP.U. met for their final meeting, till fall. The .meeting . opened with a sing -song under the capable leadership of Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Miss Lynette 'Walpole's com- mission had charge of the topic `Fa4t'i and Evangelism." Ann' Roberts led in the devotions assisted by Beverley Butter. Rev, E. J.. Roulston gave a short talk on the "Glory of Youth" ,in their strength. The sum of $10 was voted to the, branch's mission allocation It was decided that the members attend ire a body,the evening service of the Clandeboye anni- versary, June 3:6. To close the year's 'activities, plans were made for a weiner roast, June 28 at Prospect Hill. • While 'refreshments were be- ing prepared, the Rev. E. J. Roulston conducted a Bible base- ball game Lucan Personals Mrs. Samson McFalls of Exe- ter and Mrs. Arthur McFalls of Centralia, w e r e Wednesday guests of Mrs, W. J. M'cFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Smith of Centralia. Mrs. John Smibert is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wes 'lodging included Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb of Mitchell on Fri- day and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Earle and family of Woodstock on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Holland Moved on Saturday into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wyatt. Mrs. Kate Tredale had the mis- fortune to fall on the stairs last Saturday and to break her le Sa y g in tWo places. She is now a pa- tient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Levi Darling of Parkhill spent a few days .last week with Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Armitage and Sunday guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Bill Picker- ing, . son Lyle and his friends, Messrs Elmer and Morris Dar- ling of London and two friends and Mr. T. Metcalfe of Park- hill. Guests with Mrs. William Dic- kins included Mr. and) Mrs. Har ry Noel and family of Spring- field for the weekend and Mrs. i EldonThursday. Culdwell of Shedden on Mr. and Mrs, Alioe Culbert and family attended the gradua- tion exercises at the Ridgetown Agricultural School, last week{ where their son. Fred, received his .graduating diploma Sunday guests with fir. and Mrs. Cecil Nell included Mr. Selden Sutton of Calgary, Alta.. and Mrs. Eleanor Eirierick and girls. M'rs. Alexander Boggs of Mon- treal, (nee .loan Maness) was. a Monday guest with Mrs, M. O. Smith, Among, those at .riding the the a enin of the Clarke d. :high' pSchool froi'm 4ean, were Mr, and Mrs. T. A, 14odgitts, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Steady, Mrs, /lin MC�att And MiS ,roan me.. tan. , 1 Vote As You Like ^ But Vote INOT- FOR YOUR ALi UM • WiN FESTIVAL HONOURS -Four Lucan and district musicians who won awards in the Home and School's. Music Festival are shown here with two of the ladies who organized the event, Mrs. Clarence Hardy, convenor, and Mrs, Jack Ready, secretary. The children, from the left, are Marjorie Donaldson, Clandeboye, who scored top mark of 88 in vocal solo; Tommy Hardy, who won both vocal and piano classes; Janet Kehl, top junior girl pianist; and Gary Revington, who won the piano solo class, 12 years and, under. -T-A Photo Eager Young Musicians Compete For Trophies The second anunal North Mid- 8, McGillivray, 85; unison chor- years and under, Tom Hardy. dlesex Music Festival, spgnsor- ed by "the Lucan Home and School Association, opened Wed- nesday afternoon with an all pi ano session. Mr. Clifford von Kuster of Lon- don was adjudicator. The Hearn's Dairy trophy, for junior piano was won by Cin- dy Cameron. The Howard Kew trophy for . intermediate piano was won by Elizabeth Belton and the Lucan Bank of Montreal trophy for senior piano by Don- na Taylor. • Other winners/included:'- Class 32, eight years, om Hardy, 82, Carole Stalker, 80, Maxine Hen - nick, 80; class 33, nine years, Wayne Hodgins, 84, Bonnie Mc- Leod, 83, Margaret Waters, 82; class 34, 10 years,. Cindy Cam- eron, 89, Elaine Windsor, 88, Marsha Ribson, 86.; class 35, 11 years, Elizabeth Belton, 88, Michael Herrington, 87, Marsha Box, 86; class 36, 12 ;years, Don- na Lynn Johnstone, 83, Margaret Shoebottom, 82, June Lynn, 81; class 37, 13 years, Barbara Wat- son, 83, Carol Edwards, 82, Joan Donaldson, 81; Class 38, 14 years, Larry Lew- is, .85; Mary Buckland, 84, Heath- er MacGregor, 80; class 39, 1'5 years, Jean Vernon, 75, Brenda Mallard, 74, Eleanor Hill, 73; class 40, 16 years, Donna Taylor, 81, Brenda Vernon, 80, Helen Hardy, 79;, class 44, duets under 12 years, Marsha Ribson and Dana Culbert, 85, Gary Reving- I ton and Paul Steacy, 84, Carol S allker and Peter Butler, 83; class 45, duets (open) Larry Lewis and Ruth Garret, 85, • Thursday Afternoon Three trophies and one award were won on Thursday: McGil- livray W. I. award for vocal duet was won by Heather and Bonnie MacGregor; Clandeboye W.I. trophy for girl soloist was won, by Marjorie Donaldson; Riverview W.I. trophy fet unison. chorus was won. by Clandeboye public school; Birr W.I. trophy for boy soloist was won by Larry Lewis. Other winners: Unison chorus, Clandeboye public school, 87; SS No. 7, Biddulph, 86, SS No. Personal items • Among those who attended the miscellaneous shower in honor of the bride -elect, Miss Almarie Davis, at Saintsbury Church, were Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Mrs. William Dickins, Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Edgar McFa1Is, Mrs. Charles Corbett and Mrs. Ross McRoberts, all of Lucan. Mrs. Gailey Johnston, who has been in St. 'Catharines Hospital, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Art McLean; of London. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and family, of St. Thomas, were Sunday guests of the Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Roulston. Mrs. Ernest Kennedy, who underwent an operation in .St, Joseph's Hospital, arrived home last Monday. M.N, • Millson, of Detroit, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ranting and Mrs. C. Lewis Mr, and Mrs Archie Mitchell, of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wasnidge, Rev. E. J. Roulston is attend- ing the London Conference of the United Church in the First United Church u h in St, Thomas, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs M1 W. Morton, , iter. Roy Wilkins of Hillsdale, u Mich., spent a few . days laat week witih his aunt Mrs, T, D. Orme. Mr. Robert Smythe is still a patient at Westminster Hospital, but is feeling better, Miss Elva. Young, nurse in training at Victoria Hospital, is ,spending her vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Young. Mr. and Mrs. ,,Tack Steady and f'a it Were ' m y e Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, It. C. Bruee Of us, enrolment under 20, SS No. 1, Biddulph, 85; two'part chor- us, SS No.• 3, McGillivray, 87, Clandeboye public school, 86, SS No, 6, London Township, 85; Girls' vocal solo, 14 years and under, Marjorie Donaldson, 88, Joan Donaldson, 87, Nancy El- son-, 86; girls vocal solo, 12 years and under, Nancy Kestle, 87, Bonnie Watson, 86, Carolyn Lam- bert, 85; girls vocal solo, nine years and under, Carol Stalker, 86, Barbara Cunningham, 85, Elaine Grant, 84; Boys' solo, 14 years and un- der, Larry Lewis, 86, Artie Mol - lard, 84, Bobby Robinson, 83; boys' solo, 12 years and under, Harvey Poole, 86, Gary Dixon, 85, Garry Sheppard, 82;.boys' solo, nine years and under, Don- ald Jameson, 86,'Paul Winslow, 85, Billy Dixon, 84; Vocal duet, 14 ,years- and un- der, Heather and Bonnie Mc- Gregor, 87, Larry . Lewis and Julia Clatworthy,' 86, June Lynn and Mary Mathers, 85; ,vocal duet, 10 years and. under, 'Judy Scott and Nancy Kestle, %5, Gary Dixon and Ann Donaldson, 84, Patsy Hodgson and Bonnie Wat- son, 83; vocal double trio, SS No. 17, McGillivray, 87,'SS No. 7, Biddulph, 86, SS No. 3 McGil- livray, 85. Thursday Evening Thursday evening was the of- ficial opening of the festival -with Mrs. Harold Sturgis ,of Exe- ter as guest speaker and the Rev. J. P. Prest taking the de- votions. Church choirs, 15 enrolled or less, United Church Choir, Lu - can, 87; church choir; 16 or more enrolled, Holy Trinity Church Choir, Lucan, 87; junior choirs, Holy Trinity Church, 86, United Church, 85, St. Paul's United, Church, Parkhill, 84; Girls' vocal solo, 15 years and under, Joan Donaldson, Edith Austin, 84, 'Jean Sunderland and Pat Tuttle, 82; girls' vocal solo, Joan Donaldson, 86, Nancy Pack - Wigton, 84; girls' vocal'solo,- 21 years and under, Rosemary Hall, 85; soprano solo (open) Nancy Packlington; baritone solo, Bruce • Henry, 86; bass solo, Bruce Henry; church solo, Edith Austin, 86, Bruee Henry, 84, Jean Sutherland, 83. Friday ,.On Friday the Lions Club Tro- phy for junior girl soloist went to Janet Kehl, Lucan;Canadian Legion Trophy for boy soloist was won by Tom Hardy. Paul's Trophy for intermediate girl soloist was given to Heather Acheson; Masonville Home and School Association Trophy for two part chorus went to Lucan public school; Lucan W.I. Tro- phy for unison chorus was won by Masonville school. ° Unison chorus, Grade 1 and 2, Sacred Heart School, Parkhill, 86, Masonville School, 85,, Lucan, 84; unison • chorus, Grade3 and 4,Sacred Heart, Parkhill, ' 86, Masonville, 85, Lucan, 84; chor- us with descant, Grade 5 and 6, Masonville, 87, Parkhill Memor- ial, 86,'Northdale School; uni- sex). Chorus,. Grade 7 and 8, Ma. sonville, 88, Lucan, 871 Sacred Heart, Parkhill, 86; two-part chorus, Grade 7 and 8, Lucan, 87, Masonville, 86, Sacred Heart, Parkhill, 85; Girls' vocal solo, 14 and tin- der, Beth Black, 86, Edith Aus- tin, 85, Heather Acheson, 84.; girls' vocal sole, 12 years and Under, Heather Acheson; 87, Dana Culbert, 86, Ilene Donald- son and Barbara Thomson,85; girls' vocal solo, 10years and under, Janet IOW, 87, Marsha B.ibson, 86, Nancy Yellc, 85: girls' vocal solo, eight.years and under Gwen Bridgette, 86, Der - eon Lamont, 85, Grace Roth, 84; Boys! 'vocal solo, 14 years Arid ender, Cameron Wadsworth, 85, Atlee Haney, 8 ,Bohn Watson, , 81 boys' vocal solo, 12 years and under, Gary Revington,86, Stephen Willis, 84, Casey Hen- rik, 82, Nays' vocal solo. 10 'brat anti under. Bryan Smitli, 5, Toll. Lave, 84, Bryan Late.. Elora. Mlrs,, Burr Cooper has re191aced v rs, lir Avery In the Mayf it 8 mer 8 boys' vocal Bakery, sole, eight 86, Ken Hardy, 85, Joseph Mich- ielsen, 84. Vocal duet, --14 years and un- der, Freida,and Lena Denys, Judy Richarson and Marie Gil- bert, 83, Edith Austin and Jean. Sutherland, 82; vocal duet, 10 years and under, Marsha and Jo -Anne Ribson, 85, Janet Kehl and Coralyn Donaldson, 83, Mar- jorie Walsh and Margaret Anne Slater, 81; Vocal double trio, Lucan P.S,,. 86, Sacred` Heart School, Park- hill, 85, Northdale School, 84; vocal ensemble, Lucan P.S,, 87, Sacred Heart School, Parkhill, 86, Parkhill Memorial School, 85. Adjudicator, Dr. Roy Fenwick congratulated the Home and School on the increased number of entries and the splendid work of the children. A full auditori- um was out Friday evening to hear a concert of all the win- ners Even with complete fire insurance the loss of a house is a bad blow. But what turns that bad blow into sheer tragedy, is when the insurance which was thought to he adequate, turns out to be thousands of dollars away from present day replacement Fasts, And this happens every day. Make sure that your fire insurance is up-to-date. Have General Accident survey your requirements now, a' W. H. HODGSON PHONE 24 "The Insurance Man" EXETER ,1111111111n11I III III I1111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1, VI (VERY IMICRiAN t)) * Camera Equipment BELL & HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA KIT Save $20.95 by buying the complete kit. 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Bill Thomas is a good citizen with a reputation for sound judgment but mare important to you, he is a man of action. is H�eambtne d experience in town and rural affairs give him spetlai qualifications to represent West Middlesex, Now add to this his undisputed courage and "fighting spirit." Truly, with Bill Thomas in Ottawe, you may be' sure that your interests will be well repre- sented. NOV.WIN WEST MIDDLESEX, YOU CAN FOLLOW THE TREND! VOTE THOMAS THOMAS, W.H.A. ro#ressive Conservafivc